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Performance of heavy-flavour jet identification in boosted topologies in proton-proton collisions at $ \sqrt{s} = $ 13 TeV
Abstract: Physics measurements in the highly Lorentz-boosted regime, including the search for the Higgs boson or beyond standard model particles, are a critical part of the LHC physics program. In the CMS Collaboration, various boosted-jet tagging algorithms, designed to identify hadronic jets originating from a massive particle decaying to $ \mathrm{b\overline{b}} $ or $ \mathrm{c\overline{c}} $, have been developed and deployed in a variety of analyses. This note highlights their performance on simulated events, and summarises the novel calibration methods of these algorithms with 2016-2018 data collected in proton-proton collisions at $ \sqrt{s} = $ 13 TeV. Three distinct control regions are studied, selected via machine learning techniques or the presence of reconstructed muons from $ \mathrm{g\to b\overline{b}} $ ($ \mathrm{c\overline{c}} $) decays, as well as regions selected from Z boson decays. The calibration results, derived through a combination of measurements in these three regions, are presented.
Figures & Tables Summary References CMS Publications

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Figure 1:
The normalised distributions of the ParticleNet-MD bbvsQCD (left) and ParticleNet-MD ccvsQCD (right) discriminants on the simulated signal $ \mathrm{X} \rightarrow \mathrm{b} \overline{\mathrm{b}} $ and $ \mathrm{X} \rightarrow \mathrm{c} \overline{\mathrm{c}} $ jets, the bb and cc components of QCD multijet background jets, and inclusive QCD jets, using simulated events in the 2018 data-taking conditions.

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Figure 1-a:
The normalised distributions of the ParticleNet-MD bbvsQCD (left) and ParticleNet-MD ccvsQCD (right) discriminants on the simulated signal $ \mathrm{X} \rightarrow \mathrm{b} \overline{\mathrm{b}} $ and $ \mathrm{X} \rightarrow \mathrm{c} \overline{\mathrm{c}} $ jets, the bb and cc components of QCD multijet background jets, and inclusive QCD jets, using simulated events in the 2018 data-taking conditions.

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Figure 1-b:
The normalised distributions of the ParticleNet-MD bbvsQCD (left) and ParticleNet-MD ccvsQCD (right) discriminants on the simulated signal $ \mathrm{X} \rightarrow \mathrm{b} \overline{\mathrm{b}} $ and $ \mathrm{X} \rightarrow \mathrm{c} \overline{\mathrm{c}} $ jets, the bb and cc components of QCD multijet background jets, and inclusive QCD jets, using simulated events in the 2018 data-taking conditions.

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Figure 2:
The normalised distributions of the DeepDoubleBvL (left) and DeepDoubleCvL (right) discriminants on the simulated signal $ \mathrm{X} \rightarrow \mathrm{b} \overline{\mathrm{b}} $ and $ \mathrm{X} \rightarrow \mathrm{c} \overline{\mathrm{c}} $ jets, the bb and cc components of QCD multijet background jets, and inclusive QCD jets, using simulated events in the 2018 data-taking conditions.

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Figure 2-a:
The normalised distributions of the DeepDoubleBvL (left) and DeepDoubleCvL (right) discriminants on the simulated signal $ \mathrm{X} \rightarrow \mathrm{b} \overline{\mathrm{b}} $ and $ \mathrm{X} \rightarrow \mathrm{c} \overline{\mathrm{c}} $ jets, the bb and cc components of QCD multijet background jets, and inclusive QCD jets, using simulated events in the 2018 data-taking conditions.

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Figure 2-b:
The normalised distributions of the DeepDoubleBvL (left) and DeepDoubleCvL (right) discriminants on the simulated signal $ \mathrm{X} \rightarrow \mathrm{b} \overline{\mathrm{b}} $ and $ \mathrm{X} \rightarrow \mathrm{c} \overline{\mathrm{c}} $ jets, the bb and cc components of QCD multijet background jets, and inclusive QCD jets, using simulated events in the 2018 data-taking conditions.

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Figure 3:
The normalised distributions of the DeepAK8-MD bbvsQCD (left) and DeepAK8-MD ccvsQCD (right) discriminants on the simulated signal $ \mathrm{X} \rightarrow \mathrm{b} \overline{\mathrm{b}} $ and $ \mathrm{X} \rightarrow \mathrm{c} \overline{\mathrm{c}} $ jets, the bb and cc components of QCD multijet background jets, and inclusive QCD jets, using simulated events in the 2018 data-taking conditions.

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Figure 3-a:
The normalised distributions of the DeepAK8-MD bbvsQCD (left) and DeepAK8-MD ccvsQCD (right) discriminants on the simulated signal $ \mathrm{X} \rightarrow \mathrm{b} \overline{\mathrm{b}} $ and $ \mathrm{X} \rightarrow \mathrm{c} \overline{\mathrm{c}} $ jets, the bb and cc components of QCD multijet background jets, and inclusive QCD jets, using simulated events in the 2018 data-taking conditions.

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Figure 3-b:
The normalised distributions of the DeepAK8-MD bbvsQCD (left) and DeepAK8-MD ccvsQCD (right) discriminants on the simulated signal $ \mathrm{X} \rightarrow \mathrm{b} \overline{\mathrm{b}} $ and $ \mathrm{X} \rightarrow \mathrm{c} \overline{\mathrm{c}} $ jets, the bb and cc components of QCD multijet background jets, and inclusive QCD jets, using simulated events in the 2018 data-taking conditions.

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Figure 4:
The normalised distributions of the double-b discriminant on the simulated signal $ \mathrm{X} \rightarrow \mathrm{b} \overline{\mathrm{b}} $ and $ \mathrm{X} \rightarrow \mathrm{c} \overline{\mathrm{c}} $ jets, the bb and cc components of QCD multijet background jets, and inclusive QCD jets, using simulated events in the 2018 data-taking conditions.

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Figure 5:
Comparison of the performance of the $ \mathrm{X} \rightarrow \mathrm{b} \overline{\mathrm{b}} $ identification algorithms in terms of receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves for $ \mathrm{H} \rightarrow \mathrm{b} \overline{\mathrm{b}} $ signal jets versus the inclusive QCD jets as background, using simulated events in the 2018 data-taking conditions. Performance is shown in the 450 $ < p_{\mathrm{T}} < $ 600 GeV (left) and $ p_{\mathrm{T}} > $ 600 GeV (right) regions. Additional selection criteria applied to the jets are displayed on the plots.

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Figure 5-a:
Comparison of the performance of the $ \mathrm{X} \rightarrow \mathrm{b} \overline{\mathrm{b}} $ identification algorithms in terms of receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves for $ \mathrm{H} \rightarrow \mathrm{b} \overline{\mathrm{b}} $ signal jets versus the inclusive QCD jets as background, using simulated events in the 2018 data-taking conditions. Performance is shown in the 450 $ < p_{\mathrm{T}} < $ 600 GeV (left) and $ p_{\mathrm{T}} > $ 600 GeV (right) regions. Additional selection criteria applied to the jets are displayed on the plots.

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Figure 5-b:
Comparison of the performance of the $ \mathrm{X} \rightarrow \mathrm{b} \overline{\mathrm{b}} $ identification algorithms in terms of receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves for $ \mathrm{H} \rightarrow \mathrm{b} \overline{\mathrm{b}} $ signal jets versus the inclusive QCD jets as background, using simulated events in the 2018 data-taking conditions. Performance is shown in the 450 $ < p_{\mathrm{T}} < $ 600 GeV (left) and $ p_{\mathrm{T}} > $ 600 GeV (right) regions. Additional selection criteria applied to the jets are displayed on the plots.

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Figure 6:
Comparison of the performance of the $ \mathrm{X} \rightarrow \mathrm{c} \overline{\mathrm{c}} $ identification algorithms in terms of receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves for $ \mathrm{H} \rightarrow \mathrm{c} \overline{\mathrm{c}} $ signal jets versus the inclusive QCD jets as background, using simulated events in the 2018 data-taking conditions. Performance is shown in the 450 $ < p_{\mathrm{T}} < $ 600 GeV (left) and $ p_{\mathrm{T}} > $ 600 GeV (right) regions. Additional selection criteria applied to the jets are displayed on the plots.

