CMS-PAS-SMP-20-005 | ||
W±γ differential cross sections and effective field theory constraints at √s= 13 TeV | ||
CMS Collaboration | ||
March 2021 | ||
Abstract: Differential cross section measurements of W±γ production in proton-proton collisions at √s= 13 TeV are presented. The data set used in this study is collected with the CMS detector at the CERN LHC and corresponds to an integrated luminosity of 137 fb−1. Candidate events containing an electron or muon, a photon, and missing transverse momentum are selected. The measurements are compared to standard model predictions computed at next-to-leading order and next-to-next-to-leading order in perturbative quantum chromodynamics. Constraints on the presence of heavy new physics affecting the WWγ vertex are determined within an effective field theory framework, focusing on the O3W operator. A simultaneous measurement of the photon transverse momentum and the azimuthal angle of the charged lepton in a special reference frame is performed. This two-dimensional approach yields sensitivity to the interference between the standard model and O3W that is enhanced by up to a factor of ten compared to using the transverse momentum alone. | ||
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These preliminary results are superseded in this paper, Submitted to PRD. The superseded preliminary plots can be found here. |
Figures | |
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Figure 1:
Example LO Feynman diagrams for W±γ production showing initial-state (left) and final-state (center) radiation of the photon, and the WWγ TGC (right). |
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Figure 1-a:
Example LO Feynman diagram for W±γ production showing initial-state radiation of the photon. |
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Figure 1-b:
Example LO Feynman diagram for W±γ production showing final-state radiation of the photon. |
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Figure 1-c:
Example LO Feynman diagram for W±γ production showing the WWγ TGC. |
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Figure 2:
Schematic showing the special coordinate system for W±γ production, defined by a Lorentz boost to the center-of-mass frame along direction r. The z axis is chosen as the W± boson direction in this frame, and y is given by ˆr׈z. The W± boson decay plane is indicated in blue, where the labels f+ and f− refer to positive and negative helicity final-state fermions. The angles ϕ and θ are the azimuthal and polar angles of f+. |
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Figure 3:
Particle-level distributions of the decay angle ϕ, comparing the LO 2→2 process (left) to the LO MLM-merged prediction with up to two additional jets in the matrix element (right). The markers give the SM prediction (C3W=0) and the lines correspond to different values of C3W. |
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Figure 3-a:
Particle-level distributions of the decay angle ϕ, for the LO 2→2 process. The markers give the SM prediction (C3W=0) and the lines correspond to different values of C3W. |
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Figure 3-b:
Particle-level distributions of the decay angle ϕ, for the LO MLM-merged prediction with up to two additional jets in the matrix element. The markers give the SM prediction (C3W=0) and the lines correspond to different values of C3W. |
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Figure 4:
Distributions of lepton pT (upper left), photon pT (upper right), mT(ℓ,pTmiss) (lower left), and mclusterT (lower right), combining the electron and muon channels. The shaded band gives the total statistical and systematic uncertainty on the signal plus background expectation. |
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Figure 4-a:
Distribution of lepton pT, combining the electron and muon channels. The shaded band gives the total statistical and systematic uncertainty on the signal plus background expectation. |
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Figure 4-b:
Distribution of photon pT, combining the electron and muon channels. The shaded band gives the total statistical and systematic uncertainty on the signal plus background expectation. |
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Figure 4-c:
Distribution of mT(ℓ,pTmiss), combining the electron and muon channels. The shaded band gives the total statistical and systematic uncertainty on the signal plus background expectation. |
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Figure 4-d:
Distribution of mclusterT, combining the electron and muon channels. The shaded band gives the total statistical and systematic uncertainty on the signal plus background expectation. |
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Figure 5:
Two-dimensional distribution of ϕgen versus ϕtrue, where the former is reconstructed using the particle-level lepton and photon momenta and →pmissT. The off-diagonal components correspond to events where the incorrect solution for ην is chosen, as described in the text. |
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Figure 6:
The measured pγT absolute (left) and fractional (right) differential cross sections (upper), compared to the MG5_aMC+PY8 NLO and MATRIX NNLO predictions, and corresponding uncertainty decomposition (center) and correlation matrices (lower). The shaded bands in the upper figures give the corresponding missing higher order uncertainties. |
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Figure 6-a:
The measured pγT absolute differential cross sections, compared to the MG5_aMC+PY8 NLO and MATRIX NNLO predictions. The shaded bands give the corresponding missing higher order uncertainties. |
