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CMS-SUS-15-004 ; CERN-EP-2016-214
Inclusive search for supersymmetry using razor variables in pp collisions at s= 13 TeV
Phys. Rev. D 95 (2017) 012003
Abstract: An inclusive search for supersymmetry using razor variables is performed in events with four or more jets and no more than one lepton. The results are based on a sample of proton-proton collisions corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 2.3 fb1 collected with the CMS experiment at a center-of-mass energy of s= 13 TeV. No significant excess over the background prediction is observed in data, and 95% confidence level exclusion limits are placed on the masses of new heavy particles in a variety of simplified models. Assuming that pair-produced gluinos decay only via three-body processes involving third-generation quarks plus a neutralino, and that the neutralino is the lightest supersymmetric particle with a mass of 200 GeV, gluino masses below 1.6 TeV are excluded for any branching fractions for the individual gluino decay modes. For some specific decay mode scenarios, gluino masses up to 1.65 TeV are excluded. For decays to first- and second-generation quarks and a neutralino with a mass of 200 GeV, gluinos with masses up to 1.4 TeV are excluded. Pair production of top squarks decaying to a top quark and a neutralino with a mass of 100 GeV is excluded for top squark masses up to 750 GeV.
Figures & Tables Summary References CMS Publications

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Figure 1:
Diagrams displaying the distinct event topologies of gluino (all but last) and top squark (last) pair production considered in this paper. Diagrams corresponding to charge conjugate decay modes are implied. The symbol W is used to denote a virtual W boson.

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Figure 1-a:
Diagram displaying an event topology of gluino pair production considered in this paper. The symbol W is used to denote a virtual W boson.

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Figure 1-b:
Diagram displaying an event topology of gluino pair production considered in this paper. The symbol W is used to denote a virtual W boson.

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Figure 1-c:
Diagram displaying an event topology of gluino pair production considered in this paper. The symbol W is used to denote a virtual W boson.

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Figure 1-d:
Diagram displaying an event topology of gluino pair production considered in this paper.

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Figure 1-e:
Diagram displaying an event topology of gluino pair production considered in this paper. The symbol W is used to denote a virtual W boson.

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Figure 1-f:
Diagram displaying an event topology of gluino pair production considered in this paper.

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Figure 1-g:
Diagram displaying an event topology of gluino pair production considered in this paper.

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Figure 1-h:
Diagrams displaying an event topologies of top squark pair production considered in this paper.

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Figure 2:
The MR distributions for events in the tˉt (left ) and W(ν)+jets (right ) control regions are shown, comparing data with the MC prediction. The ratio of data to the background prediction is shown on the bottom panel, with the statistical uncertainty expressed through the data point error bars and the systematic uncertainty of the background prediction represented by the shaded region. In the right-hand plot, the tˉt MC events have been reweighted according to the corrections derived in the tˉt-enhanced control region.

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Figure 2-a:
The MR distribution for events in the tˉt control region is shown, comparing data with the MC prediction. The ratio of data to the background prediction is shown on the bottom panel, with the statistical uncertainty expressed through the data point error bars and the systematic uncertainty of the background prediction represented by the shaded region. In the right-hand plot, the tˉt MC events have been reweighted according to the corrections derived in the tˉt-enhanced control region.

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Figure 2-b:
The MR distribution for events in the W(ν)+jets control region is shown, comparing data with the MC prediction. The ratio of data to the background prediction is shown on the bottom panel, with the statistical uncertainty expressed through the data point error bars and the systematic uncertainty of the background prediction represented by the shaded region. In the right-hand plot, the tˉt MC events have been reweighted according to the corrections derived in the tˉt-enhanced control region.

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Figure 3:
The two-dimensional MR-R2 distribution for the W(ν)+jets enhanced (upper) and the tˉt dilepton (lower) control regions is shown, comparing data with the MC prediction. The tˉt MC events have been reweighted according to the correction factors derived in the tˉt-enhanced control region. The two-dimensional MR-R2 distribution is shown in a one dimensional representation, with each MR bin marked by the dashed lines and labeled near the top, and each R2 bin labeled below. The bottom panel shows the ratio of data to the background prediction, with uncertainties displayed as in Fig. 2.