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Figure 6-a:
Comparison of the performance of the $ \mathrm{X} \rightarrow \mathrm{c} \overline{\mathrm{c}} $ identification algorithms in terms of receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves for $ \mathrm{H} \rightarrow \mathrm{c} \overline{\mathrm{c}} $ signal jets versus the inclusive QCD jets as background, using simulated events in the 2018 data-taking conditions. Performance is shown in the 450 $ < p_{\mathrm{T}} < $ 600 GeV (left) and $ p_{\mathrm{T}} > $ 600 GeV (right) regions. Additional selection criteria applied to the jets are displayed on the plots.

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Figure 6-b:
Comparison of the performance of the $ \mathrm{X} \rightarrow \mathrm{c} \overline{\mathrm{c}} $ identification algorithms in terms of receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves for $ \mathrm{H} \rightarrow \mathrm{c} \overline{\mathrm{c}} $ signal jets versus the inclusive QCD jets as background, using simulated events in the 2018 data-taking conditions. Performance is shown in the 450 $ < p_{\mathrm{T}} < $ 600 GeV (left) and $ p_{\mathrm{T}} > $ 600 GeV (right) regions. Additional selection criteria applied to the jets are displayed on the plots.

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Figure 7:
Comparison of the performance of the $ \mathrm{X} \rightarrow \mathrm{b} \overline{\mathrm{b}} $ identification algorithms in terms of receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves for $ \mathrm{H} \rightarrow \mathrm{b} \overline{\mathrm{b}} $ signal jets versus the bb component of the QCD jets as background, using simulated events in the 2018 data-taking conditions. Performance is shown in the 450 $ < p_{\mathrm{T}} < $ 600 GeV (left) and $ p_{\mathrm{T}} > $ 600 GeV (right) regions. Additional selection criteria applied to the jets are displayed on the plots.

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Figure 7-a:
Comparison of the performance of the $ \mathrm{X} \rightarrow \mathrm{b} \overline{\mathrm{b}} $ identification algorithms in terms of receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves for $ \mathrm{H} \rightarrow \mathrm{b} \overline{\mathrm{b}} $ signal jets versus the bb component of the QCD jets as background, using simulated events in the 2018 data-taking conditions. Performance is shown in the 450 $ < p_{\mathrm{T}} < $ 600 GeV (left) and $ p_{\mathrm{T}} > $ 600 GeV (right) regions. Additional selection criteria applied to the jets are displayed on the plots.

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Figure 7-b:
Comparison of the performance of the $ \mathrm{X} \rightarrow \mathrm{b} \overline{\mathrm{b}} $ identification algorithms in terms of receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves for $ \mathrm{H} \rightarrow \mathrm{b} \overline{\mathrm{b}} $ signal jets versus the bb component of the QCD jets as background, using simulated events in the 2018 data-taking conditions. Performance is shown in the 450 $ < p_{\mathrm{T}} < $ 600 GeV (left) and $ p_{\mathrm{T}} > $ 600 GeV (right) regions. Additional selection criteria applied to the jets are displayed on the plots.

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Figure 8:
Comparison of the performance of the $ \mathrm{X} \rightarrow \mathrm{c} \overline{\mathrm{c}} $ identification algorithms in terms of receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves for $ \mathrm{H} \rightarrow \mathrm{c} \overline{\mathrm{c}} $ signal jets versus the cc component of the QCD jets as background, using simulated events in the 2018 data-taking conditions. Performance is shown in the 450 $ < p_{\mathrm{T}} < $ 600 GeV (left) and $ p_{\mathrm{T}} > $ 600 GeV (right) regions. Additional selection criteria applied to the jets are displayed on the plots.

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Figure 8-a:
Comparison of the performance of the $ \mathrm{X} \rightarrow \mathrm{c} \overline{\mathrm{c}} $ identification algorithms in terms of receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves for $ \mathrm{H} \rightarrow \mathrm{c} \overline{\mathrm{c}} $ signal jets versus the cc component of the QCD jets as background, using simulated events in the 2018 data-taking conditions. Performance is shown in the 450 $ < p_{\mathrm{T}} < $ 600 GeV (left) and $ p_{\mathrm{T}} > $ 600 GeV (right) regions. Additional selection criteria applied to the jets are displayed on the plots.

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Figure 8-b:
Comparison of the performance of the $ \mathrm{X} \rightarrow \mathrm{c} \overline{\mathrm{c}} $ identification algorithms in terms of receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves for $ \mathrm{H} \rightarrow \mathrm{c} \overline{\mathrm{c}} $ signal jets versus the cc component of the QCD jets as background, using simulated events in the 2018 data-taking conditions. Performance is shown in the 450 $ < p_{\mathrm{T}} < $ 600 GeV (left) and $ p_{\mathrm{T}} > $ 600 GeV (right) regions. Additional selection criteria applied to the jets are displayed on the plots.

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Figure 9:
The sfBDT selection curves on the 2D plane of the sfBDT score and the transformed tagger discriminant scores, derived for the calibration of the ParticleNet-MD $ \mathrm{X} \rightarrow \mathrm{b} \overline{\mathrm{b}} $ (left) and ParticleNet-MD $ \mathrm{X} \rightarrow \mathrm{c} \overline{\mathrm{c}} $ (right) discriminants, using simulated events in the 2018 data-taking conditions with jet $ p_{\mathrm{T}} $ range of (400, 500) GeV.

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Figure 9-a:
The sfBDT selection curves on the 2D plane of the sfBDT score and the transformed tagger discriminant scores, derived for the calibration of the ParticleNet-MD $ \mathrm{X} \rightarrow \mathrm{b} \overline{\mathrm{b}} $ (left) and ParticleNet-MD $ \mathrm{X} \rightarrow \mathrm{c} \overline{\mathrm{c}} $ (right) discriminants, using simulated events in the 2018 data-taking conditions with jet $ p_{\mathrm{T}} $ range of (400, 500) GeV.

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Figure 9-b:
The sfBDT selection curves on the 2D plane of the sfBDT score and the transformed tagger discriminant scores, derived for the calibration of the ParticleNet-MD $ \mathrm{X} \rightarrow \mathrm{b} \overline{\mathrm{b}} $ (left) and ParticleNet-MD $ \mathrm{X} \rightarrow \mathrm{c} \overline{\mathrm{c}} $ (right) discriminants, using simulated events in the 2018 data-taking conditions with jet $ p_{\mathrm{T}} $ range of (400, 500) GeV.

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Figure 10:
An example of the transformed ParticleNet-MD $ \mathrm{X} \rightarrow \mathrm{b} \overline{\mathrm{b}} $ (left) and $ \mathrm{X} \rightarrow \mathrm{c} \overline{\mathrm{c}} $ (right) distribution in data and simulated events, passing the preselection and the central sfBDT selection in the sfBDT method. The transformed score $ X_0 $ is defined such that a selection of $ X > X_0 $ corresponds to the $ \mathrm{H} \rightarrow \mathrm{b} \overline{\mathrm{b}} $ or $ \mathrm{H} \rightarrow \mathrm{c} \overline{\mathrm{c}} $ signal jet selection efficiency of 1 $ -X_0 $. The working points of high purity, medium purity, and low purity for the left (right) plot indicate a selection on $ X > $ 0.6, 0.4, 0.2 (0.85, 0.7, 0.5). The distribution is based on data and simulated events in the 2018 data-taking conditions, in the jet $ p_{\mathrm{T}} $ range of (400, 500) GeV.

