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Measurement of inclusive and differential cross sections for single top quark production in association with a W boson at s= 13 TeV
Abstract: Measurements of the inclusive and normalised differential cross sections are presented for the production of single top quarks in association with a W boson, in proton-proton collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of 13 TeV. The data were recorded with the CMS detector at the LHC and correspond to an integrated luminosity of 138 fb1. Events containing one muon and one electron in the final state are analysed. For the inclusive measurement, a multivariate discriminant, exploiting the kinematic properties of the events, is used to separate the signal from the dominant tˉt background. A measured cross section of 79.2 ± 0.8 (stat) +7.07.2 (syst) ± 1.1 (lumi) pb is obtained, consistent with predictions of the standard model. For the differential measurements, a fiducial region is defined according to the detector acceptance and the requirement of exactly one b-tagged jet. The resulting distributions are unfolded to particle level and compared with predictions at next-to-leading order in perturbative quantum chromodynamics, with which they agree within uncertainties.
Figures & Tables Summary References CMS Publications

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Figure 1:
LO Feynman diagrams for single top quark production in the tW mode, the charge-conjugate modes are implicitly included.

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Figure 1-a:
LO Feynman diagrams for single top quark production in the tW mode, the charge-conjugate modes are implicitly included.

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Figure 1-b:
LO Feynman diagrams for single top quark production in the tW mode, the charge-conjugate modes are implicitly included.

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Figure 2:
Feynman diagrams for tW single top quark production at NLO that are removed from the signal definition in the DR scheme, the charge-conjugate modes are implicitly included.

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Figure 2-a:
Feynman diagrams for tW single top quark production at NLO that are removed from the signal definition in the DR scheme, the charge-conjugate modes are implicitly included.

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Figure 2-b:
Feynman diagrams for tW single top quark production at NLO that are removed from the signal definition in the DR scheme, the charge-conjugate modes are implicitly included.

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Figure 2-c:
Feynman diagrams for tW single top quark production at NLO that are removed from the signal definition in the DR scheme, the charge-conjugate modes are implicitly included.

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Figure 3:
Left: yields observed in data, compared with those expected from simulation, as a function of the number of jets and number of b-tagged jets for events passing the eμ selection. Right: yields observed in data, compared with those expected from simulation, as a function of the number of loose jets for events passing the eμ selection in the 1j1b region. The hatched band includes the statistical and all systematic uncertainties. The bottom panel shows the ratio of data to the sum of the expected yields.

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Figure 3-a:
Left: yields observed in data, compared with those expected from simulation, as a function of the number of jets and number of b-tagged jets for events passing the eμ selection. Right: yields observed in data, compared with those expected from simulation, as a function of the number of loose jets for events passing the eμ selection in the 1j1b region. The hatched band includes the statistical and all systematic uncertainties. The bottom panel shows the ratio of data to the sum of the expected yields.

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Figure 3-b:
Left: yields observed in data, compared with those expected from simulation, as a function of the number of jets and number of b-tagged jets for events passing the eμ selection. Right: yields observed in data, compared with those expected from simulation, as a function of the number of loose jets for events passing the eμ selection in the 1j1b region. The hatched band includes the statistical and all systematic uncertainties. The bottom panel shows the ratio of data to the sum of the expected yields.

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Figure 4:
Yields observed in data, compared with those expected from simulation, as a function of the first four most discriminating variables used for the training of the BDT in the 1j1b category. The last bin includes overflow events. The error band includes the statistical and all systematic uncertainties. The bottom panel shows the ratios of data to the sum of the expected yields.

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Figure 4-a:
Yields observed in data, compared with those expected from simulation, as a function of the first four most discriminating variables used for the training of the BDT in the 1j1b category. The last bin includes overflow events. The error band includes the statistical and all systematic uncertainties. The bottom panel shows the ratios of data to the sum of the expected yields.

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Figure 4-b:
Yields observed in data, compared with those expected from simulation, as a function of the first four most discriminating variables used for the training of the BDT in the 1j1b category. The last bin includes overflow events. The error band includes the statistical and all systematic uncertainties. The bottom panel shows the ratios of data to the sum of the expected yields.

