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Measurements of properties of the Higgs boson decaying to a W boson pair in pp collisions at s= 13 TeV
Abstract: Measurements of the standard model Higgs boson decaying to a W boson pair are reported. The W+W candidates are selected in events with an oppositely charged lepton pair and large missing transverse momentum, and with different numbers of jets. To select Higgs bosons produced via vector boson fusion and associated production with a W or Z boson, events with two jets and three or four leptons are also selected. The event sample corresponds to an integrated luminosity of 35.9 fb1, collected in pp collisions at s= 13 TeV by the CMS detector at the LHC during 2016. Combining all the channels, the observed cross section times branching ratio is 1.28+0.180.17 times the standard model prediction for the Higgs boson with a mass of 125.09 GeV.
Figures & Tables Summary References CMS Publications

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Figure 1:
Postfit number of weighted events (Nw) as a function of m and mT for different flavor events with 0 jets and pT2< 20 GeV (upper row) or pT2> 20 GeV (bottom row). The different lepton flavor and charge subcategories have been merged and weighted according to their S/(S+B) power. The contributions of the main background processes (stacked histograms) and the SM Higgs boson signal (superimposed and stacked red histogram) remaining after all selection criteria are shown. The dashed gray band shows the systematic uncertainties obtained from the fit result.

Figure 1-a:
Postfit number of weighted events (Nw) as a function of m and mT for different flavor events with 0 jets and pT2< 20 GeV (upper row) or pT2> 20 GeV (bottom row). The different lepton flavor and charge subcategories have been merged and weighted according to their S/(S+B) power. The contributions of the main background processes (stacked histograms) and the SM Higgs boson signal (superimposed and stacked red histogram) remaining after all selection criteria are shown. The dashed gray band shows the systematic uncertainties obtained from the fit result.

Figure 1-b:
Postfit number of weighted events (Nw) as a function of m and mT for different flavor events with 0 jets and pT2< 20 GeV (upper row) or pT2> 20 GeV (bottom row). The different lepton flavor and charge subcategories have been merged and weighted according to their S/(S+B) power. The contributions of the main background processes (stacked histograms) and the SM Higgs boson signal (superimposed and stacked red histogram) remaining after all selection criteria are shown. The dashed gray band shows the systematic uncertainties obtained from the fit result.

Figure 1-c:
Postfit number of weighted events (Nw) as a function of m and mT for different flavor events with 0 jets and pT2< 20 GeV (upper row) or pT2> 20 GeV (bottom row). The different lepton flavor and charge subcategories have been merged and weighted according to their S/(S+B) power. The contributions of the main background processes (stacked histograms) and the SM Higgs boson signal (superimposed and stacked red histogram) remaining after all selection criteria are shown. The dashed gray band shows the systematic uncertainties obtained from the fit result.

Figure 1-d:
Postfit number of weighted events (Nw) as a function of m and mT for different flavor events with 0 jets and pT2< 20 GeV (upper row) or pT2> 20 GeV (bottom row). The different lepton flavor and charge subcategories have been merged and weighted according to their S/(S+B) power. The contributions of the main background processes (stacked histograms) and the SM Higgs boson signal (superimposed and stacked red histogram) remaining after all selection criteria are shown. The dashed gray band shows the systematic uncertainties obtained from the fit result.

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Figure 2:
Postfit number of weighted events (Nw) as a function of m and mT for different flavor events with 1 jet and pT2< 20 GeV (upper row) or pT2> 20 GeV (bottom row). The different lepton flavor and charge subcategories have been merged and weighted according to their S/(S+B) power. The contributions of the main background processes (stacked histograms) and the SM Higgs boson signal (superimposed and stacked red histogram) remaining after all selection criteria are shown. The dashed gray band shows the systematic uncertainties obtained from the fit result.

Figure 2-a:
Postfit number of weighted events (Nw) as a function of m and mT for different flavor events with 1 jet and pT2< 20 GeV (upper row) or pT2> 20 GeV (bottom row). The different lepton flavor and charge subcategories have been merged and weighted according to their S/(S+B) power. The contributions of the main background processes (stacked histograms) and the SM Higgs boson signal (superimposed and stacked red histogram) remaining after all selection criteria are shown. The dashed gray band shows the systematic uncertainties obtained from the fit result.

Figure 2-b:
Postfit number of weighted events (Nw) as a function of m and mT for different flavor events with 1 jet and pT2< 20 GeV (upper row) or pT2> 20 GeV (bottom row). The different lepton flavor and charge subcategories have been merged and weighted according to their S/(S+B) power. The contributions of the main background processes (stacked histograms) and the SM Higgs boson signal (superimposed and stacked red histogram) remaining after all selection criteria are shown. The dashed gray band shows the systematic uncertainties obtained from the fit result.