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Figure 10-a:
An example of the transformed ParticleNet-MD $ \mathrm{X} \rightarrow \mathrm{b} \overline{\mathrm{b}} $ (left) and $ \mathrm{X} \rightarrow \mathrm{c} \overline{\mathrm{c}} $ (right) distribution in data and simulated events, passing the preselection and the central sfBDT selection in the sfBDT method. The transformed score $ X_0 $ is defined such that a selection of $ X > X_0 $ corresponds to the $ \mathrm{H} \rightarrow \mathrm{b} \overline{\mathrm{b}} $ or $ \mathrm{H} \rightarrow \mathrm{c} \overline{\mathrm{c}} $ signal jet selection efficiency of 1 $ -X_0 $. The working points of high purity, medium purity, and low purity for the left (right) plot indicate a selection on $ X > $ 0.6, 0.4, 0.2 (0.85, 0.7, 0.5). The distribution is based on data and simulated events in the 2018 data-taking conditions, in the jet $ p_{\mathrm{T}} $ range of (400, 500) GeV.

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Figure 10-b:
An example of the transformed ParticleNet-MD $ \mathrm{X} \rightarrow \mathrm{b} \overline{\mathrm{b}} $ (left) and $ \mathrm{X} \rightarrow \mathrm{c} \overline{\mathrm{c}} $ (right) distribution in data and simulated events, passing the preselection and the central sfBDT selection in the sfBDT method. The transformed score $ X_0 $ is defined such that a selection of $ X > X_0 $ corresponds to the $ \mathrm{H} \rightarrow \mathrm{b} \overline{\mathrm{b}} $ or $ \mathrm{H} \rightarrow \mathrm{c} \overline{\mathrm{c}} $ signal jet selection efficiency of 1 $ -X_0 $. The working points of high purity, medium purity, and low purity for the left (right) plot indicate a selection on $ X > $ 0.6, 0.4, 0.2 (0.85, 0.7, 0.5). The distribution is based on data and simulated events in the 2018 data-taking conditions, in the jet $ p_{\mathrm{T}} $ range of (400, 500) GeV.

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Figure 11:
An example of the transformed DeepDoubleX $ \mathrm{X} \rightarrow \mathrm{b} \overline{\mathrm{b}} $ (left) and $ \mathrm{X} \rightarrow \mathrm{c} \overline{\mathrm{c}} $ (right) distribution in data and simulated events, passing the preselection and the central sfBDT selection in the sfBDT method. The transformed score $ X_0 $ is defined such that a selection of $ X > X_0 $ corresponds to the $ \mathrm{H} \rightarrow \mathrm{b} \overline{\mathrm{b}} $ or $ \mathrm{H} \rightarrow \mathrm{c} \overline{\mathrm{c}} $ signal jet selection efficiency of 1 $ -X_0 $. The working points of high purity, medium purity, and low purity for the left (right) plot indicate a selection on $ X > $ 0.6, 0.4, 0.2 (0.85, 0.7, 0.5). The distribution is based on data and simulated events in the 2018 data-taking conditions, in the jet $ p_{\mathrm{T}} $ range of (400, 500) GeV.

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Figure 11-a:
An example of the transformed DeepDoubleX $ \mathrm{X} \rightarrow \mathrm{b} \overline{\mathrm{b}} $ (left) and $ \mathrm{X} \rightarrow \mathrm{c} \overline{\mathrm{c}} $ (right) distribution in data and simulated events, passing the preselection and the central sfBDT selection in the sfBDT method. The transformed score $ X_0 $ is defined such that a selection of $ X > X_0 $ corresponds to the $ \mathrm{H} \rightarrow \mathrm{b} \overline{\mathrm{b}} $ or $ \mathrm{H} \rightarrow \mathrm{c} \overline{\mathrm{c}} $ signal jet selection efficiency of 1 $ -X_0 $. The working points of high purity, medium purity, and low purity for the left (right) plot indicate a selection on $ X > $ 0.6, 0.4, 0.2 (0.85, 0.7, 0.5). The distribution is based on data and simulated events in the 2018 data-taking conditions, in the jet $ p_{\mathrm{T}} $ range of (400, 500) GeV.

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Figure 11-b:
An example of the transformed DeepDoubleX $ \mathrm{X} \rightarrow \mathrm{b} \overline{\mathrm{b}} $ (left) and $ \mathrm{X} \rightarrow \mathrm{c} \overline{\mathrm{c}} $ (right) distribution in data and simulated events, passing the preselection and the central sfBDT selection in the sfBDT method. The transformed score $ X_0 $ is defined such that a selection of $ X > X_0 $ corresponds to the $ \mathrm{H} \rightarrow \mathrm{b} \overline{\mathrm{b}} $ or $ \mathrm{H} \rightarrow \mathrm{c} \overline{\mathrm{c}} $ signal jet selection efficiency of 1 $ -X_0 $. The working points of high purity, medium purity, and low purity for the left (right) plot indicate a selection on $ X > $ 0.6, 0.4, 0.2 (0.85, 0.7, 0.5). The distribution is based on data and simulated events in the 2018 data-taking conditions, in the jet $ p_{\mathrm{T}} $ range of (400, 500) GeV.

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Figure 12:
An example of the transformed DeepAK8-MD $ \mathrm{X} \rightarrow \mathrm{b} \overline{\mathrm{b}} $ (left) and $ \mathrm{X} \rightarrow \mathrm{c} \overline{\mathrm{c}} $ (right) distribution in data and simulated events, passing the preselection and the central sfBDT selection in the sfBDT method. The transformed score $ X_0 $ is defined such that a selection of $ X > X_0 $ corresponds to the $ \mathrm{H} \rightarrow \mathrm{b} \overline{\mathrm{b}} $ or $ \mathrm{H} \rightarrow \mathrm{c} \overline{\mathrm{c}} $ signal jet selection efficiency of 1 $ -X_0 $. The working points of high purity, medium purity, and low purity for the left (right) plot indicate a selection on $ X > $ 0.6, 0.4, 0.2 (0.85, 0.7, 0.5). The distribution is based on data and simulated events in the 2018 data-taking conditions, in the jet $ p_{\mathrm{T}} $ range of (400, 500) GeV.

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Figure 12-a:
An example of the transformed DeepAK8-MD $ \mathrm{X} \rightarrow \mathrm{b} \overline{\mathrm{b}} $ (left) and $ \mathrm{X} \rightarrow \mathrm{c} \overline{\mathrm{c}} $ (right) distribution in data and simulated events, passing the preselection and the central sfBDT selection in the sfBDT method. The transformed score $ X_0 $ is defined such that a selection of $ X > X_0 $ corresponds to the $ \mathrm{H} \rightarrow \mathrm{b} \overline{\mathrm{b}} $ or $ \mathrm{H} \rightarrow \mathrm{c} \overline{\mathrm{c}} $ signal jet selection efficiency of 1 $ -X_0 $. The working points of high purity, medium purity, and low purity for the left (right) plot indicate a selection on $ X > $ 0.6, 0.4, 0.2 (0.85, 0.7, 0.5). The distribution is based on data and simulated events in the 2018 data-taking conditions, in the jet $ p_{\mathrm{T}} $ range of (400, 500) GeV.

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Figure 12-b:
An example of the transformed DeepAK8-MD $ \mathrm{X} \rightarrow \mathrm{b} \overline{\mathrm{b}} $ (left) and $ \mathrm{X} \rightarrow \mathrm{c} \overline{\mathrm{c}} $ (right) distribution in data and simulated events, passing the preselection and the central sfBDT selection in the sfBDT method. The transformed score $ X_0 $ is defined such that a selection of $ X > X_0 $ corresponds to the $ \mathrm{H} \rightarrow \mathrm{b} \overline{\mathrm{b}} $ or $ \mathrm{H} \rightarrow \mathrm{c} \overline{\mathrm{c}} $ signal jet selection efficiency of 1 $ -X_0 $. The working points of high purity, medium purity, and low purity for the left (right) plot indicate a selection on $ X > $ 0.6, 0.4, 0.2 (0.85, 0.7, 0.5). The distribution is based on data and simulated events in the 2018 data-taking conditions, in the jet $ p_{\mathrm{T}} $ range of (400, 500) GeV.

