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Search for production of single vector-like quarks decaying to tH or tZ in the all-hadronic final state in pp collisions at $ \sqrt{s} = $ 13 TeV
Abstract: A search for electroweak production of a single vector-like quark T in association with a bottom quark (b) and decaying fully hadronically is presented. This search uses proton-proton collision data at $ \sqrt{s} = $ 13 TeV collected by the CMS experiment at the CERN LHC during 2016-2018, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 138 fb$ ^{-1} $. The T can have charge 2/3 and can decay to a top quark (t) and a Higgs or Z boson. Event kinematics and the presence of jets containing b hadrons are used to reconstruct the hadronic decays of the t and Higgs or Z boson. No discrepancy from the standard model prediction is observed in the data. For T masses from 600 to 1200 GeV, the 95% confidence level upper limits on the production cross section of a T produced in association with a b and decaying via a t and a Higgs or Z boson range from 1260 to 68 fb.
Figures & Tables Summary Additional Figures References CMS Publications

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Figure 1:
Example Feynman diagram for electroweak production of a vector-like T.

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Figure 2:
The five-jet invariant mass distribution in the 2M1L region after the high-mass (green crosses) and low-mass (black circles) selections in 2018 dataset. The low-mass selection results in a mass distribution that is smoothly falling, unlike the high-mass selection. The high-mass selection is more efficient for signal T masses above 700 GeV.

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Figure 3:
Weights from b tagging efficiency ratios (open markers) as a function of the five-jet invariant mass in 2018 data for the low-mass (upper) and high-mass (lower) selections. The left graph shows weights connecting the 2M1L and 3M regions, and the right graph shows weights connecting the 3M and 3T regions. The red line corresponds to the central value of the transfer function and the shaded area represents the 95% confidence level uncertainty band. For the low-mass (high-mass) analysis only signals with mass below (above) 800 GeV are tested, so primarily the lower (upper) part of the distribution contributes to the final result. In the tZ channel and other years, similar functions are derived.

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Figure 3-a:
Weights from b tagging efficiency ratios (open markers) as a function of the five-jet invariant mass in 2018 data for the low-mass (upper) and high-mass (lower) selections. The left graph shows weights connecting the 2M1L and 3M regions, and the right graph shows weights connecting the 3M and 3T regions. The red line corresponds to the central value of the transfer function and the shaded area represents the 95% confidence level uncertainty band. For the low-mass (high-mass) analysis only signals with mass below (above) 800 GeV are tested, so primarily the lower (upper) part of the distribution contributes to the final result. In the tZ channel and other years, similar functions are derived.

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Figure 3-b:
Weights from b tagging efficiency ratios (open markers) as a function of the five-jet invariant mass in 2018 data for the low-mass (upper) and high-mass (lower) selections. The left graph shows weights connecting the 2M1L and 3M regions, and the right graph shows weights connecting the 3M and 3T regions. The red line corresponds to the central value of the transfer function and the shaded area represents the 95% confidence level uncertainty band. For the low-mass (high-mass) analysis only signals with mass below (above) 800 GeV are tested, so primarily the lower (upper) part of the distribution contributes to the final result. In the tZ channel and other years, similar functions are derived.

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Figure 3-c:
Weights from b tagging efficiency ratios (open markers) as a function of the five-jet invariant mass in 2018 data for the low-mass (upper) and high-mass (lower) selections. The left graph shows weights connecting the 2M1L and 3M regions, and the right graph shows weights connecting the 3M and 3T regions. The red line corresponds to the central value of the transfer function and the shaded area represents the 95% confidence level uncertainty band. For the low-mass (high-mass) analysis only signals with mass below (above) 800 GeV are tested, so primarily the lower (upper) part of the distribution contributes to the final result. In the tZ channel and other years, similar functions are derived.

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Figure 3-d:
Weights from b tagging efficiency ratios (open markers) as a function of the five-jet invariant mass in 2018 data for the low-mass (upper) and high-mass (lower) selections. The left graph shows weights connecting the 2M1L and 3M regions, and the right graph shows weights connecting the 3M and 3T regions. The red line corresponds to the central value of the transfer function and the shaded area represents the 95% confidence level uncertainty band. For the low-mass (high-mass) analysis only signals with mass below (above) 800 GeV are tested, so primarily the lower (upper) part of the distribution contributes to the final result. In the tZ channel and other years, similar functions are derived.

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Figure 4:
The five-jet invariant mass distribution in the tH channel (black markers) after the high-mass selection in the multijet 3T validation region (upper left), the $ \mathrm{t} \overline{\mathrm{t}} $ 2T1L validation region (upper right) and the 3M signal region (lower) for 2018 dataset. The histograms are the corresponding reweighted 2M1L distributions. The background distribution is normalized to the number of entries in the data. The shaded area corresponds to the statistical uncertainties in the 2M1L regions. A potential 900 GeV T signal (red cross-hatched histogram) is added to the background histogram demonstrating a negligible contribution. Similar results are observed in the tZ channel, and for the other years, but with slightly larger statistical uncertainties.

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Figure 4-a:
The five-jet invariant mass distribution in the tH channel (black markers) after the high-mass selection in the multijet 3T validation region (upper left), the $ \mathrm{t} \overline{\mathrm{t}} $ 2T1L validation region (upper right) and the 3M signal region (lower) for 2018 dataset. The histograms are the corresponding reweighted 2M1L distributions. The background distribution is normalized to the number of entries in the data. The shaded area corresponds to the statistical uncertainties in the 2M1L regions. A potential 900 GeV T signal (red cross-hatched histogram) is added to the background histogram demonstrating a negligible contribution. Similar results are observed in the tZ channel, and for the other years, but with slightly larger statistical uncertainties.

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Figure 4-b:
The five-jet invariant mass distribution in the tH channel (black markers) after the high-mass selection in the multijet 3T validation region (upper left), the $ \mathrm{t} \overline{\mathrm{t}} $ 2T1L validation region (upper right) and the 3M signal region (lower) for 2018 dataset. The histograms are the corresponding reweighted 2M1L distributions. The background distribution is normalized to the number of entries in the data. The shaded area corresponds to the statistical uncertainties in the 2M1L regions. A potential 900 GeV T signal (red cross-hatched histogram) is added to the background histogram demonstrating a negligible contribution. Similar results are observed in the tZ channel, and for the other years, but with slightly larger statistical uncertainties.

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Figure 4-c:
The five-jet invariant mass distribution in the tH channel (black markers) after the high-mass selection in the multijet 3T validation region (upper left), the $ \mathrm{t} \overline{\mathrm{t}} $ 2T1L validation region (upper right) and the 3M signal region (lower) for 2018 dataset. The histograms are the corresponding reweighted 2M1L distributions. The background distribution is normalized to the number of entries in the data. The shaded area corresponds to the statistical uncertainties in the 2M1L regions. A potential 900 GeV T signal (red cross-hatched histogram) is added to the background histogram demonstrating a negligible contribution. Similar results are observed in the tZ channel, and for the other years, but with slightly larger statistical uncertainties.

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Figure 5:
Five-jet invariant mass distributions after a background-only fit (blue histogram) to the complete dataset (black markers) in the 2M1L (upper), 3M (middle), and 3T (lower) regions for low-mass (left) and the high-mass (right) selections. The dashed blue band represents the uncertainty on the fitted background estimate, and red dashed line shows the expected signal distribution for a 700 GeV (low-mass selection) and a 900 GeV (high-mass selection) T. The fit is performed on the combined data from all 3 years in the all-tH channel.

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Figure 5-a:
Five-jet invariant mass distributions after a background-only fit (blue histogram) to the complete dataset (black markers) in the 2M1L (upper), 3M (middle), and 3T (lower) regions for low-mass (left) and the high-mass (right) selections. The dashed blue band represents the uncertainty on the fitted background estimate, and red dashed line shows the expected signal distribution for a 700 GeV (low-mass selection) and a 900 GeV (high-mass selection) T. The fit is performed on the combined data from all 3 years in the all-tH channel.

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Figure 5-b:
Five-jet invariant mass distributions after a background-only fit (blue histogram) to the complete dataset (black markers) in the 2M1L (upper), 3M (middle), and 3T (lower) regions for low-mass (left) and the high-mass (right) selections. The dashed blue band represents the uncertainty on the fitted background estimate, and red dashed line shows the expected signal distribution for a 700 GeV (low-mass selection) and a 900 GeV (high-mass selection) T. The fit is performed on the combined data from all 3 years in the all-tH channel.

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Figure 5-c:
Five-jet invariant mass distributions after a background-only fit (blue histogram) to the complete dataset (black markers) in the 2M1L (upper), 3M (middle), and 3T (lower) regions for low-mass (left) and the high-mass (right) selections. The dashed blue band represents the uncertainty on the fitted background estimate, and red dashed line shows the expected signal distribution for a 700 GeV (low-mass selection) and a 900 GeV (high-mass selection) T. The fit is performed on the combined data from all 3 years in the all-tH channel.

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Figure 5-d:
Five-jet invariant mass distributions after a background-only fit (blue histogram) to the complete dataset (black markers) in the 2M1L (upper), 3M (middle), and 3T (lower) regions for low-mass (left) and the high-mass (right) selections. The dashed blue band represents the uncertainty on the fitted background estimate, and red dashed line shows the expected signal distribution for a 700 GeV (low-mass selection) and a 900 GeV (high-mass selection) T. The fit is performed on the combined data from all 3 years in the all-tH channel.

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Figure 5-e:
Five-jet invariant mass distributions after a background-only fit (blue histogram) to the complete dataset (black markers) in the 2M1L (upper), 3M (middle), and 3T (lower) regions for low-mass (left) and the high-mass (right) selections. The dashed blue band represents the uncertainty on the fitted background estimate, and red dashed line shows the expected signal distribution for a 700 GeV (low-mass selection) and a 900 GeV (high-mass selection) T. The fit is performed on the combined data from all 3 years in the all-tH channel.

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Figure 5-f:
Five-jet invariant mass distributions after a background-only fit (blue histogram) to the complete dataset (black markers) in the 2M1L (upper), 3M (middle), and 3T (lower) regions for low-mass (left) and the high-mass (right) selections. The dashed blue band represents the uncertainty on the fitted background estimate, and red dashed line shows the expected signal distribution for a 700 GeV (low-mass selection) and a 900 GeV (high-mass selection) T. The fit is performed on the combined data from all 3 years in the all-tH channel.

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Figure 6:
Observed p-values when considering the tH channel for each year and their combination. The excess observed in 2016 data is not confirmed in the other years.

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Figure 7:
The observed and expected 95% CL limits on the cross section for associated production with a b for final states $ \mathrm{t}\mathrm{H}\mathrm{b}\mathrm{q} $ (upper left), $ \mathrm{t}\mathrm{Z}\mathrm{b}\mathrm{q} $ (upper right), their sum $ \mathrm{t}\mathrm{H}\mathrm{b}\mathrm{q} $+$ \mathrm{t}\mathrm{Z}\mathrm{b}\mathrm{q} $ (lower left), and $ \mathrm{t}\mathrm{H}\mathrm{b}\mathrm{q} $+$ \mathrm{t}\mathrm{Z}\mathrm{b}\mathrm{q} $ including the leakage of tH events into the tZ channel (bottom right) for different assumed values of the T mass. The vertical dashed line represents the crossover point in sensitivity: for masses to the left, the low-mass selection is used to set limits, while for masses to the right, the high-mass selection is used to set limits. The red lines indicate the theoretical cross section for the singlet model.

