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CMS-HIG-17-033 ; CERN-EP-2019-230
Search for a heavy Higgs boson decaying to a pair of W bosons in proton-proton collisions at s= 13 TeV
JHEP 03 (2020) 034
Abstract: A search for a heavy Higgs boson in the mass range from 0.2 to 3.0 TeV, decaying to a pair of W bosons, is presented. The analysis is based on proton-proton collisions at s= 13 TeV recorded by the CMS experiment at the LHC in 2016, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 35.9 fb1. The W boson pair decays are reconstructed in the 22ν and ν2q final states (with = e or μ). Both gluon fusion and vector boson fusion production of the signal are considered. Interference effects between the signal and background are also taken into account. The observed data are consistent with the standard model (SM) expectation. Combined upper limits at 95% confidence level on the product of the cross section and branching fraction exclude a heavy Higgs boson with SM-like couplings and decays up to 1870 GeV. Exclusion limits are also set in the context of a number of two-Higgs-doublet model formulations, further reducing the allowed parameter space for SM extensions.
Figures & Tables Summary References CMS Publications

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Figure 1:
Generator-level mass of a ggF-produced 700 GeV signal (black line) normalized to the SM cross section. The effects of the interference of the signal with the ggWW continuum and the ggh(125) off-shell tail are shown, together with the total interference effect.

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Figure 2:
The mreco distributions in the 22ν different- (upper and middle) and same-flavour (lower) categories, after performing a background-only fit with the dominant background normalizations determined using control regions. The points represent the data and the stacked histograms the expected backgrounds. Also shown are the sum of the expected ggF- and VBF-produced signals for mX= 400 and 1500 GeV, normalized to the SM cross sections, and without considering interference effects. The hatched area shows the combined statistical and systematic uncertainties in the background estimation. Lower panels show the ratio of data to expected background. Larger bin widths are used at higher mreco ; the bin widths are indicated by the horizontal error bars.

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Figure 2-a:
The mreco distributions in the 22ν different- (upper and middle) and same-flavour (lower) categories, after performing a background-only fit with the dominant background normalizations determined using control regions. The points represent the data and the stacked histograms the expected backgrounds. Also shown are the sum of the expected ggF- and VBF-produced signals for mX= 400 and 1500 GeV, normalized to the SM cross sections, and without considering interference effects. The hatched area shows the combined statistical and systematic uncertainties in the background estimation. Lower panels show the ratio of data to expected background. Larger bin widths are used at higher mreco ; the bin widths are indicated by the horizontal error bars.

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Figure 2-b:
The mreco distributions in the 22ν different- (upper and middle) and same-flavour (lower) categories, after performing a background-only fit with the dominant background normalizations determined using control regions. The points represent the data and the stacked histograms the expected backgrounds. Also shown are the sum of the expected ggF- and VBF-produced signals for mX= 400 and 1500 GeV, normalized to the SM cross sections, and without considering interference effects. The hatched area shows the combined statistical and systematic uncertainties in the background estimation. Lower panels show the ratio of data to expected background. Larger bin widths are used at higher mreco ; the bin widths are indicated by the horizontal error bars.

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Figure 2-c:
The mreco distributions in the 22ν different- (upper and middle) and same-flavour (lower) categories, after performing a background-only fit with the dominant background normalizations determined using control regions. The points represent the data and the stacked histograms the expected backgrounds. Also shown are the sum of the expected ggF- and VBF-produced signals for mX= 400 and 1500 GeV, normalized to the SM cross sections, and without considering interference effects. The hatched area shows the combined statistical and systematic uncertainties in the background estimation. Lower panels show the ratio of data to expected background. Larger bin widths are used at higher mreco ; the bin widths are indicated by the horizontal error bars.

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Figure 2-d:
The mreco distributions in the 22ν different- (upper and middle) and same-flavour (lower) categories, after performing a background-only fit with the dominant background normalizations determined using control regions. The points represent the data and the stacked histograms the expected backgrounds. Also shown are the sum of the expected ggF- and VBF-produced signals for mX= 400 and 1500 GeV, normalized to the SM cross sections, and without considering interference effects. The hatched area shows the combined statistical and systematic uncertainties in the background estimation. Lower panels show the ratio of data to expected background. Larger bin widths are used at higher mreco ; the bin widths are indicated by the horizontal error bars.

