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CMS-B2G-23-002 ; CERN-EP-2024-062
Searches for Higgs boson production through decays of heavy resonances
Accepted for publication in Physics Reports
Abstract: The discovery of the Higgs boson has led to new possible signatures for heavy resonance searches at the LHC. Since then, search channels including at least one Higgs boson plus another particle have formed an important part of the program of new physics searches. In this report, the status of these searches by the CMS Collaboration is reviewed. Searches are discussed for resonances decaying to two Higgs bosons, a Higgs and a vector boson, or a Higgs boson and another new resonance, with proton-proton collision data collected at s= 13 TeV in the years 2016-2018. A combination of the results of these searches is presented together with constraints on different beyond-the-standard model scenarios, including scenarios with extended Higgs sectors, heavy vector bosons and extra dimensions. Studies are shown for the first time by CMS on the validity of the narrow-width approximation in searches for the resonant production of a pair of Higgs bosons. The potential for a discovery at the High Luminosity LHC is also discussed.
Figures & Tables Summary Additional Figures References CMS Publications

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Figure 1:
Higgs boson production cross sections in the SM as a function of the collider centre-of-mass energy (left), and Higgs boson branching fractions in the SM as a function of the Higgs boson mass (right). Both figures are taken from Ref. [35].

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Figure 1-a:
Higgs boson production cross sections in the SM as a function of the collider centre-of-mass energy (left), and Higgs boson branching fractions in the SM as a function of the Higgs boson mass (right). Both figures are taken from Ref. [35].

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Figure 1-b:
Higgs boson production cross sections in the SM as a function of the collider centre-of-mass energy (left), and Higgs boson branching fractions in the SM as a function of the Higgs boson mass (right). Both figures are taken from Ref. [35].

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Figure 2:
Signal strength parameters extracted for various production modes μi, assuming the branching fractions Bf=BfSM (left), and decay channels μf, assuming the production cross sections as predicted by the SM (right). The thick and thin black lines indicate the one and two s.d. confidence intervals (labelled by SD in the figures), with the systematic and statistical components of the former indicated by the red and blue bands, respectively. The vertical dashed line at unity represents the values of μi (resp. μf) in the SM. Taken from Ref [4].

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Figure 2-a:
Signal strength parameters extracted for various production modes μi, assuming the branching fractions Bf=BfSM (left), and decay channels μf, assuming the production cross sections as predicted by the SM (right). The thick and thin black lines indicate the one and two s.d. confidence intervals (labelled by SD in the figures), with the systematic and statistical components of the former indicated by the red and blue bands, respectively. The vertical dashed line at unity represents the values of μi (resp. μf) in the SM. Taken from Ref [4].

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Figure 2-b:
Signal strength parameters extracted for various production modes μi, assuming the branching fractions Bf=BfSM (left), and decay channels μf, assuming the production cross sections as predicted by the SM (right). The thick and thin black lines indicate the one and two s.d. confidence intervals (labelled by SD in the figures), with the systematic and statistical components of the former indicated by the red and blue bands, respectively. The vertical dashed line at unity represents the values of μi (resp. μf) in the SM. Taken from Ref [4].

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Figure 3:
Measurements of the coupling modifiers κi, allowing both invisible and undetected decay modes, with the SM value used as an upper bound on both κW and κZ. The thick and thin black lines indicate the ±1 and ±2 s.d. confidence intervals, respectively, with the systematic and statistical components of the ±1 s.d. interval indicated by the red and blue bands. The resulting branching fractions for invisible and undetected decay modes are also displayed. Taken from Ref. [4].

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Figure 4:
Leading order Feynman diagrams of Higgs boson pair production via gluon fusion. The left and middle parts of the figure show the ``triangle'' and ``box'' diagrams, respectively for nonresonant H production, as expected from the SM. The right part of the figure shows a diagram for H boson production through a new resonance of labeled as X.

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Figure 4-a:
Leading order Feynman diagrams of Higgs boson pair production via gluon fusion. The left and middle parts of the figure show the ``triangle'' and ``box'' diagrams, respectively for nonresonant H production, as expected from the SM. The right part of the figure shows a diagram for H boson production through a new resonance of labeled as X.

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Figure 4-b:
Leading order Feynman diagrams of Higgs boson pair production via gluon fusion. The left and middle parts of the figure show the ``triangle'' and ``box'' diagrams, respectively for nonresonant H production, as expected from the SM. The right part of the figure shows a diagram for H boson production through a new resonance of labeled as X.

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Figure 4-c:
Leading order Feynman diagrams of Higgs boson pair production via gluon fusion. The left and middle parts of the figure show the ``triangle'' and ``box'' diagrams, respectively for nonresonant H production, as expected from the SM. The right part of the figure shows a diagram for H boson production through a new resonance of labeled as X.

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Figure 5:
Branching fractions of XHH decays in 2HDMs of Type I (upper) and Type II (lower) in the cos(βα)-tanβ plane for mX= 500 GeV (left) and in the mX-tanβ plane for cos(βα)= 0.02 (right). The masses of all non-SM-like Higgs bosons are set to be the same, mX=mA, and m212=m2Atanβ/(1+tan2β). The branching fractions have been calculated with 2HDMC v1.8.0 [55, 56].

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Figure 5-a:
Branching fractions of XHH decays in 2HDMs of Type I (upper) and Type II (lower) in the cos(βα)-tanβ plane for mX= 500 GeV (left) and in the mX-tanβ plane for cos(βα)= 0.02 (right). The masses of all non-SM-like Higgs bosons are set to be the same, mX=mA, and m212=m2Atanβ/(1+tan2β). The branching fractions have been calculated with 2HDMC v1.8.0 [55, 56].

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Figure 5-b:
Branching fractions of XHH decays in 2HDMs of Type I (upper) and Type II (lower) in the cos(βα)-tanβ plane for mX= 500 GeV (left) and in the mX-tanβ plane for cos(βα)= 0.02 (right). The masses of all non-SM-like Higgs bosons are set to be the same, mX=mA, and m212=m2Atanβ/(1+tan2β). The branching fractions have been calculated with 2HDMC v1.8.0 [55, 56].

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Figure 5-c:
Branching fractions of XHH decays in 2HDMs of Type I (upper) and Type II (lower) in the cos(βα)-tanβ plane for mX= 500 GeV (left) and in the mX-tanβ plane for cos(βα)= 0.02 (right). The masses of all non-SM-like Higgs bosons are set to be the same, mX=mA, and m212=m2Atanβ/(1+tan2β). The branching fractions have been calculated with 2HDMC v1.8.0 [55, 56].

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Figure 5-d:
Branching fractions of XHH decays in 2HDMs of Type I (upper) and Type II (lower) in the cos(βα)-tanβ plane for mX= 500 GeV (left) and in the mX-tanβ plane for cos(βα)= 0.02 (right). The masses of all non-SM-like Higgs bosons are set to be the same, mX=mA, and m212=m2Atanβ/(1+tan2β). The branching fractions have been calculated with 2HDMC v1.8.0 [55, 56].

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Figure 6:
Branching fraction of XHH decays in the MSSM, for the hMSSM [57,58,59] (left) and the M125h,EFT [60] benchmarks, in the mA-tanβ plane. The branching fractions are taken from benchmark files produced by the MSSM subgroup of the LHC Higgs Working Group [61,62].

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Figure 6-a:
Branching fraction of XHH decays in the MSSM, for the hMSSM [57,58,59] (left) and the M125h,EFT [60] benchmarks, in the mA-tanβ plane. The branching fractions are taken from benchmark files produced by the MSSM subgroup of the LHC Higgs Working Group [61,62].

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Figure 6-b:
Branching fraction of XHH decays in the MSSM, for the hMSSM [57,58,59] (left) and the M125h,EFT [60] benchmarks, in the mA-tanβ plane. The branching fractions are taken from benchmark files produced by the MSSM subgroup of the LHC Higgs Working Group [61,62].

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Figure 7:
Localization of fields on the branes, in different types of the Randall-Sundrum (RS) model: RS1 (left) and bulk-RS (right). The x-axis represents the 5th dimension with the Planck brane on the left and the TeV brane on the right. The y-axis is the probability density. Adapted from Ref. [28].

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Figure 7-a:
Localization of fields on the branes, in different types of the Randall-Sundrum (RS) model: RS1 (left) and bulk-RS (right). The x-axis represents the 5th dimension with the Planck brane on the left and the TeV brane on the right. The y-axis is the probability density. Adapted from Ref. [28].

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Figure 7-b:
Localization of fields on the branes, in different types of the Randall-Sundrum (RS) model: RS1 (left) and bulk-RS (right). The x-axis represents the 5th dimension with the Planck brane on the left and the TeV brane on the right. The y-axis is the probability density. Adapted from Ref. [28].

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Figure 8:
The decay branching fractions of an RS1 graviton (top left), bulk graviton (upper right), and radion (lower). Solid lines assume a fully elementary top quark, while the dashed lines ignore the coupling of the graviton to top quarks. Adapted from Ref. [28].

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Figure 8-a:
The decay branching fractions of an RS1 graviton (top left), bulk graviton (upper right), and radion (lower). Solid lines assume a fully elementary top quark, while the dashed lines ignore the coupling of the graviton to top quarks. Adapted from Ref. [28].

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Figure 8-b:
The decay branching fractions of an RS1 graviton (top left), bulk graviton (upper right), and radion (lower). Solid lines assume a fully elementary top quark, while the dashed lines ignore the coupling of the graviton to top quarks. Adapted from Ref. [28].

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Figure 8-c:
The decay branching fractions of an RS1 graviton (top left), bulk graviton (upper right), and radion (lower). Solid lines assume a fully elementary top quark, while the dashed lines ignore the coupling of the graviton to top quarks. Adapted from Ref. [28].

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Figure 9:
Feynman diagrams for the production of Z' and W' bosons produced through the (left) Drell-Yan and (right) vector boson fusion process. The Z' (resp. W') boson subsequently decays into ZH and WH, respectively.

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Figure 9-a:
Feynman diagrams for the production of Z' and W' bosons produced through the (left) Drell-Yan and (right) vector boson fusion process. The Z' (resp. W') boson subsequently decays into ZH and WH, respectively.

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Figure 9-b:
Feynman diagrams for the production of Z' and W' bosons produced through the (left) Drell-Yan and (right) vector boson fusion process. The Z' (resp. W') boson subsequently decays into ZH and WH, respectively.

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Figure 10:
Cross sections for (left) Drell-Yan production (ˆσDY) and (right) production through vector boson fusion (ˆσVBF), as defined in Eqs. \eqrefeq:DY_HVT and \eqrefeq:VBF_HVT, for Z' and W' bosons in the heavy vector triplet (HVT) model B at s= 13 TeV. Calculations are based on the work of Ref. [30].

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Figure 10-a:
Cross sections for (left) Drell-Yan production (ˆσDY) and (right) production through vector boson fusion (ˆσVBF), as defined in Eqs. \eqrefeq:DY_HVT and \eqrefeq:VBF_HVT, for Z' and W' bosons in the heavy vector triplet (HVT) model B at s= 13 TeV. Calculations are based on the work of Ref. [30].