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Figure 7-a:
The observed and expected 95% CL limits on the cross section for associated production with a b for final states $ \mathrm{t}\mathrm{H}\mathrm{b}\mathrm{q} $ (upper left), $ \mathrm{t}\mathrm{Z}\mathrm{b}\mathrm{q} $ (upper right), their sum $ \mathrm{t}\mathrm{H}\mathrm{b}\mathrm{q} $+$ \mathrm{t}\mathrm{Z}\mathrm{b}\mathrm{q} $ (lower left), and $ \mathrm{t}\mathrm{H}\mathrm{b}\mathrm{q} $+$ \mathrm{t}\mathrm{Z}\mathrm{b}\mathrm{q} $ including the leakage of tH events into the tZ channel (bottom right) for different assumed values of the T mass. The vertical dashed line represents the crossover point in sensitivity: for masses to the left, the low-mass selection is used to set limits, while for masses to the right, the high-mass selection is used to set limits. The red lines indicate the theoretical cross section for the singlet model.

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Figure 7-b:
The observed and expected 95% CL limits on the cross section for associated production with a b for final states $ \mathrm{t}\mathrm{H}\mathrm{b}\mathrm{q} $ (upper left), $ \mathrm{t}\mathrm{Z}\mathrm{b}\mathrm{q} $ (upper right), their sum $ \mathrm{t}\mathrm{H}\mathrm{b}\mathrm{q} $+$ \mathrm{t}\mathrm{Z}\mathrm{b}\mathrm{q} $ (lower left), and $ \mathrm{t}\mathrm{H}\mathrm{b}\mathrm{q} $+$ \mathrm{t}\mathrm{Z}\mathrm{b}\mathrm{q} $ including the leakage of tH events into the tZ channel (bottom right) for different assumed values of the T mass. The vertical dashed line represents the crossover point in sensitivity: for masses to the left, the low-mass selection is used to set limits, while for masses to the right, the high-mass selection is used to set limits. The red lines indicate the theoretical cross section for the singlet model.

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Figure 7-c:
The observed and expected 95% CL limits on the cross section for associated production with a b for final states $ \mathrm{t}\mathrm{H}\mathrm{b}\mathrm{q} $ (upper left), $ \mathrm{t}\mathrm{Z}\mathrm{b}\mathrm{q} $ (upper right), their sum $ \mathrm{t}\mathrm{H}\mathrm{b}\mathrm{q} $+$ \mathrm{t}\mathrm{Z}\mathrm{b}\mathrm{q} $ (lower left), and $ \mathrm{t}\mathrm{H}\mathrm{b}\mathrm{q} $+$ \mathrm{t}\mathrm{Z}\mathrm{b}\mathrm{q} $ including the leakage of tH events into the tZ channel (bottom right) for different assumed values of the T mass. The vertical dashed line represents the crossover point in sensitivity: for masses to the left, the low-mass selection is used to set limits, while for masses to the right, the high-mass selection is used to set limits. The red lines indicate the theoretical cross section for the singlet model.

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Figure 7-d:
The observed and expected 95% CL limits on the cross section for associated production with a b for final states $ \mathrm{t}\mathrm{H}\mathrm{b}\mathrm{q} $ (upper left), $ \mathrm{t}\mathrm{Z}\mathrm{b}\mathrm{q} $ (upper right), their sum $ \mathrm{t}\mathrm{H}\mathrm{b}\mathrm{q} $+$ \mathrm{t}\mathrm{Z}\mathrm{b}\mathrm{q} $ (lower left), and $ \mathrm{t}\mathrm{H}\mathrm{b}\mathrm{q} $+$ \mathrm{t}\mathrm{Z}\mathrm{b}\mathrm{q} $ including the leakage of tH events into the tZ channel (bottom right) for different assumed values of the T mass. The vertical dashed line represents the crossover point in sensitivity: for masses to the left, the low-mass selection is used to set limits, while for masses to the right, the high-mass selection is used to set limits. The red lines indicate the theoretical cross section for the singlet model.

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Figure 8:
Weights from b tagging efficiency ratios (open markers) as a function of the five-jet invariant mass in 2016 (upper) and 2017 (lower) data for the low-mass selection. The left graph shows weights connecting the 2M1L and 3M regions, and the right graph shows weights connecting the 3M and 3T regions. The red line corresponds to the central value of the transfer function and the shaded area represents the 95% confidence level uncertainty band. For the low-mass (high-mass) analysis only signals with mass below (above) 800 GeV are tested, so primarily the lower (upper) part of the distribution contributes to the final result. In the tZ channel, similar functions are derived.

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Figure 8-a:
Weights from b tagging efficiency ratios (open markers) as a function of the five-jet invariant mass in 2016 (upper) and 2017 (lower) data for the low-mass selection. The left graph shows weights connecting the 2M1L and 3M regions, and the right graph shows weights connecting the 3M and 3T regions. The red line corresponds to the central value of the transfer function and the shaded area represents the 95% confidence level uncertainty band. For the low-mass (high-mass) analysis only signals with mass below (above) 800 GeV are tested, so primarily the lower (upper) part of the distribution contributes to the final result. In the tZ channel, similar functions are derived.

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Figure 8-b:
Weights from b tagging efficiency ratios (open markers) as a function of the five-jet invariant mass in 2016 (upper) and 2017 (lower) data for the low-mass selection. The left graph shows weights connecting the 2M1L and 3M regions, and the right graph shows weights connecting the 3M and 3T regions. The red line corresponds to the central value of the transfer function and the shaded area represents the 95% confidence level uncertainty band. For the low-mass (high-mass) analysis only signals with mass below (above) 800 GeV are tested, so primarily the lower (upper) part of the distribution contributes to the final result. In the tZ channel, similar functions are derived.

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Figure 8-c:
Weights from b tagging efficiency ratios (open markers) as a function of the five-jet invariant mass in 2016 (upper) and 2017 (lower) data for the low-mass selection. The left graph shows weights connecting the 2M1L and 3M regions, and the right graph shows weights connecting the 3M and 3T regions. The red line corresponds to the central value of the transfer function and the shaded area represents the 95% confidence level uncertainty band. For the low-mass (high-mass) analysis only signals with mass below (above) 800 GeV are tested, so primarily the lower (upper) part of the distribution contributes to the final result. In the tZ channel, similar functions are derived.

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Figure 8-d:
Weights from b tagging efficiency ratios (open markers) as a function of the five-jet invariant mass in 2016 (upper) and 2017 (lower) data for the low-mass selection. The left graph shows weights connecting the 2M1L and 3M regions, and the right graph shows weights connecting the 3M and 3T regions. The red line corresponds to the central value of the transfer function and the shaded area represents the 95% confidence level uncertainty band. For the low-mass (high-mass) analysis only signals with mass below (above) 800 GeV are tested, so primarily the lower (upper) part of the distribution contributes to the final result. In the tZ channel, similar functions are derived.

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Figure 9:
Weights from b tagging efficiency ratios (open markers) as a function of the five-jet invariant mass in 2016 (upper) and 2017 (lower) data for the high-mass selection. The left graph shows weights connecting the 2M1L and 3M regions, and the right graph shows weights connecting the 3M and 3T regions. The red line corresponds to the central value of the transfer function and the shaded area represents the 95% confidence level uncertainty band. For the low-mass (high-mass) analysis only signals with mass below (above) 800 GeV are tested, so primarily the lower (upper) part of the distribution contributes to the final result. In the tZ channel, similar functions are derived.

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Figure 9-a:
Weights from b tagging efficiency ratios (open markers) as a function of the five-jet invariant mass in 2016 (upper) and 2017 (lower) data for the high-mass selection. The left graph shows weights connecting the 2M1L and 3M regions, and the right graph shows weights connecting the 3M and 3T regions. The red line corresponds to the central value of the transfer function and the shaded area represents the 95% confidence level uncertainty band. For the low-mass (high-mass) analysis only signals with mass below (above) 800 GeV are tested, so primarily the lower (upper) part of the distribution contributes to the final result. In the tZ channel, similar functions are derived.

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Figure 9-b:
Weights from b tagging efficiency ratios (open markers) as a function of the five-jet invariant mass in 2016 (upper) and 2017 (lower) data for the high-mass selection. The left graph shows weights connecting the 2M1L and 3M regions, and the right graph shows weights connecting the 3M and 3T regions. The red line corresponds to the central value of the transfer function and the shaded area represents the 95% confidence level uncertainty band. For the low-mass (high-mass) analysis only signals with mass below (above) 800 GeV are tested, so primarily the lower (upper) part of the distribution contributes to the final result. In the tZ channel, similar functions are derived.

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Figure 9-c:
Weights from b tagging efficiency ratios (open markers) as a function of the five-jet invariant mass in 2016 (upper) and 2017 (lower) data for the high-mass selection. The left graph shows weights connecting the 2M1L and 3M regions, and the right graph shows weights connecting the 3M and 3T regions. The red line corresponds to the central value of the transfer function and the shaded area represents the 95% confidence level uncertainty band. For the low-mass (high-mass) analysis only signals with mass below (above) 800 GeV are tested, so primarily the lower (upper) part of the distribution contributes to the final result. In the tZ channel, similar functions are derived.

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Figure 9-d:
Weights from b tagging efficiency ratios (open markers) as a function of the five-jet invariant mass in 2016 (upper) and 2017 (lower) data for the high-mass selection. The left graph shows weights connecting the 2M1L and 3M regions, and the right graph shows weights connecting the 3M and 3T regions. The red line corresponds to the central value of the transfer function and the shaded area represents the 95% confidence level uncertainty band. For the low-mass (high-mass) analysis only signals with mass below (above) 800 GeV are tested, so primarily the lower (upper) part of the distribution contributes to the final result. In the tZ channel, similar functions are derived.

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Figure 10:
Five-jet invariant mass distributions after a background-only fit (blue histogram) to the complete dataset (black markers) in the 2M1L (upper), 3M (middle), and 3T (lower) regions for the low-mass (left) and high-mass (right) selections. The dashed blue band represents the uncertainty on the fitted background estimate, and red dashed line shows the best-fit signal distribution from a 700 GeV T. The fit is performed on the combined data from all three years in the all-tH channel.

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Figure 10-a:
Five-jet invariant mass distributions after a background-only fit (blue histogram) to the complete dataset (black markers) in the 2M1L (upper), 3M (middle), and 3T (lower) regions for the low-mass (left) and high-mass (right) selections. The dashed blue band represents the uncertainty on the fitted background estimate, and red dashed line shows the best-fit signal distribution from a 700 GeV T. The fit is performed on the combined data from all three years in the all-tH channel.

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Figure 10-b:
Five-jet invariant mass distributions after a background-only fit (blue histogram) to the complete dataset (black markers) in the 2M1L (upper), 3M (middle), and 3T (lower) regions for the low-mass (left) and high-mass (right) selections. The dashed blue band represents the uncertainty on the fitted background estimate, and red dashed line shows the best-fit signal distribution from a 700 GeV T. The fit is performed on the combined data from all three years in the all-tH channel.

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Figure 10-c:
Five-jet invariant mass distributions after a background-only fit (blue histogram) to the complete dataset (black markers) in the 2M1L (upper), 3M (middle), and 3T (lower) regions for the low-mass (left) and high-mass (right) selections. The dashed blue band represents the uncertainty on the fitted background estimate, and red dashed line shows the best-fit signal distribution from a 700 GeV T. The fit is performed on the combined data from all three years in the all-tH channel.

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Figure 10-d:
Five-jet invariant mass distributions after a background-only fit (blue histogram) to the complete dataset (black markers) in the 2M1L (upper), 3M (middle), and 3T (lower) regions for the low-mass (left) and high-mass (right) selections. The dashed blue band represents the uncertainty on the fitted background estimate, and red dashed line shows the best-fit signal distribution from a 700 GeV T. The fit is performed on the combined data from all three years in the all-tH channel.