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Figure 3-a:
The two-dimensional MR-R2 distribution for the W(ν)+jets enhanced control region is shown, comparing data with the MC prediction. The tˉt MC events have been reweighted according to the correction factors derived in the tˉt-enhanced control region. The two-dimensional MR-R2 distribution is shown in a one dimensional representation, with each MR bin marked by the dashed lines and labeled near the top, and each R2 bin labeled below. The bottom panel shows the ratio of data to the background prediction, with uncertainties displayed as in Fig. 2.

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Figure 3-b:
The two-dimensional MR-R2 distribution for the tˉt dilepton (lower) control regions is shown, comparing data with the MC prediction. The tˉt MC events have been reweighted according to the correction factors derived in the tˉt-enhanced control region. The two-dimensional MR-R2 distribution is shown in a one dimensional representation, with each MR bin marked by the dashed lines and labeled near the top, and each R2 bin labeled below. The bottom panel shows the ratio of data to the background prediction, with uncertainties displayed as in Fig. 2.

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Figure 4:
The pT distribution of the veto electron or muon (left ) and the veto τh (right ) is shown for events in the veto lepton control regions, comparing data with the MC prediction. The tˉt and W(ν)+jets MC events have been reweighted according to the correction factors derived in the tˉt enhanced and W(ν)+jets enhanced control regions, respectively. The bottom panel shows the ratio of data to the background prediction, with uncertainties displayed as in Fig. 2.

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Figure 4-a:
The pT distribution of the veto electron or muon is shown for events in the veto lepton control regions, comparing data with the MC prediction. The tˉt and W(ν)+jets MC events have been reweighted according to the correction factors derived in the tˉt enhanced and W(ν)+jets enhanced control regions, respectively. The bottom panel shows the ratio of data to the background prediction, with uncertainties displayed as in Fig. 2.

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Figure 4-b:
The pT distribution of the veto τh is shown for events in the veto lepton control regions, comparing data with the MC prediction. The tˉt and W(ν)+jets MC events have been reweighted according to the correction factors derived in the tˉt enhanced and W(ν)+jets enhanced control regions, respectively. The bottom panel shows the ratio of data to the background prediction, with uncertainties displayed as in Fig. 2.

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Figure 5:
The one-dimensional distribution of MR in the γ+jets control region (above) and the two-dimensional MR-R2 distribution in the γ+jets control region (below) are shown. The two-dimensional MR-R2 distribution is shown in a one-dimensional representation as in Fig. 2. The bottom panel shows the ratio of data to the background prediction, with uncertainties displayed as in Fig. 2.

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Figure 5-a:
The one-dimensional distribution of MR in the γ+jets control region is shown. The bottom panel shows the ratio of data to the background prediction, with uncertainties displayed as in Fig. 2.

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Figure 5-b:
The two-dimensional MR-R2 distribution in the γ+jets control region is shown, in a one-dimensional representation as in Fig. 2. The bottom panel shows the ratio of data to the background prediction, with uncertainties displayed as in Fig. 2.

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Figure 6:
The translation factor ζ is shown as a function of MR. The curve shows the functional form used to model the MR dependence, and the open circle and black dot data points are the values of ζ measured in the low-R2 data control region and the QCD MC simulation, respectively. The hashed region indicates the size of the systematic uncertainty in ζ.

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Figure 7:
Comparison of the sideband fit background prediction with the observed data in bins of MR and R2 variables in the Multijet category for the 2b-tag (upper) and 3b-tag (lower) bins. Vertical dashed lines denote the boundaries of different MR bins. On the upper panels, the colored bands represent the systematic uncertainties in the background prediction, and the uncertainty bands for the sideband bins are shown in green. On the bottom panels, the deviations between the observed data and the background prediction are plotted in units of standard deviation (σ), taking into account both statistical and systematic uncertainties. The green and yellow horizontal bands show the boundaries of 1 and 2σ.

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Figure 7-a:
Comparison of the sideband fit background prediction with the observed data in bins of MR and R2 variables in the Multijet category for the 2b-tag bin. Vertical dashed lines denote the boundaries of different MR bins. On the upper panel, the colored bands represent the systematic uncertainties in the background prediction, and the uncertainty bands for the sideband bins are shown in green. On the bottom panel, the deviations between the observed data and the background prediction are plotted in units of standard deviation (σ), taking into account both statistical and systematic uncertainties. The green and yellow horizontal bands show the boundaries of 1 and 2σ.