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Figure 4-c:
Yields observed in data, compared with those expected from simulation, as a function of the first four most discriminating variables used for the training of the BDT in the 1j1b category. The last bin includes overflow events. The error band includes the statistical and all systematic uncertainties. The bottom panel shows the ratios of data to the sum of the expected yields.

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Figure 4-d:
Yields observed in data, compared with those expected from simulation, as a function of the first four most discriminating variables used for the training of the BDT in the 1j1b category. The last bin includes overflow events. The error band includes the statistical and all systematic uncertainties. The bottom panel shows the ratios of data to the sum of the expected yields.

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Figure 5:
Yields observed in data, compared with those expected from simulation, as a function of the six observables selected to measure the differential cross section for events in the signal region for the differential analysis (1j1b+0 loose jet). The hatched bands include the statistical and all systematic uncertainties. The last bin of each contribution contains overflow events. The bottom panel shows the ratios of data to the sum of the expected yields.

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Figure 5-a:
Yields observed in data, compared with those expected from simulation, as a function of the six observables selected to measure the differential cross section for events in the signal region for the differential analysis (1j1b+0 loose jet). The hatched bands include the statistical and all systematic uncertainties. The last bin of each contribution contains overflow events. The bottom panel shows the ratios of data to the sum of the expected yields.

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Figure 5-b:
Yields observed in data, compared with those expected from simulation, as a function of the six observables selected to measure the differential cross section for events in the signal region for the differential analysis (1j1b+0 loose jet). The hatched bands include the statistical and all systematic uncertainties. The last bin of each contribution contains overflow events. The bottom panel shows the ratios of data to the sum of the expected yields.

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Figure 5-c:
Yields observed in data, compared with those expected from simulation, as a function of the six observables selected to measure the differential cross section for events in the signal region for the differential analysis (1j1b+0 loose jet). The hatched bands include the statistical and all systematic uncertainties. The last bin of each contribution contains overflow events. The bottom panel shows the ratios of data to the sum of the expected yields.

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Figure 5-d:
Yields observed in data, compared with those expected from simulation, as a function of the six observables selected to measure the differential cross section for events in the signal region for the differential analysis (1j1b+0 loose jet). The hatched bands include the statistical and all systematic uncertainties. The last bin of each contribution contains overflow events. The bottom panel shows the ratios of data to the sum of the expected yields.

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Figure 5-e:
Yields observed in data, compared with those expected from simulation, as a function of the six observables selected to measure the differential cross section for events in the signal region for the differential analysis (1j1b+0 loose jet). The hatched bands include the statistical and all systematic uncertainties. The last bin of each contribution contains overflow events. The bottom panel shows the ratios of data to the sum of the expected yields.

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Figure 5-f:
Yields observed in data, compared with those expected from simulation, as a function of the six observables selected to measure the differential cross section for events in the signal region for the differential analysis (1j1b+0 loose jet). The hatched bands include the statistical and all systematic uncertainties. The last bin of each contribution contains overflow events. The bottom panel shows the ratios of data to the sum of the expected yields.

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Figure 6:
Postfit distributions of the BDT output in the 1j1b (top left) and 2j1b (top right) regions and the data-MC comparison of the subleading jet pT in the 2j2b region (bottom). The uncertainty band includes the statistical and systematic sources. The bottom of each panel shows the ratios of data to the prediction from simulations (red line) and from the fit (points), together with their corresponding uncertainties (solid and hatched band, respectively).

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Figure 6-a:
Postfit distributions of the BDT output in the 1j1b (top left) and 2j1b (top right) regions and the data-MC comparison of the subleading jet pT in the 2j2b region (bottom). The uncertainty band includes the statistical and systematic sources. The bottom of each panel shows the ratios of data to the prediction from simulations (red line) and from the fit (points), together with their corresponding uncertainties (solid and hatched band, respectively).

