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Inclusive search for supersymmetry using razor variables in pp collisions at s= 13 TeV
Abstract: An inclusive search for supersymmetry with the razor variables is performed using a data sample of proton-proton collisions corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 35.9 fb1 collected with the CMS experiment in 2016 at a center-of-mass energy of s= 13 TeV. The search covers final states with zero or one charged lepton and features event categories divided according to the presence of a high-transverse momentum hadronically decaying W boson or top quark, the number of jets, the number of b-tagged jets, and the values of the razor kinematic variables in order to separate signal from background for a wide variety of supersymmetric particle signatures. The combination of the zero-lepton, one-lepton, and boosted W boson and top quark event categories increases the sensitivity particularly to signal models with large mass splitting between the produced gluino or squark and the lightest supersymmetric particle. Limits on the gluino mass extend to 2.0 TeV while limits on top squark masses reach 1.14 TeV.
Figures & Tables Summary References CMS Publications

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Figure 1:
The MR-R2 distribution observed in data is shown along with the MC prediction in the t¯t one-lepton control region. The two-dimensional MR-R2 distribution is shown in a one dimensional representation, with each MR bin marked by the dashed lines and labeled near the top, and each R2 bin labeled below. The ratio of data to the MC simulation prediction is shown on the bottom inset, with the statistical uncertainty expressed through the data point error bars and the systematic uncertainty of the background prediction represented by the shaded region. The corrections derived from background control regions have not been applied yet.

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Figure 2:
The MR distribution in the t¯t dilepton control region is displayed in the 2-3 and 4-6 jet categories along with the corresponding MC predictions. The corrections derived from the t¯t and W+jets control regions have been applied.

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Figure 2-a:
The MR distribution in the t¯t dilepton control region is displayed in the 2-3 and 4-6 jet categories along with the corresponding MC predictions. The corrections derived from the t¯t and W+jets control regions have been applied.

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Figure 2-b:
The MR distribution in the t¯t dilepton control region is displayed in the 2-3 and 4-6 jet categories along with the corresponding MC predictions. The corrections derived from the t¯t and W+jets control regions have been applied.

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Figure 3:
The pT distribution for leptons passing the veto identification criteria is displayed in the 2-3 and 4-6 jet categories along with the corresponding MC predictions. The corrections derived from the t¯t and W+jets control regions have been applied.

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Figure 3-a:
The pT distribution for leptons passing the veto identification criteria is displayed in the 2-3 and 4-6 jet categories along with the corresponding MC predictions. The corrections derived from the t¯t and W+jets control regions have been applied.

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Figure 3-b:
The pT distribution for leptons passing the veto identification criteria is displayed in the 2-3 and 4-6 jet categories along with the corresponding MC predictions. The corrections derived from the t¯t and W+jets control regions have been applied.

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Figure 4:
The MR-R2 distribution observed in data is shown along with the MC prediction in the photon+jets control region. The two-dimensional MR-R2 distribution is shown in a one dimensional representation, with each MR bin marked by the dashed lines and labeled near the top, and each R2 bin labeled below. The ratio of data to the background prediction is shown on the bottom inset, with the statistical uncertainty expressed through the data point error bars and the systematic uncertainty of the background prediction represented by the shaded region. The contribution from the γ+jets process where the photon was produced from a jet fragmentation is labeled as "γ+jets (frag.)''. The corrections derived from background control regions have not been applied yet in this figure.

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Figure 5:
The MR distribution in the Drell-Yan(DY)+jets dilepton control region is displayed in the 2-3 and 4-6 jet categories along with the corresponding MC predictions. The corrections derived from the γ+jets control region as well as the overall normalization correction have been applied in this figure.

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Figure 5-a:
The MR distribution in the Drell-Yan(DY)+jets dilepton control region is displayed in the 2-3 and 4-6 jet categories along with the corresponding MC predictions. The corrections derived from the γ+jets control region as well as the overall normalization correction have been applied in this figure.

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Figure 5-b:
The MR distribution in the Drell-Yan(DY)+jets dilepton control region is displayed in the 2-3 and 4-6 jet categories along with the corresponding MC predictions. The corrections derived from the γ+jets control region as well as the overall normalization correction have been applied in this figure.

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Figure 6:
Distributions of b-tagged jet multiplicity before applying the b-tagging selection requirement in the W+jets control region of the boosted Wnj6 category (left), and distributions in MT before applying the MT selection requirement in the top quark control region of the boosted Top category (right) are shown. The ratio of data over MC prediction is shown in the lower panels, where the gray band is the total uncertainty and the dashed band is the statistical uncertainty in the MC prediction.

Figure 6-a:
Distributions of b-tagged jet multiplicity before applying the b-tagging selection requirement in the W+jets control region of the boosted Wnj6 category (left), and distributions in MT before applying the MT selection requirement in the top quark control region of the boosted Top category (right) are shown. The ratio of data over MC prediction is shown in the lower panels, where the gray band is the total uncertainty and the dashed band is the statistical uncertainty in the MC prediction.

Figure 6-b:
Distributions of b-tagged jet multiplicity before applying the b-tagging selection requirement in the W+jets control region of the boosted Wnj6 category (left), and distributions in MT before applying the MT selection requirement in the top quark control region of the boosted Top category (right) are shown. The ratio of data over MC prediction is shown in the lower panels, where the gray band is the total uncertainty and the dashed band is the statistical uncertainty in the MC prediction.

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Figure 7:
MR-R2 distributions in the W+jets control regions of the boosted Wnj45 and Wnj6 categories, and the top quark control region of the Top category. The ratio of data over MC prediction is shown in the lower panels, where the gray band is the total uncertainty and the dashed band is the statistical uncertainty in the MC prediction.

