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Measurement of Higgs boson production and decay to the ττ final state
Abstract: A measurement of the inclusive cross section σincl for the production of a Higgs boson decaying into a pair of tau leptons, Hττ, is presented. The measurement is based on pp collision data collected by the CMS experiment in 2016 and 2017 corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 77.4 fb1 at a center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV. A value of σinclB(Hττ)= 2.56 ± 0.48 (stat) ± 0.34 (syst) pb is obtained. Results are also presented in terms of cross sections for individual production modes and kinematic regimes.
Figures & Tables Summary References CMS Publications

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Figure 1:
Confusion matrices for the NN classification task described in Section 5.4, for the (upper left) eμ, (upper right) eτh, (lower left) μτh, and (lower right) τhτh final states evaluated on the 2017 dataset. Each matrix is normalized such that all entries in each column, corresponding to a given event class, sum up to unity. All event classes enter the matrix with the same statistical weight (i.e. with uniform prevalence).

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Figure 1-a:
Confusion matrices for the NN classification task described in Section 5.4, for the (upper left) eμ, (upper right) eτh, (lower left) μτh, and (lower right) τhτh final states evaluated on the 2017 dataset. Each matrix is normalized such that all entries in each column, corresponding to a given event class, sum up to unity. All event classes enter the matrix with the same statistical weight (i.e. with uniform prevalence).

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Figure 1-b:
Confusion matrices for the NN classification task described in Section 5.4, for the (upper left) eμ, (upper right) eτh, (lower left) μτh, and (lower right) τhτh final states evaluated on the 2017 dataset. Each matrix is normalized such that all entries in each column, corresponding to a given event class, sum up to unity. All event classes enter the matrix with the same statistical weight (i.e. with uniform prevalence).

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Figure 1-c:
Confusion matrices for the NN classification task described in Section 5.4, for the (upper left) eμ, (upper right) eτh, (lower left) μτh, and (lower right) τhτh final states evaluated on the 2017 dataset. Each matrix is normalized such that all entries in each column, corresponding to a given event class, sum up to unity. All event classes enter the matrix with the same statistical weight (i.e. with uniform prevalence).

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Figure 1-d:
Confusion matrices for the NN classification task described in Section 5.4, for the (upper left) eμ, (upper right) eτh, (lower left) μτh, and (lower right) τhτh final states evaluated on the 2017 dataset. Each matrix is normalized such that all entries in each column, corresponding to a given event class, sum up to unity. All event classes enter the matrix with the same statistical weight (i.e. with uniform prevalence).

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Figure 2:
Distributions of the NN output used for the determination of the event categories in the (upper left) ztt, (upper right) qcd, (middle left) tt, (middle right) zll, (lower left) wj, and (lower right) misc event categories, in the μτh final state. All distributions and uncertainties are shown after the fit that has been applied to the data.

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Figure 2-a:
Distributions of the NN output used for the determination of the event categories in the (upper left) ztt, (upper right) qcd, (middle left) tt, (middle right) zll, (lower left) wj, and (lower right) misc event categories, in the μτh final state. All distributions and uncertainties are shown after the fit that has been applied to the data.

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Figure 2-b:
Distributions of the NN output used for the determination of the event categories in the (upper left) ztt, (upper right) qcd, (middle left) tt, (middle right) zll, (lower left) wj, and (lower right) misc event categories, in the μτh final state. All distributions and uncertainties are shown after the fit that has been applied to the data.

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Figure 2-c:
Distributions of the NN output used for the determination of the event categories in the (upper left) ztt, (upper right) qcd, (middle left) tt, (middle right) zll, (lower left) wj, and (lower right) misc event categories, in the μτh final state. All distributions and uncertainties are shown after the fit that has been applied to the data.

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Figure 2-d:
Distributions of the NN output used for the determination of the event categories in the (upper left) ztt, (upper right) qcd, (middle left) tt, (middle right) zll, (lower left) wj, and (lower right) misc event categories, in the μτh final state. All distributions and uncertainties are shown after the fit that has been applied to the data.

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Figure 2-e:
Distributions of the NN output used for the determination of the event categories in the (upper left) ztt, (upper right) qcd, (middle left) tt, (middle right) zll, (lower left) wj, and (lower right) misc event categories, in the μτh final state. All distributions and uncertainties are shown after the fit that has been applied to the data.

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Figure 2-f:
Distributions of the NN output used for the determination of the event categories in the (upper left) ztt, (upper right) qcd, (middle left) tt, (middle right) zll, (lower left) wj, and (lower right) misc event categories, in the μτh final state. All distributions and uncertainties are shown after the fit that has been applied to the data.

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Figure 3:
Distributions of the output of the NN used for the determination of the event categories, in the ggH event category, in the (upper left) eμ, (upper right) eτh, (lower left) μτh, and (lower right) τhτh final states, on the 2017 dataset. All distributions and uncertainties are shown after the fit that has been applied to the data. For each channel, all event categories relevant for the extraction of ggH,bbH production have been summed.

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Figure 3-a:
Distributions of the output of the NN used for the determination of the event categories, in the ggH event category, in the (upper left) eμ, (upper right) eτh, (lower left) μτh, and (lower right) τhτh final states, on the 2017 dataset. All distributions and uncertainties are shown after the fit that has been applied to the data. For each channel, all event categories relevant for the extraction of ggH,bbH production have been summed.

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Figure 3-b:
Distributions of the output of the NN used for the determination of the event categories, in the ggH event category, in the (upper left) eμ, (upper right) eτh, (lower left) μτh, and (lower right) τhτh final states, on the 2017 dataset. All distributions and uncertainties are shown after the fit that has been applied to the data. For each channel, all event categories relevant for the extraction of ggH,bbH production have been summed.

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Figure 3-c:
Distributions of the output of the NN used for the determination of the event categories, in the ggH event category, in the (upper left) eμ, (upper right) eτh, (lower left) μτh, and (lower right) τhτh final states, on the 2017 dataset. All distributions and uncertainties are shown after the fit that has been applied to the data. For each channel, all event categories relevant for the extraction of ggH,bbH production have been summed.

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Figure 3-d:
Distributions of the output of the NN used for the determination of the event categories, in the ggH event category, in the (upper left) eμ, (upper right) eτh, (lower left) μτh, and (lower right) τhτh final states, on the 2017 dataset. All distributions and uncertainties are shown after the fit that has been applied to the data. For each channel, all event categories relevant for the extraction of ggH,bbH production have been summed.

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Figure 4:
Distributions of the output of the NN used for the determination of the event categories, in the qqH event category, in the (upper left) eμ, (upper right) eτh, (lower left) μτh, and (lower right) τhτh final states, on the 2017 dataset. All distributions and uncertainties are shown after the fit that has been applied to the data. For each channel, all event categories relevant for the extraction of VBF+V(qq)H production have been summed.

