CMS-PAS-SUS-16-040 | ||
Search for R-parity-violating supersymmetry in proton-proton collisions at √s= 13 TeV in events with a single lepton and large jet and bottom quark jet multiplicity | ||
CMS Collaboration | ||
August 2017 | ||
Abstract: Results are reported from a search for physics beyond the standard model in proton-proton collisions at a center-of-mass energy √s= 13 TeV, focusing on the signature of a single lepton, large jet multiplicity, and large bottom quark jet multiplicity, without a requirement on the missing transverse momentum in an event. The data sample corresponds to an integrated luminosity of 35.9 fb−1 recorded by the CMS experiment at the LHC. No excess beyond the prediction from standard model processes is observed. The results are interpreted in terms of limits on the parameter space for R-parity-violating supersymmetric extensions of the standard model using a benchmark model of gluino pair production in which each gluino decays promptly via ˜g→tbs. Gluinos with a mass below 1610 GeV are excluded at 95% confidence level. | ||
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These preliminary results are superseded in this paper, PLB 783 (2018) 114. The superseded preliminary plots can be found here. |
Additional information on efficiencies needed for reinterpretation of
these results are available here
Additional technical material for CMS speakers can be found here |
Figures | |
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Figure 1:
Comparison of data and MC simulation yields in a Z+jets control sample selected by requiring Nlep= 2, HT> 1200 GeV, Nb= 1, and 80 <mℓℓ< 100 GeV. The total yield of MC is normalized to the number of events in data. The uncertainty on the ratio of data to total MC (Data/MC) is from the statistics of the data sample. |
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Figure 2:
Post-fit ΔRbˉb distributions in a selection with Nlep= 0, Nb= 2, Njet≥ 4 and MJ> 500 GeV and HT> 1500 GeV. The ratio of data to simulation is shown at the bottom, and the fit uncertainty is represented by the gray band. |
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Figure 3:
Background (left) and m˜g= 1600 GeV signal (right) systematic uncertainties on the Njet≥ 8 and MJ≥ 1000 GeV bin. SF in the label means scale factor. |
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Figure 3-a:
Background systematic uncertainties on the Njet≥ 8 and MJ≥ 1000 GeV bin. SF in the label means scale factor. |
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Figure 3-b:
m˜g= 1600 GeV signal systematic uncertainties on the Njet≥ 8 and MJ≥ 1000 GeV bin. SF in the label means scale factor. |
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Figure 4:
Data and the background-only post-fit Nb distribution for bins with low expected signal contribution: 500 <MJ≤ 800 GeV, 4 ≤Njet≤ 5 (top-left), MJ> 800 GeV, 4 ≤Njet≤ 5 (top-right), 500 <MJ≤ 800 GeV, 6 ≤Njet≤ 7 (bottom-left), and 500 <MJ≤ 800 GeV, Njet≥ 8 (bottom-right). The uncertainty on the ratio of data to total background (Data/Fit) is from the statistics of the data sample. |
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Figure 4-a:
Data and the background-only post-fit Nb distribution for the following bin with low expected signal contribution: 500 <MJ≤ 800 GeV, 4 ≤Njet≤ 5. The uncertainty on the ratio of data to total background (Data/Fit) is from the statistics of the data sample. |
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Figure 4-b:
Data and the background-only post-fit Nb distribution for the following bin with low expected signal contribution: MJ> 800 GeV, 4 ≤Njet≤ 5. The uncertainty on the ratio of data to total background (Data/Fit) is from the statistics of the data sample. |
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Figure 4-c:
Data and the background-only post-fit Nb distribution for the following bin with low expected signal contribution: 500 <MJ≤ 800 GeV, 6 ≤Njet≤ 7. The uncertainty on the ratio of data to total background (Data/Fit) is from the statistics of the data sample. |
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Figure 4-d:
Data and the background-only post-fit Nb distribution for the following bin with low expected signal contribution: 500 <MJ≤ 800 GeV, Njet≥ 8. The uncertainty on the ratio of data to total background (Data/Fit) is from the statistics of the data sample. |
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Figure 5:
Data and the background-only post-fit Nb distribution for bins with large expected signal contribution: 800 <MJ≤ 1000 GeV , 6 ≤Njet≤ 7 (top-left), 800 <MJ≤ 1000 GeV , Njet≥ 8 (top-right), MJ> 1000 GeV, 6 ≤Njet≤ 7 (bottom-left), and MJ> 1000 GeV, Njet≥ 8 (bottom-right). The uncertainty on the ratio of data to total background (Data/Fit) is from the statistics of the data sample. |
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Figure 5-a:
Data and the background-only post-fit Nb distribution for the following bin with large expected signal contribution: 800 <MJ≤ 1000 GeV , 6 ≤Njet≤ 7. The uncertainty on the ratio of data to total background (Data/Fit) is from the statistics of the data sample. |
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Figure 5-b:
Data and the background-only post-fit Nb distribution for the following bin with large expected signal contribution: 800 <MJ≤ 1000 GeV , Njet≥ 8. The uncertainty on the ratio of data to total background (Data/Fit) is from the statistics of the data sample. |
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Figure 5-c:
Data and the background-only post-fit Nb distribution for the following bin with large expected signal contribution: MJ> 1000 GeV, 6 ≤Njet≤ 7. The uncertainty on the ratio of data to total background (Data/Fit) is from the statistics of the data sample. |
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Figure 5-d:
Data and the background-only post-fit Nb distribution for the following bin with large expected signal contribution: MJ> 1000 GeV, Njet≥ 8. The uncertainty on the ratio of data to total background (Data/Fit) is from the statistics of the data sample. |
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Figure 6:
Cross section upper limits at 95% CL compared to the gluino pair production cross section (magenta). The theoretical uncertainties on the cross section are shown as a band around the line [54]. The expected limits (black solid line) and their ±1σ (green) and ±2σ (yellow) variations are shown. The observed limit is the black solid line with dots. |
Tables | |
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Table 1:
Post-fit yields for the background-only fit, observed data, and expected yields for m˜g= 1600 GeV in each search bin. |
Summary |
We have searched for evidence of new phenomena with a single lepton and high jet and b-quark multiplicity without a missing transverse momentum requirement. The background is predicted using a combined fit in bins of the number of jets, number of b-tagged jets, and the sum of masses of large radius jets, using Monte Carlo simulated predictions with data driven corrections for the normalizations of the dominant backgrounds and nuisance parameters for theoretical and experimental uncertainties. Statistical uncertainties dominate in the signal regions, while the most important systematic uncertainties arise from modeling of gluon splitting and the b-quark tagging efficiency and mistagging rate. The data are consistent with a background-only fit. Cross section limits of approximately 10 fb are derived using a benchmark R-parity-violating supersymmetry model of gluino pair production with a prompt three-body decay to tbs as predicted in minimal-flavor-violating models. Gluino masses below 1610 GeV are excluded in this model. |
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Compact Muon Solenoid LHC, CERN |
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