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Search for the decay of a heavy Higgs boson H into two lighter Higgs bosons h and hS in the h(ττ)hS(bb) final state at 13 TeV
Abstract: A search for the decay of a heavy Higgs boson H into the observed Higgs boson h and another Higgs boson hS with a mass of mhS<mHmh is presented. The h and hS bosons are required to decay into a pair of tau leptons and a pair of b quarks, respectively. The search uses 137 fb1 of proton-proton collisions collected with the CMS detector at a center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV. A mass range of 240 - 3000 GeV for mH and 60 - 2800 GeV for mhS is covered. No signal has been observed. Therefore, model independent 95% confidence level upper limits on the product of the production cross section and the branching fractions of the signal process are set ranging from 125 fb (for mH= 240 GeV) to 2.7 fb (for mH= 3000 GeV). These limits are compared to predictions of the next-to-minimal supersymmetric extension of the standard model.
Figures & Tables Summary References CMS Publications

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Figure 1:
Feynman diagram of the ggHh(ττ)hS(bb) process.

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Figure 2:
Event categories after NN classification based on a training for mH= 500 GeV and 100 mhS< 150 GeV in the eτh final state. Shown are the (upper left) ττ, (upper right) tt, (middle left) jetτh, (middle right) misc, and (lower left) signal categories. For these figures the datasets of all years have been combined. The uncertainty bands correspond to the combination of statistical and systematic uncertainties after the fit to the signal plus background hypothesis for mH= 500 GeV and mhS= 110 GeV.

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Figure 2-a:
Event categories after NN classification based on a training for mH= 500 GeV and 100 mhS< 150 GeV in the eτh final state. Shown are the (upper left) ττ, (upper right) tt, (middle left) jetτh, (middle right) misc, and (lower left) signal categories. For these figures the datasets of all years have been combined. The uncertainty bands correspond to the combination of statistical and systematic uncertainties after the fit to the signal plus background hypothesis for mH= 500 GeV and mhS= 110 GeV.

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Figure 2-b:
Event categories after NN classification based on a training for mH= 500 GeV and 100 mhS< 150 GeV in the eτh final state. Shown are the (upper left) ττ, (upper right) tt, (middle left) jetτh, (middle right) misc, and (lower left) signal categories. For these figures the datasets of all years have been combined. The uncertainty bands correspond to the combination of statistical and systematic uncertainties after the fit to the signal plus background hypothesis for mH= 500 GeV and mhS= 110 GeV.

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Figure 2-c:
Event categories after NN classification based on a training for mH= 500 GeV and 100 mhS< 150 GeV in the eτh final state. Shown are the (upper left) ττ, (upper right) tt, (middle left) jetτh, (middle right) misc, and (lower left) signal categories. For these figures the datasets of all years have been combined. The uncertainty bands correspond to the combination of statistical and systematic uncertainties after the fit to the signal plus background hypothesis for mH= 500 GeV and mhS= 110 GeV.

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Figure 2-d:
Event categories after NN classification based on a training for mH= 500 GeV and 100 mhS< 150 GeV in the eτh final state. Shown are the (upper left) ττ, (upper right) tt, (middle left) jetτh, (middle right) misc, and (lower left) signal categories. For these figures the datasets of all years have been combined. The uncertainty bands correspond to the combination of statistical and systematic uncertainties after the fit to the signal plus background hypothesis for mH= 500 GeV and mhS= 110 GeV.

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Figure 2-e:
Event categories after NN classification based on a training for mH= 500 GeV and 100 mhS< 150 GeV in the eτh final state. Shown are the (upper left) ττ, (upper right) tt, (middle left) jetτh, (middle right) misc, and (lower left) signal categories. For these figures the datasets of all years have been combined. The uncertainty bands correspond to the combination of statistical and systematic uncertainties after the fit to the signal plus background hypothesis for mH= 500 GeV and mhS= 110 GeV.

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Figure 3:
Event categories after NN classification based on a training for mH= 500 GeV and 100 mhS< 150 GeV in the μτh final state. Shown are the (upper left) ττ, (upper right) tt, (middle left) jetτh, (middle right) misc, and (lower left) signal categories. For these figures the datasets of all years have been combined. The uncertainty bands correspond to the combination of statistical and systematic uncertainties after the fit to the signal plus background hypothesis for mH= 500 GeV and mhS= 110 GeV.

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Figure 3-a:
Event categories after NN classification based on a training for mH= 500 GeV and 100 mhS< 150 GeV in the μτh final state. Shown are the (upper left) ττ, (upper right) tt, (middle left) jetτh, (middle right) misc, and (lower left) signal categories. For these figures the datasets of all years have been combined. The uncertainty bands correspond to the combination of statistical and systematic uncertainties after the fit to the signal plus background hypothesis for mH= 500 GeV and mhS= 110 GeV.

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Figure 3-b:
Event categories after NN classification based on a training for mH= 500 GeV and 100 mhS< 150 GeV in the μτh final state. Shown are the (upper left) ττ, (upper right) tt, (middle left) jetτh, (middle right) misc, and (lower left) signal categories. For these figures the datasets of all years have been combined. The uncertainty bands correspond to the combination of statistical and systematic uncertainties after the fit to the signal plus background hypothesis for mH= 500 GeV and mhS= 110 GeV.

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Figure 3-c:
Event categories after NN classification based on a training for mH= 500 GeV and 100 mhS< 150 GeV in the μτh final state. Shown are the (upper left) ττ, (upper right) tt, (middle left) jetτh, (middle right) misc, and (lower left) signal categories. For these figures the datasets of all years have been combined. The uncertainty bands correspond to the combination of statistical and systematic uncertainties after the fit to the signal plus background hypothesis for mH= 500 GeV and mhS= 110 GeV.

