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Simplified template cross section measurements of Higgs boson produced in association with vector bosons in the H bˉb decay channel in proton-proton collisions at s= 13 TeV
Abstract: Measurements of simplified template cross sections and inclusive signal strengths are presented for the production of a 125 GeV Higgs boson decaying into a pair of b quarks, produced in association with a vector boson. The analysis is based on the leptonic decays of the W and Z bosons, resulting in final states with 0, 1, or 2 electrons or muons. The Higgs boson candidate is reconstructed either from two resolved b-tagged jets or from a single large-radius jet containing the decay products of two b jets at large momenta. A sample of proton-proton collisions at s= 13 TeV, collected by the CMS experiment between 2016 and 2018 and corresponding to a total integrated luminosity of 138 fb1, is analyzed.
Figures & Tables Summary References CMS Publications

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Figure 1:
Overview of the STXS bins for the three VH production modes. The vertical axis reflects the vector boson pT(V) bin ranges and the horizontal axis the number of additional jets. The general bin definitions are indicated by the green boxes. No distinction is made between gluon and quark-induced production modes in the analysis. As mentioned in Section 5, some STXS bins are not explicitly targeted by the analysis: contributions from these bins in the analysis categories are fixed to their SM expectations.

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Figure 2:
Dijet invariant mass distributions in samples of simulated VH(b¯b) events passing the 2-lepton channel requirements without any additional recoiling jet. Distributions are shown before (red triangles) and after (blue squars) the energy corrections from the b jet regression are applied, and when a kinematic fit procedure (green circles) is used on top of them. The fitted mean and width of the core of the distribution, obtained by fitting a Bukin function, are displayed on the figure.

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Figure 3:
Distribution of the HFDNN scores in the 0-lepton (left) and 1-lepton (right) heavy-flavor control regions for the 2018 data set, after the fit to data. The output nodes target enrichment in the V+light-flavor (first bin), V+c (second bin), V+b (third bin), single-top (fourth bin), and t¯t (fifth bin) backgrounds.

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Figure 3-a:
Distribution of the HFDNN scores in the 0-lepton (left) and 1-lepton (right) heavy-flavor control regions for the 2018 data set, after the fit to data. The output nodes target enrichment in the V+light-flavor (first bin), V+c (second bin), V+b (third bin), single-top (fourth bin), and t¯t (fifth bin) backgrounds.

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Figure 3-b:
Distribution of the HFDNN scores in the 0-lepton (left) and 1-lepton (right) heavy-flavor control regions for the 2018 data set, after the fit to data. The output nodes target enrichment in the V+light-flavor (first bin), V+c (second bin), V+b (third bin), single-top (fourth bin), and t¯t (fifth bin) backgrounds.

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Figure 4:
Contributions of the different STXS signal bins as a fraction of the total signal yield in each SR (upper). Correlation matrix of the parameters of interest in the STXS fit (lower).

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Figure 4-a:
Contributions of the different STXS signal bins as a fraction of the total signal yield in each SR (upper). Correlation matrix of the parameters of interest in the STXS fit (lower).

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Figure 4-b:
Contributions of the different STXS signal bins as a fraction of the total signal yield in each SR (upper). Correlation matrix of the parameters of interest in the STXS fit (lower).

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Figure 5:
Signal strengths for the 0-lepton, 1-lepton, and 2-lepton-lepton channels, as well as the combined signal strength (left). Signal strengths for the ZH and WH production modes (right). All results combine the 2016, 2017 and 2018 data.

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Figure 5-a:
Signal strengths for the 0-lepton, 1-lepton, and 2-lepton-lepton channels, as well as the combined signal strength (left). Signal strengths for the ZH and WH production modes (right). All results combine the 2016, 2017 and 2018 data.

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Figure 5-b:
Signal strengths for the 0-lepton, 1-lepton, and 2-lepton-lepton channels, as well as the combined signal strength (left). Signal strengths for the ZH and WH production modes (right). All results combine the 2016, 2017 and 2018 data.

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Figure 6:
STXS signal strengths from the analysis of the 2016--2018 data (left). Measured values of σB in the same STXS bins as for the signal strengths, combining all years (right). In the bottom panel, the ratio of the observed results with associated uncertainties to the SM expectations is shown. If the observed signal strength for a given STXS bin is negative, no value is quoted for σB.

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Figure 6-a:
STXS signal strengths from the analysis of the 2016--2018 data (left). Measured values of σB in the same STXS bins as for the signal strengths, combining all years (right). In the bottom panel, the ratio of the observed results with associated uncertainties to the SM expectations is shown. If the observed signal strength for a given STXS bin is negative, no value is quoted for σB.

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Figure 6-b:
STXS signal strengths from the analysis of the 2016--2018 data (left). Measured values of σB in the same STXS bins as for the signal strengths, combining all years (right). In the bottom panel, the ratio of the observed results with associated uncertainties to the SM expectations is shown. If the observed signal strength for a given STXS bin is negative, no value is quoted for σB.

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Figure 7:
Post-fit distributions of the DNN discriminant in the 250 <pT(V)< 400 GeV category of the 0-lepton (left), 1-lepton (center), 2-lepton (right) channels using the 2018 data set. The background contributions after the global likelihood fit are shown as filled histograms. The Higgs boson signal is also shown as a filled histogram, and is normalized to the signal strength shown in Fig. 12. The hatched band indicates the combined statistical and systematic uncertainty in the sum of the signal and background templates. The ratio of the data to the sum of the fitted signal and background is shown in the lower panel. The distributions that enter the maximum-likelihood fit use the same binning as shown here.

