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Search for a charged Higgs boson decaying into a heavy neutral Higgs boson and a W boson in proton-proton collisions at s= 13 TeV
Abstract: A search for a charged Higgs boson H± decaying into a heavy neutral Higgs boson H and a W boson is presented. The analysis targets the H boson decay into a pair of tau leptons with at least one of them decaying hadronically and with an additional electron or muon present in the event. The search is based on proton-proton collision data recorded by the CMS experiment during 20162018 at s= 13 TeV, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 138 fb1. The observed data are consistent with standard model expectations. Upper limits at 95% confidence level are set on the product of the cross section and branching fraction for an H± in the mass range of 300 to 700 GeV, assuming an H with a mass of 200 GeV. The observed limit ranges from 0.080 pb at 300 GeV to 0.013 pb at 700 GeV. These are the first limits on this process at the LHC.
Figures & Tables Summary References CMS Publications

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Figure 1:
LO Feynman diagrams for the production of a heavy H+ at the LHC through ppt(b)H+ in the 4FS (left) and 5FS (right).

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Figure 1-a:
LO Feynman diagrams for the production of a heavy H+ at the LHC through ppt(b)H+ in the 4FS (left) and 5FS (right).

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Figure 1-b:
LO Feynman diagrams for the production of a heavy H+ at the LHC through ppt(b)H+ in the 4FS (left) and 5FS (right).

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Figure 2:
Feynman diagrams showing the production of a heavy H+ in the 4FS, followed by the H+HW+ and Hττ decays, resulting in τh (left) and τhτh (right) final states.

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Figure 2-a:
Feynman diagrams showing the production of a heavy H+ in the 4FS, followed by the H+HW+ and Hττ decays, resulting in τh (left) and τhτh (right) final states.

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Figure 2-b:
Feynman diagrams showing the production of a heavy H+ in the 4FS, followed by the H+HW+ and Hττ decays, resulting in τh (left) and τhτh (right) final states.

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Figure 3:
Receiver operating characteristic curve of the tres tagger. The cross-, triangle-, and star-shaped markers indicate the loose, medium, and tight working points with 10, 5 and 1 background misidentification probability. The corresponding identification efficiencies are 91, 81 and 47, respectively.

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Figure 4:
Misidentification rate (left) and tres-tagging efficiency (right) in data and simulation, as a function of the tres-candidate pT for the loose working point, using the 2017 data.

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Figure 4-a:
Misidentification rate (left) and tres-tagging efficiency (right) in data and simulation, as a function of the tres-candidate pT for the loose working point, using the 2017 data.

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Figure 4-b:
Misidentification rate (left) and tres-tagging efficiency (right) in data and simulation, as a function of the tres-candidate pT for the loose working point, using the 2017 data.

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Figure 5:
Three of the BDTG input variables used for the μτh final state, assuming a signal with mass m˜H±j= 700 GeV and 2018 data-taking conditions; the azimuthal angle between the μ and pmissT objects (left), the ratio of the pT of the third leading jet and the HT (middle), and the transverse mass reconstructed from the μ, τh, j1, j2, and pmissT objects (right). Both signal and background distributions are normalized to unit area.

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Figure 5-a:
Three of the BDTG input variables used for the μτh final state, assuming a signal with mass m˜H±j= 700 GeV and 2018 data-taking conditions; the azimuthal angle between the μ and pmissT objects (left), the ratio of the pT of the third leading jet and the HT (middle), and the transverse mass reconstructed from the μ, τh, j1, j2, and pmissT objects (right). Both signal and background distributions are normalized to unit area.

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Figure 5-b:
Three of the BDTG input variables used for the μτh final state, assuming a signal with mass m˜H±j= 700 GeV and 2018 data-taking conditions; the azimuthal angle between the μ and pmissT objects (left), the ratio of the pT of the third leading jet and the HT (middle), and the transverse mass reconstructed from the μ, τh, j1, j2, and pmissT objects (right). Both signal and background distributions are normalized to unit area.

