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Search for charged Higgs bosons produced in vector boson fusion processes and decaying into vector boson pairs in proton-proton collisions at s= 13 TeV
Abstract: A search for charged Higgs bosons produced in vector boson fusion processes and decaying into vector bosons using proton-proton collisions at s= 13 TeV at the LHC is reported. The data sample corresponds to an integrated luminosity of 137 fb1 collected with the CMS detector. Events are selected by requiring two or three electrons or muons, moderate missing transverse momentum, and two jets with a large rapidity separation and a large dijet mass. No excess of events with respect to the standard model background predictions is observed. Constraints are reported on the product of the cross section and branching fraction for vector boson fusion production of charged Higgs bosons as a function of mass, from 200 to 3000 GeV. The results are interpreted in the context of the Georgi-Machacek model.
Figures & Tables Summary References CMS Publications

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Figure 1:
Examples of Feynman diagrams showing the production of singly (left) and doubly (right) charged Higgs bosons via VBF.

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Figure 1-a:
Examples of Feynman diagrams showing the production of singly (left) and doubly (right) charged Higgs bosons via VBF.

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Figure 1-b:
Examples of Feynman diagrams showing the production of singly (left) and doubly (right) charged Higgs bosons via VBF.

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Figure 2:
The mjj (upper left) and mTWW (upper right) distributions in the WW SR, and the mjj (lower left) and mTWZ (lower right) distributions in the WZ SR for signal, backgrounds, and data. The predicted yields are shown with their best fit normalizations from the simultaneous fit for the background-only hypothesis, i.e., assuming no contributions from the ˜H±j and H±± processes. Vertical bars on data points represent the statistical uncertainty in the data. The histograms for tVx backgrounds include the contributions from tˉtV and tZq processes. The histograms for other backgrounds include the contributions from double parton scattering, VVV, and from oppositely charged dilepton final states from tˉt, tW, W+W, and Drell-Yan processes. The overflow is included in the last bin. The lower panels show the ratio of the number of events observed in data to that of the total SM prediction. The hatched gray bands represent the uncertainties in the predicted yields. The solid lines show the signal predictions for values of sH= 1.0 and mH5= 500 GeV in the GM model.

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Figure 2-a:
The mjj (upper left) and mTWW (upper right) distributions in the WW SR, and the mjj (lower left) and mTWZ (lower right) distributions in the WZ SR for signal, backgrounds, and data. The predicted yields are shown with their best fit normalizations from the simultaneous fit for the background-only hypothesis, i.e., assuming no contributions from the ˜H±j and H±± processes. Vertical bars on data points represent the statistical uncertainty in the data. The histograms for tVx backgrounds include the contributions from tˉtV and tZq processes. The histograms for other backgrounds include the contributions from double parton scattering, VVV, and from oppositely charged dilepton final states from tˉt, tW, W+W, and Drell-Yan processes. The overflow is included in the last bin. The lower panels show the ratio of the number of events observed in data to that of the total SM prediction. The hatched gray bands represent the uncertainties in the predicted yields. The solid lines show the signal predictions for values of sH= 1.0 and mH5= 500 GeV in the GM model.

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Figure 2-b:
The mjj (upper left) and mTWW (upper right) distributions in the WW SR, and the mjj (lower left) and mTWZ (lower right) distributions in the WZ SR for signal, backgrounds, and data. The predicted yields are shown with their best fit normalizations from the simultaneous fit for the background-only hypothesis, i.e., assuming no contributions from the ˜H±j and H±± processes. Vertical bars on data points represent the statistical uncertainty in the data. The histograms for tVx backgrounds include the contributions from tˉtV and tZq processes. The histograms for other backgrounds include the contributions from double parton scattering, VVV, and from oppositely charged dilepton final states from tˉt, tW, W+W, and Drell-Yan processes. The overflow is included in the last bin. The lower panels show the ratio of the number of events observed in data to that of the total SM prediction. The hatched gray bands represent the uncertainties in the predicted yields. The solid lines show the signal predictions for values of sH= 1.0 and mH5= 500 GeV in the GM model.

