CMS-SMP-14-016 ; CERN-PH-EP-2015-122 | ||
Measurement of the WW cross section in pp collisions at √s= 8 TeV and limits on anomalous gauge couplings | ||
CMS Collaboration | ||
13 July 2015 | ||
Eur. Phys. J. C 76 (2016) 401 | ||
Abstract: A measurement of the W boson pair production cross section in proton-proton collisions at √s= 8 TeV is presented. The data collected with the CMS detector at the LHC correspond to an integrated luminosity of 19.4 fb−1. The W+W− candidates are selected from events with two charged leptons, electrons or muons, and large missing transverse energy. The measured W+W− cross section is 60.1 ± 0.9 (stat) ± 3.2 (exp) ± 3.1 (theo) ± 1.6 (lumi) pb = 60.1 ± 4.8 pb, consistent with the standard model prediction.The W+W− cross sections are also measured in two different fiducial phase space regions. The normalized differential cross section is measured as a function of kinematic variables of the final-state charged leptons and compared with several perturbative QCD predictions. Limits on anomalous gauge couplings associated with dimension-six operators are also given in the framework of an effective field theory. The corresponding 95% confidence level intervals are −5.7<cWWW/Λ2<5.9 TeV−2, −11.4<cW/Λ2<5.4 TeV−2, −29.2<cB/Λ2<23.9 TeV−2, in the HISZ basis. | ||
Links: e-print arXiv:1507.03268 [hep-ex] (PDF) ; CDS record ; inSPIRE record ; HepData record ; CADI line (restricted) ; |
Figures | |
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Figure 1-a:
The data and MC distributions for the zero-jet category of the leading lepton pT (pℓT, max), the pT of the dilepton system (pTℓℓ), the dilepton invariant mass (mℓℓ) and the azimuthal angle between the two leptons (Δϕℓℓ). The hatched areas represent the total systematic uncertainty in each bin. The error bars in the ratio plots are calculated considering the statistical uncertainty from the data sample and the systematic uncertainties in the background estimation and signal efficiencies. The last bin includes the overflow. |
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Figure 1-b:
The data and MC distributions for the zero-jet category of the leading lepton pT (pℓT, max), the pT of the dilepton system (pTℓℓ), the dilepton invariant mass (mℓℓ) and the azimuthal angle between the two leptons (Δϕℓℓ). The hatched areas represent the total systematic uncertainty in each bin. The error bars in the ratio plots are calculated considering the statistical uncertainty from the data sample and the systematic uncertainties in the background estimation and signal efficiencies. The last bin includes the overflow. |
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Figure 1-c:
The data and MC distributions for the zero-jet category of the leading lepton pT (pℓT, max), the pT of the dilepton system (pTℓℓ), the dilepton invariant mass (mℓℓ) and the azimuthal angle between the two leptons (Δϕℓℓ). The hatched areas represent the total systematic uncertainty in each bin. The error bars in the ratio plots are calculated considering the statistical uncertainty from the data sample and the systematic uncertainties in the background estimation and signal efficiencies. The last bin includes the overflow. |
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Figure 1-d:
The data and MC distributions for the zero-jet category of the leading lepton pT (pℓT, max), the pT of the dilepton system (pTℓℓ), the dilepton invariant mass (mℓℓ) and the azimuthal angle between the two leptons (Δϕℓℓ). The hatched areas represent the total systematic uncertainty in each bin. The error bars in the ratio plots are calculated considering the statistical uncertainty from the data sample and the systematic uncertainties in the background estimation and signal efficiencies. The last bin includes the overflow. |
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Figure 2-a:
The data and MC distributions for the one-jet category of the leading lepton pT (pℓT, max), the pT of the dilepton system (pTℓℓ), the dilepton invariant mass (mℓℓ) and the azimuthal angle between the two leptons (Δϕℓℓ). The hatched areas represent the total systematic uncertainty in each bin. The error bars in the ratio plots are calculated considering the statistical uncertainty from the data sample and the systematic uncertainties in the background estimation and signal efficiency. The last bin includes the overflow. |
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Figure 2-b:
The data and MC distributions for the one-jet category of the leading lepton pT (pℓT, max), the pT of the dilepton system (pTℓℓ), the dilepton invariant mass (mℓℓ) and the azimuthal angle between the two leptons (Δϕℓℓ). The hatched areas represent the total systematic uncertainty in each bin. The error bars in the ratio plots are calculated considering the statistical uncertainty from the data sample and the systematic uncertainties in the background estimation and signal efficiency. The last bin includes the overflow. |