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Figure 5-c:
Three of the BDTG input variables used for the μτh final state, assuming a signal with mass m˜H±j= 700 GeV and 2018 data-taking conditions; the azimuthal angle between the μ and pmissT objects (left), the ratio of the pT of the third leading jet and the HT (middle), and the transverse mass reconstructed from the μ, τh, j1, j2, and pmissT objects (right). Both signal and background distributions are normalized to unit area.

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Figure 6:
Observed event yields (black markers) for the 18 categories considered in this analysis, grouped into data sets that are represented by vertical dashed lines. The expected event yields (stacked histograms) resulting from a background-only fit to the data are also shown, broken down into various background processes. The solid red line represents the expected signal yields from ˜H±jHW± with masses m˜H±j= 500 GeV and mH= 200 GeV, assuming σ˜H±jB(˜H±jHW±,Hττ)= 1 pb.

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Figure 7:
The MVA\ output of the BDTG for the eτh (left) and μτh (right) final states used in the limit extraction, after a background-only fit to the data. The data sets of all years and all categories have been added. The prefit contribution from ˜H±jHW± with masses m˜H±j= 500 GeV and mH= 200 GeV and σ˜H±jB(˜H±jHW±,Hττ)= 1 pb is also shown.

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Figure 7-a:
The MVA\ output of the BDTG for the eτh (left) and μτh (right) final states used in the limit extraction, after a background-only fit to the data. The data sets of all years and all categories have been added. The prefit contribution from ˜H±jHW± with masses m˜H±j= 500 GeV and mH= 200 GeV and σ˜H±jB(˜H±jHW±,Hττ)= 1 pb is also shown.

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Figure 7-b:
The MVA\ output of the BDTG for the eτh (left) and μτh (right) final states used in the limit extraction, after a background-only fit to the data. The data sets of all years and all categories have been added. The prefit contribution from ˜H±jHW± with masses m˜H±j= 500 GeV and mH= 200 GeV and σ˜H±jB(˜H±jHW±,Hττ)= 1 pb is also shown.

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Figure 8:
The mT distributions for the eτhτh (left) and μτhτh (right) final states used in the limit extraction, after a background-only fit to the data. The data sets of all years have been added. The prefit contribution from ˜H±jHW± with masses m˜H±j= 500 GeV and mH= 200 GeV and σ˜H±jB(˜H±jHW±,Hττ)= 1 pb is also shown.

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Figure 8-a:
The mT distributions for the eτhτh (left) and μτhτh (right) final states used in the limit extraction, after a background-only fit to the data. The data sets of all years have been added. The prefit contribution from ˜H±jHW± with masses m˜H±j= 500 GeV and mH= 200 GeV and σ˜H±jB(˜H±jHW±,Hττ)= 1 pb is also shown.

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Figure 8-b:
The mT distributions for the eτhτh (left) and μτhτh (right) final states used in the limit extraction, after a background-only fit to the data. The data sets of all years have been added. The prefit contribution from ˜H±jHW± with masses m˜H±j= 500 GeV and mH= 200 GeV and σ˜H±jB(˜H±jHW±,Hττ)= 1 pb is also shown.

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Figure 9:
Expected and observed upper limits at 95% CL on the product of cross section and branching fraction σ˜H±jB(˜H±jHW±,Hττ) as a function of m˜H±j and assuming mH= 200 GeV for the combination of all final states considered (left). The observed upper limits are represented by a solid black line and circle markers. The median expected limit (dashed line), 68% (inner green band), and 95% (outer yellow band) confidence intervals are also shown. The relative expected contributions of each final state to the overall combination are also presented (right). The black solid line corresponds to the combined expected limit, while the red dash-dotted, green dashed, blue dashed-dotted, and orange dashed lines represent the relative contributions from the eτh, μτh, eτhτh, and μτhτh channels, respectively.