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Figure 2-c:
The mjj (upper left) and mTWW (upper right) distributions in the WW SR, and the mjj (lower left) and mTWZ (lower right) distributions in the WZ SR for signal, backgrounds, and data. The predicted yields are shown with their best fit normalizations from the simultaneous fit for the background-only hypothesis, i.e., assuming no contributions from the ˜H±j and H±± processes. Vertical bars on data points represent the statistical uncertainty in the data. The histograms for tVx backgrounds include the contributions from tˉtV and tZq processes. The histograms for other backgrounds include the contributions from double parton scattering, VVV, and from oppositely charged dilepton final states from tˉt, tW, W+W, and Drell-Yan processes. The overflow is included in the last bin. The lower panels show the ratio of the number of events observed in data to that of the total SM prediction. The hatched gray bands represent the uncertainties in the predicted yields. The solid lines show the signal predictions for values of sH= 1.0 and mH5= 500 GeV in the GM model.

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Figure 2-d:
The mjj (upper left) and mTWW (upper right) distributions in the WW SR, and the mjj (lower left) and mTWZ (lower right) distributions in the WZ SR for signal, backgrounds, and data. The predicted yields are shown with their best fit normalizations from the simultaneous fit for the background-only hypothesis, i.e., assuming no contributions from the ˜H±j and H±± processes. Vertical bars on data points represent the statistical uncertainty in the data. The histograms for tVx backgrounds include the contributions from tˉtV and tZq processes. The histograms for other backgrounds include the contributions from double parton scattering, VVV, and from oppositely charged dilepton final states from tˉt, tW, W+W, and Drell-Yan processes. The overflow is included in the last bin. The lower panels show the ratio of the number of events observed in data to that of the total SM prediction. The hatched gray bands represent the uncertainties in the predicted yields. The solid lines show the signal predictions for values of sH= 1.0 and mH5= 500 GeV in the GM model.

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Figure 3:
Distributions for signal, backgrounds, and data for the bins used in the simultaneous fit. The bins 1-32 (4×8) show the events in the WW SR (mjj×mT), the bins 33-46 (2×7) show the events in the WZ SR (mjj×mT), the 4 bins 47-50 show the events in the nonprompt lepton CR (mjj), the 4 bins 51-54 show the events in the tZq CR (mjj), and 4 bins 55-58 show the events in the ZZ CR (mjj). The predicted yields are shown with their best fit normalizations from the simultaneous fit for the background-only hypothesis, i.e., assuming no contributions from the ˜H±j and H±± processes. Vertical bars on data points represent the statistical uncertainty in the data. The histograms for tVx backgrounds include the contributions from tˉtV and tZq processes. The histograms for other backgrounds include the contributions from double parton scattering, VVV, and from oppositely charged dilepton final states from tˉt, tW, W+W, and Drell-Yan processes. The overflow is included in the last bin in each corresponding region. The lower panels show the ratio of the number of events observed in data to that of the total SM prediction. The hatched gray bands represent the uncertainties in the predicted yields. The solid lines show the signal predictions for values of sH= 1.0 and mH5= 500 GeV in the GM model.

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Figure 4:
The product of acceptance and selection efficiency within the fiducial region for the VBF H±±W±W±22ν and ˜H±jWZ3ν processes, as a function of mH5. The combination of the statistical and systematic uncertainties is shown. The theoretical uncertainties in the acceptance are also included.

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Figure 5:
Expected and observed exclusion limits at 95% CL for σVBF(H±±)+B(H±±W±W±) as functions of mH±± (upper left), for σVBF(˜H±j)+B(˜H±jWZ) as functions of m˜H±j (upper right), and for sH as functions of mH5 in the GM model (lower). The contribution of the ˜H±j (H±±) boson signal is set to zero for the derivation of the exclusion limits on the σVBF(H±±)+B(H±±W±W±) (σVBF(˜H±j)+B(˜H±jWZ)). The exclusion limits for sH are shown up to mH5= 2000 GeV, given the little sensitivity in the GM model for values above that mass. Values above the curves are excluded.