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Figure 13:
An example of the transformed double-b distribution in data and simulated events, passing the preselection and the central sfBDT selection in the sfBDT method. The transformed score $ X_0 $ is defined such that a selection of $ X > X_0 $ corresponds to the $ \mathrm{H} \rightarrow \mathrm{b} \overline{\mathrm{b}} $ signal jet selection efficiency of 1 $ -X_0 $. The working points of high purity, medium purity, and low purity for the plot indicate a selection on $ X > 0.6,\,0.4,\, $ 0.2. The distribution is based on data and simulated events in the 2018 data-taking conditions, in the jet $ p_{\mathrm{T}} $ range of (400, 500) GeV.

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Figure 14:
The post-fit histograms in the sfBDT method for passing (left) and failing (right) the tagger selection, in the derivation of the scale factor of the ParticleNet-MD $ \mathrm{X} \rightarrow \mathrm{b} \overline{\mathrm{b}} $ discriminant at the high purity working point. This example is based on data and simulated events in the 2018 data-taking conditions, in the jet $ p_{\mathrm{T}} $ range of (400, 500) GeV.

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Figure 14-a:
The post-fit histograms in the sfBDT method for passing (left) and failing (right) the tagger selection, in the derivation of the scale factor of the ParticleNet-MD $ \mathrm{X} \rightarrow \mathrm{b} \overline{\mathrm{b}} $ discriminant at the high purity working point. This example is based on data and simulated events in the 2018 data-taking conditions, in the jet $ p_{\mathrm{T}} $ range of (400, 500) GeV.

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Figure 14-b:
The post-fit histograms in the sfBDT method for passing (left) and failing (right) the tagger selection, in the derivation of the scale factor of the ParticleNet-MD $ \mathrm{X} \rightarrow \mathrm{b} \overline{\mathrm{b}} $ discriminant at the high purity working point. This example is based on data and simulated events in the 2018 data-taking conditions, in the jet $ p_{\mathrm{T}} $ range of (400, 500) GeV.

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Figure 15:
The post-fit histograms in the sfBDT method for passing (left) and failing (right) the tagger selection, in the derivation of the scale factor of the ParticleNet-MD $ \mathrm{X} \rightarrow \mathrm{c} \overline{\mathrm{c}} $ discriminant at the high purity working point. This example is based on data and simulated events in the 2018 data-taking conditions, in the jet $ p_{\mathrm{T}} $ range of (400, 500) GeV.

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Figure 15-a:
The post-fit histograms in the sfBDT method for passing (left) and failing (right) the tagger selection, in the derivation of the scale factor of the ParticleNet-MD $ \mathrm{X} \rightarrow \mathrm{c} \overline{\mathrm{c}} $ discriminant at the high purity working point. This example is based on data and simulated events in the 2018 data-taking conditions, in the jet $ p_{\mathrm{T}} $ range of (400, 500) GeV.

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Figure 15-b:
The post-fit histograms in the sfBDT method for passing (left) and failing (right) the tagger selection, in the derivation of the scale factor of the ParticleNet-MD $ \mathrm{X} \rightarrow \mathrm{c} \overline{\mathrm{c}} $ discriminant at the high purity working point. This example is based on data and simulated events in the 2018 data-taking conditions, in the jet $ p_{\mathrm{T}} $ range of (400, 500) GeV.

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Figure 16:
An example of the transformed ParticleNet-MD $ \mathrm{X} \rightarrow \mathrm{b} \overline{\mathrm{b}} $ (left) and $ \mathrm{X} \rightarrow \mathrm{c} \overline{\mathrm{c}} $ (right) distribution in data and simulated events, passing the preselection of the $ \mu $-tagged method. The transformed score $ X_0 $ is defined such that a selection of $ X > X_0 $ corresponds to the $ \mathrm{H} \rightarrow \mathrm{b} \overline{\mathrm{b}} $ or $ \mathrm{H} \rightarrow \mathrm{c} \overline{\mathrm{c}} $ signal jet selection efficiency of 1 $ -X_0 $. The working points of high purity, medium purity, and low purity for the left (right) plot indicate a selection on $ X > $ 0.6, 0.4, 0.2 (0.85, 0.7, 0.5). The distribution is based on data and simulated events in the 2018 data-taking conditions, in the jet $ p_{\mathrm{T}} $ range of (400, 500) GeV.

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Figure 16-a:
An example of the transformed ParticleNet-MD $ \mathrm{X} \rightarrow \mathrm{b} \overline{\mathrm{b}} $ (left) and $ \mathrm{X} \rightarrow \mathrm{c} \overline{\mathrm{c}} $ (right) distribution in data and simulated events, passing the preselection of the $ \mu $-tagged method. The transformed score $ X_0 $ is defined such that a selection of $ X > X_0 $ corresponds to the $ \mathrm{H} \rightarrow \mathrm{b} \overline{\mathrm{b}} $ or $ \mathrm{H} \rightarrow \mathrm{c} \overline{\mathrm{c}} $ signal jet selection efficiency of 1 $ -X_0 $. The working points of high purity, medium purity, and low purity for the left (right) plot indicate a selection on $ X > $ 0.6, 0.4, 0.2 (0.85, 0.7, 0.5). The distribution is based on data and simulated events in the 2018 data-taking conditions, in the jet $ p_{\mathrm{T}} $ range of (400, 500) GeV.

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Figure 16-b:
An example of the transformed ParticleNet-MD $ \mathrm{X} \rightarrow \mathrm{b} \overline{\mathrm{b}} $ (left) and $ \mathrm{X} \rightarrow \mathrm{c} \overline{\mathrm{c}} $ (right) distribution in data and simulated events, passing the preselection of the $ \mu $-tagged method. The transformed score $ X_0 $ is defined such that a selection of $ X > X_0 $ corresponds to the $ \mathrm{H} \rightarrow \mathrm{b} \overline{\mathrm{b}} $ or $ \mathrm{H} \rightarrow \mathrm{c} \overline{\mathrm{c}} $ signal jet selection efficiency of 1 $ -X_0 $. The working points of high purity, medium purity, and low purity for the left (right) plot indicate a selection on $ X > $ 0.6, 0.4, 0.2 (0.85, 0.7, 0.5). The distribution is based on data and simulated events in the 2018 data-taking conditions, in the jet $ p_{\mathrm{T}} $ range of (400, 500) GeV.

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Figure 17:
An example of the transformed DeepDoubleX $ \mathrm{X} \rightarrow \mathrm{b} \overline{\mathrm{b}} $ (left) and $ \mathrm{X} \rightarrow \mathrm{c} \overline{\mathrm{c}} $ (right) distribution in data and simulated events, passing the preselection of the $ \mu $-tagged method. The transformed score $ X_0 $ is defined such that a selection of $ X > X_0 $ corresponds to the $ \mathrm{H} \rightarrow \mathrm{b} \overline{\mathrm{b}} $ or $ \mathrm{H} \rightarrow \mathrm{c} \overline{\mathrm{c}} $ signal jet selection efficiency of 1 $ -X_0 $. The working points of high purity, medium purity, and low purity for the left (right) plot indicate a selection on $ X > $ 0.6, 0.4, 0.2 (0.85, 0.7, 0.5). The distribution is based on data and simulated events in the 2018 data-taking conditions, in the jet $ p_{\mathrm{T}} $ range of (400, 500) GeV.

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Figure 17-a:
An example of the transformed DeepDoubleX $ \mathrm{X} \rightarrow \mathrm{b} \overline{\mathrm{b}} $ (left) and $ \mathrm{X} \rightarrow \mathrm{c} \overline{\mathrm{c}} $ (right) distribution in data and simulated events, passing the preselection of the $ \mu $-tagged method. The transformed score $ X_0 $ is defined such that a selection of $ X > X_0 $ corresponds to the $ \mathrm{H} \rightarrow \mathrm{b} \overline{\mathrm{b}} $ or $ \mathrm{H} \rightarrow \mathrm{c} \overline{\mathrm{c}} $ signal jet selection efficiency of 1 $ -X_0 $. The working points of high purity, medium purity, and low purity for the left (right) plot indicate a selection on $ X > $ 0.6, 0.4, 0.2 (0.85, 0.7, 0.5). The distribution is based on data and simulated events in the 2018 data-taking conditions, in the jet $ p_{\mathrm{T}} $ range of (400, 500) GeV.

