CMS-PAS-HIG-17-020 | ||
Search for additional neutral MSSM Higgs bosons in the di-tau final state in pp collisions at √s= 13 TeV | ||
CMS Collaboration | ||
December 2017 | ||
Abstract: A search is presented for additional neutral Higgs bosons in the di-τ final state in pp collisions at the LHC. The search is performed in the context of the minimal supersymmetric extension of the standard model (MSSM), on the data collected with the CMS detector in 2016 at a center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 35.9 fb−1. To enhance the sensitivity to neutral MSSM Higgs bosons the search includes the case where the Higgs boson is produced in association with b quarks. No significant deviation above the expected background is observed. Model-independent limits are set on the product of the cross section and branching fraction for the production via gluon-fusion or in association with b quarks. These limits range from 18 pb (at 90 GeV) to 3.5 ×10−3 pb (at 3.2 TeV) for gluon-fusion and from 15 pb (at 90 GeV) to 2.5 ×10−3 pb (at 3.2 TeV) for b-associated production. In the mmod+h scenario these limits translate into an exclusion of tanβ> 6 for mh< 200 GeV. The exclusion contour ranges up to 1.6 TeV for tanβ< 60. | ||
CDS record (PDF) ;
inSPIRE record ;
CADI line (restricted) ;
These preliminary results are superseded in this paper, JHEP 09 (2018)007. The superseded preliminary plots can be found here. |
Figures & Tables | Summary | Additional Figures | References | CMS Publications |
Figures | |
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Figure 1:
Leading order diagrams for the production of Higgs bosons (left) via gluon-fusion and (middle and right) in association with b quarks. In the middle panel of the figure a pair of b quarks is produced from two gluons (leading order in the four-flavor scheme). In the right panel the Higgs boson is radiated from a b quark in the proton (leading order in the five-flavor scheme). |
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Figure 1-a:
Leading order diagrams for the production of Higgs bosons (left) via gluon-fusion and (middle and right) in association with b quarks. In the middle panel of the figure a pair of b quarks is produced from two gluons (leading order in the four-flavor scheme). In the right panel the Higgs boson is radiated from a b quark in the proton (leading order in the five-flavor scheme). |
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Figure 1-b:
Leading order diagrams for the production of Higgs bosons (left) via gluon-fusion and (middle and right) in association with b quarks. In the middle panel of the figure a pair of b quarks is produced from two gluons (leading order in the four-flavor scheme). In the right panel the Higgs boson is radiated from a b quark in the proton (leading order in the five-flavor scheme). |
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Figure 1-c:
Leading order diagrams for the production of Higgs bosons (left) via gluon-fusion and (middle and right) in association with b quarks. In the middle panel of the figure a pair of b quarks is produced from two gluons (leading order in the four-flavor scheme). In the right panel the Higgs boson is radiated from a b quark in the proton (leading order in the five-flavor scheme). |
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Figure 2:
Observed and expected distributions of (left) Dζ in the eμ final state and (right) mμT in the μτh final state. The vertical lines in the figures indicate the definition of the sub-categories in each final state. The distributions are shown before any event categorization and prior to the fit used for the statistical inference of the signal. For these figures no uncertainties that effect the shape of the distributions have been included in the uncertainty model. |
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Figure 2-a:
Observed and expected distributions of (left) Dζ in the eμ final state and (right) mμT in the μτh final state. The vertical lines in the figures indicate the definition of the sub-categories in each final state. The distributions are shown before any event categorization and prior to the fit used for the statistical inference of the signal. For these figures no uncertainties that effect the shape of the distributions have been included in the uncertainty model. |
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Figure 2-b:
Observed and expected distributions of (left) Dζ in the eμ final state and (right) mμT in the μτh final state. The vertical lines in the figures indicate the definition of the sub-categories in each final state. The distributions are shown before any event categorization and prior to the fit used for the statistical inference of the signal. For these figures no uncertainties that effect the shape of the distributions have been included in the uncertainty model. |
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Figure 3:
Overview of all event sub-categories that enter the statistical inference of the signal in the analysis. Sixteen signal categories are complemented by three background control regions in the main analysis as described in Section xxxxx. |
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Figure 4:
Schematic view of the determination and application of fake factors for the estimation of the background from QCD multijet, W+jets and tˉt events due to the misidentification of jets as τh. Note that DR†tˉt is taken from simulation. |
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Figure 5:
Distribution of mtotT in the global (left) No B-tag and (right) B-tag categories in the (upper row) μτh and (lower row) eτh final states. In all cases the most sensitive Tight-mT event sub-category is shown. The black horizontal line indicates the change from logarithmic to linear scale on the vertical axis. |
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Figure 5-a:
Distribution of mtotT in the global (left) No B-tag and (right) B-tag categories in the (upper row) μτh and (lower row) eτh final states. In all cases the most sensitive Tight-mT event sub-category is shown. The black horizontal line indicates the change from logarithmic to linear scale on the vertical axis. |
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Figure 5-b:
Distribution of mtotT in the global (left) No B-tag and (right) B-tag categories in the (upper row) μτh and (lower row) eτh final states. In all cases the most sensitive Tight-mT event sub-category is shown. The black horizontal line indicates the change from logarithmic to linear scale on the vertical axis. |
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Figure 5-c:
Distribution of mtotT in the global (left) No B-tag and (right) B-tag categories in the (upper row) μτh and (lower row) eτh final states. In all cases the most sensitive Tight-mT event sub-category is shown. The black horizontal line indicates the change from logarithmic to linear scale on the vertical axis. |
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Figure 5-d:
Distribution of mtotT in the global (left) No B-tag and (right) B-tag categories in the (upper row) μτh and (lower row) eτh final states. In all cases the most sensitive Tight-mT event sub-category is shown. The black horizontal line indicates the change from logarithmic to linear scale on the vertical axis. |
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Figure 6:
Distribution of mtotT in the global (left) No B-tag and (right) B-tag categories in the (upper row) τhτh and (lower row) eμ final states. For the eμ final state the most sensitive Medium-Dζ event sub-category is shown. The black horizontal line indicates the change from logarithmic to linear scale on the vertical axis. |
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Figure 6-a:
Distribution of mtotT in the global (left) No B-tag and (right) B-tag categories in the (upper row) τhτh and (lower row) eμ final states. For the eμ final state the most sensitive Medium-Dζ event sub-category is shown. The black horizontal line indicates the change from logarithmic to linear scale on the vertical axis. |
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Figure 6-b:
Distribution of mtotT in the global (left) No B-tag and (right) B-tag categories in the (upper row) τhτh and (lower row) eμ final states. For the eμ final state the most sensitive Medium-Dζ event sub-category is shown. The black horizontal line indicates the change from logarithmic to linear scale on the vertical axis. |
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Figure 6-c:
Distribution of mtotT in the global (left) No B-tag and (right) B-tag categories in the (upper row) τhτh and (lower row) eμ final states. For the eμ final state the most sensitive Medium-Dζ event sub-category is shown. The black horizontal line indicates the change from logarithmic to linear scale on the vertical axis. |
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Figure 6-d:
Distribution of mtotT in the global (left) No B-tag and (right) B-tag categories in the (upper row) τhτh and (lower row) eμ final states. For the eμ final state the most sensitive Medium-Dζ event sub-category is shown. The black horizontal line indicates the change from logarithmic to linear scale on the vertical axis. |
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Figure 7:
Expected and observed 95% CL upper limits for the production of a single narrow resonance ϕ with a mass between 90 GeV and 3.2 TeV in the di-τ final state (left) for the production via gluon-fusion and (right) in association with b quarks. The expected median of the exclusion limit is shown by the dashed line. The dark green and bright yellow band indicate the 68% and 95% confidence intervals for the variation of the expected exclusion limit. The black dots correspond to the observed limits. |