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Figure 10-e:
Five-jet invariant mass distributions after a background-only fit (blue histogram) to the complete dataset (black markers) in the 2M1L (upper), 3M (middle), and 3T (lower) regions for the low-mass (left) and high-mass (right) selections. The dashed blue band represents the uncertainty on the fitted background estimate, and red dashed line shows the best-fit signal distribution from a 700 GeV T. The fit is performed on the combined data from all three years in the all-tH channel.

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Figure 10-f:
Five-jet invariant mass distributions after a background-only fit (blue histogram) to the complete dataset (black markers) in the 2M1L (upper), 3M (middle), and 3T (lower) regions for the low-mass (left) and high-mass (right) selections. The dashed blue band represents the uncertainty on the fitted background estimate, and red dashed line shows the best-fit signal distribution from a 700 GeV T. The fit is performed on the combined data from all three years in the all-tH channel.

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Figure 11:
Five-jet invariant mass distributions after a background-only fit (blue histogram) to the 2016 dataset (black markers) in the (top) 2M1L, (middle) 3M, and (bottom) 3T regions for low-mass (left) and the high-mass (right) selections. The dashed blue band represents the uncertainty on the fitted background estimate, and red dashed line shows the best-fit signal distribution from a 700 GeV T. The fit is performed on the combined data from all three years in the all-tH channel. The dashed vertical line denotes the division between the low-mass and high-mass selections.

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Figure 11-a:
Five-jet invariant mass distributions after a background-only fit (blue histogram) to the 2016 dataset (black markers) in the (top) 2M1L, (middle) 3M, and (bottom) 3T regions for low-mass (left) and the high-mass (right) selections. The dashed blue band represents the uncertainty on the fitted background estimate, and red dashed line shows the best-fit signal distribution from a 700 GeV T. The fit is performed on the combined data from all three years in the all-tH channel. The dashed vertical line denotes the division between the low-mass and high-mass selections.

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Figure 11-b:
Five-jet invariant mass distributions after a background-only fit (blue histogram) to the 2016 dataset (black markers) in the (top) 2M1L, (middle) 3M, and (bottom) 3T regions for low-mass (left) and the high-mass (right) selections. The dashed blue band represents the uncertainty on the fitted background estimate, and red dashed line shows the best-fit signal distribution from a 700 GeV T. The fit is performed on the combined data from all three years in the all-tH channel. The dashed vertical line denotes the division between the low-mass and high-mass selections.

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Figure 11-c:
Five-jet invariant mass distributions after a background-only fit (blue histogram) to the 2016 dataset (black markers) in the (top) 2M1L, (middle) 3M, and (bottom) 3T regions for low-mass (left) and the high-mass (right) selections. The dashed blue band represents the uncertainty on the fitted background estimate, and red dashed line shows the best-fit signal distribution from a 700 GeV T. The fit is performed on the combined data from all three years in the all-tH channel. The dashed vertical line denotes the division between the low-mass and high-mass selections.

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Figure 11-d:
Five-jet invariant mass distributions after a background-only fit (blue histogram) to the 2016 dataset (black markers) in the (top) 2M1L, (middle) 3M, and (bottom) 3T regions for low-mass (left) and the high-mass (right) selections. The dashed blue band represents the uncertainty on the fitted background estimate, and red dashed line shows the best-fit signal distribution from a 700 GeV T. The fit is performed on the combined data from all three years in the all-tH channel. The dashed vertical line denotes the division between the low-mass and high-mass selections.

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Figure 11-e:
Five-jet invariant mass distributions after a background-only fit (blue histogram) to the 2016 dataset (black markers) in the (top) 2M1L, (middle) 3M, and (bottom) 3T regions for low-mass (left) and the high-mass (right) selections. The dashed blue band represents the uncertainty on the fitted background estimate, and red dashed line shows the best-fit signal distribution from a 700 GeV T. The fit is performed on the combined data from all three years in the all-tH channel. The dashed vertical line denotes the division between the low-mass and high-mass selections.

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Figure 11-f:
Five-jet invariant mass distributions after a background-only fit (blue histogram) to the 2016 dataset (black markers) in the (top) 2M1L, (middle) 3M, and (bottom) 3T regions for low-mass (left) and the high-mass (right) selections. The dashed blue band represents the uncertainty on the fitted background estimate, and red dashed line shows the best-fit signal distribution from a 700 GeV T. The fit is performed on the combined data from all three years in the all-tH channel. The dashed vertical line denotes the division between the low-mass and high-mass selections.

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Figure 12:
Five-jet invariant mass distributions after a background-only fit (blue histogram) to the 2017 dataset (black markers) in the 2M1L (upper), 3M (middle), and 3T (lower) regions for the low-mass (left) and high-mass (right) selections. The dashed blue band represents the uncertainty on the fitted background estimate, and red dashed line shows the best-fit signal distribution from a 700 GeV T. The fit is performed on the combined data from all three years in the all-tH channel. The dashed vertical line denotes the division between the low-mass and high-mass selections.

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Figure 12-a:
Five-jet invariant mass distributions after a background-only fit (blue histogram) to the 2017 dataset (black markers) in the 2M1L (upper), 3M (middle), and 3T (lower) regions for the low-mass (left) and high-mass (right) selections. The dashed blue band represents the uncertainty on the fitted background estimate, and red dashed line shows the best-fit signal distribution from a 700 GeV T. The fit is performed on the combined data from all three years in the all-tH channel. The dashed vertical line denotes the division between the low-mass and high-mass selections.

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Figure 12-b:
Five-jet invariant mass distributions after a background-only fit (blue histogram) to the 2017 dataset (black markers) in the 2M1L (upper), 3M (middle), and 3T (lower) regions for the low-mass (left) and high-mass (right) selections. The dashed blue band represents the uncertainty on the fitted background estimate, and red dashed line shows the best-fit signal distribution from a 700 GeV T. The fit is performed on the combined data from all three years in the all-tH channel. The dashed vertical line denotes the division between the low-mass and high-mass selections.

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Figure 12-c:
Five-jet invariant mass distributions after a background-only fit (blue histogram) to the 2017 dataset (black markers) in the 2M1L (upper), 3M (middle), and 3T (lower) regions for the low-mass (left) and high-mass (right) selections. The dashed blue band represents the uncertainty on the fitted background estimate, and red dashed line shows the best-fit signal distribution from a 700 GeV T. The fit is performed on the combined data from all three years in the all-tH channel. The dashed vertical line denotes the division between the low-mass and high-mass selections.

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Figure 12-d:
Five-jet invariant mass distributions after a background-only fit (blue histogram) to the 2017 dataset (black markers) in the 2M1L (upper), 3M (middle), and 3T (lower) regions for the low-mass (left) and high-mass (right) selections. The dashed blue band represents the uncertainty on the fitted background estimate, and red dashed line shows the best-fit signal distribution from a 700 GeV T. The fit is performed on the combined data from all three years in the all-tH channel. The dashed vertical line denotes the division between the low-mass and high-mass selections.

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Figure 12-e:
Five-jet invariant mass distributions after a background-only fit (blue histogram) to the 2017 dataset (black markers) in the 2M1L (upper), 3M (middle), and 3T (lower) regions for the low-mass (left) and high-mass (right) selections. The dashed blue band represents the uncertainty on the fitted background estimate, and red dashed line shows the best-fit signal distribution from a 700 GeV T. The fit is performed on the combined data from all three years in the all-tH channel. The dashed vertical line denotes the division between the low-mass and high-mass selections.

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Figure 12-f:
Five-jet invariant mass distributions after a background-only fit (blue histogram) to the 2017 dataset (black markers) in the 2M1L (upper), 3M (middle), and 3T (lower) regions for the low-mass (left) and high-mass (right) selections. The dashed blue band represents the uncertainty on the fitted background estimate, and red dashed line shows the best-fit signal distribution from a 700 GeV T. The fit is performed on the combined data from all three years in the all-tH channel. The dashed vertical line denotes the division between the low-mass and high-mass selections.

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Figure 13:
Five-jet invariant mass distributions after a background-only fit (blue histogram) to the 2018 dataset (black markers) in the (top) 2M1L, (middle) 3M, and (bottom) 3T regions for the low-mass (left) and high-mass (right) selections. The dashed blue band represents the uncertainty on the fitted background estimate, and red dashed line shows the best-fit signal distribution from a 700 GeV T. The fit is performed on the combined data from all three years in the all-tH channel. The dashed vertical line denotes the division between the low-mass and high-mass selections.

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Figure 13-a:
Five-jet invariant mass distributions after a background-only fit (blue histogram) to the 2018 dataset (black markers) in the (top) 2M1L, (middle) 3M, and (bottom) 3T regions for the low-mass (left) and high-mass (right) selections. The dashed blue band represents the uncertainty on the fitted background estimate, and red dashed line shows the best-fit signal distribution from a 700 GeV T. The fit is performed on the combined data from all three years in the all-tH channel. The dashed vertical line denotes the division between the low-mass and high-mass selections.

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Figure 13-b:
Five-jet invariant mass distributions after a background-only fit (blue histogram) to the 2018 dataset (black markers) in the (top) 2M1L, (middle) 3M, and (bottom) 3T regions for the low-mass (left) and high-mass (right) selections. The dashed blue band represents the uncertainty on the fitted background estimate, and red dashed line shows the best-fit signal distribution from a 700 GeV T. The fit is performed on the combined data from all three years in the all-tH channel. The dashed vertical line denotes the division between the low-mass and high-mass selections.

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Figure 13-c:
Five-jet invariant mass distributions after a background-only fit (blue histogram) to the 2018 dataset (black markers) in the (top) 2M1L, (middle) 3M, and (bottom) 3T regions for the low-mass (left) and high-mass (right) selections. The dashed blue band represents the uncertainty on the fitted background estimate, and red dashed line shows the best-fit signal distribution from a 700 GeV T. The fit is performed on the combined data from all three years in the all-tH channel. The dashed vertical line denotes the division between the low-mass and high-mass selections.

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Figure 13-d:
Five-jet invariant mass distributions after a background-only fit (blue histogram) to the 2018 dataset (black markers) in the (top) 2M1L, (middle) 3M, and (bottom) 3T regions for the low-mass (left) and high-mass (right) selections. The dashed blue band represents the uncertainty on the fitted background estimate, and red dashed line shows the best-fit signal distribution from a 700 GeV T. The fit is performed on the combined data from all three years in the all-tH channel. The dashed vertical line denotes the division between the low-mass and high-mass selections.

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Figure 13-e:
Five-jet invariant mass distributions after a background-only fit (blue histogram) to the 2018 dataset (black markers) in the (top) 2M1L, (middle) 3M, and (bottom) 3T regions for the low-mass (left) and high-mass (right) selections. The dashed blue band represents the uncertainty on the fitted background estimate, and red dashed line shows the best-fit signal distribution from a 700 GeV T. The fit is performed on the combined data from all three years in the all-tH channel. The dashed vertical line denotes the division between the low-mass and high-mass selections.

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Figure 13-f:
Five-jet invariant mass distributions after a background-only fit (blue histogram) to the 2018 dataset (black markers) in the (top) 2M1L, (middle) 3M, and (bottom) 3T regions for the low-mass (left) and high-mass (right) selections. The dashed blue band represents the uncertainty on the fitted background estimate, and red dashed line shows the best-fit signal distribution from a 700 GeV T. The fit is performed on the combined data from all three years in the all-tH channel. The dashed vertical line denotes the division between the low-mass and high-mass selections.