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Figure 4-a:
Distributions of the output of the NN used for the determination of the event categories, in the qqH event category, in the (upper left) eμ, (upper right) eτh, (lower left) μτh, and (lower right) τhτh final states, on the 2017 dataset. All distributions and uncertainties are shown after the fit that has been applied to the data. For each channel, all event categories relevant for the extraction of VBF+V(qq)H production have been summed.

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Figure 4-b:
Distributions of the output of the NN used for the determination of the event categories, in the qqH event category, in the (upper left) eμ, (upper right) eτh, (lower left) μτh, and (lower right) τhτh final states, on the 2017 dataset. All distributions and uncertainties are shown after the fit that has been applied to the data. For each channel, all event categories relevant for the extraction of VBF+V(qq)H production have been summed.

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Figure 4-c:
Distributions of the output of the NN used for the determination of the event categories, in the qqH event category, in the (upper left) eμ, (upper right) eτh, (lower left) μτh, and (lower right) τhτh final states, on the 2017 dataset. All distributions and uncertainties are shown after the fit that has been applied to the data. For each channel, all event categories relevant for the extraction of VBF+V(qq)H production have been summed.

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Figure 4-d:
Distributions of the output of the NN used for the determination of the event categories, in the qqH event category, in the (upper left) eμ, (upper right) eτh, (lower left) μτh, and (lower right) τhτh final states, on the 2017 dataset. All distributions and uncertainties are shown after the fit that has been applied to the data. For each channel, all event categories relevant for the extraction of VBF+V(qq)H production have been summed.

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Figure 5:
Classification scheme as proposed by the LHC HXSWG to further investigate the kinematic properties of ggH,bbH production. All proposed classes are indicated by gray boxes. The darker color indicates classes that are also used as categories in the analysis. The lighter colored classes are not used as categories (in all final states). All bin boundaries are given in GeV. For the statistical inference of the signal some event classes are combined as indicated by the dashed lines.

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Figure 6:
Classification scheme as proposed by the LHC HXSWG to further investigate the kinematic properties of VBF+V(qq)H production. All proposed classes are indicated by gray boxes. They are also used as categories in the analysis. All bin boundaries are given in GeV. For the statistical inference of the signal two event classes are combined as indicated by the dashed lines.

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Figure 7:
Distribution of the decimal logarithm of the signal purity (after the fit to the data), evaluated in the bins of the signal categories used to extract the results. The signal contribution and the background contributions from each decay channel are stacked on top of each other. The inset shows the relative excess with respect to the estimated background.

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Figure 8:
Results of the maximum likelihood fit to the data, for a model with one signal strength parameter, as discussed in Section 8, split by final state and inclusively, for all final states combined. The ttH and VH production modes with leptonic V decays have a negligible effect on the shown results and are not included as signal.

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Figure 9:
Two-dimensional contours corresponding to 68% and 95% confidence level (CL) (top) for the signal strength of the ggH,bbH and VBF+V(qq)H production modes and (bottom) for the coupling strength modifiers κV and κF. All nuisance parameters are profiled at each point evaluated in the two-dimensional parameter space. For the scan of κV and κF, the contribution of HWW to the eμ final state, and the ttH and VH production modes with leptonic V decays are treated as a signal processes.

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Figure 9-a:
Two-dimensional contours corresponding to 68% and 95% confidence level (CL) (top) for the signal strength of the ggH,bbH and VBF+V(qq)H production modes and (bottom) for the coupling strength modifiers κV and κF. All nuisance parameters are profiled at each point evaluated in the two-dimensional parameter space. For the scan of κV and κF, the contribution of HWW to the eμ final state, and the ttH and VH production modes with leptonic V decays are treated as a signal processes.

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Figure 9-b:
Two-dimensional contours corresponding to 68% and 95% confidence level (CL) (top) for the signal strength of the ggH,bbH and VBF+V(qq)H production modes and (bottom) for the coupling strength modifiers κV and κF. All nuisance parameters are profiled at each point evaluated in the two-dimensional parameter space. For the scan of κV and κF, the contribution of HWW to the eμ final state, and the ttH and VH production modes with leptonic V decays are treated as a signal processes.

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Figure 10:
Results of the maximum likelihood fit to the data, for a model with 9 signal strength parameters, as discussed in Section 8. Also shown are the results from an inclusive fit with separate signal strength parameters for the ggH,bbH and VBF+V(qq)H production processes. The ttH and VH production modes with leptonic V decays have a negligible effect on the shown results and are not included as signal.

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Figure 11:
Correlation matrix of the maximum likelihood fit with 9 signal strength parameters, as discussed in Section 8. The corresponding fit results are shown in Figure 10.

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Figure 12:
Confusion matrices for the NN classification task described in Section 5.4, for the (upper left) eμ, (upper right) eτh, (lower left) μτh, and (lower right) τhτh final states evaluated on the 2016 dataset. Each matrix is normalized such that all entries in each column, corresponding to a given event class, sum up to unity. All event classes enter the matrix with the same statistical weight (uniform prevalence).

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Figure 12-a:
Confusion matrices for the NN classification task described in Section 5.4, for the (upper left) eμ, (upper right) eτh, (lower left) μτh, and (lower right) τhτh final states evaluated on the 2016 dataset. Each matrix is normalized such that all entries in each column, corresponding to a given event class, sum up to unity. All event classes enter the matrix with the same statistical weight (uniform prevalence).

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Figure 12-b:
Confusion matrices for the NN classification task described in Section 5.4, for the (upper left) eμ, (upper right) eτh, (lower left) μτh, and (lower right) τhτh final states evaluated on the 2016 dataset. Each matrix is normalized such that all entries in each column, corresponding to a given event class, sum up to unity. All event classes enter the matrix with the same statistical weight (uniform prevalence).

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Figure 12-c:
Confusion matrices for the NN classification task described in Section 5.4, for the (upper left) eμ, (upper right) eτh, (lower left) μτh, and (lower right) τhτh final states evaluated on the 2016 dataset. Each matrix is normalized such that all entries in each column, corresponding to a given event class, sum up to unity. All event classes enter the matrix with the same statistical weight (uniform prevalence).

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Figure 12-d:
Confusion matrices for the NN classification task described in Section 5.4, for the (upper left) eμ, (upper right) eτh, (lower left) μτh, and (lower right) τhτh final states evaluated on the 2016 dataset. Each matrix is normalized such that all entries in each column, corresponding to a given event class, sum up to unity. All event classes enter the matrix with the same statistical weight (uniform prevalence).