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Figure 7-b:
Comparison of the sideband fit background prediction with the observed data in bins of MR and R2 variables in the Multijet category for the 3b-tag bin. Vertical dashed lines denote the boundaries of different MR bins. On the upper panel, the colored bands represent the systematic uncertainties in the background prediction, and the uncertainty bands for the sideband bins are shown in green. On the bottom panel, the deviations between the observed data and the background prediction are plotted in units of standard deviation (σ), taking into account both statistical and systematic uncertainties. The green and yellow horizontal bands show the boundaries of 1 and 2σ.

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Figure 8:
The result of the background-only fit performed in the sideband of the 2b-tag (upper) and 3b-tag (lower) bins of the Multijet category on a signal-plus-background pseudo-data set assuming a gluino pair production simplified model signal, where gluinos decay with a 100% branching fraction to a bˉb pair and the LSP, with m˜γ=1.4TeV and m˜χ01= 100 GeV, at nominal signal strength. A detailed explanation of the figure format is given in the caption of Fig. 7.

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Figure 8-a:
The result of the background-only fit performed in the sideband of the 2b-tag bin of the Multijet category on a signal-plus-background pseudo-data set assuming a gluino pair production simplified model signal, where gluinos decay with a 100% branching fraction to a bˉb pair and the LSP, with m˜γ=1.4TeV and m˜χ01= 100 GeV, at nominal signal strength. A detailed explanation of the figure format is given in the caption of Fig. 7.

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Figure 8-b:
The result of the background-only fit performed in the sideband of the 3b-tag bin of the Multijet category on a signal-plus-background pseudo-data set assuming a gluino pair production simplified model signal, where gluinos decay with a 100% branching fraction to a bˉb pair and the LSP, with m˜γ=1.4TeV and m˜χ01= 100 GeV, at nominal signal strength. A detailed explanation of the figure format is given in the caption of Fig. 7.

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Figure 9:
Comparisons of the two alternative background predictions for the MR-R2 distribution for the 0b-tag bin of the Multijet category (upper) and the 2b-tag bin of the Muon Multijet category (lower). The two-dimensional MR-R2 distribution is shown in a one dimensional representation, with each MR bin marked by the dashed lines and labeled near the top and each R2 bin labeled below. The ratios of the method B fit-based predictions to the method A simulation-assisted predictions are shown on the bottom panels. The method B uncertainty is represented by the error bars on the data points and the method A uncertainty is represented by the shaded region.

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Figure 9-a:
Comparison of the two alternative background predictions for the MR-R2 distribution for the 0b-tag bin of the Multijet category. The two-dimensional MR-R2 distribution is shown in a one dimensional representation, with each MR bin marked by the dashed lines and labeled near the top and each R2 bin labeled below. The ratio of the method B fit-based predictions to the method A simulation-assisted predictions is shown on the bottom panel. The method B uncertainty is represented by the error bars on the data points and the method A uncertainty is represented by the shaded region.

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Figure 9-b:
Comparison of the two alternative background predictions for the MR-R2 distribution for the 2b-tag bin of the Muon Multijet category. The two-dimensional MR-R2 distribution is shown in a one dimensional representation, with each MR bin marked by the dashed lines and labeled near the top and each R2 bin labeled below. The ratio of the method B fit-based predictions to the method A simulation-assisted predictions is shown on the bottom panel. The method B uncertainty is represented by the error bars on the data points and the method A uncertainty is represented by the shaded region.

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Figure 10:
The MR-R2 distribution observed in data is shown along with the background prediction obtained from method A for the Multijet event category in the 0b-tag (upper) and 1b-tag (lower) bins. The two-dimensional MR-R2 distribution is shown in a one-dimensional representation, with each MR bin marked by the dashed lines and labeled near the top, and each R2 bin labeled below. The ratio of data to the background prediction is shown on the bottom panels, with the statistical uncertainty expressed through the data point error bars and the systematic uncertainty of the background prediction represented by the shaded region.