Figure 7-a:
MR-R2 distributions in the W+jets control regions of the boosted Wnj45 and Wnj6 categories, and the top quark control region of the Top category. The ratio of data over MC prediction is shown in the lower panels, where the gray band is the total uncertainty and the dashed band is the statistical uncertainty in the MC prediction.

Figure 7-b:
MR-R2 distributions in the W+jets control regions of the boosted Wnj45 and Wnj6 categories, and the top quark control region of the Top category. The ratio of data over MC prediction is shown in the lower panels, where the gray band is the total uncertainty and the dashed band is the statistical uncertainty in the MC prediction.

Figure 7-c:
MR-R2 distributions in the W+jets control regions of the boosted Wnj45 and Wnj6 categories, and the top quark control region of the Top category. The ratio of data over MC prediction is shown in the lower panels, where the gray band is the total uncertainty and the dashed band is the statistical uncertainty in the MC prediction.

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Figure 8:
Photon pT and MR-R2 distributions for the γ+jets control regions of the boosted Top category. The ratio of data over MC prediction is shown in the lower panels, where the gray band is the total uncertainty and the dashed band is the statistical uncertainty in the MC prediction.

Figure 8-a:
Photon pT and MR-R2 distributions for the γ+jets control regions of the boosted Top category. The ratio of data over MC prediction is shown in the lower panels, where the gray band is the total uncertainty and the dashed band is the statistical uncertainty in the MC prediction.

Figure 8-b:
Photon pT and MR-R2 distributions for the γ+jets control regions of the boosted Top category. The ratio of data over MC prediction is shown in the lower panels, where the gray band is the total uncertainty and the dashed band is the statistical uncertainty in the MC prediction.

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Figure 9:
Comparison of the estimation of the Z(νν)+jets background contribution in the search region extrapolated from the γ+jets control region with the estimation extrapolated from the W(ν)+jets control region for the boosted Wnj45, Wnj6 and Top categories. The prediction from the uncorrected MC simulation is also shown.

Figure 9-a:
Comparison of the estimation of the Z(νν)+jets background contribution in the search region extrapolated from the γ+jets control region with the estimation extrapolated from the W(ν)+jets control region for the boosted Wnj45, Wnj6 and Top categories. The prediction from the uncorrected MC simulation is also shown.

Figure 9-b:
Comparison of the estimation of the Z(νν)+jets background contribution in the search region extrapolated from the γ+jets control region with the estimation extrapolated from the W(ν)+jets control region for the boosted Wnj45, Wnj6 and Top categories. The prediction from the uncorrected MC simulation is also shown.

Figure 9-c:
Comparison of the estimation of the Z(νν)+jets background contribution in the search region extrapolated from the γ+jets control region with the estimation extrapolated from the W(ν)+jets control region for the boosted Wnj45, Wnj6 and Top categories. The prediction from the uncorrected MC simulation is also shown.

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Figure 10:
MR-R2 distributions in the QCD multijet control regions of the Wnj45 (upper left), Wnj6 (upper right) and Top (bottom) categories. The ratio of data over MC prediction is shown in the lower panels, where the gray band is the total uncertainty and the dashed band is the statistical uncertainty on the MC prediction.

Figure 10-a:
MR-R2 distributions in the QCD multijet control regions of the Wnj45 (upper left), Wnj6 (upper right) and Top (bottom) categories. The ratio of data over MC prediction is shown in the lower panels, where the gray band is the total uncertainty and the dashed band is the statistical uncertainty on the MC prediction.

Figure 10-b:
MR-R2 distributions in the QCD multijet control regions of the Wnj45 (upper left), Wnj6 (upper right) and Top (bottom) categories. The ratio of data over MC prediction is shown in the lower panels, where the gray band is the total uncertainty and the dashed band is the statistical uncertainty on the MC prediction.

Figure 10-c:
MR-R2 distributions in the QCD multijet control regions of the Wnj45 (upper left), Wnj6 (upper right) and Top (bottom) categories. The ratio of data over MC prediction is shown in the lower panels, where the gray band is the total uncertainty and the dashed band is the statistical uncertainty on the MC prediction.

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Figure 11:
Comparisons between data and the predicted background for the inverted ΔϕR validation region for the boosted Wnj45 (upper left), Wnj6 (upper right) and Top (bottom) categories.

Figure 11-a:
Comparisons between data and the predicted background for the inverted ΔϕR validation region for the boosted Wnj45 (upper left), Wnj6 (upper right) and Top (bottom) categories.

Figure 11-b:
Comparisons between data and the predicted background for the inverted ΔϕR validation region for the boosted Wnj45 (upper left), Wnj6 (upper right) and Top (bottom) categories.

Figure 11-c:
Comparisons between data and the predicted background for the inverted ΔϕR validation region for the boosted Wnj45 (upper left), Wnj6 (upper right) and Top (bottom) categories.

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Figure 12:
Comparisons between data and the predicted background for the validation region with anti-tagged W boson or top quark candidates for the boosted Wnj45 (upper left), Wnj6 (upper right) and Top (bottom) categories.

Figure 12-a:
Comparisons between data and the predicted background for the validation region with anti-tagged W boson or top quark candidates for the boosted Wnj45 (upper left), Wnj6 (upper right) and Top (bottom) categories.

Figure 12-b:
Comparisons between data and the predicted background for the validation region with anti-tagged W boson or top quark candidates for the boosted Wnj45 (upper left), Wnj6 (upper right) and Top (bottom) categories.