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Figure 13:
Distributions of the NN output used for the determination of the event categories in the (upper left) ztt, (upper right) qcd, (middle left) tt, (middle right) db, (lower left) st, and (lower right) misc event categories, in the eμ final state, on the 2016 dataset.

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Figure 13-a:
Distributions of the NN output used for the determination of the event categories in the (upper left) ztt, (upper right) qcd, (middle left) tt, (middle right) db, (lower left) st, and (lower right) misc event categories, in the eμ final state, on the 2016 dataset.

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Figure 13-b:
Distributions of the NN output used for the determination of the event categories in the (upper left) ztt, (upper right) qcd, (middle left) tt, (middle right) db, (lower left) st, and (lower right) misc event categories, in the eμ final state, on the 2016 dataset.

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Figure 13-c:
Distributions of the NN output used for the determination of the event categories in the (upper left) ztt, (upper right) qcd, (middle left) tt, (middle right) db, (lower left) st, and (lower right) misc event categories, in the eμ final state, on the 2016 dataset.

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Figure 13-d:
Distributions of the NN output used for the determination of the event categories in the (upper left) ztt, (upper right) qcd, (middle left) tt, (middle right) db, (lower left) st, and (lower right) misc event categories, in the eμ final state, on the 2016 dataset.

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Figure 13-e:
Distributions of the NN output used for the determination of the event categories in the (upper left) ztt, (upper right) qcd, (middle left) tt, (middle right) db, (lower left) st, and (lower right) misc event categories, in the eμ final state, on the 2016 dataset.

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Figure 13-f:
Distributions of the NN output used for the determination of the event categories in the (upper left) ztt, (upper right) qcd, (middle left) tt, (middle right) db, (lower left) st, and (lower right) misc event categories, in the eμ final state, on the 2016 dataset.

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Figure 14:
Distributions of the NN output used for the determination of the event categories in the (upper left) ztt, (upper right) qcd, (middle left) tt, (middle right) zll, (lower left) wj, and (lower right) misc event categories, in the eτh final state, on the 2016 dataset.

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Figure 14-a:
Distributions of the NN output used for the determination of the event categories in the (upper left) ztt, (upper right) qcd, (middle left) tt, (middle right) zll, (lower left) wj, and (lower right) misc event categories, in the eτh final state, on the 2016 dataset.

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Figure 14-b:
Distributions of the NN output used for the determination of the event categories in the (upper left) ztt, (upper right) qcd, (middle left) tt, (middle right) zll, (lower left) wj, and (lower right) misc event categories, in the eτh final state, on the 2016 dataset.

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Figure 14-c:
Distributions of the NN output used for the determination of the event categories in the (upper left) ztt, (upper right) qcd, (middle left) tt, (middle right) zll, (lower left) wj, and (lower right) misc event categories, in the eτh final state, on the 2016 dataset.

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Figure 14-d:
Distributions of the NN output used for the determination of the event categories in the (upper left) ztt, (upper right) qcd, (middle left) tt, (middle right) zll, (lower left) wj, and (lower right) misc event categories, in the eτh final state, on the 2016 dataset.

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Figure 14-e:
Distributions of the NN output used for the determination of the event categories in the (upper left) ztt, (upper right) qcd, (middle left) tt, (middle right) zll, (lower left) wj, and (lower right) misc event categories, in the eτh final state, on the 2016 dataset.

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Figure 14-f:
Distributions of the NN output used for the determination of the event categories in the (upper left) ztt, (upper right) qcd, (middle left) tt, (middle right) zll, (lower left) wj, and (lower right) misc event categories, in the eτh final state, on the 2016 dataset.

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Figure 15:
Distributions of the NN output used for the determination of the event categories in the (upper left) ztt, (upper right) qcd, (middle left) tt, (middle right) zll, (lower left) wj, and (lower right) misc event categories, in the μτh final state, on the 2016 dataset.

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Figure 15-a:
Distributions of the NN output used for the determination of the event categories in the (upper left) ztt, (upper right) qcd, (middle left) tt, (middle right) zll, (lower left) wj, and (lower right) misc event categories, in the μτh final state, on the 2016 dataset.

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Figure 15-b:
Distributions of the NN output used for the determination of the event categories in the (upper left) ztt, (upper right) qcd, (middle left) tt, (middle right) zll, (lower left) wj, and (lower right) misc event categories, in the μτh final state, on the 2016 dataset.

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Figure 15-c:
Distributions of the NN output used for the determination of the event categories in the (upper left) ztt, (upper right) qcd, (middle left) tt, (middle right) zll, (lower left) wj, and (lower right) misc event categories, in the μτh final state, on the 2016 dataset.

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Figure 15-d:
Distributions of the NN output used for the determination of the event categories in the (upper left) ztt, (upper right) qcd, (middle left) tt, (middle right) zll, (lower left) wj, and (lower right) misc event categories, in the μτh final state, on the 2016 dataset.

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Figure 15-e:
Distributions of the NN output used for the determination of the event categories in the (upper left) ztt, (upper right) qcd, (middle left) tt, (middle right) zll, (lower left) wj, and (lower right) misc event categories, in the μτh final state, on the 2016 dataset.

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Figure 15-f:
Distributions of the NN output used for the determination of the event categories in the (upper left) ztt, (upper right) qcd, (middle left) tt, (middle right) zll, (lower left) wj, and (lower right) misc event categories, in the μτh final state, on the 2016 dataset.

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Figure 16:
Distributions of the NN output used for the determination of the event categories in the (upper left) ztt, (upper right) qcd, (lower left) misc event categories, in the τhτh final state, on the 2016 dataset.

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Figure 16-a:
Distributions of the NN output used for the determination of the event categories in the (upper left) ztt, (upper right) qcd, (lower left) misc event categories, in the τhτh final state, on the 2016 dataset.

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Figure 16-b:
Distributions of the NN output used for the determination of the event categories in the (upper left) ztt, (upper right) qcd, (lower left) misc event categories, in the τhτh final state, on the 2016 dataset.

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Figure 16-c:
Distributions of the NN output used for the determination of the event categories in the (upper left) ztt, (upper right) qcd, (lower left) misc event categories, in the τhτh final state, on the 2016 dataset.

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Figure 17:
Distributions of the NN output used for the determination of the event categories in the (upper left) ztt, (upper right) qcd, (middle left) tt, (middle right) db, (lower left) st, and (lower right) misc event categories, in the eμ final state, on the 2017 dataset.

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Figure 17-a:
Distributions of the NN output used for the determination of the event categories in the (upper left) ztt, (upper right) qcd, (middle left) tt, (middle right) db, (lower left) st, and (lower right) misc event categories, in the eμ final state, on the 2017 dataset.

