CMS-SUS-16-038 ; CERN-EP-2018-003 | ||
Search for natural and split supersymmetry in proton-proton collisions at √s= 13 TeV in final states with jets and missing transverse momentum | ||
CMS Collaboration | ||
6 February 2018 | ||
JHEP 05 (2018) 025 | ||
Abstract: A search for supersymmetry (SUSY) is performed in final states comprising one or more jets and missing transverse momentum using data from proton-proton collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of 13 TeV. The data were recorded with the CMS detector at the CERN LHC in 2016 and correspond to an integrated luminosity of 35.9 fb−1. The number of signal events is found to agree with the expected background yields from standard model processes. The results are interpreted in the context of simplified models of SUSY that assume the production of gluino or squark pairs and their prompt decay to quarks and the lightest neutralino. The masses of bottom, top, and mass-degenerate light-flavour squarks are probed up to 1050, 1000, and 1325 GeV, respectively. The gluino mass is probed up to 1900, 1650, and 1650 GeV when the gluino decays via virtual states of the aforementioned squarks. The strongest mass bounds on the neutralinos from gluino and squark decays are 1150 and 575 GeV, respectively. The search also provides sensitivity to simplified models inspired by split SUSY that involve the production and decay of long-lived gluinos. Values of the proper decay length cτ0 from 10−3 to 105 mm are considered, as well as a metastable gluino scenario. Gluino masses up to 1750 and 900 GeV are probed for cτ0= 1 mm and for the metastable state, respectively. The sensitivity is moderately dependent on model assumptions for cτ0> 1 m. The search provides coverage of the cτ0 parameter space for models involving long-lived gluinos that is complementary to existing techniques at the LHC. | ||
Links: e-print arXiv:1802.02110 [hep-ex] (PDF) ; CDS record ; inSPIRE record ; CADI line (restricted) ; |
Figures & Tables | Summary | Additional Figures & Tables | References | CMS Publications |
Additional information on efficiencies needed for reinterpretation of these results are available here. Additional technical material for CMS speakers can be found here. |
Figures | |
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Figure 1:
Counts of signal events (solid markers) and SM expectations with associated uncertainties (statistical and systematic, black histograms and shaded bands) as determined from the CR-only fit as a function of nb, HT, and HmissT for the event categories njet= 1 and ≥ 2a (upper), = 2 (middle), and = 3 (lower). The centre panel of each subfigure shows the ratios of observed counts and the SM expectations, while the lower panel shows the significance of deviations observed in data with respect to the SM expectations expressed in terms of the total uncertainty in the SM expectations. |
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Figure 1-a:
Counts of signal events (solid markers) and SM expectations with associated uncertainties (statistical and systematic, black histograms and shaded bands) as determined from the CR-only fit as a function of nb, HT, and HmissT for the event category njet= 1 and ≥ 2a. The centre panel shows the ratios of observed counts and the SM expectations, while the lower panel shows the significance of deviations observed in data with respect to the SM expectations expressed in terms of the total uncertainty in the SM expectations. |
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Figure 1-b:
Counts of signal events (solid markers) and SM expectations with associated uncertainties (statistical and systematic, black histograms and shaded bands) as determined from the CR-only fit as a function of nb, HT, and HmissT for the event category njet= 2. The centre panel shows the ratios of observed counts and the SM expectations, while the lower panel shows the significance of deviations observed in data with respect to the SM expectations expressed in terms of the total uncertainty in the SM expectations. |
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Figure 1-c:
Counts of signal events (solid markers) and SM expectations with associated uncertainties (statistical and systematic, black histograms and shaded bands) as determined from the CR-only fit as a function of nb, HT, and HmissT for the event category njet= 3. The centre panel shows the ratios of observed counts and the SM expectations, while the lower panel shows the significance of deviations observed in data with respect to the SM expectations expressed in terms of the total uncertainty in the SM expectations. |
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Figure 2:
Counts of signal events (solid markers) and SM expectations with associated uncertainties (statistical and systematic, black histograms and shaded bands) as determined from the CR-only fit as a function of nb, HT, and HmissT for the event categories njet= 4 (upper), = 5 (middle), and ≥ 6 (lower). The lower panels are described in the caption of Fig.1. |
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Figure 2-a:
Counts of signal events (solid markers) and SM expectations with associated uncertainties (statistical and systematic, black histograms and shaded bands) as determined from the CR-only fit as a function of nb, HT, and HmissT for the event category njet= 4. The lower panel is described in the caption of Fig.1. |
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Figure 2-b:
Counts of signal events (solid markers) and SM expectations with associated uncertainties (statistical and systematic, black histograms and shaded bands) as determined from the CR-only fit as a function of nb, HT, and HmissT for the event category njet= 5. The lower panel is described in the caption of Fig.1. |
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Figure 2-c:
Counts of signal events (solid markers) and SM expectations with associated uncertainties (statistical and systematic, black histograms and shaded bands) as determined from the CR-only fit as a function of nb, HT, and HmissT for the event category njet≥ 6. The lower panel is described in the caption of Fig.1. |
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Figure 3:
Observed and expected mass exclusions at 95% CL (indicated, respectively, by solid and dashed contours) for various families of simplified models. The upper subfigure summarises the mass exclusions for five model families that involve the direct pair production of squarks. The first scenario considers the pair production and decay of bottom squarks (T2bb). Two scenarios involve the production and decay of top squark pairs (T2tt and T2cc). The grey shaded region denotes T2tt models that are not considered for interpretation. Two further scenarios involve, respectively, the production and decay of light-flavour squarks, with different assumptions on the mass degeneracy of the squarks as described in the text (T2qq_8fold and T2qq_1fold). The lower subfigure summarises three scenarios that involve the production and prompt decay of gluino pairs via virtual squarks (T1bbbb, T1tttt, and T1qqqq). A final scenario involves the production of gluinos that are assumed to be metastable on the detector scale (T1qqqqLL). |
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Figure 3-a:
Observed and expected mass exclusions at 95% CL (indicated, respectively, by solid and dashed contours) for various families of simplified models. The figure summarises the mass exclusions for five model families that involve the direct pair production of squarks. The first scenario considers the pair production and decay of bottom squarks (T2bb). Two scenarios involve the production and decay of top squark pairs (T2tt and T2cc). The grey shaded region denotes T2tt models that are not considered for interpretation. Two further scenarios involve, respectively, the production and decay of light-flavour squarks, with different assumptions on the mass degeneracy of the squarks as described in the text (T2qq_8fold and T2qq_1fold). |
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Figure 3-b:
Observed and expected mass exclusions at 95% CL (indicated, respectively, by solid and dashed contours) for various families of simplified models. The figure summarises three scenarios that involve the production and prompt decay of gluino pairs via virtual squarks (T1bbbb, T1tttt, and T1qqqq). A final scenario involves the production of gluinos that are assumed to be metastable on the detector scale (T1qqqqLL). |
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Figure 4:
Observed upper limit in cross section at 95% CL (indicated by the colour scale) as a function of the ˜g and ˜χ01 masses for simplified models that assume the production of pairs of long-lived gluinos that each decay via highly virtual light-flavour squarks to the neutralino and SM particles (T1qqqqLL). Each subfigure represents a different gluino lifetime: cτ0= 1 (upper left), 10 (upper centre), and 100 μm (upper right); 1 (middle left), 10 (middle centre), and 100 mm (middle right); and 1 (lower left), 10 (lower centre), and 100 m (lower right). The thick (thin) black solid line indicates the observed excluded region assuming the nominal (±1 standard deviation in theoretical uncertainty) production cross section. The red thick dashed (thin dashed and dotted) line indicates the median (±1 and 2 standard deviations in experimental uncertainty) expected excluded region. |
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Figure 4-a:
Observed upper limit in cross section at 95% CL (indicated by the colour scale) as a function of the ˜g and ˜χ01 masses for a simplified model that assume the production of pairs of long-lived gluinos that each decay via highly virtual light-flavour squarks to the neutralino and SM particles (T1qqqqLL). The figure represents a gluino lifetime of cτ0= 1 μm. The thick (thin) black solid line indicates the observed excluded region assuming the nominal (±1 standard deviation in theoretical uncertainty) production cross section. The red thick dashed (thin dashed and dotted) line indicates the median (±1 and 2 standard deviations in experimental uncertainty) expected excluded region. |
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Figure 4-b:
Observed upper limit in cross section at 95% CL (indicated by the colour scale) as a function of the ˜g and ˜χ01 masses for a simplified model that assume the production of pairs of long-lived gluinos that each decay via highly virtual light-flavour squarks to the neutralino and SM particles (T1qqqqLL). The figure represents a gluino lifetime of cτ0= 10 μm. The thick (thin) black solid line indicates the observed excluded region assuming the nominal (±1 standard deviation in theoretical uncertainty) production cross section. The red thick dashed (thin dashed and dotted) line indicates the median (±1 and 2 standard deviations in experimental uncertainty) expected excluded region. |
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Figure 4-c:
Observed upper limit in cross section at 95% CL (indicated by the colour scale) as a function of the ˜g and ˜χ01 masses for a simplified model that assume the production of pairs of long-lived gluinos that each decay via highly virtual light-flavour squarks to the neutralino and SM particles (T1qqqqLL). The figure represents a gluino lifetime of cτ0= 100 μm. The thick (thin) black solid line indicates the observed excluded region assuming the nominal (±1 standard deviation in theoretical uncertainty) production cross section. The red thick dashed (thin dashed and dotted) line indicates the median (±1 and 2 standard deviations in experimental uncertainty) expected excluded region. |
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Figure 4-d:
Observed upper limit in cross section at 95% CL (indicated by the colour scale) as a function of the ˜g and ˜χ01 masses for a simplified model that assume the production of pairs of long-lived gluinos that each decay via highly virtual light-flavour squarks to the neutralino and SM particles (T1qqqqLL). The figure represents a gluino lifetime of cτ0= 1 mm. The thick (thin) black solid line indicates the observed excluded region assuming the nominal (±1 standard deviation in theoretical uncertainty) production cross section. The red thick dashed (thin dashed and dotted) line indicates the median (±1 and 2 standard deviations in experimental uncertainty) expected excluded region. |
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Figure 4-e:
Observed upper limit in cross section at 95% CL (indicated by the colour scale) as a function of the ˜g and ˜χ01 masses for a simplified model that assume the production of pairs of long-lived gluinos that each decay via highly virtual light-flavour squarks to the neutralino and SM particles (T1qqqqLL). The figure represents a gluino lifetime of cτ0= 10 mm. The thick (thin) black solid line indicates the observed excluded region assuming the nominal (±1 standard deviation in theoretical uncertainty) production cross section. The red thick dashed (thin dashed and dotted) line indicates the median (±1 and 2 standard deviations in experimental uncertainty) expected excluded region. |
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Figure 4-f:
Observed upper limit in cross section at 95% CL (indicated by the colour scale) as a function of the ˜g and ˜χ01 masses for a simplified model that assume the production of pairs of long-lived gluinos that each decay via highly virtual light-flavour squarks to the neutralino and SM particles (T1qqqqLL). The figure represents a gluino lifetime of cτ0= 100 mm. The thick (thin) black solid line indicates the observed excluded region assuming the nominal (±1 standard deviation in theoretical uncertainty) production cross section. The red thick dashed (thin dashed and dotted) line indicates the median (±1 and 2 standard deviations in experimental uncertainty) expected excluded region. |
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Figure 4-g:
Observed upper limit in cross section at 95% CL (indicated by the colour scale) as a function of the ˜g and ˜χ01 masses for a simplified model that assume the production of pairs of long-lived gluinos that each decay via highly virtual light-flavour squarks to the neutralino and SM particles (T1qqqqLL). The figure represents a gluino lifetime of cτ0= 1 m. The thick (thin) black solid line indicates the observed excluded region assuming the nominal (±1 standard deviation in theoretical uncertainty) production cross section. The red thick dashed (thin dashed and dotted) line indicates the median (±1 and 2 standard deviations in experimental uncertainty) expected excluded region. |
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Figure 4-h:
Observed upper limit in cross section at 95% CL (indicated by the colour scale) as a function of the ˜g and ˜χ01 masses for a simplified model that assume the production of pairs of long-lived gluinos that each decay via highly virtual light-flavour squarks to the neutralino and SM particles (T1qqqqLL). The figure represents a gluino lifetime of cτ0= 10 m. The thick (thin) black solid line indicates the observed excluded region assuming the nominal (±1 standard deviation in theoretical uncertainty) production cross section. The red thick dashed (thin dashed and dotted) line indicates the median (±1 and 2 standard deviations in experimental uncertainty) expected excluded region. |
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Figure 4-i:
Observed upper limit in cross section at 95% CL (indicated by the colour scale) as a function of the ˜g and ˜χ01 masses for a simplified model that assume the production of pairs of long-lived gluinos that each decay via highly virtual light-flavour squarks to the neutralino and SM particles (T1qqqqLL). The figure represents a gluino lifetime of cτ0= 100 m. The thick (thin) black solid line indicates the observed excluded region assuming the nominal (±1 standard deviation in theoretical uncertainty) production cross section. The red thick dashed (thin dashed and dotted) line indicates the median (±1 and 2 standard deviations in experimental uncertainty) expected excluded region. |
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Figure 5:
Correlation matrix for the SM background estimates determined from the CR-only fit using the simplified binning schema defined in Table 7. |
Tables | |
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Table 1:
Summary of the physics object acceptances, the baseline event selection, the signal and control regions, and the event categorization schemas. The nominal categorization schema is defined in full in Appendix. |
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Table 2:
Systematic uncertainties in the ℓlost and Z→ν¯ν background evaluation. The quoted ranges are representative of the minimum and maximum variations observed across all bins of the signal region. Pairs of ranges are quoted for uncertainties determined from closure tests in data, which correspond to variations as a function of njet and HT, respectively. |
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Table 3:
Summary of the simplified SUSY models used to interpret the result of this search. |
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Table 4:
A list of benchmark simplified models organized according to production and decay modes (family), the Aε, representative values for some of the dominant sources of systematic uncertainty, and the expected and observed upper limits on the production cross section σUL relative to the theoretical value σth calculated at NLO+NLL accuracy. Additional uncertainties concerning the T1qqqqLL models are not listed here and are discussed in the text. |
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Table 5:
Summary of the mass limits obtained for each family of simplified models. The limits indicate the strongest observed mass exclusions for the parent SUSY particle (gluino or squark) and ˜χ01 . |
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Table 6:
Summary of the nominal (njet, nb, HT, HmissT) binning schema. Each entry (and the following entry, if present) signifies the lower (upper) bound of an HmissT bin within a given (njet, nb, HT) bin. Unique or final entries represent HmissT bins unbounded from above. A dash ({\text {--}}) signifies that the HT bin in a given (njet, nb) category is not used in the analysis, in which case counts in high-HT bins are integrated into the adjacent lower-HT bin. For monojet events, HT≡HmissT. The "a" denotes asymmetric pT thresholds for the two highest pT jets. |
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Table 7:
Observed counts of candidate signal events and SM expectations determined from the CR-only fit using the simplified binning schema, as a function of njet, nb, and HmissT. All counts are integrated over HT. The uncertainties include both statistical and systematic contributions. The "a" denotes asymmetric pT thresholds for the two highest pT jets. |
Summary |
A search for supersymmetry with the CMS experiment is reported, based on a data sample of pp collisions collected in 2016 at √s= 13 TeV that corresponds to an integrated luminosity of 35.9 ± 0.9 fb−1 . Final states with jets and significant missing transverse momentum →pmissT, as expected from the production and decay of massive gluinos and squarks, are considered. Signal events are categorized according to the number of reconstructed jets, the number of jets identified as originating from bottom quarks, and the scalar and vector sums of the transverse momenta of jets. The standard model background is estimated from a binned likelihood fit to event yields in the signal region and data control samples. The observed yields in the signal region are found to be in agreement with the expected contributions from standard model processes. Supplemental material is provided to aid further interpretation of the result in Appendix. Limits are determined in the parameter spaces of simplified models that assume the production and prompt decay of gluino or squark pairs. The strongest exclusion bounds (95% confidence level) for squark masses are 1050, 1000, and 1325 GeV for bottom, top, and mass-degenerate light-flavour squarks, respectively. The corresponding mass bounds on the neutralino ˜χ01 from squark decays are 500, 400, and 575 GeV. The gluino mass is probed up to 1900, 1650, and 1650 GeV when the gluino decays via virtual states of the aforementioned squarks. The strongest mass bound on the ˜χ01 from the gluino decay is 1150 GeV. Sensitivity to simplified models inspired by split supersymmetry is also demonstrated. These models assume the production of long-lived gluino pairs that decay to final states containing displaced jets and →pmissT from the undetected ˜χ01 particles. The long-lived gluino, with an assumed proper decay length cτ0, is expected to hadronize with SM particles and form a bound state known as an R-hadron. The model-dependent matter interactions of R-hadrons are not considered by default. The sensitivity of this search is only moderately dependent on these matter interactions for models with cτ0> 1 m, while no dependence is found for models with cτ0 below 1 m. Models that assume a ˜χ01 mass of 100 GeV and gluino masses up to 1600 GeV are excluded for a proper decay length cτ0 below 0.1 mm. The bound on the gluino mass strengthens to 1750 GeV at cτ0= 1 mm, before weakening to 900-1000 GeV for models with cτ0> 10 m. For all values of cτ0 considered, the exclusion bounds on the gluino mass weaken to about 1 TeV when the difference between the gluino and ˜χ01 mass is small. The search provides coverage of the cτ0 parameter space for models involving long-lived gluinos, such as the region cτ0< 1 mm, that is complementary to the coverage provided by dedicated techniques at the LHC. |
Additional Figures | |
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Additional Figure 1:
Graphical representation of the production and decay of supersymmetric particles in the T1qqqq model. |
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Additional Figure 2:
Graphical representation of the production and decay of supersymmetric particles in the T2qq model. |
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Additional Figure 3:
Graphical representation of the production and decay of supersymmetric particles in the T1bbbb model. |
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Additional Figure 4:
Graphical representation of the production and decay of supersymmetric particles in the T1tttt model. |
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Additional Figure 5:
Graphical representation of the production and decay of supersymmetric particles in the T2bb model. |
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Additional Figure 6:
Graphical representation of the production and decay of supersymmetric particles in the T2tt model. |
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Additional Figure 7:
Graphical representation of the production and decay of supersymmetric particles in the T2cc model. |
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Additional Figure 8:
The αT distribution in data and simulation for events satisfying the baseline selection criteria plus the additional requirements njet≥ 2, pTj2> 100 GeV, and HT> 900 GeV. The statistical uncertainties for the multijet and SM expectations are represented by the hatched areas (visible only for statistically limited bins). The final bin of this distribution contains the overflow events. |
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Additional Figure 9:
The Δϕ∗min distribution in data and simulation for events satisfying the baseline selection criteria plus the additional requirements njet≥ 2, pTj2> 100 GeV, and HT> 900 GeV. The statistical uncertainties for the multijet and SM expectations are represented by the hatched areas (visible only for statistically limited bins). The final bin of this distribution contains the overflow events. |
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Additional Figure 10:
Covariance matrix for the SM background estimates determined from the CR-only fit using the simplified binning schema defined in the paper. |
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Additional Figure 11:
Counts of signal events (solid markers) and SM expectations with associated uncertainties (statistical and systematic, black histograms and shaded bands) as determined from the CR-only fit for the simplified binning scheme. The centre panel shows the ratios of observed counts and the SM expectations, while the lower panel shows the significance of deviations observed in data with respect to the SM expectations expressed in terms of the total uncertainty in the SM expectations. |
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Additional Figure 12:
Counts of signal events (solid markers) and SM expectations with associated uncertainties (statistical and systematic, black histograms and shaded bands) as determined by the full fit to signal and control regions. for the simplified binning scheme. The centre panel shows the ratios of observed counts and the SM expectations, while the lower panel shows the significance of deviations observed in data with respect to the SM expectations expressed in terms of the total uncertainty in the SM expectations. |
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Additional Figure 13:
Counts of signal events (solid markers) and SM expectations with associated uncertainties (statistical and systematic, black histograms and shaded bands) as determined by the full fit to signal and control regions. as a function of nb,HT, and HmissT for the event categories njet= 1 and ≥2a (a), =2 (b), and =3 (c). The centre panel shows the ratios of observed counts and the SM expectations, while the lower panel shows the significance of deviations observed in data with respect to the SM expectations expressed in terms of the total uncertainty in the SM expectations. |
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Additional Figure 13-a:
Counts of signal events (solid markers) and SM expectations with associated uncertainties (statistical and systematic, black histograms and shaded bands) as determined by the full fit to signal and control regions. as a function of nb,HT, and HmissT for the event categories njet= 1 and ≥2a (a), =2 (b), and =3 (c). The centre panel shows the ratios of observed counts and the SM expectations, while the lower panel shows the significance of deviations observed in data with respect to the SM expectations expressed in terms of the total uncertainty in the SM expectations. |
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Additional Figure 13-b:
Counts of signal events (solid markers) and SM expectations with associated uncertainties (statistical and systematic, black histograms and shaded bands) as determined by the full fit to signal and control regions. as a function of nb,HT, and HmissT for the event categories njet= 1 and ≥2a (a), =2 (b), and =3 (c). The centre panel shows the ratios of observed counts and the SM expectations, while the lower panel shows the significance of deviations observed in data with respect to the SM expectations expressed in terms of the total uncertainty in the SM expectations. |
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Additional Figure 13-c:
Counts of signal events (solid markers) and SM expectations with associated uncertainties (statistical and systematic, black histograms and shaded bands) as determined by the full fit to signal and control regions. as a function of nb,HT, and HmissT for the event categories njet= 1 and ≥2a (a), =2 (b), and =3 (c). The centre panel shows the ratios of observed counts and the SM expectations, while the lower panel shows the significance of deviations observed in data with respect to the SM expectations expressed in terms of the total uncertainty in the SM expectations. |
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Additional Figure 14:
Counts of signal events (solid markers) and SM expectations with associated uncertainties (statistical and systematic, black histograms and shaded bands) as determined by the full fit to signal and control regions. as a function of nb,HT, and HmissT for the event categories njet= 4 (a), = 5 (b), and ≥ 6 (c). The centre panel shows the ratios of observed counts and the SM expectations, while the lower panel shows the significance of deviations observed in data with respect to the SM expectations expressed in terms of the total uncertainty in the SM expectations. |
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Additional Figure 14-a:
Counts of signal events (solid markers) and SM expectations with associated uncertainties (statistical and systematic, black histograms and shaded bands) as determined by the full fit to signal and control regions. as a function of nb,HT, and HmissT for the event categories njet= 4 (a), = 5 (b), and ≥ 6 (c). The centre panel shows the ratios of observed counts and the SM expectations, while the lower panel shows the significance of deviations observed in data with respect to the SM expectations expressed in terms of the total uncertainty in the SM expectations. |
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Additional Figure 14-b:
Counts of signal events (solid markers) and SM expectations with associated uncertainties (statistical and systematic, black histograms and shaded bands) as determined by the full fit to signal and control regions. as a function of nb,HT, and HmissT for the event categories njet= 4 (a), = 5 (b), and ≥ 6 (c). The centre panel shows the ratios of observed counts and the SM expectations, while the lower panel shows the significance of deviations observed in data with respect to the SM expectations expressed in terms of the total uncertainty in the SM expectations. |
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Additional Figure 14-c:
Counts of signal events (solid markers) and SM expectations with associated uncertainties (statistical and systematic, black histograms and shaded bands) as determined by the full fit to signal and control regions. as a function of nb,HT, and HmissT for the event categories njet= 4 (a), = 5 (b), and ≥ 6 (c). The centre panel shows the ratios of observed counts and the SM expectations, while the lower panel shows the significance of deviations observed in data with respect to the SM expectations expressed in terms of the total uncertainty in the SM expectations. |
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Additional Figure 15:
(a) Observed upper limit in cross section at 95% CL (indicated by the colour scale) as a function of the ˜g and ˜χ01 masses for the T1qqqq simplified model. The black solid thick (thin) line indicates the observed excluded region assuming the nominal (±1 standard deviation in theoretical uncertainty) production cross section. The red dashed thick (thin) line indicates the median (±1 standard deviation in experimental uncertainty) expected excluded region. (b) The signal acceptance times efficiency as a function of the ˜g and ˜χ01 masses following the application of the event selection criteria for the signal region. |
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Additional Figure 15-a:
(a) Observed upper limit in cross section at 95% CL (indicated by the colour scale) as a function of the ˜g and ˜χ01 masses for the T1qqqq simplified model. The black solid thick (thin) line indicates the observed excluded region assuming the nominal (±1 standard deviation in theoretical uncertainty) production cross section. The red dashed thick (thin) line indicates the median (±1 standard deviation in experimental uncertainty) expected excluded region. (b) The signal acceptance times efficiency as a function of the ˜g and ˜χ01 masses following the application of the event selection criteria for the signal region. |
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Additional Figure 15-b:
(a) Observed upper limit in cross section at 95% CL (indicated by the colour scale) as a function of the ˜g and ˜χ01 masses for the T1qqqq simplified model. The black solid thick (thin) line indicates the observed excluded region assuming the nominal (±1 standard deviation in theoretical uncertainty) production cross section. The red dashed thick (thin) line indicates the median (±1 standard deviation in experimental uncertainty) expected excluded region. (b) The signal acceptance times efficiency as a function of the ˜g and ˜χ01 masses following the application of the event selection criteria for the signal region. |
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Additional Figure 16:
(a) Observed upper limit in cross section at 95% CL (indicated by the colour scale) as a function of the ˜g and ˜χ01 masses for the T1bbbb simplified model. The black solid thick (thin) line indicates the observed excluded region assuming the nominal (±1 standard deviation in theoretical uncertainty) production cross section. The red dashed thick (thin) line indicates the median (±1 standard deviation in experimental uncertainty) expected excluded region. (b) The signal acceptance times efficiency as a function of the ˜g and ˜χ01 masses following the application of the event selection criteria for the signal region. |
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Additional Figure 16-a:
(a) Observed upper limit in cross section at 95% CL (indicated by the colour scale) as a function of the ˜g and ˜χ01 masses for the T1bbbb simplified model. The black solid thick (thin) line indicates the observed excluded region assuming the nominal (±1 standard deviation in theoretical uncertainty) production cross section. The red dashed thick (thin) line indicates the median (±1 standard deviation in experimental uncertainty) expected excluded region. (b) The signal acceptance times efficiency as a function of the ˜g and ˜χ01 masses following the application of the event selection criteria for the signal region. |
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Additional Figure 16-b:
(a) Observed upper limit in cross section at 95% CL (indicated by the colour scale) as a function of the ˜g and ˜χ01 masses for the T1bbbb simplified model. The black solid thick (thin) line indicates the observed excluded region assuming the nominal (±1 standard deviation in theoretical uncertainty) production cross section. The red dashed thick (thin) line indicates the median (±1 standard deviation in experimental uncertainty) expected excluded region. (b) The signal acceptance times efficiency as a function of the ˜g and ˜χ01 masses following the application of the event selection criteria for the signal region. |
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Additional Figure 17:
(a) Observed upper limit in cross section at 95% CL (indicated by the colour scale) as a function of the ˜g and ˜χ01 masses for the T1tttt simplified model. The black solid thick (thin) line indicates the observed excluded region assuming the nominal (±1 standard deviation in theoretical uncertainty) production cross section. The red dashed thick (thin) line indicates the median (±1 standard deviation in experimental uncertainty) expected excluded region. An electronic version of this figure is available as CMS-SUS-16-038\_Figure-aux\_017-a.root. (b) The signal acceptance times efficiency as a function of the ˜g and ˜χ01 masses following the application of the event selection criteria for the signal region. |
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Additional Figure 17-a:
(a) Observed upper limit in cross section at 95% CL (indicated by the colour scale) as a function of the ˜g and ˜χ01 masses for the T1tttt simplified model. The black solid thick (thin) line indicates the observed excluded region assuming the nominal (±1 standard deviation in theoretical uncertainty) production cross section. The red dashed thick (thin) line indicates the median (±1 standard deviation in experimental uncertainty) expected excluded region. An electronic version of this figure is available as CMS-SUS-16-038\_Figure-aux\_017-a.root. (b) The signal acceptance times efficiency as a function of the ˜g and ˜χ01 masses following the application of the event selection criteria for the signal region. -a |
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Additional Figure 17-b:
(a) Observed upper limit in cross section at 95% CL (indicated by the colour scale) as a function of the ˜g and ˜χ01 masses for the T1tttt simplified model. The black solid thick (thin) line indicates the observed excluded region assuming the nominal (±1 standard deviation in theoretical uncertainty) production cross section. The red dashed thick (thin) line indicates the median (±1 standard deviation in experimental uncertainty) expected excluded region. An electronic version of this figure is available as CMS-SUS-16-038\_Figure-aux\_017-a.root. (b) The signal acceptance times efficiency as a function of the ˜g and ˜χ01 masses following the application of the event selection criteria for the signal region. -b |
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Additional Figure 18:
(a) Observed upper limit in cross section at 95% CL (indicated by the colour scale) as a function of the ˜b and ˜χ01 masses for the T2bb simplified model. The black solid thick (thin) line indicates the observed excluded region assuming the nominal (±1 standard deviation in theoretical uncertainty) production cross section. The red dashed thick (thin) line indicates the median (±1 standard deviation in experimental uncertainty) expected excluded region. An electronic version of this figure is available as CMS-SUS-16-038\_Figure-aux\_018-a.root. (b) The signal acceptance times efficiency as a function of the ˜b and ˜χ01 masses following the application of the event selection criteria for the signal region. |