Figure 12-c:
Comparisons between data and the predicted background for the validation region with anti-tagged W boson or top quark candidates for the boosted Wnj45 (upper left), Wnj6 (upper right) and Top (bottom) categories.

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Figure 13:
The MR-R2 distribution observed in data is shown along with the background prediction obtained for the Lepton Multijet event category in the 0 b-tag (top) and 1 b-tag (bottom) bins. The two-dimensional MR-R2 distribution is shown in a one dimensional representation, with each MR bin marked by the dashed lines and labeled near the top, and each R2 bin labeled below. The ratio of data to the background prediction is shown on the bottom inset, with the statistical uncertainty expressed through the data point error bars and the systematic uncertainty of the background prediction represented by the shaded region. Signal benchmarks shown are T5ttcc with m˜g= 1.4 TeV, m˜t= 320 GeV and m˜χ01= 300 GeV; T1tttt with m˜g= 1.4 TeV and m˜χ01= 300 GeV; and T2tt with m˜t= 850 GeV and m˜χ01= 100 GeV. The diagrams corresponding to these signal models are shown in Figure xxxxx.

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Figure 13-a:
The MR-R2 distribution observed in data is shown along with the background prediction obtained for the Lepton Multijet event category in the 0 b-tag (top) and 1 b-tag (bottom) bins. The two-dimensional MR-R2 distribution is shown in a one dimensional representation, with each MR bin marked by the dashed lines and labeled near the top, and each R2 bin labeled below. The ratio of data to the background prediction is shown on the bottom inset, with the statistical uncertainty expressed through the data point error bars and the systematic uncertainty of the background prediction represented by the shaded region. Signal benchmarks shown are T5ttcc with m˜g= 1.4 TeV, m˜t= 320 GeV and m˜χ01= 300 GeV; T1tttt with m˜g= 1.4 TeV and m˜χ01= 300 GeV; and T2tt with m˜t= 850 GeV and m˜χ01= 100 GeV. The diagrams corresponding to these signal models are shown in Figure xxxxx.-a

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Figure 13-b:
The MR-R2 distribution observed in data is shown along with the background prediction obtained for the Lepton Multijet event category in the 0 b-tag (top) and 1 b-tag (bottom) bins. The two-dimensional MR-R2 distribution is shown in a one dimensional representation, with each MR bin marked by the dashed lines and labeled near the top, and each R2 bin labeled below. The ratio of data to the background prediction is shown on the bottom inset, with the statistical uncertainty expressed through the data point error bars and the systematic uncertainty of the background prediction represented by the shaded region. Signal benchmarks shown are T5ttcc with m˜g= 1.4 TeV, m˜t= 320 GeV and m˜χ01= 300 GeV; T1tttt with m˜g= 1.4 TeV and m˜χ01= 300 GeV; and T2tt with m˜t= 850 GeV and m˜χ01= 100 GeV. The diagrams corresponding to these signal models are shown in Figure xxxxx.-b

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Figure 14:
The MR-R2 distribution observed in data is shown along with the background prediction obtained for the Lepton Multijet event category in the 2 b-tag (top) and 3 b-tag (bottom) bins. The two-dimensional MR-R2 distribution is shown in a one dimensional representation, with each MR bin marked by the dashed lines and labeled near the top, and each R2 bin labeled below. The ratio of data to the background prediction is shown on the bottom inset, with the statistical uncertainty expressed through the data point error bars and the systematic uncertainty of the background prediction represented by the shaded region. Signal benchmarks shown are T5ttcc with m˜g= 1.4 TeV, m˜t= 320 GeV and m˜χ01= 300 GeV; T1tttt with m˜g= 1.4 TeV and m˜χ01= 300 GeV; and T2tt with m˜t= 850 GeV and m˜χ01= 100 GeV. The diagrams corresponding to these signal models are shown in Figure xxxxx.

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Figure 14-a:
The MR-R2 distribution observed in data is shown along with the background prediction obtained for the Lepton Multijet event category in the 2 b-tag (top) and 3 b-tag (bottom) bins. The two-dimensional MR-R2 distribution is shown in a one dimensional representation, with each MR bin marked by the dashed lines and labeled near the top, and each R2 bin labeled below. The ratio of data to the background prediction is shown on the bottom inset, with the statistical uncertainty expressed through the data point error bars and the systematic uncertainty of the background prediction represented by the shaded region. Signal benchmarks shown are T5ttcc with m˜g= 1.4 TeV, m˜t= 320 GeV and m˜χ01= 300 GeV; T1tttt with m˜g= 1.4 TeV and m˜χ01= 300 GeV; and T2tt with m˜t= 850 GeV and m˜χ01= 100 GeV. The diagrams corresponding to these signal models are shown in Figure xxxxx.-a

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Figure 14-b:
The MR-R2 distribution observed in data is shown along with the background prediction obtained for the Lepton Multijet event category in the 2 b-tag (top) and 3 b-tag (bottom) bins. The two-dimensional MR-R2 distribution is shown in a one dimensional representation, with each MR bin marked by the dashed lines and labeled near the top, and each R2 bin labeled below. The ratio of data to the background prediction is shown on the bottom inset, with the statistical uncertainty expressed through the data point error bars and the systematic uncertainty of the background prediction represented by the shaded region. Signal benchmarks shown are T5ttcc with m˜g= 1.4 TeV, m˜t= 320 GeV and m˜χ01= 300 GeV; T1tttt with m˜g= 1.4 TeV and m˜χ01= 300 GeV; and T2tt with m˜t= 850 GeV and m˜χ01= 100 GeV. The diagrams corresponding to these signal models are shown in Figure xxxxx.-b

