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Search for the standard model Higgs boson produced through vector boson fusion and decaying to bˉb with proton-proton collisions at s= 13 TeV
Abstract: A search for a standard model Higgs boson (H) that is produced through vector boson fusion and decays to a bottom-quark pair is performed using proton-proton collisions at s= 13 TeV. The data sample corresponds to an integrated luminosity of 2.3 fb1 recorded in 2015 with the CMS experiment at the CERN LHC. The observed 95% confidence level upper limit on the production of a Hb¯b signal at a mass of 125 GeV is 3.0 times the standard model expectation, compared to 5.0 expected in absence of a signal. The combination of this result with the previous CMS search using proton-proton collisions at s= 8 TeV yields an observed 95% confidence level upper limit on the signal production of 3.4 times the standard model expectation, where 2.2 is expected in the absence of signal, and a corresponding fitted signal strength μ=σ/σSM=1.3+1.21.1.
Figures & Tables Summary References CMS Publications

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Figure 1-a:
Distributions of the invariant mass of the two VBF-jet candidates (mqq) for events in the SingleB (left) and DoubleB (right) samples. Data are shown by the points, while the simulated backgrounds are stacked. The LO QCD cross section is scaled such that the total number of background events matches the number of events in the data for each category, with a resulting multiplicative factor of 1.10 and 1.01 for the SingleB and DoubleB samples respectively. The VBF Higgs boson signal is displayed by a solid line, and the GF Higgs boson signal is shown by a dashed line. The panels at the bottom show the fractional difference between data and background simulation, with the shaded band representing the statistical uncertainties in the MC samples.

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Figure 1-b:
Distributions of the invariant mass of the two VBF-jet candidates (mqq) for events in the SingleB (left) and DoubleB (right) samples. Data are shown by the points, while the simulated backgrounds are stacked. The LO QCD cross section is scaled such that the total number of background events matches the number of events in the data for each category, with a resulting multiplicative factor of 1.10 and 1.01 for the SingleB and DoubleB samples respectively. The VBF Higgs boson signal is displayed by a solid line, and the GF Higgs boson signal is shown by a dashed line. The panels at the bottom show the fractional difference between data and background simulation, with the shaded band representing the statistical uncertainties in the MC samples.

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Figure 2-a:
Simulated invariant mass distribution of the two b-jet candidates before and after the jet pT regression, for VBF signal events. The generated Higgs boson signal mass is 125 GeV and the event selection corresponds to the SingleB (a) and DoubleB (b) samples. By FWHM we denote the width of the distribution at the middle of its maximum height.

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Figure 2-b:
Simulated invariant mass distribution of the two b-jet candidates before and after the jet pT regression, for VBF signal events. The generated Higgs boson signal mass is 125 GeV and the event selection corresponds to the SingleB (a) and DoubleB (b) samples. By FWHM we denote the width of the distribution at the middle of its maximum height.

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Figure 3-a:
Distribution in invariant mass of the two b-jet candidates, after the jet pT regression, for events in the SingleB (left) and DoubleB (right) samples. Data are shown by the points, while the simulated backgrounds are stacked. The LO QCD cross section is scaled such that the total number of background events matches the number of events in the data for each category, with a resulting multiplicative factor of 1.10 and 1.01 for the SingleB and DoubleB samples respectively. The panel at the bottom shows the fractional difference between the data and the background simulation, with the shaded band representing the statistical uncertainties in the MC samples.

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Figure 3-b:
Distribution in invariant mass of the two b-jet candidates, after the jet pT regression, for events in the SingleB (left) and DoubleB (right) samples. Data are shown by the points, while the simulated backgrounds are stacked. The LO QCD cross section is scaled such that the total number of background events matches the number of events in the data for each category, with a resulting multiplicative factor of 1.10 and 1.01 for the SingleB and DoubleB samples respectively. The panel at the bottom shows the fractional difference between the data and the background simulation, with the shaded band representing the statistical uncertainties in the MC samples.

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Figure 4-a:
Distribution of σ2, the minor RMS for the pT-leading q-jet in the SingleB (left) and DoubleB (right) sample events. Data are shown by the points, while the simulated backgrounds are stacked. The LO QCD cross section is scaled such that the total number of background events matches the number of events in the data for each category, with a resulting multiplicative factor of 1.10 and 1.01 for the SingleB and DoubleB samples respectively. The panel at the bottom shows the fractional difference between the data and the background simulation, with the shaded band representing the statistical uncertainties in the MC samples.

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Figure 4-b:
Distribution of σ2, the minor RMS for the pT-leading q-jet in the SingleB (left) and DoubleB (right) sample events. Data are shown by the points, while the simulated backgrounds are stacked. The LO QCD cross section is scaled such that the total number of background events matches the number of events in the data for each category, with a resulting multiplicative factor of 1.10 and 1.01 for the SingleB and DoubleB samples respectively. The panel at the bottom shows the fractional difference between the data and the background simulation, with the shaded band representing the statistical uncertainties in the MC samples.

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Figure 5-a:
Distribution of the soft TrackJet multiplicity Nsoft5 with transverse momentum pT> 5 GeV in the SingleB (a) and DoubleB (b) sample events. Data are shown by the points, while the simulated backgrounds are stacked. The LO QCD cross section is scaled such that the total number of background events matches the number of events in the data for each category, with a resulting multiplicative factor of 1.10 and 1.01 for the SingleB and DoubleB samples respectively. The panel at the bottom shows the fractional difference between the data and the background simulation, with the shaded band representing the statistical uncertainties in the MC samples.

