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CMS-SUS-19-005 ; CERN-EP-2019-180
Searches for physics beyond the standard model with the ${M_{\mathrm{T2}}}$ variable in hadronic final states with and without disappearing tracks in proton-proton collisions at $\sqrt{s} = $ 13 TeV
Eur. Phys. J. C 80 (2020) 3
Abstract: Two related searches for phenomena beyond the standard model (BSM) are performed using events with hadronic jets and significant transverse momentum imbalance. The results are based on a sample of proton-proton collisions at a center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV, collected by the CMS experiment at the LHC in 2016-2018 and corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 137 fb$^{-1}$. The first search is inclusive, based on signal regions defined by the hadronic energy in the event, the jet multiplicity, the number of jets identified as originating from bottom quarks, and the value of the kinematic variable ${M_{\mathrm{T2}}}$ for events with at least two jets. For events with exactly one jet, the transverse momentum of the jet is used instead. The second search looks in addition for disappearing tracks produced by BSM long-lived charged particles that decay within the volume of the tracking detector. No excess event yield is observed above the predicted standard model background. This is used to constrain a range of BSM models that predict the following: the pair production of gluinos and squarks in the context of supersymmetry models conserving $R$-parity, with or without intermediate long-lived charginos produced in the decay chain; the resonant production of a colored scalar state decaying to a massive Dirac fermion and a quark; or the pair production of scalar and vector leptoquarks each decaying to a neutrino and a top, bottom, or light-flavor quark. In most of the cases, the results obtained are the most stringent constraints to date.
Figures & Tables Summary References CMS Publications

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Figure 1:
Distributions of the ${M_{\mathrm {T2}}}$ variable in data and simulation for the single-lepton control region, after normalizing the simulation to data in bins of ${H_{\mathrm {T}}}$, ${N_{\mathrm {j}}}$, and ${N_{\mathrm{b}}}$, for events with no b-tagged jets (left), and events with at least one b-tagged jet (right). The hatched bands on the top panels show the MC statistical uncertainty, while the solid gray bands in the ratio plots show the systematic uncertainty in the ${M_{\mathrm {T2}}}$ shape. The bins have different widths, denoted by the horizontal bars.

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Figure 1-a:
Distribution of the ${M_{\mathrm {T2}}}$ variable in data and simulation for the single-lepton control region, after normalizing the simulation to data in bins of ${H_{\mathrm {T}}}$, ${N_{\mathrm {j}}}$, and ${N_{\mathrm{b}}}$, for events with no b-tagged jets. The hatched bands on the top panel shows the MC statistical uncertainty, while the solid gray bands in the ratio plot shows the systematic uncertainty in the ${M_{\mathrm {T2}}}$ shape. The bins have different widths, denoted by the horizontal bars.

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Figure 1-b:
Distribution of the ${M_{\mathrm {T2}}}$ variable in data and simulation for the single-lepton control region, after normalizing the simulation to data in bins of ${H_{\mathrm {T}}}$, ${N_{\mathrm {j}}}$, and ${N_{\mathrm{b}}}$, for events with at least one b-tagged jet. The hatched bands on the top panel shows the MC statistical uncertainty, while the solid gray bands in the ratio plot shows the systematic uncertainty in the ${M_{\mathrm {T2}}}$ shape. The bins have different widths, denoted by the horizontal bars.

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Figure 2:
(Left) Ratio $R^{\mathrm {SF}/\mathrm {DF}}$ in data as a function of ${N_{\mathrm {j}}}$. The solid black line enclosed by the red dashed lines corresponds to a value of 1.06 $\pm$ 0.15 that is observed to be stable with respect to event kinematic variables, while the two dashed black lines denote the statistical uncertainty in the $R^{\mathrm {SF}/\mathrm {DF}}$ value. (Right) The shape of the ${M_{\mathrm {T2}}}$ distribution in $\mathrm{Z} \to \nu \bar{\nu} $ simulation compared to the one obtained from the $\mathrm{Z} \to \ell ^{+}\ell ^{-}$ data control sample, in a region with 1200 $ < {H_{\mathrm {T}}} < $ 1500 GeV and $ {N_{\mathrm {j}}} \geq $ 2, inclusive in ${N_{\mathrm{b}}}$. The solid gray band on the ratio plot shows the systematic uncertainty in the ${M_{\mathrm {T2}}}$ shape. The bins have different widths, denoted by the horizontal bars.

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Figure 2-a:
Ratio $R^{\mathrm {SF}/\mathrm {DF}}$ in data as a function of ${N_{\mathrm {j}}}$. The solid black line enclosed by the red dashed lines corresponds to a value of 1.06 $\pm$ 0.15 that is observed to be stable with respect to event kinematic variables, while the two dashed black lines denote the statistical uncertainty in the $R^{\mathrm {SF}/\mathrm {DF}}$ value.

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Figure 2-b:
The shape of the ${M_{\mathrm {T2}}}$ distribution in $\mathrm{Z} \to \nu \bar{\nu} $ simulation compared to the one obtained from the $\mathrm{Z} \to \ell ^{+}\ell ^{-}$ data control sample, in a region with 1200 $ < {H_{\mathrm {T}}} < $ 1500 GeV and $ {N_{\mathrm {j}}} \geq $ 2, inclusive in ${N_{\mathrm{b}}}$. The solid gray band on the ratio plot shows the systematic uncertainty in the ${M_{\mathrm {T2}}}$ shape. The bins have different widths, denoted by the horizontal bars.

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Figure 3:
Validation of the R&S multijet background prediction in control regions in data selected with $ {\Delta \phi _{\text {min}}} < $ 0.3. Electroweak backgrounds (LL and $\mathrm{Z} \to \nu \bar{\nu} $) are estimated from data. In regions where the amount of data is insufficient to estimate the electroweak backgrounds, the corresponding yields are taken directly from simulation. The bins on the horizontal axis correspond to the (${H_{\mathrm {T}}}$, ${N_{\mathrm {j}}}$, ${N_{\mathrm{b}}}$) topological regions. The gray band on the ratio plot represents the total uncertainty in the prediction.

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Figure 4:
Validation of the background prediction method in (upper) 2016 and (lower) 2017-2018 data with 100 $ < {M_{\mathrm {T2}}} < $ 200 GeV, for the disappearing tracks search. The red histograms represent the predicted backgrounds, while the black markers are the observed data counts. The cyan bands represent the statistical uncertainty in the prediction. The gray bands represent the total uncertainty in the prediction. The labels on the $x$ axes are explained in Tables 24-25 of Appendix B2. Regions whose predictions use the same measurement of ${f_{\text {short}}}$ are grouped by the vertical dashed lines. Bins with no entry in the ratio have zero predicted background.

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Figure 4-a:
Validation of the background prediction method in 2016 data with 100 $ < {M_{\mathrm {T2}}} < $ 200 GeV, for the disappearing tracks search. The red histograms represent the predicted backgrounds, while the black markers are the observed data counts. The cyan bands represent the statistical uncertainty in the prediction. The gray bands represent the total uncertainty in the prediction. The labels on the $x$ axes are explained in Tables 24-25 of Appendix B2. Regions whose predictions use the same measurement of ${f_{\text {short}}}$ are grouped by the vertical dashed lines. Bins with no entry in the ratio have zero predicted background.

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Figure 4-b:
Validation of the background prediction method in 2017-2018 data with 100 $ < {M_{\mathrm {T2}}} < $ 200 GeV, for the disappearing tracks search. The red histograms represent the predicted backgrounds, while the black markers are the observed data counts. The cyan bands represent the statistical uncertainty in the prediction. The gray bands represent the total uncertainty in the prediction. The labels on the $x$ axes are explained in Tables 24-25 of Appendix B2. Regions whose predictions use the same measurement of ${f_{\text {short}}}$ are grouped by the vertical dashed lines. Bins with no entry in the ratio have zero predicted background.

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Figure 5:
(Upper) Comparison of the estimated (pre-fit) background and observed data events in each topological region. The hatched bands represent the full uncertainty in the background estimate. The monojet regions ($ {N_{\mathrm {j}}} = $ 1) are identified by the labels "1j, 0b'' and "1j, 1b'', and are binned in jet ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$. The multijet regions are shown for each ${H_{\mathrm {T}}}$ region separately, and are labeled accordingly. The notations j, b are short for ${N_{\mathrm {j}}}$, ${N_{\mathrm{b}}}$. (Lower) Same for individual ${M_{\mathrm {T2}}}$ search bins in the medium-${H_{\mathrm {T}}}$ region. On the $x$ axis, the ${M_{\mathrm {T2}}}$ binning is shown in units of GeV.

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Figure 5-a:
Comparison of the estimated (pre-fit) background and observed data events in each topological region. The hatched bands represent the full uncertainty in the background estimate. The monojet regions ($ {N_{\mathrm {j}}} = $ 1) are identified by the labels "1j, 0b'' and "1j, 1b'', and are binned in jet ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$. The multijet regions are shown for each ${H_{\mathrm {T}}}$ region separately, and are labeled accordingly. The notations j, b are short for ${N_{\mathrm {j}}}$, ${N_{\mathrm{b}}}$.

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Figure 5-b:
Same for individual ${M_{\mathrm {T2}}}$ search bins in the medium-${H_{\mathrm {T}}}$ region. On the $x$ axis, the ${M_{\mathrm {T2}}}$ binning is shown in units of GeV.

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Figure 6:
Comparison of the estimated (pre-fit) background and observed data events in (upper) each of the 2016 search regions, and in (lower) each of the 2017-2018 search regions, in the search for disappearing tracks. The red histogram represents the predicted background, while the black markers are the observed data counts. The cyan band represents the statistical uncertainty in the prediction. The gray band represents the total uncertainty. The labels on the $x$ axes are explained in Tables 24-25 of Appendix B2. Regions whose predictions use the same measurement of ${f_{\text {short}}}$ are grouped by the vertical dashed lines. Bins with no entry in the ratio have zero pre-fit predicted background.

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Figure 6-a:
Comparison of the estimated (pre-fit) background and observed data events in each of the 2016 search regions, in the search for disappearing tracks. The red histogram represents the predicted background, while the black markers are the observed data counts. The cyan band represents the statistical uncertainty in the prediction. The gray band represents the total uncertainty. The labels on the $x$ axes are explained in Tables 24-25 of Appendix B2. Regions whose predictions use the same measurement of ${f_{\text {short}}}$ are grouped by the vertical dashed lines. Bins with no entry in the ratio have zero pre-fit predicted background.

