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Performance of missing energy reconstruction in 13 TeV pp collision data using the CMS detector
Abstract: The performance of missing transverse momentum reconstruction algorithms is presented using 13 TeV pp collision data collected with the CMS detector in 2016, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 12.9 fb1. Events with anomalous missing transverse momentum are studied, and the performance of algorithms used to identify and remove those events is presented. The scale and resolution for missing transverse momentum and the performance of advanced missing transverse momentum algorithms are measured using events with an identified Z boson or isolated photon.
Figures Summary References CMS Publications

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Figure 1-a:
Multiplicity of reconstructed vertices for Zμ+μ and Ze+e candidate events.

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Figure 1-b:
Multiplicity of reconstructed vertices for Zμ+μ and Ze+e candidate events.

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Figure 2-a:
Distributions of Z/γ transverse momentum in Zμ+μ (a), Ze+e (b), and isolated photon events (c). The last bin contains overflow content. The top contribution corresponds to the top pair and single top production processes. The EWK contribution corresponds to the diboson, Zγ and Wγ production processes.

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Figure 2-b:
Distributions of Z/γ transverse momentum in Zμ+μ (a), Ze+e (b), and isolated photon events (c). The last bin contains overflow content. The top contribution corresponds to the top pair and single top production processes. The EWK contribution corresponds to the diboson, Zγ and Wγ production processes.

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Figure 2-c:
Distributions of Z/γ transverse momentum in Zμ+μ (a), Ze+e (b), and isolated photon events (c). The last bin contains overflow content. The top contribution corresponds to the top pair and single top production processes. The EWK contribution corresponds to the diboson, Zγ and Wγ production processes.

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Figure 3-a:
The HLT uncorrected and jet energy scale corrected EmissT trigger efficiencies as a function of generated EmissT (a) and the offline corrected EmissT (b).

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Figure 3-b:
The HLT uncorrected and jet energy scale corrected EmissT trigger efficiencies as a function of generated EmissT (a) and the offline corrected EmissT (b).

Figure 4:
Event display for a beam halo event with collinear hits in the CSC (black), EmissT of 250 GeV and a jet of 232 GeV. The hadronic deposit is spread in η but it is narrow in ϕ.

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Figure 5:
The EmissT distributions for events passing the dijet selection with the 2016 cleaning algorithms applied including the one based on jet identification requirements (filled markers), without the 2016 cleaning algorithms applied (open markers), and from simulation (filled histograms). The top quark contribution corresponds to the top pair and single-top production processes. The EWK contribution corresponds to Z, Zνν, Wν and diboson processes.

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Figure 6-a:
Distributions of EmissT in Zμ+μ (a), Ze+e (b), and isolated photon events (c). The points in the lower panel of each plot show the data/MC ratio, including the statistical uncertainties of both data and simulation. The systematic uncertainty due to the jet energy corrections and the systematic uncertainty in the unclustered energy is also displayed on the ratio. The last bin contains overflow content. The top contribution corresponds to the top pair and single top production processes. The EWK contribution corresponds to the diboson, Zγ and Wγ production processes.

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Figure 6-b:
Distributions of EmissT in Zμ+μ (a), Ze+e (b), and isolated photon events (c). The points in the lower panel of each plot show the data/MC ratio, including the statistical uncertainties of both data and simulation. The systematic uncertainty due to the jet energy corrections and the systematic uncertainty in the unclustered energy is also displayed on the ratio. The last bin contains overflow content. The top contribution corresponds to the top pair and single top production processes. The EWK contribution corresponds to the diboson, Zγ and Wγ production processes.

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Figure 6-c:
Distributions of EmissT in Zμ+μ (a), Ze+e (b), and isolated photon events (c). The points in the lower panel of each plot show the data/MC ratio, including the statistical uncertainties of both data and simulation. The systematic uncertainty due to the jet energy corrections and the systematic uncertainty in the unclustered energy is also displayed on the ratio. The last bin contains overflow content. The top contribution corresponds to the top pair and single top production processes. The EWK contribution corresponds to the diboson, Zγ and Wγ production processes.

Figure 7-a:
Illustration of Z+ (a) and photon (b) event kinematics in the transverse plane. The vector uT denotes the vectorial sum of all particles reconstructed in the event except for the two leptons from the Z decay (a) or the photon (b).

Figure 7-b:
Illustration of Z+ (a) and photon (b) event kinematics in the transverse plane. The vector uT denotes the vectorial sum of all particles reconstructed in the event except for the two leptons from the Z decay (a) or the photon (b).

