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Measurement of the inclusive and differential Higgs boson production cross sections in the decay mode to a pair of τ leptons
Abstract: Measurements of the inclusive and differential fiducial cross sections of the Higgs boson are presented, using the τ lepton decay channel. The differential cross sections are measured as a function of the Higgs boson transverse momentum, jet multiplicity, and transverse momentum of the leading jet in the event if any. The analysis is performed using proton-proton data collected by the CMS detector at a center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV and amounting to an integrated luminosity of 138 fb1. These are the first differential measurements of the Higgs boson cross section in the final state of two τ leptons, and they constitute a significant improvement over measurements in other final states in parts of the phase space, namely in events with a large jet multiplicity or with Lorentz-boosted Higgs bosons.
Figures & Tables Summary Additional Figures References CMS Publications

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Figure 1:
Observed and expected mττ distributions in the different reconstructed ranges of the differential observable, obtained by reweighting every mττ distribution of each category, year, and final state by a factor proportional to the ratio between the signal and background yields in bins with 90 <mττ< 150 GeV. The reweighting is such that the signal normalization is conserved. The signal and background distributions are the results of a multidimensional maximum likelihood regularized fit. The green line in the ratio plot corresponds to the SM signal expectation. The contribution "Others" include the diboson and single top quark productions, as well as the Higgs boson events outside of the fiducial region.

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Figure 1-a:
Observed and expected mττ distributions in the different reconstructed ranges of the differential observable, obtained by reweighting every mττ distribution of each category, year, and final state by a factor proportional to the ratio between the signal and background yields in bins with 90 <mττ< 150 GeV. The reweighting is such that the signal normalization is conserved. The signal and background distributions are the results of a multidimensional maximum likelihood regularized fit. The green line in the ratio plot corresponds to the SM signal expectation. The contribution "Others" include the diboson and single top quark productions, as well as the Higgs boson events outside of the fiducial region.

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Figure 1-b:
Observed and expected mττ distributions in the different reconstructed ranges of the differential observable, obtained by reweighting every mττ distribution of each category, year, and final state by a factor proportional to the ratio between the signal and background yields in bins with 90 <mττ< 150 GeV. The reweighting is such that the signal normalization is conserved. The signal and background distributions are the results of a multidimensional maximum likelihood regularized fit. The green line in the ratio plot corresponds to the SM signal expectation. The contribution "Others" include the diboson and single top quark productions, as well as the Higgs boson events outside of the fiducial region.

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Figure 1-c:
Observed and expected mττ distributions in the different reconstructed ranges of the differential observable, obtained by reweighting every mττ distribution of each category, year, and final state by a factor proportional to the ratio between the signal and background yields in bins with 90 <mττ< 150 GeV. The reweighting is such that the signal normalization is conserved. The signal and background distributions are the results of a multidimensional maximum likelihood regularized fit. The green line in the ratio plot corresponds to the SM signal expectation. The contribution "Others" include the diboson and single top quark productions, as well as the Higgs boson events outside of the fiducial region.

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Figure 2:
Observed and expected differential fiducial cross section in bins of pTH (left), Njets (center), and pTj1 (right). The signal samples are generated using POWHEG, and the predictions from NNLOPS are also shown as nominal model. The uncertainty bands in the theoretical predictions include uncertainties from the following sources: PDF, renormalization and factorization scale, underlying event and parton showering, and B(Hττ). The last bins include the overflow.

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Figure 2-a:
Observed and expected differential fiducial cross section in bins of pTH (left), Njets (center), and pTj1 (right). The signal samples are generated using POWHEG, and the predictions from NNLOPS are also shown as nominal model. The uncertainty bands in the theoretical predictions include uncertainties from the following sources: PDF, renormalization and factorization scale, underlying event and parton showering, and B(Hττ). The last bins include the overflow.

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Figure 2-b:
Observed and expected differential fiducial cross section in bins of pTH (left), Njets (center), and pTj1 (right). The signal samples are generated using POWHEG, and the predictions from NNLOPS are also shown as nominal model. The uncertainty bands in the theoretical predictions include uncertainties from the following sources: PDF, renormalization and factorization scale, underlying event and parton showering, and B(Hττ). The last bins include the overflow.

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Figure 2-c:
Observed and expected differential fiducial cross section in bins of pTH (left), Njets (center), and pTj1 (right). The signal samples are generated using POWHEG, and the predictions from NNLOPS are also shown as nominal model. The uncertainty bands in the theoretical predictions include uncertainties from the following sources: PDF, renormalization and factorization scale, underlying event and parton showering, and B(Hττ). The last bins include the overflow.