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Figure 6-b:
Comparison of the estimated (pre-fit) background and observed data events in each of the 2017-2018 search regions, in the search for disappearing tracks. The red histogram represents the predicted background, while the black markers are the observed data counts. The cyan band represents the statistical uncertainty in the prediction. The gray band represents the total uncertainty. The labels on the $x$ axes are explained in Tables 24-25 of Appendix B2. Regions whose predictions use the same measurement of ${f_{\text {short}}}$ are grouped by the vertical dashed lines. Bins with no entry in the ratio have zero pre-fit predicted background.

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Figure 7:
(Upper) Diagrams for three scenarios of direct gluino pair production where each gluino undergoes a three-body decay to light-flavor (u, d, s, c) quarks, with different decay modes. For mixed-decay scenarios, we assume equal branching fraction for each decay mode. (Upper middle) Diagrams for the direct gluino pair production where gluinos decay to bottom and top quarks. (Lower middle) Diagrams for the direct pair production of light-flavor, bottom, and top squark pairs. (Lower) Diagrams for three alternate scenarios of direct top squark pair production with different decay modes. For mixed-decay scenarios, we assume equal branching fraction for each decay mode.

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Figure 7-a:
Diagram for one of the scenarios of direct gluino pair production.

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Figure 7-b:
Diagram for one of the scenarios of direct gluino pair production. We assume equal branching fraction for each decay mode.

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Figure 7-c:
Diagram for one of the scenarios of direct gluino pair production.

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Figure 7-d:
Diagram for the direct gluino pair production where gluinos decay to bottom quarks.

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Figure 7-e:
Diagrams for the direct gluino pair production where gluinos decay to top quarks.

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Figure 7-f:
Diagram for the direct pair production of light-flavor squark pairs.

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Figure 7-g:
Diagram for the direct pair production of bottom squark pairs.

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Figure 7-h:
Diagram for the direct pair production of top squark pairs.

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Figure 7-i:
Diagram for an alternate scenario of direct top squark pair production.

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Figure 7-j:
Diagram for an alternate scenario of direct top squark pair production. We assume equal branching fraction for each decay mode.

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Figure 7-k:
Diagram for an alternate scenario of direct top squark pair production.

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Figure 8:
Diagram for the mono-$\phi $ model, where a colored scalar $\phi $ is resonantly produced, and it decays to an invisible massive Dirac fermion $\psi $ and an SM quark.

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Figure 9:
Diagrams for LQ pair production.

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Figure 9-a:
Diagram for LQ pair production.

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Figure 9-b:
Diagram for LQ pair production.

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Figure 9-c:
Diagram for LQ pair production.

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Figure 9-d:
Diagram for LQ pair production.

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Figure 10:
Diagrams for direct (left) gluino, (middle) light-flavor (u, d, s, c) squark, and (right) top squark pair production, where the directly produced gluinos and squarks can decay via a long-lived $\tilde{\chi}^{\pm}_1$. For gluinos, we assume a 1/3 decay branching fraction to each $\tilde{\chi}^0_1$, $\tilde{\chi}^{+}_1$, and $\tilde{\chi}^{-}_1$, and each gluino decays to light-flavor quarks. For squarks, we assume a 1/2 branching fraction for decays to $\tilde{\chi}^0_1$ and to the $\tilde{\chi}^{\pm}_1$ allowed by charge conservation. The mass of the $\tilde{\chi}^{\pm}_1$ is larger than the mass of the $\tilde{\chi}^0_1$ by hundreds of MeV. The $\tilde{\chi}^{\pm}_1$ decays to a $\tilde{\chi}^0_1$ via a pion, which is too soft to be detected.

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Figure 10-a:
Diagram for direct gluino pair production, where the directly produced gluinos decay via a long-lived $\tilde{\chi}^{\pm}_1$. We assume a 1/3 decay branching fraction to each $\tilde{\chi}^0_1$, $\tilde{\chi}^{+}_1$, and $\tilde{\chi}^{-}_1$, and each gluino decays to light-flavor quarks. The mass of the $\tilde{\chi}^{\pm}_1$ is larger than the mass of the $\tilde{\chi}^0_1$ by hundreds of MeV. The $\tilde{\chi}^{\pm}_1$ decays to a $\tilde{\chi}^0_1$ via a pion, which is too soft to be detected.

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Figure 10-b:
Diagram for direct light-flavor (u, d, s, c) squark pair production, where the directly produced squarks can decay via a long-lived $\tilde{\chi}^{\pm}_1$. We assume a 1/2 branching fraction for decays to $\tilde{\chi}^0_1$ and to the $\tilde{\chi}^{\pm}_1$ allowed by charge conservation. The mass of the $\tilde{\chi}^{\pm}_1$ is larger than the mass of the $\tilde{\chi}^0_1$ by hundreds of MeV. The $\tilde{\chi}^{\pm}_1$ decays to a $\tilde{\chi}^0_1$ via a pion, which is too soft to be detected.

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Figure 10-c:
Diagrams for direct top squark pair production, where the directly produced squarks can decay via a long-lived $\tilde{\chi}^{\pm}_1$. We assume a 1/2 branching fraction for decays to $\tilde{\chi}^0_1$ and to the $\tilde{\chi}^{\pm}_1$ allowed by charge conservation. The mass of the $\tilde{\chi}^{\pm}_1$ is larger than the mass of the $\tilde{\chi}^0_1$ by hundreds of MeV. The $\tilde{\chi}^{\pm}_1$ decays to a $\tilde{\chi}^0_1$ via a pion, which is too soft to be detected.

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Figure 11:
Exclusion limits at 95% CL for direct gluino pair production, where (upper) ${\mathrm{\tilde{g}}} \to {\mathrm{q} \mathrm{\bar{q}}} \tilde{\chi}^0_1 $, (lower left) ${\mathrm{\tilde{g}}} \to {\mathrm{q} \mathrm{\bar{q}}} \tilde{\chi}^{0}_{2} $ and $\tilde{\chi}^{0}_{2} \to \mathrm{Z} \tilde{\chi}^0_1 $, or ${\mathrm{\tilde{g}}} \to {{\mathrm{q} \mathrm{\bar{q}}} '} \tilde{\chi}^{\pm}_1 $ and $\tilde{\chi}^{\pm}_1 \to \mathrm{W^{\pm}} \tilde{\chi}^0_1 $, and (lower right) ${\mathrm{\tilde{g}}} \to {{\mathrm{q} \mathrm{\bar{q}}} '} \tilde{\chi}^{\pm}_1 $ and $\tilde{\chi}^{\pm}_1 \to \mathrm{W^{\pm}} \tilde{\chi}^0_1 $ (with $\mathrm{q} =$ u, d, s, or c). For the scenarios where the gluinos decay via an intermediate $\tilde{\chi}^{0}_{2}$ or $\tilde{\chi}^{\pm}_1$, $\tilde{\chi}^{0}_{2}$ and $\tilde{\chi}^{\pm}_1$ are assumed to be mass-degenerate, with $m_{\tilde{\chi}^{\pm}_1, \tilde{\chi}^{0}_{2}}=0.5(m_{{\mathrm{\tilde{g}}}}+m_{\tilde{\chi}^0_1})$. The area enclosed by the thick black curve represents the observed exclusion region, while the dashed red lines indicate the expected limits and their $\pm $1 and $\pm $2 standard deviation (s.d.) ranges. The thin black lines show the effect of the theoretical uncertainties in the signal cross section. Signal cross sections are calculated at approximately NNLO+NNLL order in ${\alpha _S}$ [136,137,138,139,140,141], assuming 1/3 branching fraction ($\mathcal {B}$) for each decay mode in the mixed-decay scenarios, or unity branching fraction for the indicated decay.

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Figure 11-a:
Exclusion limits at 95% CL for direct gluino pair production, where ${\mathrm{\tilde{g}}} \to {\mathrm{q} \mathrm{\bar{q}}} \tilde{\chi}^0_1 $. The area enclosed by the thick black curve represents the observed exclusion region, while the dashed red lines indicate the expected limits and their $\pm $1 and $\pm $2 standard deviation (s.d.) ranges. The thin black lines show the effect of the theoretical uncertainties in the signal cross section. Signal cross sections are calculated at approximately NNLO+NNLL order in ${\alpha _S}$ [136,137,138,139,140,141], assuming 1/3 branching fraction ($\mathcal {B}$) for each decay mode in the mixed-decay scenarios, or unity branching fraction for the indicated decay.

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Figure 11-b:
Exclusion limits at 95% CL for direct gluino pair production, where ${\mathrm{\tilde{g}}} \to {\mathrm{q} \mathrm{\bar{q}}} \tilde{\chi}^{0}_{2} $ and $\tilde{\chi}^{0}_{2} \to \mathrm{Z} \tilde{\chi}^0_1 $, or ${\mathrm{\tilde{g}}} \to {{\mathrm{q} \mathrm{\bar{q}}} '} \tilde{\chi}^{\pm}_1 $ and $\tilde{\chi}^{\pm}_1 \to \mathrm{W^{\pm}} \tilde{\chi}^0_1 $. For the scenarios where the gluinos decay via an intermediate $\tilde{\chi}^{0}_{2}$ or $\tilde{\chi}^{\pm}_1$, $\tilde{\chi}^{0}_{2}$ and $\tilde{\chi}^{\pm}_1$ are assumed to be mass-degenerate, with $m_{\tilde{\chi}^{\pm}_1, \tilde{\chi}^{0}_{2}}=0.5(m_{{\mathrm{\tilde{g}}}}+m_{\tilde{\chi}^0_1})$. The area enclosed by the thick black curve represents the observed exclusion region, while the dashed red lines indicate the expected limits and their $\pm $1 and $\pm $2 standard deviation (s.d.) ranges. The thin black lines show the effect of the theoretical uncertainties in the signal cross section. Signal cross sections are calculated at approximately NNLO+NNLL order in ${\alpha _S}$ [136,137,138,139,140,141], assuming 1/3 branching fraction ($\mathcal {B}$) for each decay mode in the mixed-decay scenarios, or unity branching fraction for the indicated decay.

