CMS-EXO-21-016 ; CERN-EP-2024-292 | ||
Search for heavy neutral resonances decaying to tau lepton pairs in proton-proton collisions at √s= 13 TeV | ||
CMS Collaboration | ||
5 December 2024 | ||
Submitted to Phys. Rev. D | ||
Abstract: A search for heavy neutral gauge bosons (Z') decaying into a pair of tau leptons is performed in proton-proton collisions at √s= 13 TeV at the CERN LHC. The data were collected with the CMS detector and correspond to an integrated luminosity of 138 fb−1. The observations are found to be in agreement with the expectation from standard model processes. Limits at 95% confidence level are set on the product of the Z' production cross section and its branching fraction to tau lepton pairs for a range of Z' boson masses. For a narrow resonance in the sequential standard model scenario, a Z' boson with a mass below 3.5 TeV is excluded. This is the most stringent limit to date from this type of search. | ||
Links: e-print arXiv:2412.04357 [hep-ex] (PDF) ; CDS record ; inSPIRE record ; HepData record ; CADI line (restricted) ; |
Figures | |
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Figure 1:
Pre-fit reconstructed mass distributions for the (upper row) W+jets, (middle row) t¯t, and (lower row) DY CRs, for the (left column) τμτh, (right column, upper and middle rows) τeτh, and (lower right) τhτh channel. The targeted background in each CR, denoted by its CR name, has been corrected with the derived SF from that CR. The background contributions appear as stacked solid histograms, while the data are shown as black solid markers with error bars. Overflow counts are included in the last bin. The gray shadow band represents the statistical uncertainty in the background prediction based on the number of simulated events and SF uncertainties. The lower panel of each plot shows the ratio of data to predicted background yields. |
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Figure 1-a:
Pre-fit reconstructed mass distributions for the (upper row) W+jets, (middle row) t¯t, and (lower row) DY CRs, for the (left column) τμτh, (right column, upper and middle rows) τeτh, and (lower right) τhτh channel. The targeted background in each CR, denoted by its CR name, has been corrected with the derived SF from that CR. The background contributions appear as stacked solid histograms, while the data are shown as black solid markers with error bars. Overflow counts are included in the last bin. The gray shadow band represents the statistical uncertainty in the background prediction based on the number of simulated events and SF uncertainties. The lower panel of each plot shows the ratio of data to predicted background yields. |
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Figure 1-b:
Pre-fit reconstructed mass distributions for the (upper row) W+jets, (middle row) t¯t, and (lower row) DY CRs, for the (left column) τμτh, (right column, upper and middle rows) τeτh, and (lower right) τhτh channel. The targeted background in each CR, denoted by its CR name, has been corrected with the derived SF from that CR. The background contributions appear as stacked solid histograms, while the data are shown as black solid markers with error bars. Overflow counts are included in the last bin. The gray shadow band represents the statistical uncertainty in the background prediction based on the number of simulated events and SF uncertainties. The lower panel of each plot shows the ratio of data to predicted background yields. |
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Figure 1-c:
Pre-fit reconstructed mass distributions for the (upper row) W+jets, (middle row) t¯t, and (lower row) DY CRs, for the (left column) τμτh, (right column, upper and middle rows) τeτh, and (lower right) τhτh channel. The targeted background in each CR, denoted by its CR name, has been corrected with the derived SF from that CR. The background contributions appear as stacked solid histograms, while the data are shown as black solid markers with error bars. Overflow counts are included in the last bin. The gray shadow band represents the statistical uncertainty in the background prediction based on the number of simulated events and SF uncertainties. The lower panel of each plot shows the ratio of data to predicted background yields. |
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Figure 1-d:
Pre-fit reconstructed mass distributions for the (upper row) W+jets, (middle row) t¯t, and (lower row) DY CRs, for the (left column) τμτh, (right column, upper and middle rows) τeτh, and (lower right) τhτh channel. The targeted background in each CR, denoted by its CR name, has been corrected with the derived SF from that CR. The background contributions appear as stacked solid histograms, while the data are shown as black solid markers with error bars. Overflow counts are included in the last bin. The gray shadow band represents the statistical uncertainty in the background prediction based on the number of simulated events and SF uncertainties. The lower panel of each plot shows the ratio of data to predicted background yields. |
