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Model-independent search for pair production of new bosons decaying into muons in proton-proton collisions at s= 13 TeV
Abstract: The results of a model-independent search for the pair production of new bosons within a mass range of 0.21 <m< 60 GeV, are presented. This study utilizes events featuring four muons in the final state and a dataset, comprising 41.5 fb1 and 59.7 fb1 of proton-proton collisions at s= 13 TeV, recorded in 2017 and 2018 by the CMS experiment at the CERN LHC. The study of the 2018 dataset includes a search for displaced signatures of a new boson within the lifetime range of 0 <cτ< 100 mm. The results are combined with a prior CMS result, based on 35.9 fb1 of proton-proton collisions at 0 <cτ< 100 mm collected in 2016. No significant deviation from the expected background is observed. Results are presented in terms of a model-independent upper limit on the product of cross section, branching fraction, and acceptance. The findings are interpreted across various benchmark models, such as an axion-like particle model, a vector portal model, the next-to-minimal supersymmetric standard model, and dark SUSY models, including those predicting a non-negligible lifetime of the new boson. In all considered scenarios, substantial portions of the parameter space are excluded, expanding upon prior results.
Figures & Tables Summary References CMS Publications

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Figure 1:
The mass window size as a function of invariant dimuon mass. It is derived from a Crystal Ball function fitting to MC signal events to contain 90% of events. The wider mass window size in m 0.4 GeV is due to deteriorating mass resolution for near-collinear dimuon in decays of low-mass boson.

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Figure 2:
Two-dimensional distribution of the invariant masses m_{\mu\mu_1} vs. m_{\mu\mu_2} below (left) and above (right) the \mathrm{J}/\psi resonance, for the 2017 (top row) and 2018 (bottom row) analyses. The grayscale heatmaps show the normalized QCD background templates. The white dots represent data events that pass all selection criteria but fall outside the SR m_{\mu\mu_1} \simeq m_{\mu\mu_2} (outlined by dashed lines), and the red triangles represent data events passing all selection criteria. As discussed in Section 6.1, the paucity of events in the CR for the 2017 analysis, particularly the region above \mathrm{J}/\psi , is a result of the triggers selected for this data-taking period.

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Figure 2-a:
Two-dimensional distribution of the invariant masses m_{\mu\mu_1} vs. m_{\mu\mu_2} below (left) and above (right) the \mathrm{J}/\psi resonance, for the 2017 (top row) and 2018 (bottom row) analyses. The grayscale heatmaps show the normalized QCD background templates. The white dots represent data events that pass all selection criteria but fall outside the SR m_{\mu\mu_1} \simeq m_{\mu\mu_2} (outlined by dashed lines), and the red triangles represent data events passing all selection criteria. As discussed in Section 6.1, the paucity of events in the CR for the 2017 analysis, particularly the region above \mathrm{J}/\psi , is a result of the triggers selected for this data-taking period.

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Figure 2-b:
Two-dimensional distribution of the invariant masses m_{\mu\mu_1} vs. m_{\mu\mu_2} below (left) and above (right) the \mathrm{J}/\psi resonance, for the 2017 (top row) and 2018 (bottom row) analyses. The grayscale heatmaps show the normalized QCD background templates. The white dots represent data events that pass all selection criteria but fall outside the SR m_{\mu\mu_1} \simeq m_{\mu\mu_2} (outlined by dashed lines), and the red triangles represent data events passing all selection criteria. As discussed in Section 6.1, the paucity of events in the CR for the 2017 analysis, particularly the region above \mathrm{J}/\psi , is a result of the triggers selected for this data-taking period.

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Figure 2-c:
Two-dimensional distribution of the invariant masses m_{\mu\mu_1} vs. m_{\mu\mu_2} below (left) and above (right) the \mathrm{J}/\psi resonance, for the 2017 (top row) and 2018 (bottom row) analyses. The grayscale heatmaps show the normalized QCD background templates. The white dots represent data events that pass all selection criteria but fall outside the SR m_{\mu\mu_1} \simeq m_{\mu\mu_2} (outlined by dashed lines), and the red triangles represent data events passing all selection criteria. As discussed in Section 6.1, the paucity of events in the CR for the 2017 analysis, particularly the region above \mathrm{J}/\psi , is a result of the triggers selected for this data-taking period.