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Figure 6-b:
Postfit distributions of the BDT output in the 1j1b (top left) and 2j1b (top right) regions and the data-MC comparison of the subleading jet pT in the 2j2b region (bottom). The uncertainty band includes the statistical and systematic sources. The bottom of each panel shows the ratios of data to the prediction from simulations (red line) and from the fit (points), together with their corresponding uncertainties (solid and hatched band, respectively).

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Figure 6-c:
Postfit distributions of the BDT output in the 1j1b (top left) and 2j1b (top right) regions and the data-MC comparison of the subleading jet pT in the 2j2b region (bottom). The uncertainty band includes the statistical and systematic sources. The bottom of each panel shows the ratios of data to the prediction from simulations (red line) and from the fit (points), together with their corresponding uncertainties (solid and hatched band, respectively).

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Figure 7:
Impact (right column) and pull (middle column) of the twenty dominating nuisance parameters (left column) in the ML fit used in the inclusive cross section measurement. The uncertainty bars of the pulls show the ratio between the postfit and prefit uncertainties giving effectively the constraint on the nuisance parameter. Corr. means the correlated component of the uncertainty over the three years and uncorr. the uncorrelated component for each year. The JES uncertainties are divided into several sources, where JES - Absolute groups contributions from scale corrections in the barrel, pileup corrections, and initial- (final-) state radiation corrections; JES - Relative sample encodes the uncertainty in the η dependent calibration of the jets; JES - BBEC1 comes from the barrel (BB) and the first part of the endcaps (1.3 <|η|< 2.5; EC1) corrections from pileup removal and also a contribution from scale corrections in the barrel; and JES - Flavour QCD comes from the corrections applied to correct the different detector response to gluon and quark jets.

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Figure 8:
Normalised differential tW production cross section as a function of the pT of the leading lepton (top left), pZ(e±,μ,j) (top right), pT of the jet (middle left), m(e±,μ,j) (middle right), Δφ(e±,μ) (bottom left), and mT(e±,μ,j,pTmiss) (bottom right). Predictions from POWHEG (PH) + PYTHIA 8 (P8) DR and DS, POWHEG + HERWIG 7 (H7) DR, MadGraph 5_aMC@NLO (aMC) + PYTHIA 8 DR, DR2, DS and DS with a dynamic factor are also shown. The grey band shows the statistical uncertainty whereas the orange the total one. In the bottom panel, the ratio between predictions and data is shown.

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Figure 8-a:
Normalised differential tW production cross section as a function of the pT of the leading lepton (top left), pZ(e±,μ,j) (top right), pT of the jet (middle left), m(e±,μ,j) (middle right), Δφ(e±,μ) (bottom left), and mT(e±,μ,j,pTmiss) (bottom right). Predictions from POWHEG (PH) + PYTHIA 8 (P8) DR and DS, POWHEG + HERWIG 7 (H7) DR, MadGraph 5_aMC@NLO (aMC) + PYTHIA 8 DR, DR2, DS and DS with a dynamic factor are also shown. The grey band shows the statistical uncertainty whereas the orange the total one. In the bottom panel, the ratio between predictions and data is shown.

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Figure 8-b:
Normalised differential tW production cross section as a function of the pT of the leading lepton (top left), pZ(e±,μ,j) (top right), pT of the jet (middle left), m(e±,μ,j) (middle right), Δφ(e±,μ) (bottom left), and mT(e±,μ,j,pTmiss) (bottom right). Predictions from POWHEG (PH) + PYTHIA 8 (P8) DR and DS, POWHEG + HERWIG 7 (H7) DR, MadGraph 5_aMC@NLO (aMC) + PYTHIA 8 DR, DR2, DS and DS with a dynamic factor are also shown. The grey band shows the statistical uncertainty whereas the orange the total one. In the bottom panel, the ratio between predictions and data is shown.

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Figure 8-c:
Normalised differential tW production cross section as a function of the pT of the leading lepton (top left), pZ(e±,μ,j) (top right), pT of the jet (middle left), m(e±,μ,j) (middle right), Δφ(e±,μ) (bottom left), and mT(e±,μ,j,pTmiss) (bottom right). Predictions from POWHEG (PH) + PYTHIA 8 (P8) DR and DS, POWHEG + HERWIG 7 (H7) DR, MadGraph 5_aMC@NLO (aMC) + PYTHIA 8 DR, DR2, DS and DS with a dynamic factor are also shown. The grey band shows the statistical uncertainty whereas the orange the total one. In the bottom panel, the ratio between predictions and data is shown.