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Figure 11-c:
Exclusion limits at 95% CL for direct gluino pair production, where ${\mathrm{\tilde{g}}} \to {{\mathrm{q} \mathrm{\bar{q}}} '} \tilde{\chi}^{\pm}_1 $ and $\tilde{\chi}^{\pm}_1 \to \mathrm{W^{\pm}} \tilde{\chi}^0_1 $ (with $\mathrm{q} =$ u, d, s, or c). For the scenarios where the gluinos decay via an intermediate $\tilde{\chi}^{0}_{2}$ or $\tilde{\chi}^{\pm}_1$, $\tilde{\chi}^{0}_{2}$ and $\tilde{\chi}^{\pm}_1$ are assumed to be mass-degenerate, with $m_{\tilde{\chi}^{\pm}_1, \tilde{\chi}^{0}_{2}}=0.5(m_{{\mathrm{\tilde{g}}}}+m_{\tilde{\chi}^0_1})$. The area enclosed by the thick black curve represents the observed exclusion region, while the dashed red lines indicate the expected limits and their $\pm $1 and $\pm $2 standard deviation (s.d.) ranges. The thin black lines show the effect of the theoretical uncertainties in the signal cross section. Signal cross sections are calculated at approximately NNLO+NNLL order in ${\alpha _S}$ [136,137,138,139,140,141], assuming 1/3 branching fraction ($\mathcal {B}$) for each decay mode in the mixed-decay scenarios, or unity branching fraction for the indicated decay.

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Figure 12:
Exclusion limits at 95% CL for direct gluino pair production where the gluinos decay to (left) bottom quarks and (right) top quarks. The area enclosed by the thick black curve represents the observed exclusion region, while the dashed red lines indicate the expected limits and their $\pm $1 and $\pm $2 standard deviation (s.d.) ranges. The thin black lines show the effect of the theoretical uncertainties in the signal cross section. Signal cross sections are calculated at approximately NNLO+NNLL order in ${\alpha _S}$ [136,137,138,139,140,141], assuming unity branching fraction for the indicated decay.

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Figure 12-a:
Exclusion limits at 95% CL for direct gluino pair production where the gluinos decay to bottom quarks. The area enclosed by the thick black curve represents the observed exclusion region, while the dashed red lines indicate the expected limits and their $\pm $1 and $\pm $2 standard deviation (s.d.) ranges. The thin black lines show the effect of the theoretical uncertainties in the signal cross section. Signal cross sections are calculated at approximately NNLO+NNLL order in ${\alpha _S}$ [136,137,138,139,140,141], assuming unity branching fraction for the indicated decay.

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Figure 12-b:
Exclusion limits at 95% CL for direct gluino pair production where the gluinos decay to top quarks. The area enclosed by the thick black curve represents the observed exclusion region, while the dashed red lines indicate the expected limits and their $\pm $1 and $\pm $2 standard deviation (s.d.) ranges. The thin black lines show the effect of the theoretical uncertainties in the signal cross section. Signal cross sections are calculated at approximately NNLO+NNLL order in ${\alpha _S}$ [136,137,138,139,140,141], assuming unity branching fraction for the indicated decay.

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Figure 13:
Exclusion limit at 95% CL for (upper left) light-flavor squark pair production, (upper right) bottom squark pair production, and (lower) top squark pair production. The area enclosed by the thick black curve represents the observed exclusion region, while the dashed red lines indicate the expected limits and their $\pm $1 and $\pm $2 standard deviation (s.d.) ranges. The thin black lines show the effect of the theoretical uncertainties in the signal cross section. The white diagonal band in the top squark pair production exclusion limit corresponds to the region $ {| m_{\tilde{\mathrm{t}}}-m_{\mathrm{t}}-m_{\tilde{\chi}^0_1} |} < $ 25 GeV and small $m_{\tilde{\chi}^0_1}$. Here the efficiency of the selection is a strong function of $m_{\tilde{\mathrm{t}}}-m_{\tilde{\chi}^0_1}$, and as a result the precise determination of the cross section upper limit is uncertain because of the finite granularity of the available MC samples in this region of the ($m_{\tilde{\mathrm{t}}}, m_{\tilde{\chi}^0_1}$) plane. In the same exclusion limit, the dashed black diagonal line corresponds to $m_{\tilde{\mathrm{t}}}=m_{\mathrm{t}}+m_{\tilde{\chi}^0_1}$. Signal cross sections are calculated at approximately NNLO+NNLL order in ${\alpha _S}$ [136,137,138,139,140,141], assuming unity branching fraction for the indicated decay.

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Figure 13-a:
Exclusion limit at 95% CL for light-flavor squark pair production. The area enclosed by the thick black curve represents the observed exclusion region, while the dashed red lines indicate the expected limits and their $\pm $1 and $\pm $2 standard deviation (s.d.) ranges. The thin black lines show the effect of the theoretical uncertainties in the signal cross section. Signal cross sections are calculated at approximately NNLO+NNLL order in ${\alpha _S}$ [136,137,138,139,140,141], assuming unity branching fraction for the indicated decay.

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Figure 13-b:
Exclusion limit at 95% CL for bottom squark pair production. The area enclosed by the thick black curve represents the observed exclusion region, while the dashed red lines indicate the expected limits and their $\pm $1 and $\pm $2 standard deviation (s.d.) ranges. The thin black lines show the effect of the theoretical uncertainties in the signal cross section. Signal cross sections are calculated at approximately NNLO+NNLL order in ${\alpha _S}$ [136,137,138,139,140,141], assuming unity branching fraction for the indicated decay.

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Figure 13-c:
Exclusion limit at 95% CL for top squark pair production. The area enclosed by the thick black curve represents the observed exclusion region, while the dashed red lines indicate the expected limits and their $\pm $1 and $\pm $2 standard deviation (s.d.) ranges. The thin black lines show the effect of the theoretical uncertainties in the signal cross section. The white diagonal band in the top squark pair production exclusion limit corresponds to the region $ {| m_{\tilde{\mathrm{t}}}-m_{\mathrm{t}}-m_{\tilde{\chi}^0_1} |} < $ 25 GeV and small $m_{\tilde{\chi}^0_1}$. Here the efficiency of the selection is a strong function of $m_{\tilde{\mathrm{t}}}-m_{\tilde{\chi}^0_1}$, and as a result the precise determination of the cross section upper limit is uncertain because of the finite granularity of the available MC samples in this region of the ($m_{\tilde{\mathrm{t}}}, m_{\tilde{\chi}^0_1}$) plane. In the same exclusion limit, the dashed black diagonal line corresponds to $m_{\tilde{\mathrm{t}}}=m_{\mathrm{t}}+m_{\tilde{\chi}^0_1}$. Signal cross sections are calculated at approximately NNLO+NNLL order in ${\alpha _S}$ [136,137,138,139,140,141], assuming unity branching fraction for the indicated decay.

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Figure 14:
Exclusion limit at 95% CL for top squark pair production for different decay modes of the top squark. (Upper left) For the scenario where ${\mathrm{p}} {\mathrm{p}} \to \tilde{\mathrm{t}} \bar{\tilde{\mathrm{t}}} \to \mathrm{b} \mathrm{\bar{b}} \tilde{\chi}^{\pm}_1 \tilde{\chi}^{\mp}_1 $, $\tilde{\chi}^{\pm}_1 \to \mathrm{W} ^{\pm} \tilde{\chi}^0_1 $, the mass of the chargino is chosen to be half way in between the masses of the top squark and the neutralino. (Upper right) A mixed-decay scenario, ${\mathrm{p}} {\mathrm{p}} \to \tilde{\mathrm{t}} \bar{\tilde{\mathrm{t}}} $ with equal branching fractions for the top squark decays $\tilde{\mathrm{t}} \to \mathrm{t} \tilde{\chi}^0_1 $ and $\tilde{\mathrm{t}} \to \mathrm{b} \tilde{\chi}^{+}_1 $, $ \tilde{\chi}^{+}_1 \to \mathrm{W} ^{*+}\tilde{\chi}^0_1 $, is also considered, with the chargino mass chosen such that $\Delta m\left (\tilde{\chi}^{\pm}_1,\tilde{\chi}^0_1 \right) = $ 5 GeV. (Lower) Finally, we also consider a compressed spectrum scenario where ${\mathrm{p}} {\mathrm{p}} \to \tilde{\mathrm{t}} \bar{\tilde{\mathrm{t}}} \to \mathrm{c} \mathrm{\bar{c}} \tilde{\chi}^0_1 \tilde{\chi}^0_1 $. In this scenario, mass ranges are considered where the $\tilde{\mathrm{t}} \to \mathrm{c} \tilde{\chi}^0_1 $ branching fraction can be significant. The area enclosed by the thick black curve represents the observed exclusion region, while the dashed red lines indicate the expected limits and their $\pm $1 and $\pm $2 standard deviation (s.d.) ranges. The thin black lines show the effect of the theoretical uncertainties in the signal cross section. Signal cross sections are calculated at approximately NNLO+NNLL order in ${\alpha _S}$ [136,137,138,139,140,141], assuming 50% branching fraction ($\mathcal {B}$) for each decay mode in the mixed-decay scenarios, or unity branching fraction for the indicated decay.

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Figure 14-a:
Exclusion limit at 95% CL for top squark pair production for different decay modes of the top squark. (Upper left) For the scenario where ${\mathrm{p}} {\mathrm{p}} \to \tilde{\mathrm{t}} \bar{\tilde{\mathrm{t}}} \to \mathrm{b} \mathrm{\bar{b}} \tilde{\chi}^{\pm}_1 \tilde{\chi}^{\mp}_1 $, $\tilde{\chi}^{\pm}_1 \to \mathrm{W} ^{\pm} \tilde{\chi}^0_1 $, the mass of the chargino is chosen to be half way in between the masses of the top squark and the neutralino. (Upper right) A mixed-decay scenario, ${\mathrm{p}} {\mathrm{p}} \to \tilde{\mathrm{t}} \bar{\tilde{\mathrm{t}}} $ with equal branching fractions for the top squark decays $\tilde{\mathrm{t}} \to \mathrm{t} \tilde{\chi}^0_1 $ and $\tilde{\mathrm{t}} \to \mathrm{b} \tilde{\chi}^{+}_1 $, $ \tilde{\chi}^{+}_1 \to \mathrm{W} ^{*+}\tilde{\chi}^0_1 $, is also considered, with the chargino mass chosen such that $\Delta m\left (\tilde{\chi}^{\pm}_1,\tilde{\chi}^0_1 \right) = $ 5 GeV. (Lower) Finally, we also consider a compressed spectrum scenario where ${\mathrm{p}} {\mathrm{p}} \to \tilde{\mathrm{t}} \bar{\tilde{\mathrm{t}}} \to \mathrm{c} \mathrm{\bar{c}} \tilde{\chi}^0_1 \tilde{\chi}^0_1 $. In this scenario, mass ranges are considered where the $\tilde{\mathrm{t}} \to \mathrm{c} \tilde{\chi}^0_1 $ branching fraction can be significant. The area enclosed by the thick black curve represents the observed exclusion region, while the dashed red lines indicate the expected limits and their $\pm $1 and $\pm $2 standard deviation (s.d.) ranges. The thin black lines show the effect of the theoretical uncertainties in the signal cross section. Signal cross sections are calculated at approximately NNLO+NNLL order in ${\alpha _S}$ [136,137,138,139,140,141], assuming 50% branching fraction ($\mathcal {B}$) for each decay mode in the mixed-decay scenarios, or unity branching fraction for the indicated decay.