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Figure 15:
The MR-R2 distribution observed in data is shown along with the background prediction obtained for the Lepton Seven-jet event category in the 0 b-tag (top) and 1 b-tag (bottom) bins. The two-dimensional MR-R2 distribution is shown in a one dimensional representation, with each MR bin marked by the dashed lines and labeled near the top, and each R2 bin labeled below. The ratio of data to the background prediction is shown on the bottom inset, with the statistical uncertainty expressed through the data point error bars and the systematic uncertainty of the background prediction represented by the shaded region. Signal benchmarks shown are T5ttcc with m˜g= 1.4 TeV, m˜t= 320 GeV and m˜χ01= 300 GeV; T1tttt with m˜g= 1.4 TeV and m˜χ01= 300 GeV; and T2tt with m˜t= 850 GeV and m˜χ01= 100 GeV. The diagrams corresponding to these signal models are shown in Figure xxxxx.

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Figure 15-a:
The MR-R2 distribution observed in data is shown along with the background prediction obtained for the Lepton Seven-jet event category in the 0 b-tag (top) and 1 b-tag (bottom) bins. The two-dimensional MR-R2 distribution is shown in a one dimensional representation, with each MR bin marked by the dashed lines and labeled near the top, and each R2 bin labeled below. The ratio of data to the background prediction is shown on the bottom inset, with the statistical uncertainty expressed through the data point error bars and the systematic uncertainty of the background prediction represented by the shaded region. Signal benchmarks shown are T5ttcc with m˜g= 1.4 TeV, m˜t= 320 GeV and m˜χ01= 300 GeV; T1tttt with m˜g= 1.4 TeV and m˜χ01= 300 GeV; and T2tt with m˜t= 850 GeV and m˜χ01= 100 GeV. The diagrams corresponding to these signal models are shown in Figure xxxxx.-a

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Figure 15-b:
The MR-R2 distribution observed in data is shown along with the background prediction obtained for the Lepton Seven-jet event category in the 0 b-tag (top) and 1 b-tag (bottom) bins. The two-dimensional MR-R2 distribution is shown in a one dimensional representation, with each MR bin marked by the dashed lines and labeled near the top, and each R2 bin labeled below. The ratio of data to the background prediction is shown on the bottom inset, with the statistical uncertainty expressed through the data point error bars and the systematic uncertainty of the background prediction represented by the shaded region. Signal benchmarks shown are T5ttcc with m˜g= 1.4 TeV, m˜t= 320 GeV and m˜χ01= 300 GeV; T1tttt with m˜g= 1.4 TeV and m˜χ01= 300 GeV; and T2tt with m˜t= 850 GeV and m˜χ01= 100 GeV. The diagrams corresponding to these signal models are shown in Figure xxxxx.-b

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Figure 16:
The MR-R2 distribution observed in data is shown along with the background prediction obtained for the Lepton Seven-jet event category in the 2 b-tag (top) and 3 b-tag (bottom) bins. The two-dimensional MR-R2 distribution is shown in a one dimensional representation, with each MR bin marked by the dashed lines and labeled near the top, and each R2 bin labeled below. The ratio of data to the background prediction is shown on the bottom inset, with the statistical uncertainty expressed through the data point error bars and the systematic uncertainty of the background prediction represented by the shaded region. Signal benchmarks shown are T5ttcc with m˜g= 1.4 TeV, m˜t= 320 GeV and m˜χ01= 300 GeV; T1tttt with m˜g= 1.4 TeV and m˜χ01= 300 GeV; and T2tt with m˜t= 850 GeV and m˜χ01= 100 GeV. The diagrams corresponding to these signal models are shown in Figure xxxxx.

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Figure 16-a:
The MR-R2 distribution observed in data is shown along with the background prediction obtained for the Lepton Seven-jet event category in the 2 b-tag (top) and 3 b-tag (bottom) bins. The two-dimensional MR-R2 distribution is shown in a one dimensional representation, with each MR bin marked by the dashed lines and labeled near the top, and each R2 bin labeled below. The ratio of data to the background prediction is shown on the bottom inset, with the statistical uncertainty expressed through the data point error bars and the systematic uncertainty of the background prediction represented by the shaded region. Signal benchmarks shown are T5ttcc with m˜g= 1.4 TeV, m˜t= 320 GeV and m˜χ01= 300 GeV; T1tttt with m˜g= 1.4 TeV and m˜χ01= 300 GeV; and T2tt with m˜t= 850 GeV and m˜χ01= 100 GeV. The diagrams corresponding to these signal models are shown in Figure xxxxx.-a

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Figure 16-b:
The MR-R2 distribution observed in data is shown along with the background prediction obtained for the Lepton Seven-jet event category in the 2 b-tag (top) and 3 b-tag (bottom) bins. The two-dimensional MR-R2 distribution is shown in a one dimensional representation, with each MR bin marked by the dashed lines and labeled near the top, and each R2 bin labeled below. The ratio of data to the background prediction is shown on the bottom inset, with the statistical uncertainty expressed through the data point error bars and the systematic uncertainty of the background prediction represented by the shaded region. Signal benchmarks shown are T5ttcc with m˜g= 1.4 TeV, m˜t= 320 GeV and m˜χ01= 300 GeV; T1tttt with m˜g= 1.4 TeV and m˜χ01= 300 GeV; and T2tt with m˜t= 850 GeV and m˜χ01= 100 GeV. The diagrams corresponding to these signal models are shown in Figure xxxxx.-b

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Figure 17:
The MR-R2 distribution observed in data is shown along with the background prediction obtained for the boosted Wnj45 (upper left), Wnj6 (upper right), and Top (bottom) categories. The two-dimensional MR-R2 distribution is shown in a one dimensional representation.The ratio of data to the background prediction is shown on the bottom inset, with the statistical uncertainty expressed through the data point error bars and the systematic uncertainty of the background prediction represented by the shaded region. Signal benchmarks shown are T5ttcc with m˜g= 1.4 TeV, m˜t= 320 GeV and m˜χ01= 300 GeV; T1tttt with m˜g= 1.4 TeV and m˜χ01= 300 GeV; and T2tt with m˜t= 850 GeV and m˜χ01= 100 GeV. The diagrams corresponding to these signal models are shown in Figure xxxxx.

