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Search for Higgs boson decays to invisible particles produced in association with a top-quark pair or a vector boson in proton-proton collisions at s= 13 TeV and combination across Higgs production modes
Abstract: A search for Higgs boson decays to invisible particles, produced in association with a top quark pair or a vector boson decaying in a fully hadronic final state, has been performed using 138 fb1 of proton-proton collision data collected at s= 13 TeV by the CMS experiment at the LHC. Events are categorized based on jet multiplicity, the number of jets stemming from b quark decays as well as the number of hadronically decaying boosted top quarks and W bosons reconstructed as a single large-cone jet in the detector. The observed (expected) limit set on the invisible branching fraction of the 125 GeV Higgs boson is 0.47 (0.40), assuming standard model production cross sections. Finally, the results of this analysis are combined with previous CMS measurements of the Higgs to invisible branching fraction carried out at s= 7, 8, and 13 TeV in complementary production modes. The combined limit on the branching fraction is 0.15 (0.08), the most stringent result from direct searches at CMS to date.
Figures & Tables Summary References CMS Publications

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Figure 1:
Feynman diagrams for the standard model Higgs boson production channels VH and ttH.

Figure 1-a:
Feynman diagrams for the standard model Higgs boson production channels VH and ttH.

Figure 1-b:
Feynman diagrams for the standard model Higgs boson production channels VH and ttH.

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Figure 2:
Distributions of recoil in the ttH categories for the μ+jets CR using 2016 -- 2018 data. The black histogram shows the background prediction from the fit to all CRs, while the red histogram shows the yields with the inclusion of the SR and Hinv signal in the fit (s+b fit).

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Figure 3:
Distributions of recoil in the VH categories for the μ+jets CR using 2016 -- 2018 data. The black histogram shows the background prediction from the fit to all CRs, while the red histogram shows the yields with the inclusion of the SR and Hinv signal in the fit (s+b fit).

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Figure 4:
Distributions of recoil in the ttH categories for the e+jets CR using 2016 -- 2018 data. The black histogram shows the background prediction from the fit to all CRs, while the red histogram shows the yields with the inclusion of the SR and Hinv signal in the fit (s+b fit).

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Figure 5:
Distributions of recoil in the VH categories for the e+jets CR using 2016 -- 2018 data. The black histogram shows the background prediction from the fit to all CRs, while the red histogram shows the yields with the inclusion of the SR and Hinv signal in the fit (s+b fit).

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Figure 6:
Distributions of recoil in the ttH categories for the + jets, μμ+jets and ee+jets CR using 2016 -- 2018 data. The black histogram shows the background prediction from the fit to all CRs, while the red histogram shows the yields with the inclusion of the SR and Hinv signal in the fit (s+b fit).

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Figure 7:
Distributions of recoil in the VH categories for the ee+jets, μμ+jets and γ+jets CR using 2016 -- 2018 data. The black histogram shows the background prediction from the fit to all CRs, while the red histogram shows the yields with the inclusion of the SR and Hinv signal in the fit (s+b fit).

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Figure 8:
Distributions of recoil in the ttH categories for the SR using 2016 -- 2018 data. The black histogram shows the background prediction from the fit to all CRs, while the red histogram shows the yields with the inclusion of the SR and Hinv signal in the fit, with a best fit value of ˆμ=0.10 (s+b fit).

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Figure 9:
Distributions of recoil in the ttH categories for the SR using 2016 -- 2018 data. The black histogram shows the background prediction from the fit to all CRs, while the red histogram shows the yields with the inclusion of the SR and Hinv signal in the fit, with a best fit value of ˆμ=0.10 (s+b fit).

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Figure 10:
Left: 95% CL expected and observed limits for ttH and VH using 2016 -- 2018 data.\\ Right: the profile likelihood scan corresponding to expected and observed limits in the fit to ttH and VH together, using 2016 -- 2018 data.

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Figure 10-a:
Left: 95% CL expected and observed limits for ttH and VH using 2016 -- 2018 data.\\ Right: the profile likelihood scan corresponding to expected and observed limits in the fit to ttH and VH together, using 2016 -- 2018 data.

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Figure 10-b:
Left: 95% CL expected and observed limits for ttH and VH using 2016 -- 2018 data.\\ Right: the profile likelihood scan corresponding to expected and observed limits in the fit to ttH and VH together, using 2016 -- 2018 data.

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Figure 11:
Left: exclusion limits at 95% CL on the branching fraction of the Higgs boson to invisible final states. The results are shown separately for each Higgs production mode for Runs 1 and 2, as well as combined across modes.Right: scan of the profiled negative log-likelihood as a function of the signal strength. The left panel shows the scans for the analyses using the Run 1 and 2 datasets, broken down by Higgs production mode.