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Figure 2-e:
The mreco distributions in the 22ν different- (upper and middle) and same-flavour (lower) categories, after performing a background-only fit with the dominant background normalizations determined using control regions. The points represent the data and the stacked histograms the expected backgrounds. Also shown are the sum of the expected ggF- and VBF-produced signals for mX= 400 and 1500 GeV, normalized to the SM cross sections, and without considering interference effects. The hatched area shows the combined statistical and systematic uncertainties in the background estimation. Lower panels show the ratio of data to expected background. Larger bin widths are used at higher mreco ; the bin widths are indicated by the horizontal error bars.

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Figure 2-f:
The mreco distributions in the 22ν different- (upper and middle) and same-flavour (lower) categories, after performing a background-only fit with the dominant background normalizations determined using control regions. The points represent the data and the stacked histograms the expected backgrounds. Also shown are the sum of the expected ggF- and VBF-produced signals for mX= 400 and 1500 GeV, normalized to the SM cross sections, and without considering interference effects. The hatched area shows the combined statistical and systematic uncertainties in the background estimation. Lower panels show the ratio of data to expected background. Larger bin widths are used at higher mreco ; the bin widths are indicated by the horizontal error bars.

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Figure 3:
The mWW distributions in the ν2q boosted (left) and resolved (right) categories, after performing a background-only fit with the dominant background normalizations determined using control regions. Electron and muon channels are combined. The points represent the data and the stacked histograms the expected backgrounds. Also shown are the sum of the expected ggF- and VBF-produced signals for mX= 800 and 1500 GeV (left), and mX= 400 and 600 GeV (right), normalized to the SM cross sections, and without considering interference effects. The hatched area shows the combined statistical and systematic uncertainties in the background estimation. Lower panels show the ratio of data to expected background. Larger bin widths are used at higher mWW ; the bin widths are indicated by the horizontal error bars.

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Figure 3-a:
The mWW distributions in the ν2q boosted (left) and resolved (right) categories, after performing a background-only fit with the dominant background normalizations determined using control regions. Electron and muon channels are combined. The points represent the data and the stacked histograms the expected backgrounds. Also shown are the sum of the expected ggF- and VBF-produced signals for mX= 800 and 1500 GeV (left), and mX= 400 and 600 GeV (right), normalized to the SM cross sections, and without considering interference effects. The hatched area shows the combined statistical and systematic uncertainties in the background estimation. Lower panels show the ratio of data to expected background. Larger bin widths are used at higher mWW ; the bin widths are indicated by the horizontal error bars.

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Figure 3-b:
The mWW distributions in the ν2q boosted (left) and resolved (right) categories, after performing a background-only fit with the dominant background normalizations determined using control regions. Electron and muon channels are combined. The points represent the data and the stacked histograms the expected backgrounds. Also shown are the sum of the expected ggF- and VBF-produced signals for mX= 800 and 1500 GeV (left), and mX= 400 and 600 GeV (right), normalized to the SM cross sections, and without considering interference effects. The hatched area shows the combined statistical and systematic uncertainties in the background estimation. Lower panels show the ratio of data to expected background. Larger bin widths are used at higher mWW ; the bin widths are indicated by the horizontal error bars.

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Figure 3-c:
The mWW distributions in the ν2q boosted (left) and resolved (right) categories, after performing a background-only fit with the dominant background normalizations determined using control regions. Electron and muon channels are combined. The points represent the data and the stacked histograms the expected backgrounds. Also shown are the sum of the expected ggF- and VBF-produced signals for mX= 800 and 1500 GeV (left), and mX= 400 and 600 GeV (right), normalized to the SM cross sections, and without considering interference effects. The hatched area shows the combined statistical and systematic uncertainties in the background estimation. Lower panels show the ratio of data to expected background. Larger bin widths are used at higher mWW ; the bin widths are indicated by the horizontal error bars.

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Figure 3-d:
The mWW distributions in the ν2q boosted (left) and resolved (right) categories, after performing a background-only fit with the dominant background normalizations determined using control regions. Electron and muon channels are combined. The points represent the data and the stacked histograms the expected backgrounds. Also shown are the sum of the expected ggF- and VBF-produced signals for mX= 800 and 1500 GeV (left), and mX= 400 and 600 GeV (right), normalized to the SM cross sections, and without considering interference effects. The hatched area shows the combined statistical and systematic uncertainties in the background estimation. Lower panels show the ratio of data to expected background. Larger bin widths are used at higher mWW ; the bin widths are indicated by the horizontal error bars.