Figure 17-a:
The MR-R2 distribution observed in data is shown along with the background prediction obtained for the boosted Wnj45 (upper left), Wnj6 (upper right), and Top (bottom) categories. The two-dimensional MR-R2 distribution is shown in a one dimensional representation.The ratio of data to the background prediction is shown on the bottom inset, with the statistical uncertainty expressed through the data point error bars and the systematic uncertainty of the background prediction represented by the shaded region. Signal benchmarks shown are T5ttcc with m˜g= 1.4 TeV, m˜t= 320 GeV and m˜χ01= 300 GeV; T1tttt with m˜g= 1.4 TeV and m˜χ01= 300 GeV; and T2tt with m˜t= 850 GeV and m˜χ01= 100 GeV. The diagrams corresponding to these signal models are shown in Figure xxxxx.-a

Figure 17-b:
The MR-R2 distribution observed in data is shown along with the background prediction obtained for the boosted Wnj45 (upper left), Wnj6 (upper right), and Top (bottom) categories. The two-dimensional MR-R2 distribution is shown in a one dimensional representation.The ratio of data to the background prediction is shown on the bottom inset, with the statistical uncertainty expressed through the data point error bars and the systematic uncertainty of the background prediction represented by the shaded region. Signal benchmarks shown are T5ttcc with m˜g= 1.4 TeV, m˜t= 320 GeV and m˜χ01= 300 GeV; T1tttt with m˜g= 1.4 TeV and m˜χ01= 300 GeV; and T2tt with m˜t= 850 GeV and m˜χ01= 100 GeV. The diagrams corresponding to these signal models are shown in Figure xxxxx.-b

Figure 17-c:
The MR-R2 distribution observed in data is shown along with the background prediction obtained for the boosted Wnj45 (upper left), Wnj6 (upper right), and Top (bottom) categories. The two-dimensional MR-R2 distribution is shown in a one dimensional representation.The ratio of data to the background prediction is shown on the bottom inset, with the statistical uncertainty expressed through the data point error bars and the systematic uncertainty of the background prediction represented by the shaded region. Signal benchmarks shown are T5ttcc with m˜g= 1.4 TeV, m˜t= 320 GeV and m˜χ01= 300 GeV; T1tttt with m˜g= 1.4 TeV and m˜χ01= 300 GeV; and T2tt with m˜t= 850 GeV and m˜χ01= 100 GeV. The diagrams corresponding to these signal models are shown in Figure xxxxx.-c

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Figure 18:
The MR-R2 distribution observed in data is shown along with the background prediction obtained for the Dijet event category in the 0 b-tag (top) and 1 b-tag (bottom) bins. The two-dimensional MR-R2 distribution is shown in a one dimensional representation, with each MR bin marked by the dashed lines and labeled near the top, and each R2 bin labeled below. The ratio of data to the background prediction is shown on the bottom inset, with the statistical uncertainty expressed through the data point error bars and the systematic uncertainty of the background prediction represented by the shaded region. Signal benchmarks shown are T5ttcc with m˜g= 1.4 TeV, m˜t= 320 GeV and m˜χ01= 300 GeV; T1tttt with m˜g= 1.4 TeV and m˜χ01= 300 GeV; and T2tt with m˜t= 850 GeV and m˜χ01= 100 GeV. The diagrams corresponding to these signal models are shown in Figure xxxxx.

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Figure 18-a:
The MR-R2 distribution observed in data is shown along with the background prediction obtained for the Dijet event category in the 0 b-tag (top) and 1 b-tag (bottom) bins. The two-dimensional MR-R2 distribution is shown in a one dimensional representation, with each MR bin marked by the dashed lines and labeled near the top, and each R2 bin labeled below. The ratio of data to the background prediction is shown on the bottom inset, with the statistical uncertainty expressed through the data point error bars and the systematic uncertainty of the background prediction represented by the shaded region. Signal benchmarks shown are T5ttcc with m˜g= 1.4 TeV, m˜t= 320 GeV and m˜χ01= 300 GeV; T1tttt with m˜g= 1.4 TeV and m˜χ01= 300 GeV; and T2tt with m˜t= 850 GeV and m˜χ01= 100 GeV. The diagrams corresponding to these signal models are shown in Figure xxxxx.-a

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Figure 18-b:
The MR-R2 distribution observed in data is shown along with the background prediction obtained for the Dijet event category in the 0 b-tag (top) and 1 b-tag (bottom) bins. The two-dimensional MR-R2 distribution is shown in a one dimensional representation, with each MR bin marked by the dashed lines and labeled near the top, and each R2 bin labeled below. The ratio of data to the background prediction is shown on the bottom inset, with the statistical uncertainty expressed through the data point error bars and the systematic uncertainty of the background prediction represented by the shaded region. Signal benchmarks shown are T5ttcc with m˜g= 1.4 TeV, m˜t= 320 GeV and m˜χ01= 300 GeV; T1tttt with m˜g= 1.4 TeV and m˜χ01= 300 GeV; and T2tt with m˜t= 850 GeV and m˜χ01= 100 GeV. The diagrams corresponding to these signal models are shown in Figure xxxxx.-b

