CMS-HIG-21-009 ; CERN-EP-2023-065 | ||
Measurements of inclusive and differential cross sections for the Higgs boson production and decay to four-leptons in proton-proton collisions at $ \sqrt{s} = $ 13 TeV | ||
CMS Collaboration | ||
12 May 2023 | ||
JHEP 08 (2023) 040 | ||
Abstract: Measurements of the inclusive and differential fiducial cross sections for the Higgs boson production in the H $\to$ ZZ $\to$ 4$\ell$ ($ \ell=$ e, $\mu $) decay channel are presented. The results are obtained from the analysis of proton-proton collision data recorded by the CMS experiment at the CERN LHC at a center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 138 fb$^{-1}$. The measured inclusive fiducial cross section is 2.73 $ \pm $ 0.26 fb, in agreement with the standard model expectation of 2.86 $ \pm $ 0.1 fb. Differential cross sections are measured as a function of several kinematic observables sensitive to the Higgs boson production and decay to four leptons. A set of double-differential measurements is also performed, yielding a comprehensive characterization of the four leptons final state. Constraints on the Higgs boson trilinear coupling and on the bottom and charm quark coupling modifiers are derived from its transverse momentum distribution. All results are consistent with theoretical predictions from the standard model. | ||
Links: e-print arXiv:2305.07532 [hep-ex] (PDF) ; CDS record ; inSPIRE record ; HepData record ; CADI line (restricted) ; |
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Figure 1:
Schematic representation of the $ \mathrm{g}\mathrm{g}/\mathrm{q}\bar{\mathrm{q}}\to \mathrm{H}\to ZZ\to 4\ell $ process. The five angles depicted in blue are considered in the differential analysis, as detailed in the text. |
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Figure 2:
Reconstructed transverse momentum (left) and rapidity (right) of the four-lepton system. Points with error bars represent the data, solid histograms the predictions from simulation. The $ y $ axes of the top panels have been rescaled to display the number of events per bin, divided by the width of each bin. The lower panels show the ratio of the measured values to the expectations from the simulation. |
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Figure 2-a:
Reconstructed transverse momentum of the four-lepton system. Points with error bars represent the data, solid histograms the predictions from simulation. The $ y $ axes of the top panels have been rescaled to display the number of events per bin, divided by the width of each bin. The lower panel shows the ratio of the measured values to the expectations from the simulation. |
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Figure 2-b:
Reconstructed rapidity of the four-lepton system. Points with error bars represent the data, solid histograms the predictions from simulation. The $ y $ axes of the top panels have been rescaled to display the number of events per bin, divided by the width of each bin. The lower panel shows the ratio of the measured values to the expectations from the simulation. |
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Figure 3:
Log-likelihood scan for the measured inclusive fiducial cross section. The scan is shown with (solid line) and without (dashed line) systematic uncertainties profiled in the fit. |
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Figure 4:
Measured inclusive fiducial cross section for the various final states (left); and as a function of the center-of-mass energy $ \sqrt{s} $ (right). In the left panel the acceptance and theoretical uncertainties are calculated using POWHEG (blue), NNLOPS (orange), and MadGraph-5_aMC@NLO (pink). The subdominant component of the signal (VBF+VH+ttH) is denoted as XH and is fixed to the SM prediction. In the right panel the acceptance is calculated using POWHEG at $ \sqrt{s}= $ 13 TeV and HRES [127,135] at $ \sqrt{s}= $ 7 and 8 TeV. |
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Figure 4-a:
Measured inclusive fiducial cross section for the various final states. The acceptance and theoretical uncertainties are calculated using POWHEG (blue), NNLOPS (orange), and MadGraph-5_aMC@NLO (pink). The subdominant component of the signal (VBF+VH+ttH) is denoted as XH and is fixed to the SM prediction. |
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Figure 4-b:
Measured inclusive fiducial cross section as a function of the center-of-mass energy $ \sqrt{s} $. The acceptance is calculated using POWHEG at $ \sqrt{s}= $ 13 TeV and HRES [127,135] at $ \sqrt{s}= $ 7 and 8 TeV. |
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Figure 5:
Inclusive fiducial cross section measured for the various final states with the irreducible backgrounds normalization ZZ unconstrained in the fit (left) and the corresponding correlation matrix (right). The acceptance and theoretical uncertainties in the differential bins are calculated using POWHEG (blue), NNLOPS (orange), and MadGraph-5_aMC@NLO (pink). The subdominant component of the signal (VBF+VH+ttH) is denoted as XH and it is fixed to the SM prediction. The ratio of the measured cross section to the theoretical prediction obtained from each generator is shown in the central panel, while the lower panel shows the ratio between the values derived from the measured ZZ normalization and the MC prediction. |
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Figure 5-a:
Inclusive fiducial cross section measured for the various final states with the irreducible backgrounds normalization ZZ unconstrained in the fit.The acceptance and theoretical uncertainties in the differential bins are calculated using POWHEG (blue), NNLOPS (orange), and MadGraph-5_aMC@NLO (pink). The subdominant component of the signal (VBF+VH+ttH) is denoted as XH and it is fixed to the SM prediction. The ratio of the measured cross section to the theoretical prediction obtained from each generator is shown in the central panel, while the lower panel shows the ratio between the values derived from the measured ZZ normalization and the MC prediction. |
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Figure 5-b:
Correlation matrix for the measurements of the inclusive fiducial cross sections in the various final states and the normalizations of the irreducible ZZ backgrounds, which are unconstrained in the fit. |
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Figure 6:
Differential cross sections as functions of the transverse momentum of the Higgs boson $ p_{\mathrm{T}}^{\mathrm{H}} $ (left) and of the rapidity of the Higgs boson $ |y_{\mathrm{H}}| $ (right). The fiducial cross section in the last bin (left) is measured for events with $ p_{\mathrm{T}}^{\mathrm{H}} > $ 200 GeV and normalized to a bin width of 50 GeV. The acceptance and theoretical uncertainties in the differential bins are calculated using the ggH predictions from the POWHEG generator (blue) normalized to next-to- next-to-next-to-leading order ($ \mathrm{N^3LO} $) [34]. The subdominant component of the signal (VBF+VH+ttH) is denoted as XH and is fixed to the SM prediction. The measured cross sections are also compared with the ggH predictions from NNLOPS (orange) and MadGraph-5_aMC@NLO (pink). The hatched areas correspond to the systematic uncertainties in the theoretical predictions. Black points represent the measured fiducial cross sections in each bin, black error bars the total uncertainty in each measurement, red boxes the systematic uncertainties. The lower panels display the ratios of the measured cross sections and of the predictions from POWHEG and MadGraph-5_aMC@NLO to the NNLOPS theoretical predictions. |
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Figure 6-a:
Differential cross sections as a function of the transverse momentum of the Higgs boson $ p_{\mathrm{T}}^{\mathrm{H}} $. The fiducial cross section in the last bin is measured for events with $ p_{\mathrm{T}}^{\mathrm{H}} > $ 200 GeV and normalized to a bin width of 50 GeV. The acceptance and theoretical uncertainties in the differential bins are calculated using the ggH predictions from the POWHEG generator (blue) normalized to next-to- next-to-next-to-leading order ($ \mathrm{N^3LO} $) [34]. The subdominant component of the signal (VBF+VH+ttH) is denoted as XH and is fixed to the SM prediction. The measured cross sections are also compared with the ggH predictions from NNLOPS (orange) and MadGraph-5_aMC@NLO (pink). The hatched areas correspond to the systematic uncertainties in the theoretical predictions. Black points represent the measured fiducial cross sections in each bin, black error bars the total uncertainty in each measurement, red boxes the systematic uncertainties. The lower panel displays the ratios of the measured cross sections and of the predictions from POWHEG and MadGraph-5_aMC@NLO to the NNLOPS theoretical predictions. |
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Figure 6-b:
Differential cross sections as a function of the rapidity of the Higgs boson $ |y_{\mathrm{H}}| $. The acceptance and theoretical uncertainties in the differential bins are calculated using the ggH predictions from the POWHEG generator (blue) normalized to next-to- next-to-next-to-leading order ($ \mathrm{N^3LO} $) [34]. The subdominant component of the signal (VBF+VH+ttH) is denoted as XH and is fixed to the SM prediction. The measured cross sections are also compared with the ggH predictions from NNLOPS (orange) and MadGraph-5_aMC@NLO (pink). The hatched areas correspond to the systematic uncertainties in the theoretical predictions. Black points represent the measured fiducial cross sections in each bin, black error bars the total uncertainty in each measurement, red boxes the systematic uncertainties. The lower panel displays the ratios of the measured cross sections and of the predictions from POWHEG and MadGraph-5_aMC@NLO to the NNLOPS theoretical predictions. |
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Figure 7:
Differential cross sections as functions of the number of jets in the event (upper left) and of the $ p_{\mathrm{T}} $ of the leading (upper right) and subleading (lower) jet. Upper right: the fiducial cross section in the last bin is measured for events with $ p_{\mathrm{T}}^{\text{j1}} > $ 200 GeV and normalized to a bin width of 40 GeV. The first bin comprises all events with less than one jet, for which $ p_{\mathrm{T}}^{\text{j1}} $ is undefined. Lower: the fiducial cross section in the last bin is measured for events with $ p_{\mathrm{T}}^{\text{j2}} > $ 90 GeV and normalized to a bin width of 150 GeV. The first bin comprises all events with less than two jet, for which $ p_{\mathrm{T}}^{\text{j2}} $ is undefined. The acceptance and theoretical uncertainties in the differential bins are calculated using the ggH predictions from the POWHEG generator (blue) normalized to $ \mathrm{N^3LO} $. The subdominant component of the signal (VBF+VH+ttH) is denoted as XH and is fixed to the SM prediction. The measured cross sections are also compared with the ggH predictions from NNLOPS (orange) and MadGraph-5_aMC@NLO (pink). The hatched areas correspond to the systematic uncertainties in the theoretical predictions. Black points represent the measured fiducial cross sections in each bin, black error bars the total uncertainty in each measurement, red boxes the systematic uncertainties. The lower panels display the ratios of the measured cross sections and of the predictions from POWHEG and MadGraph-5_aMC@NLO to the NNLOPS theoretical predictions. |
