CMS-HIG-19-001 ; CERN-EP-2021-016 | ||
Measurements of production cross sections of the Higgs boson in the four-lepton final state in proton-proton collisions at $\sqrt{s} = $ 13 TeV | ||
CMS Collaboration | ||
8 March 2021 | ||
Eur. Phys. J. C 81 (2021) 488 | ||
Abstract: Production cross sections of the Higgs boson are measured in the $\mathrm{H}\to\mathrm{Z}\mathrm{Z}\to4\ell$ ($\ell = $ e, $\mu$) decay channel. A data sample of proton-proton collisions at a center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV, collected by the CMS detector at the LHC and corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 137 fb$^{-1}$ is used. The signal strength modifier $\mu$, defined as the ratio of the Higgs boson production rate in the 4$\ell$ channel to the standard model (SM) expectation, is measured to be $\mu=$ 0.94 $\pm$ 0.07 (stat) $^{+0.09}_{-0.08}$ (syst) at a fixed value of $m_{\mathrm{H}} = $ 125.38 GeV. The signal strength modifiers for the individual Higgs boson production modes are also reported. The inclusive fiducial cross section for the $\mathrm{H}\to4\ell$ process is measured to be 2.84 $^{+0.23}_{-0.22}$ (stat) $^{+0.26}_{-0.21}$ (syst) fb, which is compatible with the SM prediction of 2.84 $\pm$ 0.15 fb for the same fiducial region. Differential cross sections as a function of the transverse momentum and rapidity of the Higgs boson, the number of associated jets, and the transverse momentum of the leading associated jet are measured. A new set of cross section measurements in mutually exclusive categories targeted to identify production mechanisms and kinematical features of the events is presented. The results are in agreement with the SM predictions. | ||
Links: e-print arXiv:2103.04956 [hep-ex] (PDF) ; CDS record ; inSPIRE record ; HepData record ; CADI line (restricted) ; |
Figures | |
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Figure 1:
Binning of the gluon fusion production process, the electroweak production process (combines VBF and VH with hadronic V decay), the VH production process with leptonic V decay (combining WH, ZH, and gluon fusion ZH production), and the $ {{\mathrm{t} {}\mathrm{\bar{t}}} \mathrm{H}}$ production process in the merged stage 1.2 of the STXS framework used in the $ {\mathrm{H} \to \mathrm{Z} \mathrm{Z} \to 4\ell}$ analysis. |
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Figure 2:
The shape of the parametric signal model for each year of simulated data, and for the sum of all years together. The black points represent weighted simulation events of the ggH production mechanism for $ {m_{\mathrm{H}}} = $ 125 GeV and the blue line the corresponding model. Also shown is the $\sigma _{\text {CB}}$ value (half the width of the narrowest interval containing 68% of the invariant mass distribution) in the gray shaded area. The contribution of the signal model from each year of data-taking is illustrated with the dotted lines. The models are shown for the 4e (left) and 4$\mu $ (right) final states in the untagged event category. |
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Figure 2-a:
The shape of the parametric signal model for each year of simulated data, and for the sum of all years together. The black points represent weighted simulation events of the ggH production mechanism for $ {m_{\mathrm{H}}} = $ 125 GeV and the blue line the corresponding model. Also shown is the $\sigma _{\text {CB}}$ value (half the width of the narrowest interval containing 68% of the invariant mass distribution) in the gray shaded area. The contribution of the signal model from each year of data-taking is illustrated with the dotted lines. The models are shown for the 4e final state in the untagged event category. |
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Figure 2-b:
The shape of the parametric signal model for each year of simulated data, and for the sum of all years together. The black points represent weighted simulation events of the ggH production mechanism for $ {m_{\mathrm{H}}} = $ 125 GeV and the blue line the corresponding model. Also shown is the $\sigma _{\text {CB}}$ value (half the width of the narrowest interval containing 68% of the invariant mass distribution) in the gray shaded area. The contribution of the signal model from each year of data-taking is illustrated with the dotted lines. The models are shown for the 4$\mu $ final state in the untagged event category. |
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Figure 3:
The impact of the dominant systematic uncertainties (in percent) on the inclusive signal strength $\mu $ and stage 0 production mode cross section described in Section 10. Impacts from different NPs are combined assuming no correlation. Only dominant experimental sources are presented: integrated luminosity uncertainty (Lumi.), lepton reconstruction and selection efficiency, scale and resolution (Leptons), jet energy scale and resolution (Jet), b-tagging efficiency (B-tag), and reducible background estimation uncertainty (Red. bkg). Only dominant theoretical sources are presented: ggH, VBF, and VH cross section theoretical uncertainty scheme (THU), renormalization and factorization scale (QCD), choice of the PDF set (PDF), the branching fraction of $ {\mathrm{H} \to 4\ell}$ ($\mathcal {B}$), modeling of hadronization and the underlying event (Hadr), and background modeling (Bkg. mod.). The THU uncertainty is not considered in the stage 0 cross section measurements. The uncertainties are rounded to the nearest 0.5%. |
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Figure 3-a:
The impact of the dominant systematic uncertainties (in percent) on the inclusive signal strength $\mu $ and stage 0 production mode cross section described in Section 10. Impacts from different NPs are combined assuming no correlation. Only dominant experimental sources are presented: integrated luminosity uncertainty (Lumi.), lepton reconstruction and selection efficiency, scale and resolution (Leptons), jet energy scale and resolution (Jet), b-tagging efficiency (B-tag), and reducible background estimation uncertainty (Red. bkg). Only dominant theoretical sources are presented: ggH, VBF, and VH cross section theoretical uncertainty scheme (THU), renormalization and factorization scale (QCD), choice of the PDF set (PDF), the branching fraction of $ {\mathrm{H} \to 4\ell}$ ($\mathcal {B}$), modeling of hadronization and the underlying event (Hadr), and background modeling (Bkg. mod.). The THU uncertainty is not considered in the stage 0 cross section measurements. The uncertainties are rounded to the nearest 0.5%. |
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Figure 3-b:
The impact of the dominant systematic uncertainties (in percent) on the inclusive signal strength $\mu $ and stage 0 production mode cross section described in Section 10. Impacts from different NPs are combined assuming no correlation. Only dominant experimental sources are presented: integrated luminosity uncertainty (Lumi.), lepton reconstruction and selection efficiency, scale and resolution (Leptons), jet energy scale and resolution (Jet), b-tagging efficiency (B-tag), and reducible background estimation uncertainty (Red. bkg). Only dominant theoretical sources are presented: ggH, VBF, and VH cross section theoretical uncertainty scheme (THU), renormalization and factorization scale (QCD), choice of the PDF set (PDF), the branching fraction of $ {\mathrm{H} \to 4\ell}$ ($\mathcal {B}$), modeling of hadronization and the underlying event (Hadr), and background modeling (Bkg. mod.). The THU uncertainty is not considered in the stage 0 cross section measurements. The uncertainties are rounded to the nearest 0.5%. |
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Figure 4:
Four-lepton mass distribution, $ {m_{4\ell}}$, up to 500 GeV with 4 GeV bin size (left) and in the low-mass range with 2 GeV bin size (right). Points with error bars represent the data and stacked histograms represent the expected distributions for the signal and background processes. The SM Higgs boson signal with $ {m_{\mathrm{H}}} = $ 125 GeV, denoted as H(125), the ZZ and rare electroweak backgrounds are normalized to the SM expectation, the Z+X background to the estimation from data. |
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Figure 4-a:
Four-lepton mass distribution, $ {m_{4\ell}}$, up to 500 GeV with 4 GeV bin size. Points with error bars represent the data and stacked histograms represent the expected distributions for the signal and background processes. The SM Higgs boson signal with $ {m_{\mathrm{H}}} = $ 125 GeV, denoted as H(125), the ZZ and rare electroweak backgrounds are normalized to the SM expectation, the Z+X background to the estimation from data. |
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Figure 4-b:
Four-lepton mass distribution, $ {m_{4\ell}}$, in the low-mass range with 2 GeV bin size. Points with error bars represent the data and stacked histograms represent the expected distributions for the signal and background processes. The SM Higgs boson signal with $ {m_{\mathrm{H}}} = $ 125 GeV, denoted as H(125), the ZZ and rare electroweak backgrounds are normalized to the SM expectation, the Z+X background to the estimation from data. |
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Figure 5:
Four-lepton mass distribution in three final states: 4e (upper left), 4$\mu $ (upper right), and 2e2$\mu $ (lower). Points with error bars represent the data and stacked histograms represent the expected distributions for the signal and background processes. The SM Higgs boson signal with $ {m_{\mathrm{H}}} = $ 125 GeV, denoted as H(125), the ZZ and rare electroweak backgrounds are normalized to the SM expectation, the Z+X background to the estimation from data. |
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Figure 5-a:
Four-lepton mass distribution in 4e final state. Points with error bars represent the data and stacked histograms represent the expected distributions for the signal and background processes. The SM Higgs boson signal with $ {m_{\mathrm{H}}} = $ 125 GeV, denoted as H(125), the ZZ and rare electroweak backgrounds are normalized to the SM expectation, the Z+X background to the estimation from data. |
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Figure 5-b:
Four-lepton mass distribution in 4$\mu$ final state. Points with error bars represent the data and stacked histograms represent the expected distributions for the signal and background processes. The SM Higgs boson signal with $ {m_{\mathrm{H}}} = $ 125 GeV, denoted as H(125), the ZZ and rare electroweak backgrounds are normalized to the SM expectation, the Z+X background to the estimation from data. |
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Figure 5-c:
Four-lepton mass distribution in 2e2$\mu $ final state. Points with error bars represent the data and stacked histograms represent the expected distributions for the signal and background processes. The SM Higgs boson signal with $ {m_{\mathrm{H}}} = $ 125 GeV, denoted as H(125), the ZZ and rare electroweak backgrounds are normalized to the SM expectation, the Z+X background to the estimation from data. |
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Figure 6:
Distributions of the expected and observed number of events for the reconstructed event categories in the mass region 105 $ < {m_{4\ell}} < $ 140 GeV. Points with error bars represent the data and stacked histograms represent the expected numbers of the signal and background events. The yields of the different H boson production mechanisms with $ {m_{\mathrm{H}}} = $ 125 GeV, denoted as H(125), and those of the ZZ and rare electroweak backgrounds are normalized to the SM expectations, while the Z+X background yield is normalized to the estimate from the data. |
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Figure 7:
Distribution of the $\mathrm{Z} _1$ (upper left) and $\mathrm{Z} _2$ (upper right) reconstructed masses in the 118 $ < {m_{4\ell}} < $ 130 GeV mass region and their 2D distribution (lower) in the 105 $ < {m_{4\ell}} < $ 140 GeV mass region. The stacked histograms and the red and blue scales represent expected distributions of the signal and background processes and the points represent the data. The yields of the different H boson production mechanisms with $ {m_{\mathrm{H}}} = $ 125 GeV, denoted as H(125), and those of the ZZ and rare electroweak backgrounds are normalized to the SM expectations, while the Z+X background yield is normalized to the estimate from the data. |
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Figure 7-a:
Distribution of the $\mathrm{Z} _1$ reconstructed mass in the 118 $ < {m_{4\ell}} < $ 130 GeV mass region. The stacked histograms represent expected distributions of the signal and background processes and the points represent the data. The yields of the different H boson production mechanisms with $ {m_{\mathrm{H}}} = $ 125 GeV, denoted as H(125), and those of the ZZ and rare electroweak backgrounds are normalized to the SM expectations, while the Z+X background yield is normalized to the estimate from the data. |
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Figure 7-b:
Distribution of the $\mathrm{Z} _2$ reconstructed mass in the 118 $ < {m_{4\ell}} < $ 130 GeV mass region. The stacked histograms represent expected distributions of the signal and background processes and the points represent the data. The yields of the different H boson production mechanisms with $ {m_{\mathrm{H}}} = $ 125 GeV, denoted as H(125), and those of the ZZ and rare electroweak backgrounds are normalized to the SM expectations, while the Z+X background yield is normalized to the estimate from the data. |
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Figure 7-c:
2D distribution of the $\mathrm{Z} _1$ and $\mathrm{Z} _2$ reconstructed masses in the 105 $ < {m_{4\ell}} < $ 140 GeV mass region. The red and blue scales represent expected distributions of the signal and background processes and the points represent the data. The yields of the different H boson production mechanisms with $ {m_{\mathrm{H}}} = $ 125 GeV, denoted as H(125), and those of the ZZ and rare electroweak backgrounds are normalized to the SM expectations, while the Z+X background yield is normalized to the estimate from the data. |
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Figure 8:
Distribution of categorization discriminants in the mass region 118 $ < {m_{4\ell}} < $ 130 GeV: ${{\mathcal D}_{\text {2jet}}^{{\mathrm {VBF}}}}$ (upper left), ${{\mathcal D}_{\text {1jet}}^{{\mathrm {VBF}}}}$ (upper right), ${{\mathcal D}_{\text {2jet}}^{{\mathrm{V} \mathrm{H}}}}$ (lower) = max(${{\mathcal D}_{\text {2jet}}^{{\mathrm{W} \mathrm{H}}}}$, ${{\mathcal D}_{\text {2jet}}^{{\mathrm{Z} \mathrm{H}}}}$). Points with error bars represent the data and stacked histograms represent expected distributions of the signal and background processes. The SM Higgs boson signal with $ {m_{\mathrm{H}}} = $ 125 GeV, denoted as H(125), and the ZZ backgrounds and rare electroweak backgrounds are normalized to the SM expectation, the Z+X background to the estimation from data. The vertical dashed lines denote the working points used in the event categorization. The SM H boson signal is separated into two components: the production mode which is targeted by the specific discriminant, and other production modes, where the gluon fusion process dominates. |
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Figure 8-a:
Distribution of the ${{\mathcal D}_{\text {2jet}}^{{\mathrm {VBF}}}}$ categorization discriminant in the mass region 118 $ < {m_{4\ell}} < $ 130 GeV. Points with error bars represent the data and stacked histograms represent expected distributions of the signal and background processes. The SM Higgs boson signal with $ {m_{\mathrm{H}}} = $ 125 GeV, denoted as H(125), and the ZZ backgrounds and rare electroweak backgrounds are normalized to the SM expectation, the Z+X background to the estimation from data. The vertical dashed lines denote the working points used in the event categorization. The SM H boson signal is separated into two components: the production mode which is targeted by the specific discriminant, and other production modes, where the gluon fusion process dominates. |
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Figure 8-b:
Distribution of the ${{\mathcal D}_{\text {1jet}}^{{\mathrm {VBF}}}}$ categorization discriminant in the mass region 118 $ < {m_{4\ell}} < $ 130 GeV. Points with error bars represent the data and stacked histograms represent expected distributions of the signal and background processes. The SM Higgs boson signal with $ {m_{\mathrm{H}}} = $ 125 GeV, denoted as H(125), and the ZZ backgrounds and rare electroweak backgrounds are normalized to the SM expectation, the Z+X background to the estimation from data. The vertical dashed lines denote the working points used in the event categorization. The SM H boson signal is separated into two components: the production mode which is targeted by the specific discriminant, and other production modes, where the gluon fusion process dominates. |
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Figure 8-c:
Distribution of the ${{\mathcal D}_{\text {2jet}}^{{\mathrm{V} \mathrm{H}}}}$ = max(${{\mathcal D}_{\text {2jet}}^{{\mathrm{W} \mathrm{H}}}}$, ${{\mathcal D}_{\text {2jet}}^{{\mathrm{Z} \mathrm{H}}}}$) categorization discriminant in the mass region 118 $ < {m_{4\ell}} < $ 130 GeV. Points with error bars represent the data and stacked histograms represent expected distributions of the signal and background processes. The SM Higgs boson signal with $ {m_{\mathrm{H}}} = $ 125 GeV, denoted as H(125), and the ZZ backgrounds and rare electroweak backgrounds are normalized to the SM expectation, the Z+X background to the estimation from data. The vertical dashed lines denote the working points used in the event categorization. The SM H boson signal is separated into two components: the production mode which is targeted by the specific discriminant, and other production modes, where the gluon fusion process dominates. |
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Figure 9:
Distribution of three different kinematic discriminants versus $ {m_{4\ell}}$: $ {{\mathcal D}^{\text {kin}}_{\text {bkg}}} $ (upper), $ {{\mathcal {D}}^{\mathrm {VBF}+\text {dec}}_{\text {bkg}}} $ (middle) and $ {{\mathcal {D}}^{{\mathrm{V} \mathrm{H}}+\text {dec}}_{\text {bkg}}} $ (lower) shown in the mass region 105 $ < {m_{4\ell}} < $ 140 GeV. The blue scale represents the expected total number of ZZ, rare electroweak, and Z+X background events. The red scale represents the number of expected SM H boson signal events for $ {m_{\mathrm{H}}} = $ 125 GeV. The points show the data from the categories listed in the legend. |
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Figure 9-a:
Distribution of the $ {{\mathcal D}^{\text {kin}}_{\text {bkg}}} $ kinematic discriminant versus $ {m_{4\ell}}$, shown in the mass region 105 $ < {m_{4\ell}} < $ 140 GeV. The blue scale represents the expected total number of ZZ, rare electroweak, and Z+X background events. The red scale represents the number of expected SM H boson signal events for $ {m_{\mathrm{H}}} = $ 125 GeV. The points show the data from the categories listed in the legend. |
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Figure 9-b:
Distribution of the $ {{\mathcal {D}}^{\mathrm {VBF}+\text {dec}}_{\text {bkg}}} $ kinematic discriminant versus $ {m_{4\ell}}$, shown in the mass region 105 $ < {m_{4\ell}} < $ 140 GeV. The blue scale represents the expected total number of ZZ, rare electroweak, and Z+X background events. The red scale represents the number of expected SM H boson signal events for $ {m_{\mathrm{H}}} = $ 125 GeV. The points show the data from the categories listed in the legend. |