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Figure 17-b:
An example of the transformed DeepDoubleX $ \mathrm{X} \rightarrow \mathrm{b} \overline{\mathrm{b}} $ (left) and $ \mathrm{X} \rightarrow \mathrm{c} \overline{\mathrm{c}} $ (right) distribution in data and simulated events, passing the preselection of the $ \mu $-tagged method. The transformed score $ X_0 $ is defined such that a selection of $ X > X_0 $ corresponds to the $ \mathrm{H} \rightarrow \mathrm{b} \overline{\mathrm{b}} $ or $ \mathrm{H} \rightarrow \mathrm{c} \overline{\mathrm{c}} $ signal jet selection efficiency of 1 $ -X_0 $. The working points of high purity, medium purity, and low purity for the left (right) plot indicate a selection on $ X > $ 0.6, 0.4, 0.2 (0.85, 0.7, 0.5). The distribution is based on data and simulated events in the 2018 data-taking conditions, in the jet $ p_{\mathrm{T}} $ range of (400, 500) GeV.

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Figure 18:
An example of the transformed DeepAK8-MD $ \mathrm{X} \rightarrow \mathrm{b} \overline{\mathrm{b}} $ (left) and $ \mathrm{X} \rightarrow \mathrm{c} \overline{\mathrm{c}} $ (right) distribution in data and simulated events, passing the preselection of the $ \mu $-tagged method. The transformed score $ X_0 $ is defined such that a selection of $ X > X_0 $ corresponds to the $ \mathrm{H} \rightarrow \mathrm{b} \overline{\mathrm{b}} $ or $ \mathrm{H} \rightarrow \mathrm{c} \overline{\mathrm{c}} $ signal jet selection efficiency of 1 $ -X_0 $. The working points of high purity, medium purity, and low purity for the left (right) plot indicate a selection on $ X > $ 0.6, 0.4, 0.2 (0.85, 0.7, 0.5). The distribution is based on data and simulated events in the 2018 data-taking conditions, in the jet $ p_{\mathrm{T}} $ range of (400, 500) GeV.

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Figure 18-a:
An example of the transformed DeepAK8-MD $ \mathrm{X} \rightarrow \mathrm{b} \overline{\mathrm{b}} $ (left) and $ \mathrm{X} \rightarrow \mathrm{c} \overline{\mathrm{c}} $ (right) distribution in data and simulated events, passing the preselection of the $ \mu $-tagged method. The transformed score $ X_0 $ is defined such that a selection of $ X > X_0 $ corresponds to the $ \mathrm{H} \rightarrow \mathrm{b} \overline{\mathrm{b}} $ or $ \mathrm{H} \rightarrow \mathrm{c} \overline{\mathrm{c}} $ signal jet selection efficiency of 1 $ -X_0 $. The working points of high purity, medium purity, and low purity for the left (right) plot indicate a selection on $ X > $ 0.6, 0.4, 0.2 (0.85, 0.7, 0.5). The distribution is based on data and simulated events in the 2018 data-taking conditions, in the jet $ p_{\mathrm{T}} $ range of (400, 500) GeV.

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Figure 18-b:
An example of the transformed DeepAK8-MD $ \mathrm{X} \rightarrow \mathrm{b} \overline{\mathrm{b}} $ (left) and $ \mathrm{X} \rightarrow \mathrm{c} \overline{\mathrm{c}} $ (right) distribution in data and simulated events, passing the preselection of the $ \mu $-tagged method. The transformed score $ X_0 $ is defined such that a selection of $ X > X_0 $ corresponds to the $ \mathrm{H} \rightarrow \mathrm{b} \overline{\mathrm{b}} $ or $ \mathrm{H} \rightarrow \mathrm{c} \overline{\mathrm{c}} $ signal jet selection efficiency of 1 $ -X_0 $. The working points of high purity, medium purity, and low purity for the left (right) plot indicate a selection on $ X > $ 0.6, 0.4, 0.2 (0.85, 0.7, 0.5). The distribution is based on data and simulated events in the 2018 data-taking conditions, in the jet $ p_{\mathrm{T}} $ range of (400, 500) GeV.

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Figure 19:
An example of the transformed double-b distribution in data and simulated events, passing the preselection of the $ \mu $-tagged method. The transformed score $ X_0 $ is defined such that a selection of $ X > X_0 $ corresponds to the $ \mathrm{H} \rightarrow \mathrm{b} \overline{\mathrm{b}} $ signal jet selection efficiency of 1 $ -X_0 $. The working points of high purity, medium purity, and low purity for the plot indicate a selection on $ X > 0.6,\,0.4,\, $ 0.2. The distribution is based on data and simulated events in the 2018 data-taking conditions, in the jet $ p_{\mathrm{T}} $ range of (400, 500) GeV.

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Figure 20:
The post-fit histograms in the $ \mu $-tagged method for passing (left) and failing (right) the tagger selection, in the derivation of the scale factor of the ParticleNet-MD $ \mathrm{X} \rightarrow \mathrm{b} \overline{\mathrm{b}} $ discriminant at the high purity working point. This example is based on data and simulated events in the 2018 data-taking conditions, in the jet $ p_{\mathrm{T}} $ range of (400, 500) GeV.

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Figure 20-a:
The post-fit histograms in the $ \mu $-tagged method for passing (left) and failing (right) the tagger selection, in the derivation of the scale factor of the ParticleNet-MD $ \mathrm{X} \rightarrow \mathrm{b} \overline{\mathrm{b}} $ discriminant at the high purity working point. This example is based on data and simulated events in the 2018 data-taking conditions, in the jet $ p_{\mathrm{T}} $ range of (400, 500) GeV.

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Figure 20-b:
The post-fit histograms in the $ \mu $-tagged method for passing (left) and failing (right) the tagger selection, in the derivation of the scale factor of the ParticleNet-MD $ \mathrm{X} \rightarrow \mathrm{b} \overline{\mathrm{b}} $ discriminant at the high purity working point. This example is based on data and simulated events in the 2018 data-taking conditions, in the jet $ p_{\mathrm{T}} $ range of (400, 500) GeV.

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Figure 21:
The post-fit histograms in the $ \mu $-tagged method for passing (left) and failing (right) the tagger selection, in the derivation of the scale factor of the ParticleNet-MD $ \mathrm{X} \rightarrow \mathrm{c} \overline{\mathrm{c}} $ discriminant at the high purity working point. This example is based on data and simulated events in the 2018 data-taking conditions, in the jet $ p_{\mathrm{T}} $ range of (400, 500) GeV.

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Figure 21-a:
The post-fit histograms in the $ \mu $-tagged method for passing (left) and failing (right) the tagger selection, in the derivation of the scale factor of the ParticleNet-MD $ \mathrm{X} \rightarrow \mathrm{c} \overline{\mathrm{c}} $ discriminant at the high purity working point. This example is based on data and simulated events in the 2018 data-taking conditions, in the jet $ p_{\mathrm{T}} $ range of (400, 500) GeV.

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Figure 21-b:
The post-fit histograms in the $ \mu $-tagged method for passing (left) and failing (right) the tagger selection, in the derivation of the scale factor of the ParticleNet-MD $ \mathrm{X} \rightarrow \mathrm{c} \overline{\mathrm{c}} $ discriminant at the high purity working point. This example is based on data and simulated events in the 2018 data-taking conditions, in the jet $ p_{\mathrm{T}} $ range of (400, 500) GeV.

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Figure 22:
The post-fit histograms in the boosted Z method for passing (left) and failing (right) the tagger selection, in the derivation of the scale factor of the ParticleNet-MD $ \mathrm{X} \rightarrow \mathrm{b} \overline{\mathrm{b}} $ discriminant at the high purity working point. This example is based on data and simulated events in the 2018 data-taking conditions, in the jet $ p_{\mathrm{T}} $ range of (400, 500) GeV. The lower panels show the pulls defined as (observed events $-$ expected events) $ /\sqrt{\smash[b]{\sigma_{\text{obs}}^{2} + \sigma_{\text{exp}}^{2}}} $, where $ \sigma_{\text{obs}} $ and $ \sigma_{\text{exp}} $ are the total uncertainties in the observation and the background estimation, respectively.

