CMS-PAS-EXO-19-006 | ||
Search for fractionally charged particles in pp collisions at $ \sqrt{s}= $ 13 TeV | ||
CMS Collaboration | ||
29 November 2022 | ||
Abstract: Every known charged particle has an electric charge that is a multiple of 1/3e. In the absence of a mechanism to explain this quantization, particles with other charges may exist as well. In particular, only weak constraints have been set on the existence of free-propagating particles with charge below 1e and mass accessible at the LHC. A search is presented for fractionally charged particles using energy loss in the tracking detector as a key variable to suppress backgrounds. Using a data set corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 138 fb$^{-1}$ of proton-proton collisions collected at a center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV by the CMS experiment, masses up to 636 GeV and charges as low as 1/2e are excluded at 95% confidence level. | ||
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These preliminary results are superseded in this paper, Submitted to PRL. The superseded preliminary plots can be found here. |
Figures & Tables | Summary | Additional Figures | References | CMS Publications |
Figures | |
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Figure 1:
The $ \mathrm{d}E/\mathrm{d}x $ distribution for hits on candidate tracks in the control and search regions in 2018 data. |
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Figure 2:
Distribution of $ N_{\text{hits}}^{\text{low dE/dx}} $ in the search and control regions for the early 2016 (top left), late 2016 (top right), 2017 (bottom left) and 2018 (bottom right) data sets. The vertical bars and the shaded area correspond to the statistical uncertainty in the search and the control region, respectively. The p-values of the fits $ \chi^{2} $ are 6% (early 2016), 78% (late 2016), 65% (2017) and 9% (2018). The top (bottom) lower panels show the ratio of the number of tracks observed in the control (search) region and the fit function. The vertical bars correspond to the uncertainty from statistical sources, while the shaded area gives the systematic uncertainty in the fit from the difference with the alternative function and the binomial fit starting at $ N_{\text{hits}}^{\text{low dE/dx}} = $ 1. |
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Figure 2-a:
Distribution of $ N_{\text{hits}}^{\text{low dE/dx}} $ in the search and control regions for the early 2016 data set. The vertical bars and the shaded area correspond to the statistical uncertainty in the search and the control region, respectively. The p-value of the fit $ \chi^{2} $ is 6%. The top (bottom) lower panels show the ratio of the number of tracks observed in the control (search) region and the fit function. The vertical bars correspond to the uncertainty from statistical sources, while the shaded area gives the systematic uncertainty in the fit from the difference with the alternative function and the binomial fit starting at $ N_{\text{hits}}^{\text{low dE/dx}} = $ 1. |
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Figure 2-b:
Distribution of $ N_{\text{hits}}^{\text{low dE/dx}} $ in the search and control regions for the late 2016 data set. The vertical bars and the shaded area correspond to the statistical uncertainty in the search and the control region, respectively. The p-value of the fit $ \chi^{2} $ is 78%. The top (bottom) lower panels show the ratio of the number of tracks observed in the control (search) region and the fit function. The vertical bars correspond to the uncertainty from statistical sources, while the shaded area gives the systematic uncertainty in the fit from the difference with the alternative function and the binomial fit starting at $ N_{\text{hits}}^{\text{low dE/dx}} = $ 1. |
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Figure 2-c:
Distribution of $ N_{\text{hits}}^{\text{low dE/dx}} $ in the search and control regions for the 2017 data set. The vertical bars and the shaded area correspond to the statistical uncertainty in the search and the control region, respectively. The p-value of the fit $ \chi^{2} $ is 65%. The top (bottom) lower panels show the ratio of the number of tracks observed in the control (search) region and the fit function. The vertical bars correspond to the uncertainty from statistical sources, while the shaded area gives the systematic uncertainty in the fit from the difference with the alternative function and the binomial fit starting at $ N_{\text{hits}}^{\text{low dE/dx}} = $ 1. |
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Figure 2-d:
Distribution of $ N_{\text{hits}}^{\text{low dE/dx}} $ in the search and control regions for the 2018 data set. The vertical bars and the shaded area correspond to the statistical uncertainty in the search and the control region, respectively. The p-value of the fit $ \chi^{2} $ is 9%. The top (bottom) lower panels show the ratio of the number of tracks observed in the control (search) region and the fit function. The vertical bars correspond to the uncertainty from statistical sources, while the shaded area gives the systematic uncertainty in the fit from the difference with the alternative function and the binomial fit starting at $ N_{\text{hits}}^{\text{low dE/dx}} = $ 1. |
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Figure 3:
Exclusion region (hatched) at 95% CL in the FCP charge-mass plane for the considered signal model. The exclusion region extends down to a mass of 50 GeV, above which the background control region is free from signal. Previous exclusion from OPAL [10] is given for comparison. |
Tables | |
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Table 1:
Number of tracks observed, expected for background events, and expected for signal events, in the highest $ N_{\text{hits}}^{\text{low dE/dx}} $ bin, for each data set. The corresponding systematic uncertainties are also listed. The results for an FCP scenario at a mass of 100 GeV and a charge of 2/3e (i.e. the most sensitive scenario) is also shown. |
Summary |
In summary, we presented a search for fractionally charged particles using an integrated luminosity of 138 fb$^{-1}$ of pp collisions collected at $ \sqrt{s}= $ 13 TeV with the CMS detector. The key feature of low ionization energy in the CMS tracker detector is used to isolate a potential signal from the background. No significant deviation is observed in data with respect to the expected background. The existence of fractionally charged particles is excluded up to a mass of 636 GeV for a signal of charge $ Q = $ 2/3e. These are the best limits on this particular new-physics signature in the considered phase space. |
Additional Figures | |
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Additional Figure 1:
Exclusion region (hatched) at 95% CL in the FCP charge-mass plane for the considered signal model. Signal points at electric charges 0.9, 0.8, 2/3, 0.5 and 1/3$e$ are connected by straight lines to guide the eye. The existence of FCPs as described by the considered model is excluded in the mass range between 50 and 635 GeV (65 GeV) for a signal of electric charge $ Q = $ 2/3$e$ (1/3$e$). Previous exclusions from CMS [5,6] as well as OPAL [10] are given for comparison. |
References | ||||
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Compact Muon Solenoid LHC, CERN |
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