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CMS-TOP-14-012 ; CERN-EP-2016-078
Measurement of the integrated and differential tˉt production cross sections for high-pT top quarks in pp collisions at s= 8 TeV
Phys. Rev. D 94 (2016) 072002
Abstract: The cross section for pair production of top quarks (tˉt) with high transverse momenta is measured in pp collisions, collected with the CMS detector at the LHC with s= 8 TeV in data corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 19.7 fb1. The measurement is performed using lepton+jets events, where one top quark decays semileptonically, while the second top quark decays to a hadronic final state. The hadronic decay is reconstructed as a single, large-radius jet, and identified as a top quark candidate using jet substructure techniques. The integrated cross section and the differential cross sections as a function of top quark pT and rapidity are measured at particle level within a fiducial region related to the detector-level requirements and at parton level. The particle-level integrated cross section is found to be σtˉt= 0.499 ± 0.035 (stat+syst) ± 0.095 (theory) ± 0.013 (lumi) pb for top quark pT> 400 GeV. The parton-level measurement is σtˉt= 1.44 ± 0.10 (stat+syst) ± 0.29 (theory) ± 0.04 (lumi) pb. The integrated and differential cross section results are compared to predictions from several event generators.
Figures & Tables Summary Additional Figures References CMS Publications

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Figure 1-a:
Lepton |η| and mvtx distributions from data (points) and for signal and background sources (histograms) with normalizations from the fit for the 0t (a,b), 1t+0b (c,d), and 1t+1b (e,f) event categories, for the e+jets (a,c,e) and μ+jets (b,d,f) channels. The vertical bars on the data points represent the statistical uncertainties. The shaded bands reflect the combined statistical and experimental systematic uncertainties after the fit to the signal and background yields, added in quadrature neglecting their correlations for presentational purposes. The ratios of data to the total fit are shown below each panel, along with the uncertainty band from the fit.

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Figure 1-b:
Lepton |η| and mvtx distributions from data (points) and for signal and background sources (histograms) with normalizations from the fit for the 0t (a,b), 1t+0b (c,d), and 1t+1b (e,f) event categories, for the e+jets (a,c,e) and μ+jets (b,d,f) channels. The vertical bars on the data points represent the statistical uncertainties. The shaded bands reflect the combined statistical and experimental systematic uncertainties after the fit to the signal and background yields, added in quadrature neglecting their correlations for presentational purposes. The ratios of data to the total fit are shown below each panel, along with the uncertainty band from the fit.

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Figure 1-c:
Lepton |η| and mvtx distributions from data (points) and for signal and background sources (histograms) with normalizations from the fit for the 0t (a,b), 1t+0b (c,d), and 1t+1b (e,f) event categories, for the e+jets (a,c,e) and μ+jets (b,d,f) channels. The vertical bars on the data points represent the statistical uncertainties. The shaded bands reflect the combined statistical and experimental systematic uncertainties after the fit to the signal and background yields, added in quadrature neglecting their correlations for presentational purposes. The ratios of data to the total fit are shown below each panel, along with the uncertainty band from the fit.

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Figure 1-d:
Lepton |η| and mvtx distributions from data (points) and for signal and background sources (histograms) with normalizations from the fit for the 0t (a,b), 1t+0b (c,d), and 1t+1b (e,f) event categories, for the e+jets (a,c,e) and μ+jets (b,d,f) channels. The vertical bars on the data points represent the statistical uncertainties. The shaded bands reflect the combined statistical and experimental systematic uncertainties after the fit to the signal and background yields, added in quadrature neglecting their correlations for presentational purposes. The ratios of data to the total fit are shown below each panel, along with the uncertainty band from the fit.

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Figure 1-e:
Lepton |η| and mvtx distributions from data (points) and for signal and background sources (histograms) with normalizations from the fit for the 0t (a,b), 1t+0b (c,d), and 1t+1b (e,f) event categories, for the e+jets (a,c,e) and μ+jets (b,d,f) channels. The vertical bars on the data points represent the statistical uncertainties. The shaded bands reflect the combined statistical and experimental systematic uncertainties after the fit to the signal and background yields, added in quadrature neglecting their correlations for presentational purposes. The ratios of data to the total fit are shown below each panel, along with the uncertainty band from the fit.