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Figure 14:
Five-jet invariant mass distributions after a background-only fit (blue histogram) to the 2016 dataset (black markers) in the 2M1L (lower), 3M (middle), and 3T (upper) regions for low-mass selection (left) and the high-mass selection (right). The dashed blue band represents the uncertainty on the fitted background estimate, and red dashed line shows the best-fit signal distribution from a 700 GeV T. The fit is performed on the combined data from all three years in the all-tH channel.

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Figure 14-a:
Five-jet invariant mass distributions after a background-only fit (blue histogram) to the 2016 dataset (black markers) in the 2M1L (lower), 3M (middle), and 3T (upper) regions for low-mass selection (left) and the high-mass selection (right). The dashed blue band represents the uncertainty on the fitted background estimate, and red dashed line shows the best-fit signal distribution from a 700 GeV T. The fit is performed on the combined data from all three years in the all-tH channel.

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Figure 14-b:
Five-jet invariant mass distributions after a background-only fit (blue histogram) to the 2016 dataset (black markers) in the 2M1L (lower), 3M (middle), and 3T (upper) regions for low-mass selection (left) and the high-mass selection (right). The dashed blue band represents the uncertainty on the fitted background estimate, and red dashed line shows the best-fit signal distribution from a 700 GeV T. The fit is performed on the combined data from all three years in the all-tH channel.

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Figure 14-c:
Five-jet invariant mass distributions after a background-only fit (blue histogram) to the 2016 dataset (black markers) in the 2M1L (lower), 3M (middle), and 3T (upper) regions for low-mass selection (left) and the high-mass selection (right). The dashed blue band represents the uncertainty on the fitted background estimate, and red dashed line shows the best-fit signal distribution from a 700 GeV T. The fit is performed on the combined data from all three years in the all-tH channel.

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Figure 14-d:
Five-jet invariant mass distributions after a background-only fit (blue histogram) to the 2016 dataset (black markers) in the 2M1L (lower), 3M (middle), and 3T (upper) regions for low-mass selection (left) and the high-mass selection (right). The dashed blue band represents the uncertainty on the fitted background estimate, and red dashed line shows the best-fit signal distribution from a 700 GeV T. The fit is performed on the combined data from all three years in the all-tH channel.

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Figure 14-e:
Five-jet invariant mass distributions after a background-only fit (blue histogram) to the 2016 dataset (black markers) in the 2M1L (lower), 3M (middle), and 3T (upper) regions for low-mass selection (left) and the high-mass selection (right). The dashed blue band represents the uncertainty on the fitted background estimate, and red dashed line shows the best-fit signal distribution from a 700 GeV T. The fit is performed on the combined data from all three years in the all-tH channel.

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Figure 14-f:
Five-jet invariant mass distributions after a background-only fit (blue histogram) to the 2016 dataset (black markers) in the 2M1L (lower), 3M (middle), and 3T (upper) regions for low-mass selection (left) and the high-mass selection (right). The dashed blue band represents the uncertainty on the fitted background estimate, and red dashed line shows the best-fit signal distribution from a 700 GeV T. The fit is performed on the combined data from all three years in the all-tH channel.

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Figure 15:
Five-jet invariant mass distributions after a background-only fit (blue histogram) to the 2017 dataset (black markers) in the 2M1L (lower), 3M (middle), and 3T (upper) regions for low-mass (left) and the high-mass (right) selections. The dashed blue band represents the uncertainty on the fitted background estimate, and red dashed line shows the best-fit signal distribution from a 700 GeV T. The fit is performed on the combined data from all three years in the all-tH channel.

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Figure 15-a:
Five-jet invariant mass distributions after a background-only fit (blue histogram) to the 2017 dataset (black markers) in the 2M1L (lower), 3M (middle), and 3T (upper) regions for low-mass (left) and the high-mass (right) selections. The dashed blue band represents the uncertainty on the fitted background estimate, and red dashed line shows the best-fit signal distribution from a 700 GeV T. The fit is performed on the combined data from all three years in the all-tH channel.

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Figure 15-b:
Five-jet invariant mass distributions after a background-only fit (blue histogram) to the 2017 dataset (black markers) in the 2M1L (lower), 3M (middle), and 3T (upper) regions for low-mass (left) and the high-mass (right) selections. The dashed blue band represents the uncertainty on the fitted background estimate, and red dashed line shows the best-fit signal distribution from a 700 GeV T. The fit is performed on the combined data from all three years in the all-tH channel.

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Figure 15-c:
Five-jet invariant mass distributions after a background-only fit (blue histogram) to the 2017 dataset (black markers) in the 2M1L (lower), 3M (middle), and 3T (upper) regions for low-mass (left) and the high-mass (right) selections. The dashed blue band represents the uncertainty on the fitted background estimate, and red dashed line shows the best-fit signal distribution from a 700 GeV T. The fit is performed on the combined data from all three years in the all-tH channel.

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Figure 15-d:
Five-jet invariant mass distributions after a background-only fit (blue histogram) to the 2017 dataset (black markers) in the 2M1L (lower), 3M (middle), and 3T (upper) regions for low-mass (left) and the high-mass (right) selections. The dashed blue band represents the uncertainty on the fitted background estimate, and red dashed line shows the best-fit signal distribution from a 700 GeV T. The fit is performed on the combined data from all three years in the all-tH channel.

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Figure 15-e:
Five-jet invariant mass distributions after a background-only fit (blue histogram) to the 2017 dataset (black markers) in the 2M1L (lower), 3M (middle), and 3T (upper) regions for low-mass (left) and the high-mass (right) selections. The dashed blue band represents the uncertainty on the fitted background estimate, and red dashed line shows the best-fit signal distribution from a 700 GeV T. The fit is performed on the combined data from all three years in the all-tH channel.

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Figure 15-f:
Five-jet invariant mass distributions after a background-only fit (blue histogram) to the 2017 dataset (black markers) in the 2M1L (lower), 3M (middle), and 3T (upper) regions for low-mass (left) and the high-mass (right) selections. The dashed blue band represents the uncertainty on the fitted background estimate, and red dashed line shows the best-fit signal distribution from a 700 GeV T. The fit is performed on the combined data from all three years in the all-tH channel.

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Figure 16:
Five-jet invariant mass distributions after a background-only fit (blue histogram) to the 2018 dataset (black markers) in the 2M1L (upper), 3M (middle), and 3T (lower) regions for low-mass (left) and the high-mass (right) selections. The dashed blue band represents the uncertainty on the fitted background estimate, and red dashed line shows the best-fit signal distribution from a 700 GeV T. The fit is performed on the combined data from all three years in the all-tH channel.

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Figure 16-a:
Five-jet invariant mass distributions after a background-only fit (blue histogram) to the 2018 dataset (black markers) in the 2M1L (upper), 3M (middle), and 3T (lower) regions for low-mass (left) and the high-mass (right) selections. The dashed blue band represents the uncertainty on the fitted background estimate, and red dashed line shows the best-fit signal distribution from a 700 GeV T. The fit is performed on the combined data from all three years in the all-tH channel.

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Figure 16-b:
Five-jet invariant mass distributions after a background-only fit (blue histogram) to the 2018 dataset (black markers) in the 2M1L (upper), 3M (middle), and 3T (lower) regions for low-mass (left) and the high-mass (right) selections. The dashed blue band represents the uncertainty on the fitted background estimate, and red dashed line shows the best-fit signal distribution from a 700 GeV T. The fit is performed on the combined data from all three years in the all-tH channel.

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Figure 16-c:
Five-jet invariant mass distributions after a background-only fit (blue histogram) to the 2018 dataset (black markers) in the 2M1L (upper), 3M (middle), and 3T (lower) regions for low-mass (left) and the high-mass (right) selections. The dashed blue band represents the uncertainty on the fitted background estimate, and red dashed line shows the best-fit signal distribution from a 700 GeV T. The fit is performed on the combined data from all three years in the all-tH channel.

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Figure 16-d:
Five-jet invariant mass distributions after a background-only fit (blue histogram) to the 2018 dataset (black markers) in the 2M1L (upper), 3M (middle), and 3T (lower) regions for low-mass (left) and the high-mass (right) selections. The dashed blue band represents the uncertainty on the fitted background estimate, and red dashed line shows the best-fit signal distribution from a 700 GeV T. The fit is performed on the combined data from all three years in the all-tH channel.

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Figure 16-e:
Five-jet invariant mass distributions after a background-only fit (blue histogram) to the 2018 dataset (black markers) in the 2M1L (upper), 3M (middle), and 3T (lower) regions for low-mass (left) and the high-mass (right) selections. The dashed blue band represents the uncertainty on the fitted background estimate, and red dashed line shows the best-fit signal distribution from a 700 GeV T. The fit is performed on the combined data from all three years in the all-tH channel.

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Figure 16-f:
Five-jet invariant mass distributions after a background-only fit (blue histogram) to the 2018 dataset (black markers) in the 2M1L (upper), 3M (middle), and 3T (lower) regions for low-mass (left) and the high-mass (right) selections. The dashed blue band represents the uncertainty on the fitted background estimate, and red dashed line shows the best-fit signal distribution from a 700 GeV T. The fit is performed on the combined data from all three years in the all-tH channel.

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Figure 17:
Five-jet invariant mass distributions after a background-only fit (blue histogram) to the complete dataset (black markers) in the 2M1L (upper), 3M (middle), and 3T (lower) regions for low-mass (left) and the high-mass (right) selections. The dashed blue band represents the uncertainty on the fitted background estimate, and red dashed line shows the expected signal distribution for a 700 GeV (low-mass selection) and a 900 GeV (high-mass selection) T. The tZ channel is shown when the fit is performed on the combined data from all three years in the tZ and tH channels.

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Figure 17-a:
Five-jet invariant mass distributions after a background-only fit (blue histogram) to the complete dataset (black markers) in the 2M1L (upper), 3M (middle), and 3T (lower) regions for low-mass (left) and the high-mass (right) selections. The dashed blue band represents the uncertainty on the fitted background estimate, and red dashed line shows the expected signal distribution for a 700 GeV (low-mass selection) and a 900 GeV (high-mass selection) T. The tZ channel is shown when the fit is performed on the combined data from all three years in the tZ and tH channels.

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Figure 17-b:
Five-jet invariant mass distributions after a background-only fit (blue histogram) to the complete dataset (black markers) in the 2M1L (upper), 3M (middle), and 3T (lower) regions for low-mass (left) and the high-mass (right) selections. The dashed blue band represents the uncertainty on the fitted background estimate, and red dashed line shows the expected signal distribution for a 700 GeV (low-mass selection) and a 900 GeV (high-mass selection) T. The tZ channel is shown when the fit is performed on the combined data from all three years in the tZ and tH channels.

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Figure 17-c:
Five-jet invariant mass distributions after a background-only fit (blue histogram) to the complete dataset (black markers) in the 2M1L (upper), 3M (middle), and 3T (lower) regions for low-mass (left) and the high-mass (right) selections. The dashed blue band represents the uncertainty on the fitted background estimate, and red dashed line shows the expected signal distribution for a 700 GeV (low-mass selection) and a 900 GeV (high-mass selection) T. The tZ channel is shown when the fit is performed on the combined data from all three years in the tZ and tH channels.

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Figure 17-d:
Five-jet invariant mass distributions after a background-only fit (blue histogram) to the complete dataset (black markers) in the 2M1L (upper), 3M (middle), and 3T (lower) regions for low-mass (left) and the high-mass (right) selections. The dashed blue band represents the uncertainty on the fitted background estimate, and red dashed line shows the expected signal distribution for a 700 GeV (low-mass selection) and a 900 GeV (high-mass selection) T. The tZ channel is shown when the fit is performed on the combined data from all three years in the tZ and tH channels.

