CMS-PAS-JME-18-002 | ||
Machine learning-based identification of highly Lorentz-boosted hadronically decaying particles at the CMS experiment | ||
CMS Collaboration | ||
July 2019 | ||
Abstract: In this note, machine learning (ML) based techniques are presented to identify and classify hadronic decays of highly Lorentz-boosted W/Z/H bosons and top quarks, to be used by the CMS Collaboration. The techniques presented include the Energy Correlation Functions tagger, the Boosted Event Shape Tagger, the ImageTop tagger, and the DeepAK8 tagger. Techniques without ML have also been evaluated and are included for comparison. An alternative approach for jet clustering and identification, the Heavy Resonance Tagger with Variable-R, has been also studied. The identification performance is studied in simulated events and directly compared among algorithms. The algorithms are also validated using 35.9 fb$^{-1}$ of proton-proton events collected at $\sqrt{s}= $ 13 TeV, and systematic uncertainties are assessed. The new techniques studied in this note provide significant performance improvements over non-ML techniques, reducing the background rate by up to a factor of $\sim$ 10 for the same signal efficiency. | ||
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These preliminary results are superseded in this paper, JINST 15 (2020) P06005. The superseded preliminary plots can be found here. |
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Figure 1:
Matching efficiency as a function of the ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ of the truth particle; hadronically decaying W bosons (left) and t quarks (right). This efficiency is defined as the fraction of the truth particles (t quarks or W bosons) that are within $\Delta R < $ 0.6 with an AK8 or CA15 jet with $ {p_{\mathrm {T}}} > $ 200 GeV and $|\eta | < $ 2.4. Superimposed is the merging efficiency as a function of the truth particle ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ when all decay products are within $\Delta R (\text {AK8}, \mathrm{q} _{i}) < $ 0.6 ($\Delta R (\text {CA15}, \mathrm{q} _{i}) < $ 1.2) with an AK8 (CA15) jet. |
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Figure 1-a:
Matching efficiency as a function of the ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ of the truth particle; hadronically decaying W bosons (left) and t quarks (right). This efficiency is defined as the fraction of the truth particles (t quarks or W bosons) that are within $\Delta R < $ 0.6 with an AK8 or CA15 jet with $ {p_{\mathrm {T}}} > $ 200 GeV and $|\eta | < $ 2.4. Superimposed is the merging efficiency as a function of the truth particle ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ when all decay products are within $\Delta R (\text {AK8}, \mathrm{q} _{i}) < $ 0.6 ($\Delta R (\text {CA15}, \mathrm{q} _{i}) < $ 1.2) with an AK8 (CA15) jet. |
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Figure 1-b:
Matching efficiency as a function of the ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ of the truth particle; hadronically decaying W bosons (left) and t quarks (right). This efficiency is defined as the fraction of the truth particles (t quarks or W bosons) that are within $\Delta R < $ 0.6 with an AK8 or CA15 jet with $ {p_{\mathrm {T}}} > $ 200 GeV and $|\eta | < $ 2.4. Superimposed is the merging efficiency as a function of the truth particle ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ when all decay products are within $\Delta R (\text {AK8}, \mathrm{q} _{i}) < $ 0.6 ($\Delta R (\text {CA15}, \mathrm{q} _{i}) < $ 1.2) with an AK8 (CA15) jet. |
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Figure 2:
Comparison of the ${m_{\text {SD}}}$ shape in signal and background AK8 jets in simulation. The fiducial selection on the jets is displayed on the plots. Signal jets are defined as jets arising from hadronic decays of W/Z/H bosons (left) or t quarks (right), whereas background jets are obtained from the QCD multijet sample. |
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Figure 2-a:
Comparison of the ${m_{\text {SD}}}$ shape in signal and background AK8 jets in simulation. The fiducial selection on the jets is displayed on the plots. Signal jets are defined as jets arising from hadronic decays of W/Z/H bosons (left) or t quarks (right), whereas background jets are obtained from the QCD multijet sample. |
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Figure 2-b:
Comparison of the ${m_{\text {SD}}}$ shape in signal and background AK8 jets in simulation. The fiducial selection on the jets is displayed on the plots. Signal jets are defined as jets arising from hadronic decays of W/Z/H bosons (left) or t quarks (right), whereas background jets are obtained from the QCD multijet sample. |
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Figure 3:
Comparison of the ${\tau _{21}}$ (left) and ${\tau _{32}}$ (right) shape in signal and background AK8 jets. The fiducial selection on the jets is displayed on the plots. As signal jets we consider jets stemming from hadronic decays of W, Z or H bosons (left) or t quarks (right), whereas background jets are obtained from the QCD multijet sample. |
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Figure 3-a:
Comparison of the ${\tau _{21}}$ (left) and ${\tau _{32}}$ (right) shape in signal and background AK8 jets. The fiducial selection on the jets is displayed on the plots. As signal jets we consider jets stemming from hadronic decays of W, Z or H bosons (left) or t quarks (right), whereas background jets are obtained from the QCD multijet sample. |
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Figure 3-b:
Comparison of the ${\tau _{21}}$ (left) and ${\tau _{32}}$ (right) shape in signal and background AK8 jets. The fiducial selection on the jets is displayed on the plots. As signal jets we consider jets stemming from hadronic decays of W, Z or H bosons (left) or t quarks (right), whereas background jets are obtained from the QCD multijet sample. |
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Figure 4:
Shape comparison of the main variables of the HOTVR algorithm for signal and background jets, in two different regions of the parton ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ as displayed on the plots. |
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Figure 4-a:
Shape comparison of the main variables of the HOTVR algorithm for signal and background jets, in two different regions of the parton ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ as displayed on the plots. |
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Figure 4-b:
Shape comparison of the main variables of the HOTVR algorithm for signal and background jets, in two different regions of the parton ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ as displayed on the plots. |
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Figure 4-c:
Shape comparison of the main variables of the HOTVR algorithm for signal and background jets, in two different regions of the parton ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ as displayed on the plots. |
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Figure 4-d:
Shape comparison of the main variables of the HOTVR algorithm for signal and background jets, in two different regions of the parton ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ as displayed on the plots. |
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Figure 4-e:
Shape comparison of the main variables of the HOTVR algorithm for signal and background jets, in two different regions of the parton ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ as displayed on the plots. |
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Figure 4-f:
Shape comparison of the main variables of the HOTVR algorithm for signal and background jets, in two different regions of the parton ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ as displayed on the plots. |
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Figure 5:
Comparison of the distribution of $N_3^{(2)}$ (left) and the ${N_{3}-\text {BDT} (\text {CA}15)}$ discriminant (right) in t quarks jets (signal) and jet from QCD multijet processes (background). |
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Figure 5-a:
Comparison of the distribution of $N_3^{(2)}$ (left) and the ${N_{3}-\text {BDT} (\text {CA}15)}$ discriminant (right) in t quarks jets (signal) and jet from QCD multijet processes (background). |
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Figure 5-b:
Comparison of the distribution of $N_3^{(2)}$ (left) and the ${N_{3}-\text {BDT} (\text {CA}15)}$ discriminant (right) in t quarks jets (signal) and jet from QCD multijet processes (background). |
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Figure 6:
Distributions of the ${m_\text {SD}+N_{2}}$ (left) and ${m_\text {SD}+N_{2}^{\text {DDT}}}$ (right) in signal and background jets. |
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Figure 6-a:
Distributions of the ${m_\text {SD}+N_{2}}$ (left) and ${m_\text {SD}+N_{2}^{\text {DDT}}}$ (right) in signal and background jets. |
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Figure 6-b:
Distributions of the ${m_\text {SD}+N_{2}}$ (left) and ${m_\text {SD}+N_{2}^{\text {DDT}}}$ (right) in signal and background jets. |
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Figure 7:
The pixelized greyscale images used in the ImageTop network for QCD (left) and top (right). The x and y axes are the pixel number, and roughly scale with $\Delta R$. The z axis is the intensity of the greyscale image in the given pixel, (particle flow candidate $ {p_{\mathrm {T}}} $) and has been normalized to unity. This figure shows an ensemble of overlaid images after the image post processing, where we can see clear differences between the top and QCD energy deposition patterns. |
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Figure 7-a:
The pixelized greyscale images used in the ImageTop network for QCD (left) and top (right). The x and y axes are the pixel number, and roughly scale with $\Delta R$. The z axis is the intensity of the greyscale image in the given pixel, (particle flow candidate $ {p_{\mathrm {T}}} $) and has been normalized to unity. This figure shows an ensemble of overlaid images after the image post processing, where we can see clear differences between the top and QCD energy deposition patterns. |
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Figure 7-b:
The pixelized greyscale images used in the ImageTop network for QCD (left) and top (right). The x and y axes are the pixel number, and roughly scale with $\Delta R$. The z axis is the intensity of the greyscale image in the given pixel, (particle flow candidate $ {p_{\mathrm {T}}} $) and has been normalized to unity. This figure shows an ensemble of overlaid images after the image post processing, where we can see clear differences between the top and QCD energy deposition patterns. |
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Figure 8:
The ImageTop network architecture. The NN inputs are the 37x37 pixelized PF candidate ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ map, which is split into colors based on the PF candidate flavor, as well as the DeepFlavour subjet b tags applied to both subjets. The pixelized images are sent through a two dimensional CNN, and the subjet b tags are inputs into a dense layer. The NN are merged before being input into three dense layers and finally the two node output which is used as the top tagging discriminator. |
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Figure 9:
The network architecture of DeepAK8. |
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Figure 10:
The network architecture of DeepAK8-MD. |
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Figure 11:
Performance comparison of the hadronically decaying t quark identification algorithms in terms of receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves in two regions based on the ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ of the truth particle; Left: 300 $ < {p_{\mathrm {T}}} < $ 500 GeV, and Right: 1000 $ < {p_{\mathrm {T}}} < $ 1500 GeV. Additional fiducial selection criteria applied to the jets are displayed on the plots. |
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Figure 11-a:
Performance comparison of the hadronically decaying t quark identification algorithms in terms of receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves in two regions based on the ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ of the truth particle; Left: 300 $ < {p_{\mathrm {T}}} < $ 500 GeV, and Right: 1000 $ < {p_{\mathrm {T}}} < $ 1500 GeV. Additional fiducial selection criteria applied to the jets are displayed on the plots. |
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Figure 11-b:
Performance comparison of the hadronically decaying t quark identification algorithms in terms of receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves in two regions based on the ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ of the truth particle; Left: 300 $ < {p_{\mathrm {T}}} < $ 500 GeV, and Right: 1000 $ < {p_{\mathrm {T}}} < $ 1500 GeV. Additional fiducial selection criteria applied to the jets are displayed on the plots. |
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Figure 12:
Performance comparison of the hadronically decaying W boson identification algorithms in terms of receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves in two regions based on the ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ of the truth particle; Left: 300 $ < {p_{\mathrm {T}}} < $ 500 GeV, and Right: 1000 $ < {p_{\mathrm {T}}} < $ 1500 GeV. Additional fiducial selection criteria applied to the jets are displayed on the plots. |
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Figure 12-a:
Performance comparison of the hadronically decaying W boson identification algorithms in terms of receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves in two regions based on the ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ of the truth particle; Left: 300 $ < {p_{\mathrm {T}}} < $ 500 GeV, and Right: 1000 $ < {p_{\mathrm {T}}} < $ 1500 GeV. Additional fiducial selection criteria applied to the jets are displayed on the plots. |
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Figure 12-b:
Performance comparison of the hadronically decaying W boson identification algorithms in terms of receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves in two regions based on the ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ of the truth particle; Left: 300 $ < {p_{\mathrm {T}}} < $ 500 GeV, and Right: 1000 $ < {p_{\mathrm {T}}} < $ 1500 GeV. Additional fiducial selection criteria applied to the jets are displayed on the plots. |
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Figure 13:
Performance comparison of the hadronically decaying Z boson identification algorithms in terms of receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves in two regions based on the ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ of the truth particle; Left: 300 $ < {p_{\mathrm {T}}} < $ 500 GeV, and Right: 1000 $ < {p_{\mathrm {T}}} < $ 1500 GeV. Additional fiducial selection criteria applied to the jets are displayed on the plots. |
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Figure 13-a:
Performance comparison of the hadronically decaying Z boson identification algorithms in terms of receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves in two regions based on the ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ of the truth particle; Left: 300 $ < {p_{\mathrm {T}}} < $ 500 GeV, and Right: 1000 $ < {p_{\mathrm {T}}} < $ 1500 GeV. Additional fiducial selection criteria applied to the jets are displayed on the plots. |
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Figure 13-b:
Performance comparison of the hadronically decaying Z boson identification algorithms in terms of receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves in two regions based on the ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ of the truth particle; Left: 300 $ < {p_{\mathrm {T}}} < $ 500 GeV, and Right: 1000 $ < {p_{\mathrm {T}}} < $ 1500 GeV. Additional fiducial selection criteria applied to the jets are displayed on the plots. |
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Figure 14:
Performance comparison of the hadronically decaying H boson identification algorithms in terms of receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves in two regions based on the ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ of the truth particle; Left: 300 $ < {p_{\mathrm {T}}} < $ 500 GeV, and Right: 1000 $ < {p_{\mathrm {T}}} < $ 1500 GeV. The H boson is forced to decay in a pair of b quarks. Additional fiducial selection criteria applied to the jets are displayed on the plots. |
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Figure 14-a:
Performance comparison of the hadronically decaying H boson identification algorithms in terms of receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves in two regions based on the ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ of the truth particle; Left: 300 $ < {p_{\mathrm {T}}} < $ 500 GeV, and Right: 1000 $ < {p_{\mathrm {T}}} < $ 1500 GeV. The H boson is forced to decay in a pair of b quarks. Additional fiducial selection criteria applied to the jets are displayed on the plots. |
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Figure 14-b:
Performance comparison of the hadronically decaying H boson identification algorithms in terms of receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves in two regions based on the ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ of the truth particle; Left: 300 $ < {p_{\mathrm {T}}} < $ 500 GeV, and Right: 1000 $ < {p_{\mathrm {T}}} < $ 1500 GeV. The H boson is forced to decay in a pair of b quarks. Additional fiducial selection criteria applied to the jets are displayed on the plots. |
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Figure 15:
Alternative versions of DeepAK8 trained using a subset of the input features. The details about each version are discussed in the text. The performances of the three versions of DeepAK8 are compared for t quark (upper) and Z (lower) identification. For the latter, the left plot corresponds Z bosons decaying to a pair of b quarks, and the right to a pair of light quarks. |
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Figure 15-a:
Alternative versions of DeepAK8 trained using a subset of the input features. The details about each version are discussed in the text. The performances of the three versions of DeepAK8 are compared for t quark (upper) and Z (lower) identification. For the latter, the left plot corresponds Z bosons decaying to a pair of b quarks, and the right to a pair of light quarks. |
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Figure 15-b:
Alternative versions of DeepAK8 trained using a subset of the input features. The details about each version are discussed in the text. The performances of the three versions of DeepAK8 are compared for t quark (upper) and Z (lower) identification. For the latter, the left plot corresponds Z bosons decaying to a pair of b quarks, and the right to a pair of light quarks. |
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Figure 15-c:
Alternative versions of DeepAK8 trained using a subset of the input features. The details about each version are discussed in the text. The performances of the three versions of DeepAK8 are compared for t quark (upper) and Z (lower) identification. For the latter, the left plot corresponds Z bosons decaying to a pair of b quarks, and the right to a pair of light quarks. |
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Figure 16:
The distribution of ${\epsilon _{S}}$\ as a function of the ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ of the truth particle for a working point corresponding to $ {\epsilon _{S}}= $ 30% (50%) for t quark (W, Z, and H boson) identification. Upper left: t quark, upper right: W boson, lower left: Z boson, lower right: H boson. The error bars represent the statistical uncertainty in each specific bin, due to the limited number of simulated events. Additional fiducial selection criteria applied to the jets are displayed on the plots. |
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Figure 16-a:
The distribution of ${\epsilon _{S}}$\ as a function of the ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ of the truth particle for a working point corresponding to $ {\epsilon _{S}}= $ 30% (50%) for t quark (W, Z, and H boson) identification. Upper left: t quark, upper right: W boson, lower left: Z boson, lower right: H boson. The error bars represent the statistical uncertainty in each specific bin, due to the limited number of simulated events. Additional fiducial selection criteria applied to the jets are displayed on the plots. |
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Figure 16-b:
The distribution of ${\epsilon _{S}}$\ as a function of the ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ of the truth particle for a working point corresponding to $ {\epsilon _{S}}= $ 30% (50%) for t quark (W, Z, and H boson) identification. Upper left: t quark, upper right: W boson, lower left: Z boson, lower right: H boson. The error bars represent the statistical uncertainty in each specific bin, due to the limited number of simulated events. Additional fiducial selection criteria applied to the jets are displayed on the plots. |
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Figure 16-c:
The distribution of ${\epsilon _{S}}$\ as a function of the ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ of the truth particle for a working point corresponding to $ {\epsilon _{S}}= $ 30% (50%) for t quark (W, Z, and H boson) identification. Upper left: t quark, upper right: W boson, lower left: Z boson, lower right: H boson. The error bars represent the statistical uncertainty in each specific bin, due to the limited number of simulated events. Additional fiducial selection criteria applied to the jets are displayed on the plots. |
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Figure 16-d:
The distribution of ${\epsilon _{S}}$\ as a function of the ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ of the truth particle for a working point corresponding to $ {\epsilon _{S}}= $ 30% (50%) for t quark (W, Z, and H boson) identification. Upper left: t quark, upper right: W boson, lower left: Z boson, lower right: H boson. The error bars represent the statistical uncertainty in each specific bin, due to the limited number of simulated events. Additional fiducial selection criteria applied to the jets are displayed on the plots. |
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Figure 17:
The distribution of ${\epsilon _{B}}$ as a function of the ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ of the truth particle for a working point corresponding to $ {\epsilon _{S}}= $ 30% (50%) for t quark (W, Z, and H boson) identification. Upper left: t quark, upper right: W boson, lower left: Z boson, lower right: H boson. The error bars represent the statistical uncertainty in each specific bin, due to the limited number of simulated events. Additional fiducial selection criteria applied to the jets are displayed on the plots. |
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Figure 17-a:
The distribution of ${\epsilon _{B}}$ as a function of the ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ of the truth particle for a working point corresponding to $ {\epsilon _{S}}= $ 30% (50%) for t quark (W, Z, and H boson) identification. Upper left: t quark, upper right: W boson, lower left: Z boson, lower right: H boson. The error bars represent the statistical uncertainty in each specific bin, due to the limited number of simulated events. Additional fiducial selection criteria applied to the jets are displayed on the plots. |
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Figure 17-b:
The distribution of ${\epsilon _{B}}$ as a function of the ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ of the truth particle for a working point corresponding to $ {\epsilon _{S}}= $ 30% (50%) for t quark (W, Z, and H boson) identification. Upper left: t quark, upper right: W boson, lower left: Z boson, lower right: H boson. The error bars represent the statistical uncertainty in each specific bin, due to the limited number of simulated events. Additional fiducial selection criteria applied to the jets are displayed on the plots. |
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Figure 17-c:
The distribution of ${\epsilon _{B}}$ as a function of the ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ of the truth particle for a working point corresponding to $ {\epsilon _{S}}= $ 30% (50%) for t quark (W, Z, and H boson) identification. Upper left: t quark, upper right: W boson, lower left: Z boson, lower right: H boson. The error bars represent the statistical uncertainty in each specific bin, due to the limited number of simulated events. Additional fiducial selection criteria applied to the jets are displayed on the plots. |
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Figure 17-d:
The distribution of ${\epsilon _{B}}$ as a function of the ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ of the truth particle for a working point corresponding to $ {\epsilon _{S}}= $ 30% (50%) for t quark (W, Z, and H boson) identification. Upper left: t quark, upper right: W boson, lower left: Z boson, lower right: H boson. The error bars represent the statistical uncertainty in each specific bin, due to the limited number of simulated events. Additional fiducial selection criteria applied to the jets are displayed on the plots. |
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Figure 18:
The ${\epsilon _{S}}$ as a function of ${\text {N}_{\text {vtx}}}$ for truth particles with 500 $ < {p_{\mathrm {T}}} (\text {truth particle}) < $ 1000 GeV at a working point corresponding to $ {\epsilon _{S}}= $ 30% (50%) for t quark (W, Z, and H boson) identification. Upper left: t quark, upper right: W boson, lower left: Z boson, lower right: H boson. The error bars represent the statistical uncertainty in each specific bin, due to a limited number of simulated events. Additional fiducial selection criteria applied to the jets are displayed on the plots. |
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Figure 18-a:
The ${\epsilon _{S}}$ as a function of ${\text {N}_{\text {vtx}}}$ for truth particles with 500 $ < {p_{\mathrm {T}}} (\text {truth particle}) < $ 1000 GeV at a working point corresponding to $ {\epsilon _{S}}= $ 30% (50%) for t quark (W, Z, and H boson) identification. Upper left: t quark, upper right: W boson, lower left: Z boson, lower right: H boson. The error bars represent the statistical uncertainty in each specific bin, due to a limited number of simulated events. Additional fiducial selection criteria applied to the jets are displayed on the plots. |
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Figure 18-b:
The ${\epsilon _{S}}$ as a function of ${\text {N}_{\text {vtx}}}$ for truth particles with 500 $ < {p_{\mathrm {T}}} (\text {truth particle}) < $ 1000 GeV at a working point corresponding to $ {\epsilon _{S}}= $ 30% (50%) for t quark (W, Z, and H boson) identification. Upper left: t quark, upper right: W boson, lower left: Z boson, lower right: H boson. The error bars represent the statistical uncertainty in each specific bin, due to a limited number of simulated events. Additional fiducial selection criteria applied to the jets are displayed on the plots. |
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Figure 18-c:
The ${\epsilon _{S}}$ as a function of ${\text {N}_{\text {vtx}}}$ for truth particles with 500 $ < {p_{\mathrm {T}}} (\text {truth particle}) < $ 1000 GeV at a working point corresponding to $ {\epsilon _{S}}= $ 30% (50%) for t quark (W, Z, and H boson) identification. Upper left: t quark, upper right: W boson, lower left: Z boson, lower right: H boson. The error bars represent the statistical uncertainty in each specific bin, due to a limited number of simulated events. Additional fiducial selection criteria applied to the jets are displayed on the plots. |
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Figure 18-d:
The ${\epsilon _{S}}$ as a function of ${\text {N}_{\text {vtx}}}$ for truth particles with 500 $ < {p_{\mathrm {T}}} (\text {truth particle}) < $ 1000 GeV at a working point corresponding to $ {\epsilon _{S}}= $ 30% (50%) for t quark (W, Z, and H boson) identification. Upper left: t quark, upper right: W boson, lower left: Z boson, lower right: H boson. The error bars represent the statistical uncertainty in each specific bin, due to a limited number of simulated events. Additional fiducial selection criteria applied to the jets are displayed on the plots. |
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Figure 19:
The ${\epsilon _{B}}$ as a function of ${\text {N}_{\text {vtx}}}$ for truth particles with 500 $ < {p_{\mathrm {T}}} (\text {truth particle}) < $ 1000 GeV at a working point corresponding to $ {\epsilon _{S}}= $ 30% (50%) for t quark (W, Z, and H boson) identification. Upper left: t quark, upper right: W boson, lower left: Z boson, lower right: H boson. The error bars represent the statistical uncertainty in each specific bin, due to the limited number of simulated events. Additional fiducial selection criteria applied to the jets are displayed on the plots. |
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Figure 19-a:
The ${\epsilon _{B}}$ as a function of ${\text {N}_{\text {vtx}}}$ for truth particles with 500 $ < {p_{\mathrm {T}}} (\text {truth particle}) < $ 1000 GeV at a working point corresponding to $ {\epsilon _{S}}= $ 30% (50%) for t quark (W, Z, and H boson) identification. Upper left: t quark, upper right: W boson, lower left: Z boson, lower right: H boson. The error bars represent the statistical uncertainty in each specific bin, due to the limited number of simulated events. Additional fiducial selection criteria applied to the jets are displayed on the plots. |
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Figure 19-b:
The ${\epsilon _{B}}$ as a function of ${\text {N}_{\text {vtx}}}$ for truth particles with 500 $ < {p_{\mathrm {T}}} (\text {truth particle}) < $ 1000 GeV at a working point corresponding to $ {\epsilon _{S}}= $ 30% (50%) for t quark (W, Z, and H boson) identification. Upper left: t quark, upper right: W boson, lower left: Z boson, lower right: H boson. The error bars represent the statistical uncertainty in each specific bin, due to the limited number of simulated events. Additional fiducial selection criteria applied to the jets are displayed on the plots. |
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Figure 19-c:
The ${\epsilon _{B}}$ as a function of ${\text {N}_{\text {vtx}}}$ for truth particles with 500 $ < {p_{\mathrm {T}}} (\text {truth particle}) < $ 1000 GeV at a working point corresponding to $ {\epsilon _{S}}= $ 30% (50%) for t quark (W, Z, and H boson) identification. Upper left: t quark, upper right: W boson, lower left: Z boson, lower right: H boson. The error bars represent the statistical uncertainty in each specific bin, due to the limited number of simulated events. Additional fiducial selection criteria applied to the jets are displayed on the plots. |
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Figure 19-d:
The ${\epsilon _{B}}$ as a function of ${\text {N}_{\text {vtx}}}$ for truth particles with 500 $ < {p_{\mathrm {T}}} (\text {truth particle}) < $ 1000 GeV at a working point corresponding to $ {\epsilon _{S}}= $ 30% (50%) for t quark (W, Z, and H boson) identification. Upper left: t quark, upper right: W boson, lower left: Z boson, lower right: H boson. The error bars represent the statistical uncertainty in each specific bin, due to the limited number of simulated events. Additional fiducial selection criteria applied to the jets are displayed on the plots. |
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Figure 20:
The shape of the softdrop mass distribution for background jets with 600 $ < {p_{\mathrm {T}}} (\text {jet}) < $ 1000 GeV, inclusively and after selection by each algorithm. The working point chosen corresponds to $ {\epsilon _{S}}=$ 30% ($ {\epsilon _{S}}=$ 50%) for t quarks (W, Z, and H bosons). Upper left: t quark, upper right: W boson, lower left: Z boson, lower right: H boson. The error bars represent the statistical uncertainty in each specific bin, due to the limited number of simulated events. Additional fiducial selection criteria applied to the jets are displayed on the plots. |
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Figure 20-a:
The shape of the softdrop mass distribution for background jets with 600 $ < {p_{\mathrm {T}}} (\text {jet}) < $ 1000 GeV, inclusively and after selection by each algorithm. The working point chosen corresponds to $ {\epsilon _{S}}=$ 30% ($ {\epsilon _{S}}=$ 50%) for t quarks (W, Z, and H bosons). Upper left: t quark, upper right: W boson, lower left: Z boson, lower right: H boson. The error bars represent the statistical uncertainty in each specific bin, due to the limited number of simulated events. Additional fiducial selection criteria applied to the jets are displayed on the plots. |
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Figure 20-b:
The shape of the softdrop mass distribution for background jets with 600 $ < {p_{\mathrm {T}}} (\text {jet}) < $ 1000 GeV, inclusively and after selection by each algorithm. The working point chosen corresponds to $ {\epsilon _{S}}=$ 30% ($ {\epsilon _{S}}=$ 50%) for t quarks (W, Z, and H bosons). Upper left: t quark, upper right: W boson, lower left: Z boson, lower right: H boson. The error bars represent the statistical uncertainty in each specific bin, due to the limited number of simulated events. Additional fiducial selection criteria applied to the jets are displayed on the plots. |
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Figure 20-c:
The shape of the softdrop mass distribution for background jets with 600 $ < {p_{\mathrm {T}}} (\text {jet}) < $ 1000 GeV, inclusively and after selection by each algorithm. The working point chosen corresponds to $ {\epsilon _{S}}=$ 30% ($ {\epsilon _{S}}=$ 50%) for t quarks (W, Z, and H bosons). Upper left: t quark, upper right: W boson, lower left: Z boson, lower right: H boson. The error bars represent the statistical uncertainty in each specific bin, due to the limited number of simulated events. Additional fiducial selection criteria applied to the jets are displayed on the plots. |
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Figure 20-d:
The shape of the softdrop mass distribution for background jets with 600 $ < {p_{\mathrm {T}}} (\text {jet}) < $ 1000 GeV, inclusively and after selection by each algorithm. The working point chosen corresponds to $ {\epsilon _{S}}=$ 30% ($ {\epsilon _{S}}=$ 50%) for t quarks (W, Z, and H bosons). Upper left: t quark, upper right: W boson, lower left: Z boson, lower right: H boson. The error bars represent the statistical uncertainty in each specific bin, due to the limited number of simulated events. Additional fiducial selection criteria applied to the jets are displayed on the plots. |
