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Search for Higgs boson pair production in the final state containing two photons and two bottom quarks in proton-proton collisions at s= 13 TeV
Abstract: A search is presented for the production of a pair of Higgs bosons, where one decays into two photons and the other to two bottom quarks. Both resonant and nonresonant production mechanisms of the Higgs boson pair are investigated. The analysis is performed using proton-proton collision data from the LHC at s= 13 TeV recorded by the CMS detector in 2016, which corresponds to an integrated luminosity of 35.9 fb1. The observed data are in agreement with standard model predictions. Upper limits on the production cross sections of spin-0 and spin-2 particles are set at 95% confidence level, excluding a product of the production cross section and branching fraction of narrow-width particles between 0.26 and 3.67 fb for spin-0 and between 0.21 and 3.61 fb for spin-2. In addition, an upper limit on the cross section for nonresonant Higgs boson pair production is set and compared to standard model Higgs boson pair production via gluon fusion. Constraints on anomalous couplings that affect Higgs boson pair production are also determined. For the standard model hypothesis, the data exclude a product of production cross section and branching fraction larger than 1.67 fb at 95% confidence level, corresponding to 19.2 times the standard model prediction.
Figures & Tables Summary Additional Figures References CMS Publications

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Figure 1:
Feynman diagrams that contribute to HH production by gluon-gluon fusion at leading order. Diagrams (a) and (b) correspond to SM-like processes, while diagrams (c), (d), and (e) correspond to pure BSM effects: (c) and (d) describe contact interactions between the H boson and gluons, and (e) exploits the contact interaction of two H bosons with top quarks.

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Figure 2:
Comparison of ˜MX (red line) of M(jjγγ) with ˜MX (purple line) for different spin-2 resonance masses. All distributions are obtained after the full baseline selection (Table 1), and are normalized to unity.

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Figure 3:
Data compared to the simulated background spectra after selections on photons and jets summarised in Table 1. The diphoton (pp) and prompt-fake (pf) contributions are normalized to data.

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Figure 3-a:
Data compared to the simulated background spectra after selections on photons and jets summarised in Table 1. The diphoton (pp) and prompt-fake (pf) contributions are normalized to data.

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Figure 3-b:
Data compared to the simulated background spectra after selections on photons and jets summarised in Table 1. The diphoton (pp) and prompt-fake (pf) contributions are normalized to data.

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Figure 3-c:
Data compared to the simulated background spectra after selections on photons and jets summarised in Table 1. The diphoton (pp) and prompt-fake (pf) contributions are normalized to data.

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Figure 3-d:
Data compared to the simulated background spectra after selections on photons and jets summarised in Table 1. The diphoton (pp) and prompt-fake (pf) contributions are normalized to data.

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Figure 3-e:
Data compared to the simulated background spectra after selections on photons and jets summarised in Table 1. The diphoton (pp) and prompt-fake (pf) contributions are normalized to data.

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Figure 3-f:
Data compared to the simulated background spectra after selections on photons and jets summarised in Table 1. The diphoton (pp) and prompt-fake (pf) contributions are normalized to data.

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Figure 4:
BDT output (classification MVA). The background and signal normalizations follow the plots presented in Section 4.4.

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Figure 5:
Acceptance times the efficiency for different resonance hypotheses: spin-0 (left) and spin-2 (right).

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Figure 5-a:
Acceptance times the efficiency for spin-0 resonance hypothesis.

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Figure 5-b:
Acceptance times the efficiency for spin-2 resonance hypothesis.

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Figure 6:
Signal fits for the SM HH non-resonant sample after full analysis selection, in the high mass region. The plots on the left (right) show the distributions on the HPC (MPC).

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Figure 6-a:
Signal fit for the SM HH non-resonant sample after full analysis selection, in the high mass region. The plot shows the distribution on the HPC.

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Figure 6-b:
Signal fit for the SM HH non-resonant sample after full analysis selection, in the high mass region. The plot shows the distribution on the MPC.

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Figure 6-c:
Signal fits for the SM HH non-resonant sample after full analysis selection, in the high mass region. The plots on the left (right) show the distributions on the HPC (MPC).