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Figure 11-a:
Left: exclusion limits at 95% CL on the branching fraction of the Higgs boson to invisible final states. The results are shown separately for each Higgs production mode for Runs 1 and 2, as well as combined across modes.Right: scan of the profiled negative log-likelihood as a function of the signal strength. The left panel shows the scans for the analyses using the Run 1 and 2 datasets, broken down by Higgs production mode.

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Figure 11-b:
Left: exclusion limits at 95% CL on the branching fraction of the Higgs boson to invisible final states. The results are shown separately for each Higgs production mode for Runs 1 and 2, as well as combined across modes.Right: scan of the profiled negative log-likelihood as a function of the signal strength. The left panel shows the scans for the analyses using the Run 1 and 2 datasets, broken down by Higgs production mode.

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Figure 12:
Left: Upper limits on σSIDMnucleon as a function of DM mass mDM. Results are presented for a fermion (red) and scalar (orange) DM candidate. In addition, a vector DM candidate is studied using and EFT approach (black) in addition to a recent UV-complete EFT approach (yellow) for a dark Higgs mass of m2= 1, 10, 100 GeV. Results are compared to direct detection searches from CRESST-III [81], DarkSide-50 [82], PandaX-4T [83] and LUX-ZEPLIN [84]. Right: Observed 95% CL upper limits on (σ/σSM) B(Hinv) as function of coupling strength modifiers, κV and κF, for a Higgs boson of mass 125 GeV. Best estimates for κV and κF from Ref. [13] are shown as a black cross together with 68% and 95% CL contours.

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Figure 12-a:
Left: Upper limits on σSIDMnucleon as a function of DM mass mDM. Results are presented for a fermion (red) and scalar (orange) DM candidate. In addition, a vector DM candidate is studied using and EFT approach (black) in addition to a recent UV-complete EFT approach (yellow) for a dark Higgs mass of m2= 1, 10, 100 GeV. Results are compared to direct detection searches from CRESST-III [81], DarkSide-50 [82], PandaX-4T [83] and LUX-ZEPLIN [84]. Right: Observed 95% CL upper limits on (σ/σSM) B(Hinv) as function of coupling strength modifiers, κV and κF, for a Higgs boson of mass 125 GeV. Best estimates for κV and κF from Ref. [13] are shown as a black cross together with 68% and 95% CL contours.

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Figure 12-b:
Left: Upper limits on σSIDMnucleon as a function of DM mass mDM. Results are presented for a fermion (red) and scalar (orange) DM candidate. In addition, a vector DM candidate is studied using and EFT approach (black) in addition to a recent UV-complete EFT approach (yellow) for a dark Higgs mass of m2= 1, 10, 100 GeV. Results are compared to direct detection searches from CRESST-III [81], DarkSide-50 [82], PandaX-4T [83] and LUX-ZEPLIN [84]. Right: Observed 95% CL upper limits on (σ/σSM) B(Hinv) as function of coupling strength modifiers, κV and κF, for a Higgs boson of mass 125 GeV. Best estimates for κV and κF from Ref. [13] are shown as a black cross together with 68% and 95% CL contours.

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Table 1:
Common selection applied to all categories and regions in this analysis.

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Table 2:
Categorisation of the ttH and VH production modes in the analysis.

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Table 3:
Summary of all CR requirements, excluding suppression cuts for QCD processes, and excluding the cut of Δϕ(EmissT,EmisstrackT)<π/ 2 applied to the ttH categories in the dilepton CRs.

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Table 4:
Meaning of symbols used in the likelihood function.

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Table 5:
The percentage ranges corresponding to the pre-fit minimum/maximum deviation of a given systematic from the nominal background MC yield across regions. Note that not all systematics are correlated across years and categories, but are always correlated across region in all regions to which they are applied.

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Table 6:
Total Run 2 pre- and post-fit yields in the SR. Errors are inclusive of statistical and systematic contributions.

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Table 7:
Data sets and their respective luminosities used for each production mode across Runs 1 and 2.
A search for invisible decays of Higgs bosons produced in association with top quark pairs (ttH) or vector bosons (VH) is presented. The analysis is based on 138 fb1 of pp data collected at s= 13 TeV during the 2016 -- 2018 data taking period by the CMS experiment at the LHC. The ttH production mechanism is investigated using fully hadronic final states with b jets, including event categories with boosted top quark or vector boson candidates. The analysis of VH production focuses on a di-jet pair with an invariant mass that is compatible with that of a W or Z boson. Three types of CRs in data, with one or two leptons, or a photon are used directly in the fit to constrain the main SM backgrounds. In the absence of any significant excess in data, a 95% confidence level observed (expected) upper limit of 0.47 (0.40) is set on the Higgs boson to invisible branching fraction, assuming SM production cross sections. These results are combined with those obtained from Higgs production in vector boson fusion, associated production, gluon-gluon fusion as well as leptonic ttH and ZH decays to obtain an observed (expected) combined upper limit on the Higgs to invisible branching fraction of 0.15 (0.08) at 95% confidence level.
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Compact Muon Solenoid