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Figure 7-a:
Differential cross sections as a function of the number of jets in the event. The acceptance and theoretical uncertainties in the differential bins are calculated using the ggH predictions from the POWHEG generator (blue) normalized to $ \mathrm{N^3LO} $. The subdominant component of the signal (VBF+VH+ttH) is denoted as XH and is fixed to the SM prediction. The measured cross sections are also compared with the ggH predictions from NNLOPS (orange) and MadGraph-5_aMC@NLO (pink). The hatched areas correspond to the systematic uncertainties in the theoretical predictions. Black points represent the measured fiducial cross sections in each bin, black error bars the total uncertainty in each measurement, red boxes the systematic uncertainties. The lower panel displays the ratios of the measured cross sections and of the predictions from POWHEG and MadGraph-5_aMC@NLO to the NNLOPS theoretical predictions. |
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Figure 7-b:
Differential cross sections as a function of the $ p_{\mathrm{T}} $ of the leading jet. The fiducial cross section in the last bin is measured for events with $ p_{\mathrm{T}}^{\text{j1}} > $ 200 GeV and normalized to a bin width of 40 GeV. The first bin comprises all events with less than one jet, for which $ p_{\mathrm{T}}^{\text{j1}} $ is undefined. The acceptance and theoretical uncertainties in the differential bins are calculated using the ggH predictions from the POWHEG generator (blue) normalized to $ \mathrm{N^3LO} $. The subdominant component of the signal (VBF+VH+ttH) is denoted as XH and is fixed to the SM prediction. The measured cross sections are also compared with the ggH predictions from NNLOPS (orange) and MadGraph-5_aMC@NLO (pink). The hatched areas correspond to the systematic uncertainties in the theoretical predictions. Black points represent the measured fiducial cross sections in each bin, black error bars the total uncertainty in each measurement, red boxes the systematic uncertainties. The lower panel displays the ratios of the measured cross sections and of the predictions from POWHEG and MadGraph-5_aMC@NLO to the NNLOPS theoretical predictions. |
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Figure 7-c:
Differential cross sections as a function of the $ p_{\mathrm{T}} $ of the subleading jet. The fiducial cross section in the last bin is measured for events with $ p_{\mathrm{T}}^{\text{j2}} > $ 90 GeV and normalized to a bin width of 150 GeV. The first bin comprises all events with less than two jet, for which $ p_{\mathrm{T}}^{\text{j2}} $ is undefined. The acceptance and theoretical uncertainties in the differential bins are calculated using the ggH predictions from the POWHEG generator (blue) normalized to $ \mathrm{N^3LO} $. The subdominant component of the signal (VBF+VH+ttH) is denoted as XH and is fixed to the SM prediction. The measured cross sections are also compared with the ggH predictions from NNLOPS (orange) and MadGraph-5_aMC@NLO (pink). The hatched areas correspond to the systematic uncertainties in the theoretical predictions. Black points represent the measured fiducial cross sections in each bin, black error bars the total uncertainty in each measurement, red boxes the systematic uncertainties. The lower panel displays the ratios of the measured cross sections and of the predictions from POWHEG and MadGraph-5_aMC@NLO to the NNLOPS theoretical predictions. |
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Figure 8:
Differential cross sections as functions of the invariant mass $ m_\text{jj} $ (upper left), the difference in azimuthal angle $ \Delta\phi_{\text{jj}} $ (upper right) the difference in pseudorapidity $ |\Delta\eta_\text{jj}| $ (lower) of the dijet system. Upper Left: the fiducial cross section in the last bin is measured for events with $ m_\text{jj} > $ 300 GeV and normalized to a bin width of 225 GeV. The first bin comprises all events with less than two jets, for which $ m_\text{jj} $ is undefined. Upper right: the first bin comprises all events with less than two jet, for which $ |\Delta\phi_\text{jj}| $ is undefined. Lower: the first bin comprises all events with less than two jet, for which $ |\Delta\eta_\text{jj}| $ is undefined. The acceptance and theoretical uncertainties in the differential bins are calculated using the ggH predictions from the POWHEG generator (blue) normalized to $ \mathrm{N^3LO} $. The subdominant component of the signal (VBF+VH+ttH) is denoted as XH and is fixed to the SM prediction. The measured cross sections are also compared with the ggH predictions from NNLOPS (orange) and MadGraph-5_aMC@NLO (pink). The hatched areas correspond to the systematic uncertainties in the theoretical predictions. Black points represent the measured fiducial cross sections in each bin, black error bars the total uncertainty in each measurement, red boxes the systematic uncertainties. The lower panels display the ratios of the measured cross sections and of the predictions from POWHEG and MadGraph-5_aMC@NLO to the NNLOPS theoretical predictions. |
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Figure 8-a:
Differential cross sections as a function of the invariant mass $ m_\text{jj} $ of the dijet system. The fiducial cross section in the last bin is measured for events with $ m_\text{jj} > $ 300 GeV and normalized to a bin width of 225 GeV. The first bin comprises all events with less than two jets, for which $ m_\text{jj} $ is undefined. The acceptance and theoretical uncertainties in the differential bins are calculated using the ggH predictions from the POWHEG generator (blue) normalized to $ \mathrm{N^3LO} $. The subdominant component of the signal (VBF+VH+ttH) is denoted as XH and is fixed to the SM prediction. The measured cross sections are also compared with the ggH predictions from NNLOPS (orange) and MadGraph-5_aMC@NLO (pink). The hatched areas correspond to the systematic uncertainties in the theoretical predictions. Black points represent the measured fiducial cross sections in each bin, black error bars the total uncertainty in each measurement, red boxes the systematic uncertainties. The lower panel displays the ratios of the measured cross sections and of the predictions from POWHEG and MadGraph-5_aMC@NLO to the NNLOPS theoretical predictions. |
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Figure 8-b:
Differential cross sections as a function of the difference in azimuthal angle $ \Delta\phi_{\text{jj}} $ of the dijet system. The first bin comprises all events with less than two jet, for which $ |\Delta\phi_\text{jj}| $ is undefined. The acceptance and theoretical uncertainties in the differential bins are calculated using the ggH predictions from the POWHEG generator (blue) normalized to $ \mathrm{N^3LO} $. The subdominant component of the signal (VBF+VH+ttH) is denoted as XH and is fixed to the SM prediction. The measured cross sections are also compared with the ggH predictions from NNLOPS (orange) and MadGraph-5_aMC@NLO (pink). The hatched areas correspond to the systematic uncertainties in the theoretical predictions. Black points represent the measured fiducial cross sections in each bin, black error bars the total uncertainty in each measurement, red boxes the systematic uncertainties. The lower panel displays the ratios of the measured cross sections and of the predictions from POWHEG and MadGraph-5_aMC@NLO to the NNLOPS theoretical predictions. |
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Figure 8-c:
Differential cross sections as a function of the difference in pseudorapidity $ |\Delta\eta_\text{jj}| $ of the dijet system. The first bin comprises all events with less than two jet, for which $ |\Delta\eta_\text{jj}| $ is undefined. The acceptance and theoretical uncertainties in the differential bins are calculated using the ggH predictions from the POWHEG generator (blue) normalized to $ \mathrm{N^3LO} $. The subdominant component of the signal (VBF+VH+ttH) is denoted as XH and is fixed to the SM prediction. The measured cross sections are also compared with the ggH predictions from NNLOPS (orange) and MadGraph-5_aMC@NLO (pink). The hatched areas correspond to the systematic uncertainties in the theoretical predictions. Black points represent the measured fiducial cross sections in each bin, black error bars the total uncertainty in each measurement, red boxes the systematic uncertainties. The lower panel displays the ratios of the measured cross sections and of the predictions from POWHEG and MadGraph-5_aMC@NLO to the NNLOPS theoretical predictions. |
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Figure 9:
Upper left: differential cross sections as functions of the invariant mass of the $ \mathrm{H}+j $ system $ m_{\mathrm{H} j} $, where j is the leading jet in the event. The fiducial cross section in the last bin is measured for events with $ m_{\mathrm{H} j} > $ 600 GeV and normalized to a bin width of 280 GeV. The first bin comprises all events with less than one jet, for which $ m_{\mathrm{H} j} $ is undefined. Upper right: differential cross sections as functions of the transverse momentum of the $ \mathrm{H}+j $ system $ p_{\mathrm{T}}^{\mathrm{H} j} $. The fiducial cross section in the last bin is measured for events with $ p_{\mathrm{T}}^{\mathrm{H} j} > $ 110 GeV and normalized to a bin width of 90 GeV. The first bin comprises all events with less than one jet, for which $ p_{\mathrm{T}}^{\mathrm{H} j} $ is undefined. Lower: differential cross sections as functions of the transverse momentum of the $ \mathrm{H}+jj $ system $ p_{\mathrm{T}}^{\mathrm{H} jj} $. The fiducial cross section in the last bin is measured for events with $ p_{\mathrm{T}}^{\mathrm{H} jj} > $ 60 GeV and normalized to a bin width of 40 GeV. The first bin comprises all events with less than two jet, for which $ p_{\mathrm{T}}^{\mathrm{H} jj} $ is undefined. The acceptance and theoretical uncertainties in the differential bins are calculated using the ggH predictions from the POWHEG generator (blue) normalized to $ \mathrm{N^3LO} $. The subdominant component of the signal (VBF+VH+ttH) is denoted as XH and is fixed to the SM prediction. The measured cross sections are also compared with the ggH predictions from NNLOPS (orange) and MadGraph-5_aMC@NLO (pink). The hatched areas correspond to the systematic uncertainties in the theoretical predictions. Black points represent the measured fiducial cross sections in each bin, black error bars the total uncertainty in each measurement, red boxes the systematic uncertainties. The lower panels display the ratios of the measured cross sections and of the predictions from POWHEG and MadGraph-5_aMC@NLO to the NNLOPS theoretical predictions. |
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Figure 9-a:
Differential cross sections as functions of the invariant mass of the $ \mathrm{H}+j $ system $ m_{\mathrm{H} j} $, where j is the leading jet in the event. The fiducial cross section in the last bin is measured for events with $ m_{\mathrm{H} j} > $ 600 GeV and normalized to a bin width of 280 GeV. The first bin comprises all events with less than one jet, for which $ m_{\mathrm{H} j} $ is undefined. The acceptance and theoretical uncertainties in the differential bins are calculated using the ggH predictions from the POWHEG generator (blue) normalized to $ \mathrm{N^3LO} $. The subdominant component of the signal (VBF+VH+ttH) is denoted as XH and is fixed to the SM prediction. The measured cross sections are also compared with the ggH predictions from NNLOPS (orange) and MadGraph-5_aMC@NLO (pink). The hatched areas correspond to the systematic uncertainties in the theoretical predictions. Black points represent the measured fiducial cross sections in each bin, black error bars the total uncertainty in each measurement, red boxes the systematic uncertainties. The lower panel displays the ratios of the measured cross sections and of the predictions from POWHEG and MadGraph-5_aMC@NLO to the NNLOPS theoretical predictions. |
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Figure 9-b:
Differential cross sections as functions of the transverse momentum of the $ \mathrm{H}+j $ system $ p_{\mathrm{T}}^{\mathrm{H} j} $. The fiducial cross section in the last bin is measured for events with $ p_{\mathrm{T}}^{\mathrm{H} j} > $ 110 GeV and normalized to a bin width of 90 GeV. The first bin comprises all events with less than one jet, for which $ p_{\mathrm{T}}^{\mathrm{H} j} $ is undefined. The acceptance and theoretical uncertainties in the differential bins are calculated using the ggH predictions from the POWHEG generator (blue) normalized to $ \mathrm{N^3LO} $. The subdominant component of the signal (VBF+VH+ttH) is denoted as XH and is fixed to the SM prediction. The measured cross sections are also compared with the ggH predictions from NNLOPS (orange) and MadGraph-5_aMC@NLO (pink). The hatched areas correspond to the systematic uncertainties in the theoretical predictions. Black points represent the measured fiducial cross sections in each bin, black error bars the total uncertainty in each measurement, red boxes the systematic uncertainties. The lower panel displays the ratios of the measured cross sections and of the predictions from POWHEG and MadGraph-5_aMC@NLO to the NNLOPS theoretical predictions. |
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Figure 9-c:
Differential cross sections as functions of the transverse momentum of the $ \mathrm{H}+jj $ system $ p_{\mathrm{T}}^{\mathrm{H} jj} $. The fiducial cross section in the last bin is measured for events with $ p_{\mathrm{T}}^{\mathrm{H} jj} > $ 60 GeV and normalized to a bin width of 40 GeV. The first bin comprises all events with less than two jet, for which $ p_{\mathrm{T}}^{\mathrm{H} jj} $ is undefined. The acceptance and theoretical uncertainties in the differential bins are calculated using the ggH predictions from the POWHEG generator (blue) normalized to $ \mathrm{N^3LO} $. The subdominant component of the signal (VBF+VH+ttH) is denoted as XH and is fixed to the SM prediction. The measured cross sections are also compared with the ggH predictions from NNLOPS (orange) and MadGraph-5_aMC@NLO (pink). The hatched areas correspond to the systematic uncertainties in the theoretical predictions. Black points represent the measured fiducial cross sections in each bin, black error bars the total uncertainty in each measurement, red boxes the systematic uncertainties. The lower panel displays the ratios of the measured cross sections and of the predictions from POWHEG and MadGraph-5_aMC@NLO to the NNLOPS theoretical predictions. |
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Figure 10:
Left: differential cross sections as functions of the rapidity-weighed jet veto $ \mathcal{T}_{\text{C}}^{\text{max}} $. The fiducial cross section in the last bin is measured for events with $ \mathcal{T}_{\text{C}}^{\text{max}} > $ 80 GeV and normalized to a bin width of 70 GeV. The first bin comprises all events in the 0-jet phase space region redefined as a function of $ \mathcal{T}_{\text{C}}^{\text{max}} $, i.e.,, events with less than one jet, for which $ \mathcal{T}_{\text{C}}^{\text{max}} $ is undefined, and events with $ \mathcal{T}_{\text{C}}^{\text{max}} < $ 15 GeV. Right: differential cross sections as functions of the rapidity-weighed jet veto $ \mathcal{T}_{\text{B}}^{\text{max}} $. The fiducial cross section in the last bin is measured for events with $ \mathcal{T}_{\text{B}}^{\text{max}} > $ 150 GeV and normalized to a bin width of 150 GeV. The first bin comprises all events in the 0-jet phase space region redefined as a function of $ \mathcal{T}_{\text{B}}^{\text{max}} $, i.e.,, events with less than one jet, for which $ \mathcal{T}_{\text{B}}^{\text{max}} $ is undefined, and events with $ \mathcal{T}_{\text{B}}^{\text{max}} < $ 30 GeV. The acceptance and theoretical uncertainties in the differential bins are calculated using the ggH predictions from the POWHEG generator (blue) normalized to $ \mathrm{N^3LO} $. The subdominant component of the signal (VBF+VH+ttH) is denoted as XH and is fixed to the SM prediction. The measured cross sections are also compared with the ggH predictions from NNLOPS (orange) and MadGraph-5_aMC@NLO (pink). The hatched areas correspond to the systematic uncertainties in the theoretical predictions. Black points represent the measured fiducial cross sections in each bin, black error bars the total uncertainty in each measurement, red boxes the systematic uncertainties. The lower panels display the ratios of the measured cross sections and of the predictions from POWHEG and MadGraph-5_aMC@NLO to the NNLOPS theoretical predictions. |
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Figure 10-a:
Differential cross sections as functions of the rapidity-weighed jet veto $ \mathcal{T}_{\text{C}}^{\text{max}} $. The fiducial cross section in the last bin is measured for events with $ \mathcal{T}_{\text{C}}^{\text{max}} > $ 80 GeV and normalized to a bin width of 70 GeV. The first bin comprises all events in the 0-jet phase space region redefined as a function of $ \mathcal{T}_{\text{C}}^{\text{max}} $, i.e.,, events with less than one jet, for which $ \mathcal{T}_{\text{C}}^{\text{max}} $ is undefined, and events with $ \mathcal{T}_{\text{C}}^{\text{max}} < $ 15 GeV. The acceptance and theoretical uncertainties in the differential bins are calculated using the ggH predictions from the POWHEG generator (blue) normalized to $ \mathrm{N^3LO} $. The subdominant component of the signal (VBF+VH+ttH) is denoted as XH and is fixed to the SM prediction. The measured cross sections are also compared with the ggH predictions from NNLOPS (orange) and MadGraph-5_aMC@NLO (pink). The hatched areas correspond to the systematic uncertainties in the theoretical predictions. Black points represent the measured fiducial cross sections in each bin, black error bars the total uncertainty in each measurement, red boxes the systematic uncertainties. The lower panel displays the ratios of the measured cross sections and of the predictions from POWHEG and MadGraph-5_aMC@NLO to the NNLOPS theoretical predictions. |
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Figure 10-b:
Differential cross sections as functions of the rapidity-weighed jet veto $ \mathcal{T}_{\text{B}}^{\text{max}} $. The fiducial cross section in the last bin is measured for events with $ \mathcal{T}_{\text{B}}^{\text{max}} > $ 150 GeV and normalized to a bin width of 150 GeV. The first bin comprises all events in the 0-jet phase space region redefined as a function of $ \mathcal{T}_{\text{B}}^{\text{max}} $, i.e.,, events with less than one jet, for which $ \mathcal{T}_{\text{B}}^{\text{max}} $ is undefined, and events with $ \mathcal{T}_{\text{B}}^{\text{max}} < $ 30 GeV. The acceptance and theoretical uncertainties in the differential bins are calculated using the ggH predictions from the POWHEG generator (blue) normalized to $ \mathrm{N^3LO} $. The subdominant component of the signal (VBF+VH+ttH) is denoted as XH and is fixed to the SM prediction. The measured cross sections are also compared with the ggH predictions from NNLOPS (orange) and MadGraph-5_aMC@NLO (pink). The hatched areas correspond to the systematic uncertainties in the theoretical predictions. Black points represent the measured fiducial cross sections in each bin, black error bars the total uncertainty in each measurement, red boxes the systematic uncertainties. The lower panel displays the ratios of the measured cross sections and of the predictions from POWHEG and MadGraph-5_aMC@NLO to the NNLOPS theoretical predictions. |
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Figure 11:
Differential cross sections as functions of the invariant mass of the leading dilepton pair $ m_{\mathrm{Z}_{1}} $ in the 4$ \ell $ (upper) and in the same-flavor (lower left) and different-flavor (lower right) final states. The acceptance and theoretical uncertainties in the differential bins are calculated using the ggH predictions from the POWHEG generator (blue) normalized to $ \mathrm{N^3LO} $. The subdominant component of the signal (VBF+VH+ttH) is denoted as XH and is fixed to the SM prediction. The measured cross sections are also compared with the ggH predictions from NNLOPS (orange) and MadGraph-5_aMC@NLO (pink). The hatched areas correspond to the systematic uncertainties in the theoretical predictions. Black points represent the measured fiducial cross sections in each bin, black error bars the total uncertainty in each measurement, red boxes the systematic uncertainties. The lower panels display the ratios of the measured cross sections and of the predictions from POWHEG and MadGraph-5_aMC@NLO to the NNLOPS theoretical predictions. |
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Figure 11-a:
Differential cross sections as functions of the invariant mass of the leading dilepton pair $ m_{\mathrm{Z}_{1}} $ in the 4$ \ell $ final states. The acceptance and theoretical uncertainties in the differential bins are calculated using the ggH predictions from the POWHEG generator (blue) normalized to $ \mathrm{N^3LO} $. The subdominant component of the signal (VBF+VH+ttH) is denoted as XH and is fixed to the SM prediction. The measured cross sections are also compared with the ggH predictions from NNLOPS (orange) and MadGraph-5_aMC@NLO (pink). The hatched areas correspond to the systematic uncertainties in the theoretical predictions. Black points represent the measured fiducial cross sections in each bin, black error bars the total uncertainty in each measurement, red boxes the systematic uncertainties. The lower panel displays the ratios of the measured cross sections and of the predictions from POWHEG and MadGraph-5_aMC@NLO to the NNLOPS theoretical predictions. |
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Figure 11-b:
Differential cross sections as functions of the invariant mass of the leading dilepton pair $ m_{\mathrm{Z}_{1}} $ in the same-flavor final states. The acceptance and theoretical uncertainties in the differential bins are calculated using the ggH predictions from the POWHEG generator (blue) normalized to $ \mathrm{N^3LO} $. The subdominant component of the signal (VBF+VH+ttH) is denoted as XH and is fixed to the SM prediction. The measured cross sections are also compared with the ggH predictions from NNLOPS (orange) and MadGraph-5_aMC@NLO (pink). The hatched areas correspond to the systematic uncertainties in the theoretical predictions. Black points represent the measured fiducial cross sections in each bin, black error bars the total uncertainty in each measurement, red boxes the systematic uncertainties. The lower panel displays the ratios of the measured cross sections and of the predictions from POWHEG and MadGraph-5_aMC@NLO to the NNLOPS theoretical predictions. |