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Figure 5-a:
Expected and observed exclusion limits at 95% CL for σVBF(H±±)+B(H±±W±W±) as functions of mH±± (upper left), for σVBF(˜H±j)+B(˜H±jWZ) as functions of m˜H±j (upper right), and for sH as functions of mH5 in the GM model (lower). The contribution of the ˜H±j (H±±) boson signal is set to zero for the derivation of the exclusion limits on the σVBF(H±±)+B(H±±W±W±) (σVBF(˜H±j)+B(˜H±jWZ)). The exclusion limits for sH are shown up to mH5= 2000 GeV, given the little sensitivity in the GM model for values above that mass. Values above the curves are excluded.

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Figure 5-b:
Expected and observed exclusion limits at 95% CL for σVBF(H±±)+B(H±±W±W±) as functions of mH±± (upper left), for σVBF(˜H±j)+B(˜H±jWZ) as functions of m˜H±j (upper right), and for sH as functions of mH5 in the GM model (lower). The contribution of the ˜H±j (H±±) boson signal is set to zero for the derivation of the exclusion limits on the σVBF(H±±)+B(H±±W±W±) (σVBF(˜H±j)+B(˜H±jWZ)). The exclusion limits for sH are shown up to mH5= 2000 GeV, given the little sensitivity in the GM model for values above that mass. Values above the curves are excluded.

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Figure 5-c:
Expected and observed exclusion limits at 95% CL for σVBF(H±±)+B(H±±W±W±) as functions of mH±± (upper left), for σVBF(˜H±j)+B(˜H±jWZ) as functions of m˜H±j (upper right), and for sH as functions of mH5 in the GM model (lower). The contribution of the ˜H±j (H±±) boson signal is set to zero for the derivation of the exclusion limits on the σVBF(H±±)+B(H±±W±W±) (σVBF(˜H±j)+B(˜H±jWZ)). The exclusion limits for sH are shown up to mH5= 2000 GeV, given the little sensitivity in the GM model for values above that mass. Values above the curves are excluded.

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Table 1:
Summary of the selection requirements defining the W±W± and WZ SRs. The looser lepton pT requirement in the WZ selection refers to the trailing lepton from the Z boson decays. The |mmZ| requirement is applied to the dielectron final state only in the W±W± SR.

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Table 2:
Summary of the impact of the systematic uncertainties on the extracted signal strength; for the background-only hypothesis, i.e., assuming no contributions from the ˜H±j and H±± processes, and for the case of charged Higgs boson signal for values of sH= 1.0 and mH5= 500 GeV in the GM model.

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Table 3:
Expected signal and background yields from various SM processes and observed data events in all regions used in the analysis. The combination of the statistical and systematic uncertainties is shown. The expected background yields are shown with their normalizations from the simultaneous fit for the background-only hypothesis, i.e., assuming no contributions from the ˜H±j and H±± processes. The expected signal yields are shown for sH= 1.0 in the GM model.
A search for charged Higgs bosons produced in vector boson fusion processes and decaying into vector bosons using proton-proton collisions at s= 13 TeV at the LHC is reported. The data sample corresponds to an integrated luminosity of 137 fb1, collected with the CMS detector between 2016 and 2018. The search is performed in the leptonic decay modes W±W±±ν±ν and W±Z±ν±, where ,= e, μ. The W±W± and WZ channels are simultaneously studied by performing a binned maximum-likelihood fit of several distributions. No excess of events with respect to the standard model background predictions is observed and constraints are reported on the product of the cross section and branching fraction for vector boson fusion production of charged Higgs bosons decaying into vector bosons as a function of mass from 200 to 3000 GeV. The results are interpreted in the Georgi-Machacek model for which the most stringent limits to date are derived. The observed 95% confidence level limits exclude sH values greater than 0.20-0.35 for the mH5 range from 200 to 1500 GeV.
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Compact Muon Solenoid