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CMS-B2G-23-008 ; CERN-EP-2024-214
Search for a heavy resonance decaying into a Z and a Higgs boson in events with an energetic jet and two electrons, two muons, or missing transverse momentum in proton-proton collisions at s= 13 TeV
Accepted for publication in J. High Energy Phys.
Abstract: A search is presented for a heavy resonance decaying into a Z boson and a Higgs (H) boson. The analysis is based on data from proton-proton collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of 13 TeV corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 138 fb1, recorded with the CMS experiment in the years 2016-2018. Resonance masses between 1.4 and 5 TeV are considered, resulting in large transverse momenta of the Z and H bosons. Final states that result from Z boson decays to pairs of electrons, muons, or neutrinos are considered. The H boson is reconstructed as a single large-radius jet, recoiling against the Z boson. Machine-learning flavour-tagging techniques are employed to identify decays of a Lorentz-boosted H boson into pairs of charm or bottom quarks, or into four quarks via the intermediate HWW and ZZ decays. The analysis targets H boson decays that were not generally included in previous searches using the Hb¯b channel. Compared with previous analyses, the sensitivity for high resonance masses is improved significantly in the channel where at most one b quark is tagged.
Figures & Tables Summary References CMS Publications

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Figure 1:
Distributions in mrecZ for the dielectron (upper left), dimuon (upper right), and in mTZ for the neutrino (lower) channels, after the kinematic selections. The data are compared with simulation. The ratios of the data to the total SM background are shown in the lower panels, where the statistical and total uncertainties are displayed as grey regions. The signal distributions are shown for an arbitrary cross section of 1 pb.

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Figure 1-a:
Distributions in mrecZ for the dielectron (upper left), dimuon (upper right), and in mTZ for the neutrino (lower) channels, after the kinematic selections. The data are compared with simulation. The ratios of the data to the total SM background are shown in the lower panels, where the statistical and total uncertainties are displayed as grey regions. The signal distributions are shown for an arbitrary cross section of 1 pb.

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Figure 1-b:
Distributions in mrecZ for the dielectron (upper left), dimuon (upper right), and in mTZ for the neutrino (lower) channels, after the kinematic selections. The data are compared with simulation. The ratios of the data to the total SM background are shown in the lower panels, where the statistical and total uncertainties are displayed as grey regions. The signal distributions are shown for an arbitrary cross section of 1 pb.

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Figure 1-c:
Distributions in mrecZ for the dielectron (upper left), dimuon (upper right), and in mTZ for the neutrino (lower) channels, after the kinematic selections. The data are compared with simulation. The ratios of the data to the total SM background are shown in the lower panels, where the statistical and total uncertainties are displayed as grey regions. The signal distributions are shown for an arbitrary cross section of 1 pb.

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Figure 2:
The product of signal acceptance and efficiency for signal events as a function of mZ for the charged-lepton and neutrino channels in the SR. The efficiency is calculated with respect to Z boson decays to charged leptons and neutrinos for the charged-lepton and neutrino channels, respectively. For comparison, the results from the 1b category of the previous CMS search in the ZH channel [16] are shown as dashed lines.

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Figure 3:
Fits of the background functions to the mZ and mTZ distributions in data in the VRs (left) and simulation in the SRs (right) for the electron (upper), muon (middle), and neutrino (lower) channels. The number of events in each bin is divided by the bin width. The fit range excludes the kinematic turn-on, created by the selection criteria. In the panels below the distributions, the ratios of data to the background functions are displayed. The ratios to the functions f1, f2, and f3, are shown by red, green, and blue points, respectively. The shaded colored areas represent the statistical uncertainty from the fit. The χ2 values per number of degrees of freedom (χ2/n.d.f.) and the corresponding p-values are provided for each fit.

