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CMS-SMP-22-010 ; CERN-EP-2024-208
Measurement of the Drell-Yan forward-backward asymmetry and of the effective leptonic weak mixing angle in proton-proton collisions at $ \sqrt{s} = $ 13 TeV
Submitted to Phys. Lett. B
Abstract: The forward-backward asymmetry in Drell-Yan production and the effective leptonic electroweak mixing angle are measured in proton-proton collisions at $ \sqrt{s} = $ 13 TeV, collected by the CMS experiment and corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 138 fb$ ^{-1} $. The measurement uses both dimuon and dielectron events, and is performed as a function of the dilepton mass and rapidity. The unfolded angular coefficient $ A_4 $ is also extracted, as a function of the dilepton mass and rapidity. Using the CT18Z set of parton distribution functions, we obtain $ \sin^2\theta_\text{eff}^{\ell} = $ 0.23157 $ \pm $ 0.00031, where the uncertainty includes the experimental and theoretical contributions. The measured value agrees with the standard model fit result to global experimental data. This is the most precise $ \sin^2\theta_\text{eff}^{\ell} $ measurement at a hadron collider, with a precision comparable to the results obtained at LEP and SLD.
Figures & Tables Summary Additional Figures References CMS Publications

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Figure 1:
Misidentification rates in the 2018 samples, for electrons in the 2.0 $ < |\eta| < $ 2.5 bin that pass the single-lepton trigger (SLT): (1) majority (circles) and selective (squares) charge identification; (2) misidentification of electrons as positrons $ (+|-) $ (solid markers) or positrons as electrons $ (-|+) $ (open markers); (3) true (red), simulation (blue), and data (black). The true charge misidentification rate is evaluated by counting electrons with wrong reconstructed charge using generation-level information; the simulated misidentification rate is evaluated with the method used in data.

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Figure 2:
Same-sign dimuon mass distribution for the 2018 sample. The EW and top quark backgrounds are normalized to the integrated luminosity using NNLO cross sections. The multijet background is evaluated by applying weights to the corresponding multijet-enriched samples. The error bars in the lower panel include statistical and background systematic uncertainties (described in Section 5).

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Figure 3:
Lepton $ \cos\theta_\mathrm{CS} $ distribution in $ \mu\mathrm{h} $ events in 2018. The multijet and $ \mathrm{W}\!+\!\text{jets} $ backgrounds are scaled to the data as described in the text. The error bars include statistical and background systematic uncertainties (described in Section 5).

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Figure 4:
Dilepton mass (left), rapidity (middle), and $ \cos\theta_\mathrm{CS} $ (right) distributions, for the $ \mu\mu $ (upper) and $ \mathrm{e}\mathrm{h} $ (lower) channels in the 2018 sample, after applying all the corrections. The signal is scaled to match the total number of events in the data.

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Figure 5:
The $ A_4 $ coefficient in the nominal configuration (upper panels) and its variations (lower panels) when changing the inputs mentioned in the legends: different POWHEG -Z_ew options (left) and different PDF sets (right). No lepton kinematic selection criteria are applied.

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Figure 5-a:
The $ A_4 $ coefficient in the nominal configuration (upper panels) and its variations (lower panels) when changing the inputs mentioned in the legends: different POWHEG -Z_ew options (left) and different PDF sets (right). No lepton kinematic selection criteria are applied.

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Figure 5-b:
The $ A_4 $ coefficient in the nominal configuration (upper panels) and its variations (lower panels) when changing the inputs mentioned in the legends: different POWHEG -Z_ew options (left) and different PDF sets (right). No lepton kinematic selection criteria are applied.

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Figure 6:
Measured and best fit $ \mu\mu $ (left) and $ \mathrm{e}\mathrm{h} $ (right) $ A_\mathrm{FB}^\mathrm{w}(|y|,m) $ distributions for the 2018 data. The error bars represent the statistical uncertainties in the measured and simulated samples. The rapidity bins are given in Table 2.

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Figure 6-a:
Measured and best fit $ \mu\mu $ (left) and $ \mathrm{e}\mathrm{h} $ (right) $ A_\mathrm{FB}^\mathrm{w}(|y|,m) $ distributions for the 2018 data. The error bars represent the statistical uncertainties in the measured and simulated samples. The rapidity bins are given in Table 2.