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Figure 8-d:
Normalised differential tW production cross section as a function of the pT of the leading lepton (top left), pZ(e±,μ,j) (top right), pT of the jet (middle left), m(e±,μ,j) (middle right), Δφ(e±,μ) (bottom left), and mT(e±,μ,j,pTmiss) (bottom right). Predictions from POWHEG (PH) + PYTHIA 8 (P8) DR and DS, POWHEG + HERWIG 7 (H7) DR, MadGraph 5_aMC@NLO (aMC) + PYTHIA 8 DR, DR2, DS and DS with a dynamic factor are also shown. The grey band shows the statistical uncertainty whereas the orange the total one. In the bottom panel, the ratio between predictions and data is shown.

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Figure 8-e:
Normalised differential tW production cross section as a function of the pT of the leading lepton (top left), pZ(e±,μ,j) (top right), pT of the jet (middle left), m(e±,μ,j) (middle right), Δφ(e±,μ) (bottom left), and mT(e±,μ,j,pTmiss) (bottom right). Predictions from POWHEG (PH) + PYTHIA 8 (P8) DR and DS, POWHEG + HERWIG 7 (H7) DR, MadGraph 5_aMC@NLO (aMC) + PYTHIA 8 DR, DR2, DS and DS with a dynamic factor are also shown. The grey band shows the statistical uncertainty whereas the orange the total one. In the bottom panel, the ratio between predictions and data is shown.

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Figure 8-f:
Normalised differential tW production cross section as a function of the pT of the leading lepton (top left), pZ(e±,μ,j) (top right), pT of the jet (middle left), m(e±,μ,j) (middle right), Δφ(e±,μ) (bottom left), and mT(e±,μ,j,pTmiss) (bottom right). Predictions from POWHEG (PH) + PYTHIA 8 (P8) DR and DS, POWHEG + HERWIG 7 (H7) DR, MadGraph 5_aMC@NLO (aMC) + PYTHIA 8 DR, DR2, DS and DS with a dynamic factor are also shown. The grey band shows the statistical uncertainty whereas the orange the total one. In the bottom panel, the ratio between predictions and data is shown.

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Table 1:
Selection requirements of particle-level objects.

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Table 2:
Definition of the fiducial region.
The measurements of the inclusive and normalised differential cross sections of the production of a top quark in association with a W boson using 138 fb1 of data recorded by CMS has been presented for a final state containing an electron and a muon.

For the inclusive measurement, the events have been classified depending on the number of jets and jets originating from bottom quarks. The signal is measured using a maximum likelihood fit to the distribution of boosted decision tree discriminants in two of the categories, and to the transverse momentum distribution of the second highest energetic jet in a third category. The measured cross section is 79.2 ± 0.8 (stat) +7.07.2 (syst) ± 1.1 (lumi) pb and has a total relative uncertainty of roughly 11%, clearly dominated by the systematic sources. The leading uncertainty sources are the jet energy scale, the matrix element scales for the tW process and the effect of the final-state radiation from tˉt events.

The differential cross section measurements are performed as a function of various properties of the event: the transverse momentum of the leading lepton, the transverse momentum of the jet; the difference in the φ angle of the muon and the electron; the longitudinal momentum of the muon, the electron and the jet; the invariant mass of the muon, electron and the jet; and the transverse mass of the electron, the muon, the jet, and the missing transverse momentum. The results show uncertainties that vary depending on the chosen distribution, and range from 10% up to 40% (in relative terms) in the bulk of the distributions, reaching larger values in the tails. Agreement is overall good with respect to the expectations from the different generators. The different approaches to produce tW events show similar values in all distributions, pointing to small effects of the tW /tˉt interference in the defined fiducial region and on these distributions.
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Compact Muon Solenoid