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Figure 10-b:
Cross sections for (left) Drell-Yan production (ˆσDY) and (right) production through vector boson fusion (ˆσVBF), as defined in Eqs. \eqrefeq:DY_HVT and \eqrefeq:VBF_HVT, for Z' and W' bosons in the heavy vector triplet (HVT) model B at s= 13 TeV. Calculations are based on the work of Ref. [30].

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Figure 11:
Branching fractions for heavy vector triplet (HVT) bosons with masses of (upper) 1 and (lower) 2 TeV for values of the parameter gF corresponding to models (left) A and (right) B. The exact branching fractions of each model are indicated by the crossing points of the individual curves with the dashed vertical lines. Calculations are based on the work of Ref. [30].

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Figure 11-a:
Branching fractions for heavy vector triplet (HVT) bosons with masses of (upper) 1 and (lower) 2 TeV for values of the parameter gF corresponding to models (left) A and (right) B. The exact branching fractions of each model are indicated by the crossing points of the individual curves with the dashed vertical lines. Calculations are based on the work of Ref. [30].

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Figure 11-b:
Branching fractions for heavy vector triplet (HVT) bosons with masses of (upper) 1 and (lower) 2 TeV for values of the parameter gF corresponding to models (left) A and (right) B. The exact branching fractions of each model are indicated by the crossing points of the individual curves with the dashed vertical lines. Calculations are based on the work of Ref. [30].

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Figure 11-c:
Branching fractions for heavy vector triplet (HVT) bosons with masses of (upper) 1 and (lower) 2 TeV for values of the parameter gF corresponding to models (left) A and (right) B. The exact branching fractions of each model are indicated by the crossing points of the individual curves with the dashed vertical lines. Calculations are based on the work of Ref. [30].

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Figure 11-d:
Branching fractions for heavy vector triplet (HVT) bosons with masses of (upper) 1 and (lower) 2 TeV for values of the parameter gF corresponding to models (left) A and (right) B. The exact branching fractions of each model are indicated by the crossing points of the individual curves with the dashed vertical lines. Calculations are based on the work of Ref. [30].

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Figure 12:
(left) Branching fraction for the decay ZZH, and (right) total width of the Z' boson, for a resonance with 2 TeV mass, for different values of the parameter gF. Calculations are based the work of Ref. [30].

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Figure 12-a:
(left) Branching fraction for the decay ZZH, and (right) total width of the Z' boson, for a resonance with 2 TeV mass, for different values of the parameter gF. Calculations are based the work of Ref. [30].

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Figure 12-b:
(left) Branching fraction for the decay ZZH, and (right) total width of the Z' boson, for a resonance with 2 TeV mass, for different values of the parameter gF. Calculations are based the work of Ref. [30].

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Figure 13:
Search for XVH(bb): Distributions of the mTZH and mZH variables, as introduced in the text, in the (left) 0 and (right) 2 categories, in the 2 b tag signal region of the AZH(bb) analysis [108]. In the 2 categories, the contributions of the 2 e and 2 μ channels have been summed. The gray dotted line represents the sum of all background processes before the fit to data; the shaded area represents the post-fit uncertainty. The hatched red histograms represent signal hypotheses for b quark associated X production corresponding to σAB(AZH)B(Hbb)= 0.1 pb. The lower panels depict (N dataNbkg)/σ in each bin, where σ refers to the statistical uncertainty in the given bin. Figure from Ref. [108].

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Figure 13-a:
Search for XVH(bb): Distributions of the mTZH and mZH variables, as introduced in the text, in the (left) 0 and (right) 2 categories, in the 2 b tag signal region of the AZH(bb) analysis [108]. In the 2 categories, the contributions of the 2 e and 2 μ channels have been summed. The gray dotted line represents the sum of all background processes before the fit to data; the shaded area represents the post-fit uncertainty. The hatched red histograms represent signal hypotheses for b quark associated X production corresponding to σAB(AZH)B(Hbb)= 0.1 pb. The lower panels depict (N dataNbkg)/σ in each bin, where σ refers to the statistical uncertainty in the given bin. Figure from Ref. [108].

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Figure 13-b:
Search for XVH(bb): Distributions of the mTZH and mZH variables, as introduced in the text, in the (left) 0 and (right) 2 categories, in the 2 b tag signal region of the AZH(bb) analysis [108]. In the 2 categories, the contributions of the 2 e and 2 μ channels have been summed. The gray dotted line represents the sum of all background processes before the fit to data; the shaded area represents the post-fit uncertainty. The hatched red histograms represent signal hypotheses for b quark associated X production corresponding to σAB(AZH)B(Hbb)= 0.1 pb. The lower panels depict (N dataNbkg)/σ in each bin, where σ refers to the statistical uncertainty in the given bin. Figure from Ref. [108].

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Figure 14:
Search for XVH(ττ): Distribution of the mcττ variable, as introduced in the text, of the AZH(ττ) analysis [107], after a fit of the background-only hypothesis in all eight final states. While the fit is based on corresponding distributions, for each final state individually, these have been combined into a single distribution, for visualization purposes for this figure. Uncertainties include both statistical and systematic components. The expected contribution from the AZH signal process is shown for a pseudoscalar Higgs boson with mA= 300 GeV with the product of the cross section and branching fraction of 20 fb. Figure from Ref. [107].

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Figure 15:
Search for XVH(bb): Distributions of (left) the jet soft drop mass of a boosted Higgs boson candidate, labeled mjet, and (right) the mass of the X resonance candidate, labeled mWV in the W(ν)H(bb) channel. The notation mWV is used as a shorthand since the analysis also searches for resonances in the WW and WZ final states. Figures from Ref. [109].

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Figure 15-a:
Search for XVH(bb): Distributions of (left) the jet soft drop mass of a boosted Higgs boson candidate, labeled mjet, and (right) the mass of the X resonance candidate, labeled mWV in the W(ν)H(bb) channel. The notation mWV is used as a shorthand since the analysis also searches for resonances in the WW and WZ final states. Figures from Ref. [109].

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Figure 15-b:
Search for XVH(bb): Distributions of (left) the jet soft drop mass of a boosted Higgs boson candidate, labeled mjet, and (right) the mass of the X resonance candidate, labeled mWV in the W(ν)H(bb) channel. The notation mWV is used as a shorthand since the analysis also searches for resonances in the WW and WZ final states. Figures from Ref. [109].

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Figure 16:
Search for XVH(bb): Distributions of (left) the jet soft drop mass of a boosted Higgs boson candidate, labeled mjH, and (right) the mass or transverse mass of the X resonance candidate, labeled mX and mTX, respectively, in the Z()H(bb) (upper) and Z(νν)H(bb) channels (lower). The shaded area depicts a veto region excluded from the analysis to minimize the event overlap with dedicated searches in the VV decay channel. Figures from Ref. [110].

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Figure 16-a:
Search for XVH(bb): Distributions of (left) the jet soft drop mass of a boosted Higgs boson candidate, labeled mjH, and (right) the mass or transverse mass of the X resonance candidate, labeled mX and mTX, respectively, in the Z()H(bb) (upper) and Z(νν)H(bb) channels (lower). The shaded area depicts a veto region excluded from the analysis to minimize the event overlap with dedicated searches in the VV decay channel. Figures from Ref. [110].

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Figure 16-b:
Search for XVH(bb): Distributions of (left) the jet soft drop mass of a boosted Higgs boson candidate, labeled mjH, and (right) the mass or transverse mass of the X resonance candidate, labeled mX and mTX, respectively, in the Z()H(bb) (upper) and Z(νν)H(bb) channels (lower). The shaded area depicts a veto region excluded from the analysis to minimize the event overlap with dedicated searches in the VV decay channel. Figures from Ref. [110].

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Figure 16-c:
Search for XVH(bb): Distributions of (left) the jet soft drop mass of a boosted Higgs boson candidate, labeled mjH, and (right) the mass or transverse mass of the X resonance candidate, labeled mX and mTX, respectively, in the Z()H(bb) (upper) and Z(νν)H(bb) channels (lower). The shaded area depicts a veto region excluded from the analysis to minimize the event overlap with dedicated searches in the VV decay channel. Figures from Ref. [110].

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Figure 16-d:
Search for XVH(bb): Distributions of (left) the jet soft drop mass of a boosted Higgs boson candidate, labeled mjH, and (right) the mass or transverse mass of the X resonance candidate, labeled mX and mTX, respectively, in the Z()H(bb) (upper) and Z(νν)H(bb) channels (lower). The shaded area depicts a veto region excluded from the analysis to minimize the event overlap with dedicated searches in the VV decay channel. Figures from Ref. [110].

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Figure 17:
Search for XV (qq) H(bb): Distributions of (left) the soft drop mass mSD variable, labelled as mAK8jet1, and (right) the dijet mass mAK8jj in the V(qq)H(bb) channel [111]. The individual contributions of the background model are shown by open histograms with different colours and line styles. The signal of a Z' boson with a mass of 3 TeV decaying via Zqq and Hbb is also shown, by a green filled histogram. Figure from Ref. [111].

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Figure 17-a:
Search for XV (qq) H(bb): Distributions of (left) the soft drop mass mSD variable, labelled as mAK8jet1, and (right) the dijet mass mAK8jj in the V(qq)H(bb) channel [111]. The individual contributions of the background model are shown by open histograms with different colours and line styles. The signal of a Z' boson with a mass of 3 TeV decaying via Zqq and Hbb is also shown, by a green filled histogram. Figure from Ref. [111].

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Figure 17-b:
Search for XV (qq) H(bb): Distributions of (left) the soft drop mass mSD variable, labelled as mAK8jet1, and (right) the dijet mass mAK8jj in the V(qq)H(bb) channel [111]. The individual contributions of the background model are shown by open histograms with different colours and line styles. The signal of a Z' boson with a mass of 3 TeV decaying via Zqq and Hbb is also shown, by a green filled histogram. Figure from Ref. [111].

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Figure 18:
Search for XH(bb)H(WW): Distributions of the DNN output for events in the signal nodes of the (upper) SL and (lower) DL categories of the H(bb)H(WW) analysis based on merged and resolved jets [112]. The distributions for a signal of a resonant radion with a mass of 400 GeV is also shown, by an open red histogram. Figure from Ref. [112].

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Figure 18-a:
Search for XH(bb)H(WW): Distributions of the DNN output for events in the signal nodes of the (upper) SL and (lower) DL categories of the H(bb)H(WW) analysis based on merged and resolved jets [112]. The distributions for a signal of a resonant radion with a mass of 400 GeV is also shown, by an open red histogram. Figure from Ref. [112].

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Figure 18-b:
Search for XH(bb)H(WW): Distributions of the DNN output for events in the signal nodes of the (upper) SL and (lower) DL categories of the H(bb)H(WW) analysis based on merged and resolved jets [112]. The distributions for a signal of a resonant radion with a mass of 400 GeV is also shown, by an open red histogram. Figure from Ref. [112].