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Figure 19:
The MR-R2 distribution observed in data is shown along with the background prediction obtained for the Dijet event category in the 2 b-tag bin. The two-dimensional MR-R2 distribution is shown in a one dimensional representation, with each MR bin marked by the dashed lines and labeled near the top, and each R2 bin labeled below. The ratio of data to the background prediction is shown on the bottom inset, with the statistical uncertainty expressed through the data point error bars and the systematic uncertainty of the background prediction represented by the shaded region. Signal benchmarks shown are T5ttcc with m˜g= 1.4 TeV, m˜t= 320 GeV and m˜χ01= 300 GeV; T1tttt with m˜g= 1.4 TeV and m˜χ01= 300 GeV; and T2tt with m˜t= 850 GeV and m˜χ01= 100 GeV. The diagrams corresponding to these signal models are shown in Figure xxxxx.

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Figure 20:
The MR-R2 distribution observed in data is shown along with the background prediction obtained for the Multijet event category in the 0 b-tag (top) and 1 b-tag (bottom) bins. The two-dimensional MR-R2 distribution is shown in a one dimensional representation, with each MR bin marked by the dashed lines and labeled near the top, and each R2 bin labeled below. The ratio of data to the background prediction is shown on the bottom inset, with the statistical uncertainty expressed through the data point error bars and the systematic uncertainty of the background prediction represented by the shaded region. Signal benchmarks shown are T5ttcc with m˜g= 1.4 TeV, m˜t= 320 GeV and m˜χ01= 300 GeV; T1tttt with m˜g= 1.4 TeV and m˜χ01= 300 GeV; and T2tt with m˜t= 850 GeV and m˜χ01= 100 GeV. The diagrams corresponding to these signal models are shown in Figure xxxxx.

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Figure 20-a:
The MR-R2 distribution observed in data is shown along with the background prediction obtained for the Multijet event category in the 0 b-tag (top) and 1 b-tag (bottom) bins. The two-dimensional MR-R2 distribution is shown in a one dimensional representation, with each MR bin marked by the dashed lines and labeled near the top, and each R2 bin labeled below. The ratio of data to the background prediction is shown on the bottom inset, with the statistical uncertainty expressed through the data point error bars and the systematic uncertainty of the background prediction represented by the shaded region. Signal benchmarks shown are T5ttcc with m˜g= 1.4 TeV, m˜t= 320 GeV and m˜χ01= 300 GeV; T1tttt with m˜g= 1.4 TeV and m˜χ01= 300 GeV; and T2tt with m˜t= 850 GeV and m˜χ01= 100 GeV. The diagrams corresponding to these signal models are shown in Figure xxxxx.-a

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Figure 20-b:
The MR-R2 distribution observed in data is shown along with the background prediction obtained for the Multijet event category in the 0 b-tag (top) and 1 b-tag (bottom) bins. The two-dimensional MR-R2 distribution is shown in a one dimensional representation, with each MR bin marked by the dashed lines and labeled near the top, and each R2 bin labeled below. The ratio of data to the background prediction is shown on the bottom inset, with the statistical uncertainty expressed through the data point error bars and the systematic uncertainty of the background prediction represented by the shaded region. Signal benchmarks shown are T5ttcc with m˜g= 1.4 TeV, m˜t= 320 GeV and m˜χ01= 300 GeV; T1tttt with m˜g= 1.4 TeV and m˜χ01= 300 GeV; and T2tt with m˜t= 850 GeV and m˜χ01= 100 GeV. The diagrams corresponding to these signal models are shown in Figure xxxxx.-b

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Figure 21:
The MR-R2 distribution observed in data is shown along with the background prediction obtained for the Multijet event category in the 2 b-tag (top) and 3 b-tag (bottom) bins. The two-dimensional MR-R2 distribution is shown in a one dimensional representation, with each MR bin marked by the dashed lines and labeled near the top, and each R2 bin labeled below. The ratio of data to the background prediction is shown on the bottom inset, with the statistical uncertainty expressed through the data point error bars and the systematic uncertainty of the background prediction represented by the shaded region. Signal benchmarks shown are T5ttcc with m˜g= 1.4 TeV, m˜t= 320 GeV and m˜χ01= 300 GeV; T1tttt with m˜g= 1.4 TeV and m˜χ01= 300 GeV; and T2tt with m˜t= 850 GeV and m˜χ01= 100 GeV. The diagrams corresponding to these signal models are shown in Figure xxxxx.