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Figure 5-b:
Distribution of the soft TrackJet multiplicity Nsoft5 with transverse momentum pT> 5 GeV in the SingleB (a) and DoubleB (b) sample events. Data are shown by the points, while the simulated backgrounds are stacked. The LO QCD cross section is scaled such that the total number of background events matches the number of events in the data for each category, with a resulting multiplicative factor of 1.10 and 1.01 for the SingleB and DoubleB samples respectively. The panel at the bottom shows the fractional difference between the data and the background simulation, with the shaded band representing the statistical uncertainties in the MC samples.

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Figure 6-a:
Distribution of the BDT output for the events in the SingleB (a) and DoubleB (b) sets. Data are shown by the points, while the simulated backgrounds are stacked. The LO QCD cross sections are scaled such that the total number of background events equals the number of events in data. The panels at the bottom show the fractional difference between the data and the background simulation, with the shaded band representing the statistical uncertainties of the MC samples.

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Figure 6-b:
Distribution of the BDT output for the events in the SingleB (a) and DoubleB (b) sets. Data are shown by the points, while the simulated backgrounds are stacked. The LO QCD cross sections are scaled such that the total number of background events equals the number of events in data. The panels at the bottom show the fractional difference between the data and the background simulation, with the shaded band representing the statistical uncertainties of the MC samples.

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Figure 7-a:
Fit of the invariant mass of the two b-jet candidates for the Higgs boson signal (mH= 125 GeV) in the four event categories of SingleB in the background-only hypothesis. Data are shown with markers. The dashed line is the background component, and the dashed-dotted line is the QCD component alone. The bottom panel shows the background-subtracted distribution, and with the 1σ and 2σ background uncertainty bands.

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Figure 7-b:
Fit of the invariant mass of the two b-jet candidates for the Higgs boson signal (mH= 125 GeV) in the four event categories of SingleB in the background-only hypothesis. Data are shown with markers. The dashed line is the background component, and the dashed-dotted line is the QCD component alone. The bottom panel shows the background-subtracted distribution, and with the 1σ and 2σ background uncertainty bands.

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Figure 7-c:
Fit of the invariant mass of the two b-jet candidates for the Higgs boson signal (mH= 125 GeV) in the four event categories of SingleB in the background-only hypothesis. Data are shown with markers. The dashed line is the background component, and the dashed-dotted line is the QCD component alone. The bottom panel shows the background-subtracted distribution, and with the 1σ and 2σ background uncertainty bands.

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Figure 7-d:
Fit of the invariant mass of the two b-jet candidates for the Higgs boson signal (mH= 125 GeV) in the four event categories of SingleB in the background-only hypothesis. Data are shown with markers. The dashed line is the background component, and the dashed-dotted line is the QCD component alone. The bottom panel shows the background-subtracted distribution, and with the 1σ and 2σ background uncertainty bands.

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Figure 8-a:
Fit of the invariant mass of the two b-jet candidates for the Higgs boson signal (mH= 125 GeV) in the three event categories of DoubleB in the background-only hypothesis. Data are shown with markers. The dashed line is the background component, and the dashed-dotted line is the QCD component alone. The bottom panel shows the background-subtracted distribution, and with the 1σ and 2σ background uncertainty bands.

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Figure 8-b:
Fit of the invariant mass of the two b-jet candidates for the Higgs boson signal (mH= 125 GeV) in the three event categories of DoubleB in the background-only hypothesis. Data are shown with markers. The dashed line is the background component, and the dashed-dotted line is the QCD component alone. The bottom panel shows the background-subtracted distribution, and with the 1σ and 2σ background uncertainty bands.

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Figure 8-c:
Fit of the invariant mass of the two b-jet candidates for the Higgs boson signal (mH= 125 GeV) in the three event categories of DoubleB in the background-only hypothesis. Data are shown with markers. The dashed line is the background component, and the dashed-dotted line is the QCD component alone. The bottom panel shows the background-subtracted distribution, and with the 1σ and 2σ background uncertainty bands.

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Figure 9:
Observed and SM-expected likelihood profile of the signal strength μ=σ/σSM with mH= 125 GeV, using Run 1 8TeV data, Run 2 13TeV data, and for the combination of 8 TeV and 13 TeV data.

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Table 1:
Summary of selection requirements for the two analyses.

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Table 2:
Definition of the event categories and corresponding yields in the mbb interval [80,200] GeV, for the data and the MC expectation, with statistical uncertainties only. The BDT output boundary values refer to the distributions shown in Fig. 6.

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Table 3:
Sources of systematic uncertainty and their impact on the shape and normalization of the background and signal processes.
A search has been carried out for the SM Higgs boson produced in vector boson fusion and decaying to bˉb with a data sample of pp collisions at s= 13 TeV collected with the CMS detector at the LHC corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 2.3 fb1. Upper limits, at the 95% confidence level, on the production cross section times the Hbˉb branching fraction, relative to expectations for a SM Higgs boson, are extracted for a Higgs boson with mass 125 GeV. The expected upper limits in the absence of a signal is 5.0 times the SM prediction, while the observed upper limit is 3.0, and the fitted signal strength is μ=σ/σSM=3.7+2.42.5.

The combination of the results obtained in this search with the similar CMS search with Run 1 data yields an observed (expected) upper limit of 3.4 (2.3) times the SM prediction. The combined fitted Hbˉb signal strength is μ=1.3+1.21.1, with a signal significance of 1.2 standard deviations for mH= 125 GeV.
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Compact Muon Solenoid