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Table 1:
Selection criteria in the four di-τ final states. The pT ranges are related to different triggers used during different data-taking periods. The symbol mT denotes the transverse mass between two objects [10]. In events collected in 2016 in the μτh channel, τh candidates with 0.2 <|η|< 0.3 are discarded because of a significantly larger misidentification rate of muons as τh objects.

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Table 2:
Observed and expected fiducial cross sections in Njets, pTH, and pTj1 bins. The signal strengths obtained from the regularized and unregularized fits are indicated. The observed cross section corresponds to the result of the regularized fit. The signal strengths do not include yield uncertainties in the predictions of the SM Higgs boson production cross sections nor branching fractions. Results for Njets= 0 are given twice in the table: the first occurence is related to the fit of Njets-based categories, while the second occurence corresponds to the fit of pTj1-based categories.
In summary, measurements of the differential fiducial cross sections of the Higgs boson have been performed for the first time at the LHC in the decay channel of two τ leptons. The differential cross section as a function of the jet multiplicity, Higgs boson transverse momentum, and tranverse momentum of the leading jet, are in agreement with the expectations of the standard model, with a competitive precision with respect to measurements in other final states in the phase spaces with a large jet multiplicity, or with a Higgs boson transverse momentum between 120 and 600 GeV. In addition, the fiducial inclusive cross section has been measured to be 426 ± 102 fb, for a standard-model expectation of 408 ± 27 fb.
Additional Figures

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Additional Figure 1:
Response matrices for the reconstructed vs. generated Higgs pT in the τhτh channel for 2018. The horizontal axis represents the generator-level Higgs pT bins and the vertical axis represents the reconstruction-level Higgs pT bins. Each column is normalized so that event yield in the column adds up to unity.

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Additional Figure 2:
Response matrices for the reconstructed vs. generated Higgs pT in the μτh channel for 2018. The horizontal axis represents the generator-level Higgs pT bins and the vertical axis represents the reconstruction-level Higgs pT bins. Each column is normalized so that event yield in the column adds up to unity.

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Additional Figure 3:
Response matrices for the reconstructed vs. generated Higgs pT in the eτh channel for 2018. The horizontal axis represents the generator-level Higgs pT bins and the vertical axis represents the reconstruction-level Higgs pT bins. Each column is normalized so that event yield in the column adds up to unity.

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Additional Figure 4:
Response matrices for the reconstructed vs. generated Higgs pT in the eμ channel for 2018. The horizontal axis represents the generator-level Higgs pT bins and the vertical axis represents the reconstruction-level Higgs pT bins. Each column is normalized so that event yield in the column adds up to unity.

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Additional Figure 5:
Postfit distributions in the τhτh final state in 2018. This represents a fit to data with all years and final states.

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Additional Figure 5-a:
Postfit distributions in the τhτh final state in 2018. This represents a fit to data with all years and final states.

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Additional Figure 5-b:
Postfit distributions in the τhτh final state in 2018. This represents a fit to data with all years and final states.

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Additional Figure 5-c:
Postfit distributions in the τhτh final state in 2018. This represents a fit to data with all years and final states.

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Additional Figure 6:
Postfit distributions in the μτh final state in 2018. This represents a fit to data with all years and final states.

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Additional Figure 6-a:
Postfit distributions in the μτh final state in 2018. This represents a fit to data with all years and final states.

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Additional Figure 6-b:
Postfit distributions in the μτh final state in 2018. This represents a fit to data with all years and final states.

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Additional Figure 6-c:
Postfit distributions in the μτh final state in 2018. This represents a fit to data with all years and final states.

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Additional Figure 7:
Postfit distributions in the eτh final state in 2018. This represents a fit to data with all years and final states.

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Additional Figure 7-a:
Postfit distributions in the eτh final state in 2018. This represents a fit to data with all years and final states.

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Additional Figure 7-b:
Postfit distributions in the eτh final state in 2018. This represents a fit to data with all years and final states.

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Additional Figure 7-c:
Postfit distributions in the eτh final state in 2018. This represents a fit to data with all years and final states.

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Additional Figure 8:
Postfit distributions in the eμ final state in 2018. This represents a fit to data with all years and final states.

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Additional Figure 9:
Postfit distributions in the τhτh final state in 2017. This represents a fit to data with all years and final states.