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Figure 19:
Search for XH(bb)H(WW): Distributions of the mHH variable, in the (left) SL and (right) DL categories of the H(bb)H(WW) analysis with merged jets [113]. Expected signal distributions from a spin-0 resonance with a mass of 1 or 3 TeV are also shown, by the open green and blue histograms. Figure from Ref. [113].

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Figure 19-a:
Search for XH(bb)H(WW): Distributions of the mHH variable, in the (left) SL and (right) DL categories of the H(bb)H(WW) analysis with merged jets [113]. Expected signal distributions from a spin-0 resonance with a mass of 1 or 3 TeV are also shown, by the open green and blue histograms. Figure from Ref. [113].

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Figure 19-b:
Search for XH(bb)H(WW): Distributions of the mHH variable, in the (left) SL and (right) DL categories of the H(bb)H(WW) analysis with merged jets [113]. Expected signal distributions from a spin-0 resonance with a mass of 1 or 3 TeV are also shown, by the open green and blue histograms. Figure from Ref. [113].

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Figure 20:
Search for XHH in multi-lepton final states: Distributions of the BDT classifier output for events in the (left) 2 ss and (right) 3 categories of the H(WW+ττ)H(WW+ττ) analysis in multilepton final states [114]. The expected signal for a spin-2 resonance with a mass of 750 GeV resonant HH signal is shown, by the open dashed histogram. The signal is normalized to a a cross section of 1\unitpb. The distributions of the estimated background processes and corresponding uncertainties are shown after a fit of the signal plus background hypothesis to the data. Figure from Ref. [114].

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Figure 20-a:
Search for XHH in multi-lepton final states: Distributions of the BDT classifier output for events in the (left) 2 ss and (right) 3 categories of the H(WW+ττ)H(WW+ττ) analysis in multilepton final states [114]. The expected signal for a spin-2 resonance with a mass of 750 GeV resonant HH signal is shown, by the open dashed histogram. The signal is normalized to a a cross section of 1\unitpb. The distributions of the estimated background processes and corresponding uncertainties are shown after a fit of the signal plus background hypothesis to the data. Figure from Ref. [114].

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Figure 20-b:
Search for XHH in multi-lepton final states: Distributions of the BDT classifier output for events in the (left) 2 ss and (right) 3 categories of the H(WW+ττ)H(WW+ττ) analysis in multilepton final states [114]. The expected signal for a spin-2 resonance with a mass of 750 GeV resonant HH signal is shown, by the open dashed histogram. The signal is normalized to a a cross section of 1\unitpb. The distributions of the estimated background processes and corresponding uncertainties are shown after a fit of the signal plus background hypothesis to the data. Figure from Ref. [114].

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Figure 21:
Search for XY(bb)H(ττ): Distributions of the NN output scores yi, in different event categories after NN classification, based on a training for a resonance X with mX= 500 GeV and a resonance Y with 100 mY< 150 GeV in the eτh final state of the H(ττ)Y(bb) analysis [115]. Shown are the (left) ττ and (right) signal categories. For these figures, the data of all years have been combined. The uncertainty bands correspond to the combination of statistical and systematic uncertainties after the fit of the signal plus background hypothesis for mX= 500 GeV and mY= 110 GeV to the data. In the lower panels of the figures the (left) purity and (right) fraction of the expected signal over background yields for a signal with a cross section of 200 fb, as well as the ratio of the obtained yields in data over the expectation based on only the background model, are shown. Figure from Ref. [115].

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Figure 21-a:
Search for XY(bb)H(ττ): Distributions of the NN output scores yi, in different event categories after NN classification, based on a training for a resonance X with mX= 500 GeV and a resonance Y with 100 mY< 150 GeV in the eτh final state of the H(ττ)Y(bb) analysis [115]. Shown are the (left) ττ and (right) signal categories. For these figures, the data of all years have been combined. The uncertainty bands correspond to the combination of statistical and systematic uncertainties after the fit of the signal plus background hypothesis for mX= 500 GeV and mY= 110 GeV to the data. In the lower panels of the figures the (left) purity and (right) fraction of the expected signal over background yields for a signal with a cross section of 200 fb, as well as the ratio of the obtained yields in data over the expectation based on only the background model, are shown. Figure from Ref. [115].

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Figure 21-b:
Search for XY(bb)H(ττ): Distributions of the NN output scores yi, in different event categories after NN classification, based on a training for a resonance X with mX= 500 GeV and a resonance Y with 100 mY< 150 GeV in the eτh final state of the H(ττ)Y(bb) analysis [115]. Shown are the (left) ττ and (right) signal categories. For these figures, the data of all years have been combined. The uncertainty bands correspond to the combination of statistical and systematic uncertainties after the fit of the signal plus background hypothesis for mX= 500 GeV and mY= 110 GeV to the data. In the lower panels of the figures the (left) purity and (right) fraction of the expected signal over background yields for a signal with a cross section of 200 fb, as well as the ratio of the obtained yields in data over the expectation based on only the background model, are shown. Figure from Ref. [115].

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Figure 22:
Search for XY (bb) H(γγ): Marginal distributions of the (left) mγγ and (right) mjj variables, in the high-purity SR (labeled ``CAT 0'') of the Y(bb)H(γγ) analysis [116]. The figure is shown, for a hypothesis of mX= 650 GeV and mY= 90 GeV, for which the largest excess of events over the background model is observed. In the lower panels, the numbers of background-subtracted events are shown after the fit of the background model to the data. Figure from Ref. [116].

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Figure 22-a:
Search for XY (bb) H(γγ): Marginal distributions of the (left) mγγ and (right) mjj variables, in the high-purity SR (labeled ``CAT 0'') of the Y(bb)H(γγ) analysis [116]. The figure is shown, for a hypothesis of mX= 650 GeV and mY= 90 GeV, for which the largest excess of events over the background model is observed. In the lower panels, the numbers of background-subtracted events are shown after the fit of the background model to the data. Figure from Ref. [116].

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Figure 22-b:
Search for XY (bb) H(γγ): Marginal distributions of the (left) mγγ and (right) mjj variables, in the high-purity SR (labeled ``CAT 0'') of the Y(bb)H(γγ) analysis [116]. The figure is shown, for a hypothesis of mX= 650 GeV and mY= 90 GeV, for which the largest excess of events over the background model is observed. In the lower panels, the numbers of background-subtracted events are shown after the fit of the background model to the data. Figure from Ref. [116].

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Figure 23:
Search for XY(bb)H(bb): Distributions of the (left) soft-drop mass of the boosted Y candidate, labeled MYJ, and (right) the dijet mass of the Y and H candidates, MJJ, in the high-purity SR of the Y(bb)H(bb) analysis with two merged bb jets [117]. The distributions as expected for signals with three different values of mX and mY (labeled MX and MY) are also shown. In the lower panels the statistical pull in each bin is displayed. Figure from Ref. [117].

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Figure 23-a:
Search for XY(bb)H(bb): Distributions of the (left) soft-drop mass of the boosted Y candidate, labeled MYJ, and (right) the dijet mass of the Y and H candidates, MJJ, in the high-purity SR of the Y(bb)H(bb) analysis with two merged bb jets [117]. The distributions as expected for signals with three different values of mX and mY (labeled MX and MY) are also shown. In the lower panels the statistical pull in each bin is displayed. Figure from Ref. [117].

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Figure 23-b:
Search for XY(bb)H(bb): Distributions of the (left) soft-drop mass of the boosted Y candidate, labeled MYJ, and (right) the dijet mass of the Y and H candidates, MJJ, in the high-purity SR of the Y(bb)H(bb) analysis with two merged bb jets [117]. The distributions as expected for signals with three different values of mX and mY (labeled MX and MY) are also shown. In the lower panels the statistical pull in each bin is displayed. Figure from Ref. [117].

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Figure 24:
Search for XZH: Observed and expected 95% CL upper limits on the product of the cross section σ for the production of an A boson, via gluon-gluon fusion and the branching fraction B for the AZH decay. The limits are given in \unitpb as functions of mA. The markers connected with solid lines (dashed lines) indicate the observed (expected) limits. The green (magenta) lines refer to the Z(+νν)H(bb) [108] (Z()H(ττ) [107]) analysis. The red and blue solid lines indicate the product σB as expected by the 2HDM Type I and Type II models, respectively, for the parameters tanβ= 3 and cos(βα)= 0.1. The shaded areas associated with these predictions indicate the corresponding model uncertainties. The results and model predictions have been adapted from Refs. [108,107].

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Figure 25:
Search for XWH: Observed and expected 95% CL upper limits on the product of the cross section σ for the production of a W' spin-1 resonance, via (left) DY production or (right) vector boson fusion and the branching fraction B for the WWH decay. The solid lines represent the observed and the dotted lines the expected limits. The theory predictions from the heavy vector triplet models A, B, and C are also shown.

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Figure 25-a:
Search for XWH: Observed and expected 95% CL upper limits on the product of the cross section σ for the production of a W' spin-1 resonance, via (left) DY production or (right) vector boson fusion and the branching fraction B for the WWH decay. The solid lines represent the observed and the dotted lines the expected limits. The theory predictions from the heavy vector triplet models A, B, and C are also shown.

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Figure 25-b:
Search for XWH: Observed and expected 95% CL upper limits on the product of the cross section σ for the production of a W' spin-1 resonance, via (left) DY production or (right) vector boson fusion and the branching fraction B for the WWH decay. The solid lines represent the observed and the dotted lines the expected limits. The theory predictions from the heavy vector triplet models A, B, and C are also shown.

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Figure 26:
Search for XZH: Observed and expected 95% CL upper limits on the product of the cross section σ for the production of a Z' spin-1 resonance, via (left) DY production or (right) vector boson fusion and the branching fraction B for the ZZH decay. The solid lines represent the observed and the dotted lines the expected limits. The theory predictions from the heavy vector triplet models A, B and C are also shown.

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Figure 26-a:
Search for XZH: Observed and expected 95% CL upper limits on the product of the cross section σ for the production of a Z' spin-1 resonance, via (left) DY production or (right) vector boson fusion and the branching fraction B for the ZZH decay. The solid lines represent the observed and the dotted lines the expected limits. The theory predictions from the heavy vector triplet models A, B and C are also shown.

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Figure 26-b:
Search for XZH: Observed and expected 95% CL upper limits on the product of the cross section σ for the production of a Z' spin-1 resonance, via (left) DY production or (right) vector boson fusion and the branching fraction B for the ZZH decay. The solid lines represent the observed and the dotted lines the expected limits. The theory predictions from the heavy vector triplet models A, B and C are also shown.

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Figure 27:
Search for XHH/GHH: Observed and expected 95% CL upper limits on the product of the cross section σ for the production of a (left) spin-0 resonance X and (right) a spin-2 resonance G, via gluon-gluon fusion and the branching fraction B for the corresponding HH decay. The results of the individual analyses presented in this report and the result of their combined likelihood analysis are shown. The observed limits are indicated by markers connected with solid lines and the expected limits by dashed lines.

