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Search for electroweak production of charginos and neutralinos in multilepton final states in pp collision data at s= 13 TeV
Abstract: Searches are presented for direct electroweak production of charginos and neutralinos in signatures with two light leptons of the same charge and with three or more leptons including up to two hadronically decaying τ leptons. The results are based on a sample of proton-proton collision data collected at a center-of-mass energy s= 13 TeV recorded with the CMS detector, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 35.9 fb1. The observed event rates are in agreement with expectations from the standard model. These results probe charginos and neutralinos with masses up to values between 225 and 1150 GeV, depending on the model parameters assumed. These results significantly extend the phase space probed with previous searches.
Figures & Tables Summary Additional Figures & Tables References CMS Publications
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Figure 1:
Chargino-neutralino pair production with decays mediated by sleptons and sneutrinos, leading to a three-lepton final state.

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Figure 1-a:
Chargino-neutralino pair production with decays mediated by sleptons and sneutrinos, leading to a three-lepton final state.

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Figure 1-b:
Chargino-neutralino pair production with decays mediated by sleptons and sneutrinos, leading to a three-lepton final state.

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Figure 2:
Chargino-neutralino pair production with the chargino decaying to W and the LSP and the neutralino decaying to (left) a Z boson and the LSP or (right) a H boson and the LSP.

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Figure 2-a:
Chargino-neutralino pair production with the chargino decaying to W and the LSP and the neutralino decaying to a Z boson and the LSP.

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Figure 2-b:
Chargino-neutralino pair production with the chargino decaying to W and the LSP and the neutralino decaying to a H boson and the LSP.

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Figure 3:
Distribution of the EmissT in events with 2 same-sign leptons and 0 jets (left) or 1 jet (right).

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Figure 3-a:
Distribution of the EmissT in events with 2 same-sign leptons and 0 jets.

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Figure 3-b:
Distribution of the EmissT in events with 2 same-sign leptons and 1 jet.

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Figure 4:
Expected and observed yields comparison in the same-sign category.

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Figure 5:
Distribution of key observables used in the event selection for events entering baseline region A: the transverse mass of the third lepton (left), the EmissT (middle) and the m (right) of the OSSF pair.

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Figure 5-a:
Distribution of a key observable used in the event selection for events entering baseline region A: the transverse mass of the third lepton.

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Figure 5-b:
Distribution of a key observable used in the event selection for events entering baseline region A: the EmissT.

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Figure 5-c:
Distribution of a key observable used in the event selection for events entering baseline region A: the m of the OSSF pair.

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Figure 6:
Expected and observed yields comparison in category A (top) and category B (bottom) signal regions, i.e. 3 light flavor leptons including at least one OSSF pair (A) or no OSSF pair (B), respectively.

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Figure 6-a:
Expected and observed yields comparison in the category A (top) and signal region, i.e. 3 light flavor leptons including at least one OSSF pair.

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Figure 6-b:
Expected and observed yields comparison in the category B (bottom) signal region, i.e. no OSSF pair (B).

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Figure 7:
Expected and observed yields comparison in events with one τh: categories C (top) and D (bottom).

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Figure 7-a:
Expected and observed yields comparison in events with one τh: category C.

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Figure 7-b:
Expected and observed yields comparison in events with one τh: category D.

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Figure 8:
Distribution of the transverse mass in events with two OSSF light leptons and one hadronic tau (left) and EmissT in events with one light flavor lepton and two hadronic taus.

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Figure 8-a:
Distribution of the transverse mass in events with two OSSF light leptons and one hadronic tau.

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Figure 8-b:
EmissT in events with one light flavor lepton and two hadronic taus.

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Figure 9:
Expected and observed yields comparison in events one τh: category E (top); and in events with two τh: category F (bottom).

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Figure 9-a:
Expected and observed yields comparison in events one τh: category E.

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Figure 9-b:
Expected and observed yields comparison in events with two τh: category F.

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Figure 10:
Distribution of the EmissT in events with 4 or more leptons entering search categories G-K.

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Figure 11:
Expected and observed yields comparison in signal regions with at least four leptons (categories G-K).

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Figure 12:
Expected and observed yields comparison in the aggregated search regions. In this plot, the data-driven charge flip prediction (that is only relevant in the first two bins due to the same-sign dilepton final state) are included in the data-driven nonprompt background prediction.