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Figure 1-e:
Pre-fit reconstructed mass distributions for the (upper row) W+jets, (middle row) t¯t, and (lower row) DY CRs, for the (left column) τμτh, (right column, upper and middle rows) τeτh, and (lower right) τhτh channel. The targeted background in each CR, denoted by its CR name, has been corrected with the derived SF from that CR. The background contributions appear as stacked solid histograms, while the data are shown as black solid markers with error bars. Overflow counts are included in the last bin. The gray shadow band represents the statistical uncertainty in the background prediction based on the number of simulated events and SF uncertainties. The lower panel of each plot shows the ratio of data to predicted background yields. |
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Figure 1-f:
Pre-fit reconstructed mass distributions for the (upper row) W+jets, (middle row) t¯t, and (lower row) DY CRs, for the (left column) τμτh, (right column, upper and middle rows) τeτh, and (lower right) τhτh channel. The targeted background in each CR, denoted by its CR name, has been corrected with the derived SF from that CR. The background contributions appear as stacked solid histograms, while the data are shown as black solid markers with error bars. Overflow counts are included in the last bin. The gray shadow band represents the statistical uncertainty in the background prediction based on the number of simulated events and SF uncertainties. The lower panel of each plot shows the ratio of data to predicted background yields. |
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Figure 2:
Post-fit reconstructed mass distributions for the (upper left) τμτh, (upper right) τeτh, and (lower) τhτh channel. The background contributions appear as stacked solid histograms, while the observed data are shown as black solid markers with error bars. Overflow counts are included in the last bin. The gray shadow band represents the statistical plus systematic uncertainty in the post-fit background prediction. The ratio to the pre-fit background prediction is indicated in magenta markers in the ratio. The signal expectation is shown in lines for mZ′ of 500 GeV (red dashed) and 2500 GeV (blue dotted), normalized to 1850 and 0.131 pb, respectively. |
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Figure 2-a:
Post-fit reconstructed mass distributions for the (upper left) τμτh, (upper right) τeτh, and (lower) τhτh channel. The background contributions appear as stacked solid histograms, while the observed data are shown as black solid markers with error bars. Overflow counts are included in the last bin. The gray shadow band represents the statistical plus systematic uncertainty in the post-fit background prediction. The ratio to the pre-fit background prediction is indicated in magenta markers in the ratio. The signal expectation is shown in lines for mZ′ of 500 GeV (red dashed) and 2500 GeV (blue dotted), normalized to 1850 and 0.131 pb, respectively. |
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Figure 2-b:
Post-fit reconstructed mass distributions for the (upper left) τμτh, (upper right) τeτh, and (lower) τhτh channel. The background contributions appear as stacked solid histograms, while the observed data are shown as black solid markers with error bars. Overflow counts are included in the last bin. The gray shadow band represents the statistical plus systematic uncertainty in the post-fit background prediction. The ratio to the pre-fit background prediction is indicated in magenta markers in the ratio. The signal expectation is shown in lines for mZ′ of 500 GeV (red dashed) and 2500 GeV (blue dotted), normalized to 1850 and 0.131 pb, respectively. |
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Figure 2-c:
Post-fit reconstructed mass distributions for the (upper left) τμτh, (upper right) τeτh, and (lower) τhτh channel. The background contributions appear as stacked solid histograms, while the observed data are shown as black solid markers with error bars. Overflow counts are included in the last bin. The gray shadow band represents the statistical plus systematic uncertainty in the post-fit background prediction. The ratio to the pre-fit background prediction is indicated in magenta markers in the ratio. The signal expectation is shown in lines for mZ′ of 500 GeV (red dashed) and 2500 GeV (blue dotted), normalized to 1850 and 0.131 pb, respectively. |
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Figure 3:
Upper limits at 95% CL on σB(Z′→τ+τ−) for the (upper) τμτh, (middle) τeτh, and (lower) τhτh channel. In each plot, the solid black line represents the observed limit, and the black dashed line with green and yellow bands depicts the expected limit with its one- and two-standard deviation uncertainties, respectively. The red dashed, magenta dotted, and blue dash-dotted lines represent the theoretical predictions for B(Z′→τ+τ−) = 1, 3, and 10%, respectively; 3% is the value of B(Z′→τ+τ−) in the SSM. These assume that the B(Z′→τ+τ−) values are fixed for all mZ′. |
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Figure 3-a:
Upper limits at 95% CL on σB(Z′→τ+τ−) for the (upper) τμτh, (middle) τeτh, and (lower) τhτh channel. In each plot, the solid black line represents the observed limit, and the black dashed line with green and yellow bands depicts the expected limit with its one- and two-standard deviation uncertainties, respectively. The red dashed, magenta dotted, and blue dash-dotted lines represent the theoretical predictions for B(Z′→τ+τ−) = 1, 3, and 10%, respectively; 3% is the value of B(Z′→τ+τ−) in the SSM. These assume that the B(Z′→τ+τ−) values are fixed for all mZ′. |
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Figure 3-b:
Upper limits at 95% CL on σB(Z′→τ+τ−) for the (upper) τμτh, (middle) τeτh, and (lower) τhτh channel. In each plot, the solid black line represents the observed limit, and the black dashed line with green and yellow bands depicts the expected limit with its one- and two-standard deviation uncertainties, respectively. The red dashed, magenta dotted, and blue dash-dotted lines represent the theoretical predictions for B(Z′→τ+τ−) = 1, 3, and 10%, respectively; 3% is the value of B(Z′→τ+τ−) in the SSM. These assume that the B(Z′→τ+τ−) values are fixed for all mZ′. |
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Figure 3-c:
Upper limits at 95% CL on σB(Z′→τ+τ−) for the (upper) τμτh, (middle) τeτh, and (lower) τhτh channel. In each plot, the solid black line represents the observed limit, and the black dashed line with green and yellow bands depicts the expected limit with its one- and two-standard deviation uncertainties, respectively. The red dashed, magenta dotted, and blue dash-dotted lines represent the theoretical predictions for B(Z′→τ+τ−) = 1, 3, and 10%, respectively; 3% is the value of B(Z′→τ+τ−) in the SSM. These assume that the B(Z′→τ+τ−) values are fixed for all mZ′. |
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Figure 4:
Upper limits at 95% CL on σB(Z′→τ+τ−) for the combination of all channels. The solid black line represents the observed limit, and the black dashed line with green and yellow bands depicts the expected limit with its one- and two-standard deviation uncertainties, respectively. The red dashed, magenta dotted, and blue dash-dotted lines represent the theoretical predictions for B(Z′→τ+τ−) = 1, 3, and 10%, respectively; 3% is the value of B(Z′→τ+τ−) in the SSM. These assume that the B(Z′→τ+τ−) values are fixed for all mZ′. |
Tables | |
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Table 1:
Pre-fit estimated background and observed event yields for the three channels in the SR. For each SM process the yield in events is shown, along with the percentile contribution to the total. The background SFs derived from the dedicated CRs are used to determine the listed background yields. The uncertainty associated with the event yields is statistical. The uncertainty in the background contributions adjusted by the SFs includes the uncertainty in the corresponding SF. |
Summary |
A search has been performed in proton-proton collisions at √s= 13 TeV for the production via quark-antiquark annihilation of a heavy neutral gauge boson Z' decaying to τ+τ−. The data were recorded at the LHC during 2016--2018, and correspond to an integrated luminosity of 138 fb−1. As the tau lepton can decay hadronically (τh) or leptonically (τℓ), with \ell representing a muon or electron, the analysis includes the three decay channels with the highest τ lepton branching fraction products: Z′→τ±μτ∓h, Z′→τ±eτ∓h, and Z′→τ+hτ−h. An estimator mrec(Z′) is constructed to approximate the Z' boson mass mZ′ in the presence of undetected neutrino daughters from the τ lepton decays. The main background processes are estimated using Monte Carlo simulation adjusted by scale factors derived from data. The observed yields are found to be consistent with the background prediction. A shape-based analysis is performed using the mrec(Z′) distribution as the fit discriminant to determine the likelihood for the observed data in the presence of a signal and the predicted background contributions. The upper limit on the product of the Z' boson production cross section and decay branching fraction is set at 95% confidence level as a function of mZ′. In the scenario considered in this analysis, the data excludes a Z' boson with mZ′ less than 3.0, 3.5, or 4.1 TeV for a branching fraction of 1, 3, or 10%, respectively. These exclusion limits are the most stringent to date for a Z' boson decaying to τ+τ−. |
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Compact Muon Solenoid LHC, CERN |
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