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Figure 1-f:
Lepton |η| and mvtx distributions from data (points) and for signal and background sources (histograms) with normalizations from the fit for the 0t (a,b), 1t+0b (c,d), and 1t+1b (e,f) event categories, for the e+jets (a,c,e) and μ+jets (b,d,f) channels. The vertical bars on the data points represent the statistical uncertainties. The shaded bands reflect the combined statistical and experimental systematic uncertainties after the fit to the signal and background yields, added in quadrature neglecting their correlations for presentational purposes. The ratios of data to the total fit are shown below each panel, along with the uncertainty band from the fit.

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Figure 2-a:
Transverse momentum distribution of the hadronic-side, large-R jet for the 0t (a,b), 1t+0b (c,d), and 1t+1b (e,f) event categories for the e+jets (a,c,e) and μ+jets (b,d,f) channels. The data are compared to the total signal and background yields using normalizations from the maximum-likelihood fit. The vertical bars on the data points represent the statistical uncertainties. The shaded bands reflect the combination of the statistical and post-fit systematic uncertainties in the signal and background yields added in quadrature, without the uncertainties based on the form of the distributions, and neglecting their correlations for presentational purposes. The ratios of data to the total fit are shown below each panel, along with the uncertainty band from the fit.

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Figure 2-b:
Transverse momentum distribution of the hadronic-side, large-R jet for the 0t (a,b), 1t+0b (c,d), and 1t+1b (e,f) event categories for the e+jets (a,c,e) and μ+jets (b,d,f) channels. The data are compared to the total signal and background yields using normalizations from the maximum-likelihood fit. The vertical bars on the data points represent the statistical uncertainties. The shaded bands reflect the combination of the statistical and post-fit systematic uncertainties in the signal and background yields added in quadrature, without the uncertainties based on the form of the distributions, and neglecting their correlations for presentational purposes. The ratios of data to the total fit are shown below each panel, along with the uncertainty band from the fit.

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Figure 2-c:
Transverse momentum distribution of the hadronic-side, large-R jet for the 0t (a,b), 1t+0b (c,d), and 1t+1b (e,f) event categories for the e+jets (a,c,e) and μ+jets (b,d,f) channels. The data are compared to the total signal and background yields using normalizations from the maximum-likelihood fit. The vertical bars on the data points represent the statistical uncertainties. The shaded bands reflect the combination of the statistical and post-fit systematic uncertainties in the signal and background yields added in quadrature, without the uncertainties based on the form of the distributions, and neglecting their correlations for presentational purposes. The ratios of data to the total fit are shown below each panel, along with the uncertainty band from the fit.

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Figure 2-d:
Transverse momentum distribution of the hadronic-side, large-R jet for the 0t (a,b), 1t+0b (c,d), and 1t+1b (e,f) event categories for the e+jets (a,c,e) and μ+jets (b,d,f) channels. The data are compared to the total signal and background yields using normalizations from the maximum-likelihood fit. The vertical bars on the data points represent the statistical uncertainties. The shaded bands reflect the combination of the statistical and post-fit systematic uncertainties in the signal and background yields added in quadrature, without the uncertainties based on the form of the distributions, and neglecting their correlations for presentational purposes. The ratios of data to the total fit are shown below each panel, along with the uncertainty band from the fit.

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Figure 2-e:
Transverse momentum distribution of the hadronic-side, large-R jet for the 0t (a,b), 1t+0b (c,d), and 1t+1b (e,f) event categories for the e+jets (a,c,e) and μ+jets (b,d,f) channels. The data are compared to the total signal and background yields using normalizations from the maximum-likelihood fit. The vertical bars on the data points represent the statistical uncertainties. The shaded bands reflect the combination of the statistical and post-fit systematic uncertainties in the signal and background yields added in quadrature, without the uncertainties based on the form of the distributions, and neglecting their correlations for presentational purposes. The ratios of data to the total fit are shown below each panel, along with the uncertainty band from the fit.

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Figure 2-f:
Transverse momentum distribution of the hadronic-side, large-R jet for the 0t (a,b), 1t+0b (c,d), and 1t+1b (e,f) event categories for the e+jets (a,c,e) and μ+jets (b,d,f) channels. The data are compared to the total signal and background yields using normalizations from the maximum-likelihood fit. The vertical bars on the data points represent the statistical uncertainties. The shaded bands reflect the combination of the statistical and post-fit systematic uncertainties in the signal and background yields added in quadrature, without the uncertainties based on the form of the distributions, and neglecting their correlations for presentational purposes. The ratios of data to the total fit are shown below each panel, along with the uncertainty band from the fit.