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Figure 22-a:
The post-fit histograms in the boosted Z method for passing (left) and failing (right) the tagger selection, in the derivation of the scale factor of the ParticleNet-MD $ \mathrm{X} \rightarrow \mathrm{b} \overline{\mathrm{b}} $ discriminant at the high purity working point. This example is based on data and simulated events in the 2018 data-taking conditions, in the jet $ p_{\mathrm{T}} $ range of (400, 500) GeV. The lower panels show the pulls defined as (observed events $-$ expected events) $ /\sqrt{\smash[b]{\sigma_{\text{obs}}^{2} + \sigma_{\text{exp}}^{2}}} $, where $ \sigma_{\text{obs}} $ and $ \sigma_{\text{exp}} $ are the total uncertainties in the observation and the background estimation, respectively.

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Figure 22-b:
The post-fit histograms in the boosted Z method for passing (left) and failing (right) the tagger selection, in the derivation of the scale factor of the ParticleNet-MD $ \mathrm{X} \rightarrow \mathrm{b} \overline{\mathrm{b}} $ discriminant at the high purity working point. This example is based on data and simulated events in the 2018 data-taking conditions, in the jet $ p_{\mathrm{T}} $ range of (400, 500) GeV. The lower panels show the pulls defined as (observed events $-$ expected events) $ /\sqrt{\smash[b]{\sigma_{\text{obs}}^{2} + \sigma_{\text{exp}}^{2}}} $, where $ \sigma_{\text{obs}} $ and $ \sigma_{\text{exp}} $ are the total uncertainties in the observation and the background estimation, respectively.

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Figure 23:
The ROC curve of the ParticleNet-MD $ \mathrm{X} \rightarrow \mathrm{b} \overline{\mathrm{b}} $ discriminant obtained using simulation (blue) with the three working points pointed out in simulation (filled circles) and in data (hollow circles), under the 2018 data-taking conditions with $ p_{\mathrm{T}} > $ 450 GeV.

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Figure 24:
The measured scale factors of the ParticleNet-MD $ \mathrm{X} \rightarrow \mathrm{b} \overline{\mathrm{b}} $ discriminant in the high purity (left), medium purity (middle), and low purity (right) working points. Three methods are presented in the measurements: the sfBDT method, the $ \mu $-tagged method, and the boosted Z method. The combined measurements from available methods are also shown.

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Figure 24-a:
The measured scale factors of the ParticleNet-MD $ \mathrm{X} \rightarrow \mathrm{b} \overline{\mathrm{b}} $ discriminant in the high purity (left), medium purity (middle), and low purity (right) working points. Three methods are presented in the measurements: the sfBDT method, the $ \mu $-tagged method, and the boosted Z method. The combined measurements from available methods are also shown.

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Figure 24-b:
The measured scale factors of the ParticleNet-MD $ \mathrm{X} \rightarrow \mathrm{b} \overline{\mathrm{b}} $ discriminant in the high purity (left), medium purity (middle), and low purity (right) working points. Three methods are presented in the measurements: the sfBDT method, the $ \mu $-tagged method, and the boosted Z method. The combined measurements from available methods are also shown.

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Figure 24-c:
The measured scale factors of the ParticleNet-MD $ \mathrm{X} \rightarrow \mathrm{b} \overline{\mathrm{b}} $ discriminant in the high purity (left), medium purity (middle), and low purity (right) working points. Three methods are presented in the measurements: the sfBDT method, the $ \mu $-tagged method, and the boosted Z method. The combined measurements from available methods are also shown.

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Figure 25:
The measured scale factors of the DeepDoubleX $ \mathrm{X} \rightarrow \mathrm{b} \overline{\mathrm{b}} $ discriminant in the high purity (left), medium purity (middle), and low purity (right) working points. Three methods are presented in the measurements: the sfBDT method, the $ \mu $-tagged method, and the boosted Z method. The combined measurements from available methods are also shown.

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Figure 25-a:
The measured scale factors of the DeepDoubleX $ \mathrm{X} \rightarrow \mathrm{b} \overline{\mathrm{b}} $ discriminant in the high purity (left), medium purity (middle), and low purity (right) working points. Three methods are presented in the measurements: the sfBDT method, the $ \mu $-tagged method, and the boosted Z method. The combined measurements from available methods are also shown.

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Figure 25-b:
The measured scale factors of the DeepDoubleX $ \mathrm{X} \rightarrow \mathrm{b} \overline{\mathrm{b}} $ discriminant in the high purity (left), medium purity (middle), and low purity (right) working points. Three methods are presented in the measurements: the sfBDT method, the $ \mu $-tagged method, and the boosted Z method. The combined measurements from available methods are also shown.

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Figure 25-c:
The measured scale factors of the DeepDoubleX $ \mathrm{X} \rightarrow \mathrm{b} \overline{\mathrm{b}} $ discriminant in the high purity (left), medium purity (middle), and low purity (right) working points. Three methods are presented in the measurements: the sfBDT method, the $ \mu $-tagged method, and the boosted Z method. The combined measurements from available methods are also shown.

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Figure 26:
The measured scale factors of the DeepAK8-MD $ \mathrm{X} \rightarrow \mathrm{b} \overline{\mathrm{b}} $ discriminant in the high purity (left), medium purity (middle), and low purity (right) working points. Two methods are presented in the measurements: the sfBDT method and the $ \mu $-tagged method. The combined measurements from available methods are also shown.

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Figure 26-a:
The measured scale factors of the DeepAK8-MD $ \mathrm{X} \rightarrow \mathrm{b} \overline{\mathrm{b}} $ discriminant in the high purity (left), medium purity (middle), and low purity (right) working points. Two methods are presented in the measurements: the sfBDT method and the $ \mu $-tagged method. The combined measurements from available methods are also shown.

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Figure 26-b:
The measured scale factors of the DeepAK8-MD $ \mathrm{X} \rightarrow \mathrm{b} \overline{\mathrm{b}} $ discriminant in the high purity (left), medium purity (middle), and low purity (right) working points. Two methods are presented in the measurements: the sfBDT method and the $ \mu $-tagged method. The combined measurements from available methods are also shown.

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Figure 26-c:
The measured scale factors of the DeepAK8-MD $ \mathrm{X} \rightarrow \mathrm{b} \overline{\mathrm{b}} $ discriminant in the high purity (left), medium purity (middle), and low purity (right) working points. Two methods are presented in the measurements: the sfBDT method and the $ \mu $-tagged method. The combined measurements from available methods are also shown.

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Figure 27:
The measured scale factors of the double-b $ \mathrm{X} \rightarrow \mathrm{b} \overline{\mathrm{b}} $ discriminant in the high purity (left), medium purity (middle), and low purity (right) working points. Three methods are presented in the measurements: the sfBDT method, the $ \mu $-tagged method, and the boosted Z method. The combined measurements from available methods are also shown.

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Figure 27-a:
The measured scale factors of the double-b $ \mathrm{X} \rightarrow \mathrm{b} \overline{\mathrm{b}} $ discriminant in the high purity (left), medium purity (middle), and low purity (right) working points. Three methods are presented in the measurements: the sfBDT method, the $ \mu $-tagged method, and the boosted Z method. The combined measurements from available methods are also shown.

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Figure 27-b:
The measured scale factors of the double-b $ \mathrm{X} \rightarrow \mathrm{b} \overline{\mathrm{b}} $ discriminant in the high purity (left), medium purity (middle), and low purity (right) working points. Three methods are presented in the measurements: the sfBDT method, the $ \mu $-tagged method, and the boosted Z method. The combined measurements from available methods are also shown.

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Figure 27-c:
The measured scale factors of the double-b $ \mathrm{X} \rightarrow \mathrm{b} \overline{\mathrm{b}} $ discriminant in the high purity (left), medium purity (middle), and low purity (right) working points. Three methods are presented in the measurements: the sfBDT method, the $ \mu $-tagged method, and the boosted Z method. The combined measurements from available methods are also shown.