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Figure 2-d:
Two-dimensional distribution of the invariant masses m_{\mu\mu_1} vs. m_{\mu\mu_2} below (left) and above (right) the \mathrm{J}/\psi resonance, for the 2017 (top row) and 2018 (bottom row) analyses. The grayscale heatmaps show the normalized QCD background templates. The white dots represent data events that pass all selection criteria but fall outside the SR m_{\mu\mu_1} \simeq m_{\mu\mu_2} (outlined by dashed lines), and the red triangles represent data events passing all selection criteria. As discussed in Section 6.1, the paucity of events in the CR for the 2017 analysis, particularly the region above \mathrm{J}/\psi , is a result of the triggers selected for this data-taking period.

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Figure 3:
Two-dimensional distribution of the invariant masses m_{\mu\mu_1} vs. m_{\mu\mu_2} above the \Upsilon resonances for the 2017 analysis (left) and the 2018 analysis (right). The grayscale heatmaps represent the normalized 2D probability density function of the background data. White dots represent data events that pass all selection criteria but fall outside the SR m_{\mu\mu_1} \simeq m_{\mu\mu_2} (outlined by dashed lines), and the red triangles represent data events passing all selection criteria.

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Figure 3-a:
Two-dimensional distribution of the invariant masses m_{\mu\mu_1} vs. m_{\mu\mu_2} above the \Upsilon resonances for the 2017 analysis (left) and the 2018 analysis (right). The grayscale heatmaps represent the normalized 2D probability density function of the background data. White dots represent data events that pass all selection criteria but fall outside the SR m_{\mu\mu_1} \simeq m_{\mu\mu_2} (outlined by dashed lines), and the red triangles represent data events passing all selection criteria.

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Figure 3-b:
Two-dimensional distribution of the invariant masses m_{\mu\mu_1} vs. m_{\mu\mu_2} above the \Upsilon resonances for the 2017 analysis (left) and the 2018 analysis (right). The grayscale heatmaps represent the normalized 2D probability density function of the background data. White dots represent data events that pass all selection criteria but fall outside the SR m_{\mu\mu_1} \simeq m_{\mu\mu_2} (outlined by dashed lines), and the red triangles represent data events passing all selection criteria.

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Figure 4:
The model-independent 95% CL expected and observed upper limits set on {\sigma(\mathrm{p}\mathrm{p}\to 2\textit{a} +\mathrm{X})\mathcal{B}^2(\textit{a} \to 2\mu)\alpha_\text{Gen}} over the range 0.21 < m_{\textit{a} } < 60 GeV for the 2017 and 2018 analyses (top left and top right, respectively), over the range 0.21 < m_{\textit{a} } < 60 GeV for the combined 2017 and 2018 analyses (bottom left), and over the range 0.21 < m_{\textit{a} } < 9 GeV for the combined 2016, 2017, and 2018 analyses (bottom right). Mass ranges that overlap with \mathrm{J}/\psi and \Upsilon resonances are excluded from the search.

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Figure 4-a:
The model-independent 95% CL expected and observed upper limits set on {\sigma(\mathrm{p}\mathrm{p}\to 2\textit{a} +\mathrm{X})\mathcal{B}^2(\textit{a} \to 2\mu)\alpha_\text{Gen}} over the range 0.21 < m_{\textit{a} } < 60 GeV for the 2017 and 2018 analyses (top left and top right, respectively), over the range 0.21 < m_{\textit{a} } < 60 GeV for the combined 2017 and 2018 analyses (bottom left), and over the range 0.21 < m_{\textit{a} } < 9 GeV for the combined 2016, 2017, and 2018 analyses (bottom right). Mass ranges that overlap with \mathrm{J}/\psi and \Upsilon resonances are excluded from the search.

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Figure 4-b:
The model-independent 95% CL expected and observed upper limits set on {\sigma(\mathrm{p}\mathrm{p}\to 2\textit{a} +\mathrm{X})\mathcal{B}^2(\textit{a} \to 2\mu)\alpha_\text{Gen}} over the range 0.21 < m_{\textit{a} } < 60 GeV for the 2017 and 2018 analyses (top left and top right, respectively), over the range 0.21 < m_{\textit{a} } < 60 GeV for the combined 2017 and 2018 analyses (bottom left), and over the range 0.21 < m_{\textit{a} } < 9 GeV for the combined 2016, 2017, and 2018 analyses (bottom right). Mass ranges that overlap with \mathrm{J}/\psi and \Upsilon resonances are excluded from the search.