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Figure 21:
The JSD as a function of successively tighter selections (expressed in terms of ${\epsilon _{B}}$) for the various t - (left) and W (right) tagging algorithms. Lower values of JSD indicate larger similarity of the $M { _{SD}}$ in QCD multijet events passing and failing the selection on the tagging algorithm. Additional fiducial selection criteria applied to the jets are displayed on the plots. |
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Figure 21-a:
The JSD as a function of successively tighter selections (expressed in terms of ${\epsilon _{B}}$) for the various t - (left) and W (right) tagging algorithms. Lower values of JSD indicate larger similarity of the $M { _{SD}}$ in QCD multijet events passing and failing the selection on the tagging algorithm. Additional fiducial selection criteria applied to the jets are displayed on the plots. |
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Figure 21-b:
The JSD as a function of successively tighter selections (expressed in terms of ${\epsilon _{B}}$) for the various t - (left) and W (right) tagging algorithms. Lower values of JSD indicate larger similarity of the $M { _{SD}}$ in QCD multijet events passing and failing the selection on the tagging algorithm. Additional fiducial selection criteria applied to the jets are displayed on the plots. |
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Figure 22:
The JSD as a function of the jet ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ for the various t (left) and W (right) tagging algorithms. Lower values of JSD indicate larger similarity of the $M { _{SD}}$ in QCD multijet events passing and failing the selection on the tagging algorithm. Additional fiducial selection criteria applied to the jets are displayed on the plots. |
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Figure 22-a:
The JSD as a function of the jet ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ for the various t (left) and W (right) tagging algorithms. Lower values of JSD indicate larger similarity of the $M { _{SD}}$ in QCD multijet events passing and failing the selection on the tagging algorithm. Additional fiducial selection criteria applied to the jets are displayed on the plots. |
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Figure 22-b:
The JSD as a function of the jet ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ for the various t (left) and W (right) tagging algorithms. Lower values of JSD indicate larger similarity of the $M { _{SD}}$ in QCD multijet events passing and failing the selection on the tagging algorithm. Additional fiducial selection criteria applied to the jets are displayed on the plots. |
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Figure 23:
Distribution of the the jet ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ (upper-left), jet mass, ${m_{\text {SD}}}$ (upper-right), the N-subjetiness ratios, $ {\tau _{32}}$ (middle-left) and $ {\tau _{21}}$ (middle-right), and the $N_2$ (lower-left) and $N_2^{\text {DDT}}$ (lower-right) in data and simulation in the single-$\mu $ signal sample. The pink solid line corresponds to the simulation distribution obtained using the alternative ${\mathrm{t} \mathrm{\bar{t}}}$ sample. The background event yield is normalized to the total observed data yield. The lower panel shows the data to simulation ratio. The shaded blue (red) band corresponds to the total uncertainty (statistical uncertainty of the simulated samples), the pink line to the data to simulation ratio using the alternative ${\mathrm{t} \mathrm{\bar{t}}}$ sample, and the vertical lines correspond to the statistical uncertainty of the data. The distributions are weighted according to the top ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ reweighting procedure described in the text. |
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Figure 23-a:
Distribution of the the jet ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ (upper-left), jet mass, ${m_{\text {SD}}}$ (upper-right), the N-subjetiness ratios, $ {\tau _{32}}$ (middle-left) and $ {\tau _{21}}$ (middle-right), and the $N_2$ (lower-left) and $N_2^{\text {DDT}}$ (lower-right) in data and simulation in the single-$\mu $ signal sample. The pink solid line corresponds to the simulation distribution obtained using the alternative ${\mathrm{t} \mathrm{\bar{t}}}$ sample. The background event yield is normalized to the total observed data yield. The lower panel shows the data to simulation ratio. The shaded blue (red) band corresponds to the total uncertainty (statistical uncertainty of the simulated samples), the pink line to the data to simulation ratio using the alternative ${\mathrm{t} \mathrm{\bar{t}}}$ sample, and the vertical lines correspond to the statistical uncertainty of the data. The distributions are weighted according to the top ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ reweighting procedure described in the text. |
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Figure 23-b:
Distribution of the the jet ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ (upper-left), jet mass, ${m_{\text {SD}}}$ (upper-right), the N-subjetiness ratios, $ {\tau _{32}}$ (middle-left) and $ {\tau _{21}}$ (middle-right), and the $N_2$ (lower-left) and $N_2^{\text {DDT}}$ (lower-right) in data and simulation in the single-$\mu $ signal sample. The pink solid line corresponds to the simulation distribution obtained using the alternative ${\mathrm{t} \mathrm{\bar{t}}}$ sample. The background event yield is normalized to the total observed data yield. The lower panel shows the data to simulation ratio. The shaded blue (red) band corresponds to the total uncertainty (statistical uncertainty of the simulated samples), the pink line to the data to simulation ratio using the alternative ${\mathrm{t} \mathrm{\bar{t}}}$ sample, and the vertical lines correspond to the statistical uncertainty of the data. The distributions are weighted according to the top ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ reweighting procedure described in the text. |
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Figure 23-c:
Distribution of the the jet ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ (upper-left), jet mass, ${m_{\text {SD}}}$ (upper-right), the N-subjetiness ratios, $ {\tau _{32}}$ (middle-left) and $ {\tau _{21}}$ (middle-right), and the $N_2$ (lower-left) and $N_2^{\text {DDT}}$ (lower-right) in data and simulation in the single-$\mu $ signal sample. The pink solid line corresponds to the simulation distribution obtained using the alternative ${\mathrm{t} \mathrm{\bar{t}}}$ sample. The background event yield is normalized to the total observed data yield. The lower panel shows the data to simulation ratio. The shaded blue (red) band corresponds to the total uncertainty (statistical uncertainty of the simulated samples), the pink line to the data to simulation ratio using the alternative ${\mathrm{t} \mathrm{\bar{t}}}$ sample, and the vertical lines correspond to the statistical uncertainty of the data. The distributions are weighted according to the top ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ reweighting procedure described in the text. |
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Figure 23-d:
Distribution of the the jet ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ (upper-left), jet mass, ${m_{\text {SD}}}$ (upper-right), the N-subjetiness ratios, $ {\tau _{32}}$ (middle-left) and $ {\tau _{21}}$ (middle-right), and the $N_2$ (lower-left) and $N_2^{\text {DDT}}$ (lower-right) in data and simulation in the single-$\mu $ signal sample. The pink solid line corresponds to the simulation distribution obtained using the alternative ${\mathrm{t} \mathrm{\bar{t}}}$ sample. The background event yield is normalized to the total observed data yield. The lower panel shows the data to simulation ratio. The shaded blue (red) band corresponds to the total uncertainty (statistical uncertainty of the simulated samples), the pink line to the data to simulation ratio using the alternative ${\mathrm{t} \mathrm{\bar{t}}}$ sample, and the vertical lines correspond to the statistical uncertainty of the data. The distributions are weighted according to the top ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ reweighting procedure described in the text. |
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Figure 23-e:
Distribution of the the jet ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ (upper-left), jet mass, ${m_{\text {SD}}}$ (upper-right), the N-subjetiness ratios, $ {\tau _{32}}$ (middle-left) and $ {\tau _{21}}$ (middle-right), and the $N_2$ (lower-left) and $N_2^{\text {DDT}}$ (lower-right) in data and simulation in the single-$\mu $ signal sample. The pink solid line corresponds to the simulation distribution obtained using the alternative ${\mathrm{t} \mathrm{\bar{t}}}$ sample. The background event yield is normalized to the total observed data yield. The lower panel shows the data to simulation ratio. The shaded blue (red) band corresponds to the total uncertainty (statistical uncertainty of the simulated samples), the pink line to the data to simulation ratio using the alternative ${\mathrm{t} \mathrm{\bar{t}}}$ sample, and the vertical lines correspond to the statistical uncertainty of the data. The distributions are weighted according to the top ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ reweighting procedure described in the text. |
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Figure 23-f:
Distribution of the the jet ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ (upper-left), jet mass, ${m_{\text {SD}}}$ (upper-right), the N-subjetiness ratios, $ {\tau _{32}}$ (middle-left) and $ {\tau _{21}}$ (middle-right), and the $N_2$ (lower-left) and $N_2^{\text {DDT}}$ (lower-right) in data and simulation in the single-$\mu $ signal sample. The pink solid line corresponds to the simulation distribution obtained using the alternative ${\mathrm{t} \mathrm{\bar{t}}}$ sample. The background event yield is normalized to the total observed data yield. The lower panel shows the data to simulation ratio. The shaded blue (red) band corresponds to the total uncertainty (statistical uncertainty of the simulated samples), the pink line to the data to simulation ratio using the alternative ${\mathrm{t} \mathrm{\bar{t}}}$ sample, and the vertical lines correspond to the statistical uncertainty of the data. The distributions are weighted according to the top ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ reweighting procedure described in the text. |
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Figure 24:
Distribution of the main observables of the HOTVR algorithm, $p_{T}(\text {HOTVR jet})$ (upper-left), $m_{\text {HOTVR}}$ (upper-right), $m_{\text {min,HOTVR}}$ (lower-left), and $N_{\text {sub,HOTVR}}$ (lower-right) in data and simulation in the single-$\mu $ signal sample. The pink solid line corresponds to the simulation distribution obtained using the alternative ${\mathrm{t} \mathrm{\bar{t}}}$ sample. The background event yield is normalized to the total observed data yield. The lower panel shows the data to simulation ratio. The shaded blue (red) band corresponds to the total uncertainty (statistical uncertainty of the simulated samples), the pink line to the data to simulation ratio using the alternative ${\mathrm{t} \mathrm{\bar{t}}}$ sample, and the vertical lines correspond to the statistical uncertainty of the data. The distributions are weighted according to the top ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ reweighting procedure described in the text. |
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Figure 24-a:
Distribution of the main observables of the HOTVR algorithm, $p_{T}(\text {HOTVR jet})$ (upper-left), $m_{\text {HOTVR}}$ (upper-right), $m_{\text {min,HOTVR}}$ (lower-left), and $N_{\text {sub,HOTVR}}$ (lower-right) in data and simulation in the single-$\mu $ signal sample. The pink solid line corresponds to the simulation distribution obtained using the alternative ${\mathrm{t} \mathrm{\bar{t}}}$ sample. The background event yield is normalized to the total observed data yield. The lower panel shows the data to simulation ratio. The shaded blue (red) band corresponds to the total uncertainty (statistical uncertainty of the simulated samples), the pink line to the data to simulation ratio using the alternative ${\mathrm{t} \mathrm{\bar{t}}}$ sample, and the vertical lines correspond to the statistical uncertainty of the data. The distributions are weighted according to the top ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ reweighting procedure described in the text. |
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Figure 24-b:
Distribution of the main observables of the HOTVR algorithm, $p_{T}(\text {HOTVR jet})$ (upper-left), $m_{\text {HOTVR}}$ (upper-right), $m_{\text {min,HOTVR}}$ (lower-left), and $N_{\text {sub,HOTVR}}$ (lower-right) in data and simulation in the single-$\mu $ signal sample. The pink solid line corresponds to the simulation distribution obtained using the alternative ${\mathrm{t} \mathrm{\bar{t}}}$ sample. The background event yield is normalized to the total observed data yield. The lower panel shows the data to simulation ratio. The shaded blue (red) band corresponds to the total uncertainty (statistical uncertainty of the simulated samples), the pink line to the data to simulation ratio using the alternative ${\mathrm{t} \mathrm{\bar{t}}}$ sample, and the vertical lines correspond to the statistical uncertainty of the data. The distributions are weighted according to the top ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ reweighting procedure described in the text. |
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Figure 24-c:
Distribution of the main observables of the HOTVR algorithm, $p_{T}(\text {HOTVR jet})$ (upper-left), $m_{\text {HOTVR}}$ (upper-right), $m_{\text {min,HOTVR}}$ (lower-left), and $N_{\text {sub,HOTVR}}$ (lower-right) in data and simulation in the single-$\mu $ signal sample. The pink solid line corresponds to the simulation distribution obtained using the alternative ${\mathrm{t} \mathrm{\bar{t}}}$ sample. The background event yield is normalized to the total observed data yield. The lower panel shows the data to simulation ratio. The shaded blue (red) band corresponds to the total uncertainty (statistical uncertainty of the simulated samples), the pink line to the data to simulation ratio using the alternative ${\mathrm{t} \mathrm{\bar{t}}}$ sample, and the vertical lines correspond to the statistical uncertainty of the data. The distributions are weighted according to the top ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ reweighting procedure described in the text. |
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Figure 24-d:
Distribution of the main observables of the HOTVR algorithm, $p_{T}(\text {HOTVR jet})$ (upper-left), $m_{\text {HOTVR}}$ (upper-right), $m_{\text {min,HOTVR}}$ (lower-left), and $N_{\text {sub,HOTVR}}$ (lower-right) in data and simulation in the single-$\mu $ signal sample. The pink solid line corresponds to the simulation distribution obtained using the alternative ${\mathrm{t} \mathrm{\bar{t}}}$ sample. The background event yield is normalized to the total observed data yield. The lower panel shows the data to simulation ratio. The shaded blue (red) band corresponds to the total uncertainty (statistical uncertainty of the simulated samples), the pink line to the data to simulation ratio using the alternative ${\mathrm{t} \mathrm{\bar{t}}}$ sample, and the vertical lines correspond to the statistical uncertainty of the data. The distributions are weighted according to the top ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ reweighting procedure described in the text. |
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Figure 25:
Distribution of the t quark (upper-left) and W boson (upper-right) identification probabilities for the BEST algorithm, and the ${N_{3}-\text {BDT} (\text {CA}15)}$ discriminant, in data and simulation in the single-$\mu $ signal sample. The pink solid line corresponds to the simulation distribution obtained using the alternative ${\mathrm{t} \mathrm{\bar{t}}}$ sample. The background event yield is normalized to the total observed data yield. The lower panel shows the data to simulation ratio. The shaded blue (red) band corresponds to the total uncertainty (statistical uncertainty of the simulated samples), the pink line to the data to simulation ratio using the alternative ${\mathrm{t} \mathrm{\bar{t}}}$ sample, and the vertical lines correspond to the statistical uncertainty of the data. The distributions are weighted according to the top ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ reweighting procedure described in the text. |
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Figure 25-a:
Distribution of the t quark (upper-left) and W boson (upper-right) identification probabilities for the BEST algorithm, and the ${N_{3}-\text {BDT} (\text {CA}15)}$ discriminant, in data and simulation in the single-$\mu $ signal sample. The pink solid line corresponds to the simulation distribution obtained using the alternative ${\mathrm{t} \mathrm{\bar{t}}}$ sample. The background event yield is normalized to the total observed data yield. The lower panel shows the data to simulation ratio. The shaded blue (red) band corresponds to the total uncertainty (statistical uncertainty of the simulated samples), the pink line to the data to simulation ratio using the alternative ${\mathrm{t} \mathrm{\bar{t}}}$ sample, and the vertical lines correspond to the statistical uncertainty of the data. The distributions are weighted according to the top ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ reweighting procedure described in the text. |