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Figure 7-a:
Expected and observed 95% CL upper limits for the production of a single narrow resonance ϕ with a mass between 90 GeV and 3.2 TeV in the di-τ final state (left) for the production via gluon-fusion and (right) in association with b quarks. The expected median of the exclusion limit is shown by the dashed line. The dark green and bright yellow band indicate the 68% and 95% confidence intervals for the variation of the expected exclusion limit. The black dots correspond to the observed limits. |
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Figure 7-b:
Expected and observed 95% CL upper limits for the production of a single narrow resonance ϕ with a mass between 90 GeV and 3.2 TeV in the di-τ final state (left) for the production via gluon-fusion and (right) in association with b quarks. The expected median of the exclusion limit is shown by the dashed line. The dark green and bright yellow band indicate the 68% and 95% confidence intervals for the variation of the expected exclusion limit. The black dots correspond to the observed limits. |
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Figure 8:
Scan of the likelihood function for the search in the di-τ final state for a single narrow resonance ϕ produced via gluon-fusion or in association with b quarks. A representative subset of the mass points tested at (upper left) 100 GeV, (upper right) 125 GeV, (middle left) 140 GeV, (middle right) 180 GeV, (lower left) 350 GeV and (lower right) 700 GeV is shown. |
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Figure 8-a:
Scan of the likelihood function for the search in the di-τ final state for a single narrow resonance ϕ produced via gluon-fusion or in association with b quarks. A representative subset of the mass points tested at (upper left) 100 GeV, (upper right) 125 GeV, (middle left) 140 GeV, (middle right) 180 GeV, (lower left) 350 GeV and (lower right) 700 GeV is shown. |
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Figure 8-b:
Scan of the likelihood function for the search in the di-τ final state for a single narrow resonance ϕ produced via gluon-fusion or in association with b quarks. A representative subset of the mass points tested at (upper left) 100 GeV, (upper right) 125 GeV, (middle left) 140 GeV, (middle right) 180 GeV, (lower left) 350 GeV and (lower right) 700 GeV is shown. |
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Figure 8-c:
Scan of the likelihood function for the search in the di-τ final state for a single narrow resonance ϕ produced via gluon-fusion or in association with b quarks. A representative subset of the mass points tested at (upper left) 100 GeV, (upper right) 125 GeV, (middle left) 140 GeV, (middle right) 180 GeV, (lower left) 350 GeV and (lower right) 700 GeV is shown. |
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Figure 8-d:
Scan of the likelihood function for the search in the di-τ final state for a single narrow resonance ϕ produced via gluon-fusion or in association with b quarks. A representative subset of the mass points tested at (upper left) 100 GeV, (upper right) 125 GeV, (middle left) 140 GeV, (middle right) 180 GeV, (lower left) 350 GeV and (lower right) 700 GeV is shown. |
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Figure 8-e:
Scan of the likelihood function for the search in the di-τ final state for a single narrow resonance ϕ produced via gluon-fusion or in association with b quarks. A representative subset of the mass points tested at (upper left) 100 GeV, (upper right) 125 GeV, (middle left) 140 GeV, (middle right) 180 GeV, (lower left) 350 GeV and (lower right) 700 GeV is shown. |
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Figure 8-f:
Scan of the likelihood function for the search in the di-τ final state for a single narrow resonance ϕ produced via gluon-fusion or in association with b quarks. A representative subset of the mass points tested at (upper left) 100 GeV, (upper right) 125 GeV, (middle left) 140 GeV, (middle right) 180 GeV, (lower left) 350 GeV and (lower right) 700 GeV is shown. |
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Figure 9:
Expected and observed 95% CL exclusion contour (left) in the MSSM mmod+h and (right) in the hMSSM scenario. The expected median is shown as a dashed black line. The dark and bright gray bands indicate the 68% and 95% confidence intervals for the variation of the expected exclusion. The observed exclusion contour is indicated by the colored blue area. |
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Figure 9-a:
Expected and observed 95% CL exclusion contour (left) in the MSSM mmod+h and (right) in the hMSSM scenario. The expected median is shown as a dashed black line. The dark and bright gray bands indicate the 68% and 95% confidence intervals for the variation of the expected exclusion. The observed exclusion contour is indicated by the colored blue area. |