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Figure 28:
The measured scale factors of the ParticleNet-MD $ \mathrm{X} \rightarrow \mathrm{c} \overline{\mathrm{c}} $ discriminant in the high purity (left), medium purity (middle), and low purity (right) working points. Two methods are presented in the measurements: the sfBDT method and the $ \mu $-tagged method. The combined measurements from available methods are also shown.

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Figure 28-a:
The measured scale factors of the ParticleNet-MD $ \mathrm{X} \rightarrow \mathrm{c} \overline{\mathrm{c}} $ discriminant in the high purity (left), medium purity (middle), and low purity (right) working points. Two methods are presented in the measurements: the sfBDT method and the $ \mu $-tagged method. The combined measurements from available methods are also shown.

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Figure 28-b:
The measured scale factors of the ParticleNet-MD $ \mathrm{X} \rightarrow \mathrm{c} \overline{\mathrm{c}} $ discriminant in the high purity (left), medium purity (middle), and low purity (right) working points. Two methods are presented in the measurements: the sfBDT method and the $ \mu $-tagged method. The combined measurements from available methods are also shown.

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Figure 28-c:
The measured scale factors of the ParticleNet-MD $ \mathrm{X} \rightarrow \mathrm{c} \overline{\mathrm{c}} $ discriminant in the high purity (left), medium purity (middle), and low purity (right) working points. Two methods are presented in the measurements: the sfBDT method and the $ \mu $-tagged method. The combined measurements from available methods are also shown.

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Figure 29:
The measured scale factors of the DeepDoubleX $ \mathrm{X} \rightarrow \mathrm{c} \overline{\mathrm{c}} $ discriminant in the high purity (left), medium purity (middle), and low purity (right) working points. Two methods are presented in the measurements: the sfBDT method and the $ \mu $-tagged method. The combined measurements from available methods are also shown.

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Figure 29-a:
The measured scale factors of the DeepDoubleX $ \mathrm{X} \rightarrow \mathrm{c} \overline{\mathrm{c}} $ discriminant in the high purity (left), medium purity (middle), and low purity (right) working points. Two methods are presented in the measurements: the sfBDT method and the $ \mu $-tagged method. The combined measurements from available methods are also shown.

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Figure 29-b:
The measured scale factors of the DeepDoubleX $ \mathrm{X} \rightarrow \mathrm{c} \overline{\mathrm{c}} $ discriminant in the high purity (left), medium purity (middle), and low purity (right) working points. Two methods are presented in the measurements: the sfBDT method and the $ \mu $-tagged method. The combined measurements from available methods are also shown.

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Figure 29-c:
The measured scale factors of the DeepDoubleX $ \mathrm{X} \rightarrow \mathrm{c} \overline{\mathrm{c}} $ discriminant in the high purity (left), medium purity (middle), and low purity (right) working points. Two methods are presented in the measurements: the sfBDT method and the $ \mu $-tagged method. The combined measurements from available methods are also shown.

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Figure 30:
The measured scale factors of the DeepAK8-MD $ \mathrm{X} \rightarrow \mathrm{c} \overline{\mathrm{c}} $ discriminant in the high purity (left), medium purity (middle), and low purity (right) working points. Two methods are presented in the measurements: the sfBDT method and the $ \mu $-tagged method. The combined measurements from available methods are also shown.

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Figure 30-a:
The measured scale factors of the DeepAK8-MD $ \mathrm{X} \rightarrow \mathrm{c} \overline{\mathrm{c}} $ discriminant in the high purity (left), medium purity (middle), and low purity (right) working points. Two methods are presented in the measurements: the sfBDT method and the $ \mu $-tagged method. The combined measurements from available methods are also shown.

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Figure 30-b:
The measured scale factors of the DeepAK8-MD $ \mathrm{X} \rightarrow \mathrm{c} \overline{\mathrm{c}} $ discriminant in the high purity (left), medium purity (middle), and low purity (right) working points. Two methods are presented in the measurements: the sfBDT method and the $ \mu $-tagged method. The combined measurements from available methods are also shown.

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Figure 30-c:
The measured scale factors of the DeepAK8-MD $ \mathrm{X} \rightarrow \mathrm{c} \overline{\mathrm{c}} $ discriminant in the high purity (left), medium purity (middle), and low purity (right) working points. Two methods are presented in the measurements: the sfBDT method and the $ \mu $-tagged method. The combined measurements from available methods are also shown.

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Figure 31:
The data and simulated distributions of the sfBDT discriminant in the 2018 data-taking conditions. The figures correspond to the jet $ p_{\mathrm{T}} $ range of (400, 500) GeV (left) and $ (600,\,+\infty)\,\text{Ge\hspace{-.08em}V} $ (right).

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Figure 31-a:
The data and simulated distributions of the sfBDT discriminant in the 2018 data-taking conditions. The figures correspond to the jet $ p_{\mathrm{T}} $ range of (400, 500) GeV (left) and $ (600,\,+\infty)\,\text{Ge\hspace{-.08em}V} $ (right).

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Figure 31-b:
The data and simulated distributions of the sfBDT discriminant in the 2018 data-taking conditions. The figures correspond to the jet $ p_{\mathrm{T}} $ range of (400, 500) GeV (left) and $ (600,\,+\infty)\,\text{Ge\hspace{-.08em}V} $ (right).

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Figure 32:
The normalised distribution of the tagger discriminant for the $ \mathrm{H} \rightarrow \mathrm{b} \overline{\mathrm{b}} $ ($ \mathrm{c} \overline{\mathrm{c}} $) signal jets and the proxy jets selected by different levels of sfBDT selection curves, in the derivation of the scale factor of the ParticleNet-MD $ \mathrm{X} \rightarrow \mathrm{b} \overline{\mathrm{b}} $ (left) and $ \mathrm{X} \rightarrow \mathrm{c} \overline{\mathrm{c}} $ (right) discriminants. The events are simulated in the 2018 data-taking conditions. The same sfBDT selection curve, ranging from the 1\textsuperscriptst (the tightest) to the 9\textsuperscriptth (the loosest) curve, is adopted in the ``pass'' and ``fail'' regions in these plots. The residual discrepancy in the distributions of the signal jets and proxy jets selected by a looser sfBDT curve results from the edge effect in the large values of the tagger discriminant score.

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Figure 32-a:
The normalised distribution of the tagger discriminant for the $ \mathrm{H} \rightarrow \mathrm{b} \overline{\mathrm{b}} $ ($ \mathrm{c} \overline{\mathrm{c}} $) signal jets and the proxy jets selected by different levels of sfBDT selection curves, in the derivation of the scale factor of the ParticleNet-MD $ \mathrm{X} \rightarrow \mathrm{b} \overline{\mathrm{b}} $ (left) and $ \mathrm{X} \rightarrow \mathrm{c} \overline{\mathrm{c}} $ (right) discriminants. The events are simulated in the 2018 data-taking conditions. The same sfBDT selection curve, ranging from the 1\textsuperscriptst (the tightest) to the 9\textsuperscriptth (the loosest) curve, is adopted in the ``pass'' and ``fail'' regions in these plots. The residual discrepancy in the distributions of the signal jets and proxy jets selected by a looser sfBDT curve results from the edge effect in the large values of the tagger discriminant score.

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Figure 32-b:
The normalised distribution of the tagger discriminant for the $ \mathrm{H} \rightarrow \mathrm{b} \overline{\mathrm{b}} $ ($ \mathrm{c} \overline{\mathrm{c}} $) signal jets and the proxy jets selected by different levels of sfBDT selection curves, in the derivation of the scale factor of the ParticleNet-MD $ \mathrm{X} \rightarrow \mathrm{b} \overline{\mathrm{b}} $ (left) and $ \mathrm{X} \rightarrow \mathrm{c} \overline{\mathrm{c}} $ (right) discriminants. The events are simulated in the 2018 data-taking conditions. The same sfBDT selection curve, ranging from the 1\textsuperscriptst (the tightest) to the 9\textsuperscriptth (the loosest) curve, is adopted in the ``pass'' and ``fail'' regions in these plots. The residual discrepancy in the distributions of the signal jets and proxy jets selected by a looser sfBDT curve results from the edge effect in the large values of the tagger discriminant score.