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Figure 14-b:
Exclusion limit at 95% CL for top squark pair production for different decay modes of the top squark. (Upper left) For the scenario where ${\mathrm{p}} {\mathrm{p}} \to \tilde{\mathrm{t}} \bar{\tilde{\mathrm{t}}} \to \mathrm{b} \mathrm{\bar{b}} \tilde{\chi}^{\pm}_1 \tilde{\chi}^{\mp}_1 $, $\tilde{\chi}^{\pm}_1 \to \mathrm{W} ^{\pm} \tilde{\chi}^0_1 $, the mass of the chargino is chosen to be half way in between the masses of the top squark and the neutralino. (Upper right) A mixed-decay scenario, ${\mathrm{p}} {\mathrm{p}} \to \tilde{\mathrm{t}} \bar{\tilde{\mathrm{t}}} $ with equal branching fractions for the top squark decays $\tilde{\mathrm{t}} \to \mathrm{t} \tilde{\chi}^0_1 $ and $\tilde{\mathrm{t}} \to \mathrm{b} \tilde{\chi}^{+}_1 $, $ \tilde{\chi}^{+}_1 \to \mathrm{W} ^{*+}\tilde{\chi}^0_1 $, is also considered, with the chargino mass chosen such that $\Delta m\left (\tilde{\chi}^{\pm}_1,\tilde{\chi}^0_1 \right) = $ 5 GeV. (Lower) Finally, we also consider a compressed spectrum scenario where ${\mathrm{p}} {\mathrm{p}} \to \tilde{\mathrm{t}} \bar{\tilde{\mathrm{t}}} \to \mathrm{c} \mathrm{\bar{c}} \tilde{\chi}^0_1 \tilde{\chi}^0_1 $. In this scenario, mass ranges are considered where the $\tilde{\mathrm{t}} \to \mathrm{c} \tilde{\chi}^0_1 $ branching fraction can be significant. The area enclosed by the thick black curve represents the observed exclusion region, while the dashed red lines indicate the expected limits and their $\pm $1 and $\pm $2 standard deviation (s.d.) ranges. The thin black lines show the effect of the theoretical uncertainties in the signal cross section. Signal cross sections are calculated at approximately NNLO+NNLL order in ${\alpha _S}$ [136,137,138,139,140,141], assuming 50% branching fraction ($\mathcal {B}$) for each decay mode in the mixed-decay scenarios, or unity branching fraction for the indicated decay.

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Figure 14-c:
Exclusion limit at 95% CL for top squark pair production for different decay modes of the top squark. (Upper left) For the scenario where ${\mathrm{p}} {\mathrm{p}} \to \tilde{\mathrm{t}} \bar{\tilde{\mathrm{t}}} \to \mathrm{b} \mathrm{\bar{b}} \tilde{\chi}^{\pm}_1 \tilde{\chi}^{\mp}_1 $, $\tilde{\chi}^{\pm}_1 \to \mathrm{W} ^{\pm} \tilde{\chi}^0_1 $, the mass of the chargino is chosen to be half way in between the masses of the top squark and the neutralino. (Upper right) A mixed-decay scenario, ${\mathrm{p}} {\mathrm{p}} \to \tilde{\mathrm{t}} \bar{\tilde{\mathrm{t}}} $ with equal branching fractions for the top squark decays $\tilde{\mathrm{t}} \to \mathrm{t} \tilde{\chi}^0_1 $ and $\tilde{\mathrm{t}} \to \mathrm{b} \tilde{\chi}^{+}_1 $, $ \tilde{\chi}^{+}_1 \to \mathrm{W} ^{*+}\tilde{\chi}^0_1 $, is also considered, with the chargino mass chosen such that $\Delta m\left (\tilde{\chi}^{\pm}_1,\tilde{\chi}^0_1 \right) = $ 5 GeV. (Lower) Finally, we also consider a compressed spectrum scenario where ${\mathrm{p}} {\mathrm{p}} \to \tilde{\mathrm{t}} \bar{\tilde{\mathrm{t}}} \to \mathrm{c} \mathrm{\bar{c}} \tilde{\chi}^0_1 \tilde{\chi}^0_1 $. In this scenario, mass ranges are considered where the $\tilde{\mathrm{t}} \to \mathrm{c} \tilde{\chi}^0_1 $ branching fraction can be significant. The area enclosed by the thick black curve represents the observed exclusion region, while the dashed red lines indicate the expected limits and their $\pm $1 and $\pm $2 standard deviation (s.d.) ranges. The thin black lines show the effect of the theoretical uncertainties in the signal cross section. Signal cross sections are calculated at approximately NNLO+NNLL order in ${\alpha _S}$ [136,137,138,139,140,141], assuming 50% branching fraction ($\mathcal {B}$) for each decay mode in the mixed-decay scenarios, or unity branching fraction for the indicated decay.

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Figure 15:
Exclusion limit at 95% CL for the mono-$\phi $ model. We consider the mass range where such a model could be interesting based on a reinterpretation of previous analyses [35,36]. The area enclosed by the thick black curve represents the observed exclusion region, while the dashed red lines indicate the expected limits and their $\pm $1 and $\pm $2 standard deviation (s.d.) ranges. The thin black lines show the effect of the theoretical uncertainties in the signal cross section. The blue star at $\left (m_{\phi}, m_{\psi}\right)=$ (1250, 900) GeV indicates the best fit mass point reported in Refs. [35,36]. Signal cross sections are calculated at LO order in ${\alpha _S}$.

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Figure 16:
The 95% CL upper limits on the production cross sections as a function of LQ mass for LQ pair production decaying with 100% branching fraction ($\mathcal {B}$) to a neutrino and (upper left) a light quark (one of u, d, s, or c), (upper right) a bottom quark, or (lower) a top quark. The solid (dashed) black line represents the observed (median expected) exclusion. The inner green (outer yellow) band indicates the region containing 68 (95)% of the distribution of limits expected under the background-only hypothesis. The dark blue lines show the theoretical cross section for ${\mathrm {LQ}_{\mathrm {S}}}$ pair production with its uncertainty. The red (light blue) lines show the same for ${\mathrm {LQ}_{\mathrm {V}}} $ pair production assuming $\kappa = $ 1 (0). (Lower) Also shown in magenta is the product of the theoretical cross section and the square of the branching fraction ($\sigma \mathcal {B}^{2}$), for vector LQ pair production assuming $\kappa = $ 1 and a 50% branching fraction to $\mathrm{t} \nu_{\tau} $, with the remaining 50% to $\mathrm{b} \tau $. Signal cross sections are calculated at NLO (LO) in ${\alpha _S}$ for scalar (vector) LQ pair production.

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Figure 16-a:
The 95% CL upper limits on the production cross sections as a function of LQ mass for LQ pair production decaying with 100% branching fraction ($\mathcal {B}$) to a neutrino and (upper left) a light quark (one of u, d, s, or c), (upper right) a bottom quark, or (lower) a top quark. The solid (dashed) black line represents the observed (median expected) exclusion. The inner green (outer yellow) band indicates the region containing 68 (95)% of the distribution of limits expected under the background-only hypothesis. The dark blue lines show the theoretical cross section for ${\mathrm {LQ}_{\mathrm {S}}}$ pair production with its uncertainty. The red (light blue) lines show the same for ${\mathrm {LQ}_{\mathrm {V}}} $ pair production assuming $\kappa = $ 1 (0). (Lower) Also shown in magenta is the product of the theoretical cross section and the square of the branching fraction ($\sigma \mathcal {B}^{2}$), for vector LQ pair production assuming $\kappa = $ 1 and a 50% branching fraction to $\mathrm{t} \nu_{\tau} $, with the remaining 50% to $\mathrm{b} \tau $. Signal cross sections are calculated at NLO (LO) in ${\alpha _S}$ for scalar (vector) LQ pair production.

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Figure 16-b:
The 95% CL upper limits on the production cross sections as a function of LQ mass for LQ pair production decaying with 100% branching fraction ($\mathcal {B}$) to a neutrino and (upper left) a light quark (one of u, d, s, or c), (upper right) a bottom quark, or (lower) a top quark. The solid (dashed) black line represents the observed (median expected) exclusion. The inner green (outer yellow) band indicates the region containing 68 (95)% of the distribution of limits expected under the background-only hypothesis. The dark blue lines show the theoretical cross section for ${\mathrm {LQ}_{\mathrm {S}}}$ pair production with its uncertainty. The red (light blue) lines show the same for ${\mathrm {LQ}_{\mathrm {V}}} $ pair production assuming $\kappa = $ 1 (0). (Lower) Also shown in magenta is the product of the theoretical cross section and the square of the branching fraction ($\sigma \mathcal {B}^{2}$), for vector LQ pair production assuming $\kappa = $ 1 and a 50% branching fraction to $\mathrm{t} \nu_{\tau} $, with the remaining 50% to $\mathrm{b} \tau $. Signal cross sections are calculated at NLO (LO) in ${\alpha _S}$ for scalar (vector) LQ pair production.

