CMS-PAS-HIG-18-002 | ||
Measurements of Higgs boson properties from on-shell and off-shell production in the four-lepton final state | ||
CMS Collaboration | ||
September 2018 | ||
Studies of on-shell and off-shell Higgs boson production in the four-lepton final state are presented, using data from the CMS experiment at the LHC that corresponds to an integrated luminosity of 80.2 fb−1 at 13 TeV. Joint constraints are set on the width of the Higgs and parameters that express its anomalous couplings to two electroweak vector bosons using both on-shell and off-shell production of the Higgs boson. These results are combined with results from the data collected at center-of-mass energies of 7 and 8 TeV, corresponding to integrated luminosities of 5.1 and 19.7 fb−1, respectively. Matrix element techniques, which combine kinematic information from the decay particles and the associated jets, are used to identify the production mechanism and to increase sensitivity to the Higgs boson signal and its anomalous couplings. The observations are consistent with expectations for a Standard Model Higgs boson. This document has been revised with respect to the version dated September 17, 2018. | ||
CDS record (PDF) ;
CADI line (restricted) ;
These preliminary results are superseded in this paper, PRD 99 (2019) 112003. The superseded preliminary plots can be found here. |
Figures & Tables | Summary | Additional Figures | References | CMS Publications |
Figures | |
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Figure 1:
Three topologies of the H boson production and decay: vector boson fusion qq→VV(qq)→H(qq)→VV(qq) (left); associated production qq→V→VH→(ff)H→(ff)VV (middle); and gluon fusion gg→H→VV→4ℓ (right) representing the topology without associated particles. The incoming particles are shown in brown, the intermediate vector bosons and their fermion daughters are shown in green, the H boson and its vector boson daughters are shown in red, and angles are shown in blue. In the first two cases the production and decay H→VV is followed by the same four-lepton decay shown in the third case. The angles are defined in either the H or V boson rest frames [38,40]. |
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Figure 1-a:
Vector boson fusion qq→VV(qq)→H(qq)→VV(qq), representing one topology of H boson production and decay. The incoming particles are shown in brown, the intermediate vector bosons and their fermion daughters are shown in green, the H boson and its vector boson daughters are shown in red, and angles are shown in blue. The decay H→VV is followed by the four-lepton decay. The angles are defined in either the H or V boson rest frames [38,40]. |
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Figure 1-b:
Associated production qq→V→VH→(ff)H→(ff)VV, representing one topology of H boson production and decay. The incoming particles are shown in brown, the intermediate vector bosons and their fermion daughters are shown in green, the H boson and its vector boson daughters are shown in red, and angles are shown in blue. The decay H→VV is followed by the four-lepton decay. The angles are defined in either the H or V boson rest frames [38,40]. |
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Figure 1-c:
Gluon fusion gg→H→VV→4ℓ, representing one topology of the H boson production and decay, without associated particles. The incoming particles are shown in brown, the intermediate vector bosons and their fermion daughters are shown in green, the H boson and its vector boson daughters are shown in red, and angles are shown in blue. The production and decay H→VV is followed by the four-lepton decay, as shown. The angles are defined in either the H or V boson rest frames [38,40]. |
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Figure 2:
The distributions of events in the on-shell region. The top row shows Dbkg in the VBF-tagged (left), VH-tagged (middle), and untagged (right) categories of the a3 analysis. The rest of the distributions are shown with the requirement Dbkg> 0.5 in order to enhance signal over background contributions. The middle row shows D0− in the corresponding three categories. The bottom row shows DdecCP of the a3, Ddec0h+ of the a2, and DdecΛ1 of the Λ1 analyses in the untagged categories. |
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Figure 2-a:
Distribution of Dbkg in the VBF-tagged category of the a3 analysis for events events in the on-shell region. |
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Figure 2-b:
Distribution of Dbkg in the VH-tagged category of the a3 analysis for events events in the on-shell region. |
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Figure 2-c:
Distribution of Dbkg in the untagged category of the a3 analysis for events events in the on-shell region. |
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Figure 2-d:
Distribution of D0− in the VBF-tagged category of the a3 analysis for events events in the on-shell region. The distribution is shown with the requirement Dbkg>0.5 in order to enhance signal over background contributions. |
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Figure 2-e:
Distribution of D0− in the VH-tagged category of the a3 analysis for events events in the on-shell region. The distribution is shown with the requirement Dbkg>0.5 in order to enhance signal over background contributions. |
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Figure 2-f:
Distribution of D0− in the untagged category of the a3 analysis for events events in the on-shell region. The distribution is shown with the requirement Dbkg>0.5 in order to enhance signal over background contributions. |
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Figure 2-g:
Distribution of DdecCP of the a3 analysis in the untagged category, for events events in the on-shell region. The distribution is shown with the requirement Dbkg>0.5 in order to enhance signal over background contributions. |
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Figure 2-h:
Distribution of Ddec0h+ of the a2 analysis in the untagged category, for events events in the on-shell region. The distribution is shown with the requirement Dbkg>0.5 in order to enhance signal over background contributions. |