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Figure 8-a:
Distributions of the parallel and perpendicular components of the hadronic recoil, in data (filled markers) and simulation for Zμ+μ (a,b), Ze+e (c,d) and γ (e,f) events. The points in the lower panel of each plot show the data/MC ratio, including the statistical uncertainties of both data and simulation. The systematic uncertainty due to the jet energy corrections and the systematic uncertainty in the unclustered energy is also displayed on the ratio. The last bin contains overflow content. The top contribution corresponds to the top pair and single top production processes. The EWK contribution corresponds to the diboson, Zγ and Wγ production processes.

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Figure 8-b:
Distributions of the parallel and perpendicular components of the hadronic recoil, in data (filled markers) and simulation for Zμ+μ (a,b), Ze+e (c,d) and γ (e,f) events. The points in the lower panel of each plot show the data/MC ratio, including the statistical uncertainties of both data and simulation. The systematic uncertainty due to the jet energy corrections and the systematic uncertainty in the unclustered energy is also displayed on the ratio. The last bin contains overflow content. The top contribution corresponds to the top pair and single top production processes. The EWK contribution corresponds to the diboson, Zγ and Wγ production processes.

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Figure 8-c:
Distributions of the parallel and perpendicular components of the hadronic recoil, in data (filled markers) and simulation for Zμ+μ (a,b), Ze+e (c,d) and γ (e,f) events. The points in the lower panel of each plot show the data/MC ratio, including the statistical uncertainties of both data and simulation. The systematic uncertainty due to the jet energy corrections and the systematic uncertainty in the unclustered energy is also displayed on the ratio. The last bin contains overflow content. The top contribution corresponds to the top pair and single top production processes. The EWK contribution corresponds to the diboson, Zγ and Wγ production processes.

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Figure 8-d:
Distributions of the parallel and perpendicular components of the hadronic recoil, in data (filled markers) and simulation for Zμ+μ (a,b), Ze+e (c,d) and γ (e,f) events. The points in the lower panel of each plot show the data/MC ratio, including the statistical uncertainties of both data and simulation. The systematic uncertainty due to the jet energy corrections and the systematic uncertainty in the unclustered energy is also displayed on the ratio. The last bin contains overflow content. The top contribution corresponds to the top pair and single top production processes. The EWK contribution corresponds to the diboson, Zγ and Wγ production processes.

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Figure 8-e:
Distributions of the parallel and perpendicular components of the hadronic recoil, in data (filled markers) and simulation for Zμ+μ (a,b), Ze+e (c,d) and γ (e,f) events. The points in the lower panel of each plot show the data/MC ratio, including the statistical uncertainties of both data and simulation. The systematic uncertainty due to the jet energy corrections and the systematic uncertainty in the unclustered energy is also displayed on the ratio. The last bin contains overflow content. The top contribution corresponds to the top pair and single top production processes. The EWK contribution corresponds to the diboson, Zγ and Wγ production processes.

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Figure 8-f:
Distributions of the parallel and perpendicular components of the hadronic recoil, in data (filled markers) and simulation for Zμ+μ (a,b), Ze+e (c,d) and γ (e,f) events. The points in the lower panel of each plot show the data/MC ratio, including the statistical uncertainties of both data and simulation. The systematic uncertainty due to the jet energy corrections and the systematic uncertainty in the unclustered energy is also displayed on the ratio. The last bin contains overflow content. The top contribution corresponds to the top pair and single top production processes. The EWK contribution corresponds to the diboson, Zγ and Wγ production processes.

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Figure 9:
Response is shown for Zμ+μ events, Ze+e events and γ events. The upper frame shows the response in data; the lower frame shows the ratio of data to simulation with the error band displaying the systematic uncertainty of the simulation, estimated as the Ze+e channel systematic uncertainty.

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Figure 10-a:
Resolution is shown for Zμ+μ events, Ze+e events and γ events. The upper frame shows the resolution in data; the lower frame shows the ratio of data to simulation with the error band displaying the systematic uncertainty of the simulation, estimated as the Ze+e channel systematic uncertainty.

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Figure 10-b:
Resolution is shown for Zμ+μ events, Ze+e events and γ events. The upper frame shows the resolution in data; the lower frame shows the ratio of data to simulation with the error band displaying the systematic uncertainty of the simulation, estimated as the Ze+e channel systematic uncertainty.

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Figure 11-a:
PUPPI EmissT in Zμ+μ (left), Ze+e (right), and isolated photon events (bottom). The points in the lower panel of each plot show the data/MC ratio, including the statistical and systematic uncertainties due to jet energy corrections and unclustered energy. The last bin contains overflow content. The top contribution corresponds to the top pair and single top production processes. The EWK contribution corresponds to the diboson, Zγ and Wγ production processes.