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Figure 3-a:
Rapidity distribution of the hadronic-side, large-R jet for the 0t (a,b), 1t+0b (c,d), and 1t+1b (e,f) event categories for the e+jets (a,c,e) and μ+jets (b,d,f) channels. The data are compared to the total signal and background yields using normalizations from the maximum-likelihood fit. The vertical bars on the data points represent the statistical uncertainties. The shaded bands reflect the combination of the statistical and post-fit systematic uncertainties in the signal and background yields added in quadrature, without the uncertainties based on the form of the distributions, and neglecting their correlations for presentational purposes. The ratios of data to the total fit are shown below each panel, along with the uncertainty band from the fit.

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Figure 3-b:
Rapidity distribution of the hadronic-side, large-R jet for the 0t (a,b), 1t+0b (c,d), and 1t+1b (e,f) event categories for the e+jets (a,c,e) and μ+jets (b,d,f) channels. The data are compared to the total signal and background yields using normalizations from the maximum-likelihood fit. The vertical bars on the data points represent the statistical uncertainties. The shaded bands reflect the combination of the statistical and post-fit systematic uncertainties in the signal and background yields added in quadrature, without the uncertainties based on the form of the distributions, and neglecting their correlations for presentational purposes. The ratios of data to the total fit are shown below each panel, along with the uncertainty band from the fit.

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Figure 3-c:
Rapidity distribution of the hadronic-side, large-R jet for the 0t (a,b), 1t+0b (c,d), and 1t+1b (e,f) event categories for the e+jets (a,c,e) and μ+jets (b,d,f) channels. The data are compared to the total signal and background yields using normalizations from the maximum-likelihood fit. The vertical bars on the data points represent the statistical uncertainties. The shaded bands reflect the combination of the statistical and post-fit systematic uncertainties in the signal and background yields added in quadrature, without the uncertainties based on the form of the distributions, and neglecting their correlations for presentational purposes. The ratios of data to the total fit are shown below each panel, along with the uncertainty band from the fit.

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Figure 3-d:
Rapidity distribution of the hadronic-side, large-R jet for the 0t (a,b), 1t+0b (c,d), and 1t+1b (e,f) event categories for the e+jets (a,c,e) and μ+jets (b,d,f) channels. The data are compared to the total signal and background yields using normalizations from the maximum-likelihood fit. The vertical bars on the data points represent the statistical uncertainties. The shaded bands reflect the combination of the statistical and post-fit systematic uncertainties in the signal and background yields added in quadrature, without the uncertainties based on the form of the distributions, and neglecting their correlations for presentational purposes. The ratios of data to the total fit are shown below each panel, along with the uncertainty band from the fit.

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Figure 3-e:
Rapidity distribution of the hadronic-side, large-R jet for the 0t (a,b), 1t+0b (c,d), and 1t+1b (e,f) event categories for the e+jets (a,c,e) and μ+jets (b,d,f) channels. The data are compared to the total signal and background yields using normalizations from the maximum-likelihood fit. The vertical bars on the data points represent the statistical uncertainties. The shaded bands reflect the combination of the statistical and post-fit systematic uncertainties in the signal and background yields added in quadrature, without the uncertainties based on the form of the distributions, and neglecting their correlations for presentational purposes. The ratios of data to the total fit are shown below each panel, along with the uncertainty band from the fit.

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Figure 3-f:
Rapidity distribution of the hadronic-side, large-R jet for the 0t (a,b), 1t+0b (c,d), and 1t+1b (e,f) event categories for the e+jets (a,c,e) and μ+jets (b,d,f) channels. The data are compared to the total signal and background yields using normalizations from the maximum-likelihood fit. The vertical bars on the data points represent the statistical uncertainties. The shaded bands reflect the combination of the statistical and post-fit systematic uncertainties in the signal and background yields added in quadrature, without the uncertainties based on the form of the distributions, and neglecting their correlations for presentational purposes. The ratios of data to the total fit are shown below each panel, along with the uncertainty band from the fit.

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Figure 4-a:
Differential tˉt cross section in bins of particle-level t jet pT (a), parton-level top quark pT (b), particle-level t jet y (c), and parton-level top quark y (d), including all systematic uncertainties. The lower plots show the ratio of the theoretical predictions to the data. The statistical uncertainties are represented by the inner vertical bars with ticks and the light bands in the ratios. The combined uncertainties are shown as full vertical bars and the dark solid bands in the ratios.