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Figure 6-b:
Measured and best fit $ \mu\mu $ (left) and $ \mathrm{e}\mathrm{h} $ (right) $ A_\mathrm{FB}^\mathrm{w}(|y|,m) $ distributions for the 2018 data. The error bars represent the statistical uncertainties in the measured and simulated samples. The rapidity bins are given in Table 2.

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Figure 7:
Measured and best fit $ \mu\mu $ (left) and $ \mathrm{e}\mathrm{h} $ (right) $ \cos\theta_\mathrm{CS} $ distributions for 2018, for the Z boson peak and two rapidity bins. The error bars represent the statistical uncertainties.

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Figure 7-a:
Measured and best fit $ \mu\mu $ (left) and $ \mathrm{e}\mathrm{h} $ (right) $ \cos\theta_\mathrm{CS} $ distributions for 2018, for the Z boson peak and two rapidity bins. The error bars represent the statistical uncertainties.

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Figure 7-b:
Measured and best fit $ \mu\mu $ (left) and $ \mathrm{e}\mathrm{h} $ (right) $ \cos\theta_\mathrm{CS} $ distributions for 2018, for the Z boson peak and two rapidity bins. The error bars represent the statistical uncertainties.

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Figure 8:
Measured and best fit $ A_4(|Y|, M) $ distributions for the combined 2016-2018 fit with the CT18Z PDF set. The shaded band represents the post-fit PDF uncertainty.

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Figure 9:
Values of $ \sin^2\theta_\text{eff}^{\ell} $ measured with the $ A_\mathrm{FB}^\mathrm{w} $, $ A_4 $, and $ \cos\theta_\mathrm{CS} $ fits, in each of the four channels using the full 2016-2018 sample (upper) and in each of the four data-taking periods combining the four channels (lower), always with the CT18Z PDF set. The ``comb" band shows the result for all channels and runs combined. For the $ A_\mathrm{FB}^\mathrm{w} $ results, the magenta bands show the combined statistical and experimental systematic uncertainties, and the black bars represent the total uncertainties.

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Figure 10:
Values of $ \sin^2\theta_\text{eff}^{\ell} $ measured with the $ A_\mathrm{FB}^\mathrm{w} $ and $ A_4 $ fits, for seven PDF sets, combining the four channels and using the full 2016-2018 sample. The orange line and yellow band correspond to the result obtained with the CT18Z PDFs. The red open squares are the results obtained without profiling the corresponding PDF uncertainties. For the $ A_\mathrm{FB}^\mathrm{w} $ results, the cyan bands show the PDF uncertainties and the black bars represent the total uncertainties.

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Figure 11:
Comparison of the $ \sin^2\theta_\text{eff}^{\ell} $ values measured in this analysis with previous measurements [1,11,12,9,10,14] and the result of a SM global fit [2].

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Figure 12:
The $ A_4 $ coefficient obtained with the latest POWHEG -Z_ew version [55] for the nominal configuration (upper panel) and its variations when changing input options (lower panel). No lepton kinematic selection criteria are applied.

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Table 1:
The lepton $ \eta $ and $ p_{\mathrm{T}} $ acceptance windows applied in the four measurement channels. The 1.44-1.57 $ |\eta| $ range, between the barrel and endcap ECAL, is excluded for central electrons.

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Table 2:
Dilepton rapidity and mass binning used in the fits; $ n_{|y|} $, $ n_m $, and $ n_M $ are the numbers of bins in each category.

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Table 3:
Free parameters in the $ A_\mathrm{FB}^\mathrm{w}(|y|,m) $ fit, indicating the number of independent variations (e.g., number of rapidity bins where the uncertainties are considered uncorrelated). Some of the total values reflect the four data-taking periods and/or the four final-state channels.

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Table 4:
Fitted $ \sin^2\theta_\text{eff}^{\ell} $ (in units of 10$^{-5} $) for the four channels and their sum ($ \ell\ell $), using the full data sample. The fit quality is good, as indicated by the $ \chi^2 $ probabilities ($ p $). The experimental systematic uncertainties (``exp") are the sum of the values in the five rightmost columns, corresponding to the statistical uncertainties of the MC samples and the categories listed in Table 3.

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Table 5:
Numbers of bins and free parameters used in the unfolding.