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Figure 16-c:
The 95% CL upper limits on the production cross sections as a function of LQ mass for LQ pair production decaying with 100% branching fraction ($\mathcal {B}$) to a neutrino and (upper left) a light quark (one of u, d, s, or c), (upper right) a bottom quark, or (lower) a top quark. The solid (dashed) black line represents the observed (median expected) exclusion. The inner green (outer yellow) band indicates the region containing 68 (95)% of the distribution of limits expected under the background-only hypothesis. The dark blue lines show the theoretical cross section for ${\mathrm {LQ}_{\mathrm {S}}}$ pair production with its uncertainty. The red (light blue) lines show the same for ${\mathrm {LQ}_{\mathrm {V}}} $ pair production assuming $\kappa = $ 1 (0). (Lower) Also shown in magenta is the product of the theoretical cross section and the square of the branching fraction ($\sigma \mathcal {B}^{2}$), for vector LQ pair production assuming $\kappa = $ 1 and a 50% branching fraction to $\mathrm{t} \nu_{\tau} $, with the remaining 50% to $\mathrm{b} \tau $. Signal cross sections are calculated at NLO (LO) in ${\alpha _S}$ for scalar (vector) LQ pair production.

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Figure 17:
Exclusion limits at 95% CL for direct gluino pair production where the gluinos decay to light-flavor (u, d, s, c) quarks, with $c\tau _{0}(\tilde{\chi}^{\pm}_1) =$ (upper left) 10 cm, (upper right) 50 cm, and (lower) 200 cm. The area enclosed by the thick black curve represents the observed exclusion region, while the dashed red lines indicate the expected limits and their $\pm $1 standard deviation (s.d.) ranges. The thin black lines show the effect of the theoretical uncertainties in the signal cross section. The white band for masses of the $\tilde{\chi}^0_1$ below 91.9 GeV represents the region of the mass plane excluded at the CERN LEP [145]. Signal cross sections are calculated at approximately NNLO+NNLL order in ${\alpha _S}$ [136,137,138,139,140,141], assuming decay branching fractions ($\mathcal {B}$) as indicated in the figure.

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Figure 17-a:
Exclusion limits at 95% CL for direct gluino pair production where the gluinos decay to light-flavor (u, d, s, c) quarks, with $c\tau _{0}(\tilde{\chi}^{\pm}_1) =$ (upper left) 10 cm, (upper right) 50 cm, and (lower) 200 cm. The area enclosed by the thick black curve represents the observed exclusion region, while the dashed red lines indicate the expected limits and their $\pm $1 standard deviation (s.d.) ranges. The thin black lines show the effect of the theoretical uncertainties in the signal cross section. The white band for masses of the $\tilde{\chi}^0_1$ below 91.9 GeV represents the region of the mass plane excluded at the CERN LEP [145]. Signal cross sections are calculated at approximately NNLO+NNLL order in ${\alpha _S}$ [136,137,138,139,140,141], assuming decay branching fractions ($\mathcal {B}$) as indicated in the figure.

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Figure 17-b:
Exclusion limits at 95% CL for direct gluino pair production where the gluinos decay to light-flavor (u, d, s, c) quarks, with $c\tau _{0}(\tilde{\chi}^{\pm}_1) =$ (upper left) 10 cm, (upper right) 50 cm, and (lower) 200 cm. The area enclosed by the thick black curve represents the observed exclusion region, while the dashed red lines indicate the expected limits and their $\pm $1 standard deviation (s.d.) ranges. The thin black lines show the effect of the theoretical uncertainties in the signal cross section. The white band for masses of the $\tilde{\chi}^0_1$ below 91.9 GeV represents the region of the mass plane excluded at the CERN LEP [145]. Signal cross sections are calculated at approximately NNLO+NNLL order in ${\alpha _S}$ [136,137,138,139,140,141], assuming decay branching fractions ($\mathcal {B}$) as indicated in the figure.

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Figure 17-c:
Exclusion limits at 95% CL for direct gluino pair production where the gluinos decay to light-flavor (u, d, s, c) quarks, with $c\tau _{0}(\tilde{\chi}^{\pm}_1) =$ (upper left) 10 cm, (upper right) 50 cm, and (lower) 200 cm. The area enclosed by the thick black curve represents the observed exclusion region, while the dashed red lines indicate the expected limits and their $\pm $1 standard deviation (s.d.) ranges. The thin black lines show the effect of the theoretical uncertainties in the signal cross section. The white band for masses of the $\tilde{\chi}^0_1$ below 91.9 GeV represents the region of the mass plane excluded at the CERN LEP [145]. Signal cross sections are calculated at approximately NNLO+NNLL order in ${\alpha _S}$ [136,137,138,139,140,141], assuming decay branching fractions ($\mathcal {B}$) as indicated in the figure.

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Figure 18:
Exclusion limits at 95% CL for light squark pair production with $c\tau _{0}(\tilde{\chi}^{\pm}_1) =$ (upper left) 10 cm, (upper right) 50 cm, and (lower) 200 cm. The area enclosed by the thick black curve represents the observed exclusion region, while the dashed red lines indicate the expected limits and their $\pm $1 standard deviation (s.d.) ranges. The thin black lines show the effect of the theoretical uncertainties in the signal cross section. The white band for masses of the $\tilde{\chi}^0_1$ below 91.9 GeV represents the region of the mass plane excluded at the CERN LEP [145]. Signal cross sections are calculated at approximately NNLO+NNLL order in ${\alpha _S}$ [136,137,138,139,140,141], assuming decay branching fractions ($\mathcal {B}$) as indicated in the figure.

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Figure 18-a:
Exclusion limits at 95% CL for light squark pair production with $c\tau _{0}(\tilde{\chi}^{\pm}_1) =$ (upper left) 10 cm, (upper right) 50 cm, and (lower) 200 cm. The area enclosed by the thick black curve represents the observed exclusion region, while the dashed red lines indicate the expected limits and their $\pm $1 standard deviation (s.d.) ranges. The thin black lines show the effect of the theoretical uncertainties in the signal cross section. The white band for masses of the $\tilde{\chi}^0_1$ below 91.9 GeV represents the region of the mass plane excluded at the CERN LEP [145]. Signal cross sections are calculated at approximately NNLO+NNLL order in ${\alpha _S}$ [136,137,138,139,140,141], assuming decay branching fractions ($\mathcal {B}$) as indicated in the figure.

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Figure 18-b:
Exclusion limits at 95% CL for light squark pair production with $c\tau _{0}(\tilde{\chi}^{\pm}_1) =$ (upper left) 10 cm, (upper right) 50 cm, and (lower) 200 cm. The area enclosed by the thick black curve represents the observed exclusion region, while the dashed red lines indicate the expected limits and their $\pm $1 standard deviation (s.d.) ranges. The thin black lines show the effect of the theoretical uncertainties in the signal cross section. The white band for masses of the $\tilde{\chi}^0_1$ below 91.9 GeV represents the region of the mass plane excluded at the CERN LEP [145]. Signal cross sections are calculated at approximately NNLO+NNLL order in ${\alpha _S}$ [136,137,138,139,140,141], assuming decay branching fractions ($\mathcal {B}$) as indicated in the figure.

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Figure 18-c:
Exclusion limits at 95% CL for light squark pair production with $c\tau _{0}(\tilde{\chi}^{\pm}_1) =$ (upper left) 10 cm, (upper right) 50 cm, and (lower) 200 cm. The area enclosed by the thick black curve represents the observed exclusion region, while the dashed red lines indicate the expected limits and their $\pm $1 standard deviation (s.d.) ranges. The thin black lines show the effect of the theoretical uncertainties in the signal cross section. The white band for masses of the $\tilde{\chi}^0_1$ below 91.9 GeV represents the region of the mass plane excluded at the CERN LEP [145]. Signal cross sections are calculated at approximately NNLO+NNLL order in ${\alpha _S}$ [136,137,138,139,140,141], assuming decay branching fractions ($\mathcal {B}$) as indicated in the figure.

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Figure 19:
Exclusion limits at 95% CL for top squark pair production with $c\tau _{0}(\tilde{\chi}^{\pm}_1) =$ (upper left) 10 cm, (upper right) 50 cm, and (lower) 200 cm. The area enclosed by the thick black curve represents the observed exclusion region, while the dashed red lines indicate the expected limits and their $\pm $1 standard deviation (s.d.) ranges. The thin black lines show the effect of the theoretical uncertainties in the signal cross section. The white band for masses of the $\tilde{\chi}^0_1$ below 91.9 GeV represents the region of the mass plane excluded at the CERN LEP [145]. Signal cross sections are calculated at approximately NNLO+NNLL order in ${\alpha _S}$ [136,137,138,139,140,141], assuming decay branching fractions ($\mathcal {B}$) as indicated in the figure.

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Figure 19-a:
Exclusion limits at 95% CL for top squark pair production with $c\tau _{0}(\tilde{\chi}^{\pm}_1) =$ (upper left) 10 cm, (upper right) 50 cm, and (lower) 200 cm. The area enclosed by the thick black curve represents the observed exclusion region, while the dashed red lines indicate the expected limits and their $\pm $1 standard deviation (s.d.) ranges. The thin black lines show the effect of the theoretical uncertainties in the signal cross section. The white band for masses of the $\tilde{\chi}^0_1$ below 91.9 GeV represents the region of the mass plane excluded at the CERN LEP [145]. Signal cross sections are calculated at approximately NNLO+NNLL order in ${\alpha _S}$ [136,137,138,139,140,141], assuming decay branching fractions ($\mathcal {B}$) as indicated in the figure.

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Figure 19-b:
Exclusion limits at 95% CL for top squark pair production with $c\tau _{0}(\tilde{\chi}^{\pm}_1) =$ (upper left) 10 cm, (upper right) 50 cm, and (lower) 200 cm. The area enclosed by the thick black curve represents the observed exclusion region, while the dashed red lines indicate the expected limits and their $\pm $1 standard deviation (s.d.) ranges. The thin black lines show the effect of the theoretical uncertainties in the signal cross section. The white band for masses of the $\tilde{\chi}^0_1$ below 91.9 GeV represents the region of the mass plane excluded at the CERN LEP [145]. Signal cross sections are calculated at approximately NNLO+NNLL order in ${\alpha _S}$ [136,137,138,139,140,141], assuming decay branching fractions ($\mathcal {B}$) as indicated in the figure.

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Figure 19-c:
Exclusion limits at 95% CL for top squark pair production with $c\tau _{0}(\tilde{\chi}^{\pm}_1) =$ (upper left) 10 cm, (upper right) 50 cm, and (lower) 200 cm. The area enclosed by the thick black curve represents the observed exclusion region, while the dashed red lines indicate the expected limits and their $\pm $1 standard deviation (s.d.) ranges. The thin black lines show the effect of the theoretical uncertainties in the signal cross section. The white band for masses of the $\tilde{\chi}^0_1$ below 91.9 GeV represents the region of the mass plane excluded at the CERN LEP [145]. Signal cross sections are calculated at approximately NNLO+NNLL order in ${\alpha _S}$ [136,137,138,139,140,141], assuming decay branching fractions ($\mathcal {B}$) as indicated in the figure.

