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CMS-SUS-20-003 ; CERN-EP-2021-114
Search for chargino-neutralino production in events with Higgs and W bosons using 137 fb1 of proton-proton collisions at s= 13 TeV
JHEP 10 (2021) 045
Abstract: A search for electroweak production of supersymmetric (SUSY) particles in final states with one lepton, a Higgs boson decaying to a pair of bottom quarks, and large missing transverse momentum is presented. The search uses data from proton-proton collisions at a center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV collected using the CMS detector at the LHC, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 137 fb1. The observed yields are consistent with backgrounds expected from the standard model. The results are interpreted in the context of a simplified SUSY model of chargino-neutralino production, with the chargino decaying to a W boson and the lightest SUSY particle (LSP) and the neutralino decaying to a Higgs boson and the LSP. Charginos and neutralinos with masses up to 820 GeV are excluded at 95% confidence level when the LSP mass is small, and LSPs with mass up to 350 GeV are excluded when the masses of the chargino and neutralino are approximately 700 GeV.
Figures & Tables Summary References CMS Publications

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Figure 1:
Diagram for a simplified SUSY model with electroweak production of the lightest chargino ˜χ±1 and next-to-lightest neutralino ˜χ02. The ˜χ±1 decays to a W boson and the lightest neutralino ˜χ01. The ˜χ02 decays to a Higgs boson and a ˜χ01.

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Figure 2:
Distributions of pTmiss, mCT, mbˉb, mT, Njets, and the Hbˉb large-R jet discriminator in simulated background and signal samples. Three benchmark signal points corresponding to masses in GeV (m˜χ02/˜χ±1, m˜χ01) of (800, 100), (425, 150) and (225, 75) are shown as solid, dashed, and short-dashed lines, respectively. Events are taken from the 2-jet signal regions with pTmiss> 125 GeV, with all of the requirements specified in Table 3 except for the one on the plotted variable. The shaded areas correspond to the statistical uncertainty of the simulated backgrounds. The dashed vertical lines indicate the thresholds used to define the signal regions. These indicators are not shown on the H tagging discriminator score distribution because the required values vary between 0.83 and 0.90, depending on the data-taking year.

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Figure 2-a:
Distribution of pTmiss in simulated background and signal samples. Three benchmark signal points corresponding to masses in GeV (m˜χ02/˜χ±1, m˜χ01) of (800, 100), (425, 150) and (225, 75) are shown as solid, dashed, and short-dashed lines, respectively. Events are taken from the 2-jet signal regions with pTmiss> 125 GeV, with all of the requirements specified in Table 3 except for the one on the plotted variable. The shaded areas correspond to the statistical uncertainty of the simulated backgrounds. The dashed vertical lines indicate the thresholds used to define the signal regions.

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Figure 2-b:
Distribution of mCT in simulated background and signal samples. Three benchmark signal points corresponding to masses in GeV (m˜χ02/˜χ±1, m˜χ01) of (800, 100), (425, 150) and (225, 75) are shown as solid, dashed, and short-dashed lines, respectively. Events are taken from the 2-jet signal regions with pTmiss> 125 GeV, with all of the requirements specified in Table 3 except for the one on the plotted variable. The shaded areas correspond to the statistical uncertainty of the simulated backgrounds. The dashed vertical lines indicate the thresholds used to define the signal regions.

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Figure 2-c:
Distribution of mbˉb in simulated background and signal samples. Three benchmark signal points corresponding to masses in GeV (m˜χ02/˜χ±1, m˜χ01) of (800, 100), (425, 150) and (225, 75) are shown as solid, dashed, and short-dashed lines, respectively. Events are taken from the 2-jet signal regions with pTmiss> 125 GeV, with all of the requirements specified in Table 3 except for the one on the plotted variable. The shaded areas correspond to the statistical uncertainty of the simulated backgrounds. The dashed vertical lines indicate the thresholds used to define the signal regions.

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Figure 2-d:
Distribution of mT, in simulated background and signal samples. Three benchmark signal points corresponding to masses in GeV (m˜χ02/˜χ±1, m˜χ01) of (800, 100), (425, 150) and (225, 75) are shown as solid, dashed, and short-dashed lines, respectively. Events are taken from the 2-jet signal regions with pTmiss> 125 GeV, with all of the requirements specified in Table 3 except for the one on the plotted variable. The shaded areas correspond to the statistical uncertainty of the simulated backgrounds. The dashed vertical lines indicate the thresholds used to define the signal regions.

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Figure 2-e:
Distribution of Njets in simulated background and signal samples. Three benchmark signal points corresponding to masses in GeV (m˜χ02/˜χ±1, m˜χ01) of (800, 100), (425, 150) and (225, 75) are shown as solid, dashed, and short-dashed lines, respectively. Events are taken from the 2-jet signal regions with pTmiss> 125 GeV, with all of the requirements specified in Table 3 except for the one on the plotted variable. The shaded areas correspond to the statistical uncertainty of the simulated backgrounds. The dashed vertical lines indicate the thresholds used to define the signal regions.