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Table 6:
Measured $ \sin^2\theta_\text{eff}^{\ell} $ values (in units of 10$^{-5} $) when using the $ A_4(|Y|, M) $ distributions for the four final-state channels and their sum.

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Table 7:
Values of $ \sin^2\theta_\text{eff}^{\ell} $ (in units of 10$^{-5} $) obtained by fitting the measured $ A_\mathrm{FB}^\mathrm{w} $ or unfolded $ A_4 $, for seven PDF sets, combining the four channels and using the full 2016-2018 sample.

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Table 8:
Values of $ \sin^2\theta_\text{eff}^{\ell} $ (in units of 10$^{-5} $) extracted by profiling the $ A_4 $ distribution (with 63 data points) using XFITTER, for several PDF sets. The reported uncertainties are the total ones, including contributions from the statistical, experimental systematic, theoretical, and PDF sources.

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Table 9:
Values of $ \sin^2\theta_\text{eff}^{\ell} $ (in units of 10$^{-5} $) extracted by profiling the $ A_4 $ distribution (with 63 data points) using XFITTER, for several PDF sets. The reported uncertainties are the total ones, including contributions from the statistical, experimental systematic, theoretical, and PDF sources.
A precise measurement of the forward-backward asymmetry has been performed, using proton-proton collisions at $ \sqrt{s} = $ 13 TeV collected in 2016-2018 by the CMS experiment and corresponding to a total integrated luminosity of 138 fb$ ^{-1} $. The measurement is based on the study of Drell-Yan dimuon and dielectron events. The effective leptonic electroweak mixing angle $ \sin^2\theta_\text{eff}^{\ell} $ is extracted very precisely by fitting the detector-level angular-weighted $ A_\mathrm{FB}^\mathrm{w}(|y|,m) $ and the unfolded $ A_4(|Y|, M) $ angular coefficient of the pre-FSR dilepton, obtaining compatible results. Given that the angular-weighted asymmetry method [17] benefits from the cancelation of systematic uncertainties in the detection acceptance and efficiencies, we use this method for our baseline result. This measurement has a significantly smaller uncertainty than the previous CMS result [14] because of the larger data sample, an improved analysis technique, and the inclusion of central-forward dielectron configurations. Using the CT18Z set of parton distribution functions we obtain $ \sin^2\theta_\text{eff}^{\ell} = $ 0.23157 $\pm$ 0.00010 (stat) $\pm$ 0.00015 (exp) $\pm$ 0.00009 (theo) $\pm$ 0.00027 (PDF), where ``stat", ``exp", ``theo", and ``PDF" denote, respectively, the statistical uncertainty and the systematic uncertainties reflecting experimental effects, the theory modeling, and the PDFs. Accounting for the correlations between the various contributions, the total uncertainty, dominated by the PDF term, is 0.00031. It varies between 0.00024 and 0.00035 depending on the PDF set. From the unfolded $ A_4(|Y|, M) $ angular coefficient, and using the CT18Z PDF set, the extracted $ \sin^2\theta_\text{eff}^{\ell} $ value is 0.23155 $ \pm $ 0.00032 or 0.23153 $ \pm $ 0.00032, depending on the analysis framework, the latter value being obtained with the latest POWHEG -Z_ew program version. Our result agrees with the standard model expectation, 0.23155 $ \pm $ 0.00004, and is the most precise hadron-collider measurement. The precision is comparable to that of the two most precise measurements performed in $ \mathrm{e}^+\mathrm{e}^- $ collisions at LEP and SLD, with respective uncertainties of 0.00029 and 0.00026. The $ A_4 $ coefficient, measured as a function of the dilepton mass and rapidity, can be used in combination with other LHC measurements or to improve the $ \sin^2\theta_\text{eff}^{\ell} $ measurement using future PDF sets.
Additional Figures

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Additional Figure 1:
Dilepton mass resolution in four channels as a function of dilepton rapidity in 2018 simulated samples.

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Additional Figure 2:
Electron $ \eta $ distribution in 2018 for $ \mathrm{e^-e^-} $ majority (left) and selective (right) ID dielectron samples. The correction factors have been applied to the charge mis-ID rates. The shaded bands include statistical uncertainties in the mis-ID corrections, as well as the full size of the correction used as a conservative estimate of its systematic uncertainty.