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Figure 20:
Exclusion limits at 95% CL on the $\tilde{\chi}^0_1$ mass, with $m_{\tilde{\chi}^{\pm}_1}=m_{\tilde{\chi}^0_1}+\mathcal {O}$(100 MeV), as a function of the $\tilde{\chi}^{\pm}_1$ proper decay length, for (upper) direct gluino and (lower) direct light-flavor (u, d, s, c) squark pair production, as obtained for representative gluino and squark masses. The gluinos decay to light-flavor quarks. For direct squark pair production, we assume either (lower left) one-fold or (lower right) eight-fold squark degeneracy. The area enclosed by the solid (dashed) black curve represents the observed (median expected) exclusion region, while the inner green (outer yellow) band indicates the region containing 68 (95)% of the distribution of limits expected under the background-only hypothesis. At short decay lengths, horizontal exclusion lines are obtained from the inclusive ${M_{\mathrm {T2}}}$ search, as this is not affected by track reconstruction inefficiencies, which may arise when the $\tilde{\chi}^{\pm}_1$ decays before the CMS tracker, and therefore shows better sensitivity to scenarios with very small $c\tau _{0}(\tilde{\chi}^{\pm}_1)$ compared to the disappearing track search, based on median expected limits. The horizontal dashed lines at (upper) $m_{{\mathrm{\tilde{g}}}}=m_{\tilde{\chi}^0_1}$ and (lower) $m_{\tilde{\mathrm{q}}}=m_{\tilde{\chi}^0_1}$ bound the mass range in which the decays are kinematically allowed. If all kinematically allowed $\tilde{\chi}^0_1$ masses ($m_{\tilde{\chi}^0_1} \leq m_{{\mathrm{\tilde{g}}}}$, or $m_{\tilde{\chi}^0_1} \leq m_{\tilde{\mathrm{q}}}$) are excluded, the curves, including 68 and 95% expected, tend to overlap. The band at masses of the $\tilde{\chi}^0_1$ below 91.9 GeV represents the region of the mass plane excluded at the CERN LEP [145]. Signal cross sections are calculated at approximately NNLO+NNLL order in ${\alpha _S}$ [136,137,138,139,140,141], assuming decay branching fractions ($\mathcal {B}$) as indicated in the figure.

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Figure 20-a:
Exclusion limits at 95% CL on the $\tilde{\chi}^0_1$ mass, with $m_{\tilde{\chi}^{\pm}_1}=m_{\tilde{\chi}^0_1}+\mathcal {O}$(100 MeV), as a function of the $\tilde{\chi}^{\pm}_1$ proper decay length, for (upper) direct gluino and (lower) direct light-flavor (u, d, s, c) squark pair production, as obtained for representative gluino and squark masses. The gluinos decay to light-flavor quarks. For direct squark pair production, we assume either (lower left) one-fold or (lower right) eight-fold squark degeneracy. The area enclosed by the solid (dashed) black curve represents the observed (median expected) exclusion region, while the inner green (outer yellow) band indicates the region containing 68 (95)% of the distribution of limits expected under the background-only hypothesis. At short decay lengths, horizontal exclusion lines are obtained from the inclusive ${M_{\mathrm {T2}}}$ search, as this is not affected by track reconstruction inefficiencies, which may arise when the $\tilde{\chi}^{\pm}_1$ decays before the CMS tracker, and therefore shows better sensitivity to scenarios with very small $c\tau _{0}(\tilde{\chi}^{\pm}_1)$ compared to the disappearing track search, based on median expected limits. The horizontal dashed lines at (upper) $m_{{\mathrm{\tilde{g}}}}=m_{\tilde{\chi}^0_1}$ and (lower) $m_{\tilde{\mathrm{q}}}=m_{\tilde{\chi}^0_1}$ bound the mass range in which the decays are kinematically allowed. If all kinematically allowed $\tilde{\chi}^0_1$ masses ($m_{\tilde{\chi}^0_1} \leq m_{{\mathrm{\tilde{g}}}}$, or $m_{\tilde{\chi}^0_1} \leq m_{\tilde{\mathrm{q}}}$) are excluded, the curves, including 68 and 95% expected, tend to overlap. The band at masses of the $\tilde{\chi}^0_1$ below 91.9 GeV represents the region of the mass plane excluded at the CERN LEP [145]. Signal cross sections are calculated at approximately NNLO+NNLL order in ${\alpha _S}$ [136,137,138,139,140,141], assuming decay branching fractions ($\mathcal {B}$) as indicated in the figure.

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Figure 20-b:
Exclusion limits at 95% CL on the $\tilde{\chi}^0_1$ mass, with $m_{\tilde{\chi}^{\pm}_1}=m_{\tilde{\chi}^0_1}+\mathcal {O}$(100 MeV), as a function of the $\tilde{\chi}^{\pm}_1$ proper decay length, for (upper) direct gluino and (lower) direct light-flavor (u, d, s, c) squark pair production, as obtained for representative gluino and squark masses. The gluinos decay to light-flavor quarks. For direct squark pair production, we assume either (lower left) one-fold or (lower right) eight-fold squark degeneracy. The area enclosed by the solid (dashed) black curve represents the observed (median expected) exclusion region, while the inner green (outer yellow) band indicates the region containing 68 (95)% of the distribution of limits expected under the background-only hypothesis. At short decay lengths, horizontal exclusion lines are obtained from the inclusive ${M_{\mathrm {T2}}}$ search, as this is not affected by track reconstruction inefficiencies, which may arise when the $\tilde{\chi}^{\pm}_1$ decays before the CMS tracker, and therefore shows better sensitivity to scenarios with very small $c\tau _{0}(\tilde{\chi}^{\pm}_1)$ compared to the disappearing track search, based on median expected limits. The horizontal dashed lines at (upper) $m_{{\mathrm{\tilde{g}}}}=m_{\tilde{\chi}^0_1}$ and (lower) $m_{\tilde{\mathrm{q}}}=m_{\tilde{\chi}^0_1}$ bound the mass range in which the decays are kinematically allowed. If all kinematically allowed $\tilde{\chi}^0_1$ masses ($m_{\tilde{\chi}^0_1} \leq m_{{\mathrm{\tilde{g}}}}$, or $m_{\tilde{\chi}^0_1} \leq m_{\tilde{\mathrm{q}}}$) are excluded, the curves, including 68 and 95% expected, tend to overlap. The band at masses of the $\tilde{\chi}^0_1$ below 91.9 GeV represents the region of the mass plane excluded at the CERN LEP [145]. Signal cross sections are calculated at approximately NNLO+NNLL order in ${\alpha _S}$ [136,137,138,139,140,141], assuming decay branching fractions ($\mathcal {B}$) as indicated in the figure.

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Figure 20-c:
Exclusion limits at 95% CL on the $\tilde{\chi}^0_1$ mass, with $m_{\tilde{\chi}^{\pm}_1}=m_{\tilde{\chi}^0_1}+\mathcal {O}$(100 MeV), as a function of the $\tilde{\chi}^{\pm}_1$ proper decay length, for (upper) direct gluino and (lower) direct light-flavor (u, d, s, c) squark pair production, as obtained for representative gluino and squark masses. The gluinos decay to light-flavor quarks. For direct squark pair production, we assume either (lower left) one-fold or (lower right) eight-fold squark degeneracy. The area enclosed by the solid (dashed) black curve represents the observed (median expected) exclusion region, while the inner green (outer yellow) band indicates the region containing 68 (95)% of the distribution of limits expected under the background-only hypothesis. At short decay lengths, horizontal exclusion lines are obtained from the inclusive ${M_{\mathrm {T2}}}$ search, as this is not affected by track reconstruction inefficiencies, which may arise when the $\tilde{\chi}^{\pm}_1$ decays before the CMS tracker, and therefore shows better sensitivity to scenarios with very small $c\tau _{0}(\tilde{\chi}^{\pm}_1)$ compared to the disappearing track search, based on median expected limits. The horizontal dashed lines at (upper) $m_{{\mathrm{\tilde{g}}}}=m_{\tilde{\chi}^0_1}$ and (lower) $m_{\tilde{\mathrm{q}}}=m_{\tilde{\chi}^0_1}$ bound the mass range in which the decays are kinematically allowed. If all kinematically allowed $\tilde{\chi}^0_1$ masses ($m_{\tilde{\chi}^0_1} \leq m_{{\mathrm{\tilde{g}}}}$, or $m_{\tilde{\chi}^0_1} \leq m_{\tilde{\mathrm{q}}}$) are excluded, the curves, including 68 and 95% expected, tend to overlap. The band at masses of the $\tilde{\chi}^0_1$ below 91.9 GeV represents the region of the mass plane excluded at the CERN LEP [145]. Signal cross sections are calculated at approximately NNLO+NNLL order in ${\alpha _S}$ [136,137,138,139,140,141], assuming decay branching fractions ($\mathcal {B}$) as indicated in the figure.

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Figure 21:
Exclusion limits at 95% CL on the $\tilde{\chi}^0_1$ mass, with $m_{\tilde{\chi}^{\pm}_1}=m_{\tilde{\chi}^0_1}+\mathcal {O}$(100 MeV), as a function of the $\tilde{\chi}^{\pm}_1$ proper decay length, for direct top squark pair production, as obtained for a representative top squark mass. The area enclosed by the solid (dashed) black curve represents the observed (median expected) exclusion region, while the inner green (outer yellow) band indicates the region containing 68 (95)% of the distribution of limits expected under the background-only hypothesis. At short decay lengths, horizontal exclusion lines are obtained from the inclusive ${M_{\mathrm {T2}}}$ search, as this is not affected by track reconstruction inefficiencies, which may arise when the $\tilde{\chi}^{\pm}_1$ decays before the CMS tracker, and therefore shows better sensitivity to scenarios with very small $c\tau _{0}(\tilde{\chi}^{\pm}_1)$ compared to the disappearing track search, based on median expected limits. The horizontal dashed line at $m_{\tilde{\mathrm{t}}}=m_{\tilde{\chi}^0_1}+$ 100 GeV indicates the minimum simulated mass difference between top squark and $\tilde{\chi}^0_1$, chosen such that the decay of top quarks to on-shell $\mathrm{W} $ bosons is allowed. If all kinematically allowed $\tilde{\chi}^0_1$ masses ($m_{\tilde{\chi}^0_1} \leq m_{\tilde{\mathrm{t}}}-100 GeV $) are excluded, the curves, including 68 and 95% expected, tend to overlap. The band at masses of the $\tilde{\chi}^0_1$ below 91.9 GeV represents the region of the mass plane excluded at the CERN LEP [145]. Signal cross sections are calculated at approximately NNLO+NNLL order in ${\alpha _S}$ [136,137,138,139,140,141], assuming decay branching fractions ($\mathcal {B}$) as indicated in the figure.

