CMS-PAS-B2G-21-002 | ||
Search for resonances decaying to three W bosons in the hadronic final state at $\sqrt{s} = $ 13 TeV | ||
CMS Collaboration | ||
July 2021 | ||
Abstract: A search for heavy resonances X decaying in cascade to three W bosons via a scalar radion R, X $\to$ WR $\to$ WWW, with two or three massive, Lorentz-boosted jets is presented. The search is performed with proton-proton collision data recorded at $\sqrt{s} = $ 13 TeV collected by the CMS experiment during 2016-2018, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 137 fb$^{-1}$. Two final states are simultaneously probed, one where the two W bosons produced by the R decay are reconstructed as separate jets, and one where they are reconstructed as a single merged jet. The data observed are in agreement with the standard model expectations. Results are combined with a complementary and orthogonal search in the single-lepton channel to set the most stringent limits to date on the production cross section of an extended warped extra-dimensional model. | ||
CDS record (PDF) ;
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These preliminary results are superseded in this paper, PRD 106 (2022) 012002. The superseded preliminary plots can be found here. |
Figures | |
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Figure 1:
Schematic diagrams of the decay of a KK excitation ${\mathrm{W} _{\mathrm {KK}}}$ to the final states considered in this analysis. Left: three individually reconstructed W bosons; right: one individually reconstructed W boson and two W bosons reconstructed as a single large-radius jet, which is predominant for $ {{m}_{\mathrm{R}}} \le 0.2 {{m}_{{\mathrm{W} _{\mathrm {KK}}}}} $. |
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Figure 2:
Upper row: distributions of ${m_{\mathrm {jj}}}$ (left), ${m^{\text {max}}_{\text {j}}}$ (center), and the deep-WH value of the highest-mass jet with $ {m^{\text {max}}_{\text {j}}} > $ 100 GeV, for preselected events with $ {N_{\text {j}}} = $ 2. Lower row: distributions of ${m_{\mathrm {jjj}}}$ (left), ${m^{\text {max}}_{\text {j}}}$ (center), and the deep-W value for the highest-mass jet with 60 $ < {m^{\text {max}}_{\text {j}}} < $ 100 GeV, for preselected events with $ {N_{\text {j}}} = $ 3. |
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Figure 2-a:
Upper row: distributions of ${m_{\mathrm {jj}}}$ (left), ${m^{\text {max}}_{\text {j}}}$ (center), and the deep-WH value of the highest-mass jet with $ {m^{\text {max}}_{\text {j}}} > $ 100 GeV, for preselected events with $ {N_{\text {j}}} = $ 2. Lower row: distributions of ${m_{\mathrm {jjj}}}$ (left), ${m^{\text {max}}_{\text {j}}}$ (center), and the deep-W value for the highest-mass jet with 60 $ < {m^{\text {max}}_{\text {j}}} < $ 100 GeV, for preselected events with $ {N_{\text {j}}} = $ 3. |
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Figure 2-b:
Upper row: distributions of ${m_{\mathrm {jj}}}$ (left), ${m^{\text {max}}_{\text {j}}}$ (center), and the deep-WH value of the highest-mass jet with $ {m^{\text {max}}_{\text {j}}} > $ 100 GeV, for preselected events with $ {N_{\text {j}}} = $ 2. Lower row: distributions of ${m_{\mathrm {jjj}}}$ (left), ${m^{\text {max}}_{\text {j}}}$ (center), and the deep-W value for the highest-mass jet with 60 $ < {m^{\text {max}}_{\text {j}}} < $ 100 GeV, for preselected events with $ {N_{\text {j}}} = $ 3. |
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Figure 2-c:
Upper row: distributions of ${m_{\mathrm {jj}}}$ (left), ${m^{\text {max}}_{\text {j}}}$ (center), and the deep-WH value of the highest-mass jet with $ {m^{\text {max}}_{\text {j}}} > $ 100 GeV, for preselected events with $ {N_{\text {j}}} = $ 2. Lower row: distributions of ${m_{\mathrm {jjj}}}$ (left), ${m^{\text {max}}_{\text {j}}}$ (center), and the deep-W value for the highest-mass jet with 60 $ < {m^{\text {max}}_{\text {j}}} < $ 100 GeV, for preselected events with $ {N_{\text {j}}} = $ 3. |
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Figure 2-d:
Upper row: distributions of ${m_{\mathrm {jj}}}$ (left), ${m^{\text {max}}_{\text {j}}}$ (center), and the deep-WH value of the highest-mass jet with $ {m^{\text {max}}_{\text {j}}} > $ 100 GeV, for preselected events with $ {N_{\text {j}}} = $ 2. Lower row: distributions of ${m_{\mathrm {jjj}}}$ (left), ${m^{\text {max}}_{\text {j}}}$ (center), and the deep-W value for the highest-mass jet with 60 $ < {m^{\text {max}}_{\text {j}}} < $ 100 GeV, for preselected events with $ {N_{\text {j}}} = $ 3. |
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Figure 2-e:
Upper row: distributions of ${m_{\mathrm {jj}}}$ (left), ${m^{\text {max}}_{\text {j}}}$ (center), and the deep-WH value of the highest-mass jet with $ {m^{\text {max}}_{\text {j}}} > $ 100 GeV, for preselected events with $ {N_{\text {j}}} = $ 2. Lower row: distributions of ${m_{\mathrm {jjj}}}$ (left), ${m^{\text {max}}_{\text {j}}}$ (center), and the deep-W value for the highest-mass jet with 60 $ < {m^{\text {max}}_{\text {j}}} < $ 100 GeV, for preselected events with $ {N_{\text {j}}} = $ 3. |
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Figure 2-f:
Upper row: distributions of ${m_{\mathrm {jj}}}$ (left), ${m^{\text {max}}_{\text {j}}}$ (center), and the deep-WH value of the highest-mass jet with $ {m^{\text {max}}_{\text {j}}} > $ 100 GeV, for preselected events with $ {N_{\text {j}}} = $ 2. Lower row: distributions of ${m_{\mathrm {jjj}}}$ (left), ${m^{\text {max}}_{\text {j}}}$ (center), and the deep-W value for the highest-mass jet with 60 $ < {m^{\text {max}}_{\text {j}}} < $ 100 GeV, for preselected events with $ {N_{\text {j}}} = $ 3. |
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Figure 3:
Schematic of the 2D jet mass regions for two-jet events (left) and 3D jet mass regions for three-jet events (right), indicating the location of the six orthogonal signal regions SR1-6, indicated by the colored areas. SR4 and SR5 differ by the requirement of exactly three and two W-tagged jets, respectively. |
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Figure 4:
Upper row: scale factors (SFs) for W (dark blue), $\mathrm{t} ^2$ (light blue), and ${\mathrm{q} /\mathrm{g}}$ (yellow) matched jets in the low ${m_{\text {j}}}$ bins, LL (left) and LH (right), as a function of the deep-W discriminant value. Lower row: SFs for $\mathrm{t} ^2$ (light blue), $\mathrm{t} ^{3,4}$ (green), and ${\mathrm{q} /\mathrm{g}}$ (yellow) matched jets in the high ${m_{\text {j}}}$ bins, HL (left) and HH (right), as a function of the deep-WH discriminant value. For each discriminant value bin, the sum of the SF-corrected jet yields is required to be equal to the observed data. The factors $\text {SF}_{k}^\mathrm{W}, \text {SF}_k^{\mathrm{t} ^2}$, and $\text {SF}_k^{\mathrm{t} ^{3,4}}$ are derived from the ${\text {PS}_{1\ell}}$ sample, as described in Section yyyyy, while $\text {SF}_{k}^{{\mathrm{q} /\mathrm{g}}}$ is derived from the preselected sample, as described in Section xxxxx. The statistical and parton shower (PS) uncertainties are shown by the shaded bands. These SFs are used to correct the simulated deep-W ($\mathrm{W} \mathrm{H} $) spectra for each matched jet type in the corresponding ${m_{\text {j}}}$ and ${{{p_{\mathrm {T}}} ^{\text {j}}}}$ ranges. The signal jets (categorized as $\mathrm{W}$, ${\mathrm{R} ^{\ell \mathrm{q} \mathrm{q}}}$, ${\mathrm{R} ^{3\mathrm{q}}}$, or $ {\mathrm{R} ^{4\mathrm{q}}}$) receive SF corrections from their corresponding standard model proxy jet as described in Section zzzzz, where ${\mathrm{R} ^{\ell \mathrm{q} \mathrm{q}}}$ corresponds to $\mathrm{W}$, and $\mathrm{R} ^{3\mathrm{q},4\mathrm{q}}$ to $\mathrm{t} ^{3,4}$. |