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Figure 2-i:
Distribution of DdecΛ1 of the Λ1 analysis in the untagged category, for events events in the on-shell region. The distribution is shown with the requirement Dbkg>0.5 in order to enhance signal over background contributions. |
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Figure 3:
The distributions of events in the off-shell region. The top row shows m4ℓ in the VBF-tagged (left), VH-tagged (middle), and untagged (right) categories in the dedicated SM-like width analysis where a requirement on DVBF+decbkg, DVH+decbkg, or Dbkg> 0.6 is applied in order to enhance signal over background contributions. The middle row shows DVBF+decbkg (left), DVH+decbkg (middle), Dkinbkg (right) of the a3 analysis in the corresponding three categories. The requirement m4ℓ> 340 GeV is applied in order to enhance signal over background contributions. The bottom row shows Dbsi in the corresponding three categories in the dedicated SM-like width analysis with both of the above requirements enhancing the signal contribution. |
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Figure 3-a:
The distribution of m4ℓ for events in the off-shell region in the VBF-tagged category. The distribution is obtained in the dedicated SM-like width analysis where a requirement on DVBF+decbkg> 0.6 is applied in order to enhance signal over background contributions. |
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Figure 3-b:
The distribution of m4ℓ for events in the off-shell region in the VH-tagged category. The distribution is obtained in the dedicated SM-like width analysis where a requirement on DVH+decbkg> 0.6 is applied in order to enhance signal over background contributions. |
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Figure 3-c:
The distribution of m4ℓ for events in the off-shell region in the untagged category. The distribution is obtained in the dedicated SM-like width analysis where a requirement on Dbkg> 0.6 is applied in order to enhance signal over background contributions. |
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Figure 3-d:
The distribution of DVBF+decbkg of the a3 analysis, for events in the off-shell region in the VBF-tagged category. The requirement m4ℓ> 340 GeV is applied in order to enhance signal over background contributions. |
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Figure 3-e:
The distribution of DVH+decbkg of the a3 analysis, for events in the off-shell region in the VH-tagged category. The requirement m4ℓ> 340 GeV is applied in order to enhance signal over background contributions. |
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Figure 3-f:
The distribution of Dkinbkg of the a3 analysis, for events in the off-shell region in the untagged category. The requirement m4ℓ> 340 GeV is applied in order to enhance signal over background contributions. |
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Figure 3-g:
The distribution of Dbsi for events in the off-shell region in the VBF-tagged category. The distribution is obtained in the dedicated SM-like width analysis where a requirement on DVBF+decbkg> 0.6, and the requirement m4ℓ> 340 GeV, are applied in order to enhance signal over background contributions. |
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Figure 3-h:
The distribution of Dbsi for events in the off-shell region in the VH-tagged category. The distribution is obtained in the dedicated SM-like width analysis where a requirement on DVH+decbkg> 0.6, and the requirement m4ℓ> 340 GeV, are applied in order to enhance signal over background contributions. |
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Figure 3-i:
The distribution of Dbsi for events in the off-shell region in the untagged category. The distribution is obtained in the dedicated SM-like width analysis where a requirement on Dbkg> 0.6, and the requirement m4ℓ> 340 GeV, are applied in order to enhance signal over background contributions. |
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Figure 4:
Observed (solid) and expected (dashed) likelihood scans of fa3cos(ϕa3) (a), fa2cos(ϕa2) (b), fΛ1cos(ϕΛ1) (c), and fΛ1Zγcos(ϕΛ1Zγ) (d) using on-shell events only. Results of analysis of the data from 2016 and 2017 only (black) and the combined Run 1 and Run 2 analysis (red) are shown. The dashed horizontal lines show the 68% and 95% CL regions. |
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Figure 4-a:
Observed (solid) and expected (dashed) likelihood scans of fa3cos(ϕa3), using on-shell events only. Results of analysis of the data from 2016 and 2017 only (black) and the combined Run 1 and Run 2 analysis (red) are shown. The dashed horizontal lines show the 68% and 95% CL regions. |
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Figure 4-b:
Observed (solid) and expected (dashed) likelihood scans of fa3cos(ϕa3), using on-shell events only. Results of analysis of the data from 2016 and 2017 only (black) and the combined Run 1 and Run 2 analysis (red) are shown. The dashed horizontal lines show the 68% and 95% CL regions. |
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Figure 4-c:
Observed (solid) and expected (dashed) likelihood scans of fΛ1cos(ϕΛ1), using on-shell events only. Results of analysis of the data from 2016 and 2017 only (black) and the combined Run 1 and Run 2 analysis (red) are shown. The dashed horizontal lines show the 68% and 95% CL regions. |
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Figure 4-d:
Observed (solid) and expected (dashed) likelihood scans of fΛ1Zγcos(ϕΛ1Zγ), using on-shell events only. Results of analysis of the data from 2016 and 2017 only (black) and the combined Run 1 and Run 2 analysis (red) are shown. The dashed horizontal lines show the 68% and 95% CL regions. |
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Figure 5:
Constraints on fa3cos(ϕa3) (top), fa2cos(ϕa2) (middle), and fΛ1cos(ϕΛ1) (bottom) under the assumption ΓH=ΓSMH (left) and with ΓH unconstrained (right). Left plots: Results of analysis of the data from 2016 and 2017 only (black) and the combined Run 2 and Run 1 analysis (red) are shown. The dashed horizontal lines show the 68% and 95% CL regions. Observed (solid) and expected (dashed) likelihood scans are shown. Right plots: Observed 2D likelihood scans are shown for the combined Run 2 and Run 1 analysis. The 68% and 95% CL regions are indicated with the dashed lines. |