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Figure 27-a:
Search for XHH/GHH: Observed and expected 95% CL upper limits on the product of the cross section σ for the production of a (left) spin-0 resonance X and (right) a spin-2 resonance G, via gluon-gluon fusion and the branching fraction B for the corresponding HH decay. The results of the individual analyses presented in this report and the result of their combined likelihood analysis are shown. The observed limits are indicated by markers connected with solid lines and the expected limits by dashed lines.

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Figure 27-b:
Search for XHH/GHH: Observed and expected 95% CL upper limits on the product of the cross section σ for the production of a (left) spin-0 resonance X and (right) a spin-2 resonance G, via gluon-gluon fusion and the branching fraction B for the corresponding HH decay. The results of the individual analyses presented in this report and the result of their combined likelihood analysis are shown. The observed limits are indicated by markers connected with solid lines and the expected limits by dashed lines.

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Figure 28:
Search for XHH/GHH: Observed and expected 95% CL upper limits on the product of the cross section σ for the production of a (left) spin-0 resonance X and (right) a spin-2 resonance G, via gluon-gluon fusion, and the branching fraction B for the corresponding HH decay, as obtained from the combined likelihood analysis of all contributing individual analyses presented in this report and shown in Fig. 27. In addition to the limit from the combined likelihood analysis the 68 and 95% central intervals for the expected upper limits in the absence of a signal are shown as coloured bands.

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Figure 28-a:
Search for XHH/GHH: Observed and expected 95% CL upper limits on the product of the cross section σ for the production of a (left) spin-0 resonance X and (right) a spin-2 resonance G, via gluon-gluon fusion, and the branching fraction B for the corresponding HH decay, as obtained from the combined likelihood analysis of all contributing individual analyses presented in this report and shown in Fig. 27. In addition to the limit from the combined likelihood analysis the 68 and 95% central intervals for the expected upper limits in the absence of a signal are shown as coloured bands.

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Figure 28-b:
Search for XHH/GHH: Observed and expected 95% CL upper limits on the product of the cross section σ for the production of a (left) spin-0 resonance X and (right) a spin-2 resonance G, via gluon-gluon fusion, and the branching fraction B for the corresponding HH decay, as obtained from the combined likelihood analysis of all contributing individual analyses presented in this report and shown in Fig. 27. In addition to the limit from the combined likelihood analysis the 68 and 95% central intervals for the expected upper limits in the absence of a signal are shown as coloured bands.

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Figure 29:
Search for XYH: Observed and expected upper limits, at 95% CL, on the product of the cross section σ for the production of a resonance X via gluon-gluon fusion and the branching fraction B for the XY(bb)H decay. For the branching fractions of the Hττ, Hγγ and Hbb decays, the SM values are assumed. The results derived from the individual analyses presented in this report and the result of their combined likelihood analysis are shown as functions of mY and mX for mX 1 TeV. Observed limits are indicated by markers connected with solid lines, expected limits by dashed lines. For presentation purposes, the limits have been scaled in successive steps by two orders of magnitude, each. For each set of graphs, a black arrow points to the mX related legend.

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Figure 30:
Search for XYH: Observed and expected upper limits, at 95% CL, on the product of the cross section σ for the production of a resonance X via gluon-gluon fusion and the branching fraction B for the XY(bb)H decay. For the branching fractions of the Hττ and Hbb decays, the SM values are assumed. The results derived from the individual analyses presented in this report and the result of their combined likelihood analysis are shown as functions of mY and mX for mX 1.2 TeV. Observed limits are indicated by markers connected with solid lines, expected limits by dashed lines. For presentation purposes, the limits have been scaled in successive steps by four orders of magnitude, each. For each set of graphs, a black arrow points to the mX related legend.

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Figure 31:
Interpretation of the results from the searches for the XHH decay, in the hMSSM model. In the upper part of the figure, the observed and expected exclusion contours at 95% CL, in the (mA, tanβ) plane, from the individual HH analyses presented in this report and their combined likelihood analysis are shown. In the lower part of the figure, a comparison of the region excluded by the combined likelihood analysis shown in the upper part of the figure with selected results from other searches for the production of heavy scalar bosons in the hMSSM, in ττ [64], t¯t [169] and WW [170] decays is shown. Also shown, are the results from one representative search for AZH [107] and indirect constraints obtained from measurements of the coupling strength of the observed H boson [47]. Results not marked by a club symbol are based on an integrated luminosity of 35.9 fb1.

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Figure 31-a:
Interpretation of the results from the searches for the XHH decay, in the hMSSM model. In the upper part of the figure, the observed and expected exclusion contours at 95% CL, in the (mA, tanβ) plane, from the individual HH analyses presented in this report and their combined likelihood analysis are shown. In the lower part of the figure, a comparison of the region excluded by the combined likelihood analysis shown in the upper part of the figure with selected results from other searches for the production of heavy scalar bosons in the hMSSM, in ττ [64], t¯t [169] and WW [170] decays is shown. Also shown, are the results from one representative search for AZH [107] and indirect constraints obtained from measurements of the coupling strength of the observed H boson [47]. Results not marked by a club symbol are based on an integrated luminosity of 35.9 fb1.

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Figure 31-b:
Interpretation of the results from the searches for the XHH decay, in the hMSSM model. In the upper part of the figure, the observed and expected exclusion contours at 95% CL, in the (mA, tanβ) plane, from the individual HH analyses presented in this report and their combined likelihood analysis are shown. In the lower part of the figure, a comparison of the region excluded by the combined likelihood analysis shown in the upper part of the figure with selected results from other searches for the production of heavy scalar bosons in the hMSSM, in ττ [64], t¯t [169] and WW [170] decays is shown. Also shown, are the results from one representative search for AZH [107] and indirect constraints obtained from measurements of the coupling strength of the observed H boson [47]. Results not marked by a club symbol are based on an integrated luminosity of 35.9 fb1.

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Figure 32:
Interpretation of the results from the searches for the XHH decay, in the M125h,EFT benchmark scenario. In the upper part of the figure, the observed and expected exclusion contours at 95% CL are shown, in the (mA, tanβ) plane from the individual HH analyses presented in this report and their combined likelihood analysis. In the lower part of the figure, a comparison of the region excluded by the combined likelihood analysis shown in the upper part of the figure with selected results from other searches for the production of heavy scalar bosons in the M125h,EFT scenario, in ττ [64], t¯t [169] and WW [170] decays is shown. Also shown, are the results from one representative search for AZH [107]. The parameter region in which the mass of the lightest MSSM Higgs boson does not coincide with 125 GeV within a 3 GeV margin is indicated by the dark hatched area. Results not marked by a club symbol are based on an integrated luminosity of 35.9 fb1.

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Figure 32-a:
Interpretation of the results from the searches for the XHH decay, in the M125h,EFT benchmark scenario. In the upper part of the figure, the observed and expected exclusion contours at 95% CL are shown, in the (mA, tanβ) plane from the individual HH analyses presented in this report and their combined likelihood analysis. In the lower part of the figure, a comparison of the region excluded by the combined likelihood analysis shown in the upper part of the figure with selected results from other searches for the production of heavy scalar bosons in the M125h,EFT scenario, in ττ [64], t¯t [169] and WW [170] decays is shown. Also shown, are the results from one representative search for AZH [107]. The parameter region in which the mass of the lightest MSSM Higgs boson does not coincide with 125 GeV within a 3 GeV margin is indicated by the dark hatched area. Results not marked by a club symbol are based on an integrated luminosity of 35.9 fb1.

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Figure 32-b:
Interpretation of the results from the searches for the XHH decay, in the M125h,EFT benchmark scenario. In the upper part of the figure, the observed and expected exclusion contours at 95% CL are shown, in the (mA, tanβ) plane from the individual HH analyses presented in this report and their combined likelihood analysis. In the lower part of the figure, a comparison of the region excluded by the combined likelihood analysis shown in the upper part of the figure with selected results from other searches for the production of heavy scalar bosons in the M125h,EFT scenario, in ττ [64], t¯t [169] and WW [170] decays is shown. Also shown, are the results from one representative search for AZH [107]. The parameter region in which the mass of the lightest MSSM Higgs boson does not coincide with 125 GeV within a 3 GeV margin is indicated by the dark hatched area. Results not marked by a club symbol are based on an integrated luminosity of 35.9 fb1.

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Figure 33:
Interpretation of the results of the AZH(bb) analysis [108], in the (upper left) Type I, (upper right) Type II, (lower left) flipped, and (lower right) lepton-specific 2HDM models. In each case observed and expected exclusion contours at 95% CL, in the plane defined by cos(βα) and tanβ, are shown. The excluded regions are represented by the shaded gray areas. The 68 and 95% central intervals of the expected exclusion contours in the absence of a signal are indicated by the green and yellow bands. Contours are derived from the projection on the corresponding 2HDM parameter space for mA= 300 GeV. The regions of parameter space where the natural width of the A boson ΓA is comparable to or larger than the experimental resolution and thus the narrow-width approximation is not valid are represented by hatched gray areas. Figure from Ref. [108].

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Figure 33-a:
Interpretation of the results of the AZH(bb) analysis [108], in the (upper left) Type I, (upper right) Type II, (lower left) flipped, and (lower right) lepton-specific 2HDM models. In each case observed and expected exclusion contours at 95% CL, in the plane defined by cos(βα) and tanβ, are shown. The excluded regions are represented by the shaded gray areas. The 68 and 95% central intervals of the expected exclusion contours in the absence of a signal are indicated by the green and yellow bands. Contours are derived from the projection on the corresponding 2HDM parameter space for mA= 300 GeV. The regions of parameter space where the natural width of the A boson ΓA is comparable to or larger than the experimental resolution and thus the narrow-width approximation is not valid are represented by hatched gray areas. Figure from Ref. [108].

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Figure 33-b:
Interpretation of the results of the AZH(bb) analysis [108], in the (upper left) Type I, (upper right) Type II, (lower left) flipped, and (lower right) lepton-specific 2HDM models. In each case observed and expected exclusion contours at 95% CL, in the plane defined by cos(βα) and tanβ, are shown. The excluded regions are represented by the shaded gray areas. The 68 and 95% central intervals of the expected exclusion contours in the absence of a signal are indicated by the green and yellow bands. Contours are derived from the projection on the corresponding 2HDM parameter space for mA= 300 GeV. The regions of parameter space where the natural width of the A boson ΓA is comparable to or larger than the experimental resolution and thus the narrow-width approximation is not valid are represented by hatched gray areas. Figure from Ref. [108].

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Figure 33-c:
Interpretation of the results of the AZH(bb) analysis [108], in the (upper left) Type I, (upper right) Type II, (lower left) flipped, and (lower right) lepton-specific 2HDM models. In each case observed and expected exclusion contours at 95% CL, in the plane defined by cos(βα) and tanβ, are shown. The excluded regions are represented by the shaded gray areas. The 68 and 95% central intervals of the expected exclusion contours in the absence of a signal are indicated by the green and yellow bands. Contours are derived from the projection on the corresponding 2HDM parameter space for mA= 300 GeV. The regions of parameter space where the natural width of the A boson ΓA is comparable to or larger than the experimental resolution and thus the narrow-width approximation is not valid are represented by hatched gray areas. Figure from Ref. [108].