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Figure 17-e:
Five-jet invariant mass distributions after a background-only fit (blue histogram) to the complete dataset (black markers) in the 2M1L (upper), 3M (middle), and 3T (lower) regions for low-mass (left) and the high-mass (right) selections. The dashed blue band represents the uncertainty on the fitted background estimate, and red dashed line shows the expected signal distribution for a 700 GeV (low-mass selection) and a 900 GeV (high-mass selection) T. The tZ channel is shown when the fit is performed on the combined data from all three years in the tZ and tH channels.

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Figure 17-f:
Five-jet invariant mass distributions after a background-only fit (blue histogram) to the complete dataset (black markers) in the 2M1L (upper), 3M (middle), and 3T (lower) regions for low-mass (left) and the high-mass (right) selections. The dashed blue band represents the uncertainty on the fitted background estimate, and red dashed line shows the expected signal distribution for a 700 GeV (low-mass selection) and a 900 GeV (high-mass selection) T. The tZ channel is shown when the fit is performed on the combined data from all three years in the tZ and tH channels.

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Figure 18:
The observed and expected 95% CL limits on the cross section for associated production with a b for final states $ \mathrm{t}\mathrm{H}\mathrm{b}\mathrm{q} $ (upper left), $ \mathrm{t}\mathrm{Z}\mathrm{b}\mathrm{q} $ (upper right), their sum $ \mathrm{t}\mathrm{H}\mathrm{b}\mathrm{q} $+$ \mathrm{t}\mathrm{Z}\mathrm{b}\mathrm{q} $ (lower left), and $ \mathrm{t}\mathrm{H}\mathrm{b}\mathrm{q} $+$ \mathrm{t}\mathrm{Z}\mathrm{b}\mathrm{q} $ including the leakage of tH events into the tZ channel (bottom right) for different assumed values of the T mass in logarithmic scale. The vertical dashed line represents the crossover point in sensitivity: for masses to the left, the low-mass selection is used to set limits, while for masses to the right, the high-mass selection is used to set limits. The red lines indicate the theoretical cross section for the singlet model.

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Figure 18-a:
The observed and expected 95% CL limits on the cross section for associated production with a b for final states $ \mathrm{t}\mathrm{H}\mathrm{b}\mathrm{q} $ (upper left), $ \mathrm{t}\mathrm{Z}\mathrm{b}\mathrm{q} $ (upper right), their sum $ \mathrm{t}\mathrm{H}\mathrm{b}\mathrm{q} $+$ \mathrm{t}\mathrm{Z}\mathrm{b}\mathrm{q} $ (lower left), and $ \mathrm{t}\mathrm{H}\mathrm{b}\mathrm{q} $+$ \mathrm{t}\mathrm{Z}\mathrm{b}\mathrm{q} $ including the leakage of tH events into the tZ channel (bottom right) for different assumed values of the T mass in logarithmic scale. The vertical dashed line represents the crossover point in sensitivity: for masses to the left, the low-mass selection is used to set limits, while for masses to the right, the high-mass selection is used to set limits. The red lines indicate the theoretical cross section for the singlet model.

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Figure 18-b:
The observed and expected 95% CL limits on the cross section for associated production with a b for final states $ \mathrm{t}\mathrm{H}\mathrm{b}\mathrm{q} $ (upper left), $ \mathrm{t}\mathrm{Z}\mathrm{b}\mathrm{q} $ (upper right), their sum $ \mathrm{t}\mathrm{H}\mathrm{b}\mathrm{q} $+$ \mathrm{t}\mathrm{Z}\mathrm{b}\mathrm{q} $ (lower left), and $ \mathrm{t}\mathrm{H}\mathrm{b}\mathrm{q} $+$ \mathrm{t}\mathrm{Z}\mathrm{b}\mathrm{q} $ including the leakage of tH events into the tZ channel (bottom right) for different assumed values of the T mass in logarithmic scale. The vertical dashed line represents the crossover point in sensitivity: for masses to the left, the low-mass selection is used to set limits, while for masses to the right, the high-mass selection is used to set limits. The red lines indicate the theoretical cross section for the singlet model.

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Figure 18-c:
The observed and expected 95% CL limits on the cross section for associated production with a b for final states $ \mathrm{t}\mathrm{H}\mathrm{b}\mathrm{q} $ (upper left), $ \mathrm{t}\mathrm{Z}\mathrm{b}\mathrm{q} $ (upper right), their sum $ \mathrm{t}\mathrm{H}\mathrm{b}\mathrm{q} $+$ \mathrm{t}\mathrm{Z}\mathrm{b}\mathrm{q} $ (lower left), and $ \mathrm{t}\mathrm{H}\mathrm{b}\mathrm{q} $+$ \mathrm{t}\mathrm{Z}\mathrm{b}\mathrm{q} $ including the leakage of tH events into the tZ channel (bottom right) for different assumed values of the T mass in logarithmic scale. The vertical dashed line represents the crossover point in sensitivity: for masses to the left, the low-mass selection is used to set limits, while for masses to the right, the high-mass selection is used to set limits. The red lines indicate the theoretical cross section for the singlet model.

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Figure 18-d:
The observed and expected 95% CL limits on the cross section for associated production with a b for final states $ \mathrm{t}\mathrm{H}\mathrm{b}\mathrm{q} $ (upper left), $ \mathrm{t}\mathrm{Z}\mathrm{b}\mathrm{q} $ (upper right), their sum $ \mathrm{t}\mathrm{H}\mathrm{b}\mathrm{q} $+$ \mathrm{t}\mathrm{Z}\mathrm{b}\mathrm{q} $ (lower left), and $ \mathrm{t}\mathrm{H}\mathrm{b}\mathrm{q} $+$ \mathrm{t}\mathrm{Z}\mathrm{b}\mathrm{q} $ including the leakage of tH events into the tZ channel (bottom right) for different assumed values of the T mass in logarithmic scale. The vertical dashed line represents the crossover point in sensitivity: for masses to the left, the low-mass selection is used to set limits, while for masses to the right, the high-mass selection is used to set limits. The red lines indicate the theoretical cross section for the singlet model.

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Table 1:
Mean and standard deviation values from a Gaussian fit of the Higgs, Z, and W boson and top quark mass distributions in the 700 GeV T quark sample, requiring the jet kinematic criteria described above and matching to generated particles. All quantities are in units of GeVns. The year-to-year variations are within the jet energy scale uncertainties.

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Table 2:
Cumulative efficiencies of the high-mass selection criteria for signal and various simulated backgrounds. The first and last lines indicate the expected number of events normalized to an integrated luminosity of 35.9 fb$ ^{-1} $. Only statistical uncertainties are reported. The ``Other backgrounds'' column includes W/Z+jets, single t, $ {\mathrm{t}\overline{\mathrm{t}}} $H, and $ {\mathrm{t}\overline{\mathrm{t}}} $Z background processes. The $ \mathrm{t} \overline{\mathrm{t}} $H and $ \mathrm{t} \overline{\mathrm{t}} $Z processes do not form a resonance and have production rates roughly the same as the signal rate.

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Table 3:
Summary of the signal regions (high-mass selection) and validation samples definitions. The changes with respect to the 3T signal region are highlighted in bold. The ``T', ``M'', and ``L'' labels represent tight, medium, and loose b-tagged jet requirements, respectively.
A search for a vector-like top quark partner T in the single production mode was performed using proton-proton collision events at $ \sqrt{s} = $ 13 TeV collected by the CMS experiment in 2016, 2017, and 2018. In this search, the T is assumed to only couple to standard model third-generation quarks. We consider signatures containing a top quark and a Higgs (tH) or Z (tZ) boson decaying to a bottom quark-antiquark pair. The major background processes are top quark-antiquark pair and multijet production. The excess in the tH final state found in an earlier search [23] is not observed with a larger dataset and improved event selection. We set 95% confidence level upper limits on product of the cross section $ \sigma $ and branching fractions $ \mathcal{B}(\mathrm{T}\to\mathrm{t}\mathrm{H}) $ and $ \mathcal{B}(\mathrm{T}\to\mathrm{t}\mathrm{Z} $) ranging from 1260 to 68 fb for T masses from 600 to 1200 GeV in the $ \mathrm{p}\mathrm{p}\to\mathrm{T}\mathrm{b}\mathrm{q} $ production channel. The limits are stronger than those in the previous search by at least a factor of three.
Additional Figures

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Additional Figure 1:
Weights from b tagging efficiency ratios (open markers) as a function of the five-jet invariant mass in 2016 (upper) and 2017 (lower) data for the low-mass selection. The left graph shows weights connecting the 2M1L and 3M regions, and the right graph shows weights connecting the 3M and 3T regions. The red line corresponds to the central value of the transfer function and the shaded area represents the 95% confidence level uncertainty band. For the low-mass (high-mass) analysis only signals with mass below (above) 800 GeV are tested, so primarily the lower (upper) part of the distribution contributes to the final result. In the tZ channel, similar functions are derived.

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Additional Figure 1-a:
Weights from b tagging efficiency ratios (open markers) as a function of the five-jet invariant mass in 2016 (upper) and 2017 (lower) data for the low-mass selection. The left graph shows weights connecting the 2M1L and 3M regions, and the right graph shows weights connecting the 3M and 3T regions. The red line corresponds to the central value of the transfer function and the shaded area represents the 95% confidence level uncertainty band. For the low-mass (high-mass) analysis only signals with mass below (above) 800 GeV are tested, so primarily the lower (upper) part of the distribution contributes to the final result. In the tZ channel, similar functions are derived.

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Additional Figure 1-b:
Weights from b tagging efficiency ratios (open markers) as a function of the five-jet invariant mass in 2016 (upper) and 2017 (lower) data for the low-mass selection. The left graph shows weights connecting the 2M1L and 3M regions, and the right graph shows weights connecting the 3M and 3T regions. The red line corresponds to the central value of the transfer function and the shaded area represents the 95% confidence level uncertainty band. For the low-mass (high-mass) analysis only signals with mass below (above) 800 GeV are tested, so primarily the lower (upper) part of the distribution contributes to the final result. In the tZ channel, similar functions are derived.

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Additional Figure 1-c:
Weights from b tagging efficiency ratios (open markers) as a function of the five-jet invariant mass in 2016 (upper) and 2017 (lower) data for the low-mass selection. The left graph shows weights connecting the 2M1L and 3M regions, and the right graph shows weights connecting the 3M and 3T regions. The red line corresponds to the central value of the transfer function and the shaded area represents the 95% confidence level uncertainty band. For the low-mass (high-mass) analysis only signals with mass below (above) 800 GeV are tested, so primarily the lower (upper) part of the distribution contributes to the final result. In the tZ channel, similar functions are derived.

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Additional Figure 1-d:
Weights from b tagging efficiency ratios (open markers) as a function of the five-jet invariant mass in 2016 (upper) and 2017 (lower) data for the low-mass selection. The left graph shows weights connecting the 2M1L and 3M regions, and the right graph shows weights connecting the 3M and 3T regions. The red line corresponds to the central value of the transfer function and the shaded area represents the 95% confidence level uncertainty band. For the low-mass (high-mass) analysis only signals with mass below (above) 800 GeV are tested, so primarily the lower (upper) part of the distribution contributes to the final result. In the tZ channel, similar functions are derived.