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Figure 13:
Interpretation of the results in the flavor-democratic model with mass parameter x=0.5 obtained with events of category A. The shading in the m˜χ01 versus m˜χ02 (=m˜χ±1) plane indicates the 95% CL upper limit on the chargino-neutralino production cross section times branching fraction. The contours bound the mass regions excluded at 95% CL assuming the NLO+NLL cross sections. The observed, ±1σtheory observed, median expected, and ±1σexperiment expected bounds are shown.

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Figure 14:
Interpretation of the results in the flavor-democratic model with mass parameter x= 0.05 (left) and x= 0.95 (right) obtained with the combination of the same-sign category and category A. The shading in this figure are as described in Figure 13.

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Figure 14-a:
Interpretation of the results in the flavor-democratic model with mass parameter x= 0.05 obtained with the combination of the same-sign category and category A. The shading in this figure are as described in Fig. 13.

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Figure 14-b:
Interpretation of the results in the flavor-democratic model with mass parameter x= 0.95 obtained with the combination of the same-sign category and category A. The shading in this figure are as described in Fig. 13.

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Figure 15:
Interpretation of the results in the tau-enriched model with mass parameter x= 0.05 (left), x= 0.5 (center) and x= 0.95 (right) obtained with events of categories A and C. The shading in this figure are as described in Figure 13.

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Figure 15-a:
Interpretation of the results in the tau-enriched model with mass parameter x= 0.05 obtained with events of categories A and C. The shading in this figure are as described in Fig. 13.

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Figure 15-b:
Interpretation of the results in the tau-enriched model with mass parameter x= 0.5 obtained with events of categories A and C. The shading in this figure are as described in Fig. 13.

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Figure 15-c:
Interpretation of the results in the tau-enriched model with mass parameter x= 0.95 obtained with events of categories A and C. The shading in this figure are as described in Fig. 13.

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Figure 16:
Interpretation of the results in the tau-dominated model with mass parameter x=0.5 obtained with events of category B-F. The shading in this figure are as described in Figure 13.

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Figure 17:
Interpretation of the results in the ˜χ±1˜χ02WZ (left) model obtained with events of category A and the ˜χ±1˜χ02WH (right) model obtained with events of all categories (same-sign, trilepton and four lepton). The shading in this figure are as described in Figure 13.

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Figure 17-a:
Interpretation of the results in the ˜χ±1˜χ02WZ model obtained with events of category A. The shading in this figure are as described in Fig. 13.

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Figure 17-b:
Interpretation of the results in the ˜χ±1˜χ02WH model obtained with events of all categories (same-sign, trilepton and four lepton). The shading in this figure are as described in Fig. 13.

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Table 1:
Search regions for events with two same-sign light flavor leptons.

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Table 2:
Search regions for events with three e or μ that form at least one OSSF pair. Search region SR A15 is contained within a control region of the analysis and is not used in the interpretation.

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Table 3:
Search regions for events with three e or μ that do not form an OSSF pair.

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Table 4:
Search region definition for events with two e or μ forming an OSSF pair and one τh candidate. Regions where there is a Z boson candidate are not split into MT2 categories.

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Table 5:
Search region definition for events with one e and one μ of opposite sign, and one τh candidate.

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Table 6:
Search region definition for events with two e or μ of same sign and one τh candidate.

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Table 7:
Search region definition for events with one electron or muon and two τh candidates.

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Table 8:
Search region definition for events with four or more leptons.

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Table 9:
Definition of the aggregated regions for multilepton and two same-sign leptons final states.

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Table 10:
Summary of systematic uncertainties in the event yields in the search regions. The upper group lists uncertainties related to experimental effects for all processes whose yield is estimated from simulation; the middle group lists uncertainties in these yields related to the event simulation process itself. The third group lists uncertainties for background processes whose yield is estimated from data. Finally, the last group describes uncertainties related to the extraction of the signal acceptance in MC simulation.

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Table 11:
Same-sign category: Expected and observed yields in events with two same-sign light leptons. The uncertainty denotes the total uncertainty on the result.

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Table 12:
Category A: Expected and observed yields in events with three e or μ that form one OSSF pair. The uncertainty denotes the total uncertainty on the result.