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Figure 33-d:
Interpretation of the results of the AZH(bb) analysis [108], in the (upper left) Type I, (upper right) Type II, (lower left) flipped, and (lower right) lepton-specific 2HDM models. In each case observed and expected exclusion contours at 95% CL, in the plane defined by cos(βα) and tanβ, are shown. The excluded regions are represented by the shaded gray areas. The 68 and 95% central intervals of the expected exclusion contours in the absence of a signal are indicated by the green and yellow bands. Contours are derived from the projection on the corresponding 2HDM parameter space for mA= 300 GeV. The regions of parameter space where the natural width of the A boson ΓA is comparable to or larger than the experimental resolution and thus the narrow-width approximation is not valid are represented by hatched gray areas. Figure from Ref. [108].

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Figure 34:
(Upper left) Observed and (upper right) expected upper limits at 95% CL, on the product of the cross section σ for the production of a resonance X via gluon-gluon fusion and the branching fraction B for the XY(bb)H decay, as obtained from a combined likelihood analysis of the individual analyses presented in this report and shown in Fig. 29. The results are presented in a plane defined by mX and mY. The limits have been evaluated in discrete steps corresponding to the centers of the boxes. The numbers in the boxes are given in fb. The corresponding maximally allowed values of σB in the NMSSM are also shown for comparison (lower plot), as adapted from Ref. [193].

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Figure 34-a:
(Upper left) Observed and (upper right) expected upper limits at 95% CL, on the product of the cross section σ for the production of a resonance X via gluon-gluon fusion and the branching fraction B for the XY(bb)H decay, as obtained from a combined likelihood analysis of the individual analyses presented in this report and shown in Fig. 29. The results are presented in a plane defined by mX and mY. The limits have been evaluated in discrete steps corresponding to the centers of the boxes. The numbers in the boxes are given in fb. The corresponding maximally allowed values of σB in the NMSSM are also shown for comparison (lower plot), as adapted from Ref. [193].

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Figure 34-b:
(Upper left) Observed and (upper right) expected upper limits at 95% CL, on the product of the cross section σ for the production of a resonance X via gluon-gluon fusion and the branching fraction B for the XY(bb)H decay, as obtained from a combined likelihood analysis of the individual analyses presented in this report and shown in Fig. 29. The results are presented in a plane defined by mX and mY. The limits have been evaluated in discrete steps corresponding to the centers of the boxes. The numbers in the boxes are given in fb. The corresponding maximally allowed values of σB in the NMSSM are also shown for comparison (lower plot), as adapted from Ref. [193].

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Figure 34-c:
(Upper left) Observed and (upper right) expected upper limits at 95% CL, on the product of the cross section σ for the production of a resonance X via gluon-gluon fusion and the branching fraction B for the XY(bb)H decay, as obtained from a combined likelihood analysis of the individual analyses presented in this report and shown in Fig. 29. The results are presented in a plane defined by mX and mY. The limits have been evaluated in discrete steps corresponding to the centers of the boxes. The numbers in the boxes are given in fb. The corresponding maximally allowed values of σB in the NMSSM are also shown for comparison (lower plot), as adapted from Ref. [193].

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Figure 35:
Observed and expected limits, at 95% CL, on the parameters of models with warped extra dimensions, as obtained from the XHH analyses presented in this report and their combined likelihood analysis. Shown are lower limits (left) on the bulk radion ultraviolet cutoff parameter ΛR, as a function of the radion mass mR, and upper limits (right) on the parameter ˜k of the spin-2 bulk graviton G, as a function of mG. Excluded areas are indicated by the direction of the hatching along the exclusion contours.

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Figure 35-a:
Observed and expected limits, at 95% CL, on the parameters of models with warped extra dimensions, as obtained from the XHH analyses presented in this report and their combined likelihood analysis. Shown are lower limits (left) on the bulk radion ultraviolet cutoff parameter ΛR, as a function of the radion mass mR, and upper limits (right) on the parameter ˜k of the spin-2 bulk graviton G, as a function of mG. Excluded areas are indicated by the direction of the hatching along the exclusion contours.

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Figure 35-b:
Observed and expected limits, at 95% CL, on the parameters of models with warped extra dimensions, as obtained from the XHH analyses presented in this report and their combined likelihood analysis. Shown are lower limits (left) on the bulk radion ultraviolet cutoff parameter ΛR, as a function of the radion mass mR, and upper limits (right) on the parameter ˜k of the spin-2 bulk graviton G, as a function of mG. Excluded areas are indicated by the direction of the hatching along the exclusion contours.

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Figure 36:
Observed and expected limits, at 95% CL, on the parameters of models with warped extra dimensions, as obtained from the combined likelihood analysis of the individual XHH analyses presented in this report and shown in Fig. 35. The exclusion contours obtained from the combined likelihood analysis are compared to similar exclusions obtained from individual searches in the decays Z()Z(qq/νν/) [195], W(ν)W(ν/qq) [170], W(ν)W(qq) [109], V(qq)V(qq) [111], and Z(νν)Z(qq) [196], in case of the radion interpretation, and from individual searches in the decays Z(qq)Z() [197], V(qq)V(qq) [111], Z(νν)Z(qq) [196], and W(ν)W(qq) [109], in the case of the graviton interpretation. Excluded areas are indicated by the direction of the hatching along the exclusion contours.

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Figure 36-a:
Observed and expected limits, at 95% CL, on the parameters of models with warped extra dimensions, as obtained from the combined likelihood analysis of the individual XHH analyses presented in this report and shown in Fig. 35. The exclusion contours obtained from the combined likelihood analysis are compared to similar exclusions obtained from individual searches in the decays Z()Z(qq/νν/) [195], W(ν)W(ν/qq) [170], W(ν)W(qq) [109], V(qq)V(qq) [111], and Z(νν)Z(qq) [196], in case of the radion interpretation, and from individual searches in the decays Z(qq)Z() [197], V(qq)V(qq) [111], Z(νν)Z(qq) [196], and W(ν)W(qq) [109], in the case of the graviton interpretation. Excluded areas are indicated by the direction of the hatching along the exclusion contours.

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Figure 36-b:
Observed and expected limits, at 95% CL, on the parameters of models with warped extra dimensions, as obtained from the combined likelihood analysis of the individual XHH analyses presented in this report and shown in Fig. 35. The exclusion contours obtained from the combined likelihood analysis are compared to similar exclusions obtained from individual searches in the decays Z()Z(qq/νν/) [195], W(ν)W(ν/qq) [170], W(ν)W(qq) [109], V(qq)V(qq) [111], and Z(νν)Z(qq) [196], in case of the radion interpretation, and from individual searches in the decays Z(qq)Z() [197], V(qq)V(qq) [111], Z(νν)Z(qq) [196], and W(ν)W(qq) [109], in the case of the graviton interpretation. Excluded areas are indicated by the direction of the hatching along the exclusion contours.

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Figure 37:
Observed upper limits, at 95% CL, on the Drell-Yan production cross section of (upper) W', (middle) Z', and (lower) combined V spin-1 resonances assuming branching fractions of the heavy vector triplet models (left) A and (right) B. The theory predictions from these models are also shown. Results from the VH [109,110,111] and VV channels [109,111,197,196], as well as results from dijet [201], tb [199], [198], and ν [200] final states are also shown, for comparison.

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Figure 37-a:
Observed upper limits, at 95% CL, on the Drell-Yan production cross section of (upper) W', (middle) Z', and (lower) combined V spin-1 resonances assuming branching fractions of the heavy vector triplet models (left) A and (right) B. The theory predictions from these models are also shown. Results from the VH [109,110,111] and VV channels [109,111,197,196], as well as results from dijet [201], tb [199], [198], and ν [200] final states are also shown, for comparison.

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Figure 37-b:
Observed upper limits, at 95% CL, on the Drell-Yan production cross section of (upper) W', (middle) Z', and (lower) combined V spin-1 resonances assuming branching fractions of the heavy vector triplet models (left) A and (right) B. The theory predictions from these models are also shown. Results from the VH [109,110,111] and VV channels [109,111,197,196], as well as results from dijet [201], tb [199], [198], and ν [200] final states are also shown, for comparison.

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Figure 37-c:
Observed upper limits, at 95% CL, on the Drell-Yan production cross section of (upper) W', (middle) Z', and (lower) combined V spin-1 resonances assuming branching fractions of the heavy vector triplet models (left) A and (right) B. The theory predictions from these models are also shown. Results from the VH [109,110,111] and VV channels [109,111,197,196], as well as results from dijet [201], tb [199], [198], and ν [200] final states are also shown, for comparison.

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Figure 37-d:
Observed upper limits, at 95% CL, on the Drell-Yan production cross section of (upper) W', (middle) Z', and (lower) combined V spin-1 resonances assuming branching fractions of the heavy vector triplet models (left) A and (right) B. The theory predictions from these models are also shown. Results from the VH [109,110,111] and VV channels [109,111,197,196], as well as results from dijet [201], tb [199], [198], and ν [200] final states are also shown, for comparison.

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Figure 37-e:
Observed upper limits, at 95% CL, on the Drell-Yan production cross section of (upper) W', (middle) Z', and (lower) combined V spin-1 resonances assuming branching fractions of the heavy vector triplet models (left) A and (right) B. The theory predictions from these models are also shown. Results from the VH [109,110,111] and VV channels [109,111,197,196], as well as results from dijet [201], tb [199], [198], and ν [200] final states are also shown, for comparison.

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Figure 37-f:
Observed upper limits, at 95% CL, on the Drell-Yan production cross section of (upper) W', (middle) Z', and (lower) combined V spin-1 resonances assuming branching fractions of the heavy vector triplet models (left) A and (right) B. The theory predictions from these models are also shown. Results from the VH [109,110,111] and VV channels [109,111,197,196], as well as results from dijet [201], tb [199], [198], and ν [200] final states are also shown, for comparison.

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Figure 38:
Observed upper limits, at 95% CL, on the V couplings gF and gH within the HVT model for V masses of (upper left) 1, (upper right) 2, (lower left) 3, and (lower right) 4 TeV, from DY production, derived from VH channels of Refs. [109,110,111] discussed in this report. Excluded areas are indicated by the direction of the shading along the exclusion contours. The dotted lines denote coupling values above which the relative width of the resonance, ΓV/mV, exceeds 4 and 10%, respectively, implying that the narrow width approximation no longer applies. The couplings corresponding to the heavy vector triplet models A and B are indicated by cross markers.

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Figure 38-a:
Observed upper limits, at 95% CL, on the V couplings gF and gH within the HVT model for V masses of (upper left) 1, (upper right) 2, (lower left) 3, and (lower right) 4 TeV, from DY production, derived from VH channels of Refs. [109,110,111] discussed in this report. Excluded areas are indicated by the direction of the shading along the exclusion contours. The dotted lines denote coupling values above which the relative width of the resonance, ΓV/mV, exceeds 4 and 10%, respectively, implying that the narrow width approximation no longer applies. The couplings corresponding to the heavy vector triplet models A and B are indicated by cross markers.

