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Study of quark- and gluon-like jet fractions using jet charge in PbPb and pp collisions at 5.02 TeV
Abstract: The momentum-weighted sum of the electric charges of particles inside a jet, known as jet charge, is sensitive to the charge of the particle initiating the parton shower. This note presents jet charge distributions in 5.0 TeV PbPb and pp collisions recorded by the CMS detector at the LHC. These data correspond to integrated luminosities of 404 $\mu$b$^{-1}$ and 27.4 pb$^{-1}$ for PbPb and pp collisions, respectively. The measurements are unfolded to account for detector and background effects. Leveraging the jet charge's sensitivity to fundamental differences in the electric charges of quarks and gluons, a template-fitting method is proposed to estimate the quark- and gluon-like jet fractions of an inclusive jet sample. Using the jet charge distributions from simulated events as templates, the quark and gluon jet fractions are extracted from data. The modification of these jet fractions is examined by comparing PbPb and pp data as a function of collision centrality. This measurement tests the color charge dependence of jet energy loss due to interactions with the quark-gluon plasma.
Figures & Tables Summary References CMS Publications

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Figure 1:
(Top) Unfolded jet charge measurements shown for inclusive jets in data along with the extracted fractions of up and down quark jets, gluon jets, and the heavy and antiquark jets (collectively grouped as "other flavors"). The systematic uncertainties on the distributions are shown in shaded regions around the measurements. The jet charge measurements shown here are for $\kappa = $ 0.5 and a minimum track ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ of 1 GeV. (Bottom) Ratio of the jet charge measurements to the results of template fits.

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Figure 2:
The standard deviation of the jet charge distributions with different track $ {p_{\mathrm {T}}} $ cuts and $\kappa $ values for pp collisions and in the various event centrality bins for PbPb collisions compared with PYTHIA + HYDJET.

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Figure 3:
Fitting results for the extraction of gluon-like jet fractions in pp and PbPb data shown for different minimum track $ {p_{\mathrm {T}}} $ values and for different event centrality bins in PbPb. The systematic uncertainties are shown by shaded regions and the statistical uncertainties are shown by vertical bars.

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Figure 4:
Fitting results for the extraction of gluon-like jet fractions in pp and PbPb data shown for $\kappa $ values of 0.3, 0.5 and 0.7 in different event centrality bins in PbPb. The markers for track $ {p_{\mathrm {T}}} > $ 1 GeV and track $ {p_{\mathrm {T}}} > $ 2 GeV have been separated horizontally for clarity. The systematic uncertainties are shown by shaded regions and the statistical uncertainties are shown by vertical bars.

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Figure 5:
(Top) Unfolded jet charge measurements shown for inclusive jets in data along with the extracted fractions of up and down quark jets, gluon jets, and the heavy and antiquark jets (collectively grouped as "other flavors"). The systematic uncertainties on the distributions are shown in shaded regions around the measurements. The jet charge measurements shown here are for $\kappa = $ 0.5 and a minimum track ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ of 2 GeV, 4 GeV and 5 GeV. (Bottom) Ratio of the jet charge measurements to the results of template fits.

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Figure 5-a:
(Top) Unfolded jet charge measurements shown for inclusive jets in data along with the extracted fractions of up and down quark jets, gluon jets, and the heavy and antiquark jets (collectively grouped as "other flavors"). The systematic uncertainties on the distributions are shown in shaded regions around the measurements. The jet charge measurements shown here are for $\kappa = $ 0.5 and a minimum track ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ of 2 GeV. (Bottom) Ratio of the jet charge measurements to the results of template fits.

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Figure 5-b:
(Top) Unfolded jet charge measurements shown for inclusive jets in data along with the extracted fractions of up and down quark jets, gluon jets, and the heavy and antiquark jets (collectively grouped as "other flavors"). The systematic uncertainties on the distributions are shown in shaded regions around the measurements. The jet charge measurements shown here are for $\kappa = $ 0.5 and a minimum track ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ of 4 GeV. (Bottom) Ratio of the jet charge measurements to the results of template fits.

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Figure 5-c:
(Top) Unfolded jet charge measurements shown for inclusive jets in data along with the extracted fractions of up and down quark jets, gluon jets, and the heavy and antiquark jets (collectively grouped as "other flavors"). The systematic uncertainties on the distributions are shown in shaded regions around the measurements. The jet charge measurements shown here are for $\kappa = $ 0.5 and a minimum track ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ of 5 GeV. (Bottom) Ratio of the jet charge measurements to the results of template fits.

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Figure 6:
(Top) Unfolded jet charge measurements shown for inclusive jets in data along with the extracted fractions of up and down quark jets, gluon jets, and the heavy and antiquark jets (collectively grouped as "other flavors"). The systematic uncertainties on the distributions are shown in shaded regions around the measurements. The jet charge measurements shown here are for $\kappa = $ 0.3, $\kappa = $ 0.5 and $\kappa = $ 0.7 and a minimum track ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ of 1 GeV. (Bottom) Ratio of the jet charge measurements to the results of template fits.