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Additional Figure 18-a:
(a) Observed upper limit in cross section at 95% CL (indicated by the colour scale) as a function of the ˜b and ˜χ01 masses for the T2bb simplified model. The black solid thick (thin) line indicates the observed excluded region assuming the nominal (±1 standard deviation in theoretical uncertainty) production cross section. The red dashed thick (thin) line indicates the median (±1 standard deviation in experimental uncertainty) expected excluded region. An electronic version of this figure is available as CMS-SUS-16-038\_Figure-aux\_018-a.root. (b) The signal acceptance times efficiency as a function of the ˜b and ˜χ01 masses following the application of the event selection criteria for the signal region. -a |
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Additional Figure 18-b:
(a) Observed upper limit in cross section at 95% CL (indicated by the colour scale) as a function of the ˜b and ˜χ01 masses for the T2bb simplified model. The black solid thick (thin) line indicates the observed excluded region assuming the nominal (±1 standard deviation in theoretical uncertainty) production cross section. The red dashed thick (thin) line indicates the median (±1 standard deviation in experimental uncertainty) expected excluded region. An electronic version of this figure is available as CMS-SUS-16-038\_Figure-aux\_018-a.root. (b) The signal acceptance times efficiency as a function of the ˜b and ˜χ01 masses following the application of the event selection criteria for the signal region. -b |
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Additional Figure 19:
(a) Observed upper limit in cross section at 95% CL (indicated by the colour scale) as a function of the ˜t and ˜χ01 masses for the T2tt simplified model. The black solid thick (thin) line indicates the observed excluded region assuming the nominal (±1 standard deviation in theoretical uncertainty) production cross section. The red dashed thick (thin) line indicates the median (±1 standard deviation in experimental uncertainty) expected excluded region. An electronic version of this figure is available as CMS-SUS-16-038\_Figure-aux\_019-a.root. (b) The signal acceptance times efficiency as a function of the ˜t and ˜χ01 masses following the application of the event selection criteria for the signal region. |
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Additional Figure 19-a:
(a) Observed upper limit in cross section at 95% CL (indicated by the colour scale) as a function of the ˜t and ˜χ01 masses for the T2tt simplified model. The black solid thick (thin) line indicates the observed excluded region assuming the nominal (±1 standard deviation in theoretical uncertainty) production cross section. The red dashed thick (thin) line indicates the median (±1 standard deviation in experimental uncertainty) expected excluded region. An electronic version of this figure is available as CMS-SUS-16-038\_Figure-aux\_019-a.root. (b) The signal acceptance times efficiency as a function of the ˜t and ˜χ01 masses following the application of the event selection criteria for the signal region. -a |
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Additional Figure 19-b:
(a) Observed upper limit in cross section at 95% CL (indicated by the colour scale) as a function of the ˜t and ˜χ01 masses for the T2tt simplified model. The black solid thick (thin) line indicates the observed excluded region assuming the nominal (±1 standard deviation in theoretical uncertainty) production cross section. The red dashed thick (thin) line indicates the median (±1 standard deviation in experimental uncertainty) expected excluded region. An electronic version of this figure is available as CMS-SUS-16-038\_Figure-aux\_019-a.root. (b) The signal acceptance times efficiency as a function of the ˜t and ˜χ01 masses following the application of the event selection criteria for the signal region. -b |
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Additional Figure 20:
(a) Observed upper limit in cross section at 95% CL (indicated by the colour scale) as a function of the ˜t and ˜χ01 masses for the T2cc simplified model. The black solid thick (thin) line indicates the observed excluded region assuming the nominal (±1 standard deviation in theoretical uncertainty) production cross section. The red dashed thick (thin) line indicates the median (±1 standard deviation in experimental uncertainty) expected excluded region. An electronic version of this figure is available as CMS-SUS-16-038\_Figure-aux\_020-a.root. (b) The signal acceptance times efficiency as a function of the ˜t and ˜χ01 masses following the application of the event selection criteria for the signal region. |
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Additional Figure 20-a:
(a) Observed upper limit in cross section at 95% CL (indicated by the colour scale) as a function of the ˜t and ˜χ01 masses for the T2cc simplified model. The black solid thick (thin) line indicates the observed excluded region assuming the nominal (±1 standard deviation in theoretical uncertainty) production cross section. The red dashed thick (thin) line indicates the median (±1 standard deviation in experimental uncertainty) expected excluded region. An electronic version of this figure is available as CMS-SUS-16-038\_Figure-aux\_020-a.root. (b) The signal acceptance times efficiency as a function of the ˜t and ˜χ01 masses following the application of the event selection criteria for the signal region. -a |
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Additional Figure 20-b:
(a) Observed upper limit in cross section at 95% CL (indicated by the colour scale) as a function of the ˜t and ˜χ01 masses for the T2cc simplified model. The black solid thick (thin) line indicates the observed excluded region assuming the nominal (±1 standard deviation in theoretical uncertainty) production cross section. The red dashed thick (thin) line indicates the median (±1 standard deviation in experimental uncertainty) expected excluded region. An electronic version of this figure is available as CMS-SUS-16-038\_Figure-aux\_020-a.root. (b) The signal acceptance times efficiency as a function of the ˜t and ˜χ01 masses following the application of the event selection criteria for the signal region. -b |
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Additional Figure 21:
(a) Observed upper limit in cross section at 95% CL (indicated by the colour scale) as a function of the ˜q and ˜χ01 masses for the T2qq simplified model. The black solid thick (thin) line indicates the observed excluded region assuming the nominal (±1 standard deviation in theoretical uncertainty) production cross section. The red dashed thick (thin) line indicates the median (±1 standard deviation in experimental uncertainty) expected excluded region. An electronic version of this figure is available as CMS-SUS-16-038\_Figure-aux\_021-a.root. (b) The signal acceptance times efficiency as a function of the ˜q and ˜χ01 masses following the application of the event selection criteria for the signal region. |
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Additional Figure 21-a:
(a) Observed upper limit in cross section at 95% CL (indicated by the colour scale) as a function of the ˜q and ˜χ01 masses for the T2qq simplified model. The black solid thick (thin) line indicates the observed excluded region assuming the nominal (±1 standard deviation in theoretical uncertainty) production cross section. The red dashed thick (thin) line indicates the median (±1 standard deviation in experimental uncertainty) expected excluded region. An electronic version of this figure is available as CMS-SUS-16-038\_Figure-aux\_021-a.root. (b) The signal acceptance times efficiency as a function of the ˜q and ˜χ01 masses following the application of the event selection criteria for the signal region. -a |
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Additional Figure 21-b:
(a) Observed upper limit in cross section at 95% CL (indicated by the colour scale) as a function of the ˜q and ˜χ01 masses for the T2qq simplified model. The black solid thick (thin) line indicates the observed excluded region assuming the nominal (±1 standard deviation in theoretical uncertainty) production cross section. The red dashed thick (thin) line indicates the median (±1 standard deviation in experimental uncertainty) expected excluded region. An electronic version of this figure is available as CMS-SUS-16-038\_Figure-aux\_021-a.root. (b) The signal acceptance times efficiency as a function of the ˜q and ˜χ01 masses following the application of the event selection criteria for the signal region. -b |
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Additional Figure 22:
(a) Observed upper limit in cross section at 95% CL (indicated by the colour scale) as a function of the ˜g and ˜χ01 masses for the T1qqqq split-SUSY model with meta-stable gluinos. The black solid thick (thin) line indicates the observed excluded region assuming the nominal (±1 standard deviation in theoretical uncertainty) production cross section. The red dashed thick (thin) line indicates the median (±1 standard deviation in experimental uncertainty) expected excluded region. An electronic version of this figure is available as CMS-SUS-16-038\_Figure-aux\_022-a.root. (b) The signal acceptance times efficiency as a function of the tildeg and ˜χ01 masses following the application of the event selection criteria for the signal region. |
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Additional Figure 22-a:
(a) Observed upper limit in cross section at 95% CL (indicated by the colour scale) as a function of the ˜g and ˜χ01 masses for the T1qqqq split-SUSY model with meta-stable gluinos. The black solid thick (thin) line indicates the observed excluded region assuming the nominal (±1 standard deviation in theoretical uncertainty) production cross section. The red dashed thick (thin) line indicates the median (±1 standard deviation in experimental uncertainty) expected excluded region. An electronic version of this figure is available as CMS-SUS-16-038\_Figure-aux\_022-a.root. (b) The signal acceptance times efficiency as a function of the tildeg and ˜χ01 masses following the application of the event selection criteria for the signal region. -a |
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Additional Figure 22-b:
(a) Observed upper limit in cross section at 95% CL (indicated by the colour scale) as a function of the ˜g and ˜χ01 masses for the T1qqqq split-SUSY model with meta-stable gluinos. The black solid thick (thin) line indicates the observed excluded region assuming the nominal (±1 standard deviation in theoretical uncertainty) production cross section. The red dashed thick (thin) line indicates the median (±1 standard deviation in experimental uncertainty) expected excluded region. An electronic version of this figure is available as CMS-SUS-16-038\_Figure-aux\_022-a.root. (b) The signal acceptance times efficiency as a function of the tildeg and ˜χ01 masses following the application of the event selection criteria for the signal region. -b |
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Additional Figure 23:
The signal acceptance times efficiency as a function of the ˜g and ˜χ01 masses for simplified models that assume the production of pairs of long-lived gluinos that each decay via highly virtual light-flavour squarks to the neutralino and SM particles (T1qqqqLL). Each subfigure represents a different gluino lifetime: cτ0= 1 (a), 10 (b), and 100 m (c); 1 (d), 10 (e), and 100 mm (f); and 1 (g), 10 (h), and 100 m (j). |
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Additional Figure 23-a:
The signal acceptance times efficiency as a function of the ˜g and ˜χ01 masses for simplified models that assume the production of pairs of long-lived gluinos that each decay via highly virtual light-flavour squarks to the neutralino and SM particles (T1qqqqLL). Each subfigure represents a different gluino lifetime: cτ0= 1 (a), 10 (b), and 100 m (c); 1 (d), 10 (e), and 100 mm (f); and 1 (g), 10 (h), and 100 m (j). |
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Additional Figure 23-b:
The signal acceptance times efficiency as a function of the ˜g and ˜χ01 masses for simplified models that assume the production of pairs of long-lived gluinos that each decay via highly virtual light-flavour squarks to the neutralino and SM particles (T1qqqqLL). Each subfigure represents a different gluino lifetime: cτ0= 1 (a), 10 (b), and 100 m (c); 1 (d), 10 (e), and 100 mm (f); and 1 (g), 10 (h), and 100 m (j). |
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Additional Figure 23-c:
The signal acceptance times efficiency as a function of the ˜g and ˜χ01 masses for simplified models that assume the production of pairs of long-lived gluinos that each decay via highly virtual light-flavour squarks to the neutralino and SM particles (T1qqqqLL). Each subfigure represents a different gluino lifetime: cτ0= 1 (a), 10 (b), and 100 m (c); 1 (d), 10 (e), and 100 mm (f); and 1 (g), 10 (h), and 100 m (j). |
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Additional Figure 23-d:
The signal acceptance times efficiency as a function of the ˜g and ˜χ01 masses for simplified models that assume the production of pairs of long-lived gluinos that each decay via highly virtual light-flavour squarks to the neutralino and SM particles (T1qqqqLL). Each subfigure represents a different gluino lifetime: cτ0= 1 (a), 10 (b), and 100 m (c); 1 (d), 10 (e), and 100 mm (f); and 1 (g), 10 (h), and 100 m (j). |
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Additional Figure 23-e:
The signal acceptance times efficiency as a function of the ˜g and ˜χ01 masses for simplified models that assume the production of pairs of long-lived gluinos that each decay via highly virtual light-flavour squarks to the neutralino and SM particles (T1qqqqLL). Each subfigure represents a different gluino lifetime: cτ0= 1 (a), 10 (b), and 100 m (c); 1 (d), 10 (e), and 100 mm (f); and 1 (g), 10 (h), and 100 m (j). |
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Additional Figure 23-f:
The signal acceptance times efficiency as a function of the ˜g and ˜χ01 masses for simplified models that assume the production of pairs of long-lived gluinos that each decay via highly virtual light-flavour squarks to the neutralino and SM particles (T1qqqqLL). Each subfigure represents a different gluino lifetime: cτ0= 1 (a), 10 (b), and 100 m (c); 1 (d), 10 (e), and 100 mm (f); and 1 (g), 10 (h), and 100 m (j). |
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Additional Figure 23-g:
The signal acceptance times efficiency as a function of the ˜g and ˜χ01 masses for simplified models that assume the production of pairs of long-lived gluinos that each decay via highly virtual light-flavour squarks to the neutralino and SM particles (T1qqqqLL). Each subfigure represents a different gluino lifetime: cτ0= 1 (a), 10 (b), and 100 m (c); 1 (d), 10 (e), and 100 mm (f); and 1 (g), 10 (h), and 100 m (j). |