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Figure 5-a:
Constraints on fa3cos(ϕa3), under the assumption ΓH=ΓSMH. Results of analysis of the data from 2016 and 2017 only (black) and the combined Run 2 and Run 1 analysis (red) are shown. The dashed horizontal lines show the 68% and 95% CL regions. Observed (solid) and expected (dashed) likelihood scans are shown. |
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Figure 5-b:
Constraints on fa3cos(ϕa3), with ΓH unconstrained. Observed 2D likelihood scans are shown for the combined Run 2 and Run 1 analysis. The 68% and 95% CL regions are indicated with the dashed lines. |
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Figure 5-c:
Constraints on fa2cos(ϕa2), under the assumption ΓH=ΓSMH. Results of analysis of the data from 2016 and 2017 only (black) and the combined Run 2 and Run 1 analysis (red) are shown. The dashed horizontal lines show the 68% and 95% CL regions. Observed (solid) and expected (dashed) likelihood scans are shown. |
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Figure 5-d:
Constraints on fa2cos(ϕa2), with ΓH unconstrained. Observed 2D likelihood scans are shown for the combined Run 2 and Run 1 analysis. The 68% and 95% CL regions are indicated with the dashed lines. |
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Figure 5-e:
Constraints on fΛ1cos(ϕΛ1), under the assumption ΓH=ΓSMH. Results of analysis of the data from 2016 and 2017 only (black) and the combined Run 2 and Run 1 analysis (red) are shown. The dashed horizontal lines show the 68% and 95% CL regions. Observed (solid) and expected (dashed) likelihood scans are shown. |
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Figure 5-f:
Constraints on fΛ1cos(ϕΛ1), with ΓH unconstrained. Observed 2D likelihood scans are shown for the combined Run 2 and Run 1 analysis. The 68% and 95% CL regions are indicated with the dashed lines. |
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Figure 6:
Observed (solid) and expected (dashed) likelihood scans of ΓH. Left plot: Results of analysis of the data from 2016 and 2017 only (black) and the combined Run 1 and Run 2 analysis (red) are shown for the SM-like couplings. Right plot: Results of analysis of the data from the combined Run 1 and Run 2 analyses for the SM-like couplings and with three anomalous coupling parameters of interest unconstrained: fa3cos(ϕa3) (red), fa2cos(ϕa2) (blue), and fΛ1cos(ϕΛ1) (violet). The dashed horizontal lines show the 68% and 95% CL regions. |
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Figure 6-a:
Observed (solid) and expected (dashed) likelihood scans of ΓH. Results of analysis of the data from 2016 and 2017 only (black) and the combined Run 1 and Run 2 analysis (red) are shown for the SM-like couplings. The dashed horizontal lines show the 68% and 95% CL regions. |
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Figure 6-b:
Observed (solid) and expected (dashed) likelihood scans of ΓH. Results of analysis of the data from the combined Run 1 and Run 2 analyses for the SM-like couplings and with three anomalous coupling parameters of interest unconstrained: fa3cos(ϕa3) (red), fa2cos(ϕa2) (blue), and fΛ1cos(ϕΛ1) (violet). The dashed horizontal lines show the 68% and 95% CL regions. |
Tables | |
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Table 1:
List of anomalous HVV couplings considered in the measurements assuming a spin-zero H boson. The definition of the effective fractions is discussed in the text and the translation constant is given in each case. The effective cross sections correspond to the processes H→2e2μ and the Higgs boson mass mH= 125 GeV using the JHUGen [38,39,40] calculation. |
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Table 2:
The numbers of events expected for the SM (or fa3= 1 in parentheses) for different signal and background modes and the total observed numbers of events across the three a3 analysis categories in the on-shell region. |
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Table 3:
The numbers of events expected for the SM (or fa3=0 in the a3 analysis categorization in parentheses) for different signal and background modes and the total observed numbers of events across the three SM or a3 analysis categories in the off-shell region. For the gluon fusion (gg) and electroweak processes (VV), the combined yield from signal (s), background (b), and interference (i) is shown. |
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Table 4:
Summary of the three production categories in the on-shell m4ℓ region. Three or two observables (abbreviated as obs.) are listed for each analysis and for each category. All discriminants are calculated with JHUGen signal matrix elements and mcfm background matrix elements. The discriminants Dbkg in the tagged categories also include probabilities using associated jets and decay in addition to the m4ℓ probability. |
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Table 5:
Summary of the three production categories in the off-shell m4ℓ region, listed in a similar manner to Table 4. All discriminants are calculated with JHUGen or MCFM/JHUGen signal, and MCFM background matrix elements. The VH interference discriminant in the SM analysis hadronic VH-tagged category is defined as the simple average of the ones corresponding to ZH and WH processes separately. |
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Table 6:
Summary of allowed 68% CL (central values with uncertainties) and 95% CL (in square brackets) intervals on anomalous coupling parameters faicos(ϕai) obtained from the on-shell data analysis of the Run 1 and Run 2 combined dataset. |
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Table 7:
Summary of allowed 68% CL (central values with uncertainties) and 95% CL (in square brackets) intervals on the anomalous coupling parameters faicos(ϕai) obtained from the data analysis of the Run 2 (on-shell and off-shell) and Run 1 (on-shell only) combined dataset. |