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Figure 3-e:
The mWW distributions in the ν2q boosted (left) and resolved (right) categories, after performing a background-only fit with the dominant background normalizations determined using control regions. Electron and muon channels are combined. The points represent the data and the stacked histograms the expected backgrounds. Also shown are the sum of the expected ggF- and VBF-produced signals for mX= 800 and 1500 GeV (left), and mX= 400 and 600 GeV (right), normalized to the SM cross sections, and without considering interference effects. The hatched area shows the combined statistical and systematic uncertainties in the background estimation. Lower panels show the ratio of data to expected background. Larger bin widths are used at higher mWW ; the bin widths are indicated by the horizontal error bars.

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Figure 3-f:
The mWW distributions in the ν2q boosted (left) and resolved (right) categories, after performing a background-only fit with the dominant background normalizations determined using control regions. Electron and muon channels are combined. The points represent the data and the stacked histograms the expected backgrounds. Also shown are the sum of the expected ggF- and VBF-produced signals for mX= 800 and 1500 GeV (left), and mX= 400 and 600 GeV (right), normalized to the SM cross sections, and without considering interference effects. The hatched area shows the combined statistical and systematic uncertainties in the background estimation. Lower panels show the ratio of data to expected background. Larger bin widths are used at higher mWW ; the bin widths are indicated by the horizontal error bars.

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Figure 4:
The mreco distributions in the top quark control regions of the 22ν different-flavour categories (upper and middle) and the DY control regions of the 22ν same-flavour categories (lower). The points represent the data and the stacked histograms show the expected backgrounds. The hatched area shows the combined statistical and systematic uncertainties in the background estimation. Lower panels show the ratio of data to expected background. Larger bin widths are used at higher mreco ; the bin widths are indicated by the horizontal error bars.

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Figure 4-a:
The mreco distributions in the top quark control regions of the 22ν different-flavour categories (upper and middle) and the DY control regions of the 22ν same-flavour categories (lower). The points represent the data and the stacked histograms show the expected backgrounds. The hatched area shows the combined statistical and systematic uncertainties in the background estimation. Lower panels show the ratio of data to expected background. Larger bin widths are used at higher mreco ; the bin widths are indicated by the horizontal error bars.

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Figure 4-b:
The mreco distributions in the top quark control regions of the 22ν different-flavour categories (upper and middle) and the DY control regions of the 22ν same-flavour categories (lower). The points represent the data and the stacked histograms show the expected backgrounds. The hatched area shows the combined statistical and systematic uncertainties in the background estimation. Lower panels show the ratio of data to expected background. Larger bin widths are used at higher mreco ; the bin widths are indicated by the horizontal error bars.

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Figure 4-c:
The mreco distributions in the top quark control regions of the 22ν different-flavour categories (upper and middle) and the DY control regions of the 22ν same-flavour categories (lower). The points represent the data and the stacked histograms show the expected backgrounds. The hatched area shows the combined statistical and systematic uncertainties in the background estimation. Lower panels show the ratio of data to expected background. Larger bin widths are used at higher mreco ; the bin widths are indicated by the horizontal error bars.

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Figure 4-d:
The mreco distributions in the top quark control regions of the 22ν different-flavour categories (upper and middle) and the DY control regions of the 22ν same-flavour categories (lower). The points represent the data and the stacked histograms show the expected backgrounds. The hatched area shows the combined statistical and systematic uncertainties in the background estimation. Lower panels show the ratio of data to expected background. Larger bin widths are used at higher mreco ; the bin widths are indicated by the horizontal error bars.

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Figure 4-e:
The mreco distributions in the top quark control regions of the 22ν different-flavour categories (upper and middle) and the DY control regions of the 22ν same-flavour categories (lower). The points represent the data and the stacked histograms show the expected backgrounds. The hatched area shows the combined statistical and systematic uncertainties in the background estimation. Lower panels show the ratio of data to expected background. Larger bin widths are used at higher mreco ; the bin widths are indicated by the horizontal error bars.

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Figure 4-f:
The mreco distributions in the top quark control regions of the 22ν different-flavour categories (upper and middle) and the DY control regions of the 22ν same-flavour categories (lower). The points represent the data and the stacked histograms show the expected backgrounds. The hatched area shows the combined statistical and systematic uncertainties in the background estimation. Lower panels show the ratio of data to expected background. Larger bin widths are used at higher mreco ; the bin widths are indicated by the horizontal error bars.