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Figure 21-a:
The MR-R2 distribution observed in data is shown along with the background prediction obtained for the Multijet event category in the 2 b-tag (top) and 3 b-tag (bottom) bins. The two-dimensional MR-R2 distribution is shown in a one dimensional representation, with each MR bin marked by the dashed lines and labeled near the top, and each R2 bin labeled below. The ratio of data to the background prediction is shown on the bottom inset, with the statistical uncertainty expressed through the data point error bars and the systematic uncertainty of the background prediction represented by the shaded region. Signal benchmarks shown are T5ttcc with m˜g= 1.4 TeV, m˜t= 320 GeV and m˜χ01= 300 GeV; T1tttt with m˜g= 1.4 TeV and m˜χ01= 300 GeV; and T2tt with m˜t= 850 GeV and m˜χ01= 100 GeV. The diagrams corresponding to these signal models are shown in Figure xxxxx.-a

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Figure 21-b:
The MR-R2 distribution observed in data is shown along with the background prediction obtained for the Multijet event category in the 2 b-tag (top) and 3 b-tag (bottom) bins. The two-dimensional MR-R2 distribution is shown in a one dimensional representation, with each MR bin marked by the dashed lines and labeled near the top, and each R2 bin labeled below. The ratio of data to the background prediction is shown on the bottom inset, with the statistical uncertainty expressed through the data point error bars and the systematic uncertainty of the background prediction represented by the shaded region. Signal benchmarks shown are T5ttcc with m˜g= 1.4 TeV, m˜t= 320 GeV and m˜χ01= 300 GeV; T1tttt with m˜g= 1.4 TeV and m˜χ01= 300 GeV; and T2tt with m˜t= 850 GeV and m˜χ01= 100 GeV. The diagrams corresponding to these signal models are shown in Figure xxxxx.-b

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Figure 22:
The MR-R2 distribution observed in data is shown along with the background prediction obtained for the Seven-jet event category in the 0 b-tag (top) and 1 b-tag (bottom) bins. The two-dimensional MR-R2 distribution is shown in a one dimensional representation, with each MR bin marked by the dashed lines and labeled near the top, and each R2 bin labeled below. The ratio of data to the background prediction is shown on the bottom inset, with the statistical uncertainty expressed through the data point error bars and the systematic uncertainty of the background prediction represented by the shaded region. Signal benchmarks shown are T5ttcc with m˜g= 1.4 TeV, m˜t= 320 GeV and m˜χ01= 300 GeV; T1tttt with m˜g= 1.4 TeV and m˜χ01= 300 GeV; and T2tt with m˜t= 850 GeV and m˜χ01= 100 GeV. The diagrams corresponding to these signal models are shown in Figure xxxxx.

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Figure 22-a:
The MR-R2 distribution observed in data is shown along with the background prediction obtained for the Seven-jet event category in the 0 b-tag (top) and 1 b-tag (bottom) bins. The two-dimensional MR-R2 distribution is shown in a one dimensional representation, with each MR bin marked by the dashed lines and labeled near the top, and each R2 bin labeled below. The ratio of data to the background prediction is shown on the bottom inset, with the statistical uncertainty expressed through the data point error bars and the systematic uncertainty of the background prediction represented by the shaded region. Signal benchmarks shown are T5ttcc with m˜g= 1.4 TeV, m˜t= 320 GeV and m˜χ01= 300 GeV; T1tttt with m˜g= 1.4 TeV and m˜χ01= 300 GeV; and T2tt with m˜t= 850 GeV and m˜χ01= 100 GeV. The diagrams corresponding to these signal models are shown in Figure xxxxx.-a

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Figure 22-b:
The MR-R2 distribution observed in data is shown along with the background prediction obtained for the Seven-jet event category in the 0 b-tag (top) and 1 b-tag (bottom) bins. The two-dimensional MR-R2 distribution is shown in a one dimensional representation, with each MR bin marked by the dashed lines and labeled near the top, and each R2 bin labeled below. The ratio of data to the background prediction is shown on the bottom inset, with the statistical uncertainty expressed through the data point error bars and the systematic uncertainty of the background prediction represented by the shaded region. Signal benchmarks shown are T5ttcc with m˜g= 1.4 TeV, m˜t= 320 GeV and m˜χ01= 300 GeV; T1tttt with m˜g= 1.4 TeV and m˜χ01= 300 GeV; and T2tt with m˜t= 850 GeV and m˜χ01= 100 GeV. The diagrams corresponding to these signal models are shown in Figure xxxxx.-b

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Figure 23:
The MR-R2 distribution observed in data is shown along with the background prediction obtained for the Seven-jet event category in the 2 b-tag (top) and 3 b-tag (bottom) bins. The two-dimensional MR-R2 distribution is shown in a one dimensional representation, with each MR bin marked by the dashed lines and labeled near the top, and each R2 bin labeled below. The ratio of data to the background prediction is shown on the bottom inset, with the statistical uncertainty expressed through the data point error bars and the systematic uncertainty of the background prediction represented by the shaded region. Signal benchmarks shown are T5ttcc with m˜g= 1.4 TeV, m˜t= 320 GeV and m˜χ01= 300 GeV; T1tttt with m˜g= 1.4 TeV and m˜χ01= 300 GeV; and T2tt with m˜t= 850 GeV and m˜χ01= 100 GeV. The diagrams corresponding to these signal models are shown in Figure xxxxx.

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Figure 23-a:
The MR-R2 distribution observed in data is shown along with the background prediction obtained for the Seven-jet event category in the 2 b-tag (top) and 3 b-tag (bottom) bins. The two-dimensional MR-R2 distribution is shown in a one dimensional representation, with each MR bin marked by the dashed lines and labeled near the top, and each R2 bin labeled below. The ratio of data to the background prediction is shown on the bottom inset, with the statistical uncertainty expressed through the data point error bars and the systematic uncertainty of the background prediction represented by the shaded region. Signal benchmarks shown are T5ttcc with m˜g= 1.4 TeV, m˜t= 320 GeV and m˜χ01= 300 GeV; T1tttt with m˜g= 1.4 TeV and m˜χ01= 300 GeV; and T2tt with m˜t= 850 GeV and m˜χ01= 100 GeV. The diagrams corresponding to these signal models are shown in Figure xxxxx.-a