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Additional Figure 2:
Weights from b tagging efficiency ratios (open markers) as a function of the five-jet invariant mass in 2016 (upper) and 2017 (lower) data for the high-mass selection. The left graph shows weights connecting the 2M1L and 3M regions, and the right graph shows weights connecting the 3M and 3T regions. The red line corresponds to the central value of the transfer function and the shaded area represents the 95% confidence level uncertainty band. For the low-mass (high-mass) analysis only signals with mass below (above) 800 GeV are tested, so primarily the lower (upper) part of the distribution contributes to the final result. In the tZ channel, similar functions are derived.

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Additional Figure 2-a:
Weights from b tagging efficiency ratios (open markers) as a function of the five-jet invariant mass in 2016 (upper) and 2017 (lower) data for the high-mass selection. The left graph shows weights connecting the 2M1L and 3M regions, and the right graph shows weights connecting the 3M and 3T regions. The red line corresponds to the central value of the transfer function and the shaded area represents the 95% confidence level uncertainty band. For the low-mass (high-mass) analysis only signals with mass below (above) 800 GeV are tested, so primarily the lower (upper) part of the distribution contributes to the final result. In the tZ channel, similar functions are derived.

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Additional Figure 2-b:
Weights from b tagging efficiency ratios (open markers) as a function of the five-jet invariant mass in 2016 (upper) and 2017 (lower) data for the high-mass selection. The left graph shows weights connecting the 2M1L and 3M regions, and the right graph shows weights connecting the 3M and 3T regions. The red line corresponds to the central value of the transfer function and the shaded area represents the 95% confidence level uncertainty band. For the low-mass (high-mass) analysis only signals with mass below (above) 800 GeV are tested, so primarily the lower (upper) part of the distribution contributes to the final result. In the tZ channel, similar functions are derived.

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Additional Figure 2-c:
Weights from b tagging efficiency ratios (open markers) as a function of the five-jet invariant mass in 2016 (upper) and 2017 (lower) data for the high-mass selection. The left graph shows weights connecting the 2M1L and 3M regions, and the right graph shows weights connecting the 3M and 3T regions. The red line corresponds to the central value of the transfer function and the shaded area represents the 95% confidence level uncertainty band. For the low-mass (high-mass) analysis only signals with mass below (above) 800 GeV are tested, so primarily the lower (upper) part of the distribution contributes to the final result. In the tZ channel, similar functions are derived.

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Additional Figure 2-d:
Weights from b tagging efficiency ratios (open markers) as a function of the five-jet invariant mass in 2016 (upper) and 2017 (lower) data for the high-mass selection. The left graph shows weights connecting the 2M1L and 3M regions, and the right graph shows weights connecting the 3M and 3T regions. The red line corresponds to the central value of the transfer function and the shaded area represents the 95% confidence level uncertainty band. For the low-mass (high-mass) analysis only signals with mass below (above) 800 GeV are tested, so primarily the lower (upper) part of the distribution contributes to the final result. In the tZ channel, similar functions are derived.

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Additional Figure 3:
Five-jet invariant mass distributions after a background-only fit (blue histogram) to the complete dataset (black markers) in the 2M1L (upper), 3M (middle), and 3T (lower) regions for the low-mass (left) and high-mass (right) selections. The dashed blue band represents the uncertainty on the fitted background estimate, and red dashed line shows the best-fit signal distribution from a 700 GeV T. The fit is performed on the combined data from all three years in the all-tH channel.

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Additional Figure 3-a:
Five-jet invariant mass distributions after a background-only fit (blue histogram) to the complete dataset (black markers) in the 2M1L (upper), 3M (middle), and 3T (lower) regions for the low-mass (left) and high-mass (right) selections. The dashed blue band represents the uncertainty on the fitted background estimate, and red dashed line shows the best-fit signal distribution from a 700 GeV T. The fit is performed on the combined data from all three years in the all-tH channel.

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Additional Figure 3-b:
Five-jet invariant mass distributions after a background-only fit (blue histogram) to the complete dataset (black markers) in the 2M1L (upper), 3M (middle), and 3T (lower) regions for the low-mass (left) and high-mass (right) selections. The dashed blue band represents the uncertainty on the fitted background estimate, and red dashed line shows the best-fit signal distribution from a 700 GeV T. The fit is performed on the combined data from all three years in the all-tH channel.

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Additional Figure 3-c:
Five-jet invariant mass distributions after a background-only fit (blue histogram) to the complete dataset (black markers) in the 2M1L (upper), 3M (middle), and 3T (lower) regions for the low-mass (left) and high-mass (right) selections. The dashed blue band represents the uncertainty on the fitted background estimate, and red dashed line shows the best-fit signal distribution from a 700 GeV T. The fit is performed on the combined data from all three years in the all-tH channel.

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Additional Figure 3-d:
Five-jet invariant mass distributions after a background-only fit (blue histogram) to the complete dataset (black markers) in the 2M1L (upper), 3M (middle), and 3T (lower) regions for the low-mass (left) and high-mass (right) selections. The dashed blue band represents the uncertainty on the fitted background estimate, and red dashed line shows the best-fit signal distribution from a 700 GeV T. The fit is performed on the combined data from all three years in the all-tH channel.

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Additional Figure 3-e:
Five-jet invariant mass distributions after a background-only fit (blue histogram) to the complete dataset (black markers) in the 2M1L (upper), 3M (middle), and 3T (lower) regions for the low-mass (left) and high-mass (right) selections. The dashed blue band represents the uncertainty on the fitted background estimate, and red dashed line shows the best-fit signal distribution from a 700 GeV T. The fit is performed on the combined data from all three years in the all-tH channel.

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Additional Figure 3-f:
Five-jet invariant mass distributions after a background-only fit (blue histogram) to the complete dataset (black markers) in the 2M1L (upper), 3M (middle), and 3T (lower) regions for the low-mass (left) and high-mass (right) selections. The dashed blue band represents the uncertainty on the fitted background estimate, and red dashed line shows the best-fit signal distribution from a 700 GeV T. The fit is performed on the combined data from all three years in the all-tH channel.

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Additional Figure 4:
Five-jet invariant mass distributions after a background-only fit (blue histogram) to the 2016 dataset (black markers) in the (top) 2M1L, (middle) 3M, and (bottom) 3T regions for low-mass (left) and the high-mass (right) selections. The dashed blue band represents the uncertainty on the fitted background estimate, and red dashed line shows the best-fit signal distribution from a 700 GeV T. The fit is performed on the combined data from all three years in the all-tH channel. The dashed vertical line denotes the division between the low-mass and high-mass selections.

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Additional Figure 4-a:
Five-jet invariant mass distributions after a background-only fit (blue histogram) to the 2016 dataset (black markers) in the (top) 2M1L, (middle) 3M, and (bottom) 3T regions for low-mass (left) and the high-mass (right) selections. The dashed blue band represents the uncertainty on the fitted background estimate, and red dashed line shows the best-fit signal distribution from a 700 GeV T. The fit is performed on the combined data from all three years in the all-tH channel. The dashed vertical line denotes the division between the low-mass and high-mass selections.

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Additional Figure 4-b:
Five-jet invariant mass distributions after a background-only fit (blue histogram) to the 2016 dataset (black markers) in the (top) 2M1L, (middle) 3M, and (bottom) 3T regions for low-mass (left) and the high-mass (right) selections. The dashed blue band represents the uncertainty on the fitted background estimate, and red dashed line shows the best-fit signal distribution from a 700 GeV T. The fit is performed on the combined data from all three years in the all-tH channel. The dashed vertical line denotes the division between the low-mass and high-mass selections.

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Additional Figure 4-c:
Five-jet invariant mass distributions after a background-only fit (blue histogram) to the 2016 dataset (black markers) in the (top) 2M1L, (middle) 3M, and (bottom) 3T regions for low-mass (left) and the high-mass (right) selections. The dashed blue band represents the uncertainty on the fitted background estimate, and red dashed line shows the best-fit signal distribution from a 700 GeV T. The fit is performed on the combined data from all three years in the all-tH channel. The dashed vertical line denotes the division between the low-mass and high-mass selections.

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Additional Figure 4-d:
Five-jet invariant mass distributions after a background-only fit (blue histogram) to the 2016 dataset (black markers) in the (top) 2M1L, (middle) 3M, and (bottom) 3T regions for low-mass (left) and the high-mass (right) selections. The dashed blue band represents the uncertainty on the fitted background estimate, and red dashed line shows the best-fit signal distribution from a 700 GeV T. The fit is performed on the combined data from all three years in the all-tH channel. The dashed vertical line denotes the division between the low-mass and high-mass selections.

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Additional Figure 4-e:
Five-jet invariant mass distributions after a background-only fit (blue histogram) to the 2016 dataset (black markers) in the (top) 2M1L, (middle) 3M, and (bottom) 3T regions for low-mass (left) and the high-mass (right) selections. The dashed blue band represents the uncertainty on the fitted background estimate, and red dashed line shows the best-fit signal distribution from a 700 GeV T. The fit is performed on the combined data from all three years in the all-tH channel. The dashed vertical line denotes the division between the low-mass and high-mass selections.

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Additional Figure 4-f:
Five-jet invariant mass distributions after a background-only fit (blue histogram) to the 2016 dataset (black markers) in the (top) 2M1L, (middle) 3M, and (bottom) 3T regions for low-mass (left) and the high-mass (right) selections. The dashed blue band represents the uncertainty on the fitted background estimate, and red dashed line shows the best-fit signal distribution from a 700 GeV T. The fit is performed on the combined data from all three years in the all-tH channel. The dashed vertical line denotes the division between the low-mass and high-mass selections.

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Additional Figure 5:
Five-jet invariant mass distributions after a background-only fit (blue histogram) to the 2017 dataset (black markers) in the 2M1L (upper), 3M (middle), and 3T (lower) regions for the low-mass (left) and high-mass (right) selections. The dashed blue band represents the uncertainty on the fitted background estimate, and red dashed line shows the best-fit signal distribution from a 700 GeV T. The fit is performed on the combined data from all three years in the all-tH channel. The dashed vertical line denotes the division between the low-mass and high-mass selections.

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Additional Figure 5-a:
Five-jet invariant mass distributions after a background-only fit (blue histogram) to the 2017 dataset (black markers) in the 2M1L (upper), 3M (middle), and 3T (lower) regions for the low-mass (left) and high-mass (right) selections. The dashed blue band represents the uncertainty on the fitted background estimate, and red dashed line shows the best-fit signal distribution from a 700 GeV T. The fit is performed on the combined data from all three years in the all-tH channel. The dashed vertical line denotes the division between the low-mass and high-mass selections.

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Additional Figure 5-b:
Five-jet invariant mass distributions after a background-only fit (blue histogram) to the 2017 dataset (black markers) in the 2M1L (upper), 3M (middle), and 3T (lower) regions for the low-mass (left) and high-mass (right) selections. The dashed blue band represents the uncertainty on the fitted background estimate, and red dashed line shows the best-fit signal distribution from a 700 GeV T. The fit is performed on the combined data from all three years in the all-tH channel. The dashed vertical line denotes the division between the low-mass and high-mass selections.

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Additional Figure 5-c:
Five-jet invariant mass distributions after a background-only fit (blue histogram) to the 2017 dataset (black markers) in the 2M1L (upper), 3M (middle), and 3T (lower) regions for the low-mass (left) and high-mass (right) selections. The dashed blue band represents the uncertainty on the fitted background estimate, and red dashed line shows the best-fit signal distribution from a 700 GeV T. The fit is performed on the combined data from all three years in the all-tH channel. The dashed vertical line denotes the division between the low-mass and high-mass selections.