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Figure 7-a:
Post-fit distributions of the DNN discriminant in the 250 <pT(V)< 400 GeV category of the 0-lepton (left), 1-lepton (center), 2-lepton (right) channels using the 2018 data set. The background contributions after the global likelihood fit are shown as filled histograms. The Higgs boson signal is also shown as a filled histogram, and is normalized to the signal strength shown in Fig. 12. The hatched band indicates the combined statistical and systematic uncertainty in the sum of the signal and background templates. The ratio of the data to the sum of the fitted signal and background is shown in the lower panel. The distributions that enter the maximum-likelihood fit use the same binning as shown here.

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Figure 7-b:
Post-fit distributions of the DNN discriminant in the 250 <pT(V)< 400 GeV category of the 0-lepton (left), 1-lepton (center), 2-lepton (right) channels using the 2018 data set. The background contributions after the global likelihood fit are shown as filled histograms. The Higgs boson signal is also shown as a filled histogram, and is normalized to the signal strength shown in Fig. 12. The hatched band indicates the combined statistical and systematic uncertainty in the sum of the signal and background templates. The ratio of the data to the sum of the fitted signal and background is shown in the lower panel. The distributions that enter the maximum-likelihood fit use the same binning as shown here.

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Figure 7-c:
Post-fit distributions of the DNN discriminant in the 250 <pT(V)< 400 GeV category of the 0-lepton (left), 1-lepton (center), 2-lepton (right) channels using the 2018 data set. The background contributions after the global likelihood fit are shown as filled histograms. The Higgs boson signal is also shown as a filled histogram, and is normalized to the signal strength shown in Fig. 12. The hatched band indicates the combined statistical and systematic uncertainty in the sum of the signal and background templates. The ratio of the data to the sum of the fitted signal and background is shown in the lower panel. The distributions that enter the maximum-likelihood fit use the same binning as shown here.

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Figure 8:
Distributions of signal, background, and observed data event yields sorted into bins of similar signal-to-background ratio, as given by the result of the fit to the multivariate discriminants in the resolved and boosted categories. All events in the signal regions of the 2016-2018 data set are included. The red histogram indicates the Higgs boson signal assuming SM yields (μ= 1) and the sum of all backgrounds is given by the gray histogram. The bottom panel shows the ratio of the observed data to the background, with the total uncertainty in the background indicated by the gray hatching. The red line indicates the sum of signal plus background contribution, divided by the background.

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Figure 9:
Results of the VZ, Z bˉb channel analysis using the full Run 2 dataset for both the WZ and ZZ production modes.

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Figure 10:
Dijet invariant mass distributions, where the events are weighted according to S/(S+B), combining all channels and data-taking years. The distributions are evaluated after the fit to data, and therefore the signal component is scaled by the fitted signal strength μ= 0.34 ± 0.34. Apart from the VH and VZ contributions, all other background processes are also shown (left) or subtracted (right), to show the invariant mass peaks of the VZ, Z bˉb and VH, H bˉb resonances.

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Figure 10-a:
Dijet invariant mass distributions, where the events are weighted according to S/(S+B), combining all channels and data-taking years. The distributions are evaluated after the fit to data, and therefore the signal component is scaled by the fitted signal strength μ= 0.34 ± 0.34. Apart from the VH and VZ contributions, all other background processes are also shown (left) or subtracted (right), to show the invariant mass peaks of the VZ, Z bˉb and VH, H bˉb resonances.

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Figure 10-b:
Dijet invariant mass distributions, where the events are weighted according to S/(S+B), combining all channels and data-taking years. The distributions are evaluated after the fit to data, and therefore the signal component is scaled by the fitted signal strength μ= 0.34 ± 0.34. Apart from the VH and VZ contributions, all other background processes are also shown (left) or subtracted (right), to show the invariant mass peaks of the VZ, Z bˉb and VH, H bˉb resonances.

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Table 1:
Definition of the SR and CRs for the resolved selection in the 0-lepton channel. The jet with the second largest b tagging score is required to pass the loose working point in all regions.

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Table 2:
Definition of the SR and CRs for the resolved selection of the 1-lepton channel.

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Table 3:
Definition of the SR and CRs for the resolved selection in the 2-lepton channel.

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Table 4:
Input variables used for the DNN training in the resolved signal regions of the 0-lepton, 1-lepton, and 2-lepton channels. Reconstructed jets are classified as leading and sub-leading based on their b tag score.

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Table 5:
Selection criteria for the SR and CRs in the boosted topology, given separately for the three analysis channels.

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Table 6:
Discriminating variables fitted in each signal and control region.

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Table 7:
The cross section values for VH process in STXS 1.2 scheme multiplied by the branching fraction of V leptons and H bˉb. The SM predictions for each bin are calculated using the inclusive values reported in YR4 [35].

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Table 8:
Impacts of different nuisance parameter groups on the inclusive VH(b¯b) signal strength.
Measurements of the SM Higgs boson production cross section have been presented, where the Higgs boson is produced in association with a vector boson and decays to bottom quark pairs, and where the vector bosons decay leptonically in either electron or muon channels. Proton-proton collision data collected by the CMS experiment during 2016, 2017, and 2018 at s= 13 TeV are used, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 138 fb1. Five decay modes have been analysed, and for each mode both a resolved and merged jet topologies are exploited. An additional subcategorization in the transverse momentum of the vector boson and the number of additional jets in the event is applied to maximize the sensitivity to the different simplified template cross section bins. The overall signal strength, combining all analysis categories, is found to be μ= 0.58 ± 0.18. This corresponds to an observed (expected) significance of 3.3 standard deviations (5.2 standard deviations).
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Compact Muon Solenoid