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Additional Figure 2-a:
Electron $ \eta $ distribution in 2018 for $ \mathrm{e^-e^-} $ majority (left) and selective (right) ID dielectron samples. The correction factors have been applied to the charge mis-ID rates. The shaded bands include statistical uncertainties in the mis-ID corrections, as well as the full size of the correction used as a conservative estimate of its systematic uncertainty.

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Additional Figure 2-b:
Electron $ \eta $ distribution in 2018 for $ \mathrm{e^-e^-} $ majority (left) and selective (right) ID dielectron samples. The correction factors have been applied to the charge mis-ID rates. The shaded bands include statistical uncertainties in the mis-ID corrections, as well as the full size of the correction used as a conservative estimate of its systematic uncertainty.

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Additional Figure 3:
Dilepton mass distribution in the same-sign dielectrons (left) and $ \mu\mathrm{e} $ (right) samples. The electroweak and top-quark events are normalized to the NNLO cross sections and include corrections described in the text. The multijet background is estimated by applying the transfer factors to the corresponding multijet-enriched sample. To reduce large signal contamination in the same-sign $ \mathrm{e}\mathrm{e} $ sample due to the electron charge-misidentification, the Z boson peak region of 76 GeV $ < m_{\mathrm{e}\mathrm{e}} < $ 106 GeV is removed and the selective charge ID is required for both electrons.

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Additional Figure 3-a:
Dilepton mass distribution in the same-sign dielectrons (left) and $ \mu\mathrm{e} $ (right) samples. The electroweak and top-quark events are normalized to the NNLO cross sections and include corrections described in the text. The multijet background is estimated by applying the transfer factors to the corresponding multijet-enriched sample. To reduce large signal contamination in the same-sign $ \mathrm{e}\mathrm{e} $ sample due to the electron charge-misidentification, the Z boson peak region of 76 GeV $ < m_{\mathrm{e}\mathrm{e}} < $ 106 GeV is removed and the selective charge ID is required for both electrons.

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Additional Figure 3-b:
Dilepton mass distribution in the same-sign dielectrons (left) and $ \mu\mathrm{e} $ (right) samples. The electroweak and top-quark events are normalized to the NNLO cross sections and include corrections described in the text. The multijet background is estimated by applying the transfer factors to the corresponding multijet-enriched sample. To reduce large signal contamination in the same-sign $ \mathrm{e}\mathrm{e} $ sample due to the electron charge-misidentification, the Z boson peak region of 76 GeV $ < m_{\mathrm{e}\mathrm{e}} < $ 106 GeV is removed and the selective charge ID is required for both electrons.

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Additional Figure 4:
Dilepton $ p_{\mathrm{T}} $ in $ \mu\mathrm{g} $ and $ \mu\mathrm{h} $ events (upper), and $ \cos\theta_\mathrm{CS} $ in $ \mu\mathrm{g} $ events (lower). The multijet and W$+$jets backgrounds are scaled to the data as described in the text. The error bars include the statistical and systematic uncertainties.

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Additional Figure 4-a:
Dilepton $ p_{\mathrm{T}} $ in $ \mu\mathrm{g} $ and $ \mu\mathrm{h} $ events (upper), and $ \cos\theta_\mathrm{CS} $ in $ \mu\mathrm{g} $ events (lower). The multijet and W$+$jets backgrounds are scaled to the data as described in the text. The error bars include the statistical and systematic uncertainties.

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Additional Figure 4-b:
Dilepton $ p_{\mathrm{T}} $ in $ \mu\mathrm{g} $ and $ \mu\mathrm{h} $ events (upper), and $ \cos\theta_\mathrm{CS} $ in $ \mu\mathrm{g} $ events (lower). The multijet and W$+$jets backgrounds are scaled to the data as described in the text. The error bars include the statistical and systematic uncertainties.

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Additional Figure 4-c:
Dilepton $ p_{\mathrm{T}} $ in $ \mu\mathrm{g} $ and $ \mu\mathrm{h} $ events (upper), and $ \cos\theta_\mathrm{CS} $ in $ \mu\mathrm{g} $ events (lower). The multijet and W$+$jets backgrounds are scaled to the data as described in the text. The error bars include the statistical and systematic uncertainties.