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Additional Figure 9-a:
Postfit distributions in the τhτh final state in 2017. This represents a fit to data with all years and final states.

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Additional Figure 9-b:
Postfit distributions in the τhτh final state in 2017. This represents a fit to data with all years and final states.

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Additional Figure 9-c:
Postfit distributions in the τhτh final state in 2017. This represents a fit to data with all years and final states.

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Additional Figure 10:
Postfit distributions in the μτh final state in 2017. This represents a fit to data with all years and final states.

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Additional Figure 10-a:
Postfit distributions in the μτh final state in 2017. This represents a fit to data with all years and final states.

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Additional Figure 10-b:
Postfit distributions in the μτh final state in 2017. This represents a fit to data with all years and final states.

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Additional Figure 10-c:
Postfit distributions in the μτh final state in 2017. This represents a fit to data with all years and final states.

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Additional Figure 11:
Postfit distributions in the eτh final state in 2017. This represents a fit to data with all years and final states.

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Additional Figure 11-a:
Postfit distributions in the eτh final state in 2017. This represents a fit to data with all years and final states.

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Additional Figure 11-b:
Postfit distributions in the eτh final state in 2017. This represents a fit to data with all years and final states.

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Additional Figure 11-c:
Postfit distributions in the eτh final state in 2017. This represents a fit to data with all years and final states.

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Additional Figure 12:
Postfit distributions in the eμ final state in 2017. This represents a fit to data with all years and final states.

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Additional Figure 13:
Postfit distributions in the τhτh final state in 2016. This represents a fit to data with all years and final states.

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Additional Figure 13-a:
Postfit distributions in the τhτh final state in 2016. This represents a fit to data with all years and final states.

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Additional Figure 13-b:
Postfit distributions in the τhτh final state in 2016. This represents a fit to data with all years and final states.

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Additional Figure 13-c:
Postfit distributions in the τhτh final state in 2016. This represents a fit to data with all years and final states.

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Additional Figure 14:
Postfit distributions in the μτh final state in 2016. This represents a fit to data with all years and final states.

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Additional Figure 14-a:
Postfit distributions in the μτh final state in 2016. This represents a fit to data with all years and final states.

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Additional Figure 14-b:
Postfit distributions in the μτh final state in 2016. This represents a fit to data with all years and final states.

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Additional Figure 14-c:
Postfit distributions in the μτh final state in 2016. This represents a fit to data with all years and final states.

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Additional Figure 15:
Postfit distributions in the eτh final state in 2016. This represents a fit to data with all years and final states.

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Additional Figure 15-a:
Postfit distributions in the eτh final state in 2016. This represents a fit to data with all years and final states.

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Additional Figure 15-b:
Postfit distributions in the eτh final state in 2016. This represents a fit to data with all years and final states.

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Additional Figure 15-c:
Postfit distributions in the eτh final state in 2016. This represents a fit to data with all years and final states.

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Additional Figure 16:
Postfit distributions in the eμ final state in 2016. This represents a fit to data with all years and final states.

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Additional Figure 17:
Postfit distributions in the τhτh final state in 2018. This represents a fit to data with all years and final states.

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Additional Figure 17-a:
Postfit distributions in the τhτh final state in 2018. This represents a fit to data with all years and final states.

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Additional Figure 17-b:
Postfit distributions in the τhτh final state in 2018. This represents a fit to data with all years and final states.

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Additional Figure 17-c:
Postfit distributions in the τhτh final state in 2018. This represents a fit to data with all years and final states.

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Additional Figure 18:
Postfit distributions in the μτh final state in 2018. This represents a fit to data with all years and final states.

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Additional Figure 18-a:
Postfit distributions in the μτh final state in 2018. This represents a fit to data with all years and final states.

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Additional Figure 18-b:
Postfit distributions in the μτh final state in 2018. This represents a fit to data with all years and final states.

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Additional Figure 18-c:
Postfit distributions in the μτh final state in 2018. This represents a fit to data with all years and final states.

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Additional Figure 19:
Postfit distributions in the eτh final state in 2018. This represents a fit to data with all years and final states.

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Additional Figure 19-a:
Postfit distributions in the eτh final state in 2018. This represents a fit to data with all years and final states.

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Additional Figure 19-b:
Postfit distributions in the eτh final state in 2018. This represents a fit to data with all years and final states.

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Additional Figure 19-c:
Postfit distributions in the eτh final state in 2018. This represents a fit to data with all years and final states.