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Figure 9-c:
Distribution of the $ {{\mathcal {D}}^{{\mathrm{V} \mathrm{H}}+\text {dec}}_{\text {bkg}}} $ kinematic discriminant versus $ {m_{4\ell}}$, shown in the mass region 105 $ < {m_{4\ell}} < $ 140 GeV. The blue scale represents the expected total number of ZZ, rare electroweak, and Z+X background events. The red scale represents the number of expected SM H boson signal events for $ {m_{\mathrm{H}}} = $ 125 GeV. The points show the data from the categories listed in the legend. |
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Figure 10:
Distribution of kinematic discriminants in the mass region 118 $ < {m_{4\ell}} < $ 130 GeV: (upper left) ${{\mathcal D}^{\text {kin}}_{\text {bkg}}}$, (upper right) ${{\mathcal {D}}^{\mathrm {VBF}+\text {dec}}_{\text {bkg}}}$, (lower) ${{\mathcal {D}}^{{\mathrm{V} \mathrm{H}}+\text {dec}}_{\text {bkg}}}$. Points with error bars represent the data and stacked histograms represent expected distributions of the signal and background processes. The yields of the different H boson production mechanisms with $ {m_{\mathrm{H}}} = $ 125 GeV, denoted as H(125), and those of the ZZ and rare electroweak backgrounds are normalized to the SM expectations, while the Z+X background yield is normalized to the estimate from the data. In the middle and right figures the SM H boson signal is separated into two components: the production mode which is targeted by the specific discriminant, and other production modes, where the gluon fusion process dominates. |
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Figure 10-a:
Distribution of the ${{\mathcal D}^{\text {kin}}_{\text {bkg}}}$ kinematic discriminant in the mass region 118 $ < {m_{4\ell}} < $ 130 GeV. Points with error bars represent the data and stacked histograms represent expected distributions of the signal and background processes. The yields of the different H boson production mechanisms with $ {m_{\mathrm{H}}} = $ 125 GeV, denoted as H(125), and those of the ZZ and rare electroweak backgrounds are normalized to the SM expectations, while the Z+X background yield is normalized to the estimate from the data. In the middle and right figures the SM H boson signal is separated into two components: the production mode which is targeted by the specific discriminant, and other production modes, where the gluon fusion process dominates. |
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Figure 10-b:
Distribution of the ${{\mathcal {D}}^{\mathrm {VBF}+\text {dec}}_{\text {bkg}}}$ kinematic discriminant in the mass region 118 $ < {m_{4\ell}} < $ 130 GeV. Points with error bars represent the data and stacked histograms represent expected distributions of the signal and background processes. The yields of the different H boson production mechanisms with $ {m_{\mathrm{H}}} = $ 125 GeV, denoted as H(125), and those of the ZZ and rare electroweak backgrounds are normalized to the SM expectations, while the Z+X background yield is normalized to the estimate from the data. In the middle and right figures the SM H boson signal is separated into two components: the production mode which is targeted by the specific discriminant, and other production modes, where the gluon fusion process dominates. |
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Figure 10-c:
Distribution of the ${{\mathcal {D}}^{{\mathrm{V} \mathrm{H}}+\text {dec}}_{\text {bkg}}}$ kinematic discriminant in the mass region 118 $ < {m_{4\ell}} < $ 130 GeV. Points with error bars represent the data and stacked histograms represent expected distributions of the signal and background processes. The yields of the different H boson production mechanisms with $ {m_{\mathrm{H}}} = $ 125 GeV, denoted as H(125), and those of the ZZ and rare electroweak backgrounds are normalized to the SM expectations, while the Z+X background yield is normalized to the estimate from the data. In the middle and right figures the SM H boson signal is separated into two components: the production mode which is targeted by the specific discriminant, and other production modes, where the gluon fusion process dominates. |
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Figure 11:
(left) The observed and expected profile likelihood scans of the inclusive signal strength modifier. The scans are shown both with (solid line) and without (dashed line) systematic uncertainties. (right) Results of likelihood scans for the signal strength modifiers corresponding to the five main SM H boson production mechanisms, compared to the SM prediction shown as a vertical dashed line. The thick black lines indicate the one standard deviation confidence intervals including both statistical and systematic sources. The thick red lines indicate the statistical uncertainties corresponding to the one standard deviation confidence intervals. |