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Figure 6-d:
Signal fits for the SM HH non-resonant sample after full analysis selection, in the high mass region. The plots on the left (right) show the distributions on the HPC (MPC).

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Figure 7:
Signal fits for the SM HH non-resonant sample after full analysis selection, in the low mass region. The plots on the left (right) show the distributions on the HPC (MPC).

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Figure 7-a:
Signal fit for the SM HH non-resonant sample after full analysis selection, in the low mass region. The plot shows the distribution on the HPC.

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Figure 7-b:
Signal fit for the SM HH non-resonant sample after full analysis selection, in the low mass region. The plot shows the distribution on the MPC.

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Figure 7-c:
Signal fits for the SM HH non-resonant sample after full analysis selection, in the low mass region. The plots on the left (right) show the distributions on the HPC (MPC).

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Figure 7-d:
Signal fits for the SM HH non-resonant sample after full analysis selection, in the low mass region. The plots on the left (right) show the distributions on the HPC (MPC).

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Figure 8:
Background fits for the SM HH nonresonant analysis selection, in the high mass region. The plots on the left (right) show the distributions on the HPC (MPC).

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Figure 8-a:
Background fit for the SM HH nonresonant analysis selection, in the high mass region (HPC).

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Figure 8-b:
Background fit for the SM HH nonresonant analysis selection, in the high mass region (MPC).

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Figure 8-c:
Background fit for the SM HH nonresonant analysis selection, in the high mass region (HPC).

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Figure 8-d:
Background fit for the SM HH nonresonant analysis selection, in the high mass region (MPC).

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Figure 9:
Background fits for the SM HH nonresonant analysis selection, in the low mass region. The plots on the left (right) show the distributions on the HPC (MPC).

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Figure 9-a:
Background fits for the SM HH nonresonant analysis selection, in the low mass region (HPC).

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Figure 9-b:
Background fits for the SM HH nonresonant analysis selection, in the low mass region (MPC).

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Figure 9-c:
Background fits for the SM HH nonresonant analysis selection, in the low mass region (HPC).

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Figure 9-d:
Background fits for the SM HH nonresonant analysis selection, in the low mass region (MPC).

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Figure 10:
Background fits for the resonant analysis selection, assuming a resonance with mX= 320 GeV. The plots on the left (right) show the distributions on the HPC (MPC).

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Figure 10-a:
Background fit for the resonant analysis selection, assuming a resonance with mX= 320 GeV (HPC).

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Figure 10-b:
Background fit for the resonant analysis selection, assuming a resonance with mX= 320 GeV (MPC).

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Figure 10-c:
Background fit for the resonant analysis selection, assuming a resonance with mX= 320 GeV (HPC).

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Figure 10-d:
Background fit for the resonant analysis selection, assuming a resonance with mX= 320 GeV (MPC).

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Figure 11:
Observed and expected 95% C.L. upper limits on the product of cross section and the branching fraction σ(ppX)×B(XHHbˉbγγ) obtained through a combination of the two event categories. The green and yellow bands represent, respectively, the 1 and 2 standard deviation extensions beyond the expected limit. Also shown are theoretical predictions corresponding to WED models for bulk radions (left) and bulk KK-gravitons (right). The vertical dashed line in the upper plot shows the separation between the low mass and high mass regions. The limits for mX= 600 GeV are shown for both methods.

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Figure 11-a:
Observed and expected 95% C.L. upper limits on the product of cross section and the branching fraction σ(ppX)×B(XHHbˉbγγ) obtained through a combination of the two event categories. The green and yellow bands represent, respectively, the 1 and 2 standard deviation extensions beyond the expected limit. Also shown are theoretical predictions corresponding to WED models for bulk radions. The vertical dashed line in the upper plot shows the separation between the low mass and high mass regions. The limits for mX= 600 GeV are shown for both methods.

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Figure 11-b:
Observed and expected 95% C.L. upper limits on the product of cross section and the branching fraction σ(ppX)×B(XHHbˉbγγ) obtained through a combination of the two event categories. The green and yellow bands represent, respectively, the 1 and 2 standard deviation extensions beyond the expected limit. Also shown are theoretical predictions corresponding to WED models for bulk KK-gravitons. The vertical dashed line in the upper plot shows the separation between the low mass and high mass regions. The limits for mX= 600 GeV are shown for both methods.