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Figure 11-b:
PUPPI EmissT in Zμ+μ (left), Ze+e (right), and isolated photon events (bottom). The points in the lower panel of each plot show the data/MC ratio, including the statistical and systematic uncertainties due to jet energy corrections and unclustered energy. The last bin contains overflow content. The top contribution corresponds to the top pair and single top production processes. The EWK contribution corresponds to the diboson, Zγ and Wγ production processes.

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Figure 12-a:
Distributions of the parallel and perpendicular components of the hadronic recoil for PUPPI EmissT , in data (filled markers) and simulation for Zμ+μ (top) and Ze+e (bottom) events. The points in the lower panel of each plot show the data/MC ratio, including the statistical uncertainties (green band) of both data and simulation. The red band displays the systematic uncertainty due to the jet energy corrections and the blue band displays the systematic uncertainty in the unclustered energy. The last bin contains overflow content. The top contribution corresponds to the top pair and single top production processes. The EWK contribution corresponds to the Zγ and Wγ production processes.

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Figure 12-b:
Distributions of the parallel and perpendicular components of the hadronic recoil for PUPPI EmissT , in data (filled markers) and simulation for Zμ+μ (top) and Ze+e (bottom) events. The points in the lower panel of each plot show the data/MC ratio, including the statistical uncertainties (green band) of both data and simulation. The red band displays the systematic uncertainty due to the jet energy corrections and the blue band displays the systematic uncertainty in the unclustered energy. The last bin contains overflow content. The top contribution corresponds to the top pair and single top production processes. The EWK contribution corresponds to the Zγ and Wγ production processes.

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Figure 12-c:
Distributions of the parallel and perpendicular components of the hadronic recoil for PUPPI EmissT , in data (filled markers) and simulation for Zμ+μ (top) and Ze+e (bottom) events. The points in the lower panel of each plot show the data/MC ratio, including the statistical uncertainties (green band) of both data and simulation. The red band displays the systematic uncertainty due to the jet energy corrections and the blue band displays the systematic uncertainty in the unclustered energy. The last bin contains overflow content. The top contribution corresponds to the top pair and single top production processes. The EWK contribution corresponds to the Zγ and Wγ production processes.

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Figure 12-d:
Distributions of the parallel and perpendicular components of the hadronic recoil for PUPPI EmissT , in data (filled markers) and simulation for Zμ+μ (top) and Ze+e (bottom) events. The points in the lower panel of each plot show the data/MC ratio, including the statistical uncertainties (green band) of both data and simulation. The red band displays the systematic uncertainty due to the jet energy corrections and the blue band displays the systematic uncertainty in the unclustered energy. The last bin contains overflow content. The top contribution corresponds to the top pair and single top production processes. The EWK contribution corresponds to the Zγ and Wγ production processes.

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Figure 13:
Response is shown for Zμ+μ events for EmissT and PUPPI EmissT . The lower frame shows the ratio of data to simulation with the error band displaying the systematic uncertainty of the simulation

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Figure 14-a:
Resolution is shown for Zμ+μ events. The upper frame shows the resolution in data for EmissT (red triangle) and PUPPI EmissT (blue triangle); the lower frame shows the ratio of data to simulation with the error band displaying the systematic uncertainty of the simulation.

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Figure 14-b:
Resolution is shown for Zμ+μ events. The upper frame shows the resolution in data for EmissT (red triangle) and PUPPI EmissT (blue triangle); the lower frame shows the ratio of data to simulation with the error band displaying the systematic uncertainty of the simulation.

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Figure 15-a:
Distribution of EmissT significance in the Zμμ and Zee channel for one jet selection respectively. The black straight line corresponds to a χ2 distribution of 2 degrees of freedom. The gray band in the lower pad displays the statistical uncertainty of the simulation.

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Figure 15-b:
Distribution of EmissT significance in the Zμμ and Zee channel for one jet selection respectively. The black straight line corresponds to a χ2 distribution of 2 degrees of freedom. The gray band in the lower pad displays the statistical uncertainty of the simulation.
The performance of missing transverse momentum reconstruction algorithms is studied and presented using 13 TeV pp collision data collected with the CMS detector in 2016, corresponding to an integrated luminosity up to 12.9 fb1. The performance of algorithms used to identify and remove events with anomalous missing transverse momentum have been studied using dijet events. The scale and resolution of the missing transverse momentum determination has been measured using events with an identified Z boson or isolated photon. The measured scale and resolution in data are found to be in agreement with the expectations from the simulation. The performance of an advanced EmissT reconstruction algorithm specifically developed to cope with a large number of pileup interactions has also been presented. This algorithm shows a significantly reduced dependence of the EmissT resolution on pileup interactions in Zμ+μ events. The studies presented in this note provide a solid foundation for all CMS measurements with EmissT in the final state, including measurements of the Higgs boson, W boson and top quark and searches for new neutral weakly interacting particles.
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Compact Muon Solenoid