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Figure 17-b:
Distributions of the NN output used for the determination of the event categories in the (upper left) ztt, (upper right) qcd, (middle left) tt, (middle right) db, (lower left) st, and (lower right) misc event categories, in the eμ final state, on the 2017 dataset.

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Figure 17-c:
Distributions of the NN output used for the determination of the event categories in the (upper left) ztt, (upper right) qcd, (middle left) tt, (middle right) db, (lower left) st, and (lower right) misc event categories, in the eμ final state, on the 2017 dataset.

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Figure 17-d:
Distributions of the NN output used for the determination of the event categories in the (upper left) ztt, (upper right) qcd, (middle left) tt, (middle right) db, (lower left) st, and (lower right) misc event categories, in the eμ final state, on the 2017 dataset.

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Figure 17-e:
Distributions of the NN output used for the determination of the event categories in the (upper left) ztt, (upper right) qcd, (middle left) tt, (middle right) db, (lower left) st, and (lower right) misc event categories, in the eμ final state, on the 2017 dataset.

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Figure 17-f:
Distributions of the NN output used for the determination of the event categories in the (upper left) ztt, (upper right) qcd, (middle left) tt, (middle right) db, (lower left) st, and (lower right) misc event categories, in the eμ final state, on the 2017 dataset.

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Figure 18:
Distributions of the NN output used for the determination of the event categories in the (upper left) ztt, (upper right) qcd, (middle left) tt, (middle right) zll, (lower left) wj, and (lower right) misc event categories, in the eτh final state, on the 2017 dataset.

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Figure 18-a:
Distributions of the NN output used for the determination of the event categories in the (upper left) ztt, (upper right) qcd, (middle left) tt, (middle right) zll, (lower left) wj, and (lower right) misc event categories, in the eτh final state, on the 2017 dataset.

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Figure 18-b:
Distributions of the NN output used for the determination of the event categories in the (upper left) ztt, (upper right) qcd, (middle left) tt, (middle right) zll, (lower left) wj, and (lower right) misc event categories, in the eτh final state, on the 2017 dataset.

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Figure 18-c:
Distributions of the NN output used for the determination of the event categories in the (upper left) ztt, (upper right) qcd, (middle left) tt, (middle right) zll, (lower left) wj, and (lower right) misc event categories, in the eτh final state, on the 2017 dataset.

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Figure 18-d:
Distributions of the NN output used for the determination of the event categories in the (upper left) ztt, (upper right) qcd, (middle left) tt, (middle right) zll, (lower left) wj, and (lower right) misc event categories, in the eτh final state, on the 2017 dataset.

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Figure 18-e:
Distributions of the NN output used for the determination of the event categories in the (upper left) ztt, (upper right) qcd, (middle left) tt, (middle right) zll, (lower left) wj, and (lower right) misc event categories, in the eτh final state, on the 2017 dataset.

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Figure 18-f:
Distributions of the NN output used for the determination of the event categories in the (upper left) ztt, (upper right) qcd, (middle left) tt, (middle right) zll, (lower left) wj, and (lower right) misc event categories, in the eτh final state, on the 2017 dataset.

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Figure 19:
Distributions of the NN output used for the determination of the event categories in the (upper left) ztt, (upper right) qcd, (lower left) misc event categories, in the τhτh final state, on the 2017 dataset.

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Figure 19-a:
Distributions of the NN output used for the determination of the event categories in the (upper left) ztt, (upper right) qcd, (lower left) misc event categories, in the τhτh final state, on the 2017 dataset.

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Figure 19-b:
Distributions of the NN output used for the determination of the event categories in the (upper left) ztt, (upper right) qcd, (lower left) misc event categories, in the τhτh final state, on the 2017 dataset.

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Figure 19-c:
Distributions of the NN output used for the determination of the event categories in the (upper left) ztt, (upper right) qcd, (lower left) misc event categories, in the τhτh final state, on the 2017 dataset.

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Figure 20:
Distributions of the output of the NN used for the determination of the event categories, in the ggH event category, in the (upper left) eμ, (upper right) eτh, (lower left) μτh, and (lower right) τhτh final state, on the 2016 dataset.

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Figure 20-a:
Distributions of the output of the NN used for the determination of the event categories, in the ggH event category, in the (upper left) eμ, (upper right) eτh, (lower left) μτh, and (lower right) τhτh final state, on the 2016 dataset.

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Figure 20-b:
Distributions of the output of the NN used for the determination of the event categories, in the ggH event category, in the (upper left) eμ, (upper right) eτh, (lower left) μτh, and (lower right) τhτh final state, on the 2016 dataset.

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Figure 20-c:
Distributions of the output of the NN used for the determination of the event categories, in the ggH event category, in the (upper left) eμ, (upper right) eτh, (lower left) μτh, and (lower right) τhτh final state, on the 2016 dataset.

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Figure 20-d:
Distributions of the output of the NN used for the determination of the event categories, in the ggH event category, in the (upper left) eμ, (upper right) eτh, (lower left) μτh, and (lower right) τhτh final state, on the 2016 dataset.

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Figure 21:
Distributions of the output of the NN used for the determination of the event categories, in the qqH event category, in the (upper left) eμ, (upper right) eτh, (lower left) μτh, and (lower right) τhτh final state, on the 2016 dataset.

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Figure 21-a:
Distributions of the output of the NN used for the determination of the event categories, in the qqH event category, in the (upper left) eμ, (upper right) eτh, (lower left) μτh, and (lower right) τhτh final state, on the 2016 dataset.

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Figure 21-b:
Distributions of the output of the NN used for the determination of the event categories, in the qqH event category, in the (upper left) eμ, (upper right) eτh, (lower left) μτh, and (lower right) τhτh final state, on the 2016 dataset.

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Figure 21-c:
Distributions of the output of the NN used for the determination of the event categories, in the qqH event category, in the (upper left) eμ, (upper right) eτh, (lower left) μτh, and (lower right) τhτh final state, on the 2016 dataset.