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Figure 4-c:
The model-independent 95% CL expected and observed upper limits set on {\sigma(\mathrm{p}\mathrm{p}\to 2\textit{a} +\mathrm{X})\mathcal{B}^2(\textit{a} \to 2\mu)\alpha_\text{Gen}} over the range 0.21 < m_{\textit{a} } < 60 GeV for the 2017 and 2018 analyses (top left and top right, respectively), over the range 0.21 < m_{\textit{a} } < 60 GeV for the combined 2017 and 2018 analyses (bottom left), and over the range 0.21 < m_{\textit{a} } < 9 GeV for the combined 2016, 2017, and 2018 analyses (bottom right). Mass ranges that overlap with \mathrm{J}/\psi and \Upsilon resonances are excluded from the search.

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Figure 4-d:
The model-independent 95% CL expected and observed upper limits set on {\sigma(\mathrm{p}\mathrm{p}\to 2\textit{a} +\mathrm{X})\mathcal{B}^2(\textit{a} \to 2\mu)\alpha_\text{Gen}} over the range 0.21 < m_{\textit{a} } < 60 GeV for the 2017 and 2018 analyses (top left and top right, respectively), over the range 0.21 < m_{\textit{a} } < 60 GeV for the combined 2017 and 2018 analyses (bottom left), and over the range 0.21 < m_{\textit{a} } < 9 GeV for the combined 2016, 2017, and 2018 analyses (bottom right). Mass ranges that overlap with \mathrm{J}/\psi and \Upsilon resonances are excluded from the search.

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Figure 5:
Left: The 95% CL observed upper limits on the effective coupling C^{\mathrm{eff}}_{\textrm{a}\mathrm{h}}/\Lambda^{2} of the ALP to the SM Higgs assuming the branching fraction of the ALP to muons is 1 (blue) and 0.1 (orange), for both the expected (dashed) and observed (solid) limits. Right: The 95% CL observed upper limits on the effective coupling C^{\mathrm{eff}}_{ll}/\Lambda of the ALP to the SM leptons. The orange shaded region represents the parameter space excluded by this search under three choices of C^{\mathrm{eff}}_{\textrm{a}\mathrm{h}}/\Lambda^{2} : 1 TeV^{-2} (solid), 0.1 TeV^{-2} (dashed), and 0.01 TeV^{-2} (dotted).

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Figure 5-a:
Left: The 95% CL observed upper limits on the effective coupling C^{\mathrm{eff}}_{\textrm{a}\mathrm{h}}/\Lambda^{2} of the ALP to the SM Higgs assuming the branching fraction of the ALP to muons is 1 (blue) and 0.1 (orange), for both the expected (dashed) and observed (solid) limits. Right: The 95% CL observed upper limits on the effective coupling C^{\mathrm{eff}}_{ll}/\Lambda of the ALP to the SM leptons. The orange shaded region represents the parameter space excluded by this search under three choices of C^{\mathrm{eff}}_{\textrm{a}\mathrm{h}}/\Lambda^{2} : 1 TeV^{-2} (solid), 0.1 TeV^{-2} (dashed), and 0.01 TeV^{-2} (dotted).

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Figure 5-b:
Left: The 95% CL observed upper limits on the effective coupling C^{\mathrm{eff}}_{\textrm{a}\mathrm{h}}/\Lambda^{2} of the ALP to the SM Higgs assuming the branching fraction of the ALP to muons is 1 (blue) and 0.1 (orange), for both the expected (dashed) and observed (solid) limits. Right: The 95% CL observed upper limits on the effective coupling C^{\mathrm{eff}}_{ll}/\Lambda of the ALP to the SM leptons. The orange shaded region represents the parameter space excluded by this search under three choices of C^{\mathrm{eff}}_{\textrm{a}\mathrm{h}}/\Lambda^{2} : 1 TeV^{-2} (solid), 0.1 TeV^{-2} (dashed), and 0.01 TeV^{-2} (dotted).

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Figure 6:
The 95% CL observed upper limits on \varepsilon^{2} \mathcal{B}(Z_{\mathrm{D}} \to s_{\mathrm{D}} \overline{s_{\mathrm{D}}}) \mathcal{B}^{2}(s_{\mathrm{D}} \rightarrow 2\mu) for the vector portal model as a function of the dark scalar mass m_{{\mathrm{s}}_{\mathrm{D}}} and dark vector boson mass m_{{\mathrm{Z}}_{\mathrm{D}}} . The yellow and green bands indicate one and two standard deviation values of the limit, respectively. Because the model-independent limits are calculated only up to a dimuon mass of 60 GeV, the s_{\mathrm{D}} mass considered for these limits is below 60 GeV.