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Figure 9-b:
Expected and observed 95% CL exclusion contour (left) in the MSSM mmod+h and (right) in the hMSSM scenario. The expected median is shown as a dashed black line. The dark and bright gray bands indicate the 68% and 95% confidence intervals for the variation of the expected exclusion. The observed exclusion contour is indicated by the colored blue area. |
Tables | |
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Table 1:
Kinematic selection of the final state objects in the eμ, eτh, μτh and τhτh final state. The expression "first (second) lepton'' refers to the channel label used in the first column. |
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Table 2:
Background processes contributing to the event selection as given in Section yyyyy. The further splitting of the processes in the second column refers only to final states with a τh candidate. MC implies that the process is taken from simulation, FF implies that the process is determined from data using fake factors as described in the text. The symbol CR implies that both the shape and normalization of QCD multijet events are estimated from control regions in data. The label ℓ corresponds to an electron or muon. |
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Table 3:
Overview of the systematic uncertainties used in the likelihood model for the statistical inference of the signal. The expression "sim.'' refers to all processes that have been obtained from simulation, the expression "FF'' refers to all backgrounds that are obtained from the fake factor method. Values in brackets correspond to additional uncertainties correlated across final states or event categories. Detailed descriptions are given in the text. |
Summary |
A search for additional heavy neutral Higgs bosons in the decay into two tau leptons in the context of the MSSM has been presented. This search has been performed in the most sensitive eμ, eτh, μτh and τhτh final states of the di-τ pair, where τh indicates a hadronic τ decay. The sensitivity of the analysis has been increased by splitting the resulting events into sixteen signal categories. These have been complemented by three control regions to constrain the normalization of the backgrounds from Drell-Yan and tˉt events in situ during the fits to the data that are performed for the statistical inference of the signal. The signal categorization is motivated by the expected enhancement of the coupling of the heavy neutral Higgs bosons to down-type fermions for the most interesting MSSM parameter space, corresponding to values of tanβ> 1. This enhancement influences the kinematics of the production via gluon-fusion and leads to an increased cross section for b-associated production. A signal has been searched for in a combined maximum likelihood fit to all signal categories and control regions in all final states under investigation. No signal has been found. Model-independent limits have been set for the production of a single narrow resonance. These range from 18 pb (at 90 GeV) to 3.5 ×10−3 pb (at 3.2 TeV) for the production via gluon-fusion and from 15 pb (at 90 GeV) to 2.5 ×10−3 pb (at 3.2 TeV) for b-associated production. These limits are supplemented by a three dimensional likelihood scan as a function of the product of the production cross section and di-τ branching fraction for gluon-fusion, b-associated production and the tested mass. Finally exclusion contours have been provided for two representative benchmark scenarios namely the mmod+h and the hMSSM scenarios. In these two scenarios the presence of a neutral heavy MSSM Higgs boson up to mA< 250 GeV is excluded for tanβ values above 6. The exclusion contour ranges up to 1.6 TeV for tanβ< 60. |
Additional Figures | |
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Additional Figure 1:
Distribution of mtotT in the No B-Tag Low-Dζ event category in the eμ final state. |
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Additional Figure 2:
Distribution of mtotT in the B-Tag Low-Dζ event category in the eμ final state. |
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Additional Figure 3:
Distribution of mtotT in the No B-Tag High-Dζ event category in the eμ final state. |
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Additional Figure 4:
Distribution of mtotT in the B-Tag High-Dζ event category in the eμ final state. |
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Additional Figure 5:
Distribution of mtotT in the No B-Tag Loose-mT event category in the eτh final state. |
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Additional Figure 6:
Distribution of mtotT in the B-Tag Loose-mT event category in the eτh final state. |
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Additional Figure 7:
Distribution of mtotT in the No B-Tag Loose-mT event category in the μτh final state. |
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Additional Figure 8:
Distribution of mtotT in the B-Tag Loose-mT event category in the μτh final state. |
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Additional Figure 9:
Expected 95% CL upper limits for the production of a single narrow resonance ϕ with a mass between 90 GeV and 3.2 TeV in the di-τ final state via gluon-fusion, split by final state. For these limits the SM Higgs boson has been added to the non-Higgs SM background. |
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Additional Figure 10:
Expected 95% CL upper limits for the b-associated production of a single narrow resonance ϕ with a mass between 90 GeV and 3.2 TeV in the di-τ final state, split by final state. For these limits the SM Higgs boson has been added to the non-Higgs SM background. |
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Additional Figure 11:
Expected and observed 95% CL upper limits for the production of a single narrow resonance ϕ with a mass between 90 GeV and 3.2 TeV in the di-τ final state via gluon-fusion. For these limits the cross section for b-associated production has been set to zero; the SM Higgs boson has been added to the non-Higgs SM background. |
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Additional Figure 12:
Expected and observed 95% CL upper limits for the b-associated production of a single narrow resonance ϕ with a mass between 90 GeV and 3.2 TeV in the di-τ final state. For these limits the cross section for the production via gluon-fusion has been set to zero; the SM Higgs boson has been added to the non-Higgs SM background. |
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Additional Figure 13:
Expected and observed 95% CL upper limits for the production of a single narrow resonance ϕ with a mass between 90 GeV and 3.2 TeV in the di-τ final state via gluon-fusion. For these limits only b quarks have been considered in the gluon-fusion loop; the SM Higgs boson has been added to the non-Higgs SM background. |
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Additional Figure 14:
Expected and observed 95% CL upper limits for the production of a single narrow resonance ϕ with a mass between 90 GeV and 3.2 TeV in the di-τ final state via gluon-fusion. For these limits only t quarks have been considered in the gluon-fusion loop; the SM Higgs boson has been added to the non-Higgs SM background. |
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Additional Figure 15:
Expected and observed 95% CL upper limits for the production of a single narrow resonance ϕ with a mass between 90 GeV and 3.2 TeV in the di-τ final state via gluon-fusion. For these limits the SM Higgs boson has not been included in the background model. |
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Additional Figure 16:
Expected and observed 95% CL upper limits for the b-associated production of a single narrow resonance ϕ with a mass between 90 GeV and 3.2 TeV in the di-τ final state. For these limits the SM Higgs boson has not been included in the background model. |
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Additional Figure 17:
Expected and observed 95% CL upper limits for the production of a single narrow resonance ϕ with a mass between 90 GeV and 3.2 TeV in the di-τ final state via gluon-fusion. For these limits only b quarks have been considered in the gluon-fusion loop; the SM Higgs boson has not been included in the background model. |
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Additional Figure 18:
Expected and observed 95% CL upper limits for the production of a single narrow resonance ϕ with a mass between 90 GeV and 3.2 TeV in the di-τ final state via gluon-fusion. For these limits only t quarks have been considered in the gluon-fusion loop; the SM Higgs boson has not been included in the background model. |
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Additional Figure 19:
Scan of the likelihood function used for the search for a single narrow resonance ϕ, with a mass of 100 GeV, produced via gluon-fusion or in b-associated production in the di-τ final state. For this scan the SM Higgs boson has not been included in the background model. |
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Additional Figure 20:
Scan of the likelihood function used for the search for a single narrow resonance ϕ, with a mass of 125 GeV, produced via gluon-fusion or in b-associated production in the di-τ final state. For this scan the SM Higgs boson has not been included in the background model. |
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Additional Figure 21:
Scan of the likelihood function used for the search for a single narrow resonance ϕ, with a mass of 140 GeV, produced via gluon-fusion or in b-associated production in the di-τ final state. For this scan the SM Higgs boson has not been included in the background model. |
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Additional Figure 22:
Scan of the likelihood function used for the search for a single narrow resonance ϕ, with a mass of 180 GeV, produced via gluon-fusion or in b-associated production in the di-τ final state. For this scan the SM Higgs boson has not been included in the background model. |
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Additional Figure 23:
Scan of the likelihood function used for the search for a single narrow resonance ϕ, with a mass of 350 GeV, produced via gluon-fusion or in b-associated production in the di-τ final state. For this scan the SM Higgs boson has not been included in the background model. |
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Additional Figure 24:
Scan of the likelihood function used for the search for a single narrow resonance ϕ, with a mass of 700 GeV, produced via gluon-fusion or in b-associated production in the di-τ final state. For this scan the SM Higgs boson has not been included in the background model. |
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Additional Figure 25:
Composition of the data in the AR used for the fake factor method, split by processes and as expected from the simulation, in the μτh final state. |
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Additional Figure 26:
Fake factor, FFtˉt, as obtained from simulation as a function of the transverse momentum of the misidentified jet in the 1-prong Njet= 0 category, in the μτh final state. |
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Additional Figure 27:
Fake factor, FFQCD, as obtained from DRQCD as a function of the transverse momentum of the misidentified jet in the 1-prong Njet= 0 category, in the μτh final state. |
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Additional Figure 28:
Fake factor, FFW+jets, as obtained from DRW+jets as a function of the transverse momentum of the misidentified jet in the 1-prong Njet= 0 category, in the μτh final state. |
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Additional Figure 29:
Correction to FFW+jets to account for differences between the event kinematics in the SR relative to DRW+jets. The correction has been obtained as a function of mμT from the simulation in the μτh final state. |
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Additional Figure 30:
Correction to FFQCD to account for differences between the opposite charge requirement on the selected di-τ pair in the SR with respect to the same charge requirement in DRQCD. This correction has been obtained as a function of the mass of the visible decay products of the di-τ system, mvis, from a sideband region in data, where the isolation requirement on the muon has been chosen orthogonal to the SR in the μτh final state. |
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Additional Figure 31:
Composition of the data in the AR used for the fake factor method, split by processes and as expected from the simulation, in the eτh final state. |
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Additional Figure 32:
Fake factor, FFtˉt, as obtained from simulation as a function of the transverse momentum of the misidentified jet in the 1-prong Njet= 0 category, in the eτh final state. |
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Additional Figure 33:
Fake factor, FFQCD, as obtained from DRQCD as a function of the transverse momentum of the misidentified jet in the 1-prong Njet= 0 category, in the eτh final state. |
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Additional Figure 34:
Fake factor, FFW+jets, as obtained from DRW+jets as a function of the transverse momentum of the misidentified jet in the 1-prong Njet= 0 category, in the eτh final state. |
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Additional Figure 35:
Composition of the data in the AR used for the fake factor method, split by processes and as expected from the simulation, in the τhτh final state. |
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Additional Figure 36:
Fake factor, FFQCD, as obtained from DRQCD as a function of the transverse momentum of the misidentified jet in the 1-prong Njet= 0 category in the τhτh final state. |
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Additional Figure 37:
Correction to FFQCD to account for differences between the opposite charge requirement on the selected di-τ pair in the SR with respect to the same charge requirement in DRQCD. This correction has been obtained as a function of the mass of the visible decay products of the di-τ system, mvis, from a sideband region in data, where the isolation requirement on the other τh candidate has been chosen orthogonal to the SR in the μτh final state. |
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Additional Figure 38:
Distribution of mtotT in the No B-tag Tight-mT event category in the μτh final state, using the simulation based cross check as described in the text. The triangles correspond to the background estimate from the fake factor method. The boxes enclosing the triangles correspond to the combined background uncertainty when using the fake factor method. |