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Figure 38-b:
Observed upper limits, at 95% CL, on the V couplings gF and gH within the HVT model for V masses of (upper left) 1, (upper right) 2, (lower left) 3, and (lower right) 4 TeV, from DY production, derived from VH channels of Refs. [109,110,111] discussed in this report. Excluded areas are indicated by the direction of the shading along the exclusion contours. The dotted lines denote coupling values above which the relative width of the resonance, ΓV/mV, exceeds 4 and 10%, respectively, implying that the narrow width approximation no longer applies. The couplings corresponding to the heavy vector triplet models A and B are indicated by cross markers.

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Figure 38-c:
Observed upper limits, at 95% CL, on the V couplings gF and gH within the HVT model for V masses of (upper left) 1, (upper right) 2, (lower left) 3, and (lower right) 4 TeV, from DY production, derived from VH channels of Refs. [109,110,111] discussed in this report. Excluded areas are indicated by the direction of the shading along the exclusion contours. The dotted lines denote coupling values above which the relative width of the resonance, ΓV/mV, exceeds 4 and 10%, respectively, implying that the narrow width approximation no longer applies. The couplings corresponding to the heavy vector triplet models A and B are indicated by cross markers.

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Figure 38-d:
Observed upper limits, at 95% CL, on the V couplings gF and gH within the HVT model for V masses of (upper left) 1, (upper right) 2, (lower left) 3, and (lower right) 4 TeV, from DY production, derived from VH channels of Refs. [109,110,111] discussed in this report. Excluded areas are indicated by the direction of the shading along the exclusion contours. The dotted lines denote coupling values above which the relative width of the resonance, ΓV/mV, exceeds 4 and 10%, respectively, implying that the narrow width approximation no longer applies. The couplings corresponding to the heavy vector triplet models A and B are indicated by cross markers.

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Figure 39:
Observed upper limits, at 95% CL, on the V couplings gF and gH within the HVT model for V masses of (upper left) 1, (upper right) 2, (lower left) 3, and (lower right) 4 TeV, from DY production, derived from VH channels of Refs. [109,110,111] discussed in this report and the VV channels of Refs.[109,111,197,196], as well as results from dijet [201], tb [199], as well as results from dijet [201], tb [199], [198] and ν [200] final states. Excluded areas are indicated by the direction of the shading along the exclusion contours. The dotted lines denote coupling values above which the relative width of the resonance, ΓV/mV, exceeds 4 and 10%, respectively, implying that the narrow width approximation no longer applies. The couplings corresponding to the heavy vector triplet models A and B are indicated by cross markers.

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Figure 39-a:
Observed upper limits, at 95% CL, on the V couplings gF and gH within the HVT model for V masses of (upper left) 1, (upper right) 2, (lower left) 3, and (lower right) 4 TeV, from DY production, derived from VH channels of Refs. [109,110,111] discussed in this report and the VV channels of Refs.[109,111,197,196], as well as results from dijet [201], tb [199], as well as results from dijet [201], tb [199], [198] and ν [200] final states. Excluded areas are indicated by the direction of the shading along the exclusion contours. The dotted lines denote coupling values above which the relative width of the resonance, ΓV/mV, exceeds 4 and 10%, respectively, implying that the narrow width approximation no longer applies. The couplings corresponding to the heavy vector triplet models A and B are indicated by cross markers.

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Figure 39-b:
Observed upper limits, at 95% CL, on the V couplings gF and gH within the HVT model for V masses of (upper left) 1, (upper right) 2, (lower left) 3, and (lower right) 4 TeV, from DY production, derived from VH channels of Refs. [109,110,111] discussed in this report and the VV channels of Refs.[109,111,197,196], as well as results from dijet [201], tb [199], as well as results from dijet [201], tb [199], [198] and ν [200] final states. Excluded areas are indicated by the direction of the shading along the exclusion contours. The dotted lines denote coupling values above which the relative width of the resonance, ΓV/mV, exceeds 4 and 10%, respectively, implying that the narrow width approximation no longer applies. The couplings corresponding to the heavy vector triplet models A and B are indicated by cross markers.

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Figure 39-c:
Observed upper limits, at 95% CL, on the V couplings gF and gH within the HVT model for V masses of (upper left) 1, (upper right) 2, (lower left) 3, and (lower right) 4 TeV, from DY production, derived from VH channels of Refs. [109,110,111] discussed in this report and the VV channels of Refs.[109,111,197,196], as well as results from dijet [201], tb [199], as well as results from dijet [201], tb [199], [198] and ν [200] final states. Excluded areas are indicated by the direction of the shading along the exclusion contours. The dotted lines denote coupling values above which the relative width of the resonance, ΓV/mV, exceeds 4 and 10%, respectively, implying that the narrow width approximation no longer applies. The couplings corresponding to the heavy vector triplet models A and B are indicated by cross markers.

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Figure 39-d:
Observed upper limits, at 95% CL, on the V couplings gF and gH within the HVT model for V masses of (upper left) 1, (upper right) 2, (lower left) 3, and (lower right) 4 TeV, from DY production, derived from VH channels of Refs. [109,110,111] discussed in this report and the VV channels of Refs.[109,111,197,196], as well as results from dijet [201], tb [199], as well as results from dijet [201], tb [199], [198] and ν [200] final states. Excluded areas are indicated by the direction of the shading along the exclusion contours. The dotted lines denote coupling values above which the relative width of the resonance, ΓV/mV, exceeds 4 and 10%, respectively, implying that the narrow width approximation no longer applies. The couplings corresponding to the heavy vector triplet models A and B are indicated by cross markers.

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Figure 40:
Obseved upper limits, at 95% CL, on the coupling gH within the heavy vector triplet model, as a function of the V mass. The limits are shown for the vecotr boson fusion production mode in the context of model C, in which gF= 0. The results are shown (left) for the WH and ZH analyses of Refs. [109,110,111], individually, and for a combination with the WZ final states of Refs. [196,111,109] (right), where the WH and ZH results from all-hadronic final states have been combined with the corresponding VV channels. The dotted lines denote coupling values above which the relative width of the resonance, ΓV/mV, exceeds 4 and 10%, respectively, implying the narrow width approximation no longer applies.

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Figure 40-a:
Obseved upper limits, at 95% CL, on the coupling gH within the heavy vector triplet model, as a function of the V mass. The limits are shown for the vecotr boson fusion production mode in the context of model C, in which gF= 0. The results are shown (left) for the WH and ZH analyses of Refs. [109,110,111], individually, and for a combination with the WZ final states of Refs. [196,111,109] (right), where the WH and ZH results from all-hadronic final states have been combined with the corresponding VV channels. The dotted lines denote coupling values above which the relative width of the resonance, ΓV/mV, exceeds 4 and 10%, respectively, implying the narrow width approximation no longer applies.

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Figure 40-b:
Obseved upper limits, at 95% CL, on the coupling gH within the heavy vector triplet model, as a function of the V mass. The limits are shown for the vecotr boson fusion production mode in the context of model C, in which gF= 0. The results are shown (left) for the WH and ZH analyses of Refs. [109,110,111], individually, and for a combination with the WZ final states of Refs. [196,111,109] (right), where the WH and ZH results from all-hadronic final states have been combined with the corresponding VV channels. The dotted lines denote coupling values above which the relative width of the resonance, ΓV/mV, exceeds 4 and 10%, respectively, implying the narrow width approximation no longer applies.

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Figure 41:
Contours of the variable Rint as defined in Eq. (13) and discussed in the text, in the (sinα, λHHX) plane for the singlet model with kλ= 1 and different resonance masses mX between (upper left) 280 and (lower right) 800 GeV. Contours are shown for Rint values of (dashed blue) 0.2, (solid blue) 0.1, (solid green) +0.1, and (dashed green) +0.2. Regions that are excluded, at 95% CL, from the combined likelihood analysis of the HH analyses presented in this report are indicated by red filled areas. Dashed black lines indicate constant relative widths of 5, 10, and 20%.

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Figure 42:
Expected differential cross sections for HH production, as a function of mHH, for the real-singlet model with mX= 280 GeV and ΓX/mX=5. The parameters sinα and λHHX have been chosen such that (upper row) Rint=±10 and (lower row) Rint=±20, for (left) negative and (right) positive values of Rint. The total cross section for HH production σfull (red line, labelled as σfull) is compared to the cross sections σ resonant-only (blue line, labelled as σres) and σnonresonant (green line, labelled as σnores) considering only resonant and nonresonant production. In the lower panels the ratio of σfull over (σresonant-only+σnonresonant) is shown.

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Figure 42-a:
Expected differential cross sections for HH production, as a function of mHH, for the real-singlet model with mX= 280 GeV and ΓX/mX=5. The parameters sinα and λHHX have been chosen such that (upper row) Rint=±10 and (lower row) Rint=±20, for (left) negative and (right) positive values of Rint. The total cross section for HH production σfull (red line, labelled as σfull) is compared to the cross sections σ resonant-only (blue line, labelled as σres) and σnonresonant (green line, labelled as σnores) considering only resonant and nonresonant production. In the lower panels the ratio of σfull over (σresonant-only+σnonresonant) is shown.

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Figure 42-b:
Expected differential cross sections for HH production, as a function of mHH, for the real-singlet model with mX= 280 GeV and ΓX/mX=5. The parameters sinα and λHHX have been chosen such that (upper row) Rint=±10 and (lower row) Rint=±20, for (left) negative and (right) positive values of Rint. The total cross section for HH production σfull (red line, labelled as σfull) is compared to the cross sections σ resonant-only (blue line, labelled as σres) and σnonresonant (green line, labelled as σnores) considering only resonant and nonresonant production. In the lower panels the ratio of σfull over (σresonant-only+σnonresonant) is shown.

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Figure 42-c:
Expected differential cross sections for HH production, as a function of mHH, for the real-singlet model with mX= 280 GeV and ΓX/mX=5. The parameters sinα and λHHX have been chosen such that (upper row) Rint=±10 and (lower row) Rint=±20, for (left) negative and (right) positive values of Rint. The total cross section for HH production σfull (red line, labelled as σfull) is compared to the cross sections σ resonant-only (blue line, labelled as σres) and σnonresonant (green line, labelled as σnores) considering only resonant and nonresonant production. In the lower panels the ratio of σfull over (σresonant-only+σnonresonant) is shown.

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Figure 42-d:
Expected differential cross sections for HH production, as a function of mHH, for the real-singlet model with mX= 280 GeV and ΓX/mX=5. The parameters sinα and λHHX have been chosen such that (upper row) Rint=±10 and (lower row) Rint=±20, for (left) negative and (right) positive values of Rint. The total cross section for HH production σfull (red line, labelled as σfull) is compared to the cross sections σ resonant-only (blue line, labelled as σres) and σnonresonant (green line, labelled as σnores) considering only resonant and nonresonant production. In the lower panels the ratio of σfull over (σresonant-only+σnonresonant) is shown.