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Table 8:
Summary of the total width ΓH measurement, showing allowed 68% CL (central values with uncertainties) and 95% CL (in square brackets). The limits are reported for the SM-like couplings using the Run 1 and Run 2 combination. |
Summary |
Studies of on-shell and off-shell Higgs boson production in the four-lepton final state are presented, using data from the CMS experiment at the LHC that corresponds to an integrated luminosity of 80.2 fb−1 at 13 TeV. Joint constraints are set on the width and parameters that express its anomalous couplings to two electroweak vector bosons using both on-shell and off-shell production of the Higgs boson. These results are combined with results from the data collected at center-of-mass energies of 7 and 8 TeV, corresponding to integrated luminosities of 5.1 and 19.7 fb−1, respectively. Matrix element techniques are utilized to combine kinematic information from the decay particles and the associated jets to identify the production mechanism and increase sensitivity to the anomalous couplings. The observations are found to be consistent with expectations for a Standard Model Higgs boson. |
Additional Figures | |
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Additional Figure 1:
Distributions of DCP in the on-shell fa3 analysis. Two tagging categories are shown: VBF-tagged (a) and VH-tagged (b). The decay or production information used in the discriminants depends on the tagging category. fVBFa3 and fVHa3 are defined by analogy with fa3, but using the cross sections for the VBF and VH processes, respectively. Points with error bars show data and histograms show expectations for background and SM or BSM signal as indicated in the legend. |
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Additional Figure 1-a:
Distribution of DCP in the on-shell fa3 analysis for the VBF-tagged tagging category. The decay or production information used in the discriminant depends on the tagging category. fVBFa3 is defined by analogy with fa3, but using the cross section for the VBF process. Points with error bars show data and histograms show expectations for background and SM or BSM signal as indicated in the legend. |
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Additional Figure 1-b:
Distribution of DCP in the on-shell fa3 analysis for the VH-tagged tagging category. The decay or production information used in the discriminant depends on the tagging category. fVHa3 is defined by analogy with fa3, but using the cross section for the VH process. Points with error bars show data and histograms show expectations for background and SM or BSM signal as indicated in the legend. |
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Additional Figure 2:
Distributions of kinematic discriminants in the on-shell fa2 analysis: Dbkg (a), (d), (g), D0h+ (b), (e), and Dint (c), (f), (h). Three tagging categories are shown: VBF-tagged (a)-(c), VH-tagged (d)-(f), and untagged (g), (h). The decay or production information used in the discriminants depends on the tagging category. fVBFa2 and fVHa2 are defined by analogy with fa2, but using the cross sections for the VBF and VH processes, respectively. Points with error bars show data and histograms show expectations for background and SM or BSM signal as indicated in the legend. |
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Additional Figure 2-a:
Distributions of the Dbkg kinematic discriminant in the on-shell fa2 analysis, for the VBF-tagged category. The decay or production information used in the discriminant depends on the tagging category. Points with error bars show data and histograms show expectations for background and SM or BSM signal as indicated in the legend. |
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Additional Figure 2-b:
Distributions of the D0h+ kinematic discriminant in the on-shell fa2 analysis, for the VBF-tagged category. The decay or production information used in the discriminant depends on the tagging category. fVBFa2 is defined by analogy with fa2, but using the cross sections for the VBF process. Points with error bars show data and histograms show expectations for background and SM or BSM signal as indicated in the legend. |
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Additional Figure 2-c:
Distributions of the Dint kinematic discriminant in the on-shell fa2 analysis, for the VBF-tagged category. The decay or production information used in the discriminant depends on the tagging category. fVBFa2 is defined by analogy with fa2, but using the cross sections for the VBF process. Points with error bars show data and histograms show expectations for background and SM or BSM signal as indicated in the legend. |
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Additional Figure 2-d:
Distributions of the Dbkg kinematic discriminant in the on-shell fa2 analysis, for the VH-tagged category. The decay or production information used in the discriminant depends on the tagging category. Points with error bars show data and histograms show expectations for background and SM or BSM signal as indicated in the legend. |
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Additional Figure 2-e:
Distributions of the D0h+ kinematic discriminant in the on-shell fa2 analysis, for the VH-tagged category. The decay or production information used in the discriminant depends on the tagging category. fVHa2 is defined by analogy with fa2, but using the cross sections for the VH process. Points with error bars show data and histograms show expectations for background and SM or BSM signal as indicated in the legend. |
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Additional Figure 2-f:
Distributions of the Dint kinematic discriminant in the on-shell fa2 analysis, for the VH-tagged category. The decay or production information used in the discriminant depends on the tagging category. fVHa2 is defined by analogy with fa2, but using the cross sections for the VH process. Points with error bars show data and histograms show expectations for background and SM or BSM signal as indicated in the legend. |
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Additional Figure 2-g:
Distributions of the Dbkg kinematic discriminant in the on-shell fa2 analysis, for the untagged category. The decay or production information used in the discriminant depends on the tagging category. Points with error bars show data and histograms show expectations for background and SM or BSM signal as indicated in the legend. |
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Additional Figure 2-h:
Distributions of the Dint kinematic discriminant in the on-shell fa2 analysis, for the untagged category. The decay or production information used in the discriminant depends on the tagging category. Points with error bars show data and histograms show expectations for background and SM or BSM signal as indicated in the legend. |
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Additional Figure 3:
Distributions of kinematic discriminants in the on-shell fΛ1 analysis: Dbkg (a), (d), (g), DΛ1 (b), (e), and D0h+ (c), (f), (h). Three tagging categories are shown: VBF-tagged (a)-(c), VH-tagged (d)-(f), and untagged (g), (h). The decay or production information used in the discriminants depends on the tagging category. fVBFΛ1 and fVHΛ1 are defined by analogy with fΛ1, but using the cross sections for the VBF and VH processes, respectively. Points with error bars show data and histograms show expectations for background and SM or BSM signal as indicated in the legend. |
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Additional Figure 3-a:
Distribution of the Dbkg kinematic discriminant in the on-shell fΛ1 analysis for the VBF-tagged category. The decay or production information used in the discriminants depends on the tagging category. Points with error bars show data and histograms show expectations for background and SM or BSM signal as indicated in the legend. |
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Additional Figure 3-b:
Distribution of the DΛ1 kinematic discriminant in the on-shell fΛ1 analysis for the VBF-tagged category. The decay or production information used in the discriminants depends on the tagging category. fVBFΛ1 is defined by analogy with fΛ1, but using the cross sections for the VBF process. Points with error bars show data and histograms show expectations for background and SM or BSM signal as indicated in the legend. |
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Additional Figure 3-c:
Distribution of the D0h+ kinematic discriminant in the on-shell fΛ1 analysis for the VBF-tagged category. The decay or production information used in the discriminants depends on the tagging category. fVBFΛ1 is defined by analogy with fΛ1, but using the cross sections for the VBF process. Points with error bars show data and histograms show expectations for background and SM or BSM signal as indicated in the legend. |
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Additional Figure 3-d:
Distribution of the Dbkg kinematic discriminant in the on-shell fΛ1 analysis for the VH-tagged category. The decay or production information used in the discriminants depends on the tagging category. Points with error bars show data and histograms show expectations for background and SM or BSM signal as indicated in the legend. |
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Additional Figure 3-e:
Distribution of the DΛ1 kinematic discriminant in the on-shell fΛ1 analysis for the VH-tagged category. The decay or production information used in the discriminants depends on the tagging category. fVHΛ1 is defined by analogy with fΛ1, but using the cross sections for the VH process. Points with error bars show data and histograms show expectations for background and SM or BSM signal as indicated in the legend. |
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Additional Figure 3-f:
Distribution of the D0h+ kinematic discriminant in the on-shell fΛ1 analysis for the VH-tagged category. The decay or production information used in the discriminants depends on the tagging category. fVHΛ1 is defined by analogy with fΛ1, but using the cross sections for the VH process. Points with error bars show data and histograms show expectations for background and SM or BSM signal as indicated in the legend. |
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Additional Figure 3-g:
Distribution of the Dbkg kinematic discriminant in the on-shell fΛ1 analysis for the untagged category. The decay or production information used in the discriminants depends on the tagging category. Points with error bars show data and histograms show expectations for background and SM or BSM signal as indicated in the legend. |
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Additional Figure 3-h:
Distribution of the D0h+ kinematic discriminant in the on-shell fΛ1 analysis for the untagged category. The decay or production information used in the discriminants depends on the tagging category. Points with error bars show data and histograms show expectations for background and SM or BSM signal as indicated in the legend. |
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Additional Figure 4:
Distributions of kinematic discriminants in the on-shell fZγΛ1 analysis: Dbkg (a), (d), (g), DZγΛ1 (b), (e), and D0h+ (c), (f), (h). Three tagging categories are shown: VBF-tagged (a)-(c), VH-tagged (d)-(f), and untagged (g), (h). The decay or production information used in the discriminants depends on the tagging category. Points with error bars show data and histograms show expectations for background and SM or BSM signal as indicated in the legend. |
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Additional Figure 4-a:
Distribution of the Dbkg kinematic discriminant in the on-shell fZγΛ1 analysis for the VBF-tagged category. The decay or production information used in the discriminant depends on the tagging category. Points with error bars show data and histograms show expectations for background and SM or BSM signal as indicated in the legend. |
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Additional Figure 4-b:
Distribution of the DZγΛ1 kinematic discriminant in the on-shell fZγΛ1 analysis for the VBF-tagged category. The decay or production information used in the discriminant depends on the tagging category. Points with error bars show data and histograms show expectations for background and SM or BSM signal as indicated in the legend. |