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Figure 10-a:
The MR-R2 distribution observed in data is shown along with the background prediction obtained from method A for the Multijet event category in the 0b-tag bin. The two-dimensional MR-R2 distribution is shown in a one-dimensional representation, with each MR bin marked by the dashed lines and labeled near the top, and each R2 bin labeled below. The ratio of data to the background prediction is shown on the bottom panels, with the statistical uncertainty expressed through the data point error bars and the systematic uncertainty of the background prediction represented by the shaded region.

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Figure 10-b:
The MR-R2 distribution observed in data is shown along with the background prediction obtained from method A for the Multijet event category in the 1b-tag bin. The two-dimensional MR-R2 distribution is shown in a one-dimensional representation, with each MR bin marked by the dashed lines and labeled near the top, and each R2 bin labeled below. The ratio of data to the background prediction is shown on the bottom panels, with the statistical uncertainty expressed through the data point error bars and the systematic uncertainty of the background prediction represented by the shaded region.

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Figure 11:
The MR-R2 distribution observed in data is shown along with the background prediction obtained from method A for the Multijet event category in the 2b-tag (upper) and 3b-tag (lower) bins. A detailed explanation of the panels is given in the caption of Fig. 10.

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Figure 11-a:
The MR-R2 distribution observed in data is shown along with the background prediction obtained from method A for the Multijet event category in the 2b-tag bin. A detailed explanation of the panels is given in the caption of Fig. 10.

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Figure 11-b:
The MR-R2 distribution observed in data is shown along with the background prediction obtained from method A for the Multijet event category in the 3b-tag bin. A detailed explanation of the panels is given in the caption of Fig. 10.

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Figure 12:
The MR-R2 distribution observed in data is shown along with the background prediction obtained from method A for the Muon Multijet event category in the 0b-tag (upper) and 1b-tag (lower) bins. A detailed explanation of the panels is given in the caption of Fig. 10.

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Figure 12-a:
The MR-R2 distribution observed in data is shown along with the background prediction obtained from method A for the Muon Multijet event category in the 0b-tag bin. A detailed explanation of the panels is given in the caption of Fig. 10.

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Figure 12-b:
The MR-R2 distribution observed in data is shown along with the background prediction obtained from method A for the Muon Multijet event category in the 1b-tag bin. A detailed explanation of the panels is given in the caption of Fig. 10.

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Figure 13:
The MR-R2 distribution observed in data is shown along with the background prediction obtained from method A for the Muon Multijet event category in the 2b-tag (upper) and 3b-tag (lower) bins. A detailed explanation of the panels is given in the caption of Fig. 10.

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Figure 13-a:
The MR-R2 distribution observed in data is shown along with the background prediction obtained from method A for the Muon Multijet event category in the 2b-tag bin. A detailed explanation of the panels is given in the caption of Fig. 10.

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Figure 13-b:
The MR-R2 distribution observed in data is shown along with the background prediction obtained from method A for the Muon Multijet event category in the 3b-tag bin. A detailed explanation of the panels is given in the caption of Fig. 10.

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Figure 14:
The MR-R2 distribution observed in data is shown along with the background prediction obtained from method A for the Electron Multijet event category in the 0b-tag (upper) and 1b-tag (lower) bins. A detailed explanation of the panels is given in the caption of Fig. 10.

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Figure 14-a:
The MR-R2 distribution observed in data is shown along with the background prediction obtained from method A for the Electron Multijet event category in the 0b-tag bin. A detailed explanation of the panels is given in the caption of Fig. 10.

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Figure 14-b:
The MR-R2 distribution observed in data is shown along with the background prediction obtained from method A for the Electron Multijet event category in the 1b-tag bin. A detailed explanation of the panels is given in the caption of Fig. 10.

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Figure 15:
The MR-R2 distribution observed in data is shown along with the background prediction obtained from method A for the Electron Multijet event category in the 2b-tag (upper) and 3b-tag (lower) bins. A detailed explanation of the panels is given in the caption of Fig. 10.

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Figure 15-a:
The MR-R2 distribution observed in data is shown along with the background prediction obtained from method A for the Electron Multijet event category in the 2b-tag bin. A detailed explanation of the panels is given in the caption of Fig. 10.