Figure 2-c:
Postfit number of weighted events (Nw) as a function of m and mT for different flavor events with 1 jet and pT2< 20 GeV (upper row) or pT2> 20 GeV (bottom row). The different lepton flavor and charge subcategories have been merged and weighted according to their S/(S+B) power. The contributions of the main background processes (stacked histograms) and the SM Higgs boson signal (superimposed and stacked red histogram) remaining after all selection criteria are shown. The dashed gray band shows the systematic uncertainties obtained from the fit result.

Figure 2-d:
Postfit number of weighted events (Nw) as a function of m and mT for different flavor events with 1 jet and pT2< 20 GeV (upper row) or pT2> 20 GeV (bottom row). The different lepton flavor and charge subcategories have been merged and weighted according to their S/(S+B) power. The contributions of the main background processes (stacked histograms) and the SM Higgs boson signal (superimposed and stacked red histogram) remaining after all selection criteria are shown. The dashed gray band shows the systematic uncertainties obtained from the fit result.

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Figure 3:
Postfit number of weighted events (Nw) as a function of m and mT for different flavor events with at least 2 jets. The contributions of the main background processes (stacked histograms) and the SM Higgs boson signal (superimposed and stacked red histogram) remaining after all selection criteria are shown. The dashed gray band shows the systematic uncertainties obtained from the fit result.

Figure 3-a:
Postfit number of weighted events (Nw) as a function of m and mT for different flavor events with at least 2 jets. The contributions of the main background processes (stacked histograms) and the SM Higgs boson signal (superimposed and stacked red histogram) remaining after all selection criteria are shown. The dashed gray band shows the systematic uncertainties obtained from the fit result.

Figure 3-b:
Postfit number of weighted events (Nw) as a function of m and mT for different flavor events with at least 2 jets. The contributions of the main background processes (stacked histograms) and the SM Higgs boson signal (superimposed and stacked red histogram) remaining after all selection criteria are shown. The dashed gray band shows the systematic uncertainties obtained from the fit result.

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Figure 4:
Number of weighted events (Nw) as a function of m for different flavor events with VBF topology. The contributions of the main background processes (stacked histograms) and the SM Higgs boson signal (superimposed and stacked red histogram) remaining after all selection criteria are shown. The dashed gray band shows the systematic uncertainties obtained from the fit result.

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Figure 5:
Number of events as a function of m for different flavor events in the 2-jets VH-tagged category. The contributions of the main background processes (stacked histograms) and the SM Higgs boson signal (superimposed and stacked red histogram) remaining after all selection criteria are shown. The dashed gray band shows the systematic uncertainties obtained from the fit result.

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Figure 6:
ΔR distribution for events in the three leptons WH-tagged category, splitted in the OSSF (left) and SSSF (right) sub-categories. The contributions of the main background processes (stacked histograms) and the SM Higgs boson signal (superimposed and stacked red histogram) remaining after all selection criteria are shown.

Figure 6-a:
ΔR distribution for events in the three leptons WH-tagged category, splitted in the OSSF (left) and SSSF (right) sub-categories. The contributions of the main background processes (stacked histograms) and the SM Higgs boson signal (superimposed and stacked red histogram) remaining after all selection criteria are shown.

Figure 6-b:
ΔR distribution for events in the three leptons WH-tagged category, splitted in the OSSF (left) and SSSF (right) sub-categories. The contributions of the main background processes (stacked histograms) and the SM Higgs boson signal (superimposed and stacked red histogram) remaining after all selection criteria are shown.

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Figure 7:
Expected relative fraction of different Higgs boson production mechanisms in each category included in the combination, together with the expected signal yield.

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Figure 8:
Observed and expected likelihood profiles for the global signal strength modifier. Dashed curves correspond to the likelihood profiles obtained including only the statistical uncertainty.

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Figure 9:
(a) Observed signal strength modifiers for each category used in the combination. (b) Observed signal strength modifiers corresponding to the main SM Higgs boson production mechanisms. The vertical continuous line represents the combined signal strength best-fit value, while the filled area shows the 68% confidence intervals. The vertical dashed line corresponds to the SM expectation for a Higgs boson with a mass of 125.09 GeV.