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Table 13:
Category B: Expected and observed yields in events with three e or μ that do not form an OSSF pair. The uncertainty denotes the total uncertainty on the result.

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Table 14:
Category C: Expected and observed yields in events with two e or μ forming and OSSF pair and one τh. The uncertainty denotes the total uncertainty on the result.

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Table 15:
Category D: Expected and observed yields in events with an opposite-sign eμ pair and one τh. The uncertainty denotes the total uncertainty on the result.

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Table 16:
Category E: Expected and observed yields in events with one same-sign e or μ and one τh. The uncertainty denotes the total uncertainty on the result.

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Table 17:
Category F: Expected and observed yields in events with one e or μ and two τh. The uncertainty denotes total uncertainty on the result.

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Table 18:
Categories G-K: Expected and observed yields in the 4 category of the analysis. The uncertainty denotes the total uncertainty on the result.

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Table 19:
Expected and observed yields in the aggregated signal defined in Section {sec:regionsSSR}. The uncertainty denotes the total uncertainty on the result.

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Table 20:
Summary of the interpretations of the results using different models .
Results are presented of a search for new physics in same-sign dilepton, trilepton, and four-lepton events containing up to two hadronically decaying τ leptons in pp collision data at s= 13 TeV, recorded with the CMS detector at the LHC and corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 35.9 fb1. The data are divided into categories based on the number, charge, and flavor of the leptons, and subdivided into various kinematic regions to be sensitive to a broad range of electroweakly produced new particles.

No significant deviation from the standard model expectations is observed. The results are used to set limits on various simplified models of supersymmetry that entail the production of superpartners of gauge or Higgs bosons (charginos and neutralinos). Specifically we consider chargino-neutralino pair production, an electroweak process that is expected to have the largest cross section. The resulting signal topologies depend on the masses of the lepton superpartners (sleptons). Models with light left-handed sleptons lead to enhanced branching fractions to final states with three leptons. Depending on the left-right mixing and flavor of these sleptons, the results imply limits on the masses of charginos and neutralinos up to 1150 GeV for the flavor-democratic scenario, extending the reach of our previous result [15] by about 450 GeV. In these models, searches in the same-sign dilepton final state enhance the sensitivity in the experimentally challenging region with small mass difference between the produced gauginos and the lightest supersymmetric particle that are inaccessible with the trilepton signature.

In the case in which the chargino and neutralino decay ultimately to three τ leptons and the lightest supersymmetric particle, masses of charginos up to 400 GeV are probed.

The most challenging scenarios considered involve the direct decay of gauginos to the lightest supersymmetric particle via W and Z or Higgs bosons. For the final states with W and Z bosons, chargino masses up to 475 GeV are excluded, improving the previous reach by 200 GeV. In the case of neutralino decay via a Higgs boson, only masses up to 225 GeV can be excluded.
Additional Figures

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Additional Figure 1:
Interpretation of the results in the flavor-democratic model with mass parameter x= 0.05 obtained with events of the same-sign category.

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Additional Figure 2:
Interpretation of the results in the flavor-democratic model with mass parameter x= 0.05 obtained with events of the 3lA category.

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Additional Figure 3:
Interpretation of the results in the flavor-democratic model with mass parameter x= 0.95 obtained with events of the same-sign category.

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Additional Figure 4:
Interpretation of the results in the flavor-democratic model with mass parameter x= 0.95 obtained with events of the 3lA category.

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Additional Figure 5:
Interpretation of the results in the tau-enriched model with mass parameter x= 0.5 obtained with events of the 3lA category.

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Additional Figure 6:
Interpretation of the results in the tau-enriched model with mass parameter x= 0.5 obtained with events of the 3lC category.

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Additional Figure 7:
Interpretation of the results in the tau-enriched model with mass parameter x= 0.05 obtained with events of the 3lA category.

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Additional Figure 8:
Interpretation of the results in the tau-enriched model with mass parameter x= 0.05 obtained with events of the 3lC category.

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Additional Figure 9:
Interpretation of the results in the tau-enriched model with mass parameter x= 0.95 obtained with events of the 3lA category.