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Figure 11-c:
Differential cross sections as functions of the invariant mass of the leading dilepton pair $ m_{\mathrm{Z}_{1}} $ in the different-flavor final states. The acceptance and theoretical uncertainties in the differential bins are calculated using the ggH predictions from the POWHEG generator (blue) normalized to $ \mathrm{N^3LO} $. The subdominant component of the signal (VBF+VH+ttH) is denoted as XH and is fixed to the SM prediction. The measured cross sections are also compared with the ggH predictions from NNLOPS (orange) and MadGraph-5_aMC@NLO (pink). The hatched areas correspond to the systematic uncertainties in the theoretical predictions. Black points represent the measured fiducial cross sections in each bin, black error bars the total uncertainty in each measurement, red boxes the systematic uncertainties. The lower panel displays the ratios of the measured cross sections and of the predictions from POWHEG and MadGraph-5_aMC@NLO to the NNLOPS theoretical predictions. |
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Figure 12:
Differential cross sections as functions of the invariant mass of the subleading dilepton pair $ m_{\mathrm{Z}_{2}} $ in the 4$ \ell $ (upper) and in the same-flavor (lower left) and different-flavor (lower right) final states. The acceptance and theoretical uncertainties in the differential bins are calculated using the ggH predictions from the POWHEG generator (blue) normalized to $ \mathrm{N^3LO} $. The subdominant component of the signal (VBF+VH+ttH) is denoted as XH and is fixed to the SM prediction. The measured cross sections are also compared with the ggH predictions from NNLOPS (orange) and MadGraph-5_aMC@NLO (pink). The hatched areas correspond to the systematic uncertainties in the theoretical predictions. Black points represent the measured fiducial cross sections in each bin, black error bars the total uncertainty in each measurement, red boxes the systematic uncertainties. The lower panels display the ratios of the measured cross sections and of the predictions from POWHEG and MadGraph-5_aMC@NLO to the NNLOPS theoretical predictions. |
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Figure 12-a:
Differential cross sections as functions of the invariant mass of the subleading dilepton pair $ m_{\mathrm{Z}_{2}} $ in the 4$ \ell $ final states. The acceptance and theoretical uncertainties in the differential bins are calculated using the ggH predictions from the POWHEG generator (blue) normalized to $ \mathrm{N^3LO} $. The subdominant component of the signal (VBF+VH+ttH) is denoted as XH and is fixed to the SM prediction. The measured cross sections are also compared with the ggH predictions from NNLOPS (orange) and MadGraph-5_aMC@NLO (pink). The hatched areas correspond to the systematic uncertainties in the theoretical predictions. Black points represent the measured fiducial cross sections in each bin, black error bars the total uncertainty in each measurement, red boxes the systematic uncertainties. The lower panel displays the ratios of the measured cross sections and of the predictions from POWHEG and MadGraph-5_aMC@NLO to the NNLOPS theoretical predictions. |
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Figure 12-b:
Differential cross sections as functions of the invariant mass of the subleading dilepton pair $ m_{\mathrm{Z}_{2}} $ in the same-flavor final states. The acceptance and theoretical uncertainties in the differential bins are calculated using the ggH predictions from the POWHEG generator (blue) normalized to $ \mathrm{N^3LO} $. The subdominant component of the signal (VBF+VH+ttH) is denoted as XH and is fixed to the SM prediction. The measured cross sections are also compared with the ggH predictions from NNLOPS (orange) and MadGraph-5_aMC@NLO (pink). The hatched areas correspond to the systematic uncertainties in the theoretical predictions. Black points represent the measured fiducial cross sections in each bin, black error bars the total uncertainty in each measurement, red boxes the systematic uncertainties. The lower panel displays the ratios of the measured cross sections and of the predictions from POWHEG and MadGraph-5_aMC@NLO to the NNLOPS theoretical predictions. |
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Figure 12-c:
Differential cross sections as functions of the invariant mass of the subleading dilepton pair $ m_{\mathrm{Z}_{2}} $ in the different-flavor final states. The acceptance and theoretical uncertainties in the differential bins are calculated using the ggH predictions from the POWHEG generator (blue) normalized to $ \mathrm{N^3LO} $. The subdominant component of the signal (VBF+VH+ttH) is denoted as XH and is fixed to the SM prediction. The measured cross sections are also compared with the ggH predictions from NNLOPS (orange) and MadGraph-5_aMC@NLO (pink). The hatched areas correspond to the systematic uncertainties in the theoretical predictions. Black points represent the measured fiducial cross sections in each bin, black error bars the total uncertainty in each measurement, red boxes the systematic uncertainties. The lower panel displays the ratios of the measured cross sections and of the predictions from POWHEG and MadGraph-5_aMC@NLO to the NNLOPS theoretical predictions. |
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Figure 13:
Differential cross sections as functions of $ \cos \theta^* $ in the 4$ \ell $ (upper) and in the same-flavor (lower left) and different-flavor (lower right) final states. The acceptance and theoretical uncertainties in the differential bins are calculated using the ggH predictions from the POWHEG generator (blue) normalized to $ \mathrm{N^3LO} $. The subdominant component of the signal (VBF+VH+ttH) is denoted as XH and is fixed to the SM prediction. The measured cross sections are also compared with the ggH predictions from NNLOPS (orange) and MadGraph-5_aMC@NLO (pink). The hatched areas correspond to the systematic uncertainties in the theoretical predictions. Black points represent the measured fiducial cross sections in each bin, black error bars the total uncertainty in each measurement, red boxes the systematic uncertainties. The lower panels display the ratios of the measured cross sections and of the predictions from POWHEG and MadGraph-5_aMC@NLO to the NNLOPS theoretical predictions. |
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Figure 13-a:
Differential cross sections as functions of $ \cos \theta^* $ in the 4$ \ell $ final states. The acceptance and theoretical uncertainties in the differential bins are calculated using the ggH predictions from the POWHEG generator (blue) normalized to $ \mathrm{N^3LO} $. The subdominant component of the signal (VBF+VH+ttH) is denoted as XH and is fixed to the SM prediction. The measured cross sections are also compared with the ggH predictions from NNLOPS (orange) and MadGraph-5_aMC@NLO (pink). The hatched areas correspond to the systematic uncertainties in the theoretical predictions. Black points represent the measured fiducial cross sections in each bin, black error bars the total uncertainty in each measurement, red boxes the systematic uncertainties. The lower panel displays the ratios of the measured cross sections and of the predictions from POWHEG and MadGraph-5_aMC@NLO to the NNLOPS theoretical predictions. |
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Figure 13-b:
Differential cross sections as functions of $ \cos \theta^* $ in the same-flavor final states. The acceptance and theoretical uncertainties in the differential bins are calculated using the ggH predictions from the POWHEG generator (blue) normalized to $ \mathrm{N^3LO} $. The subdominant component of the signal (VBF+VH+ttH) is denoted as XH and is fixed to the SM prediction. The measured cross sections are also compared with the ggH predictions from NNLOPS (orange) and MadGraph-5_aMC@NLO (pink). The hatched areas correspond to the systematic uncertainties in the theoretical predictions. Black points represent the measured fiducial cross sections in each bin, black error bars the total uncertainty in each measurement, red boxes the systematic uncertainties. The lower panel displays the ratios of the measured cross sections and of the predictions from POWHEG and MadGraph-5_aMC@NLO to the NNLOPS theoretical predictions. |
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Figure 13-c:
Differential cross sections as functions of $ \cos \theta^* $ in the different-flavor final states. The acceptance and theoretical uncertainties in the differential bins are calculated using the ggH predictions from the POWHEG generator (blue) normalized to $ \mathrm{N^3LO} $. The subdominant component of the signal (VBF+VH+ttH) is denoted as XH and is fixed to the SM prediction. The measured cross sections are also compared with the ggH predictions from NNLOPS (orange) and MadGraph-5_aMC@NLO (pink). The hatched areas correspond to the systematic uncertainties in the theoretical predictions. Black points represent the measured fiducial cross sections in each bin, black error bars the total uncertainty in each measurement, red boxes the systematic uncertainties. The lower panel displays the ratios of the measured cross sections and of the predictions from POWHEG and MadGraph-5_aMC@NLO to the NNLOPS theoretical predictions. |
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Figure 14:
Differential cross sections as functions of $ \cos \theta_\text{1} $ in the 4$ \ell $ (upper) and in the same-flavor (lower left) and different-flavor (lower right) final states. The acceptance and theoretical uncertainties in the differential bins are calculated using the ggH predictions from the POWHEG generator (blue) normalized to $ \mathrm{N^3LO} $. The subdominant component of the signal (VBF+VH+ttH) is denoted as XH and is fixed to the SM prediction. The measured cross sections are also compared with the ggH predictions from NNLOPS (orange) and MadGraph-5_aMC@NLO (pink). The hatched areas correspond to the systematic uncertainties in the theoretical predictions. Black points represent the measured fiducial cross sections in each bin, black error bars the total uncertainty in each measurement, red boxes the systematic uncertainties. The lower panels display the ratios of the measured cross sections and of the predictions from POWHEG and MadGraph-5_aMC@NLO to the NNLOPS theoretical predictions. |
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Figure 14-a:
Differential cross sections as functions of $ \cos \theta_\text{1} $ in the 4$ \ell $ final states. The acceptance and theoretical uncertainties in the differential bins are calculated using the ggH predictions from the POWHEG generator (blue) normalized to $ \mathrm{N^3LO} $. The subdominant component of the signal (VBF+VH+ttH) is denoted as XH and is fixed to the SM prediction. The measured cross sections are also compared with the ggH predictions from NNLOPS (orange) and MadGraph-5_aMC@NLO (pink). The hatched areas correspond to the systematic uncertainties in the theoretical predictions. Black points represent the measured fiducial cross sections in each bin, black error bars the total uncertainty in each measurement, red boxes the systematic uncertainties. The lower panel displays the ratios of the measured cross sections and of the predictions from POWHEG and MadGraph-5_aMC@NLO to the NNLOPS theoretical predictions. |