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Figure 11-a:
The observed and expected profile likelihood scans of the inclusive signal strength modifier. The scans are shown both with (solid line) and without (dashed line) systematic uncertainties. |
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Figure 11-b:
Results of likelihood scans for the signal strength modifiers corresponding to the five main SM H boson production mechanisms, compared to the SM prediction shown as a vertical dashed line. The thick black lines indicate the one standard deviation confidence intervals including both statistical and systematic sources. The thick red lines indicate the statistical uncertainties corresponding to the one standard deviation confidence intervals. |
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Figure 12:
Result of the 2D likelihood scan for the $ {\mu _{\mathrm {f}}}\equiv {\mu _{\mathrm{g} \mathrm{g} \mathrm{H},\, {{\mathrm{t} {}\mathrm{\bar{t}}} \mathrm{H}}, {\mathrm{b} {}\mathrm{\bar{b}} \mathrm{H}}, {\mathrm{q}t \mathrm{H}}}} $ and $ {\mu _{\mathrm{V}}}\equiv {\mu _{\mathrm {VBF},\mathrm{V} \mathrm{H}}}$ signal strength modifiers. The solid and dashed contours show the 68 and 95% CL regions, respectively. The cross indicates the best fit value, and the diamond represents the expected value for the SM Higgs boson. |
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Figure 13:
The measured product of cross section times branching fraction for $ {\mathrm{H} \to \mathrm{Z} \mathrm{Z}}$ decay $ {(\sigma \mathcal {B})_{{\text {obs}}}}$ and the SM predictions $ {(\sigma \mathcal {B})_{\mathrm {SM}}}$ for the stage 0 STXS production bins and the inclusive measurement at $ {m_{\mathrm{H}}} = $ 125.38 GeV. Points with error bars represent measured values and black dashed lines with gray uncertainty bands represent the SM predictions. In the bottom panel ratios of the measured cross sections and the SM predictions are shown along with the uncertainties for each of the bins and the inclusive measurement. |
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Figure 14:
The measured cross sections $ {(\sigma \mathcal {B})_{{\text {obs}}}}$ and the SM predictions $ {(\sigma \mathcal {B})_{\mathrm {SM}}}$ for $ {\mathrm{H} \to \mathrm{Z} \mathrm{Z}}$ decay and the merged stage 1.2 STXS production bins at $ {m_{\mathrm{H}}} = $ 125.38 GeV. Points with error bars represent measured values and black dashed lines with gray uncertainty bands represent the SM predictions. In the bottom panel ratios of the measured cross sections and the SM predictions are shown with corresponding uncertainties for each of the bins. |
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Figure 15:
Correlation matrices between the measured cross sections for the stage 0 (upper) and the merged stage 1.2 (lower) for $ {\mathrm{H} \to \mathrm{Z} \mathrm{Z}}$ decay. |
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Figure 15-a:
Correlation matrice between the measured cross sections for the stage 0 for $ {\mathrm{H} \to \mathrm{Z} \mathrm{Z}}$ decay. |
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Figure 15-b:
Correlation matrice between the measured cross sections for the merged stage 1.2 for $ {\mathrm{H} \to \mathrm{Z} \mathrm{Z}}$ decay. |
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Figure 16:
The measured inclusive fiducial cross section in different final states (left) and integrated as a function of $\sqrt {s}$ (right). The acceptance is calculated using POWHEG at $\sqrt {s} = $ 13 TeV and HRes [107,109] at $\sqrt {s}=$ 7 and 8 TeV, and the total gluon fusion cross section and uncertainty are taken from Ref. [58]. The fiducial volume for $\sqrt {s}=$ 6-9 TeV uses the lepton isolation definition from Ref. [25] and the SM predictions and measurements are calculated at $ {m_{\mathrm{H}}} = $ 125.0 GeV, while for $\sqrt {s}=$ 12-14 TeV the definition described in the text is used and SM predictions and measurements are calculated at $ {m_{\mathrm{H}}} = $ 125.38 GeV. |
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Figure 16-a:
The measured inclusive fiducial cross section in different final states. The acceptance is calculated using POWHEG at $\sqrt {s} = $ 13 TeV and HRes [107,109] at $\sqrt {s}=$ 7 and 8 TeV, and the total gluon fusion cross section and uncertainty are taken from Ref. [58]. The fiducial volume for $\sqrt {s}=$ 6-9 TeV uses the lepton isolation definition from Ref. [25] and the SM predictions and measurements are calculated at $ {m_{\mathrm{H}}} = $ 125.0 GeV, while for $\sqrt {s}=$ 12-14 TeV the definition described in the text is used and SM predictions and measurements are calculated at $ {m_{\mathrm{H}}} = $ 125.38 GeV. |
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Figure 16-b:
The measured inclusive fiducial cross section integrated as a function of $\sqrt {s}$. The acceptance is calculated using POWHEG at $\sqrt {s} = $ 13 TeV and HRes [107,109] at $\sqrt {s}=$ 7 and 8 TeV, and the total gluon fusion cross section and uncertainty are taken from Ref. [58]. The fiducial volume for $\sqrt {s}=$ 6-9 TeV uses the lepton isolation definition from Ref. [25] and the SM predictions and measurements are calculated at $ {m_{\mathrm{H}}} = $ 125.0 GeV, while for $\sqrt {s}=$ 12-14 TeV the definition described in the text is used and SM predictions and measurements are calculated at $ {m_{\mathrm{H}}} = $ 125.38 GeV. |
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Figure 17:
Differential cross sections as a function of $ {p_{\mathrm {T}}} ^{\mathrm{H}}$ (left) and $ {| y^{\mathrm{H}} |}$ (right). The acceptance and theoretical uncertainties in the differential bins are calculated using POWHEG. The sub-dominant component of the signal ($ {\mathrm {VBF}}+ {\mathrm{V} \mathrm{H}}+ {{\mathrm{t} {}\mathrm{\bar{t}}} \mathrm{H}}$) is denoted as XH. |
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Figure 17-a:
Differential cross sections as a function of $ {p_{\mathrm {T}}} ^{\mathrm{H}}$. The acceptance and theoretical uncertainties in the differential bins are calculated using POWHEG. The sub-dominant component of the signal ($ {\mathrm {VBF}}+ {\mathrm{V} \mathrm{H}}+ {{\mathrm{t} {}\mathrm{\bar{t}}} \mathrm{H}}$) is denoted as XH. |
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Figure 17-b:
Differential cross sections as a function of $ {| y^{\mathrm{H}} |}$. The acceptance and theoretical uncertainties in the differential bins are calculated using POWHEG. The sub-dominant component of the signal ($ {\mathrm {VBF}}+ {\mathrm{V} \mathrm{H}}+ {{\mathrm{t} {}\mathrm{\bar{t}}} \mathrm{H}}$) is denoted as XH. |
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Figure 18:
Differential cross sections as a function of the number of associated jets (left), and ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ of the leading jet (right). The acceptance and theoretical uncertainties in the differential bins are calculated using POWHEG. The sub-dominant component of the signal ($ {\mathrm {VBF}}+ {\mathrm{V} \mathrm{H}}+ {{\mathrm{t} {}\mathrm{\bar{t}}} \mathrm{H}}$) is denoted as XH. |
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Figure 18-a:
Differential cross sections as a function of the number of associated jets. The acceptance and theoretical uncertainties in the differential bins are calculated using POWHEG. The sub-dominant component of the signal ($ {\mathrm {VBF}}+ {\mathrm{V} \mathrm{H}}+ {{\mathrm{t} {}\mathrm{\bar{t}}} \mathrm{H}}$) is denoted as XH. |
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Figure 18-b:
Differential cross sections as a function of the ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ of the leading jet. The acceptance and theoretical uncertainties in the differential bins are calculated using POWHEG. The sub-dominant component of the signal ($ {\mathrm {VBF}}+ {\mathrm{V} \mathrm{H}}+ {{\mathrm{t} {}\mathrm{\bar{t}}} \mathrm{H}}$) is denoted as XH. |
Tables | |
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Table 1:
The minimal ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ of the leading/subleading leptons for the main di-electron (e/e), di-muon ($\mu$/$\mu$), and electron-muon (e/$\mu$, $\mu$/e) high-level trigger algorithms used in the $ {\mathrm{H} \to 4\ell}$ analysis in 2016, 2017, and 2018. |
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Table 2:
Event categorization criteria of the $ {\mathrm{H} \to 4\ell}$ analysis targeting stage 1.2 STXS production bins. Events from the first step of the categorization are further classified based on the kinematical properties listed in the table. A dash indicates no requirement. |
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Table 3:
Number of expected background and signal events and number of observed candidates after full analysis selection, for each event category, in the mass range 105 $ < {m_{4\ell}} < $ 140 GeV and for an integrated luminosity of 137 fb$^{-1}$. The yields are given for the different production modes. The uncertainties listed are statistical only. Signal is estimated from MC simulation at $ {m_{\mathrm{H}}} = $ 125 GeV, ZZ and rare electroweak backgrounds are also estimated from MC simulation, and Z+X is estimated from data. |
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Table 4:
Best fit values and $ \pm $1 standard deviation uncertainties for the expected and observed signal strength modifiers at $ {m_{\mathrm{H}}} = $ 125.38 GeV. The statistical and systematic uncertainties are given separately. |
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Table 5:
Best fit values and $ \pm $1 standard deviation uncertainties for the measured cross sections $ {(\sigma \mathcal {B})_{{\text {obs}}}}$, the SM predictions $ {(\sigma \mathcal {B})_{\mathrm {SM}}}$, and their ratio for the stage 0 STXS production bins at $ {m_{\mathrm{H}}} = $ 125.38 GeV for $ {\mathrm{H} \to \mathrm{Z} \mathrm{Z}}$ decay. |
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Table 6:
Best fit values and $ \pm $1 standard deviation uncertainties for the measured cross sections $ {(\sigma \mathcal {B})_{{\text {obs}}}}$, the SM predictions $ {(\sigma \mathcal {B})_{\mathrm {SM}}}$, and their ratio for the merged stage 1.2 STXS production bins at $ {m_{\mathrm{H}}} = $ 125.38 GeV for $ {\mathrm{H} \to \mathrm{Z} \mathrm{Z}}$ decay. |
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Table 7:
Summary of requirements used in the definition of the fiducial phase space for the $ {\mathrm{H} \to 4\ell}$ cross section measurements. |
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Table 8:
Summary of the fraction of signal events for different SM signal production modes within the fiducial phase space (acceptance $\mathcal {A}_{\mathrm {fid}}$), reconstruction efficiency ($\epsilon $) for signal events in the fiducial phase space, and ratio of the number of reconstructed events outside the fiducial phase space to that of the reconstructed events in the fiducial phase space ($f_{\mathrm {nonfid}}$). For all production modes the values given are for $ {m_{\mathrm{H}}} = $ 125 GeV. Also shown in the last column is the factor $(1+f_{\mathrm {nonfid}})\epsilon $ which regulates the signal yield for a given fiducial cross section, as shown in Eq. (8). The uncertainties listed are statistical only. The theoretical uncertainty in $\mathcal {A}_{\mathrm {fid}}$ for the SM is less than 1%. |
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Table 9:
The measured inclusive fiducial cross section and $ \pm $1 standard deviation uncertainties for different final states and data-taking periods at $ {m_{\mathrm{H}}} = $ 125.38 GeV. The statistical and systematic uncertainties are given separately for the inclusive measurements. |
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Table 10:
The measured differential fiducial cross section and $ \pm $1 standard deviation uncertainties for the $ {p_{\mathrm {T}}} ^{\mathrm{H}}$ observable at $ {m_{\mathrm{H}}} = $ 125.38 GeV. The breakdown of the total uncertainty (unc.) into statistical and systematic components is given. |
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Table 11:
The measured differential fiducial cross section and $ \pm $1 standard deviation uncertainties for the $ {| y^{\mathrm{H}} |}$ observable at $ {m_{\mathrm{H}}} = $ 125.38 GeV. The breakdown of the total uncertainty (unc.) into statistical and systematic components is given. |
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Table 12:
The measured differential fiducial cross section and $ \pm $1 standard deviation uncertainties for the $N^{\text {j}}$ observable at $ {m_{\mathrm{H}}} = $ 125.38 GeV. The breakdown of the total uncertainty (unc.) into statistical and systematic components is given. |
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Table 13:
The measured differential fiducial cross section and $ \pm $1 standard deviation uncertainties for the $ {p_{\mathrm {T}}} ^\text {j}$ observable at $ {m_{\mathrm{H}}} = $ 125.38 GeV. The breakdown of the total uncertainty (unc.) into statistical and systematic components is given. |
Summary |
Several measurements of the Higgs boson production in the four-lepton final state at $\sqrt{s} = $ 13 TeV have been presented, using data samples corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 137 fb$^{-1}$. Thanks to a large signal-to-background ratio and the complete reconstruction of the final state decay products, this channel enables a detailed study of the Higgs boson production properties. The measured signal strength modifier is $\mu=$ 0.94 $\pm$ 0.07 (stat) $^{+0.07}_{-0.06}${ (theo) $^{+0.06}_{-0.05}$ (exp) and the integrated fiducial cross section is measured to be $\sigma_{\text{fid}}=$ 2.84 $^{+0.23}_{-0.22}$ (stat) $^{+0.26}_{-0.21}$ (syst) fb with a standard model prediction of 2.84 $\pm$ 0.15 fb for the same fiducial region. The signal strength modifiers for the main Higgs boson production modes are also reported. A new set of measurements, designed to quantify the different Higgs boson production processes in specific kinematical regions of phase space, have also been presented. The differential cross sections as a function of the transverse momentum and rapidity of the Higgs boson, the number of associated jets, and the transverse momentum of the leading associated jet are determined. All results are consistent, within their uncertainties, with the expectations for the standard model Higgs boson. |
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Compact Muon Solenoid LHC, CERN |
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