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Additional Figure 5:
Dilepton mass (upper), rapidity (middle), and $ \cos\theta_\mathrm{CS} $ (lower) distributions, for the $ \mathrm{e}\mathrm{e} $ (left) and $\mathrm{e}\mathrm{g}$ (right) channels in the 2018 samples, after applying all the corrections described in the text.

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Additional Figure 5-a:
Dilepton mass (upper), rapidity (middle), and $ \cos\theta_\mathrm{CS} $ (lower) distributions, for the $ \mathrm{e}\mathrm{e} $ (left) and $\mathrm{e}\mathrm{g}$ (right) channels in the 2018 samples, after applying all the corrections described in the text.

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Additional Figure 5-b:
Dilepton mass (upper), rapidity (middle), and $ \cos\theta_\mathrm{CS} $ (lower) distributions, for the $ \mathrm{e}\mathrm{e} $ (left) and $\mathrm{e}\mathrm{g}$ (right) channels in the 2018 samples, after applying all the corrections described in the text.

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Additional Figure 5-c:
Dilepton mass (upper), rapidity (middle), and $ \cos\theta_\mathrm{CS} $ (lower) distributions, for the $ \mathrm{e}\mathrm{e} $ (left) and $\mathrm{e}\mathrm{g}$ (right) channels in the 2018 samples, after applying all the corrections described in the text.

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Additional Figure 5-d:
Dilepton mass (upper), rapidity (middle), and $ \cos\theta_\mathrm{CS} $ (lower) distributions, for the $ \mathrm{e}\mathrm{e} $ (left) and $\mathrm{e}\mathrm{g}$ (right) channels in the 2018 samples, after applying all the corrections described in the text.

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Additional Figure 5-e:
Dilepton mass (upper), rapidity (middle), and $ \cos\theta_\mathrm{CS} $ (lower) distributions, for the $ \mathrm{e}\mathrm{e} $ (left) and $\mathrm{e}\mathrm{g}$ (right) channels in the 2018 samples, after applying all the corrections described in the text.

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Additional Figure 5-f:
Dilepton mass (upper), rapidity (middle), and $ \cos\theta_\mathrm{CS} $ (lower) distributions, for the $ \mathrm{e}\mathrm{e} $ (left) and $\mathrm{e}\mathrm{g}$ (right) channels in the 2018 samples, after applying all the corrections described in the text.

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Additional Figure 6:
The data and best-fit angular weighted $ A_\mathrm{FB}^\mathrm{w}(|y|,m) $ distributions for the 2018 period and in the $ \mathrm{e}\mathrm{e} $ (left) and $\mathrm{e}\mathrm{g}$ (right) channels. The error bars represent the statistical uncertainties of the measured and simulated samples.

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Additional Figure 6-a:
The data and best-fit angular weighted $ A_\mathrm{FB}^\mathrm{w}(|y|,m) $ distributions for the 2018 period and in the $ \mathrm{e}\mathrm{e} $ (left) and $\mathrm{e}\mathrm{g}$ (right) channels. The error bars represent the statistical uncertainties of the measured and simulated samples.

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Additional Figure 6-b:
The data and best-fit angular weighted $ A_\mathrm{FB}^\mathrm{w}(|y|,m) $ distributions for the 2018 period and in the $ \mathrm{e}\mathrm{e} $ (left) and $\mathrm{e}\mathrm{g}$ (right) channels. The error bars represent the statistical uncertainties of the measured and simulated samples.

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Additional Figure 7:
The data and best-fit $ \cos\theta_\mathrm{CS} $ distributions in the $ \mathrm{e}\mathrm{e} $ (left) and $\mathrm{e}\mathrm{g}$ (right) channels of the 2018 samples, for the dilepton mass peak and relevant rapidity bins for each channel. The error bars represent the statistical uncertainties.

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Additional Figure 7-a:
The data and best-fit $ \cos\theta_\mathrm{CS} $ distributions in the $ \mathrm{e}\mathrm{e} $ (left) and $\mathrm{e}\mathrm{g}$ (right) channels of the 2018 samples, for the dilepton mass peak and relevant rapidity bins for each channel. The error bars represent the statistical uncertainties.