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Figure 43:
Expected differential cross sections for HH production, as a function of mHH for the real-singlet model with mX= 500 GeV and ΓX/mX=5. The parameters sinα and λHHX have been chosen such that (upper row) Rint=±10 and (lower row) Rint=±20, for (left) negative and (right) positive values of Rint. The total cross section for HH production σfull (red line, labelled as σfull) is compared to the cross sections σ resonant-only (blue line, labelled as σres) and σnonresonant (green line, labelled as σnores) considering only resonant and nonresonant production. In the lower panels the ratio of σfull over (σresonant-only+σnonresonant) is shown.

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Figure 43-a:
Expected differential cross sections for HH production, as a function of mHH for the real-singlet model with mX= 500 GeV and ΓX/mX=5. The parameters sinα and λHHX have been chosen such that (upper row) Rint=±10 and (lower row) Rint=±20, for (left) negative and (right) positive values of Rint. The total cross section for HH production σfull (red line, labelled as σfull) is compared to the cross sections σ resonant-only (blue line, labelled as σres) and σnonresonant (green line, labelled as σnores) considering only resonant and nonresonant production. In the lower panels the ratio of σfull over (σresonant-only+σnonresonant) is shown.

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Figure 43-b:
Expected differential cross sections for HH production, as a function of mHH for the real-singlet model with mX= 500 GeV and ΓX/mX=5. The parameters sinα and λHHX have been chosen such that (upper row) Rint=±10 and (lower row) Rint=±20, for (left) negative and (right) positive values of Rint. The total cross section for HH production σfull (red line, labelled as σfull) is compared to the cross sections σ resonant-only (blue line, labelled as σres) and σnonresonant (green line, labelled as σnores) considering only resonant and nonresonant production. In the lower panels the ratio of σfull over (σresonant-only+σnonresonant) is shown.

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Figure 43-c:
Expected differential cross sections for HH production, as a function of mHH for the real-singlet model with mX= 500 GeV and ΓX/mX=5. The parameters sinα and λHHX have been chosen such that (upper row) Rint=±10 and (lower row) Rint=±20, for (left) negative and (right) positive values of Rint. The total cross section for HH production σfull (red line, labelled as σfull) is compared to the cross sections σ resonant-only (blue line, labelled as σres) and σnonresonant (green line, labelled as σnores) considering only resonant and nonresonant production. In the lower panels the ratio of σfull over (σresonant-only+σnonresonant) is shown.

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Figure 43-d:
Expected differential cross sections for HH production, as a function of mHH for the real-singlet model with mX= 500 GeV and ΓX/mX=5. The parameters sinα and λHHX have been chosen such that (upper row) Rint=±10 and (lower row) Rint=±20, for (left) negative and (right) positive values of Rint. The total cross section for HH production σfull (red line, labelled as σfull) is compared to the cross sections σ resonant-only (blue line, labelled as σres) and σnonresonant (green line, labelled as σnores) considering only resonant and nonresonant production. In the lower panels the ratio of σfull over (σresonant-only+σnonresonant) is shown.

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Figure 44:
Expected upper limits at 95% CL, on the product of the cross section for the production of a spin-0 resonance X and the branching fraction B(XHH), as functions of mX from the (upper left) bbττ [115], (upper right) bbγγ [116], and (lower) bbbb with two merged bb jets [117] analyses discussed in this report, projected to an integrated luminosity of 3000 fb1 under the assumption of different systematic uncertainty scenarios, as discussed in the text. All estimates include the anticipated statistical uncertainties.

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Figure 44-a:
Expected upper limits at 95% CL, on the product of the cross section for the production of a spin-0 resonance X and the branching fraction B(XHH), as functions of mX from the (upper left) bbττ [115], (upper right) bbγγ [116], and (lower) bbbb with two merged bb jets [117] analyses discussed in this report, projected to an integrated luminosity of 3000 fb1 under the assumption of different systematic uncertainty scenarios, as discussed in the text. All estimates include the anticipated statistical uncertainties.

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Figure 44-b:
Expected upper limits at 95% CL, on the product of the cross section for the production of a spin-0 resonance X and the branching fraction B(XHH), as functions of mX from the (upper left) bbττ [115], (upper right) bbγγ [116], and (lower) bbbb with two merged bb jets [117] analyses discussed in this report, projected to an integrated luminosity of 3000 fb1 under the assumption of different systematic uncertainty scenarios, as discussed in the text. All estimates include the anticipated statistical uncertainties.

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Figure 44-c:
Expected upper limits at 95% CL, on the product of the cross section for the production of a spin-0 resonance X and the branching fraction B(XHH), as functions of mX from the (upper left) bbττ [115], (upper right) bbγγ [116], and (lower) bbbb with two merged bb jets [117] analyses discussed in this report, projected to an integrated luminosity of 3000 fb1 under the assumption of different systematic uncertainty scenarios, as discussed in the text. All estimates include the anticipated statistical uncertainties.

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Figure 45:
Expected upper limits at 95% CL, on the product of the cross section for the production of a spin-0 resonance X and the branching fraction B(XHH), as a function of mX, for an integrated luminosity of 3000 fb1 and the combination of the three analyses shown in Fig. 44. Shown are the effects of the different systematic uncertainty scenarios (left), and the reach of the individual analyses for the S2 systematic scenario (right). All estimates include the anticipated statistical uncertainties.

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Figure 45-a:
Expected upper limits at 95% CL, on the product of the cross section for the production of a spin-0 resonance X and the branching fraction B(XHH), as a function of mX, for an integrated luminosity of 3000 fb1 and the combination of the three analyses shown in Fig. 44. Shown are the effects of the different systematic uncertainty scenarios (left), and the reach of the individual analyses for the S2 systematic scenario (right). All estimates include the anticipated statistical uncertainties.

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Figure 45-b:
Expected upper limits at 95% CL, on the product of the cross section for the production of a spin-0 resonance X and the branching fraction B(XHH), as a function of mX, for an integrated luminosity of 3000 fb1 and the combination of the three analyses shown in Fig. 44. Shown are the effects of the different systematic uncertainty scenarios (left), and the reach of the individual analyses for the S2 systematic scenario (right). All estimates include the anticipated statistical uncertainties.

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Figure 46:
Expected discovery significance for a spin-0 resonance X with mX= 1 TeV and cross sections of 1 and 10 fb, obtained for the combined likelihood analysis of the resonant HH searches as discussed in Section 5 and shown in Figs. 44 and 45, shown as function of the integrated luminosity.

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Figure 47:
Expected exclusion contours at 95% CL, in the (tanβ, mA) plane of the (left) hMSSM and (right) M125h,EFT scenarios obtained from the combined likelihood analysis of the HH searches discussed in Section 4.1 and shown in Figs. 31 and 32, for different integrated luminosities and compared to the Run 2 result obtained at s= 13 TeV. The projections assume s= 14 TeV.

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Figure 47-a:
Expected exclusion contours at 95% CL, in the (tanβ, mA) plane of the (left) hMSSM and (right) M125h,EFT scenarios obtained from the combined likelihood analysis of the HH searches discussed in Section 4.1 and shown in Figs. 31 and 32, for different integrated luminosities and compared to the Run 2 result obtained at s= 13 TeV. The projections assume s= 14 TeV.

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Figure 47-b:
Expected exclusion contours at 95% CL, in the (tanβ, mA) plane of the (left) hMSSM and (right) M125h,EFT scenarios obtained from the combined likelihood analysis of the HH searches discussed in Section 4.1 and shown in Figs. 31 and 32, for different integrated luminosities and compared to the Run 2 result obtained at s= 13 TeV. The projections assume s= 14 TeV.

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Figure 48:
Expected lower limit at 95% CL, on ΛR in the warped extra dimensions bulk scenario for the production of a radion R, as a function of mR. The limits are derived from the combined likelihood analysis of the HH searches discussed in Section 4.2 and shown in Fig. 35, for different values of the integrated luminosity. Excluded areas are indicated by the direction of the hatching along the exclusion contours.

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Figure 49:
Exclusion contours at 95% CL, in the (sinα, λHHX) plane for kλ= 1 in the real-singlet model. These contours are obtained from the combined likelihood analysis of the HH searches discussed in Section 4.1 for (upper left to lower right) mX= 280, 400, 500, 600, 700, and 1000 GeV. The expected limits from the Run 2 dataset have been projected to integrated luminosities of 300, 1000, and 3000 fb1. Excluded areas are indicated by the direction of the hatching along the exclusion contours.

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Figure 50:
Expected upper limits at 95% CL, on the product of the cross section σ for the production of a resonance X via gluon-gluon fusion and the branching fraction B for the XY(bb)H decay, as functions of mY, for mX 1 TeV. For the branching fractions of the Hττ, Hγγ and Hbb decays, the SM values are assumed. The limits are obtained from the combined likelihood analysis of all analyses discussed in Section 3.3 and shown in Fig. 29, projected to an integrated luminosity of 3000 fb1. Shown are the projections for the combined likelihood analysis for different systematic uncertainty scenarios (left), and the projections for the combined likelihood analysis and the individual contributing analyses assuming the S2 scenario (right). For presentation purposes, the limits have been scaled in successive steps by two orders of magnitude. For each set of graphs, a black arrow points to the mX related legend.

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Figure 50-a:
Expected upper limits at 95% CL, on the product of the cross section σ for the production of a resonance X via gluon-gluon fusion and the branching fraction B for the XY(bb)H decay, as functions of mY, for mX 1 TeV. For the branching fractions of the Hττ, Hγγ and Hbb decays, the SM values are assumed. The limits are obtained from the combined likelihood analysis of all analyses discussed in Section 3.3 and shown in Fig. 29, projected to an integrated luminosity of 3000 fb1. Shown are the projections for the combined likelihood analysis for different systematic uncertainty scenarios (left), and the projections for the combined likelihood analysis and the individual contributing analyses assuming the S2 scenario (right). For presentation purposes, the limits have been scaled in successive steps by two orders of magnitude. For each set of graphs, a black arrow points to the mX related legend.

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Figure 50-b:
Expected upper limits at 95% CL, on the product of the cross section σ for the production of a resonance X via gluon-gluon fusion and the branching fraction B for the XY(bb)H decay, as functions of mY, for mX 1 TeV. For the branching fractions of the Hττ, Hγγ and Hbb decays, the SM values are assumed. The limits are obtained from the combined likelihood analysis of all analyses discussed in Section 3.3 and shown in Fig. 29, projected to an integrated luminosity of 3000 fb1. Shown are the projections for the combined likelihood analysis for different systematic uncertainty scenarios (left), and the projections for the combined likelihood analysis and the individual contributing analyses assuming the S2 scenario (right). For presentation purposes, the limits have been scaled in successive steps by two orders of magnitude. For each set of graphs, a black arrow points to the mX related legend.