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Figure 5:
The mWW distributions in the sideband control regions of the ν2q boosted (left) and resolved (right) categories, after fitting the sideband data with the top quark background normalization determined using a control region. Electron and muon channels are combined. The points represent the data and the stacked histograms show the expected backgrounds. The hatched area shows the combined statistical and systematic uncertainties in the background estimation. Lower panels show the ratio of data to expected background. Larger bin widths are used at higher mWW ; the bin widths are indicated by the horizontal error bars.

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Figure 5-a:
The mWW distributions in the sideband control regions of the ν2q boosted (left) and resolved (right) categories, after fitting the sideband data with the top quark background normalization determined using a control region. Electron and muon channels are combined. The points represent the data and the stacked histograms show the expected backgrounds. The hatched area shows the combined statistical and systematic uncertainties in the background estimation. Lower panels show the ratio of data to expected background. Larger bin widths are used at higher mWW ; the bin widths are indicated by the horizontal error bars.

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Figure 5-b:
The mWW distributions in the sideband control regions of the ν2q boosted (left) and resolved (right) categories, after fitting the sideband data with the top quark background normalization determined using a control region. Electron and muon channels are combined. The points represent the data and the stacked histograms show the expected backgrounds. The hatched area shows the combined statistical and systematic uncertainties in the background estimation. Lower panels show the ratio of data to expected background. Larger bin widths are used at higher mWW ; the bin widths are indicated by the horizontal error bars.

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Figure 5-c:
The mWW distributions in the sideband control regions of the ν2q boosted (left) and resolved (right) categories, after fitting the sideband data with the top quark background normalization determined using a control region. Electron and muon channels are combined. The points represent the data and the stacked histograms show the expected backgrounds. The hatched area shows the combined statistical and systematic uncertainties in the background estimation. Lower panels show the ratio of data to expected background. Larger bin widths are used at higher mWW ; the bin widths are indicated by the horizontal error bars.

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Figure 5-d:
The mWW distributions in the sideband control regions of the ν2q boosted (left) and resolved (right) categories, after fitting the sideband data with the top quark background normalization determined using a control region. Electron and muon channels are combined. The points represent the data and the stacked histograms show the expected backgrounds. The hatched area shows the combined statistical and systematic uncertainties in the background estimation. Lower panels show the ratio of data to expected background. Larger bin widths are used at higher mWW ; the bin widths are indicated by the horizontal error bars.

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Figure 5-e:
The mWW distributions in the sideband control regions of the ν2q boosted (left) and resolved (right) categories, after fitting the sideband data with the top quark background normalization determined using a control region. Electron and muon channels are combined. The points represent the data and the stacked histograms show the expected backgrounds. The hatched area shows the combined statistical and systematic uncertainties in the background estimation. Lower panels show the ratio of data to expected background. Larger bin widths are used at higher mWW ; the bin widths are indicated by the horizontal error bars.

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Figure 5-f:
The mWW distributions in the sideband control regions of the ν2q boosted (left) and resolved (right) categories, after fitting the sideband data with the top quark background normalization determined using a control region. Electron and muon channels are combined. The points represent the data and the stacked histograms show the expected backgrounds. The hatched area shows the combined statistical and systematic uncertainties in the background estimation. Lower panels show the ratio of data to expected background. Larger bin widths are used at higher mWW ; the bin widths are indicated by the horizontal error bars.

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Figure 6:
Expected and observed exclusion limits at 95% CL on the X cross section times branching fraction to WW for a number of fVBF hypotheses. For the SM fVBF (upper left) and floating fVBF (upper right) cases the red line represents the sum of the SM cross sections for ggF and VBF production, while for the fVBF= 0 (lower left) and the fVBF= 1 (lower right) cases it represents the ggF and VBF production cross sections, respectively. The black dotted line corresponds to the central expected value while the yellow and green bands represent the 68 and 95% CL uncertainties, respectively.

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Figure 6-a:
Expected and observed exclusion limits at 95% CL on the X cross section times branching fraction to WW for a number of fVBF hypotheses. For the SM fVBF (upper left) and floating fVBF (upper right) cases the red line represents the sum of the SM cross sections for ggF and VBF production, while for the fVBF= 0 (lower left) and the fVBF= 1 (lower right) cases it represents the ggF and VBF production cross sections, respectively. The black dotted line corresponds to the central expected value while the yellow and green bands represent the 68 and 95% CL uncertainties, respectively.