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Additional Figure 7-b:
The data and best-fit $ \cos\theta_\mathrm{CS} $ distributions in the $ \mathrm{e}\mathrm{e} $ (left) and $\mathrm{e}\mathrm{g}$ (right) channels of the 2018 samples, for the dilepton mass peak and relevant rapidity bins for each channel. The error bars represent the statistical uncertainties.

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Additional Figure 8:
The data vs. pre-fit (left) and post-fit (right) $ A_4(|Y|, M) $ distributions in the combined Run-2 fit for NNPDF40 (upper), MSHT20 (middle), and CT18 (lower) PDF sets. The shaded bands correspond to the PDF uncertainty.

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Additional Figure 8-a:
The data vs. pre-fit (left) and post-fit (right) $ A_4(|Y|, M) $ distributions in the combined Run-2 fit for NNPDF40 (upper), MSHT20 (middle), and CT18 (lower) PDF sets. The shaded bands correspond to the PDF uncertainty.

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Additional Figure 8-b:
The data vs. pre-fit (left) and post-fit (right) $ A_4(|Y|, M) $ distributions in the combined Run-2 fit for NNPDF40 (upper), MSHT20 (middle), and CT18 (lower) PDF sets. The shaded bands correspond to the PDF uncertainty.

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Additional Figure 8-c:
The data vs. pre-fit (left) and post-fit (right) $ A_4(|Y|, M) $ distributions in the combined Run-2 fit for NNPDF40 (upper), MSHT20 (middle), and CT18 (lower) PDF sets. The shaded bands correspond to the PDF uncertainty.

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Additional Figure 8-d:
The data vs. pre-fit (left) and post-fit (right) $ A_4(|Y|, M) $ distributions in the combined Run-2 fit for NNPDF40 (upper), MSHT20 (middle), and CT18 (lower) PDF sets. The shaded bands correspond to the PDF uncertainty.

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Additional Figure 8-e:
The data vs. pre-fit (left) and post-fit (right) $ A_4(|Y|, M) $ distributions in the combined Run-2 fit for NNPDF40 (upper), MSHT20 (middle), and CT18 (lower) PDF sets. The shaded bands correspond to the PDF uncertainty.

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Additional Figure 8-f:
The data vs. pre-fit (left) and post-fit (right) $ A_4(|Y|, M) $ distributions in the combined Run-2 fit for NNPDF40 (upper), MSHT20 (middle), and CT18 (lower) PDF sets. The shaded bands correspond to the PDF uncertainty.

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Additional Figure 9:
The measured vs. predicted combined Run-2 $ A_4(|Y|, M) $ distributions for CT18Z PDF set. The shaded bands correspond to the PDF uncertainty.

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Additional Figure 10:
Values of $ \sin^2\theta_\mathrm{eff}^\ell $ measured in the four channels and four data-taking periods. The results obtained with the $ A_\mathrm{FB}^\mathrm{w} $, $ A_4 $, and $ \cos\theta_\mathrm{CS} $ fits are shown using different markers and colors. The orange line and the yellow band correspond to the result obtained with all channels and runs combined. For the $ A_\mathrm{FB}^\mathrm{w} $-based result, the violet error bands show the combined statistical and experimental systematic uncertainties, while the black error bars represent the total uncertainties.

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Additional Figure 11:
Comparison of pre- and post-$ A_4 $-fit valence quark distributions and their combinations for different PDFs. The error bars are only shown for the post-fit distributions.

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Additional Figure 11-a:
Comparison of pre- and post-$ A_4 $-fit valence quark distributions and their combinations for different PDFs. The error bars are only shown for the post-fit distributions.

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Additional Figure 11-b:
Comparison of pre- and post-$ A_4 $-fit valence quark distributions and their combinations for different PDFs. The error bars are only shown for the post-fit distributions.

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Additional Figure 11-c:
Comparison of pre- and post-$ A_4 $-fit valence quark distributions and their combinations for different PDFs. The error bars are only shown for the post-fit distributions.

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Additional Figure 11-d:
Comparison of pre- and post-$ A_4 $-fit valence quark distributions and their combinations for different PDFs. The error bars are only shown for the post-fit distributions.

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Additional Figure 11-e:
Comparison of pre- and post-$ A_4 $-fit valence quark distributions and their combinations for different PDFs. The error bars are only shown for the post-fit distributions.
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Compact Muon Solenoid