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Additional Figure 5-d:
Five-jet invariant mass distributions after a background-only fit (blue histogram) to the 2017 dataset (black markers) in the 2M1L (upper), 3M (middle), and 3T (lower) regions for the low-mass (left) and high-mass (right) selections. The dashed blue band represents the uncertainty on the fitted background estimate, and red dashed line shows the best-fit signal distribution from a 700 GeV T. The fit is performed on the combined data from all three years in the all-tH channel. The dashed vertical line denotes the division between the low-mass and high-mass selections.

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Additional Figure 5-e:
Five-jet invariant mass distributions after a background-only fit (blue histogram) to the 2017 dataset (black markers) in the 2M1L (upper), 3M (middle), and 3T (lower) regions for the low-mass (left) and high-mass (right) selections. The dashed blue band represents the uncertainty on the fitted background estimate, and red dashed line shows the best-fit signal distribution from a 700 GeV T. The fit is performed on the combined data from all three years in the all-tH channel. The dashed vertical line denotes the division between the low-mass and high-mass selections.

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Additional Figure 5-f:
Five-jet invariant mass distributions after a background-only fit (blue histogram) to the 2017 dataset (black markers) in the 2M1L (upper), 3M (middle), and 3T (lower) regions for the low-mass (left) and high-mass (right) selections. The dashed blue band represents the uncertainty on the fitted background estimate, and red dashed line shows the best-fit signal distribution from a 700 GeV T. The fit is performed on the combined data from all three years in the all-tH channel. The dashed vertical line denotes the division between the low-mass and high-mass selections.

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Additional Figure 6:
Five-jet invariant mass distributions after a background-only fit (blue histogram) to the 2018 dataset (black markers) in the (top) 2M1L, (middle) 3M, and (bottom) 3T regions for the low-mass (left) and high-mass (right) selections. The dashed blue band represents the uncertainty on the fitted background estimate, and red dashed line shows the best-fit signal distribution from a 700 GeV T. The fit is performed on the combined data from all three years in the all-tH channel. The dashed vertical line denotes the division between the low-mass and high-mass selections.

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Additional Figure 6-a:
Five-jet invariant mass distributions after a background-only fit (blue histogram) to the 2018 dataset (black markers) in the (top) 2M1L, (middle) 3M, and (bottom) 3T regions for the low-mass (left) and high-mass (right) selections. The dashed blue band represents the uncertainty on the fitted background estimate, and red dashed line shows the best-fit signal distribution from a 700 GeV T. The fit is performed on the combined data from all three years in the all-tH channel. The dashed vertical line denotes the division between the low-mass and high-mass selections.

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Additional Figure 6-b:
Five-jet invariant mass distributions after a background-only fit (blue histogram) to the 2018 dataset (black markers) in the (top) 2M1L, (middle) 3M, and (bottom) 3T regions for the low-mass (left) and high-mass (right) selections. The dashed blue band represents the uncertainty on the fitted background estimate, and red dashed line shows the best-fit signal distribution from a 700 GeV T. The fit is performed on the combined data from all three years in the all-tH channel. The dashed vertical line denotes the division between the low-mass and high-mass selections.

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Additional Figure 6-c:
Five-jet invariant mass distributions after a background-only fit (blue histogram) to the 2018 dataset (black markers) in the (top) 2M1L, (middle) 3M, and (bottom) 3T regions for the low-mass (left) and high-mass (right) selections. The dashed blue band represents the uncertainty on the fitted background estimate, and red dashed line shows the best-fit signal distribution from a 700 GeV T. The fit is performed on the combined data from all three years in the all-tH channel. The dashed vertical line denotes the division between the low-mass and high-mass selections.

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Additional Figure 6-d:
Five-jet invariant mass distributions after a background-only fit (blue histogram) to the 2018 dataset (black markers) in the (top) 2M1L, (middle) 3M, and (bottom) 3T regions for the low-mass (left) and high-mass (right) selections. The dashed blue band represents the uncertainty on the fitted background estimate, and red dashed line shows the best-fit signal distribution from a 700 GeV T. The fit is performed on the combined data from all three years in the all-tH channel. The dashed vertical line denotes the division between the low-mass and high-mass selections.

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Additional Figure 6-e:
Five-jet invariant mass distributions after a background-only fit (blue histogram) to the 2018 dataset (black markers) in the (top) 2M1L, (middle) 3M, and (bottom) 3T regions for the low-mass (left) and high-mass (right) selections. The dashed blue band represents the uncertainty on the fitted background estimate, and red dashed line shows the best-fit signal distribution from a 700 GeV T. The fit is performed on the combined data from all three years in the all-tH channel. The dashed vertical line denotes the division between the low-mass and high-mass selections.

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Additional Figure 6-f:
Five-jet invariant mass distributions after a background-only fit (blue histogram) to the 2018 dataset (black markers) in the (top) 2M1L, (middle) 3M, and (bottom) 3T regions for the low-mass (left) and high-mass (right) selections. The dashed blue band represents the uncertainty on the fitted background estimate, and red dashed line shows the best-fit signal distribution from a 700 GeV T. The fit is performed on the combined data from all three years in the all-tH channel. The dashed vertical line denotes the division between the low-mass and high-mass selections.

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Additional Figure 7:
Five-jet invariant mass distributions after a background-only fit (blue histogram) to the 2016 dataset (black markers) in the 2M1L (lower), 3M (middle), and 3T (upper) regions for low-mass selection (left) and the high-mass selection (right). The dashed blue band represents the uncertainty on the fitted background estimate, and red dashed line shows the best-fit signal distribution from a 700 GeV T. The fit is performed on the combined data from all three years in the all-tH channel.

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Additional Figure 7-a:
Five-jet invariant mass distributions after a background-only fit (blue histogram) to the 2016 dataset (black markers) in the 2M1L (lower), 3M (middle), and 3T (upper) regions for low-mass selection (left) and the high-mass selection (right). The dashed blue band represents the uncertainty on the fitted background estimate, and red dashed line shows the best-fit signal distribution from a 700 GeV T. The fit is performed on the combined data from all three years in the all-tH channel.

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Additional Figure 7-b:
Five-jet invariant mass distributions after a background-only fit (blue histogram) to the 2016 dataset (black markers) in the 2M1L (lower), 3M (middle), and 3T (upper) regions for low-mass selection (left) and the high-mass selection (right). The dashed blue band represents the uncertainty on the fitted background estimate, and red dashed line shows the best-fit signal distribution from a 700 GeV T. The fit is performed on the combined data from all three years in the all-tH channel.

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Additional Figure 7-c:
Five-jet invariant mass distributions after a background-only fit (blue histogram) to the 2016 dataset (black markers) in the 2M1L (lower), 3M (middle), and 3T (upper) regions for low-mass selection (left) and the high-mass selection (right). The dashed blue band represents the uncertainty on the fitted background estimate, and red dashed line shows the best-fit signal distribution from a 700 GeV T. The fit is performed on the combined data from all three years in the all-tH channel.

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Additional Figure 7-d:
Five-jet invariant mass distributions after a background-only fit (blue histogram) to the 2016 dataset (black markers) in the 2M1L (lower), 3M (middle), and 3T (upper) regions for low-mass selection (left) and the high-mass selection (right). The dashed blue band represents the uncertainty on the fitted background estimate, and red dashed line shows the best-fit signal distribution from a 700 GeV T. The fit is performed on the combined data from all three years in the all-tH channel.

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Additional Figure 7-e:
Five-jet invariant mass distributions after a background-only fit (blue histogram) to the 2016 dataset (black markers) in the 2M1L (lower), 3M (middle), and 3T (upper) regions for low-mass selection (left) and the high-mass selection (right). The dashed blue band represents the uncertainty on the fitted background estimate, and red dashed line shows the best-fit signal distribution from a 700 GeV T. The fit is performed on the combined data from all three years in the all-tH channel.

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Additional Figure 7-f:
Five-jet invariant mass distributions after a background-only fit (blue histogram) to the 2016 dataset (black markers) in the 2M1L (lower), 3M (middle), and 3T (upper) regions for low-mass selection (left) and the high-mass selection (right). The dashed blue band represents the uncertainty on the fitted background estimate, and red dashed line shows the best-fit signal distribution from a 700 GeV T. The fit is performed on the combined data from all three years in the all-tH channel.

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Additional Figure 8:
Five-jet invariant mass distributions after a background-only fit (blue histogram) to the 2017 dataset (black markers) in the 2M1L (lower), 3M (middle), and 3T (upper) regions for low-mass (left) and the high-mass (right) selections. The dashed blue band represents the uncertainty on the fitted background estimate, and red dashed line shows the best-fit signal distribution from a 700 GeV T. The fit is performed on the combined data from all three years in the all-tH channel.

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Additional Figure 8-a:
Five-jet invariant mass distributions after a background-only fit (blue histogram) to the 2017 dataset (black markers) in the 2M1L (lower), 3M (middle), and 3T (upper) regions for low-mass (left) and the high-mass (right) selections. The dashed blue band represents the uncertainty on the fitted background estimate, and red dashed line shows the best-fit signal distribution from a 700 GeV T. The fit is performed on the combined data from all three years in the all-tH channel.

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Additional Figure 8-b:
Five-jet invariant mass distributions after a background-only fit (blue histogram) to the 2017 dataset (black markers) in the 2M1L (lower), 3M (middle), and 3T (upper) regions for low-mass (left) and the high-mass (right) selections. The dashed blue band represents the uncertainty on the fitted background estimate, and red dashed line shows the best-fit signal distribution from a 700 GeV T. The fit is performed on the combined data from all three years in the all-tH channel.

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Additional Figure 8-c:
Five-jet invariant mass distributions after a background-only fit (blue histogram) to the 2017 dataset (black markers) in the 2M1L (lower), 3M (middle), and 3T (upper) regions for low-mass (left) and the high-mass (right) selections. The dashed blue band represents the uncertainty on the fitted background estimate, and red dashed line shows the best-fit signal distribution from a 700 GeV T. The fit is performed on the combined data from all three years in the all-tH channel.

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Additional Figure 8-d:
Five-jet invariant mass distributions after a background-only fit (blue histogram) to the 2017 dataset (black markers) in the 2M1L (lower), 3M (middle), and 3T (upper) regions for low-mass (left) and the high-mass (right) selections. The dashed blue band represents the uncertainty on the fitted background estimate, and red dashed line shows the best-fit signal distribution from a 700 GeV T. The fit is performed on the combined data from all three years in the all-tH channel.

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Additional Figure 8-e:
Five-jet invariant mass distributions after a background-only fit (blue histogram) to the 2017 dataset (black markers) in the 2M1L (lower), 3M (middle), and 3T (upper) regions for low-mass (left) and the high-mass (right) selections. The dashed blue band represents the uncertainty on the fitted background estimate, and red dashed line shows the best-fit signal distribution from a 700 GeV T. The fit is performed on the combined data from all three years in the all-tH channel.

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Additional Figure 8-f:
Five-jet invariant mass distributions after a background-only fit (blue histogram) to the 2017 dataset (black markers) in the 2M1L (lower), 3M (middle), and 3T (upper) regions for low-mass (left) and the high-mass (right) selections. The dashed blue band represents the uncertainty on the fitted background estimate, and red dashed line shows the best-fit signal distribution from a 700 GeV T. The fit is performed on the combined data from all three years in the all-tH channel.

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Additional Figure 9:
Five-jet invariant mass distributions after a background-only fit (blue histogram) to the 2018 dataset (black markers) in the 2M1L (upper), 3M (middle), and 3T (lower) regions for low-mass (left) and the high-mass (right) selections. The dashed blue band represents the uncertainty on the fitted background estimate, and red dashed line shows the best-fit signal distribution from a 700 GeV T. The fit is performed on the combined data from all three years in the all-tH channel.