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Figure 21-d:
Distributions of the output of the NN used for the determination of the event categories, in the qqH event category, in the (upper left) eμ, (upper right) eτh, (lower left) μτh, and (lower right) τhτh final state, on the 2016 dataset.

png pdf
Figure 22:
Distributions of the NN output in the event categories used for the determination of the stage-1 simplified template cross sections for ggH,bbH in the eμ final state. Shown are the (upper left) =0Jet, (middle row) =1Jet, and (lower row) 2Jet event categories in bins of pTττ+miss, on the 2016 dataset.

png pdf
Figure 22-a:
Distributions of the NN output in the event categories used for the determination of the stage-1 simplified template cross sections for ggH,bbH in the eμ final state. Shown are the (upper left) =0Jet, (middle row) =1Jet, and (lower row) 2Jet event categories in bins of pTττ+miss, on the 2016 dataset.

png pdf
Figure 22-c:
Distributions of the NN output in the event categories used for the determination of the stage-1 simplified template cross sections for ggH,bbH in the eμ final state. Shown are the (upper left) =0Jet, (middle row) =1Jet, and (lower row) 2Jet event categories in bins of pTττ+miss, on the 2016 dataset.

png pdf
Figure 22-d:
Distributions of the NN output in the event categories used for the determination of the stage-1 simplified template cross sections for ggH,bbH in the eμ final state. Shown are the (upper left) =0Jet, (middle row) =1Jet, and (lower row) 2Jet event categories in bins of pTττ+miss, on the 2016 dataset.

png pdf
Figure 23:
Distributions of the NN output in the event categories used for the determination of the stage-1 simplified template cross sections for ggH,bbH in the eτh final state. Shown are the (upper left) =0Jet, (middle row) =1Jet, and (lower row) 2Jet event categories in bins of pTττ+miss, on the 2016 dataset.

png pdf
Figure 23-a:
Distributions of the NN output in the event categories used for the determination of the stage-1 simplified template cross sections for ggH,bbH in the eτh final state. Shown are the (upper left) =0Jet, (middle row) =1Jet, and (lower row) 2Jet event categories in bins of pTττ+miss, on the 2016 dataset.

png pdf
Figure 23-c:
Distributions of the NN output in the event categories used for the determination of the stage-1 simplified template cross sections for ggH,bbH in the eτh final state. Shown are the (upper left) =0Jet, (middle row) =1Jet, and (lower row) 2Jet event categories in bins of pTττ+miss, on the 2016 dataset.

png pdf
Figure 23-d:
Distributions of the NN output in the event categories used for the determination of the stage-1 simplified template cross sections for ggH,bbH in the eτh final state. Shown are the (upper left) =0Jet, (middle row) =1Jet, and (lower row) 2Jet event categories in bins of pTττ+miss, on the 2016 dataset.

png pdf
Figure 24:
Distributions of the NN output in the event categories used for the determination of the stage-1 simplified template cross sections for ggH,bbH in the μτh final state. Shown are the (upper left) =0Jet, (middle row) =1Jet, and (lower row) 2Jet event categories in bins of pTττ+miss, on the 2016 dataset.

png pdf
Figure 24-a:
Distributions of the NN output in the event categories used for the determination of the stage-1 simplified template cross sections for ggH,bbH in the μτh final state. Shown are the (upper left) =0Jet, (middle row) =1Jet, and (lower row) 2Jet event categories in bins of pTττ+miss, on the 2016 dataset.

png pdf
Figure 24-c:
Distributions of the NN output in the event categories used for the determination of the stage-1 simplified template cross sections for ggH,bbH in the μτh final state. Shown are the (upper left) =0Jet, (middle row) =1Jet, and (lower row) 2Jet event categories in bins of pTττ+miss, on the 2016 dataset.

png pdf
Figure 24-d:
Distributions of the NN output in the event categories used for the determination of the stage-1 simplified template cross sections for ggH,bbH in the μτh final state. Shown are the (upper left) =0Jet, (middle row) =1Jet, and (lower row) 2Jet event categories in bins of pTττ+miss, on the 2016 dataset.

png pdf
Figure 25:
Distributions of the NN output in the event categories used for the determination of the stage-1 simplified template cross sections for ggH,bbH in the τhτh final state. Shown are the (upper left) =0Jet, (middle row) =1Jet, and (lower row) 2Jet event categories in bins of pTττ+miss, on the 2016 dataset.

png pdf
Figure 25-a:
Distributions of the NN output in the event categories used for the determination of the stage-1 simplified template cross sections for ggH,bbH in the τhτh final state. Shown are the (upper left) =0Jet, (middle row) =1Jet, and (lower row) 2Jet event categories in bins of pTττ+miss, on the 2016 dataset.

png pdf
Figure 25-c:
Distributions of the NN output in the event categories used for the determination of the stage-1 simplified template cross sections for ggH,bbH in the τhτh final state. Shown are the (upper left) =0Jet, (middle row) =1Jet, and (lower row) 2Jet event categories in bins of pTττ+miss, on the 2016 dataset.

png pdf
Figure 25-d:
Distributions of the NN output in the event categories used for the determination of the stage-1 simplified template cross sections for ggH,bbH in the τhτh final state. Shown are the (upper left) =0Jet, (middle row) =1Jet, and (lower row) 2Jet event categories in bins of pTττ+miss, on the 2016 dataset.

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Figure 26:
Distributions of the NN output in the event categories used for the determination of the stage-1 simplified template cross sections for VBF+V(qq)H in the eμ final state. Shown are the (upper row) categories with VBF topology in bins of pTττjj+miss and (lower row) the event category with Z(W)H topology, the "Rest'' category and the event category with pTj1> 200 GeV, on the 2016 dataset.

png pdf
Figure 26-a:
Distributions of the NN output in the event categories used for the determination of the stage-1 simplified template cross sections for VBF+V(qq)H in the eμ final state. Shown are the (upper row) categories with VBF topology in bins of pTττjj+miss and (lower row) the event category with Z(W)H topology, the "Rest'' category and the event category with pTj1> 200 GeV, on the 2016 dataset.

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Figure 26-b:
Distributions of the NN output in the event categories used for the determination of the stage-1 simplified template cross sections for VBF+V(qq)H in the eμ final state. Shown are the (upper row) categories with VBF topology in bins of pTττjj+miss and (lower row) the event category with Z(W)H topology, the "Rest'' category and the event category with pTj1> 200 GeV, on the 2016 dataset.

png pdf
Figure 27:
Distributions of the NN output in the event categories used for the determination of the stage-1 simplified template cross sections for VBF+V(qq)H in the eτh final state. Shown are the (upper row) categories with VBF topology in bins of pTττjj+miss and (lower row) the event category with Z(W)H topology, the "Rest'' category and the event category with pTj1> 200 GeV, on the 2016 dataset.

png pdf
Figure 27-a:
Distributions of the NN output in the event categories used for the determination of the stage-1 simplified template cross sections for VBF+V(qq)H in the eτh final state. Shown are the (upper row) categories with VBF topology in bins of pTττjj+miss and (lower row) the event category with Z(W)H topology, the "Rest'' category and the event category with pTj1> 200 GeV, on the 2016 dataset.

png pdf
Figure 27-b:
Distributions of the NN output in the event categories used for the determination of the stage-1 simplified template cross sections for VBF+V(qq)H in the eτh final state. Shown are the (upper row) categories with VBF topology in bins of pTττjj+miss and (lower row) the event category with Z(W)H topology, the "Rest'' category and the event category with pTj1> 200 GeV, on the 2016 dataset.