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Figure 51:
Expected upper limits at 95% CL, on the product of the cross section σ for the production of a resonance X via gluon-gluon fusion and the branching fraction B for the XY(bb)H decay, as functions of mY, for mX 1.2 TeV. For the branching fractions of the Hττ and Hbb decays, the SM values are assumed. The limits are obtained from the combined likelihood analysis of all analyses discussed in Section 3.3 and shown in Fig. 30, projected to an integrated luminosity of 3000 fb1. Shown are the projections for the combined likelihood analysis for different systematic uncertainty scenarios (left), and the projections for the combined likelihood analysis and the individual contributing analyses assuming the S2 scenario (right). For presentation purposes, the limits have been scaled in successive steps by four orders of magnitude. For each set of graphs, a black arrow points to the mX related legend.

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Figure 51-a:
Expected upper limits at 95% CL, on the product of the cross section σ for the production of a resonance X via gluon-gluon fusion and the branching fraction B for the XY(bb)H decay, as functions of mY, for mX 1.2 TeV. For the branching fractions of the Hττ and Hbb decays, the SM values are assumed. The limits are obtained from the combined likelihood analysis of all analyses discussed in Section 3.3 and shown in Fig. 30, projected to an integrated luminosity of 3000 fb1. Shown are the projections for the combined likelihood analysis for different systematic uncertainty scenarios (left), and the projections for the combined likelihood analysis and the individual contributing analyses assuming the S2 scenario (right). For presentation purposes, the limits have been scaled in successive steps by four orders of magnitude. For each set of graphs, a black arrow points to the mX related legend.

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Figure 51-b:
Expected upper limits at 95% CL, on the product of the cross section σ for the production of a resonance X via gluon-gluon fusion and the branching fraction B for the XY(bb)H decay, as functions of mY, for mX 1.2 TeV. For the branching fractions of the Hττ and Hbb decays, the SM values are assumed. The limits are obtained from the combined likelihood analysis of all analyses discussed in Section 3.3 and shown in Fig. 30, projected to an integrated luminosity of 3000 fb1. Shown are the projections for the combined likelihood analysis for different systematic uncertainty scenarios (left), and the projections for the combined likelihood analysis and the individual contributing analyses assuming the S2 scenario (right). For presentation purposes, the limits have been scaled in successive steps by four orders of magnitude. For each set of graphs, a black arrow points to the mX related legend.

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Figure 52:
Expected upper limits at 95 % CL on the product of the cross section σ for the production of a resonance X via gluon-gluon fusion and the branching fraction B for the XY(bb)H decay, as obtained from the combined likelihood analysis of the individual analyses presented in Section 3.3 and Figure 29. The results are shown in the plane spanned by mY and mX for mX 1 TeV, and projected to an integrated luminosity of 3000 fb1, assuming the S2 systematic uncertainty scenario. The numbers in the boxes are given in fb.

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Figure 53:
Interpretation of the upper limits at 95% CL, on the product of the cross section σ for the production of a resonance X via gluon-gluon fusion and the branching fraction B for the XY(bb)H decay, obtained from the projections to an integrated luminosity of 3000 fb1 of the (upper left) Y(bb)H(γγ) [116], (upper right) Y(bb)H(ττ) [115], and (lower row) Y(bb)H(bb) [117] analyses, assuming the S2 systematic uncertainty scenario. The projected limits are mapped onto the (mX, mY) plane, and compared with the maximally allowed cross sections of the NMSSM (left and upper right), and TRSM models (lower right) discussed in Section 4.1.3. The points indicate the available theory predictions. The mass dependences of both the projected experimental limits and the maximally allowed theory cross sections have been interpolated to obtain approximate exclusion contours. The NMSSM predictions based on NMSSMTOOLS version 5.6.2 are adapted from Ref. [193], whereas the TRSM is described in Ref. [12]. In both cases, the model predictions have been scaled to s= 14 TeV.

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Figure 53-a:
Interpretation of the upper limits at 95% CL, on the product of the cross section σ for the production of a resonance X via gluon-gluon fusion and the branching fraction B for the XY(bb)H decay, obtained from the projections to an integrated luminosity of 3000 fb1 of the (upper left) Y(bb)H(γγ) [116], (upper right) Y(bb)H(ττ) [115], and (lower row) Y(bb)H(bb) [117] analyses, assuming the S2 systematic uncertainty scenario. The projected limits are mapped onto the (mX, mY) plane, and compared with the maximally allowed cross sections of the NMSSM (left and upper right), and TRSM models (lower right) discussed in Section 4.1.3. The points indicate the available theory predictions. The mass dependences of both the projected experimental limits and the maximally allowed theory cross sections have been interpolated to obtain approximate exclusion contours. The NMSSM predictions based on NMSSMTOOLS version 5.6.2 are adapted from Ref. [193], whereas the TRSM is described in Ref. [12]. In both cases, the model predictions have been scaled to s= 14 TeV.

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Figure 53-b:
Interpretation of the upper limits at 95% CL, on the product of the cross section σ for the production of a resonance X via gluon-gluon fusion and the branching fraction B for the XY(bb)H decay, obtained from the projections to an integrated luminosity of 3000 fb1 of the (upper left) Y(bb)H(γγ) [116], (upper right) Y(bb)H(ττ) [115], and (lower row) Y(bb)H(bb) [117] analyses, assuming the S2 systematic uncertainty scenario. The projected limits are mapped onto the (mX, mY) plane, and compared with the maximally allowed cross sections of the NMSSM (left and upper right), and TRSM models (lower right) discussed in Section 4.1.3. The points indicate the available theory predictions. The mass dependences of both the projected experimental limits and the maximally allowed theory cross sections have been interpolated to obtain approximate exclusion contours. The NMSSM predictions based on NMSSMTOOLS version 5.6.2 are adapted from Ref. [193], whereas the TRSM is described in Ref. [12]. In both cases, the model predictions have been scaled to s= 14 TeV.

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Figure 53-c:
Interpretation of the upper limits at 95% CL, on the product of the cross section σ for the production of a resonance X via gluon-gluon fusion and the branching fraction B for the XY(bb)H decay, obtained from the projections to an integrated luminosity of 3000 fb1 of the (upper left) Y(bb)H(γγ) [116], (upper right) Y(bb)H(ττ) [115], and (lower row) Y(bb)H(bb) [117] analyses, assuming the S2 systematic uncertainty scenario. The projected limits are mapped onto the (mX, mY) plane, and compared with the maximally allowed cross sections of the NMSSM (left and upper right), and TRSM models (lower right) discussed in Section 4.1.3. The points indicate the available theory predictions. The mass dependences of both the projected experimental limits and the maximally allowed theory cross sections have been interpolated to obtain approximate exclusion contours. The NMSSM predictions based on NMSSMTOOLS version 5.6.2 are adapted from Ref. [193], whereas the TRSM is described in Ref. [12]. In both cases, the model predictions have been scaled to s= 14 TeV.

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Figure 53-d:
Interpretation of the upper limits at 95% CL, on the product of the cross section σ for the production of a resonance X via gluon-gluon fusion and the branching fraction B for the XY(bb)H decay, obtained from the projections to an integrated luminosity of 3000 fb1 of the (upper left) Y(bb)H(γγ) [116], (upper right) Y(bb)H(ττ) [115], and (lower row) Y(bb)H(bb) [117] analyses, assuming the S2 systematic uncertainty scenario. The projected limits are mapped onto the (mX, mY) plane, and compared with the maximally allowed cross sections of the NMSSM (left and upper right), and TRSM models (lower right) discussed in Section 4.1.3. The points indicate the available theory predictions. The mass dependences of both the projected experimental limits and the maximally allowed theory cross sections have been interpolated to obtain approximate exclusion contours. The NMSSM predictions based on NMSSMTOOLS version 5.6.2 are adapted from Ref. [193], whereas the TRSM is described in Ref. [12]. In both cases, the model predictions have been scaled to s= 14 TeV.

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Table 1:
Summary of all analyses discussed in Section 2. Note that the list of sub-channels is not exhaustive in all cases. All analyses listed under YH also contribute to the HH measurements.

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Table 2:
Searches for resonant HH and YH production considered for the projection study.
The analyses searching for the production of the Higgs (H) boson through decays of heavy resonances, performed by the CMS Collaboration using the Run 2 data set, are reviewed. This review covers final states with two bosons with at least one an H boson, namely an H boson and a vector boson (VH), a pair of H bosons (HH), and an H boson joined by a new boson Y (YH), where V represents a W or a Z boson. The analyses cover a wide range of H boson decay modes, in particular, decays into photons, b quarks, τ leptons, and W bosons. The Y boson is exclusively searched for in b quark final states. Topologies involving both resolved and merged jet objects are used to cover a wide range of the phase space. Multivariate methods are employed in various ways to improve the performance. The results are presented as summary plots which show the sensitivity of all channels in direct comparison. For the HH and YH final states, the results obtained by combining all decay channels are presented for the first time. The results are interpreted in the context of relevant beyond-the-standard model scenarios for resonances decaying into VH, HH and YH final states. These include various extended Higgs sector models, warped extra-dimension models, and heavy vector triplet models. The results from resonant H boson production searches are compared with results from searches in other channels. While all presented analyses assume the validity of the narrow-width approximation, a dedicated study of the impact of finite width and interference is performed for the first time in CMS for the real singlet extension of the standard model. This study shows the modification of the HH cross section and line shape in regions of the parameter space where the narrow-width approximation is not valid anymore. The expected sensitivity of the analyses in the HH and YH final states is estimated for future data sets with integrated luminosities of 300, 1000, and 3000 fb1, the last number corresponding to the baseline scenario of the High-Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) over its full lifetime. The expected upper limits for resonant HH production for the HL-LHC scenario range from about 50 fb at a resonance mass of 300 GeV to nearly 0.01 fb for masses of 3 TeV and above. The exclusions in terms of tanβ in the hMSSM and M125h,EFT scenarios are expanded by almost a factor of two compared to the Run 2 data set. This review shows how the specific strengths of many different experimental signatures can be combined to chart very thoroughly the territory where resonant Higgs boson production might reveal beyond the standard model physics, and gives a promising outlook towards the achievement potential of future measurements in this sector.
Additional Figures

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Additional Figure 1:
Observed and expected 95% CL upper limits on the product of the cross section σ for the production of a spin-0 resonance X, via gluon-gluon fusion and the branching fraction B for the decay into a pair of H bosons. The combined results of the CMS analyses are shown in red, while the combination from ATLAS [168] is shown in blue. The observed limits are indicated by markers connected with solid lines and the expected limits by dashed lines.

png pdf
Additional Figure 2:
Observed and expected upper limits at 95% CL, on the product of the cross section σ for the production of a resonance X via gluon-gluon fusion and the branching fraction B for the XY(bb)H decay, as obtained from a combined likelihood analysis of several individual channels. The results are presented as a function of mX for six values of mY. The corresponding maximally allowed values of σB in the NMSSM are also shown for comparison, as adapted from Ref. [193], which accounts for experimental constraints as defined in version 5.6.2 of the program NMSSMTOOLS.
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Compact Muon Solenoid