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Figure 14-b:
Differential cross sections as functions of $ \cos \theta_\text{1} $ in the same-flavor final states. The acceptance and theoretical uncertainties in the differential bins are calculated using the ggH predictions from the POWHEG generator (blue) normalized to $ \mathrm{N^3LO} $. The subdominant component of the signal (VBF+VH+ttH) is denoted as XH and is fixed to the SM prediction. The measured cross sections are also compared with the ggH predictions from NNLOPS (orange) and MadGraph-5_aMC@NLO (pink). The hatched areas correspond to the systematic uncertainties in the theoretical predictions. Black points represent the measured fiducial cross sections in each bin, black error bars the total uncertainty in each measurement, red boxes the systematic uncertainties. The lower panel displays the ratios of the measured cross sections and of the predictions from POWHEG and MadGraph-5_aMC@NLO to the NNLOPS theoretical predictions. |
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Figure 14-c:
Differential cross sections as functions of $ \cos \theta_\text{1} $ in the different-flavor final states. The acceptance and theoretical uncertainties in the differential bins are calculated using the ggH predictions from the POWHEG generator (blue) normalized to $ \mathrm{N^3LO} $. The subdominant component of the signal (VBF+VH+ttH) is denoted as XH and is fixed to the SM prediction. The measured cross sections are also compared with the ggH predictions from NNLOPS (orange) and MadGraph-5_aMC@NLO (pink). The hatched areas correspond to the systematic uncertainties in the theoretical predictions. Black points represent the measured fiducial cross sections in each bin, black error bars the total uncertainty in each measurement, red boxes the systematic uncertainties. The lower panel displays the ratios of the measured cross sections and of the predictions from POWHEG and MadGraph-5_aMC@NLO to the NNLOPS theoretical predictions. |
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Figure 15:
Differential cross sections as functions of $ \cos \theta_\text{2} $ in the 4$ \ell $ (upper) and in the same-flavor (lower left) and different-flavor (lower right) final states. The acceptance and theoretical uncertainties in the differential bins are calculated using the ggH predictions from the POWHEG generator (blue) normalized to $ \mathrm{N^3LO} $. The subdominant component of the signal (VBF+VH+ttH) is denoted as XH and is fixed to the SM prediction. The measured cross sections are also compared with the ggH predictions from NNLOPS (orange) and MadGraph-5_aMC@NLO (pink). The hatched areas correspond to the systematic uncertainties in the theoretical predictions. Black points represent the measured fiducial cross sections in each bin, black error bars the total uncertainty in each measurement, red boxes the systematic uncertainties. The lower panels display the ratios of the measured cross sections and of the predictions from POWHEG and MadGraph-5_aMC@NLO to the NNLOPS theoretical predictions. |
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Figure 15-a:
Differential cross sections as functions of $ \cos \theta_\text{2} $ in the 4$ \ell $ final states. The acceptance and theoretical uncertainties in the differential bins are calculated using the ggH predictions from the POWHEG generator (blue) normalized to $ \mathrm{N^3LO} $. The subdominant component of the signal (VBF+VH+ttH) is denoted as XH and is fixed to the SM prediction. The measured cross sections are also compared with the ggH predictions from NNLOPS (orange) and MadGraph-5_aMC@NLO (pink). The hatched areas correspond to the systematic uncertainties in the theoretical predictions. Black points represent the measured fiducial cross sections in each bin, black error bars the total uncertainty in each measurement, red boxes the systematic uncertainties. The lower panel displays the ratios of the measured cross sections and of the predictions from POWHEG and MadGraph-5_aMC@NLO to the NNLOPS theoretical predictions. |
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Figure 15-b:
Differential cross sections as functions of $ \cos \theta_\text{2} $ in the same-flavor final states. The acceptance and theoretical uncertainties in the differential bins are calculated using the ggH predictions from the POWHEG generator (blue) normalized to $ \mathrm{N^3LO} $. The subdominant component of the signal (VBF+VH+ttH) is denoted as XH and is fixed to the SM prediction. The measured cross sections are also compared with the ggH predictions from NNLOPS (orange) and MadGraph-5_aMC@NLO (pink). The hatched areas correspond to the systematic uncertainties in the theoretical predictions. Black points represent the measured fiducial cross sections in each bin, black error bars the total uncertainty in each measurement, red boxes the systematic uncertainties. The lower panel displays the ratios of the measured cross sections and of the predictions from POWHEG and MadGraph-5_aMC@NLO to the NNLOPS theoretical predictions. |
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Figure 15-c:
Differential cross sections as functions of $ \cos \theta_\text{2} $ in the different-flavor final states. The acceptance and theoretical uncertainties in the differential bins are calculated using the ggH predictions from the POWHEG generator (blue) normalized to $ \mathrm{N^3LO} $. The subdominant component of the signal (VBF+VH+ttH) is denoted as XH and is fixed to the SM prediction. The measured cross sections are also compared with the ggH predictions from NNLOPS (orange) and MadGraph-5_aMC@NLO (pink). The hatched areas correspond to the systematic uncertainties in the theoretical predictions. Black points represent the measured fiducial cross sections in each bin, black error bars the total uncertainty in each measurement, red boxes the systematic uncertainties. The lower panel displays the ratios of the measured cross sections and of the predictions from POWHEG and MadGraph-5_aMC@NLO to the NNLOPS theoretical predictions. |
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Figure 16:
Differential cross sections as functions of the $ \Phi $ angle in the 4$ \ell $ (upper) and in the same-flavor (lower left) and different-flavor (lower right) final states. The acceptance and theoretical uncertainties in the differential bins are calculated using the ggH predictions from the POWHEG generator (blue) normalized to $ \mathrm{N^3LO} $. The subdominant component of the signal (VBF+VH+ttH) is denoted as XH and is fixed to the SM prediction. The measured cross sections are also compared with the ggH predictions from NNLOPS (orange) and MadGraph-5_aMC@NLO (pink). The hatched areas correspond to the systematic uncertainties in the theoretical predictions. Black points represent the measured fiducial cross sections in each bin, black error bars the total uncertainty in each measurement, red boxes the systematic uncertainties. The lower panels display the ratios of the measured cross sections and of the predictions from POWHEG and MadGraph-5_aMC@NLO to the NNLOPS theoretical predictions. |
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Figure 16-a:
Differential cross sections as functions of the $ \Phi $ angle in the 4$ \ell $ final states. The acceptance and theoretical uncertainties in the differential bins are calculated using the ggH predictions from the POWHEG generator (blue) normalized to $ \mathrm{N^3LO} $. The subdominant component of the signal (VBF+VH+ttH) is denoted as XH and is fixed to the SM prediction. The measured cross sections are also compared with the ggH predictions from NNLOPS (orange) and MadGraph-5_aMC@NLO (pink). The hatched areas correspond to the systematic uncertainties in the theoretical predictions. Black points represent the measured fiducial cross sections in each bin, black error bars the total uncertainty in each measurement, red boxes the systematic uncertainties. The lower panel displays the ratios of the measured cross sections and of the predictions from POWHEG and MadGraph-5_aMC@NLO to the NNLOPS theoretical predictions. |
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Figure 16-b:
Differential cross sections as functions of the $ \Phi $ angle in the same-flavor final states. The acceptance and theoretical uncertainties in the differential bins are calculated using the ggH predictions from the POWHEG generator (blue) normalized to $ \mathrm{N^3LO} $. The subdominant component of the signal (VBF+VH+ttH) is denoted as XH and is fixed to the SM prediction. The measured cross sections are also compared with the ggH predictions from NNLOPS (orange) and MadGraph-5_aMC@NLO (pink). The hatched areas correspond to the systematic uncertainties in the theoretical predictions. Black points represent the measured fiducial cross sections in each bin, black error bars the total uncertainty in each measurement, red boxes the systematic uncertainties. The lower panel displays the ratios of the measured cross sections and of the predictions from POWHEG and MadGraph-5_aMC@NLO to the NNLOPS theoretical predictions. |
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Figure 16-c:
Differential cross sections as functions of the $ \Phi $ angle in the different-flavor final states. The acceptance and theoretical uncertainties in the differential bins are calculated using the ggH predictions from the POWHEG generator (blue) normalized to $ \mathrm{N^3LO} $. The subdominant component of the signal (VBF+VH+ttH) is denoted as XH and is fixed to the SM prediction. The measured cross sections are also compared with the ggH predictions from NNLOPS (orange) and MadGraph-5_aMC@NLO (pink). The hatched areas correspond to the systematic uncertainties in the theoretical predictions. Black points represent the measured fiducial cross sections in each bin, black error bars the total uncertainty in each measurement, red boxes the systematic uncertainties. The lower panel displays the ratios of the measured cross sections and of the predictions from POWHEG and MadGraph-5_aMC@NLO to the NNLOPS theoretical predictions. |
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Figure 17:
Differential cross sections as functions of the $ \Phi_\text{1} $ angle in the 4$ \ell $ (upper) and in the same-flavor (lower left) and different-flavor (lower right) final states. The acceptance and theoretical uncertainties in the differential bins are calculated using the ggH predictions from the POWHEG generator (blue) normalized to $ \mathrm{N^3LO} $. The subdominant component of the signal (VBF+VH+ttH) is denoted as XH and is fixed to the SM prediction. The measured cross sections are also compared with the ggH predictions from NNLOPS (orange) and MadGraph-5_aMC@NLO (pink). The hatched areas correspond to the systematic uncertainties in the theoretical predictions. Black points represent the measured fiducial cross sections in each bin, black error bars the total uncertainty in each measurement, red boxes the systematic uncertainties. The lower panels display the ratios of the measured cross sections and of the predictions from POWHEG and MadGraph-5_aMC@NLO to the NNLOPS theoretical predictions. |
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Figure 17-a:
Differential cross sections as functions of the $ \Phi_\text{1} $ angle in the 4$ \ell $ final states. The acceptance and theoretical uncertainties in the differential bins are calculated using the ggH predictions from the POWHEG generator (blue) normalized to $ \mathrm{N^3LO} $. The subdominant component of the signal (VBF+VH+ttH) is denoted as XH and is fixed to the SM prediction. The measured cross sections are also compared with the ggH predictions from NNLOPS (orange) and MadGraph-5_aMC@NLO (pink). The hatched areas correspond to the systematic uncertainties in the theoretical predictions. Black points represent the measured fiducial cross sections in each bin, black error bars the total uncertainty in each measurement, red boxes the systematic uncertainties. The lower panel displays the ratios of the measured cross sections and of the predictions from POWHEG and MadGraph-5_aMC@NLO to the NNLOPS theoretical predictions. |
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Figure 17-b:
Differential cross sections as functions of the $ \Phi_\text{1} $ angle in the same-flavor final states. The acceptance and theoretical uncertainties in the differential bins are calculated using the ggH predictions from the POWHEG generator (blue) normalized to $ \mathrm{N^3LO} $. The subdominant component of the signal (VBF+VH+ttH) is denoted as XH and is fixed to the SM prediction. The measured cross sections are also compared with the ggH predictions from NNLOPS (orange) and MadGraph-5_aMC@NLO (pink). The hatched areas correspond to the systematic uncertainties in the theoretical predictions. Black points represent the measured fiducial cross sections in each bin, black error bars the total uncertainty in each measurement, red boxes the systematic uncertainties. The lower panel displays the ratios of the measured cross sections and of the predictions from POWHEG and MadGraph-5_aMC@NLO to the NNLOPS theoretical predictions. |
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Figure 17-c:
Differential cross sections as functions of the $ \Phi_\text{1} $ angle in the different-flavor final states. The acceptance and theoretical uncertainties in the differential bins are calculated using the ggH predictions from the POWHEG generator (blue) normalized to $ \mathrm{N^3LO} $. The subdominant component of the signal (VBF+VH+ttH) is denoted as XH and is fixed to the SM prediction. The measured cross sections are also compared with the ggH predictions from NNLOPS (orange) and MadGraph-5_aMC@NLO (pink). The hatched areas correspond to the systematic uncertainties in the theoretical predictions. Black points represent the measured fiducial cross sections in each bin, black error bars the total uncertainty in each measurement, red boxes the systematic uncertainties. The lower panel displays the ratios of the measured cross sections and of the predictions from POWHEG and MadGraph-5_aMC@NLO to the NNLOPS theoretical predictions. |
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Figure 18:
Differential cross sections as functions of the matrix element kinematic discriminant $ {\mathcal D}^{\text{dec}}_{\text{0-}} $ in the 4$ \ell $ (upper) and in the same-flavor (lower left) and different-flavor (lower right) final states. The brown histograms show the distribution of the matrix element discriminant for the HVV anomalous coupling scenario corresponding to $ f_{a3} = $ 1. The subdominant component of the signal (VBF+VH+ttH) is fixed to the SM prediction. The hatched areas correspond to the systematic uncertainties in the theoretical predictions. Black points represent the measured fiducial cross sections in each bin, black error bars the total uncertainty in each measurement, red boxes the systematic uncertainties. The lower panels display the ratios of the measured cross sections and of the predictions from POWHEG and MadGraph-5_aMC@NLO to the NNLOPS theoretical predictions. |
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Figure 18-a:
Differential cross sections as functions of the matrix element kinematic discriminant $ {\mathcal D}^{\text{dec}}_{\text{0-}} $ in the 4$ \ell $ final states. The brown histograms show the distribution of the matrix element discriminant for the HVV anomalous coupling scenario corresponding to $ f_{a3} = $ 1. The subdominant component of the signal (VBF+VH+ttH) is fixed to the SM prediction. The hatched areas correspond to the systematic uncertainties in the theoretical predictions. Black points represent the measured fiducial cross sections in each bin, black error bars the total uncertainty in each measurement, red boxes the systematic uncertainties. The lower panel displays the ratios of the measured cross sections and of the predictions from POWHEG and MadGraph-5_aMC@NLO to the NNLOPS theoretical predictions. |
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Figure 18-b:
Differential cross sections as functions of the matrix element kinematic discriminant $ {\mathcal D}^{\text{dec}}_{\text{0-}} $ in the same-flavor final states. The brown histograms show the distribution of the matrix element discriminant for the HVV anomalous coupling scenario corresponding to $ f_{a3} = $ 1. The subdominant component of the signal (VBF+VH+ttH) is fixed to the SM prediction. The hatched areas correspond to the systematic uncertainties in the theoretical predictions. Black points represent the measured fiducial cross sections in each bin, black error bars the total uncertainty in each measurement, red boxes the systematic uncertainties. The lower panel displays the ratios of the measured cross sections and of the predictions from POWHEG and MadGraph-5_aMC@NLO to the NNLOPS theoretical predictions. |
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Figure 18-c:
Differential cross sections as functions of the matrix element kinematic discriminant $ {\mathcal D}^{\text{dec}}_{\text{0-}} $ in the different-flavor final states. The brown histograms show the distribution of the matrix element discriminant for the HVV anomalous coupling scenario corresponding to $ f_{a3} = $ 1. The subdominant component of the signal (VBF+VH+ttH) is fixed to the SM prediction. The hatched areas correspond to the systematic uncertainties in the theoretical predictions. Black points represent the measured fiducial cross sections in each bin, black error bars the total uncertainty in each measurement, red boxes the systematic uncertainties. The lower panel displays the ratios of the measured cross sections and of the predictions from POWHEG and MadGraph-5_aMC@NLO to the NNLOPS theoretical predictions. |
![]() png pdf |
Figure 19:
Differential cross sections as functions of the matrix element kinematic discriminant $ {\mathcal D}^{\text{dec}}_{\text{0h+}} $ in the 4$ \ell $ (upper) and in the same-flavor (lower left) and different-flavor (lower right) final states. The brown histograms show the distribution of the matrix element discriminant for the HVV anomalous coupling scenario corresponding to $ f_{a2} = $ 1. The subdominant component of the signal (VBF+VH+ttH) is fixed to the SM prediction. The hatched areas correspond to the systematic uncertainties in the theoretical predictions. Black points represent the measured fiducial cross sections in each bin, black error bars the total uncertainty in each measurement, red boxes the systematic uncertainties. The lower panels display the ratios of the measured cross sections and of the predictions from POWHEG and MadGraph-5_aMC@NLO to the NNLOPS theoretical predictions. |
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Figure 19-a:
Differential cross sections as functions of the matrix element kinematic discriminant $ {\mathcal D}^{\text{dec}}_{\text{0h+}} $ in the 4$ \ell $ final states. The brown histograms show the distribution of the matrix element discriminant for the HVV anomalous coupling scenario corresponding to $ f_{a2} = $ 1. The subdominant component of the signal (VBF+VH+ttH) is fixed to the SM prediction. The hatched areas correspond to the systematic uncertainties in the theoretical predictions. Black points represent the measured fiducial cross sections in each bin, black error bars the total uncertainty in each measurement, red boxes the systematic uncertainties. The lower panel displays the ratios of the measured cross sections and of the predictions from POWHEG and MadGraph-5_aMC@NLO to the NNLOPS theoretical predictions. |
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Figure 19-b:
Differential cross sections as functions of the matrix element kinematic discriminant $ {\mathcal D}^{\text{dec}}_{\text{0h+}} $ in the same-flavor final states. The brown histograms show the distribution of the matrix element discriminant for the HVV anomalous coupling scenario corresponding to $ f_{a2} = $ 1. The subdominant component of the signal (VBF+VH+ttH) is fixed to the SM prediction. The hatched areas correspond to the systematic uncertainties in the theoretical predictions. Black points represent the measured fiducial cross sections in each bin, black error bars the total uncertainty in each measurement, red boxes the systematic uncertainties. The lower panel displays the ratios of the measured cross sections and of the predictions from POWHEG and MadGraph-5_aMC@NLO to the NNLOPS theoretical predictions. |
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Figure 19-c:
Differential cross sections as functions of the matrix element kinematic discriminant $ {\mathcal D}^{\text{dec}}_{\text{0h+}} $ in the different-flavor final states. The brown histograms show the distribution of the matrix element discriminant for the HVV anomalous coupling scenario corresponding to $ f_{a2} = $ 1. The subdominant component of the signal (VBF+VH+ttH) is fixed to the SM prediction. The hatched areas correspond to the systematic uncertainties in the theoretical predictions. Black points represent the measured fiducial cross sections in each bin, black error bars the total uncertainty in each measurement, red boxes the systematic uncertainties. The lower panel displays the ratios of the measured cross sections and of the predictions from POWHEG and MadGraph-5_aMC@NLO to the NNLOPS theoretical predictions. |
![]() png pdf |
Figure 20:
Differential cross sections as functions of the matrix element kinematic discriminant $ {\mathcal D}^{\text{dec}}_{\text{CP}} $ in the 4$ \ell $ (upper) and in the same-flavor (lower left) and different-flavor (lower right) final states. The green histogram shows the distribution of the discriminant for the HVV anomalous coupling scenario corresponding to $ f_{a3} = $ 0.5. The subdominant component of the signal (VBF+VH+ttH) is fixed to the SM prediction. The hatched areas correspond to the systematic uncertainties in the theoretical predictions. Black points represent the measured fiducial cross sections in each bin, black error bars the total uncertainty in each measurement, red boxes the systematic uncertainties. The lower panels display the ratios of the measured cross sections and of the predictions from POWHEG and MadGraph-5_aMC@NLO to the NNLOPS theoretical predictions. |
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Figure 20-a:
Differential cross sections as functions of the matrix element kinematic discriminant $ {\mathcal D}^{\text{dec}}_{\text{CP}} $ in the 4$ \ell $ final states. The green histogram shows the distribution of the discriminant for the HVV anomalous coupling scenario corresponding to $ f_{a3} = $ 0.5. The subdominant component of the signal (VBF+VH+ttH) is fixed to the SM prediction. The hatched areas correspond to the systematic uncertainties in the theoretical predictions. Black points represent the measured fiducial cross sections in each bin, black error bars the total uncertainty in each measurement, red boxes the systematic uncertainties. The lower panel displays the ratios of the measured cross sections and of the predictions from POWHEG and MadGraph-5_aMC@NLO to the NNLOPS theoretical predictions. |
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Figure 20-b:
Differential cross sections as functions of the matrix element kinematic discriminant $ {\mathcal D}^{\text{dec}}_{\text{CP}} $ in the same-flavor final states. The green histogram shows the distribution of the discriminant for the HVV anomalous coupling scenario corresponding to $ f_{a3} = $ 0.5. The subdominant component of the signal (VBF+VH+ttH) is fixed to the SM prediction. The hatched areas correspond to the systematic uncertainties in the theoretical predictions. Black points represent the measured fiducial cross sections in each bin, black error bars the total uncertainty in each measurement, red boxes the systematic uncertainties. The lower panel displays the ratios of the measured cross sections and of the predictions from POWHEG and MadGraph-5_aMC@NLO to the NNLOPS theoretical predictions. |
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Figure 20-c:
Differential cross sections as functions of the matrix element kinematic discriminant $ {\mathcal D}^{\text{dec}}_{\text{CP}} $ in the different-flavor final states. The green histogram shows the distribution of the discriminant for the HVV anomalous coupling scenario corresponding to $ f_{a3} = $ 0.5. The subdominant component of the signal (VBF+VH+ttH) is fixed to the SM prediction. The hatched areas correspond to the systematic uncertainties in the theoretical predictions. Black points represent the measured fiducial cross sections in each bin, black error bars the total uncertainty in each measurement, red boxes the systematic uncertainties. The lower panel displays the ratios of the measured cross sections and of the predictions from POWHEG and MadGraph-5_aMC@NLO to the NNLOPS theoretical predictions. |
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Figure 21:
Differential cross sections as functions of the matrix element kinematic discriminant $ {\mathcal D}^{\text{dec}}_{\text{int}} $ in the 4$ \ell $ (upper) and in the same-flavor (lower left) and different-flavor (lower right) final states. The green histogram shows the distribution of the discriminant for the HVV anomalous coupling scenario corresponding to $ f_{a2} = $ 0.5. The subdominant component of the signal (VBF+VH+ttH) is fixed to the SM prediction. The hatched areas correspond to the systematic uncertainties in the theoretical predictions. Black points represent the measured fiducial cross sections in each bin, black error bars the total uncertainty in each measurement, red boxes the systematic uncertainties. The lower panels display the ratios of the measured cross sections and of the predictions from POWHEG and MadGraph-5_aMC@NLO to the NNLOPS theoretical predictions. |
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Figure 21-a:
Differential cross sections as functions of the matrix element kinematic discriminant $ {\mathcal D}^{\text{dec}}_{\text{int}} $ in the 4$ \ell $ final states. The green histogram shows the distribution of the discriminant for the HVV anomalous coupling scenario corresponding to $ f_{a2} = $ 0.5. The subdominant component of the signal (VBF+VH+ttH) is fixed to the SM prediction. The hatched areas correspond to the systematic uncertainties in the theoretical predictions. Black points represent the measured fiducial cross sections in each bin, black error bars the total uncertainty in each measurement, red boxes the systematic uncertainties. The lower panel displays the ratios of the measured cross sections and of the predictions from POWHEG and MadGraph-5_aMC@NLO to the NNLOPS theoretical predictions. |
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Figure 21-b:
Differential cross sections as functions of the matrix element kinematic discriminant $ {\mathcal D}^{\text{dec}}_{\text{int}} $ in the same-flavor final states. The green histogram shows the distribution of the discriminant for the HVV anomalous coupling scenario corresponding to $ f_{a2} = $ 0.5. The subdominant component of the signal (VBF+VH+ttH) is fixed to the SM prediction. The hatched areas correspond to the systematic uncertainties in the theoretical predictions. Black points represent the measured fiducial cross sections in each bin, black error bars the total uncertainty in each measurement, red boxes the systematic uncertainties. The lower panel displays the ratios of the measured cross sections and of the predictions from POWHEG and MadGraph-5_aMC@NLO to the NNLOPS theoretical predictions. |
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Figure 21-c:
Differential cross sections as functions of the matrix element kinematic discriminant $ {\mathcal D}^{\text{dec}}_{\text{int}} $ in the different-flavor final states. The green histogram shows the distribution of the discriminant for the HVV anomalous coupling scenario corresponding to $ f_{a2} = $ 0.5. The subdominant component of the signal (VBF+VH+ttH) is fixed to the SM prediction. The hatched areas correspond to the systematic uncertainties in the theoretical predictions. Black points represent the measured fiducial cross sections in each bin, black error bars the total uncertainty in each measurement, red boxes the systematic uncertainties. The lower panel displays the ratios of the measured cross sections and of the predictions from POWHEG and MadGraph-5_aMC@NLO to the NNLOPS theoretical predictions. |
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Figure 22:
Differential cross sections as functions of the matrix element kinematic discriminant $ {\mathcal D}^{\text{dec}}_{\Lambda\text{1}} $ in the 4$ \ell $ (upper) and in the same-flavor (lower left) and different-flavor (lower right) final states. The brown and green histograms show the distributions of the discriminant for the HVV anomalous coupling scenarios corresponding to $ f_{\Lambda 1} = $ 1 and $ f_{\Lambda 1} = $ 0.5. The subdominant component of the signal (VBF+VH+ttH) is fixed to the SM prediction. The hatched areas correspond to the systematic uncertainties in the theoretical predictions. Black points represent the measured fiducial cross sections in each bin, black error bars the total uncertainty in each measurement, red boxes the systematic uncertainties. The lower panels display the ratio of the measured cross section and of the predictions from POWHEG and MadGraph-5_aMC@NLO to the NNLOPS theoretical expectation. |
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Figure 22-a:
Differential cross sections as functions of the matrix element kinematic discriminant $ {\mathcal D}^{\text{dec}}_{\Lambda\text{1}} $ in the 4$ \ell $ final states. The brown and green histograms show the distributions of the discriminant for the HVV anomalous coupling scenarios corresponding to $ f_{\Lambda 1} = $ 1 and $ f_{\Lambda 1} = $ 0.5. The subdominant component of the signal (VBF+VH+ttH) is fixed to the SM prediction. The hatched areas correspond to the systematic uncertainties in the theoretical predictions. Black points represent the measured fiducial cross sections in each bin, black error bars the total uncertainty in each measurement, red boxes the systematic uncertainties. The lower panel displays the ratio of the measured cross section and of the predictions from POWHEG and MadGraph-5_aMC@NLO to the NNLOPS theoretical expectation. |
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Figure 22-b:
Differential cross sections as functions of the matrix element kinematic discriminant $ {\mathcal D}^{\text{dec}}_{\Lambda\text{1}} $ in the same-flavor final states. The brown and green histograms show the distributions of the discriminant for the HVV anomalous coupling scenarios corresponding to $ f_{\Lambda 1} = $ 1 and $ f_{\Lambda 1} = $ 0.5. The subdominant component of the signal (VBF+VH+ttH) is fixed to the SM prediction. The hatched areas correspond to the systematic uncertainties in the theoretical predictions. Black points represent the measured fiducial cross sections in each bin, black error bars the total uncertainty in each measurement, red boxes the systematic uncertainties. The lower panel displays the ratio of the measured cross section and of the predictions from POWHEG and MadGraph-5_aMC@NLO to the NNLOPS theoretical expectation. |
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Figure 22-c:
Differential cross sections as functions of the matrix element kinematic discriminant $ {\mathcal D}^{\text{dec}}_{\Lambda\text{1}} $ in the different-flavor final states. The brown and green histograms show the distributions of the discriminant for the HVV anomalous coupling scenarios corresponding to $ f_{\Lambda 1} = $ 1 and $ f_{\Lambda 1} = $ 0.5. The subdominant component of the signal (VBF+VH+ttH) is fixed to the SM prediction. The hatched areas correspond to the systematic uncertainties in the theoretical predictions. Black points represent the measured fiducial cross sections in each bin, black error bars the total uncertainty in each measurement, red boxes the systematic uncertainties. The lower panel displays the ratio of the measured cross section and of the predictions from POWHEG and MadGraph-5_aMC@NLO to the NNLOPS theoretical expectation. |
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Figure 23:
Differential cross sections as functions of the matrix element kinematic discriminant $ {\mathcal D}_{\Lambda\text{1}}^{\mathrm{Z}\gamma, \text{dec}} $ in the 4$ \ell $ (upper) and in the same-flavor (lower left) and different-flavor (lower right) final states. The brown and green histograms show the distributions of the discriminant for the HVV anomalous coupling scenarios corresponding to $ f_{\Lambda 1}^{\mathrm{Z}\gamma} = $ 1 and $ f_{\Lambda 1}^{\mathrm{Z}\gamma} = $ 0.5. The subdominant component of the signal (VBF+VH+ttH) is fixed to the SM prediction. The hatched areas correspond to the systematic uncertainties in the theoretical predictions. Black points represent the measured fiducial cross sections in each bin, black error bars the total uncertainty in each measurement, red boxes the systematic uncertainties. The lower panels display the ratios of the measured cross sections and of the predictions from POWHEG and MadGraph-5_aMC@NLO to the NNLOPS theoretical predictions. |
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Figure 23-a:
Differential cross sections as functions of the matrix element kinematic discriminant $ {\mathcal D}_{\Lambda\text{1}}^{\mathrm{Z}\gamma, \text{dec}} $ in the 4$ \ell $ final states. The brown and green histograms show the distributions of the discriminant for the HVV anomalous coupling scenarios corresponding to $ f_{\Lambda 1}^{\mathrm{Z}\gamma} = $ 1 and $ f_{\Lambda 1}^{\mathrm{Z}\gamma} = $ 0.5. The subdominant component of the signal (VBF+VH+ttH) is fixed to the SM prediction. The hatched areas correspond to the systematic uncertainties in the theoretical predictions. Black points represent the measured fiducial cross sections in each bin, black error bars the total uncertainty in each measurement, red boxes the systematic uncertainties. The lower panel displays the ratios of the measured cross sections and of the predictions from POWHEG and MadGraph-5_aMC@NLO to the NNLOPS theoretical predictions. |