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Figure 3-a:
Fits of the background functions to the mZ and mTZ distributions in data in the VRs (left) and simulation in the SRs (right) for the electron (upper), muon (middle), and neutrino (lower) channels. The number of events in each bin is divided by the bin width. The fit range excludes the kinematic turn-on, created by the selection criteria. In the panels below the distributions, the ratios of data to the background functions are displayed. The ratios to the functions f1, f2, and f3, are shown by red, green, and blue points, respectively. The shaded colored areas represent the statistical uncertainty from the fit. The χ2 values per number of degrees of freedom (χ2/n.d.f.) and the corresponding p-values are provided for each fit.

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Figure 3-b:
Fits of the background functions to the mZ and mTZ distributions in data in the VRs (left) and simulation in the SRs (right) for the electron (upper), muon (middle), and neutrino (lower) channels. The number of events in each bin is divided by the bin width. The fit range excludes the kinematic turn-on, created by the selection criteria. In the panels below the distributions, the ratios of data to the background functions are displayed. The ratios to the functions f1, f2, and f3, are shown by red, green, and blue points, respectively. The shaded colored areas represent the statistical uncertainty from the fit. The χ2 values per number of degrees of freedom (χ2/n.d.f.) and the corresponding p-values are provided for each fit.

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Figure 3-c:
Fits of the background functions to the mZ and mTZ distributions in data in the VRs (left) and simulation in the SRs (right) for the electron (upper), muon (middle), and neutrino (lower) channels. The number of events in each bin is divided by the bin width. The fit range excludes the kinematic turn-on, created by the selection criteria. In the panels below the distributions, the ratios of data to the background functions are displayed. The ratios to the functions f1, f2, and f3, are shown by red, green, and blue points, respectively. The shaded colored areas represent the statistical uncertainty from the fit. The χ2 values per number of degrees of freedom (χ2/n.d.f.) and the corresponding p-values are provided for each fit.

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Figure 3-d:
Fits of the background functions to the mZ and mTZ distributions in data in the VRs (left) and simulation in the SRs (right) for the electron (upper), muon (middle), and neutrino (lower) channels. The number of events in each bin is divided by the bin width. The fit range excludes the kinematic turn-on, created by the selection criteria. In the panels below the distributions, the ratios of data to the background functions are displayed. The ratios to the functions f1, f2, and f3, are shown by red, green, and blue points, respectively. The shaded colored areas represent the statistical uncertainty from the fit. The χ2 values per number of degrees of freedom (χ2/n.d.f.) and the corresponding p-values are provided for each fit.

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Figure 3-e:
Fits of the background functions to the mZ and mTZ distributions in data in the VRs (left) and simulation in the SRs (right) for the electron (upper), muon (middle), and neutrino (lower) channels. The number of events in each bin is divided by the bin width. The fit range excludes the kinematic turn-on, created by the selection criteria. In the panels below the distributions, the ratios of data to the background functions are displayed. The ratios to the functions f1, f2, and f3, are shown by red, green, and blue points, respectively. The shaded colored areas represent the statistical uncertainty from the fit. The χ2 values per number of degrees of freedom (χ2/n.d.f.) and the corresponding p-values are provided for each fit.

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Figure 3-f:
Fits of the background functions to the mZ and mTZ distributions in data in the VRs (left) and simulation in the SRs (right) for the electron (upper), muon (middle), and neutrino (lower) channels. The number of events in each bin is divided by the bin width. The fit range excludes the kinematic turn-on, created by the selection criteria. In the panels below the distributions, the ratios of data to the background functions are displayed. The ratios to the functions f1, f2, and f3, are shown by red, green, and blue points, respectively. The shaded colored areas represent the statistical uncertainty from the fit. The χ2 values per number of degrees of freedom (χ2/n.d.f.) and the corresponding p-values are provided for each fit.

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Figure 4:
Distributions in mrecZ and mTZ for data in the SRs, together with fits of the background functions under the background-only hypothesis for the electron (upper left), muon (upper right), and neutrino (lower) channels. The signal predictions are shown for different Z boson masses, normalized to an arbitrary cross section of 1 fb. In the panels below the distributions, the ratios of data to the background function are displayed. The shaded green areas represent the statistical uncertainty from the fit. The χ2 values per number of degrees of freedom (χ2/n.d.f.) and the corresponding p-values are provided for each fit.