png pdf
Figure 28:
Distributions of the NN output in the event categories used for the determination of the stage-1 simplified template cross sections for VBF+V(qq)H in the μτh final state. Shown are the (upper row) categories with VBF topology in bins of pTττjj+miss and (lower row) the event category with Z(W)H topology, the "Rest'' category and the event category with pTj1> 200 GeV, on the 2016 dataset.

png pdf
Figure 28-a:
Distributions of the NN output in the event categories used for the determination of the stage-1 simplified template cross sections for VBF+V(qq)H in the μτh final state. Shown are the (upper row) categories with VBF topology in bins of pTττjj+miss and (lower row) the event category with Z(W)H topology, the "Rest'' category and the event category with pTj1> 200 GeV, on the 2016 dataset.

png pdf
Figure 28-b:
Distributions of the NN output in the event categories used for the determination of the stage-1 simplified template cross sections for VBF+V(qq)H in the μτh final state. Shown are the (upper row) categories with VBF topology in bins of pTττjj+miss and (lower row) the event category with Z(W)H topology, the "Rest'' category and the event category with pTj1> 200 GeV, on the 2016 dataset.

png pdf
Figure 29:
Distributions of the NN output in the event categories used for the determination of the stage-1 simplified template cross sections for VBF+V(qq)H in the τhτh final state. Shown are the (upper row) categories with VBF topology in bins of pTττjj+miss and (lower row) the event category with Z(W)H topology, the "Rest'' category and the event category with pTj1> 200 GeV, on the 2016 dataset.

png pdf
Figure 29-a:
Distributions of the NN output in the event categories used for the determination of the stage-1 simplified template cross sections for VBF+V(qq)H in the τhτh final state. Shown are the (upper row) categories with VBF topology in bins of pTττjj+miss and (lower row) the event category with Z(W)H topology, the "Rest'' category and the event category with pTj1> 200 GeV, on the 2016 dataset.

png pdf
Figure 29-b:
Distributions of the NN output in the event categories used for the determination of the stage-1 simplified template cross sections for VBF+V(qq)H in the τhτh final state. Shown are the (upper row) categories with VBF topology in bins of pTττjj+miss and (lower row) the event category with Z(W)H topology, the "Rest'' category and the event category with pTj1> 200 GeV, on the 2016 dataset.

png pdf
Figure 30:
Distributions of the NN output in the event categories used for the determination of the stage-1 simplified template cross sections for ggH,bbH in the eμ final state. Shown are the (upper left) =0Jet, (middle row) =1Jet, and (lower row) 2Jet event categories in bins of pTττ+miss, on the 2017 dataset.

png pdf
Figure 30-a:
Distributions of the NN output in the event categories used for the determination of the stage-1 simplified template cross sections for ggH,bbH in the eμ final state. Shown are the (upper left) =0Jet, (middle row) =1Jet, and (lower row) 2Jet event categories in bins of pTττ+miss, on the 2017 dataset.

png pdf
Figure 30-c:
Distributions of the NN output in the event categories used for the determination of the stage-1 simplified template cross sections for ggH,bbH in the eμ final state. Shown are the (upper left) =0Jet, (middle row) =1Jet, and (lower row) 2Jet event categories in bins of pTττ+miss, on the 2017 dataset.

png pdf
Figure 30-d:
Distributions of the NN output in the event categories used for the determination of the stage-1 simplified template cross sections for ggH,bbH in the eμ final state. Shown are the (upper left) =0Jet, (middle row) =1Jet, and (lower row) 2Jet event categories in bins of pTττ+miss, on the 2017 dataset.

png pdf
Figure 31:
Distributions of the NN output in the event categories used for the determination of the stage-1 simplified template cross sections for ggH,bbH in the eτh final state. Shown are the (upper left) =0Jet, (middle row) =1Jet, and (lower row) 2Jet event categories in bins of pTττ+miss, on the 2017 dataset.

png pdf
Figure 31-a:
Distributions of the NN output in the event categories used for the determination of the stage-1 simplified template cross sections for ggH,bbH in the eτh final state. Shown are the (upper left) =0Jet, (middle row) =1Jet, and (lower row) 2Jet event categories in bins of pTττ+miss, on the 2017 dataset.

png pdf
Figure 31-c:
Distributions of the NN output in the event categories used for the determination of the stage-1 simplified template cross sections for ggH,bbH in the eτh final state. Shown are the (upper left) =0Jet, (middle row) =1Jet, and (lower row) 2Jet event categories in bins of pTττ+miss, on the 2017 dataset.

png pdf
Figure 31-d:
Distributions of the NN output in the event categories used for the determination of the stage-1 simplified template cross sections for ggH,bbH in the eτh final state. Shown are the (upper left) =0Jet, (middle row) =1Jet, and (lower row) 2Jet event categories in bins of pTττ+miss, on the 2017 dataset.

png pdf
Figure 32:
Distributions of the NN output in the event categories used for the determination of the stage-1 simplified template cross sections for ggH,bbH in the μτh final state. Shown are the (upper left) =0Jet, (middle row) =1Jet, and (lower row) 2Jet event categories in bins of pTττ+miss, on the 2017 dataset.

png pdf
Figure 32-a:
Distributions of the NN output in the event categories used for the determination of the stage-1 simplified template cross sections for ggH,bbH in the μτh final state. Shown are the (upper left) =0Jet, (middle row) =1Jet, and (lower row) 2Jet event categories in bins of pTττ+miss, on the 2017 dataset.

png pdf
Figure 32-c:
Distributions of the NN output in the event categories used for the determination of the stage-1 simplified template cross sections for ggH,bbH in the μτh final state. Shown are the (upper left) =0Jet, (middle row) =1Jet, and (lower row) 2Jet event categories in bins of pTττ+miss, on the 2017 dataset.

png pdf
Figure 32-d:
Distributions of the NN output in the event categories used for the determination of the stage-1 simplified template cross sections for ggH,bbH in the μτh final state. Shown are the (upper left) =0Jet, (middle row) =1Jet, and (lower row) 2Jet event categories in bins of pTττ+miss, on the 2017 dataset.

png pdf
Figure 33:
Distributions of the NN output in the event categories used for the determination of the stage-1 simplified template cross sections for ggH,bbH in the τhτh final state. Shown are the (upper left) =0Jet, (middle row) =1Jet, and (lower row) 2Jet event categories in bins of pTττ+miss, on the 2017 dataset.

png pdf
Figure 33-a:
Distributions of the NN output in the event categories used for the determination of the stage-1 simplified template cross sections for ggH,bbH in the τhτh final state. Shown are the (upper left) =0Jet, (middle row) =1Jet, and (lower row) 2Jet event categories in bins of pTττ+miss, on the 2017 dataset.