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Figure 4-b:
Differential tˉt cross section in bins of particle-level t jet pT (a), parton-level top quark pT (b), particle-level t jet y (c), and parton-level top quark y (d), including all systematic uncertainties. The lower plots show the ratio of the theoretical predictions to the data. The statistical uncertainties are represented by the inner vertical bars with ticks and the light bands in the ratios. The combined uncertainties are shown as full vertical bars and the dark solid bands in the ratios.

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Figure 4-c:
Differential tˉt cross section in bins of particle-level t jet pT (a), parton-level top quark pT (b), particle-level t jet y (c), and parton-level top quark y (d), including all systematic uncertainties. The lower plots show the ratio of the theoretical predictions to the data. The statistical uncertainties are represented by the inner vertical bars with ticks and the light bands in the ratios. The combined uncertainties are shown as full vertical bars and the dark solid bands in the ratios.

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Figure 4-d:
Differential tˉt cross section in bins of particle-level t jet pT (a), parton-level top quark pT (b), particle-level t jet y (c), and parton-level top quark y (d), including all systematic uncertainties. The lower plots show the ratio of the theoretical predictions to the data. The statistical uncertainties are represented by the inner vertical bars with ticks and the light bands in the ratios. The combined uncertainties are shown as full vertical bars and the dark solid bands in the ratios.

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Figure 5-a:
Total systematic uncertainties (cross-hatched regions), as well as individual contributions and statistical-only uncertainties (points) in percent as a function of particle-level t jet pT (a), parton-level top quark pT (b), particle-level t jet y (c), and parton-level top quark y (d) for the differential cross section measurements. The horizontal bars on the points show the bin widths.

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Figure 5-b:
Total systematic uncertainties (cross-hatched regions), as well as individual contributions and statistical-only uncertainties (points) in percent as a function of particle-level t jet pT (a), parton-level top quark pT (b), particle-level t jet y (c), and parton-level top quark y (d) for the differential cross section measurements. The horizontal bars on the points show the bin widths.

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Figure 5-c:
Total systematic uncertainties (cross-hatched regions), as well as individual contributions and statistical-only uncertainties (points) in percent as a function of particle-level t jet pT (a), parton-level top quark pT (b), particle-level t jet y (c), and parton-level top quark y (d) for the differential cross section measurements. The horizontal bars on the points show the bin widths.

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Figure 5-d:
Total systematic uncertainties (cross-hatched regions), as well as individual contributions and statistical-only uncertainties (points) in percent as a function of particle-level t jet pT (a), parton-level top quark pT (b), particle-level t jet y (c), and parton-level top quark y (d) for the differential cross section measurements. The horizontal bars on the points show the bin widths.

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Table 1:
Predicted numbers of signal and background events, as well as the total yield, together with the observed number of events in data, are shown after the combined maximum-likelihood fit for the e+jets (top) and μ+jets (bottom) categories. The uncertainties include the statistical component from the fit, but not the theoretical uncertainties in the tˉt signal. The uncertainties in the sum of backgrounds and the total yield are determined neglecting correlations for presentational purposes, although the full likelihood with correlations is used to compute the uncertainties in the measurements of the cross section.

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Table 2:
Differential tˉt cross section in bins of pT and y for the t jet at the particle level (top) and the top quark at parton level (bottom). The measurements are compared to predictions from the Powheg+Pythia6, MadGraph+Pythia6, and mc@nlo+Herwig6 simulations. The total relative uncertainty (Tot) in the measurements is separated into relative statistical (Stat), experimental (Exp), and theoretical (Th) components, all in percent.

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Table 3:
Normalized differential tˉt cross section in bins of pT and y for the t jet at particle level (top) and the top quark at parton level (bottom). The measurements are compared to predictions from Powheg+Pythia6, MadGraph+Pythia6, and mc@nlo+Herwig6 simulations. The total relative uncertainty (Tot) in the measurements is separated into relative statistical (Stat), experimental (Exp), and theoretical (Th) components, all in percent.
The first CMS measurement of the tˉt production cross section in the boosted regime has been presented. The integrated cross section, as well as differential cross sections as a function of the top quark pT and y, have been measured for ptT> 400 GeV. The measurements use lepton+jets events, identified through an electron or a muon, a b jet candidate from the semileptonic top quark decay, and a t jet candidate from the top quark decaying to a hadronic final state. Backgrounds are modeled using simulations for the distributions, or a data sideband for multijet production. Background normalizations are extracted jointly with the signal yield and the t tagging efficiency using a maximum-likelihood fit.