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Figure 2-f:
Distribution of the Hbˉb large-R jet discriminator in simulated background and signal samples. Three benchmark signal points corresponding to masses in GeV (m˜χ02/˜χ±1, m˜χ01) of (800, 100), (425, 150) and (225, 75) are shown as solid, dashed, and short-dashed lines, respectively. Events are taken from the 2-jet signal regions with pTmiss> 125 GeV, with all of the requirements specified in Table 3 except for the one on the plotted variable. The shaded areas correspond to the statistical uncertainty of the simulated backgrounds. The thresholds used to define the signal regions are not shown because the required values vary between 0.83 and 0.90, depending on the data-taking year.

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Figure 3:
Observed and simulated Rtop values in the mbˉb> 150 GeV validation regions. The differences between observed and simulated Rtop values, divided by the total statistical uncertainties, are also listed in the figure as ΔRtop. The statistical precision of each difference, σstat, is taken as the systematic uncertainty on Rtop for the corresponding bin in the signal region.

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Figure 4:
Distribution of Nb in the low-mT control sample. The tˉt+jets contribution is suppressed by requiring mCT> 200 GeV. The shaded area reflects the statistical uncertainty in the simulation.

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Figure 5:
Predictions of the SM background after performing the signal extraction fit (filled histograms) and observed yields in the signal regions. Three signal models with different values of m˜χ02/˜χ±1 and m˜χ01 are shown as solid, short dashed, and long dashed lines. The lower panel provides the ratio between the observation and the predicted SM backgrounds. The shaded band shows the post-fit combination of the systematic and statistical uncertainties in the background prediction.

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Figure 6:
Cross section upper limits calculated with the background estimates and all of the background systematic uncertainties described in Sections 5.1 and 5.2. The color on the z axis represents the 95% CL upper limit on the cross section calculated at each point in the m˜χ01-m˜χ02 plane. The area below the thick black curve (dashed red line) represents the observed (expected) exclusion region at this CL. The region containing 68% of the distribution of limits expected under the background-only hypothesis is bounded by thin dashed red lines. The thin black lines show the effect of the theoretical uncertainties in the signal cross section.

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Table 1:
Summary of the requirements for the physics objects used in this analysis.

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Table 2:
Summary of the triggers used to select the analysis data set. Events are selected using a logical "or'' of the following triggers.

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Table 3:
Summary of the preselection requirements common to all signal regions. The Nb is the multiplicity of b-tagged jets and pTnon-b is the pT of the non-b-tagged jet.

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Table 4:
Definition of the 12 non-overlapping signal regions categorized in NH, Njets, and pTmiss, where NH is the number of large-R jets tagged as Hbˉb.

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Table 5:
The values of the Rtop transfer factors, the observed yields in the low-mCT CRs, and the resulting top quark background prediction in each bin of pTmiss, Njets, and NH. The uncertainty shown for Rtop is only of statistical origin. For the top quark prediction both the statistical and systematic uncertainties are shown (discussed in the text.)

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Table 6:
The observed (Nobs.CR) and top quark background yield (NWCR) in the CR, together with the values of RW for the extrapolation of the W boson background from the CR to the SR, and the final W boson prediction, NWSR. The uncertainties in RW include the statistical uncertainty only. The W boson prediction shows both the statistical and systematic uncertainties.

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Table 7:
Systematic uncertainties on RW.

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Table 8:
Summary of the predicted SM background and the observed yield in the signal regions, together with the expected yields for three signal benchmark models. The total prediction, NBGSR, is the sum of the top quark and W boson predictions, NtopSR and NWSR, as well as small contributions from standard model WH production. The values shown are taken before the signal extraction fit to the observed yields in the signal regions is performed. The uncertainties include the statistical and systematic components. For each benchmark model column, the ordered pairs indicate the masses (in GeV) of the ˜χ02/˜χ±1 and ˜χ01, respectively.

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Table 9:
Sources and ranges of systematic uncertainties on the expected signal yields. The ranges reported reflect the magnitudes of the median 68% of all impacts, considering the distribution of variations in all 12 signal regions and the full range of signal mass hypotheses used. When the lower bound is very close to 0, an upper bound is shown instead.
This paper presents the results of a search for chargino-neutralino production in a final state containing a W boson decaying to leptons, a Higgs boson decaying to a bottom quark-antiquark pair, and missing transverse momentum. Expected yields from standard model processes are estimated by extrapolating the yields observed in control regions using transfer factors obtained from simulation. The observed yields agree with those expected from the standard model. The results are interpreted as an exclusion of a simplified model of chargino-neutralino production. In the simplified model, the chargino decays to a W boson and a lightest supersymmetric particle (LSP), and the next-to-lightest neutralino decays to a Higgs boson and an LSP. Charginos with mass below 820 GeV are excluded at 95% confidence level for an LSP with mass below 200 GeV, and values of LSP mass up to approximately 350 GeV are excluded for a chargino mass near 700 GeV.

Relative to the previous result from the CMS Collaboration targeting this signature [12], the sensitivity of the search has been significantly extended. The constraints on the masses of the chargino and LSP exceed those from the previous analysis by nearly 350 and 250 GeV, respectively. This represents a factor of 14 reduction in the excluded cross section for models with large mass splittings. Roughly half of this improvement is the result of the four-fold increase in integrated luminosity, with the remainder coming from analysis optimizations such as the inclusion of the H tagger and events with Njets= 3, as well as finer categorization of events based on pTmiss made possible by the increased size of the data set.
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Compact Muon Solenoid