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Figure 15-b:
The MR-R2 distribution observed in data is shown along with the background prediction obtained from method A for the Electron Multijet event category in the 3b-tag bin. A detailed explanation of the panels is given in the caption of Fig. 10.

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Figure 16:
(Left) the expected and observed 95% confidence level (CL ) upper limits on the production cross section for gluino pair production decaying to third-generation quarks under various assumptions of the branching fractions. The two gray dashed diagonal lines correspond to |m˜γm˜χ01|=25GeV, which is where the scan ends for the ˜γbˉb˜χ01 decay mode, and |m˜γm˜χ01|=225GeV, which is where the scan ends for the remaining modes due to a technical limitation inherent in the event generator. For |m˜γm˜χ01|<225GeV, we only consider the ˜γbˉb˜χ01 decay mode. (Right) the analogous upper limits on the gluino pair production cross section valid for any values of the gluino decay branching fractions.

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Figure 16-a:
The expected and observed 95% confidence level (CL ) upper limits on the production cross section for gluino pair production decaying to third-generation quarks under various assumptions of the branching fractions. The two gray dashed diagonal lines correspond to |m˜γm˜χ01|=25GeV, which is where the scan ends for the ˜γbˉb˜χ01 decay mode, and |m˜γm˜χ01|=225GeV, which is where the scan ends for the remaining modes due to a technical limitation inherent in the event generator. For |m˜γm˜χ01|<225GeV, we only consider the ˜γbˉb˜χ01 decay mode.

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Figure 16-b:
The analogous upper limits on the gluino pair production cross section valid for any values of the gluino decay branching fractions.

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Figure 17:
Expected and observed 95% confidence level (CL ) upper limits on the production cross section for (left) gluino pair production decaying to two light-flavored quarks and the LSP and (right) top squark pair production decaying to a top quark and the LSP. The white diagonal band in the right plot corresponds to the region |m˜tmtm˜χ01|<25GeV, where the signal efficiency is a strong function of m˜tm˜χ01, and as a result the precise determination of the cross section upper limit is uncertain because of the finite granularity of the available MC samples in this region of the (m˜t, m˜χ01) plane.

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Figure 17-a:
Expected and observed 95% confidence level (CL ) upper limits on the production cross section for gluino pair production decaying to two light-flavored quarks and the LSP. The white diagonal band in the right plot corresponds to the region |m˜tmtm˜χ01|<25GeV, where the signal efficiency is a strong function of m˜tm˜χ01, and as a result the precise determination of the cross section upper limit is uncertain because of the finite granularity of the available MC samples in this region of the (m˜t, m˜χ01) plane.

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Figure 17-b:
Expected and observed 95% confidence level (CL ) upper limits on the production cross section for top squark pair production decaying to a top quark and the LSP. The white diagonal band in the right plot corresponds to the region |m˜tmtm˜χ01|<25GeV, where the signal efficiency is a strong function of m˜tm˜χ01, and as a result the precise determination of the cross section upper limit is uncertain because of the finite granularity of the available MC samples in this region of the (m˜t, m˜χ01) plane.

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Figure 18:
Comparison of the predicted background with the observed data in bins of MR and R2 variables in the Multijet category for the 0b-tag (upper) and 1b-tag (lower) bins. A detailed explanation of the panels is given in the caption of Fig. 7.

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Figure 18-a:
Comparison of the predicted background with the observed data in bins of MR and R2 variables in the Multijet category for the 0b-tag bin. A detailed explanation of the panels is given in the caption of Fig. 7.

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Figure 18-b:
Comparison of the predicted background with the observed data in bins of MR and R2 variables in the Multijet category for the 1b-tag bin. A detailed explanation of the panels is given in the caption of Fig. 7.

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Figure 19:
Comparison of the predicted background with the observed data in bins of MR and R2 variables in the Muon Multijet category for the 0b-tag (upper) and 1b-tag (lower) bins. A detailed explanation of the panels is given in the caption of Fig. 7.

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Figure 19-a:
Comparison of the predicted background with the observed data in bins of MR and R2 variables in the Muon Multijet category for the 1b-tag bin. A detailed explanation of the panels is given in the caption of Fig. 7.