The integrated cross section measured for ptT> 400 GeV is σtˉt= 0.499 ± 0.035 (stat+syst) ± 0.095 (theory) ± 0.013 (lumi) pb at particle level, and σtˉt= 1.44 ± 0.10 (stat+syst) ± 0.29 (theory) ± 0.04 (lumi) pb at parton level, both corrected for the branching fraction of tˉte/μ+jets. The measurements are compared to the predicted cross section for this pT range from the Powheg+Pythia6 tˉt simulation assuming σtot= 252.9 pb, which provides a value of 0.580 pb at particle level and 1.67 pb at parton level. The cross section for this high-pT region is therefore found to be overestimated by 14% in the Powheg+Pythia6 simulation, but is consistent within the uncertainties.

Differential cross sections are also measured at both particle and parton levels. Background contributions are subtracted from the t-tagged jet distributions to obtain the distribution for signal. This is unfolded first to the particle level to correct for signal efficiency, acceptance, and bin migrations to yield the cross section in bins of t jet pT and y at particle level. The data are further unfolded to the parton level to extract the cross section in bins of top quark pT and y. The measurements are compared to predictions from different tˉt simulations. The Powheg+Pythia6 and Madgraph+Pythia6 simulations are observed to overestimate the cross section, in particular at high ptT, while MC@NLO+Herwig6 results in a good modeling of the ptT spectrum. The Powheg+Pythia6 and MC@NLO+Herwig6 simulations model the yt distributions well, while Madgraph+Pythia6 significantly overestimates the cross section for |yt|< 1.2 . The results are compatible with those from the nonboosted CMS measurement [4] in the pT range where the two analyses overlap (400-500 GeV). The nonboosted measurement also observes an overestimate of the cross section for different MC generators in this pT range, most prominent for Madgraph+Pythia6, and an improved modeling of the pT spectrum using Herwig6 for the parton showering. The analysis presented in this paper extends the differential tˉt cross section measurement into the pT> 1 TeV range. These measurements will help improve the modeling of event generators in this high-pT range, an important regime for many new physics searches.

Additional Figures

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Additional Figure 1-a:
Distribution of the electron (a,c) and muon (b.d) pT for the 1t+0b (a,b) and 1t+1b (c,d) event categories. The data are compared to the total signal and background yields using normalizations from the maximum-likelihood fit. The vertical bars on the data points represent the statistical uncertainties. The shaded bands reflect the combination of the statistical and post-fit systematic uncertainties in the signal and background yields added in quadrature, without the uncertainties based on the form of the distributions, and neglecting their correlations for presentational purposes. The ratios of data to the total fit are shown below each panel, along with the uncertainty band from the fit.

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Additional Figure 1-b:
Distribution of the electron (a,c) and muon (b.d) pT for the 1t+0b (a,b) and 1t+1b (c,d) event categories. The data are compared to the total signal and background yields using normalizations from the maximum-likelihood fit. The vertical bars on the data points represent the statistical uncertainties. The shaded bands reflect the combination of the statistical and post-fit systematic uncertainties in the signal and background yields added in quadrature, without the uncertainties based on the form of the distributions, and neglecting their correlations for presentational purposes. The ratios of data to the total fit are shown below each panel, along with the uncertainty band from the fit.

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Additional Figure 1-c:
Distribution of the electron (a,c) and muon (b.d) pT for the 1t+0b (a,b) and 1t+1b (c,d) event categories. The data are compared to the total signal and background yields using normalizations from the maximum-likelihood fit. The vertical bars on the data points represent the statistical uncertainties. The shaded bands reflect the combination of the statistical and post-fit systematic uncertainties in the signal and background yields added in quadrature, without the uncertainties based on the form of the distributions, and neglecting their correlations for presentational purposes. The ratios of data to the total fit are shown below each panel, along with the uncertainty band from the fit.

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Additional Figure 1-d:
Distribution of the electron (a,c) and muon (b.d) pT for the 1t+0b (a,b) and 1t+1b (c,d) event categories. The data are compared to the total signal and background yields using normalizations from the maximum-likelihood fit. The vertical bars on the data points represent the statistical uncertainties. The shaded bands reflect the combination of the statistical and post-fit systematic uncertainties in the signal and background yields added in quadrature, without the uncertainties based on the form of the distributions, and neglecting their correlations for presentational purposes. The ratios of data to the total fit are shown below each panel, along with the uncertainty band from the fit.