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Figure 23-b:
Differential cross sections as functions of the matrix element kinematic discriminant $ {\mathcal D}_{\Lambda\text{1}}^{\mathrm{Z}\gamma, \text{dec}} $ in the same-flavor final states. The brown and green histograms show the distributions of the discriminant for the HVV anomalous coupling scenarios corresponding to $ f_{\Lambda 1}^{\mathrm{Z}\gamma} = $ 1 and $ f_{\Lambda 1}^{\mathrm{Z}\gamma} = $ 0.5. The subdominant component of the signal (VBF+VH+ttH) is fixed to the SM prediction. The hatched areas correspond to the systematic uncertainties in the theoretical predictions. Black points represent the measured fiducial cross sections in each bin, black error bars the total uncertainty in each measurement, red boxes the systematic uncertainties. The lower panel displays the ratios of the measured cross sections and of the predictions from POWHEG and MadGraph-5_aMC@NLO to the NNLOPS theoretical predictions. |
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Figure 23-c:
Differential cross sections as functions of the matrix element kinematic discriminant $ {\mathcal D}_{\Lambda\text{1}}^{\mathrm{Z}\gamma, \text{dec}} $ in the different-flavor final states. The brown and green histograms show the distributions of the discriminant for the HVV anomalous coupling scenarios corresponding to $ f_{\Lambda 1}^{\mathrm{Z}\gamma} = $ 1 and $ f_{\Lambda 1}^{\mathrm{Z}\gamma} = $ 0.5. The subdominant component of the signal (VBF+VH+ttH) is fixed to the SM prediction. The hatched areas correspond to the systematic uncertainties in the theoretical predictions. Black points represent the measured fiducial cross sections in each bin, black error bars the total uncertainty in each measurement, red boxes the systematic uncertainties. The lower panel displays the ratios of the measured cross sections and of the predictions from POWHEG and MadGraph-5_aMC@NLO to the NNLOPS theoretical predictions. |
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Figure 24:
Double differential cross sections in bins of $ |y_{\mathrm{H}}| $ vs. $ p_{\mathrm{T}}^{\mathrm{H}} $ (upper left), number of associated jets vs. $ p_{\mathrm{T}}^{\mathrm{H}} $ (upper right), and $ \mathcal{T}_{\text{C}}^{\text{max}} $ vs. $ p_{\mathrm{T}}^{\mathrm{H}} $ (lower). The binnings of the various measurements are reported in Table 6. The content of each plot is described in the caption of Fig. 6. |
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Figure 24-a:
Double differential cross sections in bins of $ |y_{\mathrm{H}}| $ vs. $ p_{\mathrm{T}}^{\mathrm{H}} $. The binnings of the measurements are reported in Table 6. The content of the plot is described in the caption of Fig. 6. |
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Figure 24-b:
Double differential cross sections in bins of number of associated jets vs. $ p_{\mathrm{T}}^{\mathrm{H}} $. The binnings of the measurements are reported in Table 6. The content of the plot is described in the caption of Fig. 6. |
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Figure 24-c:
Double differential cross sections in bins of $ \mathcal{T}_{\text{C}}^{\text{max}} $ vs. $ p_{\mathrm{T}}^{\mathrm{H}} $. The binnings of the measurements are reported in Table 6. The content of the plot is described in the caption of Fig. 6. |
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Figure 25:
Double differential cross sections in bins of $ p_{\mathrm{T}}^{\mathrm{H} \text{j}} $ vs. $ p_{\mathrm{T}}^{\mathrm{H}} $ (upper left), $ m_{\mathrm{Z}_{1}} $ vs. $ m_{\mathrm{Z}_{2}} $ (upper right), and $ p_{\mathrm{T}} $ of the leading vs. subleading jet (lower). The binnings of the various measurements are reported in Table 6. The content of each plot is described in the caption of Fig. 6. |
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Figure 25-a:
Double differential cross sections in bins of $ p_{\mathrm{T}}^{\mathrm{H} \text{j}} $ vs. $ p_{\mathrm{T}}^{\mathrm{H}} $. The binnings of the measurements are reported in Table 6. The content of the plot is described in the caption of Fig. 6. |
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Figure 25-b:
Double differential cross sections in bins of $ m_{\mathrm{Z}_{1}} $ vs. $ m_{\mathrm{Z}_{2}} $. The binnings of the measurements are reported in Table 6. The content of the plot is described in the caption of Fig. 6. |
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Figure 25-c:
Double differential cross sections in bins of $ p_{\mathrm{T}} $ of the leading vs. subleading jet. The binnings of the measurements are reported in Table 6. The content of the plot is described in the caption of Fig. 6. |
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Figure 26:
Likelihood scan as a function of $ \kappa_\lambda $. The scan is shown with (solid line) and without (dashed line) systematic uncertainties profiled in the fit. |
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Figure 27:
Simultaneous fit of $ \kappa_\mathrm{b} $ and $ \kappa_\mathrm{c} $, assuming a coupling dependence of the branching fraction (left) and treating it as an unconstrained parameter in the fit (right). |
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Figure 27-a:
Simultaneous fit of $ \kappa_\mathrm{b} $ and $ \kappa_\mathrm{c} $, assuming a coupling dependence of the branching fraction. |
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Figure 27-b:
Simultaneous fit of $ \kappa_\mathrm{b} $ and $ \kappa_\mathrm{c} $, treating the branching fraction as an unconstrained parameter in the fit. |
Tables | |
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Table 1:
Thresholds applied on the $ p_{\mathrm{T}} $ of the leading/subleading leptons in each data-taking period for the main dielectron (e/e), dimuon ($ \mu $/$ \mu $), and electron-muon (e/$ \mu $, $ \mu $/e) HLT algorithms. |
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Table 2:
Summary of the requirements used in the definition of the fiducial phase space for the $ \mathrm{H}\to\mathrm{Z}\mathrm{Z}\to4\ell $ cross section measurements. |
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Table 3:
Matrix element kinematic discriminants considered in the analysis. Some discriminants have a special label to identify the targeted Higgs boson property rather than the name of the coupling. $ {\mathcal D}^{\text{dec}}_{\text{0-}} $ is sensitive to a CP-odd Higgs boson, $ {\mathcal D}^{\text{dec}}_{\text{CP}} $ is the observable sensitive to the CP-mixing, and $ {\mathcal D}^{\text{dec}}_{\text{0h+}} $ is sensitive to heavy CP-even Higgs boson. |
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Table 4:
Bin boundaries for one-dimensional observables targeting the H boson production. |
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Table 5:
Bin boundaries for one-dimensional observables targeting the $ \mathrm{H}\to\mathrm{Z}\mathrm{Z}\to4\ell $ decay. |
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Table 6:
Double-differential observables with their corresponding bin boundaries. |
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Table 7:
Summary of the inputs to the maximum likelihood based unfolding. The fraction of signal events within the fiducial phase space (acceptance $ \mathcal{A}_{\text{fid}} $), the reconstruction efficiency ($ \epsilon $) in the fiducial phase space, and the ratio of the number of reconstructed events outside the fiducial phase space to that of the ones inside the fiducial phase space ($ f_{\text{nonfid}} $) are quoted for each production mechanism for $ m_{\mathrm{H}}= $ 125.38 GeV. The last column shows the value of $ (1+f_{\text{nonfid}})\epsilon $, which regulates the signal yield for a given fiducial cross section. All values are shown with their statistical uncertainty. The values for the ggH production mode are obtained using the POWHEG generator. |
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Table 8:
Summary of the experimental systematic uncertainties. |
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Table 9:
Measured inclusive fiducial cross section and $ \pm $ 1 standard deviation uncertainties for the various final states at $ m_{\mathrm{H}}= $ 125.38 GeV. The upper row summarizes the results obtained when the irreducible background normalization is constrained to the SM expectation and theoretical uncertainty, while the lower section present the results from a fit with the ZZ normalization treated as an unconstrained parameter. The first row presents the fiducial cross section, the middle row the ZZ background normalization extracted from the fit, and the bottom row the ZZ estimation from MC. The uncertainties on $ N^{ZZ}_{MC} $ are the pre-fit uncertainties summing the statistical and systematic uncertainty. |
Summary |
This paper presents a comprehensive characterization of the H $\to$ ZZ $\to$ 4$\ell$ decay channel via the measurement of fiducial differential cross sections as functions of several kinematic observables. The H boson production is characterized via measurements of differential cross sections in bins of $ p_{\mathrm{T}}^\mathrm{H} $ and $ |y_\text{\mathrm{H}}| $, the $ p_{\mathrm{T}} $ of the leading and subleading jets and observables of the dijet system, when associated with jets. For the first time, fiducial cross sections are measured in bins of the seven kinematic observables that completely define the four-lepton decay: the invariant mass of the two Z bosons and the five angles that describe the fermions kinematical properties and the production and decay planes. Differential cross sections are also measured for the first time in bins of six matrix element kinematic discriminants sensitive to various anomalous couplings of the H boson to vector bosons. The dynamical evolution of the renormalization and factorization scales, and resummation effects are probed by measuring cross sections in bins of rapidity-weighted jet vetoes, and in bins of observables of the H plus jets system. An extensive set of double-differential measurements is presented, providing a complete coverage of the phase space under study. The $ \mathrm{H}\to\mathrm{Z}\mathrm{Z}\to4\ell $ inclusive fiducial cross section is $ \sigma_{{\text{fid}}}= $ 2.73 $ \pm $ 0.26 fb $= $ 2.73 $ \pm $ 0.22 (stat) $ \pm $ 0.15 (syst) fb, in agreement with the SM expectation of 2.86 $ \pm $ 0.15 fb. The measurement of the fiducial cross section in differential bins of $ p_{\mathrm{T}}^\mathrm{H} $ is used to set constraints on the trilinear self-coupling of the H boson, with an observed (expected) limit of $ -$5.4 ($-$7.6) $ < \kappa_\lambda < $ 14.9 (17.7) at the 95% CL. Finally, constraints on the modifiers of H boson couplings to b and c quarks ($ \kappa_\mathrm{b} $ and $ \kappa_\mathrm{c} $) are also determined with an observed (expected) limit of $ -$1.1 ($-$1.3) $ < \kappa_\mathrm{b} < $ 1.1 (1.2) and $ -$5.3 ($-$5.7) $ < \kappa_\mathrm{c} < $ 5.2 (5.7) at the 95% CL. All results are consistent with the SM predictions for the $ \mathrm{H}\to\mathrm{Z}\mathrm{Z}\to4\ell $ decay channel in the considered fiducial phase space. |
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Compact Muon Solenoid LHC, CERN |
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