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Figure 6-b:
The measured pγT fractional differential cross sections, compared to the MG5_aMC+PY8 NLO and MATRIX NNLO predictions. The shaded bands give the corresponding missing higher order uncertainties. |
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Figure 6-c:
Uncertainty decomposition of the measured pγT absolute differential cross sections. |
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Figure 6-d:
Uncertainty decomposition of the measured pγT fractional differential cross sections. |
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Figure 6-e:
Correlation matrix for the measured pγT absolute fractional cross sections. |
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Figure 6-f:
Correlation matrix for the measured pγT fractional differential cross sections. |
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Figure 7:
The measured ηγ absolute (left) and fractional (right) differential cross sections, compared to the MG5_aMC+PY8 NLO and MATRIX NNLO predictions. The shaded bands give the corresponding missing higher order uncertainties. |
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Figure 7-a:
The measured ηγ absolute differential cross sections, compared to the MG5_aMC+PY8 NLO and MATRIX NNLO predictions. The shaded bands give the corresponding missing higher order uncertainties. |
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Figure 7-b:
The measured ηγ fractional differential cross sections, compared to the MG5_aMC+PY8 NLO and MATRIX NNLO predictions. The shaded bands give the corresponding missing higher order uncertainties. |
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Figure 8:
The measured ΔR(ℓ,γ) absolute (left) and fractional (right) differential cross sections, compared to the MG5_aMC+PY8 NLO and MATRIX NNLO predictions. The shaded bands give the corresponding missing higher order uncertainties. |
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Figure 8-a:
The measured ΔR(ℓ,γ) absolute fractional cross sections, compared to the MG5_aMC+PY8 NLO and MATRIX NNLO predictions. The shaded bands give the corresponding missing higher order uncertainties. |
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Figure 8-b:
The measured ΔR(ℓ,γ) absolute differential cross sections, compared to the MG5_aMC+PY8 NLO and MATRIX NNLO predictions. The shaded bands give the corresponding missing higher order uncertainties. |
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Figure 9:
The measured Δη(ℓ,γ) absolute (left) and fractional (right) differential cross sections, compared to the MG5_aMC+PY8 NLO and MATRIX NNLO predictions. The shaded bands give the corresponding missing higher order uncertainties. |
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Figure 9-a:
The measured Δη(ℓ,γ) absolute fractional cross sections, compared to the MG5_aMC+PY8 NLO and MATRIX NNLO predictions. The shaded bands give the corresponding missing higher order uncertainties. |
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Figure 9-b:
The measured Δη(ℓ,γ) absolute differential cross sections, compared to the MG5_aMC+PY8 NLO and MATRIX NNLO predictions. The shaded bands give the corresponding missing higher order uncertainties. |
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Figure 10:
The measured mclusterT absolute (left) and fractional (right) differential cross sections, compared to the MG5_aMC+PY8 NLO and MATRIX NNLO predictions. The shaded bands give the corresponding missing higher order uncertainties. |
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Figure 10-a:
The measured mclusterT absolute differential cross sections, compared to the MG5_aMC+PY8 NLO and MATRIX NNLO predictions. The shaded bands give the corresponding missing higher order uncertainties. |
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Figure 10-b:
The measured mclusterT fractional differential cross sections, compared to the MG5_aMC+PY8 NLO and MATRIX NNLO predictions. The shaded bands give the corresponding missing higher order uncertainties. |
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Figure 11:
The measured jet multiplicity cross sections (left) and corresponding correlation matrix (right). |
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Figure 11-a:
The measured jet multiplicity cross sections. |
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Figure 11-b:
Correlation matrix for the measured jet multiplicity cross sections. |
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Figure 12:
The measured Δη(ℓ,γ) absolute (left) and fractional (right) differential cross sections, compared to the MG5_aMC+PY8 NLO and MATRIX NNLO predictions. |
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Figure 12-a:
The measured Δη(ℓ,γ) absolute fractional cross sections, compared to the MG5_aMC+PY8 NLO and MATRIX NNLO predictions. |
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Figure 12-b:
The measured Δη(ℓ,γ) absolute differential cross sections, compared to the MG5_aMC+PY8 NLO and MATRIX NNLO predictions. |
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Figure 13:
Expected and observed pγT×|ϕf| distributions before the maximum likelihood fit is performed. The shaded uncertainty band incorporates all statistical and systematic uncertainties. The red and blue lines show how the total expectation changes when C3W is set to −0.2TeV−2 or 0.2TeV−2, respectively. Only the SM and interference terms are considered in this example. |
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Figure 14:
Scans of the profile likelihood test statistic q as a function of C3W, given with and without the pure BSM term by the dashed red and solid black lines, respectively. The full set of pγT and |ϕf| bins, described in the text, are included for these scans. |
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Figure 15:
Best-fit values of C3W and corresponding 95% CL confidence intervals as a function of the maximum pγT bin included in the fit (left). Measurement with and without the pure BSM term are given by the black and red lines, respectively. The limits without the pure BSM term given with and without the binning in |ϕf| are also shown (right), with black and blue lines, respectively. The black lines in both figures correspond to the same limits. |
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Figure 15-a:
Best-fit values of C3W and corresponding 95% CL confidence intervals as a function of the maximum pγT bin included in the fit. Measurement with and without the pure BSM term are given by the black and red lines, respectively. |
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Figure 15-b:
Best-fit values of C3W and corresponding 95% CL confidence intervals as a function of the maximum pγT bin included in the fit. The limits without the pure BSM term given with and without the binning in |ϕf| are shown, with black and blue lines, respectively. |
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Figure 16:
Response matrix for the differential pγT×|ϕf| cross section measurement. The entry in each bin gives the probability for an event of a given truth-level fiducial bin to be reconstructed in one of the corresponding reconstruction-level bins. The inner labels give the |ϕf| bin and the outer labels indicate the pγT bin. |
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Figure 17:
Measured double-differential pγT×|ϕf| cross section and comparison to the MG5_aMC+PY8 NLO prediction. The red bands give the uncertainty due to missing high orders in this prediction. |
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Figure 18:
Correlation matrix for the measured pγT×|ϕf| cross sections. |
Tables | |
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Table 1:
Summary of the systematic uncertainties affecting the signal and background predictions. The table notes whether each uncertainty affects the shape of the measured observable or just the normalization, and whether the effect is correlated between data-taking years. The normalization effect on the expected yield is also given. For some shape uncertainties the values vary significantly across the observable distribution. In these cases the typical range and maximum values are given, where the former is the central 68 interval considering all bins. |
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Table 2:
Measured absolute and fractional differential pγT cross sections and comparison to the MG5_aMC+PY8 NLO and MATRIX NNLO predictions. |
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Table 3:
Measured differential ηγ cross section and comparison to the MG5_aMC+PY8 NLO and MATRIX NNLO predictions. |
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Table 4:
Measured differential ΔR(ℓ,γ) cross section and comparison to the MG5_aMC+PY8 NLO and MATRIX NNLO predictions. |
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Table 5:
Measured differential Δη(ℓ,γ) cross section and comparison to the MG5_aMC+PY8 NLO and MATRIX NNLO predictions. |
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Table 6:
Measured differential mclusterT cross section and comparison to the MG5_aMC+PY8 NLO and MATRIX MATRIX predictions. |
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Table 7:
Cross section measured in bins of jet multiplicity and comparison to the MG5_aMC+PY8 NLO and MATRIX NNLO predictions. |
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Table 8:
Measured differential Δη(ℓ,γ) cross section and comparison to the MG5_aMC+PY8 NLO and MATRIX NNLO predictions. Requirements of mclusterT> 150 GeV and a jet veto are applied in addition to the baseline selection. |
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Table 9:
Fiducial cross section scaling terms as a function of C3W in all pγT×|ϕf| bins. Values are given relative to the SM prediction: μint/BSMj=σint/BSMj/σSMj. |
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Table 10:
Best-fit values of C3W and corresponding 95% CL confidence intervals as a function of the maximum pγT bin included in the fit. |
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Table 11:
Measured double-differential pγT×|ϕf| cross section and comparison to the MG5_aMC+PY8 NLO prediction. |
Summary |
This note has presented an analysis of W±γ production in √s= 13 TeV proton-proton collisions using 137 fb−1 of data recorded by the CMS detector at the CERN LHC. Differential and fiducial cross sections have been measured for several observables and compared to standard model predictions computed at next-to-leading order and next-to-next-to-leading order in perturbative quantum chromodynamics. Constraints on the presence of heavy new physics affecting the WWγ vertex have been determined using an effective field theory framework. A novel two-dimensional approach is utilized with the simultaneous measurement of the photon transverse momentum and the azimuthal angle of the charged lepton in a special reference frame. This yields sensitivity to the interference between the standard model and the O3W operator that is enhanced by up to a factor of ten compared to a measurement using the transverse momentum alone. |
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Compact Muon Solenoid LHC, CERN |
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