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Figure 33:
The data and simulated distribution of the $ N $-subjettiness $ \tau_{21} $ variable in the 2018 data-taking conditions. The simulated distribution is obtained after performing a jet-based reweighting on the binned histogram of $ (p_{\mathrm{T}}, \eta, \tau_{21}) $ from QCD multijet events to data, where the latter is subtracted by the simulated $ \mathrm{t} \overline{\mathrm{t}} $, single top quark and V+jets contributions. The figures correspond to the jet $ p_{\mathrm{T}} $ range of (400, 500) GeV (left) and $ (600,\,+\infty)\,\text{Ge\hspace{-.08em}V} $ (right).

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Figure 33-a:
The data and simulated distribution of the $ N $-subjettiness $ \tau_{21} $ variable in the 2018 data-taking conditions. The simulated distribution is obtained after performing a jet-based reweighting on the binned histogram of $ (p_{\mathrm{T}}, \eta, \tau_{21}) $ from QCD multijet events to data, where the latter is subtracted by the simulated $ \mathrm{t} \overline{\mathrm{t}} $, single top quark and V+jets contributions. The figures correspond to the jet $ p_{\mathrm{T}} $ range of (400, 500) GeV (left) and $ (600,\,+\infty)\,\text{Ge\hspace{-.08em}V} $ (right).

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Figure 33-b:
The data and simulated distribution of the $ N $-subjettiness $ \tau_{21} $ variable in the 2018 data-taking conditions. The simulated distribution is obtained after performing a jet-based reweighting on the binned histogram of $ (p_{\mathrm{T}}, \eta, \tau_{21}) $ from QCD multijet events to data, where the latter is subtracted by the simulated $ \mathrm{t} \overline{\mathrm{t}} $, single top quark and V+jets contributions. The figures correspond to the jet $ p_{\mathrm{T}} $ range of (400, 500) GeV (left) and $ (600,\,+\infty)\,\text{Ge\hspace{-.08em}V} $ (right).

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Figure 34:
The normalised distribution of the tagger discriminant for the $ \mathrm{H} \rightarrow \mathrm{b} \overline{\mathrm{b}} $ ($ \mathrm{c} \overline{\mathrm{c}} $) signal jets and the proxy jets selected by $ \tau_{21} $ at different thresholds, in the derivation of the scale factor of the ParticleNet-MD $ \mathrm{X} \rightarrow \mathrm{b} \overline{\mathrm{b}} $ (left) and $ \mathrm{X} \rightarrow \mathrm{c} \overline{\mathrm{c}} $ (right) discriminants. This example is based on data and simulated events in the 2018 data-taking conditions.

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Figure 34-a:
The normalised distribution of the tagger discriminant for the $ \mathrm{H} \rightarrow \mathrm{b} \overline{\mathrm{b}} $ ($ \mathrm{c} \overline{\mathrm{c}} $) signal jets and the proxy jets selected by $ \tau_{21} $ at different thresholds, in the derivation of the scale factor of the ParticleNet-MD $ \mathrm{X} \rightarrow \mathrm{b} \overline{\mathrm{b}} $ (left) and $ \mathrm{X} \rightarrow \mathrm{c} \overline{\mathrm{c}} $ (right) discriminants. This example is based on data and simulated events in the 2018 data-taking conditions.

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Figure 34-b:
The normalised distribution of the tagger discriminant for the $ \mathrm{H} \rightarrow \mathrm{b} \overline{\mathrm{b}} $ ($ \mathrm{c} \overline{\mathrm{c}} $) signal jets and the proxy jets selected by $ \tau_{21} $ at different thresholds, in the derivation of the scale factor of the ParticleNet-MD $ \mathrm{X} \rightarrow \mathrm{b} \overline{\mathrm{b}} $ (left) and $ \mathrm{X} \rightarrow \mathrm{c} \overline{\mathrm{c}} $ (right) discriminants. This example is based on data and simulated events in the 2018 data-taking conditions.

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Table 1:
The relative contributions to the total uncertainty in the fitted scale factor (SF) of the ParticleNet-MD $ \mathrm{X} \rightarrow \mathrm{b} \overline{\mathrm{b}} $ discriminant at the high purity working point, using the sfBDT method. The numbers are averaged over multiple SF derivation points, including all relevant $ p_{\mathrm{T}} $ bins and data-taking eras.

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Table 2:
The relative contributions to the total uncertainty in the fitted scale factor (SF) of the ParticleNet-MD $ \mathrm{X} \rightarrow \mathrm{b} \overline{\mathrm{b}} $ discriminant at the high purity working point, using the $ \mu $-tagged method. The numbers are averaged over multiple SF derivation points, including all relevant $ p_{\mathrm{T}} $ bins and data-taking eras.

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Table 3:
The relative contributions to the total uncertainty in the fitted scale factor (SF) of the ParticleNet-MD $ \mathrm{X} \rightarrow \mathrm{b} \overline{\mathrm{b}} $ discriminant at the high purity working point, using the boosted Z method. The numbers are averaged over multiple SF derivation points, including all relevant $ p_{\mathrm{T}} $ bins and data-taking eras.
The performance of the heavy-flavour $ \mathrm{X} \rightarrow \mathrm{b} \overline{\mathrm{b}} $ and $ \mathrm{X} \rightarrow \mathrm{c} \overline{\mathrm{c}} $ jet tagging algorithms in the boosted topology on data collected by the CMS detector during the 2016--2018 data-taking period (Run 2) is presented. As the boosted topology has gained more interest for physics searches during Run 2, dedicated techniques for jet tagging and methods for calibrating the taggers on data have become increasingly important. In this note, we first provide a complete review and a comparison of $ \mathrm{X} \rightarrow \mathrm{b} \overline{\mathrm{b}} $ and $ \mathrm{X} \rightarrow \mathrm{c} \overline{\mathrm{c}} $ tagging algorithms, which are developed by the CMS Collaboration during Run 2 and have been used for various physics measurements. These algorithms include the ParticleNet-MD, DeepDoubleX, DeepAK8, and the double-b algorithms. Three methods for evaluating the performance of the algorithms on data, in terms of deriving the scale factors to correct the simulated $ \mathrm{X} \rightarrow \mathrm{b} \overline{\mathrm{b}} $ and $ \mathrm{X} \rightarrow \mathrm{c} \overline{\mathrm{c}} $ jets, are presented in detail. The three methods define the proxy jet from (1) the novel phase space selected from gluon-splitting $ \mathrm{b} \overline{\mathrm{b}} $ and $ \mathrm{c} \overline{\mathrm{c}} $ jets via a dedicated boost decision tree (BDT); (2) the gluon-splitting $ \mathrm{b} \overline{\mathrm{b}} $ and $ \mathrm{c} \overline{\mathrm{c}} $ jets containing a soft muon, with an auxiliary selection on the $ N $-subjettiness variable; and (3) the boosted $ \mathrm{Z} \rightarrow \mathrm{b} \overline{\mathrm{b}} $ jets for representing the $ \mathrm{X} \rightarrow \mathrm{b} \overline{\mathrm{b}} $ signal jet. The phase space of the selected proxy jets from data is largely orthogonal, which enables cross-checking between the methods. The resulting scale factors, derived for all working points of seven studied tagging discriminants for $ \mathrm{X} \rightarrow \mathrm{b} \overline{\mathrm{b}} $ and $ \mathrm{X} \rightarrow \mathrm{c} \overline{\mathrm{c}} $ tagging, are presented. The scale factors are showcased individually as well as after combining them with the best linear unbiased estimator method. A reasonable agreement is found when comparing the results with previous CMS studies, which calibrated some of the discriminants studied in this work, either partially or under full Run 2 conditions. The tagging algorithms and calibration approaches documented in this note serve as a comprehensive summary and are considered as benchmarks for the techniques adopted by the CMS Collaboration during Run 2. These outcomes will facilitate further in-depth studies and wider experimental explorations of the boosted phase space with heavy-flavour tagging in the future.
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Compact Muon Solenoid