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CMS-SMP-14-017 ; CERN-PH-EP-2015-299
Measurement of the inclusive jet cross section in pp collisions at s= 2.76 TeV
Eur. Phys. J. C 76 (2016) 265
Abstract: The double-differential inclusive jet cross section is measured as a function of jet transverse momentum pT and absolute rapidity |y|, using proton-proton collision data collected with the CMS experiment at the LHC, at a center-of-mass energy of s= 2.76 TeV and corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 5.43 pb1. Jets are reconstructed within the pT range of 74 to 592 GeV and the rapidity range |y|< 3.0 . The reconstructed jet spectrum is corrected for detector resolution. The measurements are compared to the theoretical prediction at next-to-leading-order QCD using different sets of parton distribution functions. This inclusive cross section measurement explores a new kinematic region and is consistent with QCD predictions.
Figures & Tables Summary References CMS Publications

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Figure 1:
The inclusive jet production cross section, measured at s= 2.76 TeV, shown as a function of jet pT in six |y| bins, as indicated by different symbols. The statistical (systematic) experimental uncertainties are indicated by vertical error bars (filled bands). The measurements are compared to the NLO QCD prediction using CT10 PDF set. The theoretical uncertainties are represented by hatched bands.

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Figure 2-a:
The ratio of the measured inclusive jet production cross section (closed symbols) at s= 2.76 TeV to the theoretical prediction using the CT10 PDF set is shown as a function of jet pT in each measured |y| range with the statistical (vertical error bars) and systematic (solid lines) experimental uncertainties. The total theoretical uncertainties are shown by the dash-dotted lines with the contribution from PDF uncertainties (hatched band).

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Figure 2-b:
The ratio of the measured inclusive jet production cross section (closed symbols) at s= 2.76 TeV to the theoretical prediction using the CT10 PDF set is shown as a function of jet pT in each measured |y| range with the statistical (vertical error bars) and systematic (solid lines) experimental uncertainties. The total theoretical uncertainties are shown by the dash-dotted lines with the contribution from PDF uncertainties (hatched band).

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Figure 2-c:
The ratio of the measured inclusive jet production cross section (closed symbols) at s= 2.76 TeV to the theoretical prediction using the CT10 PDF set is shown as a function of jet pT in each measured |y| range with the statistical (vertical error bars) and systematic (solid lines) experimental uncertainties. The total theoretical uncertainties are shown by the dash-dotted lines with the contribution from PDF uncertainties (hatched band).

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Figure 2-d:
The ratio of the measured inclusive jet production cross section (closed symbols) at s= 2.76 TeV to the theoretical prediction using the CT10 PDF set is shown as a function of jet pT in each measured |y| range with the statistical (vertical error bars) and systematic (solid lines) experimental uncertainties. The total theoretical uncertainties are shown by the dash-dotted lines with the contribution from PDF uncertainties (hatched band).

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Figure 2-e:
The ratio of the measured inclusive jet production cross section (closed symbols) at s= 2.76 TeV to the theoretical prediction using the CT10 PDF set is shown as a function of jet pT in each measured |y| range with the statistical (vertical error bars) and systematic (solid lines) experimental uncertainties. The total theoretical uncertainties are shown by the dash-dotted lines with the contribution from PDF uncertainties (hatched band).

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Figure 2-f:
The ratio of the measured inclusive jet production cross section (closed symbols) at s= 2.76 TeV to the theoretical prediction using the CT10 PDF set is shown as a function of jet pT in each measured |y| range with the statistical (vertical error bars) and systematic (solid lines) experimental uncertainties. The total theoretical uncertainties are shown by the dash-dotted lines with the contribution from PDF uncertainties (hatched band).

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Figure 3-a:
The same data shown in Fig. 2 are presented showing comparisons to the NLO QCD predictions using a variety of PDFs, which are denoted by different line styles. The uncertainties corresponding to the QCD predictions are not shown. For simplicity, the NP corrections needed for the various QCD predictions have been applied to the data in this figure.

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Figure 3-b:
The same data shown in Fig. 2 are presented showing comparisons to the NLO QCD predictions using a variety of PDFs, which are denoted by different line styles. The uncertainties corresponding to the QCD predictions are not shown. For simplicity, the NP corrections needed for the various QCD predictions have been applied to the data in this figure.

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Figure 3-c:
The same data shown in Fig. 2 are presented showing comparisons to the NLO QCD predictions using a variety of PDFs, which are denoted by different line styles. The uncertainties corresponding to the QCD predictions are not shown. For simplicity, the NP corrections needed for the various QCD predictions have been applied to the data in this figure.

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Figure 3-d:
The same data shown in Fig. 2 are presented showing comparisons to the NLO QCD predictions using a variety of PDFs, which are denoted by different line styles. The uncertainties corresponding to the QCD predictions are not shown. For simplicity, the NP corrections needed for the various QCD predictions have been applied to the data in this figure.

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Figure 3-e:
The same data shown in Fig. 2 are presented showing comparisons to the NLO QCD predictions using a variety of PDFs, which are denoted by different line styles. The uncertainties corresponding to the QCD predictions are not shown. For simplicity, the NP corrections needed for the various QCD predictions have been applied to the data in this figure.

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Figure 3-f:
The same data shown in Fig. 2 are presented showing comparisons to the NLO QCD predictions using a variety of PDFs, which are denoted by different line styles. The uncertainties corresponding to the QCD predictions are not shown. For simplicity, the NP corrections needed for the various QCD predictions have been applied to the data in this figure.

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Table 1:
Effective integrated luminosities and jet pT ranges for triggers used in this study.

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Table 2:
The factors used to scale jet resolution determined in simulations to match the resolution observed in data.

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Table 3:
The PDF sets used for deriving cross section predictions are given with the number of active flavors (Nf), the values and ranges of αS(MZ) used for the fits, and corresponding references.
A measurement of the double-differential inclusive jet cross section was presented. The data were collected by the CMS detector in pp collisions at s= 2.76 TeV, with an integrated luminosity of 5.43 pb1. The measurement covers the jet kinematic ranges of 74 pT< 592 GeV and |y|< 3.0 .

A detailed study of the experimental and theoretical uncertainties has been performed. Contributions to the experimental systematic uncertainty were evaluated from the jet energy corrections, jet energy resolution, and integrated luminosity. Jet energy corrections dominate the experimental uncertainty, followed by smaller contributions from jet energy resolution and luminosity. The theoretical uncertainty is dominated by the missing higher-order corrections that were estimated by varying the renormalization and factorization scales, and the PDF uncertainty; the contribution of nonperturbative correction uncertainty is small.

The data are corrected for detector resolution and efficiencies. The measured cross sections are compared to NLO QCD predictions obtained using different PDF sets. These cross section measurements test and confirm the predictions of QCD at s= 2.76 TeV and extend the kinematic range compared to previous studies.
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Compact Muon Solenoid