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Figure 23-b:
The MR-R2 distribution observed in data is shown along with the background prediction obtained for the Seven-jet event category in the 2 b-tag (top) and 3 b-tag (bottom) bins. The two-dimensional MR-R2 distribution is shown in a one dimensional representation, with each MR bin marked by the dashed lines and labeled near the top, and each R2 bin labeled below. The ratio of data to the background prediction is shown on the bottom inset, with the statistical uncertainty expressed through the data point error bars and the systematic uncertainty of the background prediction represented by the shaded region. Signal benchmarks shown are T5ttcc with m˜g= 1.4 TeV, m˜t= 320 GeV and m˜χ01= 300 GeV; T1tttt with m˜g= 1.4 TeV and m˜χ01= 300 GeV; and T2tt with m˜t= 850 GeV and m˜χ01= 100 GeV. The diagrams corresponding to these signal models are shown in Figure xxxxx.-b

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Figure 24:
Diagrams for the simplified models considered in this analysis: (left) Gluino pair production decaying to two top quarks and the LSP, denoted T1tttt; (middle) Gluino pair production decaying to a top quark and a low mass top squark, which subsequently decays to a charm quark and the LSP, denoted T5ttcc; (right) Top squark pair production decaying to a top quark and the LSP, denoted T2tt.

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Figure 24-a:
Diagrams for the simplified models considered in this analysis: (left) Gluino pair production decaying to two top quarks and the LSP, denoted T1tttt; (middle) Gluino pair production decaying to a top quark and a low mass top squark, which subsequently decays to a charm quark and the LSP, denoted T5ttcc; (right) Top squark pair production decaying to a top quark and the LSP, denoted T2tt.

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Figure 24-b:
Diagrams for the simplified models considered in this analysis: (left) Gluino pair production decaying to two top quarks and the LSP, denoted T1tttt; (middle) Gluino pair production decaying to a top quark and a low mass top squark, which subsequently decays to a charm quark and the LSP, denoted T5ttcc; (right) Top squark pair production decaying to a top quark and the LSP, denoted T2tt.

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Figure 24-c:
Diagrams for the simplified models considered in this analysis: (left) Gluino pair production decaying to two top quarks and the LSP, denoted T1tttt; (middle) Gluino pair production decaying to a top quark and a low mass top squark, which subsequently decays to a charm quark and the LSP, denoted T5ttcc; (right) Top squark pair production decaying to a top quark and the LSP, denoted T2tt.

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Figure 25:
Expected and observed 95% upper limits on the production cross section for pair-produced gluinos decaying to top quarks. The blue dotted contour represents the expected 95% upper limits using data in the nonboosted categories only.

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Figure 26:
Expected and observed 95% upper limit on the production cross section for pair-produced gluinos decaying to a top and a charm quark. The blue dotted contour represents the expected 95% upper limits using data in the nonboosted categories only.

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Figure 27:
Expected and observed 95% upper limits on the production cross section for pair-produced squarks decaying to top quarks. The blue dotted contour represents the expected 95% upper limits using data in the nonboosted categories only. The white diagonal band corresponds to the region |m˜tmtm˜χ01|< 25 GeV, where the signal efficiency is a strong function of m˜tm˜χ01, and as a result the precise determination of the cross section upper limit is uncertain because of the finite granularity of the available MC samples in this region of the (m˜t, m˜χ01) plane.

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Table 1:
Summary of the search categories, their charged lepton and jet count requirements, and the b-tag bins that define the subcategories. Events passing the "Lepton Veto'' requirement must have no tight electron or muon, no veto electron or muon, and no hadronic taus.

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Table 2:
The baseline requirements on the razor variables MR and R2, additional requirements on MT and ΔϕR, and the trigger requirements are shown for each event category.

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Table 3:
Summary of the main instrumental and theoretical systematic uncertainties.

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Table 4:
Summary of systematic uncertainties due to background estimation methodology expressed as relative or fractional uncertainties.
We have presented an inclusive search for supersymmetry in events with no more than one lepton, a large multiplicity of energetic jets, and evidence of invisible particles using the razor kinematic variables. To enhance sensitivity to a broad range of signal models, the events are categorized according to the number of leptons, the presence of jets consistent with hadronically decaying W bosons or top quarks, and the number of jets and b-tagged jets. This analysis is the first inclusive search for supersymmetry from the CMS experiment that explicitly incorporates event categories with boosted W boson or top quark jets. The analysis uses 35.9 fb1 of s= 13 TeV proton-proton collision data collected by the CMS experiment. Standard model backgrounds were estimated using control regions in data and Monte Carlo simulation yields in signal and control regions. Background estimation procedures were verified using validation regions with kinematics resembling that of the signal regions and closure tests. Data are observed to be consistent with the SM expectation.

The search is sensitive to a broad range of SUSY scenarios including pair production of gluinos and top squarks, and the event categorization in the number of leptons, the number of jets and b-tagged jets, and the presence or absence of boosted jets consistent with hadronic W or top decays, enhances the signal to background and search sensitivity simultaneously for a variety of different SUSY signal scenarios.

The results were interpreted in the context of simplified models of gluino pair production decaying to various quark flavors, or direct top squark pair production. Limits on the gluino mass extend to 2.0 TeV while limits on top squark masses reach 1.14 TeV. The advantage of combining a large variety of final states enabled this analysis to improve the sensitivity in various signal scenarios. The analysis extended the exclusion limit of the gluino mass from the CMS experiment by 100 GeV in decays to a low mass top squark and a top quark, and the exclusion limit of the top squark mass by 20 GeV in direct top squark production.
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Compact Muon Solenoid