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Figure 6-b:
Expected and observed exclusion limits at 95% CL on the X cross section times branching fraction to WW for a number of fVBF hypotheses. For the SM fVBF (upper left) and floating fVBF (upper right) cases the red line represents the sum of the SM cross sections for ggF and VBF production, while for the fVBF= 0 (lower left) and the fVBF= 1 (lower right) cases it represents the ggF and VBF production cross sections, respectively. The black dotted line corresponds to the central expected value while the yellow and green bands represent the 68 and 95% CL uncertainties, respectively.

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Figure 6-c:
Expected and observed exclusion limits at 95% CL on the X cross section times branching fraction to WW for a number of fVBF hypotheses. For the SM fVBF (upper left) and floating fVBF (upper right) cases the red line represents the sum of the SM cross sections for ggF and VBF production, while for the fVBF= 0 (lower left) and the fVBF= 1 (lower right) cases it represents the ggF and VBF production cross sections, respectively. The black dotted line corresponds to the central expected value while the yellow and green bands represent the 68 and 95% CL uncertainties, respectively.

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Figure 6-d:
Expected and observed exclusion limits at 95% CL on the X cross section times branching fraction to WW for a number of fVBF hypotheses. For the SM fVBF (upper left) and floating fVBF (upper right) cases the red line represents the sum of the SM cross sections for ggF and VBF production, while for the fVBF= 0 (lower left) and the fVBF= 1 (lower right) cases it represents the ggF and VBF production cross sections, respectively. The black dotted line corresponds to the central expected value while the yellow and green bands represent the 68 and 95% CL uncertainties, respectively.

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Figure 7:
Expected and observed 95% CL upper limits on tanβ as a function of mH for a Type-I (left) and Type-II (right) 2HDMs. It is assumed that mH=mA and cos(βα)= 0.1. The expected limit is shown as a dashed black line while the dark and light gray bands indicate the 68 and 95% CL uncertainties, respectively. The observed exclusion contour is indicated by the blue area.

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Figure 7-a:
Expected and observed 95% CL upper limits on tanβ as a function of mH for a Type-I (left) and Type-II (right) 2HDMs. It is assumed that mH=mA and cos(βα)= 0.1. The expected limit is shown as a dashed black line while the dark and light gray bands indicate the 68 and 95% CL uncertainties, respectively. The observed exclusion contour is indicated by the blue area.

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Figure 7-b:
Expected and observed 95% CL upper limits on tanβ as a function of mH for a Type-I (left) and Type-II (right) 2HDMs. It is assumed that mH=mA and cos(βα)= 0.1. The expected limit is shown as a dashed black line while the dark and light gray bands indicate the 68 and 95% CL uncertainties, respectively. The observed exclusion contour is indicated by the blue area.

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Figure 8:
Expected and observed 95% CL upper limits on tanβ as a function of mA for the mmod+h (left) and hMSSM (right) scenarios. The expected limit is shown as a dashed black line while the dark and light gray bands indicate the 68 and 95% CL uncertainties, respectively. The observed exclusion contour is indicated by the blue area.

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Figure 8-a:
Expected and observed 95% CL upper limits on tanβ as a function of mA for the mmod+h (left) and hMSSM (right) scenarios. The expected limit is shown as a dashed black line while the dark and light gray bands indicate the 68 and 95% CL uncertainties, respectively. The observed exclusion contour is indicated by the blue area.

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Figure 8-b:
Expected and observed 95% CL upper limits on tanβ as a function of mA for the mmod+h (left) and hMSSM (right) scenarios. The expected limit is shown as a dashed black line while the dark and light gray bands indicate the 68 and 95% CL uncertainties, respectively. The observed exclusion contour is indicated by the blue area.

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Figure 9:
Expected and observed 95% CL upper limits on tanβ as a function of mA for the M125h (upper left), M125h(alignment) (upper right), M125h(˜χ) (lower left), and M125h(˜τ) (lower right) scenarios. The expected limit is shown as a dashed black line while the dark and light gray bands indicate the 68 and 95% CL uncertainties, respectively. The observed exclusion contour is indicated by the blue area.