png pdf
Figure 33-c:
Distributions of the NN output in the event categories used for the determination of the stage-1 simplified template cross sections for ggH,bbH in the τhτh final state. Shown are the (upper left) =0Jet, (middle row) =1Jet, and (lower row) 2Jet event categories in bins of pTττ+miss, on the 2017 dataset.

png pdf
Figure 33-d:
Distributions of the NN output in the event categories used for the determination of the stage-1 simplified template cross sections for ggH,bbH in the τhτh final state. Shown are the (upper left) =0Jet, (middle row) =1Jet, and (lower row) 2Jet event categories in bins of pTττ+miss, on the 2017 dataset.

png pdf
Figure 34:
Distributions of the NN output in the event categories used for the determination of the stage-1 simplified template cross sections for VBF+V(qq)H in the eμ final state. Shown are the (upper row) categories with VBF topology in bins of pTττjj+miss and (lower row) the event category with Z(W)H topology, the "Rest'' category and the event category with pTj1> 200 GeV, on the 2017 dataset.

png pdf
Figure 34-a:
Distributions of the NN output in the event categories used for the determination of the stage-1 simplified template cross sections for VBF+V(qq)H in the eμ final state. Shown are the (upper row) categories with VBF topology in bins of pTττjj+miss and (lower row) the event category with Z(W)H topology, the "Rest'' category and the event category with pTj1> 200 GeV, on the 2017 dataset.

png pdf
Figure 34-b:
Distributions of the NN output in the event categories used for the determination of the stage-1 simplified template cross sections for VBF+V(qq)H in the eμ final state. Shown are the (upper row) categories with VBF topology in bins of pTττjj+miss and (lower row) the event category with Z(W)H topology, the "Rest'' category and the event category with pTj1> 200 GeV, on the 2017 dataset.

png pdf
Figure 35:
Distributions of the NN output in the event categories used for the determination of the stage-1 simplified template cross sections for VBF+V(qq)H in the eτh final state. Shown are the (upper row) categories with VBF topology in bins of pTττjj+miss and (lower row) the event category with Z(W)H topology, the "Rest'' category and the event category with pTj1> 200 GeV, on the 2017 dataset.

png pdf
Figure 35-a:
Distributions of the NN output in the event categories used for the determination of the stage-1 simplified template cross sections for VBF+V(qq)H in the eτh final state. Shown are the (upper row) categories with VBF topology in bins of pTττjj+miss and (lower row) the event category with Z(W)H topology, the "Rest'' category and the event category with pTj1> 200 GeV, on the 2017 dataset.

png pdf
Figure 35-b:
Distributions of the NN output in the event categories used for the determination of the stage-1 simplified template cross sections for VBF+V(qq)H in the eτh final state. Shown are the (upper row) categories with VBF topology in bins of pTττjj+miss and (lower row) the event category with Z(W)H topology, the "Rest'' category and the event category with pTj1> 200 GeV, on the 2017 dataset.

png pdf
Figure 36:
Distributions of the NN output in the event categories used for the determination of the stage-1 simplified template cross sections for VBF+V(qq)H in the μτh final state. Shown are the (upper row) categories with VBF topology in bins of pTττjj+miss and (lower row) the event category with Z(W)H topology, the "Rest'' category and the event category with pTj1> 200 GeV, on the 2017 dataset.

png pdf
Figure 36-a:
Distributions of the NN output in the event categories used for the determination of the stage-1 simplified template cross sections for VBF+V(qq)H in the μτh final state. Shown are the (upper row) categories with VBF topology in bins of pTττjj+miss and (lower row) the event category with Z(W)H topology, the "Rest'' category and the event category with pTj1> 200 GeV, on the 2017 dataset.

png pdf
Figure 36-b:
Distributions of the NN output in the event categories used for the determination of the stage-1 simplified template cross sections for VBF+V(qq)H in the μτh final state. Shown are the (upper row) categories with VBF topology in bins of pTττjj+miss and (lower row) the event category with Z(W)H topology, the "Rest'' category and the event category with pTj1> 200 GeV, on the 2017 dataset.

png pdf
Figure 37:
Distributions of the NN output in the event categories used for the determination of the stage-1 simplified template cross sections for VBF+V(qq)H in the τhτh final state. Shown are the (upper row) categories with VBF topology in bins of pTττjj+miss and (lower row) the event category with Z(W)H topology, the "Rest'' category and the event category with pTj1> 200 GeV, on the 2017 dataset.

png pdf
Figure 37-a:
Distributions of the NN output in the event categories used for the determination of the stage-1 simplified template cross sections for VBF+V(qq)H in the τhτh final state. Shown are the (upper row) categories with VBF topology in bins of pTττjj+miss and (lower row) the event category with Z(W)H topology, the "Rest'' category and the event category with pTj1> 200 GeV, on the 2017 dataset.

png pdf
Figure 37-b:
Distributions of the NN output in the event categories used for the determination of the stage-1 simplified template cross sections for VBF+V(qq)H in the τhτh final state. Shown are the (upper row) categories with VBF topology in bins of pTττjj+miss and (lower row) the event category with Z(W)H topology, the "Rest'' category and the event category with pTj1> 200 GeV, on the 2017 dataset.

png pdf
Table 1:
Background processes contributing to the event selection as given in Section 5. The further splitting of the processes in the second column refers only to final states that contain a τh candidate. "MC'' implies that the process is taken from simulation, FF that the process is determined from data using the FF method as described in Ref. [12]. "EMB'' implies that the process is estimated from the τ-embedding technique as described in Ref. [11], "CR'' that both shape and normalization of QCD multijet events are estimated from control regions in data. The label corresponds to an electron or muon.

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Table 2:
Kinematic selection of the τ decay products in the eμ, eτh, μτh, and τhτh final states. The expression "First (Second) object'' refers to the final state label used in the first column. In the eτh (μτh) final state the values in braces correspond to the thresholds used when the event has been selected by an eτh (μτh) trigger. The upper (lower) values correspond to the thresholds used on the 2016 (2017) dataset.

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Table 3:
Processes and event classes/categories for each ττ final state. The values given in braces for each event class correspond to the positive predictive value of the classification task after training, on the 2017 dataset. All event classes (labelled below ggH, qqH, ztt, qcd, tt, misc, zll, wj, db, st) enter the training with the same statistical weight (i.e. with uniform prevalence).

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Table 4:
Parameters selected for the NN classification task used for the event categorization in each final state. The checkmarks (dashes) indicate that the variable was (not) used for the corresponding final state. The first (second) entry per column corresponds to the choice for the 2016 (2017) dataset.