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Figure 22:
Exclusion limits at 95% CL on $\sigma /\sigma _{\mathrm {theory}}$ as a function of the $\tilde{\chi}^{\pm}_1$ decay length, for a choice of signal models of (upper) direct gluino pair production where the gluinos decay to light-flavor (u, d, s, c) quarks, (lower left) direct light-flavor squark pair production, and (lower right) direct top squark pair production, as obtained from the search for disappearing tracks. The area enclosed by the solid (dashed) black curve below the horizontal dashed line at $\sigma /\sigma _{\mathrm {theory}}=$ 1 represents the observed (median expected) exclusion region, while the inner green (outer yellow) band indicates the region containing 68 (95)% of the distribution of limits expected under the background-only hypothesis. Signal cross sections are calculated at approximately NNLO+NNLL order in ${\alpha _S}$ [136,137,138,139,140,141], assuming decay branching fractions ($\mathcal {B}$) as indicated in the figure.

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Figure 22-a:
Exclusion limits at 95% CL on $\sigma /\sigma _{\mathrm {theory}}$ as a function of the $\tilde{\chi}^{\pm}_1$ decay length, for a choice of signal models of (upper) direct gluino pair production where the gluinos decay to light-flavor (u, d, s, c) quarks, (lower left) direct light-flavor squark pair production, and (lower right) direct top squark pair production, as obtained from the search for disappearing tracks. The area enclosed by the solid (dashed) black curve below the horizontal dashed line at $\sigma /\sigma _{\mathrm {theory}}=$ 1 represents the observed (median expected) exclusion region, while the inner green (outer yellow) band indicates the region containing 68 (95)% of the distribution of limits expected under the background-only hypothesis. Signal cross sections are calculated at approximately NNLO+NNLL order in ${\alpha _S}$ [136,137,138,139,140,141], assuming decay branching fractions ($\mathcal {B}$) as indicated in the figure.

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Figure 22-b:
Exclusion limits at 95% CL on $\sigma /\sigma _{\mathrm {theory}}$ as a function of the $\tilde{\chi}^{\pm}_1$ decay length, for a choice of signal models of (upper) direct gluino pair production where the gluinos decay to light-flavor (u, d, s, c) quarks, (lower left) direct light-flavor squark pair production, and (lower right) direct top squark pair production, as obtained from the search for disappearing tracks. The area enclosed by the solid (dashed) black curve below the horizontal dashed line at $\sigma /\sigma _{\mathrm {theory}}=$ 1 represents the observed (median expected) exclusion region, while the inner green (outer yellow) band indicates the region containing 68 (95)% of the distribution of limits expected under the background-only hypothesis. Signal cross sections are calculated at approximately NNLO+NNLL order in ${\alpha _S}$ [136,137,138,139,140,141], assuming decay branching fractions ($\mathcal {B}$) as indicated in the figure.

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Figure 22-c:
Exclusion limits at 95% CL on $\sigma /\sigma _{\mathrm {theory}}$ as a function of the $\tilde{\chi}^{\pm}_1$ decay length, for a choice of signal models of (upper) direct gluino pair production where the gluinos decay to light-flavor (u, d, s, c) quarks, (lower left) direct light-flavor squark pair production, and (lower right) direct top squark pair production, as obtained from the search for disappearing tracks. The area enclosed by the solid (dashed) black curve below the horizontal dashed line at $\sigma /\sigma _{\mathrm {theory}}=$ 1 represents the observed (median expected) exclusion region, while the inner green (outer yellow) band indicates the region containing 68 (95)% of the distribution of limits expected under the background-only hypothesis. Signal cross sections are calculated at approximately NNLO+NNLL order in ${\alpha _S}$ [136,137,138,139,140,141], assuming decay branching fractions ($\mathcal {B}$) as indicated in the figure.

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Figure 23:
(Upper) Comparison of the estimated background and observed data events in each signal bin in the very-low-${H_{\mathrm {T}}}$ region. The hatched bands represent the full uncertainty in the background estimate. The notations j, b indicate ${N_{\mathrm {j}}}, {N_{\mathrm{b}}}$ labeling. (Lower) Same for the low-${H_{\mathrm {T}}}$ region. On the $x$ axis, the ${M_{\mathrm {T2}}}$ binning is shown in units of GeV.

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Figure 23-a:
(Upper) Comparison of the estimated background and observed data events in each signal bin in the very-low-${H_{\mathrm {T}}}$ region. The hatched bands represent the full uncertainty in the background estimate. The notations j, b indicate ${N_{\mathrm {j}}}, {N_{\mathrm{b}}}$ labeling. (Lower) Same for the low-${H_{\mathrm {T}}}$ region. On the $x$ axis, the ${M_{\mathrm {T2}}}$ binning is shown in units of GeV.

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Figure 23-b:
(Upper) Comparison of the estimated background and observed data events in each signal bin in the very-low-${H_{\mathrm {T}}}$ region. The hatched bands represent the full uncertainty in the background estimate. The notations j, b indicate ${N_{\mathrm {j}}}, {N_{\mathrm{b}}}$ labeling. (Lower) Same for the low-${H_{\mathrm {T}}}$ region. On the $x$ axis, the ${M_{\mathrm {T2}}}$ binning is shown in units of GeV.

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Figure 24:
(Upper) Comparison of the estimated background and observed data events in each signal bin in the high-${H_{\mathrm {T}}}$ region. The hatched bands represent the full uncertainty in the background estimate. The notations j, b indicate ${N_{\mathrm {j}}}$, $ {N_{\mathrm{b}}}$ labeling. (Lower) Same for the extreme-${H_{\mathrm {T}}}$ region. On the $x$ axis, the ${M_{\mathrm {T2}}}$ binning is shown in units of GeV.

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Figure 24-a:
(Upper) Comparison of the estimated background and observed data events in each signal bin in the high-${H_{\mathrm {T}}}$ region. The hatched bands represent the full uncertainty in the background estimate. The notations j, b indicate ${N_{\mathrm {j}}}$, $ {N_{\mathrm{b}}}$ labeling. (Lower) Same for the extreme-${H_{\mathrm {T}}}$ region. On the $x$ axis, the ${M_{\mathrm {T2}}}$ binning is shown in units of GeV.

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Figure 24-b:
(Upper) Comparison of the estimated background and observed data events in each signal bin in the high-${H_{\mathrm {T}}}$ region. The hatched bands represent the full uncertainty in the background estimate. The notations j, b indicate ${N_{\mathrm {j}}}$, $ {N_{\mathrm{b}}}$ labeling. (Lower) Same for the extreme-${H_{\mathrm {T}}}$ region. On the $x$ axis, the ${M_{\mathrm {T2}}}$ binning is shown in units of GeV.

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Table 1:
Summary of the trigger requirements and the kinematic offline event preselection requirements on the reconstructed physics objects, for both the inclusive ${M_{\mathrm {T2}}}$ search and the search for disappearing tracks. Here $R$ is the distance parameter of the anti-$ {k_{\mathrm {T}}}$ algorithm. To veto leptons and tracks, the transverse mass ${M_{\mathrm {T}}}$ is determined using the veto object and the ${\vec{p}_{\mathrm {T}}^{\,\text {miss}}}$. The variable $ {p_{\mathrm {T}}} ^{\text {sum}}$ is a measure of object isolation and it denotes the ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ sum of all additional PF candidates in a cone around the lepton or the track. The size of the cone is listed in the table in units of $\Delta R \equiv \sqrt {\smash [b]{(\Delta \phi)^2 + (\Delta \eta)^2}}$. The lepton (track) ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ is denoted as $ {p_{\mathrm {T}}} ^{\text {lep}}$ ($ {p_{\mathrm {T}}} ^{\text {track}}$). Further details of the lepton selection are given in Refs. [9,96]. The $i$th-highest ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ jet is denoted as $j_\mathrm {i}$.

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Table 2:
Summary of systematic uncertainties in the lost-lepton background prediction, together with their typical size ranges across the search bins.

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Table 3:
Summary of systematic uncertainties in the $\mathrm{Z} \to \nu \bar{\nu} $ background prediction, together with their typical size ranges across the search bins.

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Table 4:
Summary of systematic uncertainties in the multijet background prediction, together with their typical size ranges across the search bins.

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Table 5:
Summary of systematic uncertainties in the disappearing track background prediction, together with their typical size ranges across the search bins. The systematic uncertainties arising from the assumption of kinematic invariance of ${f_{\text {short}}}$ and from the validation of the background prediction are always taken to be at least as large as the statistical uncertainties on the measured values of ${f_{\text {short}}}$ and on the background prediction in the validation region, respectively.

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Table 6:
Definitions of super signal regions, along with predictions, observed data, and the observed 95% CL upper limits on the number of signal events contributing to each region ($N_{95}^{\mathrm {max}}$). The limits are shown as a range corresponding to an assumed uncertainty in the signal acceptance of 0 or 15% ($N_{95}^{\mathrm {max},0}$-$N_{95}^{\mathrm {max},15}$). A dash in the selection criteria means that no requirement is applied. All selection criteria as in the full analysis are applied. For regions with $ {N_{\mathrm {j}}} =$ 1, $ {H_{\mathrm {T}}} \equiv {{p_{\mathrm {T}}} ^{\text {jet}}} $. The mono-$\phi $ super signal region corresponds to the subset of analysis bins identified in Refs. [35,36] as showing a significant excess in data based on the results of Ref. [9].

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Table 7:
Systematic uncertainties in the signal yields for the simplified models of BSM physics. The large statistical uncertainties in the simulated signal sample come from a small number of bins with low acceptance, which are typically not among the most sensitive bins contributing to a given model benchmark point.