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Additional Figure 4-c:
Distribution of the D0h+ kinematic discriminant in the on-shell fZγΛ1 analysis for the VBF-tagged category. The decay or production information used in the discriminant depends on the tagging category. Points with error bars show data and histograms show expectations for background and SM or BSM signal as indicated in the legend. |
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Additional Figure 4-d:
Distribution of the Dbkg kinematic discriminant in the on-shell fZγΛ1 analysis for the VH-tagged category. The decay or production information used in the discriminant depends on the tagging category. Points with error bars show data and histograms show expectations for background and SM or BSM signal as indicated in the legend. |
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Additional Figure 4-e:
Distribution of the DZγΛ1 kinematic discriminant in the on-shell fZγΛ1 analysis for the VH-tagged category. The decay or production information used in the discriminant depends on the tagging category. Points with error bars show data and histograms show expectations for background and SM or BSM signal as indicated in the legend. |
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Additional Figure 4-f:
Distribution of the D0h+ kinematic discriminant in the on-shell fZγΛ1 analysis for the VH-tagged category. The decay or production information used in the discriminant depends on the tagging category. Points with error bars show data and histograms show expectations for background and SM or BSM signal as indicated in the legend. |
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Additional Figure 4-g:
Distribution of the Dbkg kinematic discriminant in the on-shell fZγΛ1 analysis for the untagged category. The decay or production information used in the discriminant depends on the tagging category. Points with error bars show data and histograms show expectations for background and SM or BSM signal as indicated in the legend. |
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Additional Figure 4-h:
Distribution of the D0h+ kinematic discriminant in the on-shell fZγΛ1 analysis for the untagged category. The decay or production information used in the discriminant depends on the tagging category. Points with error bars show data and histograms show expectations for background and SM or BSM signal as indicated in the legend. |
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Additional Figure 5:
Distributions of Dbkg kinematic discriminants in the off-shell SM-like width analysis. Three tagging categories are shown: VBF-tagged (a), VH-tagged (b), and untagged (c). The decay or production information used in the discriminants depends on the tagging category. The requirement m4ℓ> 340 GeV is applied in order to enhance signal over background contributions. Points with error bars show data and histograms show expectations for background and SM or BSM signal as indicated in the legend. |
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Additional Figure 5-a:
Distribution of Dbkg kinematic discriminant in the off-shell SM-like width analysis for the VBF-tagged category. The decay or production information used in the discriminant depends on the tagging category. The requirement m4ℓ> 340 GeV is applied in order to enhance signal over background contributions. Points with error bars show data and histograms show expectations for background and SM or BSM signal as indicated in the legend. |
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Additional Figure 5-b:
Distribution of Dbkg kinematic discriminant in the off-shell SM-like width analysis for the VH-tagged category. The decay or production information used in the discriminant depends on the tagging category. The requirement m4ℓ> 340 GeV is applied in order to enhance signal over background contributions. Points with error bars show data and histograms show expectations for background and SM or BSM signal as indicated in the legend. |
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Additional Figure 5-c:
Distribution of Dbkg kinematic discriminant in the off-shell SM-like width analysis for the untagged category. The decay or production information used in the discriminant depends on the tagging category. The requirement m4ℓ> 340 GeV is applied in order to enhance signal over background contributions. Points with error bars show data and histograms show expectations for background and SM or BSM signal as indicated in the legend. |
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Additional Figure 6:
Distributions of kinematic discriminants in the off-shell fa3 analysis: m4ℓ (a), (c), (e), and D0− (b), (d), (f). Three tagging categories are shown: VBF-tagged (a), (b), VH-tagged (c), (d), and untagged (e), (f). The decay or production information used in the discriminants depends on the tagging category. The requirement m4ℓ> 340 GeV is applied in order to enhance signal over background contributions. Points with error bars show data and histograms show expectations for background and SM or BSM signal as indicated in the legend. |
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Additional Figure 6-a:
Distribution of the m4ℓ kinematic discriminant in the off-shell fa3 analysis for the VBF-tagged category. The decay or production information used in the discriminant depends on the tagging category. The requirement m4ℓ> 340 GeV is applied in order to enhance signal over background contributions. Points with error bars show data and histograms show expectations for background and SM or BSM signal as indicated in the legend. |
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Additional Figure 6-b:
Distribution of the D0− kinematic discriminant in the off-shell fa3 analysis for the VBF-tagged category. The decay or production information used in the discriminant depends on the tagging category. The requirement m4ℓ> 340 GeV is applied in order to enhance signal over background contributions. Points with error bars show data and histograms show expectations for background and SM or BSM signal as indicated in the legend. |