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Additional Figure 39:
Distribution of mtotT in the B-tag Tight-mT event category in the μτh final state, using the simulation based cross check as described in the text. The triangles correspond to the background estimate obtained from the fake factor method. The boxes enclosing the triangles correspond to the combined background uncertainty when using the fake factor method. |
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Additional Figure 40:
Distribution of mtotT in the No B-tag Tight-mT event category in the eτh final state, using the simulation based cross check as described in the text. The triangles correspond to the background estimate obtained from the fake factor method. The boxes enclosing the triangles correspond to the combined background uncertainty when using the fake factor method. |
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Additional Figure 41:
Distribution of mtotT in the B-tag Tight-mT event category in the eτh final state, using the simulation based cross check as described in the text. The triangles correspond to the background estimate obtained from the fake factor method. The boxes enclosing the triangles correspond to the combined background uncertainty when using the fake factor method. |
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Additional Figure 42:
Distribution of mtotT in the No B-tag Tight-mT event category in the μτh final state. Shown is a comparison of the estimate from data using the μ→τ embedding technique with the estimate of the relevant processes from simulation as used for the main analysis, before performing the fit for the statistical inference of the signal. |
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Additional Figure 43:
Distribution of mtotT in the B-tag Tight-mT event category in the μτh final state. Shown is a comparison of the estimate from data using the μ→τ embedding technique with the estimate of the relevant processes from simulation as used for the main analysis, before performing the fit for the statistical inference of the signal. |
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Additional Figure 44:
Distribution of mtotT in the No B-tag Tight-mT event category in the eτh final state. Shown is a comparison of the estimate from data using the μ→τ embedding technique with the estimate of the relevant processes from simulation as used for the main analysis, before performing the fit for the statistical inference of the signal. |
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Additional Figure 45:
Distribution of mtotT in the B-tag Tight-mT event category in the eτh final state. Shown is a comparison of the estimate from data using the μ→τ embedding technique with the estimate of the relevant processes from simulation as used for the main analysis, before performing the fit for the statistical inference of the signal. |
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Additional Figure 46:
Distribution of mtotT in the No B-tag Tight-mT event category in the τhτh final state. Shown is a comparison of the estimate from data using the μ→τ embedding technique with the estimate of the relevant processes from simulation as used for the main analysis, before performing the fit for the statistical inference of the signal. |
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Additional Figure 47:
Distribution of mtotT in the B-tag Tight-mT event category in the τhτh final state. Shown is a comparison of the estimate from data using the μ→τ embedding technique with the estimate of the relevant processes from simulation as used for the main analysis, before performing the fit for the statistical inference of the signal. |
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Additional Figure 48:
Expected 95% CL exclusions contours in the mA-tanβ plane, as published by CMS during the years 2011 till 2017. The exclusions contours are shown in the mmaxh respectively mmod+h scenarios. |
References | ||||
1 | ATLAS Collaboration | Observation of a New Particle in the Search for the Standard Model Higgs Boson with the ATLAS Detector at the LHC | Phys.Lett. B716 (2012) 1--29 | 1207.7214 |
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4 | P. W. Higgs | Broken symmetries, massless particles and gauge fields | PL12 (1964) 132--133 | |
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6 | G. S. Guralnik, C. R. Hagen, and T. W. B. Kibble | Global Conservation Laws and Massless Particles | PRL 13 (1964) 585--587 | |
7 | P. W. Higgs | Spontaneous Symmetry Breakdown without Massless Bosons | PR145 (1966) 1156--1163 | |
8 | T. W. B. Kibble | Symmetry breaking in nonAbelian gauge theories | PR155 (1967) 1554--1561 | |
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