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Figure 25-b:
Distribution of the t quark (upper-left) and W boson (upper-right) identification probabilities for the BEST algorithm, and the ${N_{3}-\text {BDT} (\text {CA}15)}$ discriminant, in data and simulation in the single-$\mu $ signal sample. The pink solid line corresponds to the simulation distribution obtained using the alternative ${\mathrm{t} \mathrm{\bar{t}}}$ sample. The background event yield is normalized to the total observed data yield. The lower panel shows the data to simulation ratio. The shaded blue (red) band corresponds to the total uncertainty (statistical uncertainty of the simulated samples), the pink line to the data to simulation ratio using the alternative ${\mathrm{t} \mathrm{\bar{t}}}$ sample, and the vertical lines correspond to the statistical uncertainty of the data. The distributions are weighted according to the top ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ reweighting procedure described in the text. |
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Figure 25-c:
Distribution of the t quark (upper-left) and W boson (upper-right) identification probabilities for the BEST algorithm, and the ${N_{3}-\text {BDT} (\text {CA}15)}$ discriminant, in data and simulation in the single-$\mu $ signal sample. The pink solid line corresponds to the simulation distribution obtained using the alternative ${\mathrm{t} \mathrm{\bar{t}}}$ sample. The background event yield is normalized to the total observed data yield. The lower panel shows the data to simulation ratio. The shaded blue (red) band corresponds to the total uncertainty (statistical uncertainty of the simulated samples), the pink line to the data to simulation ratio using the alternative ${\mathrm{t} \mathrm{\bar{t}}}$ sample, and the vertical lines correspond to the statistical uncertainty of the data. The distributions are weighted according to the top ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ reweighting procedure described in the text. |
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Figure 26:
Distribution of the ImageTop (upper-left) and ImageTop-MD (upper-right) discriminant in data and simulation in the single-$\mu $ sample. The plots in the middle row show the t quark (left) and W boson (right) identification probabilities in data and simulation for the DeepAK8 algorithm. The corresponding plots for DeepAK8-MD are displayed in the lower row. The pink solid line corresponds to the simulation distribution obtained using the alternative ${\mathrm{t} \mathrm{\bar{t}}}$ sample. The background event yield is normalized to the total observed data yield. The lower panel shows the data to simulation ratio. The shaded blue (red) band corresponds to the total uncertainty (statistical uncertainty of the simulated samples), the pink line to the data to simulation ratio using the alternative ${\mathrm{t} \mathrm{\bar{t}}}$ sample, and the vertical lines correspond to the statistical uncertainty of the data. The distributions are weighted according to the top ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ reweighting procedure described in the text. |
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Figure 26-a:
Distribution of the ImageTop (upper-left) and ImageTop-MD (upper-right) discriminant in data and simulation in the single-$\mu $ sample. The plots in the middle row show the t quark (left) and W boson (right) identification probabilities in data and simulation for the DeepAK8 algorithm. The corresponding plots for DeepAK8-MD are displayed in the lower row. The pink solid line corresponds to the simulation distribution obtained using the alternative ${\mathrm{t} \mathrm{\bar{t}}}$ sample. The background event yield is normalized to the total observed data yield. The lower panel shows the data to simulation ratio. The shaded blue (red) band corresponds to the total uncertainty (statistical uncertainty of the simulated samples), the pink line to the data to simulation ratio using the alternative ${\mathrm{t} \mathrm{\bar{t}}}$ sample, and the vertical lines correspond to the statistical uncertainty of the data. The distributions are weighted according to the top ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ reweighting procedure described in the text. |
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Figure 26-b:
Distribution of the ImageTop (upper-left) and ImageTop-MD (upper-right) discriminant in data and simulation in the single-$\mu $ sample. The plots in the middle row show the t quark (left) and W boson (right) identification probabilities in data and simulation for the DeepAK8 algorithm. The corresponding plots for DeepAK8-MD are displayed in the lower row. The pink solid line corresponds to the simulation distribution obtained using the alternative ${\mathrm{t} \mathrm{\bar{t}}}$ sample. The background event yield is normalized to the total observed data yield. The lower panel shows the data to simulation ratio. The shaded blue (red) band corresponds to the total uncertainty (statistical uncertainty of the simulated samples), the pink line to the data to simulation ratio using the alternative ${\mathrm{t} \mathrm{\bar{t}}}$ sample, and the vertical lines correspond to the statistical uncertainty of the data. The distributions are weighted according to the top ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ reweighting procedure described in the text. |
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Figure 26-c:
Distribution of the ImageTop (upper-left) and ImageTop-MD (upper-right) discriminant in data and simulation in the single-$\mu $ sample. The plots in the middle row show the t quark (left) and W boson (right) identification probabilities in data and simulation for the DeepAK8 algorithm. The corresponding plots for DeepAK8-MD are displayed in the lower row. The pink solid line corresponds to the simulation distribution obtained using the alternative ${\mathrm{t} \mathrm{\bar{t}}}$ sample. The background event yield is normalized to the total observed data yield. The lower panel shows the data to simulation ratio. The shaded blue (red) band corresponds to the total uncertainty (statistical uncertainty of the simulated samples), the pink line to the data to simulation ratio using the alternative ${\mathrm{t} \mathrm{\bar{t}}}$ sample, and the vertical lines correspond to the statistical uncertainty of the data. The distributions are weighted according to the top ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ reweighting procedure described in the text. |
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Figure 26-d:
Distribution of the ImageTop (upper-left) and ImageTop-MD (upper-right) discriminant in data and simulation in the single-$\mu $ sample. The plots in the middle row show the t quark (left) and W boson (right) identification probabilities in data and simulation for the DeepAK8 algorithm. The corresponding plots for DeepAK8-MD are displayed in the lower row. The pink solid line corresponds to the simulation distribution obtained using the alternative ${\mathrm{t} \mathrm{\bar{t}}}$ sample. The background event yield is normalized to the total observed data yield. The lower panel shows the data to simulation ratio. The shaded blue (red) band corresponds to the total uncertainty (statistical uncertainty of the simulated samples), the pink line to the data to simulation ratio using the alternative ${\mathrm{t} \mathrm{\bar{t}}}$ sample, and the vertical lines correspond to the statistical uncertainty of the data. The distributions are weighted according to the top ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ reweighting procedure described in the text. |
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Figure 26-e:
Distribution of the ImageTop (upper-left) and ImageTop-MD (upper-right) discriminant in data and simulation in the single-$\mu $ sample. The plots in the middle row show the t quark (left) and W boson (right) identification probabilities in data and simulation for the DeepAK8 algorithm. The corresponding plots for DeepAK8-MD are displayed in the lower row. The pink solid line corresponds to the simulation distribution obtained using the alternative ${\mathrm{t} \mathrm{\bar{t}}}$ sample. The background event yield is normalized to the total observed data yield. The lower panel shows the data to simulation ratio. The shaded blue (red) band corresponds to the total uncertainty (statistical uncertainty of the simulated samples), the pink line to the data to simulation ratio using the alternative ${\mathrm{t} \mathrm{\bar{t}}}$ sample, and the vertical lines correspond to the statistical uncertainty of the data. The distributions are weighted according to the top ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ reweighting procedure described in the text. |
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Figure 26-f:
Distribution of the ImageTop (upper-left) and ImageTop-MD (upper-right) discriminant in data and simulation in the single-$\mu $ sample. The plots in the middle row show the t quark (left) and W boson (right) identification probabilities in data and simulation for the DeepAK8 algorithm. The corresponding plots for DeepAK8-MD are displayed in the lower row. The pink solid line corresponds to the simulation distribution obtained using the alternative ${\mathrm{t} \mathrm{\bar{t}}}$ sample. The background event yield is normalized to the total observed data yield. The lower panel shows the data to simulation ratio. The shaded blue (red) band corresponds to the total uncertainty (statistical uncertainty of the simulated samples), the pink line to the data to simulation ratio using the alternative ${\mathrm{t} \mathrm{\bar{t}}}$ sample, and the vertical lines correspond to the statistical uncertainty of the data. The distributions are weighted according to the top ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ reweighting procedure described in the text. |
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Figure 27:
Distribution of the jet ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ (upper-left), the jet mass, ${m_{\text {SD}}}$ (upper-right), the N-subjetiness ratios, $ {\tau _{32}}$ (middle-left) and $ {\tau _{21}}$ (middle-right), and the $N_2$ (lower-left) and $N_2^{\text {DDT}}$ (lower-right) in data and simulation in the single-$\mu $ signal sample, after applying a jet momentum cut $ {p_{\mathrm {T}}} > 500$ GeV. The pink solid line corresponds to the simulation distribution obtained using the alternative ${\mathrm{t} \mathrm{\bar{t}}}$ sample. The background event yield is normalized to the total observed data yield. The lower panel shows the data to simulation ratio. The shaded blue (red) band corresponds to the total uncertainty (statistical uncertainty of the simulated samples), the pink line to the data to simulation ratio using the alternative ${\mathrm{t} \mathrm{\bar{t}}}$ sample, and the vertical lines correspond to the statistical uncertainty of the data. The distributions are weighted according to the top ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ reweighting procedure described in the text. |
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Figure 27-a:
Distribution of the jet ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ (upper-left), the jet mass, ${m_{\text {SD}}}$ (upper-right), the N-subjetiness ratios, $ {\tau _{32}}$ (middle-left) and $ {\tau _{21}}$ (middle-right), and the $N_2$ (lower-left) and $N_2^{\text {DDT}}$ (lower-right) in data and simulation in the single-$\mu $ signal sample, after applying a jet momentum cut $ {p_{\mathrm {T}}} > 500$ GeV. The pink solid line corresponds to the simulation distribution obtained using the alternative ${\mathrm{t} \mathrm{\bar{t}}}$ sample. The background event yield is normalized to the total observed data yield. The lower panel shows the data to simulation ratio. The shaded blue (red) band corresponds to the total uncertainty (statistical uncertainty of the simulated samples), the pink line to the data to simulation ratio using the alternative ${\mathrm{t} \mathrm{\bar{t}}}$ sample, and the vertical lines correspond to the statistical uncertainty of the data. The distributions are weighted according to the top ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ reweighting procedure described in the text. |
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Figure 27-b:
Distribution of the jet ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ (upper-left), the jet mass, ${m_{\text {SD}}}$ (upper-right), the N-subjetiness ratios, $ {\tau _{32}}$ (middle-left) and $ {\tau _{21}}$ (middle-right), and the $N_2$ (lower-left) and $N_2^{\text {DDT}}$ (lower-right) in data and simulation in the single-$\mu $ signal sample, after applying a jet momentum cut $ {p_{\mathrm {T}}} > 500$ GeV. The pink solid line corresponds to the simulation distribution obtained using the alternative ${\mathrm{t} \mathrm{\bar{t}}}$ sample. The background event yield is normalized to the total observed data yield. The lower panel shows the data to simulation ratio. The shaded blue (red) band corresponds to the total uncertainty (statistical uncertainty of the simulated samples), the pink line to the data to simulation ratio using the alternative ${\mathrm{t} \mathrm{\bar{t}}}$ sample, and the vertical lines correspond to the statistical uncertainty of the data. The distributions are weighted according to the top ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ reweighting procedure described in the text. |
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Figure 27-c:
Distribution of the jet ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ (upper-left), the jet mass, ${m_{\text {SD}}}$ (upper-right), the N-subjetiness ratios, $ {\tau _{32}}$ (middle-left) and $ {\tau _{21}}$ (middle-right), and the $N_2$ (lower-left) and $N_2^{\text {DDT}}$ (lower-right) in data and simulation in the single-$\mu $ signal sample, after applying a jet momentum cut $ {p_{\mathrm {T}}} > 500$ GeV. The pink solid line corresponds to the simulation distribution obtained using the alternative ${\mathrm{t} \mathrm{\bar{t}}}$ sample. The background event yield is normalized to the total observed data yield. The lower panel shows the data to simulation ratio. The shaded blue (red) band corresponds to the total uncertainty (statistical uncertainty of the simulated samples), the pink line to the data to simulation ratio using the alternative ${\mathrm{t} \mathrm{\bar{t}}}$ sample, and the vertical lines correspond to the statistical uncertainty of the data. The distributions are weighted according to the top ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ reweighting procedure described in the text. |
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Figure 27-d:
Distribution of the jet ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ (upper-left), the jet mass, ${m_{\text {SD}}}$ (upper-right), the N-subjetiness ratios, $ {\tau _{32}}$ (middle-left) and $ {\tau _{21}}$ (middle-right), and the $N_2$ (lower-left) and $N_2^{\text {DDT}}$ (lower-right) in data and simulation in the single-$\mu $ signal sample, after applying a jet momentum cut $ {p_{\mathrm {T}}} > 500$ GeV. The pink solid line corresponds to the simulation distribution obtained using the alternative ${\mathrm{t} \mathrm{\bar{t}}}$ sample. The background event yield is normalized to the total observed data yield. The lower panel shows the data to simulation ratio. The shaded blue (red) band corresponds to the total uncertainty (statistical uncertainty of the simulated samples), the pink line to the data to simulation ratio using the alternative ${\mathrm{t} \mathrm{\bar{t}}}$ sample, and the vertical lines correspond to the statistical uncertainty of the data. The distributions are weighted according to the top ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ reweighting procedure described in the text. |
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Figure 27-e:
Distribution of the jet ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ (upper-left), the jet mass, ${m_{\text {SD}}}$ (upper-right), the N-subjetiness ratios, $ {\tau _{32}}$ (middle-left) and $ {\tau _{21}}$ (middle-right), and the $N_2$ (lower-left) and $N_2^{\text {DDT}}$ (lower-right) in data and simulation in the single-$\mu $ signal sample, after applying a jet momentum cut $ {p_{\mathrm {T}}} > 500$ GeV. The pink solid line corresponds to the simulation distribution obtained using the alternative ${\mathrm{t} \mathrm{\bar{t}}}$ sample. The background event yield is normalized to the total observed data yield. The lower panel shows the data to simulation ratio. The shaded blue (red) band corresponds to the total uncertainty (statistical uncertainty of the simulated samples), the pink line to the data to simulation ratio using the alternative ${\mathrm{t} \mathrm{\bar{t}}}$ sample, and the vertical lines correspond to the statistical uncertainty of the data. The distributions are weighted according to the top ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ reweighting procedure described in the text. |
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Figure 27-f:
Distribution of the jet ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ (upper-left), the jet mass, ${m_{\text {SD}}}$ (upper-right), the N-subjetiness ratios, $ {\tau _{32}}$ (middle-left) and $ {\tau _{21}}$ (middle-right), and the $N_2$ (lower-left) and $N_2^{\text {DDT}}$ (lower-right) in data and simulation in the single-$\mu $ signal sample, after applying a jet momentum cut $ {p_{\mathrm {T}}} > 500$ GeV. The pink solid line corresponds to the simulation distribution obtained using the alternative ${\mathrm{t} \mathrm{\bar{t}}}$ sample. The background event yield is normalized to the total observed data yield. The lower panel shows the data to simulation ratio. The shaded blue (red) band corresponds to the total uncertainty (statistical uncertainty of the simulated samples), the pink line to the data to simulation ratio using the alternative ${\mathrm{t} \mathrm{\bar{t}}}$ sample, and the vertical lines correspond to the statistical uncertainty of the data. The distributions are weighted according to the top ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ reweighting procedure described in the text. |
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Figure 28:
Distribution of the main observables of the HOTVR algorithm, $p_{T}(\text {HOTVR jet})$ (upper-left), $m_{\text {HOTVR}}$ (upper-right), $m_{\text {min,HOTVR}}$ (lower-left) and $N_{\text {sub,HOTVR}}$ (lower-right) in data and simulation in the single-$\mu $ signal sample, after applying a jet momentum cut $ {p_{\mathrm {T}}} > 500$ GeV. The pink solid line corresponds to the simulation distribution obtained using the alternative ${\mathrm{t} \mathrm{\bar{t}}}$ sample. The background event yield is normalized to the total observed data yield. The lower panel shows the data to simulation ratio. The shaded blue (red) band corresponds to the total uncertainty (statistical uncertainty of the simulated samples), the pink line to the data to simulation ratio using the alternative ${\mathrm{t} \mathrm{\bar{t}}}$ sample, and the vertical lines correspond to the statistical uncertainty of the data. The distributions are weighted according to the top ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ reweighting procedure described in the text. |
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Figure 28-a:
Distribution of the main observables of the HOTVR algorithm, $p_{T}(\text {HOTVR jet})$ (upper-left), $m_{\text {HOTVR}}$ (upper-right), $m_{\text {min,HOTVR}}$ (lower-left) and $N_{\text {sub,HOTVR}}$ (lower-right) in data and simulation in the single-$\mu $ signal sample, after applying a jet momentum cut $ {p_{\mathrm {T}}} > 500$ GeV. The pink solid line corresponds to the simulation distribution obtained using the alternative ${\mathrm{t} \mathrm{\bar{t}}}$ sample. The background event yield is normalized to the total observed data yield. The lower panel shows the data to simulation ratio. The shaded blue (red) band corresponds to the total uncertainty (statistical uncertainty of the simulated samples), the pink line to the data to simulation ratio using the alternative ${\mathrm{t} \mathrm{\bar{t}}}$ sample, and the vertical lines correspond to the statistical uncertainty of the data. The distributions are weighted according to the top ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ reweighting procedure described in the text. |
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Figure 28-b:
Distribution of the main observables of the HOTVR algorithm, $p_{T}(\text {HOTVR jet})$ (upper-left), $m_{\text {HOTVR}}$ (upper-right), $m_{\text {min,HOTVR}}$ (lower-left) and $N_{\text {sub,HOTVR}}$ (lower-right) in data and simulation in the single-$\mu $ signal sample, after applying a jet momentum cut $ {p_{\mathrm {T}}} > 500$ GeV. The pink solid line corresponds to the simulation distribution obtained using the alternative ${\mathrm{t} \mathrm{\bar{t}}}$ sample. The background event yield is normalized to the total observed data yield. The lower panel shows the data to simulation ratio. The shaded blue (red) band corresponds to the total uncertainty (statistical uncertainty of the simulated samples), the pink line to the data to simulation ratio using the alternative ${\mathrm{t} \mathrm{\bar{t}}}$ sample, and the vertical lines correspond to the statistical uncertainty of the data. The distributions are weighted according to the top ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ reweighting procedure described in the text. |
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Figure 28-c:
Distribution of the main observables of the HOTVR algorithm, $p_{T}(\text {HOTVR jet})$ (upper-left), $m_{\text {HOTVR}}$ (upper-right), $m_{\text {min,HOTVR}}$ (lower-left) and $N_{\text {sub,HOTVR}}$ (lower-right) in data and simulation in the single-$\mu $ signal sample, after applying a jet momentum cut $ {p_{\mathrm {T}}} > 500$ GeV. The pink solid line corresponds to the simulation distribution obtained using the alternative ${\mathrm{t} \mathrm{\bar{t}}}$ sample. The background event yield is normalized to the total observed data yield. The lower panel shows the data to simulation ratio. The shaded blue (red) band corresponds to the total uncertainty (statistical uncertainty of the simulated samples), the pink line to the data to simulation ratio using the alternative ${\mathrm{t} \mathrm{\bar{t}}}$ sample, and the vertical lines correspond to the statistical uncertainty of the data. The distributions are weighted according to the top ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ reweighting procedure described in the text. |
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Figure 28-d:
Distribution of the main observables of the HOTVR algorithm, $p_{T}(\text {HOTVR jet})$ (upper-left), $m_{\text {HOTVR}}$ (upper-right), $m_{\text {min,HOTVR}}$ (lower-left) and $N_{\text {sub,HOTVR}}$ (lower-right) in data and simulation in the single-$\mu $ signal sample, after applying a jet momentum cut $ {p_{\mathrm {T}}} > 500$ GeV. The pink solid line corresponds to the simulation distribution obtained using the alternative ${\mathrm{t} \mathrm{\bar{t}}}$ sample. The background event yield is normalized to the total observed data yield. The lower panel shows the data to simulation ratio. The shaded blue (red) band corresponds to the total uncertainty (statistical uncertainty of the simulated samples), the pink line to the data to simulation ratio using the alternative ${\mathrm{t} \mathrm{\bar{t}}}$ sample, and the vertical lines correspond to the statistical uncertainty of the data. The distributions are weighted according to the top ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ reweighting procedure described in the text. |
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Figure 29:
Distribution of the t quark (upper-left) and W boson (upper-right) identification probabilities for the BEST algorithm, and the ${N_{3}-\text {BDT} (\text {CA}15)}$ discriminant, in data and simulation in the single-$\mu $ signal sample, after applying a jet momentum cut $ {p_{\mathrm {T}}} > 500$ GeV. The pink solid line corresponds to the simulation distribution obtained using the alternative ${\mathrm{t} \mathrm{\bar{t}}}$ sample. The background event yield is normalized to the total observed data yield. The lower panel shows the data to simulation ratio. The shaded blue (red) band corresponds to the total uncertainty (statistical uncertainty of the simulated samples), the pink line to the data to simulation ratio using the alternative ${\mathrm{t} \mathrm{\bar{t}}}$ sample, and the vertical lines correspond to the statistical uncertainty of the data. The distributions are weighted according to the top ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ reweighting procedure described in the text. |
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Figure 29-a:
Distribution of the t quark (upper-left) and W boson (upper-right) identification probabilities for the BEST algorithm, and the ${N_{3}-\text {BDT} (\text {CA}15)}$ discriminant, in data and simulation in the single-$\mu $ signal sample, after applying a jet momentum cut $ {p_{\mathrm {T}}} > 500$ GeV. The pink solid line corresponds to the simulation distribution obtained using the alternative ${\mathrm{t} \mathrm{\bar{t}}}$ sample. The background event yield is normalized to the total observed data yield. The lower panel shows the data to simulation ratio. The shaded blue (red) band corresponds to the total uncertainty (statistical uncertainty of the simulated samples), the pink line to the data to simulation ratio using the alternative ${\mathrm{t} \mathrm{\bar{t}}}$ sample, and the vertical lines correspond to the statistical uncertainty of the data. The distributions are weighted according to the top ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ reweighting procedure described in the text. |
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Figure 29-b:
Distribution of the t quark (upper-left) and W boson (upper-right) identification probabilities for the BEST algorithm, and the ${N_{3}-\text {BDT} (\text {CA}15)}$ discriminant, in data and simulation in the single-$\mu $ signal sample, after applying a jet momentum cut $ {p_{\mathrm {T}}} > 500$ GeV. The pink solid line corresponds to the simulation distribution obtained using the alternative ${\mathrm{t} \mathrm{\bar{t}}}$ sample. The background event yield is normalized to the total observed data yield. The lower panel shows the data to simulation ratio. The shaded blue (red) band corresponds to the total uncertainty (statistical uncertainty of the simulated samples), the pink line to the data to simulation ratio using the alternative ${\mathrm{t} \mathrm{\bar{t}}}$ sample, and the vertical lines correspond to the statistical uncertainty of the data. The distributions are weighted according to the top ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ reweighting procedure described in the text. |
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Figure 29-c:
Distribution of the t quark (upper-left) and W boson (upper-right) identification probabilities for the BEST algorithm, and the ${N_{3}-\text {BDT} (\text {CA}15)}$ discriminant, in data and simulation in the single-$\mu $ signal sample, after applying a jet momentum cut $ {p_{\mathrm {T}}} > 500$ GeV. The pink solid line corresponds to the simulation distribution obtained using the alternative ${\mathrm{t} \mathrm{\bar{t}}}$ sample. The background event yield is normalized to the total observed data yield. The lower panel shows the data to simulation ratio. The shaded blue (red) band corresponds to the total uncertainty (statistical uncertainty of the simulated samples), the pink line to the data to simulation ratio using the alternative ${\mathrm{t} \mathrm{\bar{t}}}$ sample, and the vertical lines correspond to the statistical uncertainty of the data. The distributions are weighted according to the top ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ reweighting procedure described in the text. |
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Figure 30:
Distribution of the ImageTop (upper left) and ImageTop-MD (upper-right) discriminant in data and simulation in the single-$\mu $ sample. The plots in the middle row show the t quark (left) and W boson (right) identification probabilities in data and simulation for the DeepAK8 algorithm, after applying a jet momentum cut $ {p_{\mathrm {T}}} > 500$ GeV. The corresponding plots for DeepAK8-MD are displayed in the lower row. The pink solid line corresponds to the simulation distribution obtained using the alternative ${\mathrm{t} \mathrm{\bar{t}}}$ sample. The background event yield is normalized to the total observed data yield. The lower panel shows the data to simulation ratio. The shaded blue (red) band corresponds to the total uncertainty (statistical uncertainty of the simulated samples), the pink line to the data to simulation ratio using the alternative ${\mathrm{t} \mathrm{\bar{t}}}$ sample, and the vertical lines correspond to the statistical uncertainty of the data. The distributions are weighted according to the top ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ reweighting procedure described in the text. |
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Figure 30-a:
Distribution of the ImageTop (upper left) and ImageTop-MD (upper-right) discriminant in data and simulation in the single-$\mu $ sample. The plots in the middle row show the t quark (left) and W boson (right) identification probabilities in data and simulation for the DeepAK8 algorithm, after applying a jet momentum cut $ {p_{\mathrm {T}}} > 500$ GeV. The corresponding plots for DeepAK8-MD are displayed in the lower row. The pink solid line corresponds to the simulation distribution obtained using the alternative ${\mathrm{t} \mathrm{\bar{t}}}$ sample. The background event yield is normalized to the total observed data yield. The lower panel shows the data to simulation ratio. The shaded blue (red) band corresponds to the total uncertainty (statistical uncertainty of the simulated samples), the pink line to the data to simulation ratio using the alternative ${\mathrm{t} \mathrm{\bar{t}}}$ sample, and the vertical lines correspond to the statistical uncertainty of the data. The distributions are weighted according to the top ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ reweighting procedure described in the text. |
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Figure 30-b:
Distribution of the ImageTop (upper left) and ImageTop-MD (upper-right) discriminant in data and simulation in the single-$\mu $ sample. The plots in the middle row show the t quark (left) and W boson (right) identification probabilities in data and simulation for the DeepAK8 algorithm, after applying a jet momentum cut $ {p_{\mathrm {T}}} > 500$ GeV. The corresponding plots for DeepAK8-MD are displayed in the lower row. The pink solid line corresponds to the simulation distribution obtained using the alternative ${\mathrm{t} \mathrm{\bar{t}}}$ sample. The background event yield is normalized to the total observed data yield. The lower panel shows the data to simulation ratio. The shaded blue (red) band corresponds to the total uncertainty (statistical uncertainty of the simulated samples), the pink line to the data to simulation ratio using the alternative ${\mathrm{t} \mathrm{\bar{t}}}$ sample, and the vertical lines correspond to the statistical uncertainty of the data. The distributions are weighted according to the top ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ reweighting procedure described in the text. |
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Figure 30-c:
Distribution of the ImageTop (upper left) and ImageTop-MD (upper-right) discriminant in data and simulation in the single-$\mu $ sample. The plots in the middle row show the t quark (left) and W boson (right) identification probabilities in data and simulation for the DeepAK8 algorithm, after applying a jet momentum cut $ {p_{\mathrm {T}}} > 500$ GeV. The corresponding plots for DeepAK8-MD are displayed in the lower row. The pink solid line corresponds to the simulation distribution obtained using the alternative ${\mathrm{t} \mathrm{\bar{t}}}$ sample. The background event yield is normalized to the total observed data yield. The lower panel shows the data to simulation ratio. The shaded blue (red) band corresponds to the total uncertainty (statistical uncertainty of the simulated samples), the pink line to the data to simulation ratio using the alternative ${\mathrm{t} \mathrm{\bar{t}}}$ sample, and the vertical lines correspond to the statistical uncertainty of the data. The distributions are weighted according to the top ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ reweighting procedure described in the text. |
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Figure 30-d:
Distribution of the ImageTop (upper left) and ImageTop-MD (upper-right) discriminant in data and simulation in the single-$\mu $ sample. The plots in the middle row show the t quark (left) and W boson (right) identification probabilities in data and simulation for the DeepAK8 algorithm, after applying a jet momentum cut $ {p_{\mathrm {T}}} > 500$ GeV. The corresponding plots for DeepAK8-MD are displayed in the lower row. The pink solid line corresponds to the simulation distribution obtained using the alternative ${\mathrm{t} \mathrm{\bar{t}}}$ sample. The background event yield is normalized to the total observed data yield. The lower panel shows the data to simulation ratio. The shaded blue (red) band corresponds to the total uncertainty (statistical uncertainty of the simulated samples), the pink line to the data to simulation ratio using the alternative ${\mathrm{t} \mathrm{\bar{t}}}$ sample, and the vertical lines correspond to the statistical uncertainty of the data. The distributions are weighted according to the top ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ reweighting procedure described in the text. |
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Figure 30-e:
Distribution of the ImageTop (upper left) and ImageTop-MD (upper-right) discriminant in data and simulation in the single-$\mu $ sample. The plots in the middle row show the t quark (left) and W boson (right) identification probabilities in data and simulation for the DeepAK8 algorithm, after applying a jet momentum cut $ {p_{\mathrm {T}}} > 500$ GeV. The corresponding plots for DeepAK8-MD are displayed in the lower row. The pink solid line corresponds to the simulation distribution obtained using the alternative ${\mathrm{t} \mathrm{\bar{t}}}$ sample. The background event yield is normalized to the total observed data yield. The lower panel shows the data to simulation ratio. The shaded blue (red) band corresponds to the total uncertainty (statistical uncertainty of the simulated samples), the pink line to the data to simulation ratio using the alternative ${\mathrm{t} \mathrm{\bar{t}}}$ sample, and the vertical lines correspond to the statistical uncertainty of the data. The distributions are weighted according to the top ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ reweighting procedure described in the text. |