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Figure 3-d:
Event categories after NN classification based on a training for mH= 500 GeV and 100 mhS< 150 GeV in the μτh final state. Shown are the (upper left) ττ, (upper right) tt, (middle left) jetτh, (middle right) misc, and (lower left) signal categories. For these figures the datasets of all years have been combined. The uncertainty bands correspond to the combination of statistical and systematic uncertainties after the fit to the signal plus background hypothesis for mH= 500 GeV and mhS= 110 GeV.

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Figure 3-e:
Event categories after NN classification based on a training for mH= 500 GeV and 100 mhS< 150 GeV in the μτh final state. Shown are the (upper left) ττ, (upper right) tt, (middle left) jetτh, (middle right) misc, and (lower left) signal categories. For these figures the datasets of all years have been combined. The uncertainty bands correspond to the combination of statistical and systematic uncertainties after the fit to the signal plus background hypothesis for mH= 500 GeV and mhS= 110 GeV.

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Figure 4:
Event categories after NN classification based on a training for mH= 500 GeV and 100 mhS< 150 GeV in the τhτh final state. Shown are the (upper left) ττ, (upper right) tt, (middle left) jetτh, (middle right) misc, and (lower left) signal categories. For these figures the datasets of all years have been combined. The uncertainty bands correspond to the combination of statistical and systematic uncertainties after the fit to the signal plus background hypothesis for mH= 500 GeV and mhS= 110 GeV.

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Figure 4-a:
Event categories after NN classification based on a training for mH= 500 GeV and 100 mhS< 150 GeV in the τhτh final state. Shown are the (upper left) ττ, (upper right) tt, (middle left) jetτh, (middle right) misc, and (lower left) signal categories. For these figures the datasets of all years have been combined. The uncertainty bands correspond to the combination of statistical and systematic uncertainties after the fit to the signal plus background hypothesis for mH= 500 GeV and mhS= 110 GeV.

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Figure 4-b:
Event categories after NN classification based on a training for mH= 500 GeV and 100 mhS< 150 GeV in the τhτh final state. Shown are the (upper left) ττ, (upper right) tt, (middle left) jetτh, (middle right) misc, and (lower left) signal categories. For these figures the datasets of all years have been combined. The uncertainty bands correspond to the combination of statistical and systematic uncertainties after the fit to the signal plus background hypothesis for mH= 500 GeV and mhS= 110 GeV.

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Figure 4-c:
Event categories after NN classification based on a training for mH= 500 GeV and 100 mhS< 150 GeV in the τhτh final state. Shown are the (upper left) ττ, (upper right) tt, (middle left) jetτh, (middle right) misc, and (lower left) signal categories. For these figures the datasets of all years have been combined. The uncertainty bands correspond to the combination of statistical and systematic uncertainties after the fit to the signal plus background hypothesis for mH= 500 GeV and mhS= 110 GeV.

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Figure 4-d:
Event categories after NN classification based on a training for mH= 500 GeV and 100 mhS< 150 GeV in the τhτh final state. Shown are the (upper left) ττ, (upper right) tt, (middle left) jetτh, (middle right) misc, and (lower left) signal categories. For these figures the datasets of all years have been combined. The uncertainty bands correspond to the combination of statistical and systematic uncertainties after the fit to the signal plus background hypothesis for mH= 500 GeV and mhS= 110 GeV.

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Figure 4-e:
Event categories after NN classification based on a training for mH= 500 GeV and 100 mhS< 150 GeV in the τhτh final state. Shown are the (upper left) ττ, (upper right) tt, (middle left) jetτh, (middle right) misc, and (lower left) signal categories. For these figures the datasets of all years have been combined. The uncertainty bands correspond to the combination of statistical and systematic uncertainties after the fit to the signal plus background hypothesis for mH= 500 GeV and mhS= 110 GeV.

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Figure 5:
Expected and observed 95% CL upper limits on σ×B(Hh(ττ)hS(bb)) for all tested mH values. The limits for each corresponding mass value have been scaled by orders of ten as indicated in the annotations.

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Figure 6:
Mass range in mH and mhS for which the maximally allowed σ×B(Hh(ττ)hS(bb)) within the NMSSM can be excluded at 95% CL by this search.

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Table 1:
Offline selection requirements applied to electrons, muons, and τh candidates used for the selection of the τ pair. The pT values in braces correspond to the selection criteria for events selected by a single electron or single muon trigger. These requirements depend on the year of data taking. For Djet the efficiency and for De(μ) the rejection rates for the chosen working points are given in braces. A detailed discussion is given in the text.

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Table 2:
Background processes contributing to the event selection, as given in Section 4. The symbol corresponds to an electron or muon. The second column refers to the experimental signature in the analysis, the last three columns indicate the estimation methods used to model each corresponding signature as described in Sections 5.1 - 5.3.
A search for the decay of a heavy Higgs boson H into the observed Higgs boson h and another Higgs boson hS with a mass of mhS<mHmh has been presented. The h and the hS bosons are required to decay into a pair of tau leptons and a pair of b quarks, respectively. The search is based on 137 fb1 of proton-proton collisions collected with the CMS detector during the LHC Run 2 data taking period at a center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV. A mass range of 240 - 3000 GeV for mH and 60 - 2800 GeV for mhS is covered. No signal has been observed. Therefore model independent 95% confidence level upper limits on the product of the production cross section and the branching fractions of the searched process are set ranging from 125 fb (for mH= 240 GeV) to 2.7 fb (for mH= 3000 GeV). These limits have been compared to predictions of the next-to-minimal supersymmetric extension of the standard model.
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Compact Muon Solenoid