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Additional Figure 20:
Postfit distributions in the eμ final state in 2018. This represents a fit to data with all years and final states.

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Additional Figure 21:
Postfit distributions in the τhτh final state in 2017. This represents a fit to data with all years and final states.

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Additional Figure 21-a:
Postfit distributions in the τhτh final state in 2017. This represents a fit to data with all years and final states.

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Additional Figure 21-b:
Postfit distributions in the τhτh final state in 2017. This represents a fit to data with all years and final states.

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Additional Figure 21-c:
Postfit distributions in the τhτh final state in 2017. This represents a fit to data with all years and final states.

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Additional Figure 22:
Postfit distributions in the μτh final state in 2017. This represents a fit to data with all years and final states.

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Additional Figure 22-a:
Postfit distributions in the μτh final state in 2017. This represents a fit to data with all years and final states.

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Additional Figure 22-b:
Postfit distributions in the μτh final state in 2017. This represents a fit to data with all years and final states.

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Additional Figure 22-c:
Postfit distributions in the μτh final state in 2017. This represents a fit to data with all years and final states.

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Additional Figure 23:
Postfit distributions in the eτh final state in 2017. This represents a fit to data with all years and final states.

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Additional Figure 23-a:
Postfit distributions in the eτh final state in 2017. This represents a fit to data with all years and final states.

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Additional Figure 23-b:
Postfit distributions in the eτh final state in 2017. This represents a fit to data with all years and final states.

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Additional Figure 23-c:
Postfit distributions in the eτh final state in 2017. This represents a fit to data with all years and final states.

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Additional Figure 24:
Postfit distributions in the eμ final state in 2017. This represents a fit to data with all years and final states.

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Additional Figure 25:
Postfit distributions in the τhτh final state in 2016. This represents a fit to data with all years and final states.

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Additional Figure 25-a:
Postfit distributions in the τhτh final state in 2016. This represents a fit to data with all years and final states.

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Additional Figure 25-b:
Postfit distributions in the τhτh final state in 2016. This represents a fit to data with all years and final states.

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Additional Figure 25-c:
Postfit distributions in the τhτh final state in 2016. This represents a fit to data with all years and final states.

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Additional Figure 26:
Postfit distributions in the μτh final state in 2016. This represents a fit to data with all years and final states.

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Additional Figure 26-a:
Postfit distributions in the μτh final state in 2016. This represents a fit to data with all years and final states.

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Additional Figure 26-b:
Postfit distributions in the μτh final state in 2016. This represents a fit to data with all years and final states.

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Additional Figure 26-c:
Postfit distributions in the μτh final state in 2016. This represents a fit to data with all years and final states.

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Additional Figure 27:
Postfit distributions in the eτh final state in 2016. This represents a fit to data with all years and final states.

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Additional Figure 27-a:
Postfit distributions in the eτh final state in 2016. This represents a fit to data with all years and final states.

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Additional Figure 27-b:
Postfit distributions in the eτh final state in 2016. This represents a fit to data with all years and final states.

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Additional Figure 27-c:
Postfit distributions in the eτh final state in 2016. This represents a fit to data with all years and final states.

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Additional Figure 28:
Postfit distributions in the eμ final state in 2016. This represents a fit to data with all years and final states.

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Additional Figure 29:
Postfit distributions in the τhτh final state in 2018. This represents a fit to data with all years and final states.

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Additional Figure 29-a:
Postfit distributions in the τhτh final state in 2018. This represents a fit to data with all years and final states.

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Additional Figure 29-b:
Postfit distributions in the τhτh final state in 2018. This represents a fit to data with all years and final states.

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Additional Figure 29-c:
Postfit distributions in the τhτh final state in 2018. This represents a fit to data with all years and final states.

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Additional Figure 30:
Postfit distributions in the μτh final state in 2018. This represents a fit to data with all years and final states.

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Additional Figure 30-a:
Postfit distributions in the μτh final state in 2018. This represents a fit to data with all years and final states.

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Additional Figure 30-b:
Postfit distributions in the μτh final state in 2018. This represents a fit to data with all years and final states.

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Additional Figure 30-c:
Postfit distributions in the μτh final state in 2018. This represents a fit to data with all years and final states.

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Additional Figure 31:
Postfit distributions in the eτh final state in 2018. This represents a fit to data with all years and final states.

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Additional Figure 31-a:
Postfit distributions in the eτh final state in 2018. This represents a fit to data with all years and final states.