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Figure 4-a:
Distributions in mrecZ and mTZ for data in the SRs, together with fits of the background functions under the background-only hypothesis for the electron (upper left), muon (upper right), and neutrino (lower) channels. The signal predictions are shown for different Z boson masses, normalized to an arbitrary cross section of 1 fb. In the panels below the distributions, the ratios of data to the background function are displayed. The shaded green areas represent the statistical uncertainty from the fit. The χ2 values per number of degrees of freedom (χ2/n.d.f.) and the corresponding p-values are provided for each fit.

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Figure 4-b:
Distributions in mrecZ and mTZ for data in the SRs, together with fits of the background functions under the background-only hypothesis for the electron (upper left), muon (upper right), and neutrino (lower) channels. The signal predictions are shown for different Z boson masses, normalized to an arbitrary cross section of 1 fb. In the panels below the distributions, the ratios of data to the background function are displayed. The shaded green areas represent the statistical uncertainty from the fit. The χ2 values per number of degrees of freedom (χ2/n.d.f.) and the corresponding p-values are provided for each fit.

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Figure 4-c:
Distributions in mrecZ and mTZ for data in the SRs, together with fits of the background functions under the background-only hypothesis for the electron (upper left), muon (upper right), and neutrino (lower) channels. The signal predictions are shown for different Z boson masses, normalized to an arbitrary cross section of 1 fb. In the panels below the distributions, the ratios of data to the background function are displayed. The shaded green areas represent the statistical uncertainty from the fit. The χ2 values per number of degrees of freedom (χ2/n.d.f.) and the corresponding p-values are provided for each fit.

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Figure 5:
Expected upper limits at 95% CL on the product of the production cross section σ(ppZ) and branching fraction B(ZZH) as functions of the Z boson mass. The lines correspond to the three different final states and their combinations.

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Figure 6:
Expected and observed upper limits at 95% CL on the product of the production cross section σ(ppZ) and branching fraction B(ZZH) as functions of the Z boson mass from the combination of all final states. The limits are compared with the predictions of the HVT model and the expected limits (shown by red curves) from a previous analysis [16].

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Figure 7:
Observed upper limits at 95% CL on gF for different Z boson masses as functions of the product of gH with the sign of gF. The two benchmark scenarios of the HVT model are shown by the black markers.

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Table 1:
Sources of signal systematic uncertainties considered in this analysis, and their effect on the signal normalization. The uncertainty ranges correspond to different signal masses. These uncertainties are subleading compared with those in the background predictions.
A search has been presented for the production of a heavy resonance with mass in the range of 1.4-5 TeV that decays into a Z and a Higgs (H) boson. The analysis is performed using data recorded with the CMS detector at a centre-of-mass energy of 13 TeV, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 138 fb1. Exclusion limits at 95% confidence level are set on both the mass of a heavy resonance and the couplings to fermions and bosons in the heavy vector triplet model. Resonances with masses below 3 TeV are excluded. The analysis focuses on Z boson decays into a pair of electrons, muons, or neutrinos, and the hadronic decays of the H boson reconstructed as a single large-radius jet. A novel approach analyzing the flavour content and substructure of the H boson jet is deployed to improve the sensitivity for high resonance masses. This analysis employs state-of-the-art algorithms to identify hadronic H boson decays. The use of these advanced taggers significantly improves the signal-to-background ratio for H boson jets with less than two b-tagged subjets. The signal H boson jets comprise about 60, 20, and 15% Hb¯b, q¯qq¯q, and c¯c decays, respectively, where the Hb¯b decays correspond to jets that are rejected by a selection based on two b-tagged subjets and are recovered by this analysis. A significantly improved sensitivity for high resonance masses in the ZH channel is provided by the new techniques employed by this analysis.
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Compact Muon Solenoid