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Additional Figure 23-h:
The signal acceptance times efficiency as a function of the ˜g and ˜χ01 masses for simplified models that assume the production of pairs of long-lived gluinos that each decay via highly virtual light-flavour squarks to the neutralino and SM particles (T1qqqqLL). Each subfigure represents a different gluino lifetime: cτ0= 1 (a), 10 (b), and 100 m (c); 1 (d), 10 (e), and 100 mm (f); and 1 (g), 10 (h), and 100 m (j). |
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Additional Figure 23-i:
The signal acceptance times efficiency as a function of the ˜g and ˜χ01 masses for simplified models that assume the production of pairs of long-lived gluinos that each decay via highly virtual light-flavour squarks to the neutralino and SM particles (T1qqqqLL). Each subfigure represents a different gluino lifetime: cτ0= 1 (a), 10 (b), and 100 m (c); 1 (d), 10 (e), and 100 mm (f); and 1 (g), 10 (h), and 100 m (j). |
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Additional Figure 24:
Observed and expected mass exclusions at 95% CL (indicated, respectively, by solid and dashed contours) for simplified models with an intermediate squark. Five model families involve the direct pair production of squarks. The first scenario considers the pair production and decay of bottom squarks (T2bb). Two scenarios involve the production and decay of top squark pairs (T2tt and T2cc). The grey shaded region denotes T2tt models that are not considered for interpretation. Two further scenarios involve, respectively, the production and decay of light-flavour squarks, with different assumptions on the mass degeneracy of the squarks as described in the text (T2qq\_8fold and T2qq\_1fold). |
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Additional Figure 25:
Observed and expected mass exclusions at 95% CL (indicated, respectively, by solid and dashed contours) for simplified models that assume the production of pairs of long-lived gluinos that each decay via highly virtual light-flavour squarks to the neutralino and SM particles (T1qqqqLL). The mass exclusion contours are shown for each value of the gluino proper decay length cτ0 considered by this search. |
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Additional Figure 26:
Observed and expected gluino mass exclusions at 95% CL (indicated, respectively, by solid and dashed contours) for simplified models that assume the production of pairs of long-lived gluinos that each decay via highly virtual light-flavour squarks to the neutralino and SM particles (T1qqqqLL). The gluino mass exclusions are shown for two different assumptions on the neutralino mass and as a function of the gluino proper decay length cτ0. The prompt and stable values refer to the mass exclusions obtained with the T1qqqq and T1qqqqLL metastable (cτ0=1018 mm) scenarios, respectively. |
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Additional Figure 27:
Counts of events in the signal region from data (solid markers), SM expectations with associated uncertainties (statistical and systematic, black histograms and shaded bands) as determined from the CR-only fit, and the predicted signal shape and uncertainty assuming a production cross section calculated at NLO+NLL accuracy for the T2bb benchmark model with (m˜b, m˜χ01)= (550, 450) GeV (magenta histogram and shaded band), as a function of njet, nb, HT, and HmissT using the simplified binning schema. The centre panel of each subfigure shows the ratios of observed counts and the SM expectations, while the lower panel shows the significance of deviations observed in data with respect to the SM expectations expressed in terms of the total uncertainty in the SM expectations. |
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Additional Figure 28:
Counts of events in the signal region from data (solid markers), SM expectations with associated uncertainties (statistical and systematic, black histograms and shaded bands) as determined from the CR-only fit, and the predicted signal shape and uncertainty assuming a production cross section calculated at NLO+NLL accuracy for the T2cc benchmark model with (m˜t, m˜χ01) = (500, 480) GeV (magenta histogram and shaded band), as a function of njet, nb, HT, and HmissT using the simplified binning schema. The centre panel of each subfigure shows the ratios of observed counts and the SM expectations, while the lower panel shows the significance of deviations observed in data with respect to the SM expectations expressed in terms of the total uncertainty in the SM expectations. |
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Additional Figure 29:
Counts of events in the signal region from data (solid markers), SM expectations with associated uncertainties (statistical and systematic, black histograms and shaded bands) as determined from the CR-only fit, and the predicted signal shape and uncertainty assuming a production cross section calculated at NLO+NLL accuracy for the T1bbbb benchmark model with (m˜g, m˜χ01)= (1900, 100) GeV (magenta histogram and shaded band), as a function of njet, nb, HT, and HmissT using the simplified binning schema. The centre panel of each subfigure shows the ratios of observed counts and the SM expectations, while the lower panel shows the significance of deviations observed in data with respect to the SM expectations expressed in terms of the total uncertainty in the SM expectations. |
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Additional Figure 30:
Counts of events in the signal region from data (solid markers), SM expectations with associated uncertainties (statistical and systematic, black histograms and shaded bands) as determined from the CR-only fit, and the predicted signal shape and uncertainty assuming a production cross section calculated at NLO+NLL accuracy for the T1qqqqLL benchmark model with cτ0=1\nobreakspace {}mm, (m˜g, m˜χ01)= (1800, 200) GeV (magenta histogram and shaded band), as a function of njet, nb, HT, and HmissT using the simplified binning schema. The centre panel of each subfigure shows the ratios of observed counts and the SM expectations, while the lower panel shows the significance of deviations observed in data with respect to the SM expectations expressed in terms of the total uncertainty in the SM expectations. |
Additional Tables | |
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Additional Table 1:
A list of benchmark simplified models organized according to production and decay modes (family), and the expected and observed upper limits on the production cross section σUL relative to the theoretical value σth calculated at NLO+NLL accuracy. See the paper for a discussion of the uncertainties and signal acceptance times efficiency |
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Additional Table 2:
A summary of the cumulative signal acceptance times efficiency, Aϵ [%], for various benchmark models found in Table 4 of the paper, following the successive application of the event selection criteria used to define the signal region. See discussion and Table 1 in the paper for detailed descriptions of the selection. |
To help with re-interpretation of these results the following information is made available in machine-readable formats:
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Compact Muon Solenoid LHC, CERN |
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