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Figure 9-a:
Expected and observed 95% CL upper limits on tanβ as a function of mA for the M125h (upper left), M125h(alignment) (upper right), M125h(˜χ) (lower left), and M125h(˜τ) (lower right) scenarios. The expected limit is shown as a dashed black line while the dark and light gray bands indicate the 68 and 95% CL uncertainties, respectively. The observed exclusion contour is indicated by the blue area.

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Figure 9-b:
Expected and observed 95% CL upper limits on tanβ as a function of mA for the M125h (upper left), M125h(alignment) (upper right), M125h(˜χ) (lower left), and M125h(˜τ) (lower right) scenarios. The expected limit is shown as a dashed black line while the dark and light gray bands indicate the 68 and 95% CL uncertainties, respectively. The observed exclusion contour is indicated by the blue area.

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Figure 9-c:
Expected and observed 95% CL upper limits on tanβ as a function of mA for the M125h (upper left), M125h(alignment) (upper right), M125h(˜χ) (lower left), and M125h(˜τ) (lower right) scenarios. The expected limit is shown as a dashed black line while the dark and light gray bands indicate the 68 and 95% CL uncertainties, respectively. The observed exclusion contour is indicated by the blue area.

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Figure 9-d:
Expected and observed 95% CL upper limits on tanβ as a function of mA for the M125h (upper left), M125h(alignment) (upper right), M125h(˜χ) (lower left), and M125h(˜τ) (lower right) scenarios. The expected limit is shown as a dashed black line while the dark and light gray bands indicate the 68 and 95% CL uncertainties, respectively. The observed exclusion contour is indicated by the blue area.

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Table 1:
Summary of systematic uncertainties, quoted in percent, affecting the normalization of the background and signal samples. The uncertainties on the WW, top quark and DY (W+jets and top quark) background estimates in the 22ν (ν2q) categories have been determined during the fit to the data. The numbers shown as ranges represent the uncertainties for different processes and categories. Missing values represent uncertainties either estimated to be negligible (<0.1%), or not applicable in a specific channel. Those systematic uncertainties found to affect the shape of kinematic distributions are labeled with *.
A search for a heavy Higgs boson decaying to a pair of W bosons in the mass range from 0.2 to 3.0 TeV has been presented. The data analysed were collected by the CMS experiment at the LHC in 2016, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 35.9 fb1 at s= 13 TeV. The W boson pair decays are reconstructed in the 22ν and ν2q final states. Both gluon fusion and vector boson fusion production of the signal are considered, with a number of hypotheses for their relative contributions investigated. Interference effects between the signal and background are also taken into account. Dedicated event categorizations based on both the kinematic properties of associated jets and matrix element techniques are employed to optimize the signal sensitivity. No evidence for an excess of events with respect to the standard model (SM) predictions is observed. Combined upper limits at 95% confidence level on the product of the cross section and branching fraction exclude a heavy Higgs boson with SM-like couplings and decays up to 1870 GeV. Exclusion limits are also set in the context of a number of two-Higgs-doublet model formulations, further reducing the allowed parameter space for extensions of the SM.
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12 CMS Collaboration Measurements of the Higgs boson width and anomalous HVV couplings from on-shell and off-shell production in the four-lepton final state PRD 99 (2019) 112003 CMS-HIG-18-002
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15 CMS Collaboration Constraints on anomalous HVV couplings from the production of Higgs bosons decaying to τ lepton pairs Accepted by PRD CMS-HIG-17-034
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23 ATLAS Collaboration Search for a high-mass Higgs boson decaying to a W boson pair in pp collisions at s= 8 TeV with the ATLAS detector JHEP 01 (2016) 032 1509.00389
24 ATLAS Collaboration Search for an additional, heavy Higgs boson in the HZZ decay channel at s= 8 TeV in pp collision data with the ATLAS detector EPJC 76 (2016) 45 1507.05930
25 ATLAS Collaboration Search for heavy resonances decaying into WW in the eνμν final state in pp collisions at s= 13 TeV with the ATLAS detector EPJC 78 (2018) 24 1710.01123
26 CMS Collaboration Search for a Higgs boson in the mass range from 145 to 1000 GeV decaying to a pair of W or Z bosons JHEP 10 (2015) 144 CMS-HIG-13-031
27 CMS Collaboration Search for a new scalar resonance decaying to a pair of Z bosons in proton-proton collisions at s= 13 TeV JHEP 06 (2018) 127 CMS-HIG-17-012
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Compact Muon Solenoid