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Figure 6-a:
(Top) Unfolded jet charge measurements shown for inclusive jets in data along with the extracted fractions of up and down quark jets, gluon jets, and the heavy and antiquark jets (collectively grouped as "other flavors"). The systematic uncertainties on the distributions are shown in shaded regions around the measurements. The jet charge measurements shown here are for $\kappa = $ 0.3 and a minimum track ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ of 1 GeV. (Bottom) Ratio of the jet charge measurements to the results of template fits.

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Figure 6-b:
(Top) Unfolded jet charge measurements shown for inclusive jets in data along with the extracted fractions of up and down quark jets, gluon jets, and the heavy and antiquark jets (collectively grouped as "other flavors"). The systematic uncertainties on the distributions are shown in shaded regions around the measurements. The jet charge measurements shown here are for $\kappa = $ 0.5 and a minimum track ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ of 1 GeV. (Bottom) Ratio of the jet charge measurements to the results of template fits.

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Figure 6-c:
(Top) Unfolded jet charge measurements shown for inclusive jets in data along with the extracted fractions of up and down quark jets, gluon jets, and the heavy and antiquark jets (collectively grouped as "other flavors"). The systematic uncertainties on the distributions are shown in shaded regions around the measurements. The jet charge measurements shown here are for $\kappa = $ 0.7 and a minimum track ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ of 1 GeV. (Bottom) Ratio of the jet charge measurements to the results of template fits.

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Figure 7:
(Top) Unfolded jet charge measurements shown for inclusive jets in data along with the extracted fractions of up and down quark jets, gluon jets, and the heavy and antiquark jets (collectively grouped as "other flavors"). The systematic uncertainties on the distributions are shown in shaded regions around the measurements. The jet charge measurements shown here are for $\kappa = $ 0.3, $\kappa = $ 0.5 and $\kappa = $ 0.7 and a minimum track ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ of 2 GeV. (Bottom) Ratio of the jet charge measurements to the results of template fits.

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Figure 7-a:
(Top) Unfolded jet charge measurements shown for inclusive jets in data along with the extracted fractions of up and down quark jets, gluon jets, and the heavy and antiquark jets (collectively grouped as "other flavors"). The systematic uncertainties on the distributions are shown in shaded regions around the measurements. The jet charge measurements shown here are for $\kappa = $ 0.3 and a minimum track ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ of 2 GeV. (Bottom) Ratio of the jet charge measurements to the results of template fits.

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Figure 7-b:
(Top) Unfolded jet charge measurements shown for inclusive jets in data along with the extracted fractions of up and down quark jets, gluon jets, and the heavy and antiquark jets (collectively grouped as "other flavors"). The systematic uncertainties on the distributions are shown in shaded regions around the measurements. The jet charge measurements shown here are for $\kappa = $ 0.5 and a minimum track ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ of 2 GeV. (Bottom) Ratio of the jet charge measurements to the results of template fits.

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Figure 7-c:
(Top) Unfolded jet charge measurements shown for inclusive jets in data along with the extracted fractions of up and down quark jets, gluon jets, and the heavy and antiquark jets (collectively grouped as "other flavors"). The systematic uncertainties on the distributions are shown in shaded regions around the measurements. The jet charge measurements shown here are for $\kappa = $ 0.7 and a minimum track ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ of 2 GeV. (Bottom) Ratio of the jet charge measurements to the results of template fits.

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Table 1:
Relative systematic uncertainties in percentage for the measurements of gluon-like jet fractions in PbPb and pp events. The PbPb results are given in intervals of centrality. When an uncertainty range is given, the range of the values are the maximum variation in the relative fractions for different selections of $\kappa $ and track $ {p_{\mathrm {T}}} $ threshold values.
The first measurements of jet charge in PbPb collisions using data collected with the CMS detector at a nucleon-nucleon center-of-mass energy of ${\sqrt {\smash [b]{s_{_{\mathrm {NN}}}}}} = $ 5.02 TeV are presented. Measurements in pp collisions at the same energy are also reported. The unfolded jet charge distributions, measured using the jet constituents with transverse momentum ${p_{\mathrm{T}}} > $ 1 GeV for jets having ${p_{\mathrm{T}}} > $ 120 GeV and $|\eta| < $ 1.5, are presented. The width of the jet charge distributions for pp collisions and in different event centrality bins for PbPb collisions are shown to be independent of collision centrality and are in good agreement with measurements from PYTHIA and PYTHIA+ HYDJET. The jet charge distributions for quark- and gluon-initiated jets from PYTHIA and PYTHIA+ HYDJET are used as fitting templates to estimate the respective contributions in the measured jet samples. The gluon-like jet fractions extracted from these template fits are found to be similar between pp and all studied PbPb centrality ranges. No evidence is seen for a significant decrease in gluon prevalence due to jet quenching in PbPb collisions in the sample of inclusive jets with ${p_{\mathrm{T}}} > $ 120 GeV, contrary to expectations of some jet quenching models.
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Compact Muon Solenoid