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Additional Figure 31-b:
Postfit distributions in the eτh final state in 2018. This represents a fit to data with all years and final states.

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Additional Figure 31-c:
Postfit distributions in the eτh final state in 2018. This represents a fit to data with all years and final states.

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Additional Figure 32:
Postfit distributions in the eμ final state in 2018. This represents a fit to data with all years and final states.

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Additional Figure 33:
Postfit distributions in the τhτh final state in 2017. This represents a fit to data with all years and final states.

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Additional Figure 33-a:
Postfit distributions in the τhτh final state in 2017. This represents a fit to data with all years and final states.

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Additional Figure 33-b:
Postfit distributions in the τhτh final state in 2017. This represents a fit to data with all years and final states.

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Additional Figure 33-c:
Postfit distributions in the τhτh final state in 2017. This represents a fit to data with all years and final states.

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Additional Figure 34:
Postfit distributions in the μτh final state in 2017. This represents a fit to data with all years and final states.

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Additional Figure 34-a:
Postfit distributions in the μτh final state in 2017. This represents a fit to data with all years and final states.

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Additional Figure 34-b:
Postfit distributions in the μτh final state in 2017. This represents a fit to data with all years and final states.

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Additional Figure 34-c:
Postfit distributions in the μτh final state in 2017. This represents a fit to data with all years and final states.

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Additional Figure 35:
Postfit distributions in the eτh final state in 2017. This represents a fit to data with all years and final states.

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Additional Figure 35-a:
Postfit distributions in the eτh final state in 2017. This represents a fit to data with all years and final states.

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Additional Figure 35-b:
Postfit distributions in the eτh final state in 2017. This represents a fit to data with all years and final states.

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Additional Figure 35-c:
Postfit distributions in the eτh final state in 2017. This represents a fit to data with all years and final states.

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Additional Figure 36:
Postfit distributions in the eμ final state in 2017. This represents a fit to data with all years and final states.

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Additional Figure 37:
Postfit distributions in the τhτh final state in 2016. This represents a fit to data with all years and final states.

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Additional Figure 37-a:
Postfit distributions in the τhτh final state in 2016. This represents a fit to data with all years and final states.

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Additional Figure 37-b:
Postfit distributions in the τhτh final state in 2016. This represents a fit to data with all years and final states.

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Additional Figure 37-c:
Postfit distributions in the τhτh final state in 2016. This represents a fit to data with all years and final states.

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Additional Figure 38:
Postfit distributions in the μτh final state in 2016. This represents a fit to data with all years and final states.

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Additional Figure 38-a:
Postfit distributions in the μτh final state in 2016. This represents a fit to data with all years and final states.

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Additional Figure 38-b:
Postfit distributions in the μτh final state in 2016. This represents a fit to data with all years and final states.

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Additional Figure 38-c:
Postfit distributions in the μτh final state in 2016. This represents a fit to data with all years and final states.

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Additional Figure 39:
Postfit distributions in the eτh final state in 2016. This represents a fit to data with all years and final states.

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Additional Figure 39-a:
Postfit distributions in the eτh final state in 2016. This represents a fit to data with all years and final states.

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Additional Figure 39-b:
Postfit distributions in the eτh final state in 2016. This represents a fit to data with all years and final states.

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Additional Figure 39-c:
Postfit distributions in the eτh final state in 2016. This represents a fit to data with all years and final states.

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Additional Figure 40:
Postfit distributions in the eμ final state in 2016. This represents a fit to data with all years and final states.

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Additional Figure 41:
Observed signal strength modifiers in pTH bins.

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Additional Figure 42:
Observed signal strength modifiers in Njets bins.

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Additional Figure 43:
Observed signal strength modifiers in pTjet1 bins.

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Additional Figure 44:
Correlation between signal strength modifiers in fiducial pTH bins obtained from fits to data without regularization.

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Additional Figure 45:
Correlation between signal strength modifiers in fiducial pTH bins obtained from fits to data with regularization.

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Additional Figure 46:
Correlation between signal strength modifiers in fiducial Njets bins obtained from fits to data without regularization.

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Additional Figure 47:
Correlation between signal strength modifiers in fiducial Njets bins obtained from fits to data with regularization.

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Additional Figure 48:
Correlation between signal strength modifiers in fiducial pTjet1 bins obtained from fits to data without regularization.

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Additional Figure 49:
Correlation between signal strength modifiers in fiducial pTjet1 bins obtained from fits to data with regularization.
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Compact Muon Solenoid