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Figure 9-a:
Expected and observed upper limits at 95% CL on the product of cross section and branching fraction σ˜H±jB(˜H±jHW±,Hττ) as a function of m˜H±j and assuming mH= 200 GeV for the combination of all final states considered (left). The observed upper limits are represented by a solid black line and circle markers. The median expected limit (dashed line), 68% (inner green band), and 95% (outer yellow band) confidence intervals are also shown. The relative expected contributions of each final state to the overall combination are also presented (right). The black solid line corresponds to the combined expected limit, while the red dash-dotted, green dashed, blue dashed-dotted, and orange dashed lines represent the relative contributions from the eτh, μτh, eτhτh, and μτhτh channels, respectively.

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Figure 9-b:
Expected and observed upper limits at 95% CL on the product of cross section and branching fraction σ˜H±jB(˜H±jHW±,Hττ) as a function of m˜H±j and assuming mH= 200 GeV for the combination of all final states considered (left). The observed upper limits are represented by a solid black line and circle markers. The median expected limit (dashed line), 68% (inner green band), and 95% (outer yellow band) confidence intervals are also shown. The relative expected contributions of each final state to the overall combination are also presented (right). The black solid line corresponds to the combined expected limit, while the red dash-dotted, green dashed, blue dashed-dotted, and orange dashed lines represent the relative contributions from the eτh, μτh, eτhτh, and μτhτh channels, respectively.

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Table 1:
Offline selections applied to the reconstructed objects to obtain the SRs of the τh and τhτh final states. The pT, pTmiss, and ST variables are reported in units of GeV, and Q in units of e. Selection criteria that depend on the year of data taking are presented in parentheses with the order corresponding to (2016, 2017, 2018). The symbol is used to represent an electron (muon) for the eτh (μτh) final states, and a τh object in the eτhτh and μτhτh final states.

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Table 2:
Offline selections applied to the reconstructed objects to obtain the CRs and VRs for the misidentified τh estimation in the τh and τhτh final states. Only differences with respect to the corresponding SRs are shown. The pT, pTmiss, and ST variables are reported in units of GeV, and Q in units of e. The symbol is used to represent an electron (muon) for the eτh (μτh) final states, and a τh object in the eτhτh and μτhτh final states.

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Table 3:
Variables included in the training of the BDTG used for the τh final states and m˜H±j= 700 GeV, in descending order of post-training ranking. It is derived by counting how often the variables are used to split decision tree nodes, and by weighting each split occurrence by the separation gain squared it has achieved and by the number of events in the node.

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Table 4:
Summary of all sources of systematic uncertainties, for all categories considered. Their impact on the expected event yields is presented as a percentage% and is evaluated before simultaneous fitting the data for the background-only hypothesis. They describe the effect of each nuisance parameter on the overall normalization of the signal model or the total background. The quoted range represents the minimum and maximum values observed through the different samples and data eras. Nuisance parameters with a check mark (v) also affect the shape of the fit discriminant shape, while those marked with a dash (---) do not.
Results are presented from a search for a charged Higgs boson ˜H±j decaying into a heavy neutral Higgs boson H and a W boson, a first such effort carried out by an LHC experiment. Events are selected with exactly one isolated electron or muon, targeting event topologies whereby the H boson decays into a pair of tau leptons with at least one decaying hadronically. Four distinct final states are considered; eτh, μτh, eτhτh, and μτhτh. The analysis uses proton-proton collision data recorded by the CMS detector at s= 13 TeV, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 138 fb1. No significant deviation is observed from standard model expectations. Upper limits at 95% confidence level are set on the product of the ˜H±j production cross section and its branching fraction to HW± with HT. The observed limit is found to range from 0.080 to 0.013 pb for ˜H±j masses in the range of 300 to 700 GeV, assuming an H with a mass of 200 GeV.
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Compact Muon Solenoid