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Figure 12:
Expected 95% C.L. upper limits on the product of cross section and the branching fraction σ(ppHH×B(HHbˉbγγ) obtained through a combination of different event categories. The green and yellow bands represent, respectively, the 1 and 2 standard deviation extensions beyond the expected limit.

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Figure 13:
On the left, upper limits for the BSM models with varying κλ parameter, while the others are fixed to their SM values. On the right, exclusion regions for models with varying κλ and κt parameters, while the others are fixed to their SM values.

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Figure 13-a:
Upper limits for the BSM models with varying κλ parameter, while the others are fixed to their SM values.

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Figure 13-b :
Exclusion regions for models with varying κλ and κt parameters, while the others are fixed to their SM values.

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Table 1:
Summary of the analysis baseline selection criteria.

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Table 2:
Summary of categorization strategies for the resonant and nonresonant analyses.

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Table 3:
Summary of systematic uncertainties.
A search is performed by the CMS collaboration for resonant and nonresonant production of two Higgs bosons in the decay channel HHbˉbγγ, based on an integrated luminosity of 35.9 fb1 of pp collisions collected at s= 13 TeV in 2016. Resonances are investigated in the mass range between 250 and 900 GeV, under spin-0 and spin-2 hypotheses. Expected and observed upper limits at a 95% CL are measured on the cross sections for the production of new particles decaying to HHbˉbγγ. The limits are compared to BSM predictions, based on the assumption of the existence of a warped extra dimension. No statistically significant deviations from the null hypothesis are found. The observed limits exclude the radion (spin-0) signal hypothesis, assuming ΛR= 3 TeV, for all mass points below mX= 550 GeV, and exclude the graviton (spin-2) hypothesis, assuming κ/MPl=1.0, for the mass points above mX= 280 GeV and below 900 GeV. For nonresonant production with SM-like kinematics, a 95% CL upper limit is set on σ(ppHH)×B(HHbˉbγγ) at 1.67 fb. Anomalous couplings of the Higgs boson are also investigated. Exclusions are performed on the effective Higgs boson self coupling (κλ) for κλ>8.82 and κλ<15.04, assuming all other Higgs couplings to be SM-like. Additionally, exclusions are performed on the two-dimensional plane in which both κλ and the Higgs-top quark Yukawa coupling vary.
Additional Figures

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Additional Figure 1:
Expected (top) and observed (bottom) 95% C.L. upper limits on the product of cross section and the branching fraction σ(ppHH)×B(HHbˉbγγ) in the nonresonant regime, assuming variations on the Higgs self-coupling modifier parameter (κλ) and on the top quark Yukawa coupling modifier parameter (κt). The other effective coupling parameters are assumed to be 0.

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Additional Figure 1-a:
Expected 95% C.L. upper limits on the product of cross section and the branching fraction σ(ppHH)×B(HHbˉbγγ) in the nonresonant regime, assuming variations on the Higgs self-coupling modifier parameter (κλ) and on the top quark Yukawa coupling modifier parameter (κt). The other effective coupling parameters are assumed to be 0.

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Additional Figure 1-b:
Observed 95% C.L. upper limits on the product of cross section and the branching fraction σ(ppHH)×B(HHbˉbγγ) in the nonresonant regime, assuming variations on the Higgs self-coupling modifier parameter (κλ) and on the top quark Yukawa coupling modifier parameter (κt). The other effective coupling parameters are assumed to be 0.

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Additional Figure 2:
Expected and observed 95% C.L. upper limits on the product of cross section and the branching fraction σ(ppHH)×B(HHbˉbγγ) in the nonresonant regime, assuming variations on the effective coupling parameters described in Section 1. The shape benchmark points represent points of the 5-dimensional parameter space that can be used as probes to areas of the phase space with similar kinematic properties of the HH system. This choice of benchmark points has been described in [20]. Specific points of interest are the ones labeled SM, representing the SM HH production, and labeled κλ= 0, representing the SM case modified with no Higgs self-coupling.
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Compact Muon Solenoid