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Table 8:
Summary of the observed 95% CL exclusion limits on the masses of SUSY particles for different simplified model scenarios. The highest limits on the mass of the directly produced particles and on the mass of the $\tilde{\chi}^0_1$ are quoted.

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Table 9:
Summary of the observed 95% CL exclusion limits on the masses of LQs for the considered scenarios. The columns show scalar or vector LQ with the choice of $\kappa $, while the rows show the LQ decay channel. For mixed-decay scenarios, the assumed branching fractions ($\mathcal {B}$) are indicated.

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Table 10:
Summary of the observed 95% CL exclusion limits on the masses of SUSY particles for different simplified model scenarios, where the produced particles decay with equal probability to $\tilde{\chi}^{+}_1$, $\tilde{\chi}^{-}_1$, and $\tilde{\chi}^0_1$, and the $\tilde{\chi}^{\pm}_1$ are long lived. The highest limits on the mass of the directly produced particles and on the mass of the $\tilde{\chi}^0_1$ are quoted.

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Table 11:
Selection requirements for STs and STCs. For the subset of medium (M) length tracks that have just four tracking layers with a measurement, the minimum required number of layers of the pixel tracking detector with a measurement is three ($\dagger $). The selected tracks are required to not overlap with identified leptons. For this selection, all electrons and muons are considered, either identified as PF candidates or not. The selected tracks are as well required to not be identified as PF candidates, and to not overlap with other tracks with $ {p_{\mathrm {T}}} > $ 15 GeV, even if those tracks are not associated with PF candidates. The factor by which the selection requirement is relaxed in order to select short track candidates is also reported. If no factor is reported, the requirement is not relaxed for the selection of short track candidates.

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Table 12:
Predictions and observations for the 12 search regions with $ {N_{\mathrm {j}}} = $ 1. For each of the background predictions, the first uncertainty listed is statistical (from the limited size of data control samples and Monte Carlo samples), and the second is systematic.

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Table 13:
Predictions and observations for the 30 search regions with 250 $ \leq {H_{\mathrm {T}}} < $ 450 GeV. For each of the background predictions, the first uncertainty listed is statistical (from the limited size of data control samples and Monte Carlo samples), and the second is systematic.

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Table 14:
Predictions and observations for the 28 search regions with 450 $ \leq {H_{\mathrm {T}}} < $ 575 GeV, and 2 $\leq {N_{\mathrm {j}}} \leq $ 3, 2 $\leq {N_{\mathrm {j}}} \leq $ 6 and $ {N_{\mathrm{b}}} \geq $ 3, or 4 $ \leq {N_{\mathrm {j}}} \leq $ 6. For each of the background predictions, the first uncertainty listed is statistical (from the limited size of data control samples and Monte Carlo samples), and the second is systematic.

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Table 15:
Predictions and observations for the 12 search regions with 450 $ \leq {H_{\mathrm {T}}} < $ 575 GeV and $ {N_{\mathrm {j}}} \geq $ 7. For each of the background predictions, the first uncertainty listed is statistical (from the limited size of data control samples and Monte Carlo samples), and the second is systematic.

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Table 16:
Predictions and observations for the 21 search regions with 575 $\leq {H_{\mathrm {T}}} < $ 1200 GeV and 2 $\leq {N_{\mathrm {j}}} \leq $ 3. For each of the background predictions, the first uncertainty listed is statistical (from the limited size of data control samples and Monte Carlo samples), and the second is systematic.

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Table 17:
Predictions and observations for the 26 search regions with 575 $\leq {H_{\mathrm {T}}} < $ 1200 GeV, and 2 $\leq {N_{\mathrm {j}}} \leq $ 6 and $ {N_{\mathrm{b}}} \geq $ 3, or 4 $ \leq {N_{\mathrm {j}}} \leq $ 6. For each of the background predictions, the first uncertainty listed is statistical (from the limited size of data control samples and Monte Carlo samples), and the second is systematic.

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Table 18:
Predictions and observations for the 34 search regions with 575 $\leq {H_{\mathrm {T}}} < $ 1200 GeV, and 7 $\leq {N_{\mathrm {j}}} \leq $ 9, or $ {N_{\mathrm {j}}} \geq $ 10. For each of the background predictions, the first uncertainty listed is statistical (from the limited size of data control samples and Monte Carlo samples), and the second is systematic.

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Table 19:
Predictions and observations for the 17 search regions with 1200 $\leq {H_{\mathrm {T}}} < $ 1500 GeV and 2 $\leq {N_{\mathrm {j}}} \leq $ 3. For each of the background predictions, the first uncertainty listed is statistical (from the limited size of data control samples and Monte Carlo samples), and the second is systematic.

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Table 20:
Predictions and observations for the 20 search regions with 1200 $\leq {H_{\mathrm {T}}} < $ 1500 GeV, and 2 $\leq {N_{\mathrm {j}}} \leq $ 6 and $ {N_{\mathrm{b}}} \geq $ 3, or 4 $ \leq {N_{\mathrm {j}}} \leq $ 6. For each of the background predictions, the first uncertainty listed is statistical (from the limited size of data control samples and Monte Carlo samples), and the second is systematic.

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Table 21:
Predictions and observations for the 31 search regions with 1200 $\leq {H_{\mathrm {T}}} < $ 1500 GeV, and 7 $\leq {N_{\mathrm {j}}} \leq $ 9, or $ {N_{\mathrm {j}}} \geq $ 10. For each of the background predictions, the first uncertainty listed is statistical (from the limited size of data control samples and Monte Carlo samples), and the second is systematic.

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Table 22:
Predictions and observations for the 30 search regions with $ {H_{\mathrm {T}}} \geq $ 1500 GeV , and 2 $\leq {N_{\mathrm {j}}} \leq $ 3, 2 $\leq {N_{\mathrm {j}}} \leq $ 6 and $ {N_{\mathrm{b}}} \geq $ 3, or 4 $ \leq {N_{\mathrm {j}}} \leq $ 6. For each of the background predictions, the first uncertainty listed is statistical (from the limited size of data control samples and Monte Carlo samples), and the second is systematic.

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Table 23:
Predictions and observations for the 21 search regions with $ {H_{\mathrm {T}}} \geq $ 1500 GeV , and 7 $\leq {N_{\mathrm {j}}} \leq $ 9, or $ {N_{\mathrm {j}}} \geq $ 10. For each of the background predictions, the first uncertainty listed is statistical (from the limited size of data control samples and Monte Carlo samples), and the second is systematic.

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Table 24:
Summary of the 28 signal regions of the search for disappearing tracks, for the 2016 data set, together with the corresponding background predictions and observations. For the background predictions, the first uncertainty listed is statistical (from the limited size of control samples), and the second is systematic. The systematic uncertainty is not shown when it is negligible.

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Table 25:
Summary of the 24 signal regions of the search for disappearing tracks for pixel tracks, for the 2017-2018 data set, together with the corresponding background predictions and observations. For the background predictions, the first uncertainty listed is statistical (from the limited size of control samples), and the second is systematic. The systematic uncertainty is not shown when it is negligible.

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Table 26:
Summary of the 16 signal regions of the search for disappearing tracks for medium (M) length and long (L) tracks, for the 2017-2018 data set, together with the corresponding background predictions and observations. For the background predictions, the first uncertainty listed is statistical (from the limited size of control samples), and the second is systematic. The systematic uncertainty is not shown when it is negligible.
This paper presents the results of two related searches for phenomena beyond the standard model using events with jets and large values of the kinematic variable ${M_{\mathrm{T2}}}$. The first is an inclusive search, while the second requires in addition disappearing tracks. The measurements are based on a data sample of proton-proton collisions at $\sqrt{s} = $ 13 TeV collected in 2016-2018 with the CMS detector, and corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 137 fb$^{-1}$. No significant deviations from the standard model expectations are observed. Limits on pair-produced gluinos and squarks are established in the context of supersymmetry models conserving $R$-parity. The inclusive ${M_{\mathrm{T2}}}$ search probes gluino masses up to 2250 GeV and the lightest neutralino $\tilde{\chi}^0_1$ masses up to 1525 GeV, as well as light-flavor, bottom, and top squark masses up to 1710, 1240, and 1200 GeV, respectively, and $\tilde{\chi}^0_1$ masses up to 870, 700, and 580 GeV in each respective scenario. In models with a long-lived chargino $\tilde{\chi}^{\pm}_1$, where the gluinos and squarks decay with equal probability to $\tilde{\chi}^0_1$, $\tilde{\chi}^{+}_1$, and $\tilde{\chi}^{-}_1$, the search looking in addition for disappearing tracks probes gluino masses up to 2460 GeV and $\tilde{\chi}^0_1$ masses up to 2000 GeV, as well as light-flavor (top) squark masses up to 2090 (1660) GeV and $\tilde{\chi}^0_1$ masses up to 1650 (1210) GeV. A resonantly produced colored scalar state $\phi$ decaying to a massive Dirac fermion $\psi$ and a quark has recently been proposed as an explanation of an excess in data identified in regions with low jet multiplicities, based on previous results by the ATLAS and CMS Collaborations. From the inclusive ${M_{\mathrm{T2}}}$ search, mass limits as high as 1660 and 925 GeV are obtained for $\phi$ and $\psi$, respectively, and an upper limit on the product of the cross section and branching fraction of about 0.6 pb with a local significance of 1.1 standard deviations is observed for the previously reported best fit point $\left(m_{\phi},m_{\psi}\right)=\left(1250,900\right) $ GeV. The inclusive ${M_{\mathrm{T2}}}$ search is also used to constrain models of scalar and vector leptoquark (LQ) pair production with the LQ decaying to a neutrino and a top, bottom, or light-flavor quark. A vector LQ decaying with equal branching fraction to $\mathrm{t}\nu$ and $\mathrm{b}\tau$ has been proposed as part of an explanation of recent flavor anomalies. In such a model, LQ masses below 1550 GeV are excluded assuming the Yang-Mills case with coupling $\kappa=$ 1, or 1225 GeV in the minimal coupling case $\kappa=$ 0. The results presented in this paper extend the mass limits of the previous version of the CMS inclusive ${M_{\mathrm{T2}}}$ search, using a subset of the present data, by hundreds of GeV. In most of the cases, the results obtained are the most stringent constraints to date.
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Compact Muon Solenoid