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Measurements of the weak diboson production cross sections in leptonic decays at $\sqrt{s} = $ 5.02 TeV with the CMS experiment
Abstract: The first measurements of diboson production cross sections at a center-of-mass energy of 5.02 TeV are reported. They are based on 304 pb$^{-1}$ of proton-proton collision data collected with the CMS detector at the CERN LHC. Events with two, three, or four charged leptons (electrons or muons) in the final state are analyzed. The WW, WZ, and ZZ total cross sections are measured as $\sigma_{\mathrm{WW}}=$ 36.5 ${}^{+5.5}_{-5.1}$ (stat) ${}^{+2.6}_{-2.5}$ (syst) pb, $\sigma_{\mathrm{WZ}}=$ 6.4 ${}^{+2.4}_{-2.1}$ (stat) ${}^{+0.5}_{-0.3}$ (syst) pb, and $\sigma_{\mathrm{ZZ}}=$ 5.3 ${}^{+2.5}_{-2.0}$ (stat) ${}^{+0.5}_{-0.4}$ (syst) pb. All measurements are in good agreement with next-to-next-to-leading-order QCD times next-to-leading order electroweak cross section calculations.
Figures & Tables Summary Additional Figures & Tables References CMS Publications

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Figure 1:
Results obtained in this analysis with other diboson production cross section measurements at different center-of-mass energies for the CMS [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8], ATLAS [9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17], CDF [50,51], and D0 [52,53,54] collaborations, compared to the NNLO QCD $\times $ NLO EW predictions from matrix (the ZZ prediction at 1.96 TeV is obtained from Ref. [52]).

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Table 1:
Event yields in the WW SR. Statistical and systematic uncertainties are included.

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Table 2:
Event yields for the expected signal and total background in the WZ and ZZ SRs. Statistical and systematic uncertainties are included.
The diboson production cross sections have been measured at a new energy regime, 5.02 TeV, that was never probed before for theses processes, using 304 pb$^{-1}$ of data collected with the CMS detector. The analysis is performed in the leptonic decays of the W and Z bosons with at least two leptons in the final state. The measured total cross sections, $\sigma_{\mathrm{WW}}=$ 36.5 ${}^{+5.5}_{-5.1}$ (stat) ${}^{+2.6}_{-2.5}$ (syst) pb, $\sigma_{\mathrm{WZ}}=$ 6.4 ${}^{+2.4}_{-2.1}$ (stat) ${}^{+0.5}_{-0.3}$ (syst) pb, and $\sigma_{\mathrm{ZZ}}=$ 5.3 ${}^{+2.5}_{-2.0}$ (stat) ${}^{+0.5}_{-0.4}$ (syst) pb, are found to be consistent with next-to-next-to-leading-order QCD times next-to-leading order electroweak cross sections.
Additional Figures

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Additional Figure 1:
Distribution of the dilepton invariant mass in the WW signal region. Events from Drell-Yan, conversions, and diboson processes are grouped into the 'Others' category.

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Additional Figure 2:
Distribution of the dilepton ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ in the WW signal region. Events from Drell-Yan, conversions, and diboson processes are grouped into the 'Others' category.

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Additional Figure 3:
Distribution of the W boson transverse mass in the WZ 3$\ell $ signal region. Events from conversions, and Drell-Yan processes are grouped into the 'Others' category.

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Additional Figure 4:
Distribution of the Z boson ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ in the WZ 3$\ell $ signal region. Events from conversions, and Drell-Yan processes are grouped into the 'Others' category.

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Additional Figure 5:
Distribution of the ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ of the ZZ system in the ZZ 4$\ell $ signal region.

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Additional Figure 6:
Distribution of the invariant mass of the ZZ system in the ZZ 4$\ell $ signal region.

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Additional Figure 7:
Distribution of the ${{p_{\mathrm {T}}} ^\text {miss}}$ in the ZZ 2$\ell $2$\nu $ signal region. Events from top, and Drell-Yan processes are grouped into the 'Others' category.

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Additional Figure 8:
Distribution of the dilepton invariant mass in the ZZ 2$\ell $2$\nu $ signal region. Events from top, and Drell-Yan processes are grouped into the 'Others' category.
Additional Tables

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Additional Table 1:
Event yields for the WZ 3$\ell $ and WZ 2$\mu $ss signal regions. Statistical and systematic uncertainties are included.

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Additional Table 2:
Event yields for the ZZ 4$\ell $ (left) and ZZ 2$\ell $2$\nu $ (right) signal regions. Statistical and systematic uncertainties are included.

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Additional Table 3:
Sources of uncertainties and their input values.

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Additional Table 4:
Measured total cross sections and their corresponding uncertainties. The predictions from matrix (at NNLO QCDxNLO EW) are also included.
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Compact Muon Solenoid