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Additional Figure 10:
Interpretation of the results in the tau-enriched model with mass parameter x= 0.95 obtained with events of the 3lC category.

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Additional Figure 11:
Interpretation of the results in the tau-dominated model with mass parameter x= 0.5 obtained with events of the 3lB category.

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Additional Figure 12:
Interpretation of the results in the tau-dominated model with mass parameter x= 0.5 obtained with events of the 3lC category.

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Additional Figure 13:
Interpretation of the results in the tau-dominated model with mass parameter x= 0.5 obtained with events of the 3lD category.

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Additional Figure 14:
Interpretation of the results in the tau-dominated model with mass parameter x= 0.5 obtained with events of the 3lE category.

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Additional Figure 15:
Interpretation of the results in the tau-dominated model with mass parameter x= 0.5 obtained with events of the 3lF category.

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Additional Figure 16:
Interpretation of the results in the TChiWH model obtained with events of the 3l categories A-F and the 4l categories G-K.

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Additional Figure 17:
Interpretation of the results in the TChiWH model obtained with events of the 3l categories A-F.

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Additional Figure 18:
Observed local significance in the flavor-democratic model with mass parameter x= 0.5 obtained with 3lA events.

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Additional Figure 19:
Observed local significance in the flavor-democratic model with mass parameter x= 0.05 obtained with the combination of 2lss and 3lA events.

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Additional Figure 20:
Observed local significance in the flavor-democratic model with mass parameter x= 0.95 obtained with the combination of 2lss and 3lA events.

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Additional Figure 21:
Observed local significance in the tau-enriched model with mass parameter x= 0.5 obtained with the combination of 3lA and 3lC events.

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Additional Figure 22:
Observed local significance in the tau-enriched model with mass parameter x= 0.05 obtained with the combination of 3lA and 3lC events.

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Additional Figure 23:
Observed local significance in the tau-enriched model with mass parameter x= 0.95 obtained with the combination of 3lA and 3lC events.

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Additional Figure 24:
Observed local significance in the tau-dominated model obtained with events of the 3lB, 3lC, 3lD, 3lE and 3lF categories.

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Additional Figure 25:
Observed local significance in the ˜χ±1˜χ02WZ model obtained with events of category 3lA.

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Additional Figure 26:
Observed local significance in the ˜χ±1˜χ02WH model obtained with all events of all categories 2lss, 3lA-3lF and 4lG-4lK.
Additional Tables

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Additional Table 1:
Cut-flow for the trilepton channel for a compressed (m˜χ02= 200 GeV, m˜χ01= 100 GeV, production cross section 1.8 pb) and an uncompressed mass point (m˜χ02= 500 GeV, m˜χ01= 150 GeV, production cross section 0.046 pb) for the ˜χ±1˜χ02WZ˜χ01˜χ01 model from which one expects three hard and isolated light flavor leptons in the final state. The yields correspond to the integrated luminosity of 35.9 fb1.

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Additional Table 2:
Cut-flow for the trilepton channel for a compressed (m˜χ02= 250 GeV, m˜χ01= 150 GeV, production cross section 0.78 pb) and an uncompressed mass point (m˜χ02= 600 GeV, m˜χ01= 1 GeV, production cross section 0.020 pb) for the τ-dominated model from which one expects three hard and isolated taus in the final state. The yields correspond to the integrated luminosity of 35.9 fb1.

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Additional Table 3:
Cut-flow for the same-sign dilepton channel for a compressed mass point (m˜χ02= 500 GeV, m˜χ01= 350 GeV, production cross section 0.046 pb) for the flavor-democratic model with mass parameters x= 0.05 and x= 0.5 where m˜=m˜χ01+x(m˜χ02m˜χ01). The yields correspond to the integrated luminosity of 35.9 fb1.

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Additional Table 4:
Cut-flow for the four-lepton channel for a compressed (m˜χ01= 100 GeV, m˜G= 1 GeV, production cross section 16.8 pb) and an uncompressed mass point (m˜χ01= 800 GeV, m˜G= 1 GeV, production cross section 0.0035 pb) for the ˜χ0i˜χ0jZZ˜G˜G model from which one expects four hard and isolated light flavor leptons in the final state. The yields correspond to the integrated luminosity of 35.9 fb1.
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Compact Muon Solenoid