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Figure 30-f:
Distribution of the ImageTop (upper left) and ImageTop-MD (upper-right) discriminant in data and simulation in the single-$\mu $ sample. The plots in the middle row show the t quark (left) and W boson (right) identification probabilities in data and simulation for the DeepAK8 algorithm, after applying a jet momentum cut $ {p_{\mathrm {T}}} > 500$ GeV. The corresponding plots for DeepAK8-MD are displayed in the lower row. The pink solid line corresponds to the simulation distribution obtained using the alternative ${\mathrm{t} \mathrm{\bar{t}}}$ sample. The background event yield is normalized to the total observed data yield. The lower panel shows the data to simulation ratio. The shaded blue (red) band corresponds to the total uncertainty (statistical uncertainty of the simulated samples), the pink line to the data to simulation ratio using the alternative ${\mathrm{t} \mathrm{\bar{t}}}$ sample, and the vertical lines correspond to the statistical uncertainty of the data. The distributions are weighted according to the top ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ reweighting procedure described in the text. |
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Figure 31:
Distribution of the jet ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ (upper-left), the jet mass, ${m_{\text {SD}}}$ (upper-right), the N-subjetiness ratios, $ {\tau _{32}}$ (middle-left) and $ {\tau _{21}}$ (middle-right), and the $N_2$ (lower-left) and $N_{2}^{\text {DDT}}$ (lower-right) in data and simulation in the di-jet sample. The pink solid line corresponds to the simulation distribution obtained using the alternative QCD multijet sample. The background event yield is normalized to the total observed data yield. The lower panel shows the data to simulation ratio. The shaded blue (red) band corresponds to the total uncertainty (statistical uncertainty of the simulated samples), the pink line to the data to simulation ratio using the alternative QCD multijet sample, and the vertical lines correspond to the statistical uncertainty of the data. The distributions are weighted so that the jet ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ distribution of the simulation matches the data. |
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Figure 31-a:
Distribution of the jet ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ (upper-left), the jet mass, ${m_{\text {SD}}}$ (upper-right), the N-subjetiness ratios, $ {\tau _{32}}$ (middle-left) and $ {\tau _{21}}$ (middle-right), and the $N_2$ (lower-left) and $N_{2}^{\text {DDT}}$ (lower-right) in data and simulation in the di-jet sample. The pink solid line corresponds to the simulation distribution obtained using the alternative QCD multijet sample. The background event yield is normalized to the total observed data yield. The lower panel shows the data to simulation ratio. The shaded blue (red) band corresponds to the total uncertainty (statistical uncertainty of the simulated samples), the pink line to the data to simulation ratio using the alternative QCD multijet sample, and the vertical lines correspond to the statistical uncertainty of the data. The distributions are weighted so that the jet ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ distribution of the simulation matches the data. |
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Figure 31-b:
Distribution of the jet ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ (upper-left), the jet mass, ${m_{\text {SD}}}$ (upper-right), the N-subjetiness ratios, $ {\tau _{32}}$ (middle-left) and $ {\tau _{21}}$ (middle-right), and the $N_2$ (lower-left) and $N_{2}^{\text {DDT}}$ (lower-right) in data and simulation in the di-jet sample. The pink solid line corresponds to the simulation distribution obtained using the alternative QCD multijet sample. The background event yield is normalized to the total observed data yield. The lower panel shows the data to simulation ratio. The shaded blue (red) band corresponds to the total uncertainty (statistical uncertainty of the simulated samples), the pink line to the data to simulation ratio using the alternative QCD multijet sample, and the vertical lines correspond to the statistical uncertainty of the data. The distributions are weighted so that the jet ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ distribution of the simulation matches the data. |
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Figure 31-c:
Distribution of the jet ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ (upper-left), the jet mass, ${m_{\text {SD}}}$ (upper-right), the N-subjetiness ratios, $ {\tau _{32}}$ (middle-left) and $ {\tau _{21}}$ (middle-right), and the $N_2$ (lower-left) and $N_{2}^{\text {DDT}}$ (lower-right) in data and simulation in the di-jet sample. The pink solid line corresponds to the simulation distribution obtained using the alternative QCD multijet sample. The background event yield is normalized to the total observed data yield. The lower panel shows the data to simulation ratio. The shaded blue (red) band corresponds to the total uncertainty (statistical uncertainty of the simulated samples), the pink line to the data to simulation ratio using the alternative QCD multijet sample, and the vertical lines correspond to the statistical uncertainty of the data. The distributions are weighted so that the jet ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ distribution of the simulation matches the data. |
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Figure 31-d:
Distribution of the jet ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ (upper-left), the jet mass, ${m_{\text {SD}}}$ (upper-right), the N-subjetiness ratios, $ {\tau _{32}}$ (middle-left) and $ {\tau _{21}}$ (middle-right), and the $N_2$ (lower-left) and $N_{2}^{\text {DDT}}$ (lower-right) in data and simulation in the di-jet sample. The pink solid line corresponds to the simulation distribution obtained using the alternative QCD multijet sample. The background event yield is normalized to the total observed data yield. The lower panel shows the data to simulation ratio. The shaded blue (red) band corresponds to the total uncertainty (statistical uncertainty of the simulated samples), the pink line to the data to simulation ratio using the alternative QCD multijet sample, and the vertical lines correspond to the statistical uncertainty of the data. The distributions are weighted so that the jet ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ distribution of the simulation matches the data. |
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Figure 31-e:
Distribution of the jet ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ (upper-left), the jet mass, ${m_{\text {SD}}}$ (upper-right), the N-subjetiness ratios, $ {\tau _{32}}$ (middle-left) and $ {\tau _{21}}$ (middle-right), and the $N_2$ (lower-left) and $N_{2}^{\text {DDT}}$ (lower-right) in data and simulation in the di-jet sample. The pink solid line corresponds to the simulation distribution obtained using the alternative QCD multijet sample. The background event yield is normalized to the total observed data yield. The lower panel shows the data to simulation ratio. The shaded blue (red) band corresponds to the total uncertainty (statistical uncertainty of the simulated samples), the pink line to the data to simulation ratio using the alternative QCD multijet sample, and the vertical lines correspond to the statistical uncertainty of the data. The distributions are weighted so that the jet ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ distribution of the simulation matches the data. |
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Figure 31-f:
Distribution of the jet ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ (upper-left), the jet mass, ${m_{\text {SD}}}$ (upper-right), the N-subjetiness ratios, $ {\tau _{32}}$ (middle-left) and $ {\tau _{21}}$ (middle-right), and the $N_2$ (lower-left) and $N_{2}^{\text {DDT}}$ (lower-right) in data and simulation in the di-jet sample. The pink solid line corresponds to the simulation distribution obtained using the alternative QCD multijet sample. The background event yield is normalized to the total observed data yield. The lower panel shows the data to simulation ratio. The shaded blue (red) band corresponds to the total uncertainty (statistical uncertainty of the simulated samples), the pink line to the data to simulation ratio using the alternative QCD multijet sample, and the vertical lines correspond to the statistical uncertainty of the data. The distributions are weighted so that the jet ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ distribution of the simulation matches the data. |
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Figure 32:
Distribution of the jet ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ (upper-left), the jet mass, ${m_{\text {SD}}}$ (upper-right), the N-subjetiness ratios, $ {\tau _{32}}$ (middle-left) and $ {\tau _{21}}$ (middle-right), and the $N_2$ (lower-left) and $N_{2}^{\text {DDT}}$ (lower-right) in data and simulation in the single-$\gamma $ sample. The background event yield is normalized to the total observed data yield. The lower panel shows the data to simulation ratio. The shaded blue (red) band corresponds to the total uncertainty (statistical uncertainty of the simulated samples), and the vertical lines correspond to the statistical uncertainty of the data. The distributions are weighted so that the jet ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ distribution of the simulation matches the data. |
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Figure 32-a:
Distribution of the jet ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ (upper-left), the jet mass, ${m_{\text {SD}}}$ (upper-right), the N-subjetiness ratios, $ {\tau _{32}}$ (middle-left) and $ {\tau _{21}}$ (middle-right), and the $N_2$ (lower-left) and $N_{2}^{\text {DDT}}$ (lower-right) in data and simulation in the single-$\gamma $ sample. The background event yield is normalized to the total observed data yield. The lower panel shows the data to simulation ratio. The shaded blue (red) band corresponds to the total uncertainty (statistical uncertainty of the simulated samples), and the vertical lines correspond to the statistical uncertainty of the data. The distributions are weighted so that the jet ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ distribution of the simulation matches the data. |
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Figure 32-b:
Distribution of the jet ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ (upper-left), the jet mass, ${m_{\text {SD}}}$ (upper-right), the N-subjetiness ratios, $ {\tau _{32}}$ (middle-left) and $ {\tau _{21}}$ (middle-right), and the $N_2$ (lower-left) and $N_{2}^{\text {DDT}}$ (lower-right) in data and simulation in the single-$\gamma $ sample. The background event yield is normalized to the total observed data yield. The lower panel shows the data to simulation ratio. The shaded blue (red) band corresponds to the total uncertainty (statistical uncertainty of the simulated samples), and the vertical lines correspond to the statistical uncertainty of the data. The distributions are weighted so that the jet ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ distribution of the simulation matches the data. |
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Figure 32-c:
Distribution of the jet ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ (upper-left), the jet mass, ${m_{\text {SD}}}$ (upper-right), the N-subjetiness ratios, $ {\tau _{32}}$ (middle-left) and $ {\tau _{21}}$ (middle-right), and the $N_2$ (lower-left) and $N_{2}^{\text {DDT}}$ (lower-right) in data and simulation in the single-$\gamma $ sample. The background event yield is normalized to the total observed data yield. The lower panel shows the data to simulation ratio. The shaded blue (red) band corresponds to the total uncertainty (statistical uncertainty of the simulated samples), and the vertical lines correspond to the statistical uncertainty of the data. The distributions are weighted so that the jet ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ distribution of the simulation matches the data. |
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Figure 32-d:
Distribution of the jet ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ (upper-left), the jet mass, ${m_{\text {SD}}}$ (upper-right), the N-subjetiness ratios, $ {\tau _{32}}$ (middle-left) and $ {\tau _{21}}$ (middle-right), and the $N_2$ (lower-left) and $N_{2}^{\text {DDT}}$ (lower-right) in data and simulation in the single-$\gamma $ sample. The background event yield is normalized to the total observed data yield. The lower panel shows the data to simulation ratio. The shaded blue (red) band corresponds to the total uncertainty (statistical uncertainty of the simulated samples), and the vertical lines correspond to the statistical uncertainty of the data. The distributions are weighted so that the jet ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ distribution of the simulation matches the data. |
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Figure 32-e:
Distribution of the jet ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ (upper-left), the jet mass, ${m_{\text {SD}}}$ (upper-right), the N-subjetiness ratios, $ {\tau _{32}}$ (middle-left) and $ {\tau _{21}}$ (middle-right), and the $N_2$ (lower-left) and $N_{2}^{\text {DDT}}$ (lower-right) in data and simulation in the single-$\gamma $ sample. The background event yield is normalized to the total observed data yield. The lower panel shows the data to simulation ratio. The shaded blue (red) band corresponds to the total uncertainty (statistical uncertainty of the simulated samples), and the vertical lines correspond to the statistical uncertainty of the data. The distributions are weighted so that the jet ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ distribution of the simulation matches the data. |
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Figure 32-f:
Distribution of the jet ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ (upper-left), the jet mass, ${m_{\text {SD}}}$ (upper-right), the N-subjetiness ratios, $ {\tau _{32}}$ (middle-left) and $ {\tau _{21}}$ (middle-right), and the $N_2$ (lower-left) and $N_{2}^{\text {DDT}}$ (lower-right) in data and simulation in the single-$\gamma $ sample. The background event yield is normalized to the total observed data yield. The lower panel shows the data to simulation ratio. The shaded blue (red) band corresponds to the total uncertainty (statistical uncertainty of the simulated samples), and the vertical lines correspond to the statistical uncertainty of the data. The distributions are weighted so that the jet ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ distribution of the simulation matches the data. |
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Figure 33:
Distribution of the main observables of the HOTVR algorithm, $p_{T}(\text {HOTVR jet})$ (upper-left), $m_{\text {HOTVR}}$ (upper-right), $m_{\text {min,HOTVR}}$ (lower-left) and $N_{\text {sub,HOTVR}}$ (lower-right) in data and simulation in the di-jet sample. The pink solid line corresponds to the simulation distribution obtained using the alternative QCD multijet sample. The background event yield is normalized to the total observed data yield. The lower panel shows the data to simulation ratio. The shaded blue (red) band corresponds to the total uncertainty (statistical uncertainty of the simulated samples), the pink line to the data to simulation ratio using the alternative QCD multijet sample, and the vertical lines correspond to the statistical uncertainty of the data. The distributions are weighted so that the jet ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ distribution of the simulation matches the data. |
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Figure 33-a:
Distribution of the main observables of the HOTVR algorithm, $p_{T}(\text {HOTVR jet})$ (upper-left), $m_{\text {HOTVR}}$ (upper-right), $m_{\text {min,HOTVR}}$ (lower-left) and $N_{\text {sub,HOTVR}}$ (lower-right) in data and simulation in the di-jet sample. The pink solid line corresponds to the simulation distribution obtained using the alternative QCD multijet sample. The background event yield is normalized to the total observed data yield. The lower panel shows the data to simulation ratio. The shaded blue (red) band corresponds to the total uncertainty (statistical uncertainty of the simulated samples), the pink line to the data to simulation ratio using the alternative QCD multijet sample, and the vertical lines correspond to the statistical uncertainty of the data. The distributions are weighted so that the jet ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ distribution of the simulation matches the data. |
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Figure 33-b:
Distribution of the main observables of the HOTVR algorithm, $p_{T}(\text {HOTVR jet})$ (upper-left), $m_{\text {HOTVR}}$ (upper-right), $m_{\text {min,HOTVR}}$ (lower-left) and $N_{\text {sub,HOTVR}}$ (lower-right) in data and simulation in the di-jet sample. The pink solid line corresponds to the simulation distribution obtained using the alternative QCD multijet sample. The background event yield is normalized to the total observed data yield. The lower panel shows the data to simulation ratio. The shaded blue (red) band corresponds to the total uncertainty (statistical uncertainty of the simulated samples), the pink line to the data to simulation ratio using the alternative QCD multijet sample, and the vertical lines correspond to the statistical uncertainty of the data. The distributions are weighted so that the jet ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ distribution of the simulation matches the data. |
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Figure 33-c:
Distribution of the main observables of the HOTVR algorithm, $p_{T}(\text {HOTVR jet})$ (upper-left), $m_{\text {HOTVR}}$ (upper-right), $m_{\text {min,HOTVR}}$ (lower-left) and $N_{\text {sub,HOTVR}}$ (lower-right) in data and simulation in the di-jet sample. The pink solid line corresponds to the simulation distribution obtained using the alternative QCD multijet sample. The background event yield is normalized to the total observed data yield. The lower panel shows the data to simulation ratio. The shaded blue (red) band corresponds to the total uncertainty (statistical uncertainty of the simulated samples), the pink line to the data to simulation ratio using the alternative QCD multijet sample, and the vertical lines correspond to the statistical uncertainty of the data. The distributions are weighted so that the jet ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ distribution of the simulation matches the data. |
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Figure 33-d:
Distribution of the main observables of the HOTVR algorithm, $p_{T}(\text {HOTVR jet})$ (upper-left), $m_{\text {HOTVR}}$ (upper-right), $m_{\text {min,HOTVR}}$ (lower-left) and $N_{\text {sub,HOTVR}}$ (lower-right) in data and simulation in the di-jet sample. The pink solid line corresponds to the simulation distribution obtained using the alternative QCD multijet sample. The background event yield is normalized to the total observed data yield. The lower panel shows the data to simulation ratio. The shaded blue (red) band corresponds to the total uncertainty (statistical uncertainty of the simulated samples), the pink line to the data to simulation ratio using the alternative QCD multijet sample, and the vertical lines correspond to the statistical uncertainty of the data. The distributions are weighted so that the jet ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ distribution of the simulation matches the data. |
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Figure 34:
Distribution of the main observables of the HOTVR algorithm, $p_{T}(\text {HOTVR jet})$ (upper-left), $m_{\text {HOTVR}}$ (upper-right), $m_{\text {min,HOTVR}}$ (lower-left) and $N_{\text {sub,HOTVR}}$ (lower-right) in data and simulation in the single-$\gamma $ sample. The background event yield is normalized to the total observed data yield. The lower panel shows the data to simulation ratio. The shaded blue (red) band corresponds to the total uncertainty (statistical uncertainty of the simulated samples), and the vertical lines correspond to the statistical uncertainty of the data. The distributions are weighted so that the jet ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ distribution of the simulation matches the data. |
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Figure 34-a:
Distribution of the main observables of the HOTVR algorithm, $p_{T}(\text {HOTVR jet})$ (upper-left), $m_{\text {HOTVR}}$ (upper-right), $m_{\text {min,HOTVR}}$ (lower-left) and $N_{\text {sub,HOTVR}}$ (lower-right) in data and simulation in the single-$\gamma $ sample. The background event yield is normalized to the total observed data yield. The lower panel shows the data to simulation ratio. The shaded blue (red) band corresponds to the total uncertainty (statistical uncertainty of the simulated samples), and the vertical lines correspond to the statistical uncertainty of the data. The distributions are weighted so that the jet ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ distribution of the simulation matches the data. |
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Figure 34-b:
Distribution of the main observables of the HOTVR algorithm, $p_{T}(\text {HOTVR jet})$ (upper-left), $m_{\text {HOTVR}}$ (upper-right), $m_{\text {min,HOTVR}}$ (lower-left) and $N_{\text {sub,HOTVR}}$ (lower-right) in data and simulation in the single-$\gamma $ sample. The background event yield is normalized to the total observed data yield. The lower panel shows the data to simulation ratio. The shaded blue (red) band corresponds to the total uncertainty (statistical uncertainty of the simulated samples), and the vertical lines correspond to the statistical uncertainty of the data. The distributions are weighted so that the jet ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ distribution of the simulation matches the data. |
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Figure 34-c:
Distribution of the main observables of the HOTVR algorithm, $p_{T}(\text {HOTVR jet})$ (upper-left), $m_{\text {HOTVR}}$ (upper-right), $m_{\text {min,HOTVR}}$ (lower-left) and $N_{\text {sub,HOTVR}}$ (lower-right) in data and simulation in the single-$\gamma $ sample. The background event yield is normalized to the total observed data yield. The lower panel shows the data to simulation ratio. The shaded blue (red) band corresponds to the total uncertainty (statistical uncertainty of the simulated samples), and the vertical lines correspond to the statistical uncertainty of the data. The distributions are weighted so that the jet ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ distribution of the simulation matches the data. |
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Figure 34-d:
Distribution of the main observables of the HOTVR algorithm, $p_{T}(\text {HOTVR jet})$ (upper-left), $m_{\text {HOTVR}}$ (upper-right), $m_{\text {min,HOTVR}}$ (lower-left) and $N_{\text {sub,HOTVR}}$ (lower-right) in data and simulation in the single-$\gamma $ sample. The background event yield is normalized to the total observed data yield. The lower panel shows the data to simulation ratio. The shaded blue (red) band corresponds to the total uncertainty (statistical uncertainty of the simulated samples), and the vertical lines correspond to the statistical uncertainty of the data. The distributions are weighted so that the jet ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ distribution of the simulation matches the data. |
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Figure 35:
Distribution of the t quark (upper left) and W boson (upper-right) identification probabilities for the BEST algorithm, and the ${N_{3}-\text {BDT} (\text {CA}15)}$ discriminant, in data and simulation in the di-jet sample. The background event yield is normalized to the total observed data yield. The pink solid line corresponds to the simulation distribution obtained using the alternative QCD multijet sample. The background event yield is normalized to the total observed data yield. The lower panel shows the data to simulation ratio. The shaded blue (red) band corresponds to the total uncertainty (statistical uncertainty of the simulated samples), the pink line to the data to simulation ratio using the alternative QCD multijet sample, and the vertical lines correspond to the statistical uncertainty of the data. The distributions are weighted so that the jet ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ distribution of the simulation matches the data. |
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Figure 35-a:
Distribution of the t quark (upper left) and W boson (upper-right) identification probabilities for the BEST algorithm, and the ${N_{3}-\text {BDT} (\text {CA}15)}$ discriminant, in data and simulation in the di-jet sample. The background event yield is normalized to the total observed data yield. The pink solid line corresponds to the simulation distribution obtained using the alternative QCD multijet sample. The background event yield is normalized to the total observed data yield. The lower panel shows the data to simulation ratio. The shaded blue (red) band corresponds to the total uncertainty (statistical uncertainty of the simulated samples), the pink line to the data to simulation ratio using the alternative QCD multijet sample, and the vertical lines correspond to the statistical uncertainty of the data. The distributions are weighted so that the jet ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ distribution of the simulation matches the data. |
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Figure 35-b:
Distribution of the t quark (upper left) and W boson (upper-right) identification probabilities for the BEST algorithm, and the ${N_{3}-\text {BDT} (\text {CA}15)}$ discriminant, in data and simulation in the di-jet sample. The background event yield is normalized to the total observed data yield. The pink solid line corresponds to the simulation distribution obtained using the alternative QCD multijet sample. The background event yield is normalized to the total observed data yield. The lower panel shows the data to simulation ratio. The shaded blue (red) band corresponds to the total uncertainty (statistical uncertainty of the simulated samples), the pink line to the data to simulation ratio using the alternative QCD multijet sample, and the vertical lines correspond to the statistical uncertainty of the data. The distributions are weighted so that the jet ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ distribution of the simulation matches the data. |
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Figure 35-c:
Distribution of the t quark (upper left) and W boson (upper-right) identification probabilities for the BEST algorithm, and the ${N_{3}-\text {BDT} (\text {CA}15)}$ discriminant, in data and simulation in the di-jet sample. The background event yield is normalized to the total observed data yield. The pink solid line corresponds to the simulation distribution obtained using the alternative QCD multijet sample. The background event yield is normalized to the total observed data yield. The lower panel shows the data to simulation ratio. The shaded blue (red) band corresponds to the total uncertainty (statistical uncertainty of the simulated samples), the pink line to the data to simulation ratio using the alternative QCD multijet sample, and the vertical lines correspond to the statistical uncertainty of the data. The distributions are weighted so that the jet ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ distribution of the simulation matches the data. |
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Figure 36:
Distribution of the t quark (upper left) and W boson (upper-right) identification probabilities for the BEST algorithm, and the ${N_{3}-\text {BDT} (\text {CA}15)}$ discriminant, in data and simulation in the single-$\gamma $ sample. The background event yield is normalized to the total observed data yield. The background event yield is normalized to the total observed data yield. The lower panel shows the data to simulation ratio. The shaded blue (red) band corresponds to the total uncertainty (statistical uncertainty of the simulated samples), and the vertical lines correspond to the statistical uncertainty of the data. The distributions are weighted so that the jet ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ distribution of the simulation matches the data. |
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Figure 36-a:
Distribution of the t quark (upper left) and W boson (upper-right) identification probabilities for the BEST algorithm, and the ${N_{3}-\text {BDT} (\text {CA}15)}$ discriminant, in data and simulation in the single-$\gamma $ sample. The background event yield is normalized to the total observed data yield. The background event yield is normalized to the total observed data yield. The lower panel shows the data to simulation ratio. The shaded blue (red) band corresponds to the total uncertainty (statistical uncertainty of the simulated samples), and the vertical lines correspond to the statistical uncertainty of the data. The distributions are weighted so that the jet ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ distribution of the simulation matches the data. |
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Figure 36-b:
Distribution of the t quark (upper left) and W boson (upper-right) identification probabilities for the BEST algorithm, and the ${N_{3}-\text {BDT} (\text {CA}15)}$ discriminant, in data and simulation in the single-$\gamma $ sample. The background event yield is normalized to the total observed data yield. The background event yield is normalized to the total observed data yield. The lower panel shows the data to simulation ratio. The shaded blue (red) band corresponds to the total uncertainty (statistical uncertainty of the simulated samples), and the vertical lines correspond to the statistical uncertainty of the data. The distributions are weighted so that the jet ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ distribution of the simulation matches the data. |
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Figure 36-c:
Distribution of the t quark (upper left) and W boson (upper-right) identification probabilities for the BEST algorithm, and the ${N_{3}-\text {BDT} (\text {CA}15)}$ discriminant, in data and simulation in the single-$\gamma $ sample. The background event yield is normalized to the total observed data yield. The background event yield is normalized to the total observed data yield. The lower panel shows the data to simulation ratio. The shaded blue (red) band corresponds to the total uncertainty (statistical uncertainty of the simulated samples), and the vertical lines correspond to the statistical uncertainty of the data. The distributions are weighted so that the jet ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ distribution of the simulation matches the data. |
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Figure 37:
Distribution of the ImageTop (upper-left) and ImageTop-MD (upper-right) discriminant in data and simulation in the di-jet sample. The plots in the middle row show the t quark (left) and W boson (right) identification probabilities in data and simulation for the DeepAK8 algorithm. The corresponding plots for DeepAK8-MD are displayed in the lower row. The pink solid line corresponds to the simulation distribution obtained using the alternative QCD multijet sample. The background event yield is normalized to the total observed data yield. The lower panel shows the data to simulation ratio. The shaded blue (red) band corresponds to the total uncertainty (statistical uncertainty of the simulated samples), the pink line to the data to simulation ratio using the alternative QCD multijet sample, and the vertical lines correspond to the statistical uncertainty of the data. The distributions are weighted so that the jet ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ distribution of the simulation matches the data. |
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Figure 37-a:
Distribution of the ImageTop (upper-left) and ImageTop-MD (upper-right) discriminant in data and simulation in the di-jet sample. The plots in the middle row show the t quark (left) and W boson (right) identification probabilities in data and simulation for the DeepAK8 algorithm. The corresponding plots for DeepAK8-MD are displayed in the lower row. The pink solid line corresponds to the simulation distribution obtained using the alternative QCD multijet sample. The background event yield is normalized to the total observed data yield. The lower panel shows the data to simulation ratio. The shaded blue (red) band corresponds to the total uncertainty (statistical uncertainty of the simulated samples), the pink line to the data to simulation ratio using the alternative QCD multijet sample, and the vertical lines correspond to the statistical uncertainty of the data. The distributions are weighted so that the jet ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ distribution of the simulation matches the data. |
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Figure 37-b:
Distribution of the ImageTop (upper-left) and ImageTop-MD (upper-right) discriminant in data and simulation in the di-jet sample. The plots in the middle row show the t quark (left) and W boson (right) identification probabilities in data and simulation for the DeepAK8 algorithm. The corresponding plots for DeepAK8-MD are displayed in the lower row. The pink solid line corresponds to the simulation distribution obtained using the alternative QCD multijet sample. The background event yield is normalized to the total observed data yield. The lower panel shows the data to simulation ratio. The shaded blue (red) band corresponds to the total uncertainty (statistical uncertainty of the simulated samples), the pink line to the data to simulation ratio using the alternative QCD multijet sample, and the vertical lines correspond to the statistical uncertainty of the data. The distributions are weighted so that the jet ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ distribution of the simulation matches the data. |
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Figure 37-c:
Distribution of the ImageTop (upper-left) and ImageTop-MD (upper-right) discriminant in data and simulation in the di-jet sample. The plots in the middle row show the t quark (left) and W boson (right) identification probabilities in data and simulation for the DeepAK8 algorithm. The corresponding plots for DeepAK8-MD are displayed in the lower row. The pink solid line corresponds to the simulation distribution obtained using the alternative QCD multijet sample. The background event yield is normalized to the total observed data yield. The lower panel shows the data to simulation ratio. The shaded blue (red) band corresponds to the total uncertainty (statistical uncertainty of the simulated samples), the pink line to the data to simulation ratio using the alternative QCD multijet sample, and the vertical lines correspond to the statistical uncertainty of the data. The distributions are weighted so that the jet ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ distribution of the simulation matches the data. |
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Figure 37-d:
Distribution of the ImageTop (upper-left) and ImageTop-MD (upper-right) discriminant in data and simulation in the di-jet sample. The plots in the middle row show the t quark (left) and W boson (right) identification probabilities in data and simulation for the DeepAK8 algorithm. The corresponding plots for DeepAK8-MD are displayed in the lower row. The pink solid line corresponds to the simulation distribution obtained using the alternative QCD multijet sample. The background event yield is normalized to the total observed data yield. The lower panel shows the data to simulation ratio. The shaded blue (red) band corresponds to the total uncertainty (statistical uncertainty of the simulated samples), the pink line to the data to simulation ratio using the alternative QCD multijet sample, and the vertical lines correspond to the statistical uncertainty of the data. The distributions are weighted so that the jet ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ distribution of the simulation matches the data. |
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Figure 37-e:
Distribution of the ImageTop (upper-left) and ImageTop-MD (upper-right) discriminant in data and simulation in the di-jet sample. The plots in the middle row show the t quark (left) and W boson (right) identification probabilities in data and simulation for the DeepAK8 algorithm. The corresponding plots for DeepAK8-MD are displayed in the lower row. The pink solid line corresponds to the simulation distribution obtained using the alternative QCD multijet sample. The background event yield is normalized to the total observed data yield. The lower panel shows the data to simulation ratio. The shaded blue (red) band corresponds to the total uncertainty (statistical uncertainty of the simulated samples), the pink line to the data to simulation ratio using the alternative QCD multijet sample, and the vertical lines correspond to the statistical uncertainty of the data. The distributions are weighted so that the jet ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ distribution of the simulation matches the data. |
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Figure 37-f:
Distribution of the ImageTop (upper-left) and ImageTop-MD (upper-right) discriminant in data and simulation in the di-jet sample. The plots in the middle row show the t quark (left) and W boson (right) identification probabilities in data and simulation for the DeepAK8 algorithm. The corresponding plots for DeepAK8-MD are displayed in the lower row. The pink solid line corresponds to the simulation distribution obtained using the alternative QCD multijet sample. The background event yield is normalized to the total observed data yield. The lower panel shows the data to simulation ratio. The shaded blue (red) band corresponds to the total uncertainty (statistical uncertainty of the simulated samples), the pink line to the data to simulation ratio using the alternative QCD multijet sample, and the vertical lines correspond to the statistical uncertainty of the data. The distributions are weighted so that the jet ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ distribution of the simulation matches the data. |
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Figure 38:
Distribution of the ImageTop (upper-left) and ImageTop-MD (upper-right) discriminant in data and simulation in the single-$\gamma $ sample. The plots in the middle row show the t quark (left) and W boson (right) identification probabilities in data and simulation for the DeepAK8 algorithm. The corresponding plots for DeepAK8-MD are displayed in the lower row. The background event yield is normalized to the total observed data yield. The lower panel shows the data to simulation ratio. The shaded blue (red) band corresponds to the total uncertainty (statistical uncertainty of the simulated samples), and the vertical lines correspond to the statistical uncertainty of the data. The distributions are weighted so that the jet ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ distribution of the simulation matches the data. |
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Figure 38-a:
Distribution of the ImageTop (upper-left) and ImageTop-MD (upper-right) discriminant in data and simulation in the single-$\gamma $ sample. The plots in the middle row show the t quark (left) and W boson (right) identification probabilities in data and simulation for the DeepAK8 algorithm. The corresponding plots for DeepAK8-MD are displayed in the lower row. The background event yield is normalized to the total observed data yield. The lower panel shows the data to simulation ratio. The shaded blue (red) band corresponds to the total uncertainty (statistical uncertainty of the simulated samples), and the vertical lines correspond to the statistical uncertainty of the data. The distributions are weighted so that the jet ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ distribution of the simulation matches the data. |
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Figure 38-b:
Distribution of the ImageTop (upper-left) and ImageTop-MD (upper-right) discriminant in data and simulation in the single-$\gamma $ sample. The plots in the middle row show the t quark (left) and W boson (right) identification probabilities in data and simulation for the DeepAK8 algorithm. The corresponding plots for DeepAK8-MD are displayed in the lower row. The background event yield is normalized to the total observed data yield. The lower panel shows the data to simulation ratio. The shaded blue (red) band corresponds to the total uncertainty (statistical uncertainty of the simulated samples), and the vertical lines correspond to the statistical uncertainty of the data. The distributions are weighted so that the jet ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ distribution of the simulation matches the data. |
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Figure 38-c:
Distribution of the ImageTop (upper-left) and ImageTop-MD (upper-right) discriminant in data and simulation in the single-$\gamma $ sample. The plots in the middle row show the t quark (left) and W boson (right) identification probabilities in data and simulation for the DeepAK8 algorithm. The corresponding plots for DeepAK8-MD are displayed in the lower row. The background event yield is normalized to the total observed data yield. The lower panel shows the data to simulation ratio. The shaded blue (red) band corresponds to the total uncertainty (statistical uncertainty of the simulated samples), and the vertical lines correspond to the statistical uncertainty of the data. The distributions are weighted so that the jet ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ distribution of the simulation matches the data. |
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Figure 38-d:
Distribution of the ImageTop (upper-left) and ImageTop-MD (upper-right) discriminant in data and simulation in the single-$\gamma $ sample. The plots in the middle row show the t quark (left) and W boson (right) identification probabilities in data and simulation for the DeepAK8 algorithm. The corresponding plots for DeepAK8-MD are displayed in the lower row. The background event yield is normalized to the total observed data yield. The lower panel shows the data to simulation ratio. The shaded blue (red) band corresponds to the total uncertainty (statistical uncertainty of the simulated samples), and the vertical lines correspond to the statistical uncertainty of the data. The distributions are weighted so that the jet ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ distribution of the simulation matches the data. |
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Figure 38-e:
Distribution of the ImageTop (upper-left) and ImageTop-MD (upper-right) discriminant in data and simulation in the single-$\gamma $ sample. The plots in the middle row show the t quark (left) and W boson (right) identification probabilities in data and simulation for the DeepAK8 algorithm. The corresponding plots for DeepAK8-MD are displayed in the lower row. The background event yield is normalized to the total observed data yield. The lower panel shows the data to simulation ratio. The shaded blue (red) band corresponds to the total uncertainty (statistical uncertainty of the simulated samples), and the vertical lines correspond to the statistical uncertainty of the data. The distributions are weighted so that the jet ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ distribution of the simulation matches the data. |
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Figure 38-f:
Distribution of the ImageTop (upper-left) and ImageTop-MD (upper-right) discriminant in data and simulation in the single-$\gamma $ sample. The plots in the middle row show the t quark (left) and W boson (right) identification probabilities in data and simulation for the DeepAK8 algorithm. The corresponding plots for DeepAK8-MD are displayed in the lower row. The background event yield is normalized to the total observed data yield. The lower panel shows the data to simulation ratio. The shaded blue (red) band corresponds to the total uncertainty (statistical uncertainty of the simulated samples), and the vertical lines correspond to the statistical uncertainty of the data. The distributions are weighted so that the jet ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ distribution of the simulation matches the data. |
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Figure 39:
The ${m_{\text {jet}}}$ distributions for data and simulation in the passing (left) and failing (right) categories for 400 $ < {p_{\mathrm {T}}} (\text {jet}) < $ 480 GeV. The solid lines correspond to the contribution of each category after performing the maximum likelihood fit as described in the text. The dashed lines are the expectation from simulation before the fit. The lower panel shows the data to simulation ratio. |
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Figure 39-a:
The ${m_{\text {jet}}}$ distributions for data and simulation in the passing (left) and failing (right) categories for 400 $ < {p_{\mathrm {T}}} (\text {jet}) < $ 480 GeV. The solid lines correspond to the contribution of each category after performing the maximum likelihood fit as described in the text. The dashed lines are the expectation from simulation before the fit. The lower panel shows the data to simulation ratio. |
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Figure 39-b:
The ${m_{\text {jet}}}$ distributions for data and simulation in the passing (left) and failing (right) categories for 400 $ < {p_{\mathrm {T}}} (\text {jet}) < $ 480 GeV. The solid lines correspond to the contribution of each category after performing the maximum likelihood fit as described in the text. The dashed lines are the expectation from simulation before the fit. The lower panel shows the data to simulation ratio. |
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Figure 40:
Summary of the SFs measured for each of the t quark identification algorithms. The markers correspond to the SF value, the error bars to the statistical uncertainty on the SF measurement, and the band is the total uncertainty (statistical + systematic). |
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Figure 41:
Summary of the SF measured for each of the W boson identification algorithms. The markers correspond to the SF value, the error bars to the statistical uncertainty on the SF measurement, and the band is the total uncertainty (statistical + systematic). |
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Figure 42:
The ratio of the misidentification rate of t quarks in data and simulation in the di-jet (upper and middle rows) and the single-$\gamma $ (lower row) samples. The QCD multijet process is simulated using MadGraph for the hard process and PYTHIA for parton showering (upper) and HERWIG++ for both (middle). |
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Figure 42-a:
The ratio of the misidentification rate of t quarks in data and simulation in the di-jet (upper and middle rows) and the single-$\gamma $ (lower row) samples. The QCD multijet process is simulated using MadGraph for the hard process and PYTHIA for parton showering (upper) and HERWIG++ for both (middle). |
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Figure 42-b:
The ratio of the misidentification rate of t quarks in data and simulation in the di-jet (upper and middle rows) and the single-$\gamma $ (lower row) samples. The QCD multijet process is simulated using MadGraph for the hard process and PYTHIA for parton showering (upper) and HERWIG++ for both (middle). |
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Figure 42-c:
The ratio of the misidentification rate of t quarks in data and simulation in the di-jet (upper and middle rows) and the single-$\gamma $ (lower row) samples. The QCD multijet process is simulated using MadGraph for the hard process and PYTHIA for parton showering (upper) and HERWIG++ for both (middle). |
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Figure 43:
The ratio of the misidentification rate of W bosons in data and simulation in the di-jet (upper and middle rows) and the single-$\gamma $ (lower row) samples. The QCD multijet process is simulated using MadGraph for the hard process and PYTHIA for parton showering (upper) and HERWIG++ for both (middle). |
![]() png pdf |
Figure 43-a:
The ratio of the misidentification rate of W bosons in data and simulation in the di-jet (upper and middle rows) and the single-$\gamma $ (lower row) samples. The QCD multijet process is simulated using MadGraph for the hard process and PYTHIA for parton showering (upper) and HERWIG++ for both (middle). |
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Figure 43-b:
The ratio of the misidentification rate of W bosons in data and simulation in the di-jet (upper and middle rows) and the single-$\gamma $ (lower row) samples. The QCD multijet process is simulated using MadGraph for the hard process and PYTHIA for parton showering (upper) and HERWIG++ for both (middle). |
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Figure 43-c:
The ratio of the misidentification rate of W bosons in data and simulation in the di-jet (upper and middle rows) and the single-$\gamma $ (lower row) samples. The QCD multijet process is simulated using MadGraph for the hard process and PYTHIA for parton showering (upper) and HERWIG++ for both (middle). |
Tables | |
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Table 1:
Summary of the CMS algorithms for the identification of hadronically decaying t quarks and W, Z and Higgs bosons. The column "$ {p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ (jet)'' indicates the jet ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ threshold to be used in each algorithm. |
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Table 2:
Summary of the HOTVR parameters. The $ {p_{\mathrm {T}}} _{\text {sub}}$ is the minimum ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ threshold of each subjet. |
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Table 3:
List of input quantities used for the training and evaluation of the BEST algorithm on AK8 jets. |
Summary |
A review of the heavy object tagging methods recently developed in CMS has been presented. Tagging algorithms based on theory inspired higher-level observables, which were studied in LHC Run1, serve as a reference. New tagging approaches, such as the ECF tagger and the BEST algorithm, utilize multivariate methods (i.e., boosted decision trees or deep neural networks) on higher-level observables and result in enhanced performance. A novel set of tagging algorithms, ImageTop and DeepAK8, are developed based on candidate level information, allowing to explore more of the CMS potential. Lower-level information is processed using advanced machine learning methods. This approach results in significant performance improvement which in some cases leads to ${\sim} \mathcal{O}$(10) gain in background rejection for the same signal efficiency. Moreover, the BEST and DeepAK8 algorithms are developed to provide multi-class tagging capabilities, which can potentially enable new measurements and search approaches. Finally, dedicated versions of the algorithms which are only loosely correlated with the jet mass are developed. The performance of these new techniques has been directly compared in simulation in a jet transverse momentum range from 200 to 2000 GeV. The techniques have also been validated in collision data events, with scale factors extracted including systematic uncertainties. |
References | ||||
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