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Additional Figure 6-c:
Distribution of the m4ℓ kinematic discriminant in the off-shell fa3 analysis for the VH-tagged category. The decay or production information used in the discriminant depends on the tagging category. The requirement m4ℓ> 340 GeV is applied in order to enhance signal over background contributions. Points with error bars show data and histograms show expectations for background and SM or BSM signal as indicated in the legend. |
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Additional Figure 6-d:
Distribution of the D0− kinematic discriminant in the off-shell fa3 analysis for the VH-tagged category. The decay or production information used in the discriminant depends on the tagging category. The requirement m4ℓ> 340 GeV is applied in order to enhance signal over background contributions. Points with error bars show data and histograms show expectations for background and SM or BSM signal as indicated in the legend. |
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Additional Figure 6-e:
Distribution of the m4ℓ kinematic discriminant in the off-shell fa3 analysis for the untagged category. The decay or production information used in the discriminant depends on the tagging category. The requirement m4ℓ> 340 GeV is applied in order to enhance signal over background contributions. Points with error bars show data and histograms show expectations for background and SM or BSM signal as indicated in the legend. |
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Additional Figure 6-f:
Distribution of the D0− kinematic discriminant in the off-shell fa3 analysis for the untagged category. The decay or production information used in the discriminant depends on the tagging category. The requirement m4ℓ> 340 GeV is applied in order to enhance signal over background contributions. Points with error bars show data and histograms show expectations for background and SM or BSM signal as indicated in the legend. |
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Additional Figure 7:
Distributions of kinematic discriminants in the off-shell fa2 analysis: m4ℓ (a), (d), (g), Dbkg (b), (e), (h), and D0h+ (c), (f), (i). Three tagging categories are shown: VBF-tagged (a)-(c), VH-tagged (d)-(f), and untagged (g)-(h). The decay or production information used in the discriminants depends on the tagging category. The requirement m4ℓ> 340 GeV is applied in order to enhance signal over background contributions. Points with error bars show data and histograms show expectations for background and SM or BSM signal as indicated in the legend. |
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Additional Figure 7-a:
Distribution of the m4ℓ kinematic discriminant in the off-shell fa2 analysis in the VBF-tagged category. The decay or production information used in the discriminant depends on the tagging category. The requirement m4ℓ> 340 GeV is applied in order to enhance signal over background contributions. Points with error bars show data and histograms show expectations for background and SM or BSM signal as indicated in the legend. |
![]() png pdf |
Additional Figure 7-b:
Distribution of the Dbkg kinematic discriminant in the off-shell fa2 analysis in the VBF-tagged category. The decay or production information used in the discriminant depends on the tagging category. The requirement m4ℓ> 340 GeV is applied in order to enhance signal over background contributions. Points with error bars show data and histograms show expectations for background and SM or BSM signal as indicated in the legend. |
![]() png pdf |
Additional Figure 7-c:
Distribution of the D0h+ kinematic discriminant in the off-shell fa2 analysis in the VBF-tagged category. The decay or production information used in the discriminant depends on the tagging category. The requirement m4ℓ> 340 GeV is applied in order to enhance signal over background contributions. Points with error bars show data and histograms show expectations for background and SM or BSM signal as indicated in the legend. |
![]() png pdf |
Additional Figure 7-d:
Distribution of the m4ℓ kinematic discriminant in the off-shell fa2 analysis in the VH-tagged category. The decay or production information used in the discriminant depends on the tagging category. The requirement m4ℓ> 340 GeV is applied in order to enhance signal over background contributions. Points with error bars show data and histograms show expectations for background and SM or BSM signal as indicated in the legend. |
![]() png pdf |
Additional Figure 7-e:
Distribution of the Dbkg kinematic discriminant in the off-shell fa2 analysis in the VH-tagged category. The decay or production information used in the discriminant depends on the tagging category. The requirement m4ℓ> 340 GeV is applied in order to enhance signal over background contributions. Points with error bars show data and histograms show expectations for background and SM or BSM signal as indicated in the legend. |
![]() png pdf |
Additional Figure 7-f:
Distribution of the D0h+ kinematic discriminant in the off-shell fa2 analysis in the VH-tagged category. The decay or production information used in the discriminant depends on the tagging category. The requirement m4ℓ> 340 GeV is applied in order to enhance signal over background contributions. Points with error bars show data and histograms show expectations for background and SM or BSM signal as indicated in the legend. |
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Additional Figure 7-g:
Distribution of the m4ℓ kinematic discriminant in the off-shell fa2 analysis in the untagged category. The decay or production information used in the discriminant depends on the tagging category. The requirement m4ℓ> 340 GeV is applied in order to enhance signal over background contributions. Points with error bars show data and histograms show expectations for background and SM or BSM signal as indicated in the legend. |
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Additional Figure 7-h:
Distribution of the Dbkg kinematic discriminant in the off-shell fa2 analysis in the untagged category. The decay or production information used in the discriminant depends on the tagging category. The requirement m4ℓ> 340 GeV is applied in order to enhance signal over background contributions. Points with error bars show data and histograms show expectations for background and SM or BSM signal as indicated in the legend. |
![]() png pdf |
Additional Figure 7-i:
Distribution of the D0h+ kinematic discriminant in the off-shell fa2 analysis in the untagged category. The decay or production information used in the discriminant depends on the tagging category. The requirement m4ℓ> 340 GeV is applied in order to enhance signal over background contributions. Points with error bars show data and histograms show expectations for background and SM or BSM signal as indicated in the legend. |
![]() png pdf |
Additional Figure 8:
Distributions of kinematic discriminants in the off-shell fΛ1 analysis: m4ℓ (a), (d), (g), Dbkg (b), (e), (h), and DΛ1 (c), (f), (i). Three tagging categories are shown: VBF-tagged (a)-(c), VH-tagged (d)-(f), and untagged (g)-(h). The decay or production information used in the discriminants depends on the tagging category. The requirement m4ℓ> 340 GeV is applied in order to enhance signal over background contributions. Points with error bars show data and histograms show expectations for background and SM or BSM signal as indicated in the legend. |
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Additional Figure 8-a:
Distribution of the m4ℓ kinematic discriminant in the off-shell fΛ1 analysis for the VBF-tagged category. The decay or production information used in the discriminant depends on the tagging category. The requirement m4ℓ> 340 GeV is applied in order to enhance signal over background contributions. Points with error bars show data and histograms show expectations for background and SM or BSM signal as indicated in the legend. |
![]() png pdf |
Additional Figure 8-b:
Distribution of the Dbkg kinematic discriminant in the off-shell fΛ1 analysis for the VBF-tagged category. The decay or production information used in the discriminant depends on the tagging category. The requirement m4ℓ> 340 GeV is applied in order to enhance signal over background contributions. Points with error bars show data and histograms show expectations for background and SM or BSM signal as indicated in the legend. |
![]() png pdf |
Additional Figure 8-c:
Distribution of the DΛ1 kinematic discriminant in the off-shell fΛ1 analysis for the VBF-tagged category. The decay or production information used in the discriminant depends on the tagging category. The requirement m4ℓ> 340 GeV is applied in order to enhance signal over background contributions. Points with error bars show data and histograms show expectations for background and SM or BSM signal as indicated in the legend. |
![]() png pdf |
Additional Figure 8-d:
Distribution of the m4ℓ kinematic discriminant in the off-shell fΛ1 analysis for the VH-tagged category. The decay or production information used in the discriminant depends on the tagging category. The requirement m4ℓ> 340 GeV is applied in order to enhance signal over background contributions. Points with error bars show data and histograms show expectations for background and SM or BSM signal as indicated in the legend. |
![]() png pdf |
Additional Figure 8-e:
Distribution of the Dbkg kinematic discriminant in the off-shell fΛ1 analysis for the VH-tagged category. The decay or production information used in the discriminant depends on the tagging category. The requirement m4ℓ> 340 GeV is applied in order to enhance signal over background contributions. Points with error bars show data and histograms show expectations for background and SM or BSM signal as indicated in the legend. |
![]() png pdf |
Additional Figure 8-f:
Distribution of the DΛ1 kinematic discriminant in the off-shell fΛ1 analysis for the VH-tagged category. The decay or production information used in the discriminant depends on the tagging category. The requirement m4ℓ> 340 GeV is applied in order to enhance signal over background contributions. Points with error bars show data and histograms show expectations for background and SM or BSM signal as indicated in the legend. |
![]() png pdf |
Additional Figure 8-g:
Distribution of the m4ℓ kinematic discriminant in the off-shell fΛ1 analysis for the untagged category. The decay or production information used in the discriminant depends on the tagging category. The requirement m4ℓ> 340 GeV is applied in order to enhance signal over background contributions. Points with error bars show data and histograms show expectations for background and SM or BSM signal as indicated in the legend. |
![]() png pdf |
Additional Figure 8-h:
Distribution of the Dbkg kinematic discriminant in the off-shell fΛ1 analysis for the untagged category. The decay or production information used in the discriminant depends on the tagging category. The requirement m4ℓ> 340 GeV is applied in order to enhance signal over background contributions. Points with error bars show data and histograms show expectations for background and SM or BSM signal as indicated in the legend. |
![]() png pdf |
Additional Figure 8-i:
Distribution of the DΛ1 kinematic discriminant in the off-shell fΛ1 analysis for the untagged category. The decay or production information used in the discriminant depends on the tagging category. The requirement m4ℓ> 340 GeV is applied in order to enhance signal over background contributions. Points with error bars show data and histograms show expectations for background and SM or BSM signal as indicated in the legend. |
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Additional Figure 9:
Summary of allowed confidence level intervals on anomalous coupling parameters in HVV interactions under the assumption that all the coupling ratios are real (ϕVVai=0 or π). The HZZ+HWW coupling limits assume that aZZi=aWWi. The expected 68% and 95% CL regions are shown as green and yellow bands, and the observed regions are shown as points with errors and the excluded hatched regions. The limits on fZγ,γγa2,3 are from Ref. [25], and the limits on fΛQ are from Ref. [13]. |
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Compact Muon Solenoid LHC, CERN |
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