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Figure 19-b:
Comparison of the predicted background with the observed data in bins of MR and R2 variables in the Muon Multijet category for the 1b-tag bin. A detailed explanation of the panels is given in the caption of Fig. 7.

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Figure 20:
Comparison of the predicted background with the observed data in bins of MR and R2 variables in the Muon Multijet category for the 2b-tag (upper) and 3b-tag (lower) bins. A detailed explanation of the panels is given in the caption of Fig. 7.

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Figure 20-a:
Comparison of the predicted background with the observed data in bins of MR and R2 variables in the Muon Multijet category for the 2b-tag bin. A detailed explanation of the panels is given in the caption of Fig. 7.

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Figure 20-b:
Comparison of the predicted background with the observed data in bins of MR and R2 variables in the Muon Multijet category for the 3b-tag bin. A detailed explanation of the panels is given in the caption of Fig. 7.

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Figure 21:
Comparison of the predicted background with the observed data in bins of MR and R2 variables in the Electron Multijet category for the 0b-tag (upper) and 1b-tag (lower) bins. A detailed explanation of the panels is given in the caption of Fig. 7.

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Figure 21-a:
Comparison of the predicted background with the observed data in bins of MR and R2 variables in the Electron Multijet category for the 0b-tag bin. A detailed explanation of the panels is given in the caption of Fig. 7.

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Figure 21-b:
Comparison of the predicted background with the observed data in bins of MR and R2 variables in the Electron Multijet category for the 1b-tag bin. A detailed explanation of the panels is given in the caption of Fig. 7.

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Figure 22:
Comparison of the predicted background with the observed data in bins of MR and R2 variables in the Electron Multijet category for the 2b-tag (upper) and 3b-tag (lower) bins. A detailed explanation of the panels is given in the caption of Fig. 7.

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Figure 22-a:
Comparison of the predicted background with the observed data in bins of MR and R2 variables in the Electron Multijet category for the 2b-tag bin. A detailed explanation of the panels is given in the caption of Fig. 7.

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Figure 22-b:
Comparison of the predicted background with the observed data in bins of MR and R2 variables in the Electron Multijet category for the 3b-tag bin. A detailed explanation of the panels is given in the caption of Fig. 7.

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Table 1:
Summary of the main instrumental and theoretical systematic uncertainties. The systematic uncertainty associated to the modeling of the initial-state radiation is only applied for events with recoil above 400 GeV.
We have presented an inclusive search for supersymmetry in events with no more than one lepton, a large multiplicity of energetic jets, and missing transverse energy. The search is sensitive to a broad range of SUSY scenarios including pair production of gluinos and top squarks. The event categorization in the number of leptons and the number of b-tagged jets enhances the search sensitivity for a variety of different SUSY signal scenarios. Two alternative background estimation methods are presented, both based on transfer factors between data control regions and the search regions, but having very different systematic assumptions: one relying on the simulation and associated corrections derived in the control regions, and the other relying on the accuracy of an assumed functional form for the shape of background distribution in the MR and R2 variables. The two predictions agree within their uncertainties, thereby demonstrating the robustness of the background modeling. No significant deviations from the predicted standard model background are observed in any of the search regions, and this result is interpreted in the context of simplified models of gluino or top squark pair production. For decays to a top quark and an LSP with a mass of 100 GeV, we exclude top squarks with masses below 750 GeV. Considering separately the decays to bottom quarks and the LSP or first- and second-generation quarks and the LSP, gluino masses up to 1.65 TeV or 1.4 TeV are excluded, respectively. Furthermore, this search goes beyond the existing simplified model paradigm by interpreting results in a broader context inspired by natural SUSY, with multiple gluino decay modes considered simultaneously. By scanning over all possible branching fractions for three-body gluino decays to third generation quarks, exclusion limits are derived on gluino pair production that are valid for any values of the gluino decay branching fractions. For a chargino NLSP nearly degenerate in mass with the LSP and LSP masses in the range between 200 and 600 GeV, we exclude gluinos with mass below 1.55 to 1.6 TeV, regardless of their decays. This result is a more generic constraint on gluino production than previously reported at the LHC.
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Compact Muon Solenoid