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Additional Figure 9-a:
Five-jet invariant mass distributions after a background-only fit (blue histogram) to the 2018 dataset (black markers) in the 2M1L (upper), 3M (middle), and 3T (lower) regions for low-mass (left) and the high-mass (right) selections. The dashed blue band represents the uncertainty on the fitted background estimate, and red dashed line shows the best-fit signal distribution from a 700 GeV T. The fit is performed on the combined data from all three years in the all-tH channel.

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Additional Figure 9-b:
Five-jet invariant mass distributions after a background-only fit (blue histogram) to the 2018 dataset (black markers) in the 2M1L (upper), 3M (middle), and 3T (lower) regions for low-mass (left) and the high-mass (right) selections. The dashed blue band represents the uncertainty on the fitted background estimate, and red dashed line shows the best-fit signal distribution from a 700 GeV T. The fit is performed on the combined data from all three years in the all-tH channel.

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Additional Figure 9-c:
Five-jet invariant mass distributions after a background-only fit (blue histogram) to the 2018 dataset (black markers) in the 2M1L (upper), 3M (middle), and 3T (lower) regions for low-mass (left) and the high-mass (right) selections. The dashed blue band represents the uncertainty on the fitted background estimate, and red dashed line shows the best-fit signal distribution from a 700 GeV T. The fit is performed on the combined data from all three years in the all-tH channel.

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Additional Figure 9-d:
Five-jet invariant mass distributions after a background-only fit (blue histogram) to the 2018 dataset (black markers) in the 2M1L (upper), 3M (middle), and 3T (lower) regions for low-mass (left) and the high-mass (right) selections. The dashed blue band represents the uncertainty on the fitted background estimate, and red dashed line shows the best-fit signal distribution from a 700 GeV T. The fit is performed on the combined data from all three years in the all-tH channel.

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Additional Figure 9-e:
Five-jet invariant mass distributions after a background-only fit (blue histogram) to the 2018 dataset (black markers) in the 2M1L (upper), 3M (middle), and 3T (lower) regions for low-mass (left) and the high-mass (right) selections. The dashed blue band represents the uncertainty on the fitted background estimate, and red dashed line shows the best-fit signal distribution from a 700 GeV T. The fit is performed on the combined data from all three years in the all-tH channel.

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Additional Figure 9-f:
Five-jet invariant mass distributions after a background-only fit (blue histogram) to the 2018 dataset (black markers) in the 2M1L (upper), 3M (middle), and 3T (lower) regions for low-mass (left) and the high-mass (right) selections. The dashed blue band represents the uncertainty on the fitted background estimate, and red dashed line shows the best-fit signal distribution from a 700 GeV T. The fit is performed on the combined data from all three years in the all-tH channel.

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Additional Figure 10:
Five-jet invariant mass distributions after a background-only fit (blue histogram) to the complete dataset (black markers) in the 2M1L (upper), 3M (middle), and 3T (lower) regions for low-mass (left) and the high-mass (right) selections. The dashed blue band represents the uncertainty on the fitted background estimate, and red dashed line shows the expected signal distribution for a 700 GeV (low-mass selection) and a 900 GeV (high-mass selection) T. The tZ channel is shown when the fit is performed on the combined data from all three years in the tZ and tH channels.

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Additional Figure 10-a:
Five-jet invariant mass distributions after a background-only fit (blue histogram) to the complete dataset (black markers) in the 2M1L (upper), 3M (middle), and 3T (lower) regions for low-mass (left) and the high-mass (right) selections. The dashed blue band represents the uncertainty on the fitted background estimate, and red dashed line shows the expected signal distribution for a 700 GeV (low-mass selection) and a 900 GeV (high-mass selection) T. The tZ channel is shown when the fit is performed on the combined data from all three years in the tZ and tH channels.

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Additional Figure 10-b:
Five-jet invariant mass distributions after a background-only fit (blue histogram) to the complete dataset (black markers) in the 2M1L (upper), 3M (middle), and 3T (lower) regions for low-mass (left) and the high-mass (right) selections. The dashed blue band represents the uncertainty on the fitted background estimate, and red dashed line shows the expected signal distribution for a 700 GeV (low-mass selection) and a 900 GeV (high-mass selection) T. The tZ channel is shown when the fit is performed on the combined data from all three years in the tZ and tH channels.

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Additional Figure 10-c:
Five-jet invariant mass distributions after a background-only fit (blue histogram) to the complete dataset (black markers) in the 2M1L (upper), 3M (middle), and 3T (lower) regions for low-mass (left) and the high-mass (right) selections. The dashed blue band represents the uncertainty on the fitted background estimate, and red dashed line shows the expected signal distribution for a 700 GeV (low-mass selection) and a 900 GeV (high-mass selection) T. The tZ channel is shown when the fit is performed on the combined data from all three years in the tZ and tH channels.

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Additional Figure 10-d:
Five-jet invariant mass distributions after a background-only fit (blue histogram) to the complete dataset (black markers) in the 2M1L (upper), 3M (middle), and 3T (lower) regions for low-mass (left) and the high-mass (right) selections. The dashed blue band represents the uncertainty on the fitted background estimate, and red dashed line shows the expected signal distribution for a 700 GeV (low-mass selection) and a 900 GeV (high-mass selection) T. The tZ channel is shown when the fit is performed on the combined data from all three years in the tZ and tH channels.

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Additional Figure 10-e:
Five-jet invariant mass distributions after a background-only fit (blue histogram) to the complete dataset (black markers) in the 2M1L (upper), 3M (middle), and 3T (lower) regions for low-mass (left) and the high-mass (right) selections. The dashed blue band represents the uncertainty on the fitted background estimate, and red dashed line shows the expected signal distribution for a 700 GeV (low-mass selection) and a 900 GeV (high-mass selection) T. The tZ channel is shown when the fit is performed on the combined data from all three years in the tZ and tH channels.

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Additional Figure 10-f:
Five-jet invariant mass distributions after a background-only fit (blue histogram) to the complete dataset (black markers) in the 2M1L (upper), 3M (middle), and 3T (lower) regions for low-mass (left) and the high-mass (right) selections. The dashed blue band represents the uncertainty on the fitted background estimate, and red dashed line shows the expected signal distribution for a 700 GeV (low-mass selection) and a 900 GeV (high-mass selection) T. The tZ channel is shown when the fit is performed on the combined data from all three years in the tZ and tH channels.

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Additional Figure 11:
The observed and expected 95% CL limits on the cross section for associated production with a b for final states $ \mathrm{t}\mathrm{H}\mathrm{b}\mathrm{q} $ (upper left), $ \mathrm{t}\mathrm{Z}\mathrm{b}\mathrm{q} $ (upper right), their sum $ \mathrm{t}\mathrm{H}\mathrm{b}\mathrm{q} $+$ \mathrm{t}\mathrm{Z}\mathrm{b}\mathrm{q} $ (lower left), and $ \mathrm{t}\mathrm{H}\mathrm{b}\mathrm{q} $+$ \mathrm{t}\mathrm{Z}\mathrm{b}\mathrm{q} $ including the leakage of tH events into the tZ channel (bottom right) for different assumed values of the T mass in logarithmic scale. The vertical dashed line represents the crossover point in sensitivity: for masses to the left, the low-mass selection is used to set limits, while for masses to the right, the high-mass selection is used to set limits. The red lines indicate the theoretical cross section for the singlet model.

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Additional Figure 11-a:
The observed and expected 95% CL limits on the cross section for associated production with a b for final states $ \mathrm{t}\mathrm{H}\mathrm{b}\mathrm{q} $ (upper left), $ \mathrm{t}\mathrm{Z}\mathrm{b}\mathrm{q} $ (upper right), their sum $ \mathrm{t}\mathrm{H}\mathrm{b}\mathrm{q} $+$ \mathrm{t}\mathrm{Z}\mathrm{b}\mathrm{q} $ (lower left), and $ \mathrm{t}\mathrm{H}\mathrm{b}\mathrm{q} $+$ \mathrm{t}\mathrm{Z}\mathrm{b}\mathrm{q} $ including the leakage of tH events into the tZ channel (bottom right) for different assumed values of the T mass in logarithmic scale. The vertical dashed line represents the crossover point in sensitivity: for masses to the left, the low-mass selection is used to set limits, while for masses to the right, the high-mass selection is used to set limits. The red lines indicate the theoretical cross section for the singlet model.

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Additional Figure 11-b:
The observed and expected 95% CL limits on the cross section for associated production with a b for final states $ \mathrm{t}\mathrm{H}\mathrm{b}\mathrm{q} $ (upper left), $ \mathrm{t}\mathrm{Z}\mathrm{b}\mathrm{q} $ (upper right), their sum $ \mathrm{t}\mathrm{H}\mathrm{b}\mathrm{q} $+$ \mathrm{t}\mathrm{Z}\mathrm{b}\mathrm{q} $ (lower left), and $ \mathrm{t}\mathrm{H}\mathrm{b}\mathrm{q} $+$ \mathrm{t}\mathrm{Z}\mathrm{b}\mathrm{q} $ including the leakage of tH events into the tZ channel (bottom right) for different assumed values of the T mass in logarithmic scale. The vertical dashed line represents the crossover point in sensitivity: for masses to the left, the low-mass selection is used to set limits, while for masses to the right, the high-mass selection is used to set limits. The red lines indicate the theoretical cross section for the singlet model.

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Additional Figure 11-c:
The observed and expected 95% CL limits on the cross section for associated production with a b for final states $ \mathrm{t}\mathrm{H}\mathrm{b}\mathrm{q} $ (upper left), $ \mathrm{t}\mathrm{Z}\mathrm{b}\mathrm{q} $ (upper right), their sum $ \mathrm{t}\mathrm{H}\mathrm{b}\mathrm{q} $+$ \mathrm{t}\mathrm{Z}\mathrm{b}\mathrm{q} $ (lower left), and $ \mathrm{t}\mathrm{H}\mathrm{b}\mathrm{q} $+$ \mathrm{t}\mathrm{Z}\mathrm{b}\mathrm{q} $ including the leakage of tH events into the tZ channel (bottom right) for different assumed values of the T mass in logarithmic scale. The vertical dashed line represents the crossover point in sensitivity: for masses to the left, the low-mass selection is used to set limits, while for masses to the right, the high-mass selection is used to set limits. The red lines indicate the theoretical cross section for the singlet model.

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Additional Figure 11-d:
The observed and expected 95% CL limits on the cross section for associated production with a b for final states $ \mathrm{t}\mathrm{H}\mathrm{b}\mathrm{q} $ (upper left), $ \mathrm{t}\mathrm{Z}\mathrm{b}\mathrm{q} $ (upper right), their sum $ \mathrm{t}\mathrm{H}\mathrm{b}\mathrm{q} $+$ \mathrm{t}\mathrm{Z}\mathrm{b}\mathrm{q} $ (lower left), and $ \mathrm{t}\mathrm{H}\mathrm{b}\mathrm{q} $+$ \mathrm{t}\mathrm{Z}\mathrm{b}\mathrm{q} $ including the leakage of tH events into the tZ channel (bottom right) for different assumed values of the T mass in logarithmic scale. The vertical dashed line represents the crossover point in sensitivity: for masses to the left, the low-mass selection is used to set limits, while for masses to the right, the high-mass selection is used to set limits. The red lines indicate the theoretical cross section for the singlet model.
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Compact Muon Solenoid