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Figure 9-a:
(a) Observed signal strength modifiers for each category used in the combination. (b) Observed signal strength modifiers corresponding to the main SM Higgs boson production mechanisms. The vertical continuous line represents the combined signal strength best-fit value, while the filled area shows the 68% confidence intervals. The vertical dashed line corresponds to the SM expectation for a Higgs boson with a mass of 125.09 GeV.

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Figure 9-b:
(a) Observed signal strength modifiers for each category used in the combination. (b) Observed signal strength modifiers corresponding to the main SM Higgs boson production mechanisms. The vertical continuous line represents the combined signal strength best-fit value, while the filled area shows the 68% confidence intervals. The vertical dashed line corresponds to the SM expectation for a Higgs boson with a mass of 125.09 GeV.

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Figure 10:
Observed cross sections for the main Higgs boson production modes, normalized to the SM predictions. Cross section ratios are measured in a simplified fiducial phase space defined requiring yH< 2.5, as specified in the "stage-0'' STXS framework. The vertical line and band correspond to the SM prediction and associated theoretical uncertainty.

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Figure 11:
Two-dimensional likelihood profile as a function of the signal strength modifiers associated with either fermion (μF) or vector boson (μV) couplings. The 68% and 95% CL contours are shown as continuous and dashed lines, respectively. The red circle represents the best-fit measurement, while the black triangle corresponds to the SM prediction.

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Figure 12:
Two-dimensional likelihood profile as a function of the coupling modifiers associated with either fermion (κF) or vector boson (κV) vertices, using the κ-framework parametrization. The 68% and 95% CL contours are shown as continuous and dashed lines, respectively. The red circle represents the best-fit measurement, while the black triangle corresponds to the SM prediction.

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Table 1:
Analysis categorization and event requirements for the 0-, 1-, and 2-jet ggH-tagged categories in the two different flavor leptons final state.

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Table 2:
Analysis categorization and event requirements for the 2-jet VBF-tagged category, in the two different flavor leptons final state.

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Table 3:
Analysis categorization and event requirements for the 2-jet VH-tagged category, in the two different flavor leptons final state.

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Table 4:
Analysis categorization and selections for the 0- and 1- jet ggH-tagged categories in the two same flavor leptons final state.

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Table 5:
Analysis categorization and event requirements for the WH-tagged category, in the 3 leptons final state. min(m+) is the minimum m between the oppositely charged leptons, m is the 3-lepton invariant mass. For the Z-veto the m closest to the Z mass is considered.

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Table 6:
Analysis categorization and event requirements for the ZH-tagged category, in the four leptons final state. X is defined as the remaining lepton pair after the Z candidate, Z0, is chosen. The component leptons of X can be same flavor (XSF) or different flavor (XDF).

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Table 7:
Data/simulation scale factors for the top quark background normalization in 7 different control regions.

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Table 8:
Data/simulation scale factors for the DYτ+τ background normalization in the different flavor control regions.

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Table 9:
Scale factors for the nonresonant WW background normalization.

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Table 10:
Number of expected signal and background events and number of observed events in the 0- and 1-jet categories after the full event selection. Postfit event yields are also shown in parentheses, and corresponds to the fit result of a simultaneous fit to all categories assuming that the relative proportions of the different production mechanisms are those predicted by the SM. The individual signal yields are given for different production mechanisms.

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Table 11:
Number of expected signal and background events and number of observed events in the 2-jet, 3-lepton, and 4-lepton categories after the full event selection. Postfit event yields are also shown in parentheses, and corresponds to the fit result of a simultaneous fit to all categories assuming that the relative proportions of the different production mechanisms are those predicted by the SM. The individual signal yields are given for different production mechanisms. For the 4-lepton ZH-tagged category, t¯tW and t¯tZ are included in the top process.
Measurements of the properties of the SM Higgs boson decaying to a W boson pair at the LHC have been reported. The data samples used in the analysis correspond to 35.9 fb1 collected by the CMS detector in pp collisions at s= 13 TeV.

The W+W candidates are selected in events with large missing transverse momentum and exactly two, three, or four leptons. In the case of events with two leptons, different categories are defined according to the lepton pair flavor, which is allowed to be either eμ, ee, or μμ. The analysis has specific categories for gluon fusion production, which is the dominant production mode, vector boson fusion, and vector boson associated production, with up to two jets in the final state.

Combining all the channels, the observed (expected) significance in the background-only hypothesis is 9.1 (7.1) standard deviations. The observed global signal strength modifier is σ/σSM=ˆμ=1.28+0.180.17= 1.28 ± 0.10 (stat) +0.110.11 (syst) +0.100.07 (theo.).
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Compact Muon Solenoid