CMS-PAS-FTR-18-032 | ||
High-pT jet measurements at the HL-LHC | ||
CMS Collaboration | ||
December 2018 | ||
Abstract: Processes containing jets with high transverse momenta are studied for the upgraded CMS Phase-2 detector design at the High-Luminosity LHC assuming a center-of-mass energy of 14 TeV and an integrated luminosity of 3 ab−1. The high luminosity allows to fully exploit high transverse momentum jets (boosted jets) and to differentiate between various jet types. Inclusive jet production, the production of jets originating from b or t quarks, as well as from W bosons are studied, with emphasis on the transverse momentum spectrum of the jets and angular correlations between the two jets with highest transverse momenta. | ||
Links: CDS record (PDF) ; inSPIRE record ; CADI line (restricted) ; |
Figures | |
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Figure 1:
Expected b- tagging scale factor uncertainties as a function of jet pT for the tight working point [46]. |
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Figure 2:
Predicted b-tagging efficiencies with the tight working point for jets with R= 0.4 (left). Predicted flavor composition of the b-tagged sample (right). |
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Figure 2-a:
Predicted b-tagging efficiencies with the tight working point for jets with R= 0.4 (left). Predicted flavor composition of the b-tagged sample (right). |
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Figure 2-b:
Predicted b-tagging efficiencies with the tight working point for jets with R= 0.4 (left). Predicted flavor composition of the b-tagged sample (right). |
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Figure 3:
Expected b-tagging systematic uncertainty of the inclusive b-jet cross section. |
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Figure 4:
Comparison of the 13 TeV and 14 TeV cross sections for inclusive jet (left) and inclusive b jet (right) production at particle level as a function of pT in |y|< 0.5. The lower panel shows the ratio to the jet cross section at 14 TeV. The uncertainties in the ratio represent the expected statistical uncertainty assuming 150 fb−1 and 3 ab−1, respectively. The systematic uncertainty is shown for 14 TeV and is dominated by the jet energy scale uncertainty for inclusive jet production, and by the jet energy scale uncertainty and by the uncertainties from b tagging for the inclusive b jets. |
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Figure 4-a:
Comparison of the 13 TeV and 14 TeV cross sections for inclusive jet (left) and inclusive b jet (right) production at particle level as a function of pT in |y|< 0.5. The lower panel shows the ratio to the jet cross section at 14 TeV. The uncertainties in the ratio represent the expected statistical uncertainty assuming 150 fb−1 and 3 ab−1, respectively. The systematic uncertainty is shown for 14 TeV and is dominated by the jet energy scale uncertainty for inclusive jet production, and by the jet energy scale uncertainty and by the uncertainties from b tagging for the inclusive b jets. |
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Figure 4-b:
Comparison of the 13 TeV and 14 TeV cross sections for inclusive jet (left) and inclusive b jet (right) production at particle level as a function of pT in |y|< 0.5. The lower panel shows the ratio to the jet cross section at 14 TeV. The uncertainties in the ratio represent the expected statistical uncertainty assuming 150 fb−1 and 3 ab−1, respectively. The systematic uncertainty is shown for 14 TeV and is dominated by the jet energy scale uncertainty for inclusive jet production, and by the jet energy scale uncertainty and by the uncertainties from b tagging for the inclusive b jets. |
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Figure 5:
Fraction of b jets containing both a B and a ¯B hadron as a function of the jet pT. |
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Figure 6:
Distribution of the azimuthal correlation Δϕ between two leading jets at the particle level for leading jet pT between 400 GeV and 800 GeV (left) and above 1600 GeV (right). The uncertainties represent the expected statistical uncertainty assuming 3 ab−1. The systematic uncertainty includes the jet energy scale uncertainty (JEC) and uncertainties from b tagging. |
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Figure 6-a:
Distribution of the azimuthal correlation Δϕ between two leading jets at the particle level for leading jet pT between 400 GeV and 800 GeV (left) and above 1600 GeV (right). The uncertainties represent the expected statistical uncertainty assuming 3 ab−1. The systematic uncertainty includes the jet energy scale uncertainty (JEC) and uncertainties from b tagging. |
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Figure 6-b:
Distribution of the azimuthal correlation Δϕ between two leading jets at the particle level for leading jet pT between 400 GeV and 800 GeV (left) and above 1600 GeV (right). The uncertainties represent the expected statistical uncertainty assuming 3 ab−1. The systematic uncertainty includes the jet energy scale uncertainty (JEC) and uncertainties from b tagging. |
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Figure 7:
Distribution of the rapidity difference |Δy| between two leading jets at the particle level for leading jet pT between 400 GeV and 800 GeV (left) and above 1600 GeV (right). The uncertainties represent the expected statistical uncertainty assuming 3 ab−1. The systematic uncertainty includes the jet energy scale uncertainty (JEC) and uncertainties from b tagging. |
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Figure 7-a:
Distribution of the rapidity difference |Δy| between two leading jets at the particle level for leading jet pT between 400 GeV and 800 GeV (left) and above 1600 GeV (right). The uncertainties represent the expected statistical uncertainty assuming 3 ab−1. The systematic uncertainty includes the jet energy scale uncertainty (JEC) and uncertainties from b tagging. |
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Figure 7-b:
Distribution of the rapidity difference |Δy| between two leading jets at the particle level for leading jet pT between 400 GeV and 800 GeV (left) and above 1600 GeV (right). The uncertainties represent the expected statistical uncertainty assuming 3 ab−1. The systematic uncertainty includes the jet energy scale uncertainty (JEC) and uncertainties from b tagging. |
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Figure 8:
The cross section at particle level as a function of the leading-jet pT in t¯t events (left), and as a function of Δϕ between the two leading t¯t jets (right). The statistical uncertainties correspond to an integrated luminosity of 3 ab−1, including efficiencies from the selection of t jets at detector level. The systematic uncertainties are described in the main text. |
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Figure 8-a:
The cross section at particle level as a function of the leading-jet pT in t¯t events (left), and as a function of Δϕ between the two leading t¯t jets (right). The statistical uncertainties correspond to an integrated luminosity of 3 ab−1, including efficiencies from the selection of t jets at detector level. The systematic uncertainties are described in the main text. |
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Figure 8-b:
The cross section at particle level as a function of the leading-jet pT in t¯t events (left), and as a function of Δϕ between the two leading t¯t jets (right). The statistical uncertainties correspond to an integrated luminosity of 3 ab−1, including efficiencies from the selection of t jets at detector level. The systematic uncertainties are described in the main text. |
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Figure 9:
The cross section as a function of pT for hadronically decaying W bosons (left), and as a function of Δϕ between the jet originating from the W boson and the recoil jet (right). The statistical uncertainties do not include selection efficiencies. |
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Figure 9-a:
The cross section as a function of pT for hadronically decaying W bosons (left), and as a function of Δϕ between the jet originating from the W boson and the recoil jet (right). The statistical uncertainties do not include selection efficiencies. |
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Figure 9-b:
The cross section as a function of pT for hadronically decaying W bosons (left), and as a function of Δϕ between the jet originating from the W boson and the recoil jet (right). The statistical uncertainties do not include selection efficiencies. |
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Figure 10:
The overview of the particle-level differential jet cross sections (with R= 0.8) as a function of pT (left) and Δϕ (right) for various processes. In the left plot the inclusive b jet cross section is shown (for comparison with the inclusive jet cross section), while for Δϕ the two- b-jet cross section is shown. For the ratio the normalization is fixed arbitrarily at Δϕ=π. The cross section of W production does not include statistical uncertainties corrected for efficiencies and background subtraction. |
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Figure 10-a:
The overview of the particle-level differential jet cross sections (with R= 0.8) as a function of pT (left) and Δϕ (right) for various processes. In the left plot the inclusive b jet cross section is shown (for comparison with the inclusive jet cross section), while for Δϕ the two- b-jet cross section is shown. For the ratio the normalization is fixed arbitrarily at Δϕ=π. The cross section of W production does not include statistical uncertainties corrected for efficiencies and background subtraction. |
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Figure 10-b:
The overview of the particle-level differential jet cross sections (with R= 0.8) as a function of pT (left) and Δϕ (right) for various processes. In the left plot the inclusive b jet cross section is shown (for comparison with the inclusive jet cross section), while for Δϕ the two- b-jet cross section is shown. For the ratio the normalization is fixed arbitrarily at Δϕ=π. The cross section of W production does not include statistical uncertainties corrected for efficiencies and background subtraction. |
Tables | |
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Table 1:
The b tagging scale factor (SF) uncertainties for several pT values [46]. The scale factor uncertainties for jets with R= 0.4 and R= 0.8 are assumed to be identical. |
Summary |
We have determined the expected reach in pT for inclusive jets and b jets at the HL-LHC. The HL-LHC data will allow to probe the proton structure and perturbative QCD in general at the highest ever achieved scales. The inclusive b jet production is a process, which can be identified with high accuracy. We show that at high pT, the b jets are more and more affected by gluon splitting. The angular correlation between the two leading pT jets is evaluated as a function of the Δϕ and |Δy| variables. It is demonstrated that these variables together with the possible b-jet requirement enhance the sensitivity to the different partonic content of the proton. The studies are complemented with a particle-level study of boosted W+jet events. The angular correlation variables are sensitive to perturbative soft-gluon radiation and are important for calculations involving soft gluon resummation. The boosted tˉt cross section in the high pT region is studied, where even the top quark mass becomes negligible. Consequently, the top quark pair is produced at a rate comparable to that of light quarks. However, the prominent process at high pT is the quark-quark scattering which makes the top quark pair production still suppressed, as the probability to produce top quarks within the QCD evolution (in the shower) is low. This is in contrast to the case of b quarks, which at high pT typically are produced within the QCD evolution, i.e., in the initial-state shower. With an integrated luminosity of 3 ab−1, inclusive jet cross section measurements can reach a pT∼ 4 TeV, inclusive b jet measurements can reach a pT∼ 3 TeV, jets originating from hadronic top quarks can reach a pT∼ 2 TeV, and boosted hadronically decaying W bosons can access the region of pT∼ 2.5 TeV. |
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Compact Muon Solenoid LHC, CERN |
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