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Figure 2-c:
The data and MC distributions for the one-jet category of the leading lepton pT (pℓT, max), the pT of the dilepton system (pTℓℓ), the dilepton invariant mass (mℓℓ) and the azimuthal angle between the two leptons (Δϕℓℓ). The hatched areas represent the total systematic uncertainty in each bin. The error bars in the ratio plots are calculated considering the statistical uncertainty from the data sample and the systematic uncertainties in the background estimation and signal efficiency. The last bin includes the overflow. |
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Figure 2-d:
The data and MC distributions for the one-jet category of the leading lepton pT (pℓT, max), the pT of the dilepton system (pTℓℓ), the dilepton invariant mass (mℓℓ) and the azimuthal angle between the two leptons (Δϕℓℓ). The hatched areas represent the total systematic uncertainty in each bin. The error bars in the ratio plots are calculated considering the statistical uncertainty from the data sample and the systematic uncertainties in the background estimation and signal efficiency. The last bin includes the overflow. |
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Figure 3-a:
Normalized differential W+W− cross section as a function of the leading lepton pT (pℓT, max) (a), the transverse momentum of the dilepton system (pTℓℓ) (b), the invariant mass (mℓℓ) (c) and the angular separation between leptons (Δϕℓℓ) (d). Both statistical and systematic uncertainties are included. The hatched area in the ratio plots corresponds to the relative error of the data in each bin. The measurement, including gg→W+W− is compared to predictions from MADGRAPH, POWHEG, and MC@NLO. |
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Figure 3-b:
Normalized differential W+W− cross section as a function of the leading lepton pT (pℓT, max) (a), the transverse momentum of the dilepton system (pTℓℓ) (b), the invariant mass (mℓℓ) (c) and the angular separation between leptons (Δϕℓℓ) (d). Both statistical and systematic uncertainties are included. The hatched area in the ratio plots corresponds to the relative error of the data in each bin. The measurement, including gg→W+W− is compared to predictions from MADGRAPH, POWHEG, and MC@NLO. |
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Figure 3-c:
Normalized differential W+W− cross section as a function of the leading lepton pT (pℓT, max) (a), the transverse momentum of the dilepton system (pTℓℓ) (b), the invariant mass (mℓℓ) (c) and the angular separation between leptons (Δϕℓℓ) (d). Both statistical and systematic uncertainties are included. The hatched area in the ratio plots corresponds to the relative error of the data in each bin. The measurement, including gg→W+W− is compared to predictions from MADGRAPH, POWHEG, and MC@NLO. |
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Figure 3-d:
Normalized differential W+W− cross section as a function of the leading lepton pT (pℓT, max) (a), the transverse momentum of the dilepton system (pTℓℓ) (b), the invariant mass (mℓℓ) (c) and the angular separation between leptons (Δϕℓℓ) (d). Both statistical and systematic uncertainties are included. The hatched area in the ratio plots corresponds to the relative error of the data in each bin. The measurement, including gg→W+W− is compared to predictions from MADGRAPH, POWHEG, and MC@NLO. |
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Figure 4:
The mℓℓ distribution with all SM backgrounds and cW/Λ2= 20 TeV−2, cWWW/Λ2= 20 TeV−2, and cB/Λ2= 55 TeV−2. The events are selected requiring no reconstructed jets with pT>30 GeV and |η|<4.7. The last bin includes all events with mℓℓ>575 GeV. The hatched area around the SM distribution is the total systematic uncertainty in each bin. The signal component is simulated with MADGRAPH and contains the q¯q→W+W−, the nonresonant gg→W+W−, and the gg→H→W+W− components. |
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Figure 5-a:
Two-dimensional observed (thick lines) and expected (thin lines) 68% and 95% CL contours. The contours are obtained from profile log-likelihood comparisons to data assuming two nonzero coupling constants: cWWW/Λ2×cW/Λ2, cWWW/Λ2×cB/Λ2, and cW/Λ2×cB/Λ2. The cross markers indicate the best-fit values, and the diamond markers indicate the SM ones. |
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Figure 5-b:
Two-dimensional observed (thick lines) and expected (thin lines) 68% and 95% CL contours. The contours are obtained from profile log-likelihood comparisons to data assuming two nonzero coupling constants: cWWW/Λ2×cW/Λ2, cWWW/Λ2×cB/Λ2, and cW/Λ2×cB/Λ2. The cross markers indicate the best-fit values, and the diamond markers indicate the SM ones. |
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Figure 5-c:
Two-dimensional observed (thick lines) and expected (thin lines) 68% and 95% CL contours. The contours are obtained from profile log-likelihood comparisons to data assuming two nonzero coupling constants: cWWW/Λ2×cW/Λ2, cWWW/Λ2×cB/Λ2, and cW/Λ2×cB/Λ2. The cross markers indicate the best-fit values, and the diamond markers indicate the SM ones. |
Tables | |
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Table 1:
Summary of the event selection for the different-flavor and same-flavor final states. |
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Table 2:
Data, signal, and background yields for the four different event categories used for the pp→W+W− cross section measurement. The reported uncertainties include both statistical and systematic components as described in Section 6. |
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Table 3:
Relative systematic uncertainties in the W+W− cross section measurement. |
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Table 4:
Signal efficiency for the four event categories used in the pp→W+W− cross section measurement. The values reported are a product of the detector geometrical acceptance and the object reconstruction and event identification efficiency. The statistical uncertainty is from the limited size of the MC samples. |
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Table 5:
The W+W− production cross section in each of the four event categories. |
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Table 6:
The W+W− production cross section in fiducial regions defined by requiring no jets at particle level with jet pT thresholds as listed. |
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Table 7:
The W+W− production cross section in fiducial regions defined by requiring zero jets at particle level with varying jet pT thresholds and requiring prompt leptons with pT> 20 GeV and |η|< 2.5, before final-state radiation. |
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Table 8:
Measured cWWW/Λ2, cW/Λ2, and cB/Λ2 coupling constants and its corresponding 95% CL intervals. Results are compared to the world average values, as explained in the text. |
Summary |
This paper reports a measurement of the W+W− cross section in pp collisions at a center of mass energy of 8 TeV, using an integrated luminosity of L= 19.4 ± 0.5 fb−1. The measured W+W− cross section is 60.1 ± 0.9 (stat) ± 3.2 (exp) ± 3.1 (theo) ± 1.6 (lumi) pb = 60.1 ± 4.8 pb, consistent with the NNLO theoretical prediction σNNLO(pp→W+W−)=59.8+1.3−1.1 pb. We also report results on the normalized differential cross section measured as a function of kinematic variables of the final-state charged leptons and compared with several predictions from perturbative QCD calculations. Data and theory show a good agreement for the mℓℓ and the pℓℓT distributions within uncertainties, but the MC@NLO generator predicts a softer pℓℓT spectrum compared with the data events. In case of the pℓT,max distribution, the MADGRAPH prediction shows an excess of events in the tail of the distribution compared to data, while POWHEG shows a reasonable agreement and MC@NLO shows a good agreement. We also observed differences in the shape of the Δphiℓℓ for the three generators compared to the data. No evidence for anomalous WWZ and WWγ triple gauge-boson couplings is found, and limits on their magnitudes are set. These new limits are comparable to the current world average, and represent an improvement in the measurement of the coupling constant cWWW/Λ2. This paper reports a measurement of the W+W− cross section in pp collisions at a center of mass energy of 8 TeV, using an integrated luminosity of L= 19.4 ± 0.5 fb−1. The measured W+W− cross section is 60.1 ± 0.9 (stat) ± 3.2 (exp) ± 3.1 (theo) ± 1.6 (lumi) pb = 60.1 ± 4.8 pb, consistent with the NNLO theoretical prediction σNNLO(pp→W+W−)=59.8+1.3−1.1 pb. We also report results on the normalized differential cross section measured as a function of kinematic variables of the final-state charged leptons and compared with several predictions from perturbative QCD calculations. Data and theory show a good agreement for the mℓℓ and the pℓℓT distributions within uncertainties, but the MC@NLO generator predicts a softer pℓℓT spectrum compared with the data events. In case of the pℓT,max distribution, the MADGRAPH prediction shows an excess of events in the tail of the distribution compared to data, while POWHEG shows a reasonable agreement and MC@NLO shows a good agreement. We also observed differences in the shape of the Δphiℓℓ for the three generators compared to the data. No evidence for anomalous WWZ and WWγ triple gauge-boson couplings is found, and limits on their magnitudes are set. These new limits are comparable to the current world average, and represent an improvement in the measurement of the coupling constant cWWW/Λ2. |
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Compact Muon Solenoid LHC, CERN |
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