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Figure 7:
The 95% CL observed upper limits for \sigma(\mathrm{p}\mathrm{p}\to\mathrm{h}_{1,2}\to 2\textit{a} _{1} )\mathcal{B}^2(\textit{a} _{1}\to 2\mu) for the NMSSM as a function of m_{\textit{a} _{1}} for three choices of m_{\mathrm{h}_{1,2}} . The data presented here reflect the results of the 2017 and 2018 datasets combined with the previously published results of the 2016 dataset in [30].

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Figure 8:
The 95% CL observed upper limits (black solid curves) from this search as interpreted in the dark SUSY scenario for the process \mathrm{p}\mathrm{p} \to \mathrm{h} \to 2\mathrm{n}_{1} \to 2{\gamma}_{\mathrm{D}} + 2\mathrm{n}_{\mathrm{D}} \to 4\mu + \mathrm{X} , with \mbox m_{{\mathrm{n}}_{1}} = 60 GeV and m_{{\mathrm{n}}_{\mathrm{D}}} = 1 GeV. The limits are presented in the plane of \varepsilon and m_{{\gamma}_{\mathrm{D}}} . The color gradient represents different branching fraction assumptions for \mbox \mathcal{B}(\mathrm{h} \to 2\mathrm{n}_{1} \to 2{\gamma}_{\mathrm{D}} + 2\mathrm{n}_{\mathrm{D}}) , ranging from dark orange (0.05%) to light orange (10%). The degradation of the limit around 1 GeV is attributed to the drop in the dimuon branching fraction \mathcal{B}({\gamma}_{\mathrm{D}} \to 2\mu) due to the dimuon resonance of the \phi meson [91].

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Table 1:
The event selection requirements for the 2017 and 2018 analyses. In the signal muon selection row, the particle-flow loose muons refer to those muons that have tracks in both the tracker and the muon system, which is contrasted with the standalone (SA) muon selection, which only requires tracks in the muon system.

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Table 2:
The number of observed events in the CR and the expected number of events in the SR in the three mass regions considered in this analysis.

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Table 3:
Results of the Baker--Cousins \chi^2 test for goodness-of-fit between the modeled background and the actual background events. For background below the \Upsilon resonances, the 2D background templates are projected into one dimension, and the test is conducted, comparing background data and template values, yielding two p-values per region per dataset. A similar procedure is followed for background above the \Upsilon resonances: the 2D pdfs are projected into one dimension and the BC test is conducted, yielding two p-values for each dimuon invariant mass for both 2017 and 2018. Note that the low p-values for the mass region above {\mathrm{J}/\psi} and below \Upsilon for the 2017 dataset result from the low number of background events in the data.

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Table 4:
The systematic uncertainties for the 2017 and 2018 analyses, including the experimental uncertainties on the signal and background, as well as the theoretical uncertainties. The experimental uncertainties on the muon identification (ID), the dimuon isolation, and the reconstruction of close muons in both the tracker and the muon system have been reproduced from the [30]. Additionally, all theoretical uncertainties have been reproduced from [30].
A search for pairs of new bosons that subsequently decay to pairs of oppositely charged muons is presented. This search is performed on a data sample collected by the CMS experiment in 2017 and 2018 that corresponds to an integrated luminosity of 101 fb ^{-1} of proton-proton collisions at \sqrt{s} = 13 TeV. The results are also combined with a similar analysis performed by the CMS Collaboration [30], which analyzed a smaller dataset collected in 2016 and corresponds to 35.9 fb ^{-1} of proton-proton collisions at \sqrt{s} = 13 TeV. Additionally, both the mass range of the boson a and the maximum possible displacement of its decay vertex are extended compared to the previous version of this analysis. 26 (30) events are observed in the signal region for the 2017 (2018) dataset, which is consistent with the number of events from the standard model (SM) background. The distribution of events in the signal region is consistent with SM expectations. Model-independent 95% confidence level upper limits on the product of the production cross section of pairs of new bosons, the square of the branching fraction to dimuons, and the acceptance are set over the mass range 0.21 < m_{\textit{a} } < 60 GeV, and are found to vary between 0.049 and 0.247 fb. These model-independent limits are then interpreted in the context of an axion-like particle model, a vector portal model, a next-to-minimal supersymmetric standard model, and a dark supersymmetry scenario with non-negligible boson lifetimes of up to c\tau_{{\gamma}_{\mathrm{D}}} = 100 mm.
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Compact Muon Solenoid