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Additional Figure 2-a:
Distribution of the electron (a) and muon (b) |η| for the 1t+1b event category. The data are compared to the total signal and background yields using normalizations from the maximum-likelihood fit. The vertical bars on the data points represent the statistical uncertainties. The shaded bands reflect the combination of the statistical and post-fit systematic uncertainties in the signal and background yields added in quadrature, without the uncertainties based on the form of the distributions, and neglecting their correlations for presentational purposes. The ratios of data to the total fit are shown below each panel, along with the uncertainty band from the fit.

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Additional Figure 2-b:
Distribution of the electron (a) and muon (b) |η| for the 1t+1b event category. The data are compared to the total signal and background yields using normalizations from the maximum-likelihood fit. The vertical bars on the data points represent the statistical uncertainties. The shaded bands reflect the combination of the statistical and post-fit systematic uncertainties in the signal and background yields added in quadrature, without the uncertainties based on the form of the distributions, and neglecting their correlations for presentational purposes. The ratios of data to the total fit are shown below each panel, along with the uncertainty band from the fit.

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Additional Figure 3:
Correlation matrix between different fit variables and nuisance parameters in the binned, extended maximum-likelihood fit as observed in data.

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Additional Figure 4-a:
Bin migration matrices between the particle-level t jet pT and the parton-level top quark pT (c,d) and the reconstructed t jet pT and the particle-level t jet pT (a,b), shown for the e+jets (a,c) and μ+jets (b,d) channels. The bin migration matrices are normalized so that each row adds up to 100%, including the over/underflow bins.

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Additional Figure 4-b:
Bin migration matrices between the particle-level t jet pT and the parton-level top quark pT (c,d) and the reconstructed t jet pT and the particle-level t jet pT (a,b), shown for the e+jets (a,c) and μ+jets (b,d) channels. The bin migration matrices are normalized so that each row adds up to 100%, including the over/underflow bins.

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Additional Figure 4-c:
Bin migration matrices between the particle-level t jet pT and the parton-level top quark pT (c,d) and the reconstructed t jet pT and the particle-level t jet pT (a,b), shown for the e+jets (a,c) and μ+jets (b,d) channels. The bin migration matrices are normalized so that each row adds up to 100%, including the over/underflow bins.

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Additional Figure 4-d:
Bin migration matrices between the particle-level t jet pT and the parton-level top quark pT (c,d) and the reconstructed t jet pT and the particle-level t jet pT (a,b), shown for the e+jets (a,c) and μ+jets (b,d) channels. The bin migration matrices are normalized so that each row adds up to 100%, including the over/underflow bins.

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Additional Figure 5-a:
Differential tˉt cross section in bins of particle-level t jet pT (a), parton-level top quark pT (b), particle-level t jet y (c), and parton-level top quark y (d), including the combined uncertainties. The different theoretical predictions are extracted using the RIVET framework. The lower plots show the ratio of these theoretical predictions to the data. The combined uncertainties are shown as vertical bars and the solid bands in the ratios.

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Additional Figure 5-b:
Differential tˉt cross section in bins of particle-level t jet pT (a), parton-level top quark pT (b), particle-level t jet y (c), and parton-level top quark y (d), including the combined uncertainties. The different theoretical predictions are extracted using the RIVET framework. The lower plots show the ratio of these theoretical predictions to the data. The combined uncertainties are shown as vertical bars and the solid bands in the ratios.

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Additional Figure 5-c:
Differential tˉt cross section in bins of particle-level t jet pT (a), parton-level top quark pT (b), particle-level t jet y (c), and parton-level top quark y (d), including the combined uncertainties. The different theoretical predictions are extracted using the RIVET framework. The lower plots show the ratio of these theoretical predictions to the data. The combined uncertainties are shown as vertical bars and the solid bands in the ratios.

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Additional Figure 5-d:
Differential tˉt cross section in bins of particle-level t jet pT (a), parton-level top quark pT (b), particle-level t jet y (c), and parton-level top quark y (d), including the combined uncertainties. The different theoretical predictions are extracted using the RIVET framework. The lower plots show the ratio of these theoretical predictions to the data. The combined uncertainties are shown as vertical bars and the solid bands in the ratios.
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4 CMS Collaboration Measurement of the differential cross section for top quark pair production in pp collisions at s= 8 TeV EPJC 75 (2015) 542 CMS-TOP-12-028
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Compact Muon Solenoid