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Table 5:
Observed number of selected events (Ndata) and the relative contribution of the expected processes in all event categories in the eμ and eτh final states on the 2017 dataset. The relative contribution of the expected processes is given in , and prior to the fit used for the signal extraction. In the eτh final state, processes in which a jet is misidentified as a τh decay are subsumed into a common jetτh background class, which is estimated from data. The VH with leptonic V decay and ttH production modes are omitted from the table due to their low expected event yields of 1 event.
Measurements of the product of the cross section for the production of the Higgs boson and the branching fraction for its subsequent decay into tau leptons have been presented. The measurements are based on the data collected with the CMS experiment, during the years 2016 and 2017. They amount to a luminosity of 77.4 fb1 at a center-of-mass energy of the pp collisions of 13 TeV. The product of the inclusive Higgs boson production with the branching fraction into tau leptons is measured to be σinclB(Hττ)= 2.56 ± 0.48 (stat) ± 0.34 (syst) pb. When split by the ggH, bbH and VBF production modes these cross sections are found to be σ(ggH,bbH)B(Hττ)= 1.11 ± 0.81 (stat) ± 0.78 (syst) pb and σ(VBF+V(qq)H)B(Hττ)= 0.34 ± 0.08 (stat) ± 0.09 (syst) pb. In addition the kinematic properties of the production have been investigated in terms of simplified template cross sections.
1 ATLAS Collaboration Observation of a new particle in the search for the standard model Higgs boson with the ATLAS detector at the LHC Phys.Lett. B 716 (2012) 1--29 1207.7214
2 CMS Collaboration Observation of a new boson at a mass of 125 GeV with the CMS experiment at the LHC PLB 716 (2012) 30--61 CMS-HIG-12-028
3 CMS Collaboration Observation of a new boson with mass near 125 GeV in pp collisions at s= 7 and 8 TeV JHEP 06 (2013) 081 CMS-HIG-12-036
4 ATLAS, CMS Collaboration Combined measurement of the Higgs boson mass in pp collisions at s= 7 and 8 TeV with the ATLAS and CMS experiments PRL 114 (2015) 191803 1503.07589
5 ATLAS, CMS Collaboration Measurements of the Higgs boson production and decay rates and constraints on its couplings from a combined ATLAS and CMS analysis of the LHC pp collision data at s= 7 and 8 TeV JHEP 08 (2016) 045 1606.02266
6 \relax Yu. A. Golfand and E. P. Likhtman Extension of the algebra of Poincare group generators and violation of p invariance JEPTL 13 (1971) 323--326.[Pisma Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz.13,452(1971)]
7 J. Wess and B. Zumino Supergauge transformations in four-dimensions NPB 70 (1974) 39--50
8 ATLAS Collaboration Cross-section measurements of the Higgs boson decaying into a pair of τ-leptons in proton-proton collisions at s= 13 TeV with the ATLAS detector Submitted to: PR(2018) 1811.08856
9 CMS Collaboration Observation of the Higgs boson decay to a pair of τ leptons with the CMS detector PLB 779 (2018) 283--316 CMS-HIG-16-043
10 LHC Higgs Cross Section Working Group Collaboration Handbook of LHC Higgs cross sections: 4. deciphering the nature of the Higgs sector 1610.07922
11 CMS Collaboration An embedding technique to determine ττ backgrounds in proton-proton collision data Submitted to \it JINST CMS-TAU-18-001
12 CMS Collaboration Measurement of the Zγττ cross section in pp collisions at s= 13 TeV and validation of τ lepton analysis techniques EPJC 78 (2018), no. 9, 708 CMS-HIG-15-007
13 CMS Collaboration Description and performance of track and primary-vertex reconstruction with the CMS tracker JINST 9 (2014) P10009 CMS-TRK-11-001
14 CMS Collaboration Performance of electron reconstruction and selection with the CMS detector in proton-proton collisions at s= 8 TeV JINST 10 (2015), no. 06, P06005 CMS-EGM-13-001
15 CMS Collaboration Performance of CMS muon reconstruction in pp collision events at s= 7 TeV JINST 7 (2012) P10002 CMS-MUO-10-004
16 CMS Collaboration Performance of photon reconstruction and identification with the CMS detector in proton-proton collisions at s= 8 TeV JINST 10 (2015) P08010 CMS-EGM-14-001
17 CMS Collaboration The CMS trigger system JINST 12 (2017) P01020 CMS-TRG-12-001
18 CMS Collaboration The CMS experiment at the CERN LHC JINST 3 (2008) S08004 CMS-00-001
19 CMS Collaboration Particle-flow reconstruction and global event description with the CMS detector JINST 12 (2017), no. 10, P10003 CMS-PRF-14-001
20 K. Rose Deterministic annealing for clustering, compression, classification, regression, and related optimization problems Proceedings of the IEEE 86 (Nov, 1998) 2210
21 M. Cacciari, G. P. Salam, and G. Soyez The anti-kt jet clustering algorithm JHEP 04 (2008) 063 0802.1189
22 M. Cacciari, G. P. Salam, and G. Soyez FastJet user manual EPJC 72 (2012) 1896 1111.6097
23 CMS Collaboration Identification of heavy-flavour jets with the CMS detector in pp collisions at 13 TeV JINST 13 (2018) P05011 CMS-BTV-16-002
24 CMS Collaboration Performance of reconstruction and identification of τ leptons decaying to hadrons and ντ in pp collisions at s= 13 TeV JINST 13 (2018), no. 10, P10005 CMS-TAU-16-003
25 L. Bianchini, J. Conway, E. K. Friis, and C. Veelken Reconstruction of the Higgs mass in Hττ events by dynamical likelihood techniques J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 513 (2014) 022035
26 J. Alwall et al. MadGraph 5: Going beyond JHEP 06 (2011) 128 1106.0522
27 J. Alwall et al. The automated computation of tree-level and next-to-leading order differential cross sections, and their matching to parton shower simulations JHEP 07 (2014) 079 1405.0301
28 P. Nason A new method for combining NLO QCD with shower Monte Carlo algorithms JHEP 11 (2004) 040 hep-ph/0409146
29 S. Frixione, P. Nason, and C. Oleari Matching NLO QCD computations with parton shower simulations: the POWHEG method JHEP 11 (2007) 070 0709.2092
30 S. Alioli, P. Nason, C. Oleari, and E. Re NLO Higgs boson production via gluon fusion matched with shower in POWHEG JHEP 04 (2009) 002 0812.0578
31 S. Alioli, P. Nason, C. Oleari, and E. Re A general framework for implementing NLO calculations in shower Monte Carlo programs: the POWHEG BOX JHEP 06 (2010) 043 1002.2581
32 S. Alioli et al. Jet pair production in POWHEG JHEP 04 (2011) 081 1012.3380
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Compact Muon Solenoid