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Figure 4-a:
Upper row: scale factors (SFs) for W (dark blue), $\mathrm{t} ^2$ (light blue), and ${\mathrm{q} /\mathrm{g}}$ (yellow) matched jets in the low ${m_{\text {j}}}$ bins, LL (left) and LH (right), as a function of the deep-W discriminant value. Lower row: SFs for $\mathrm{t} ^2$ (light blue), $\mathrm{t} ^{3,4}$ (green), and ${\mathrm{q} /\mathrm{g}}$ (yellow) matched jets in the high ${m_{\text {j}}}$ bins, HL (left) and HH (right), as a function of the deep-WH discriminant value. For each discriminant value bin, the sum of the SF-corrected jet yields is required to be equal to the observed data. The factors $\text {SF}_{k}^\mathrm{W}, \text {SF}_k^{\mathrm{t} ^2}$, and $\text {SF}_k^{\mathrm{t} ^{3,4}}$ are derived from the ${\text {PS}_{1\ell}}$ sample, as described in Section yyyyy, while $\text {SF}_{k}^{{\mathrm{q} /\mathrm{g}}}$ is derived from the preselected sample, as described in Section xxxxx. The statistical and parton shower (PS) uncertainties are shown by the shaded bands. These SFs are used to correct the simulated deep-W ($\mathrm{W} \mathrm{H} $) spectra for each matched jet type in the corresponding ${m_{\text {j}}}$ and ${{{p_{\mathrm {T}}} ^{\text {j}}}}$ ranges. The signal jets (categorized as $\mathrm{W}$, ${\mathrm{R} ^{\ell \mathrm{q} \mathrm{q}}}$, ${\mathrm{R} ^{3\mathrm{q}}}$, or $ {\mathrm{R} ^{4\mathrm{q}}}$) receive SF corrections from their corresponding standard model proxy jet as described in Section zzzzz, where ${\mathrm{R} ^{\ell \mathrm{q} \mathrm{q}}}$ corresponds to $\mathrm{W}$, and $\mathrm{R} ^{3\mathrm{q},4\mathrm{q}}$ to $\mathrm{t} ^{3,4}$. |
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Figure 4-b:
Upper row: scale factors (SFs) for W (dark blue), $\mathrm{t} ^2$ (light blue), and ${\mathrm{q} /\mathrm{g}}$ (yellow) matched jets in the low ${m_{\text {j}}}$ bins, LL (left) and LH (right), as a function of the deep-W discriminant value. Lower row: SFs for $\mathrm{t} ^2$ (light blue), $\mathrm{t} ^{3,4}$ (green), and ${\mathrm{q} /\mathrm{g}}$ (yellow) matched jets in the high ${m_{\text {j}}}$ bins, HL (left) and HH (right), as a function of the deep-WH discriminant value. For each discriminant value bin, the sum of the SF-corrected jet yields is required to be equal to the observed data. The factors $\text {SF}_{k}^\mathrm{W}, \text {SF}_k^{\mathrm{t} ^2}$, and $\text {SF}_k^{\mathrm{t} ^{3,4}}$ are derived from the ${\text {PS}_{1\ell}}$ sample, as described in Section yyyyy, while $\text {SF}_{k}^{{\mathrm{q} /\mathrm{g}}}$ is derived from the preselected sample, as described in Section xxxxx. The statistical and parton shower (PS) uncertainties are shown by the shaded bands. These SFs are used to correct the simulated deep-W ($\mathrm{W} \mathrm{H} $) spectra for each matched jet type in the corresponding ${m_{\text {j}}}$ and ${{{p_{\mathrm {T}}} ^{\text {j}}}}$ ranges. The signal jets (categorized as $\mathrm{W}$, ${\mathrm{R} ^{\ell \mathrm{q} \mathrm{q}}}$, ${\mathrm{R} ^{3\mathrm{q}}}$, or $ {\mathrm{R} ^{4\mathrm{q}}}$) receive SF corrections from their corresponding standard model proxy jet as described in Section zzzzz, where ${\mathrm{R} ^{\ell \mathrm{q} \mathrm{q}}}$ corresponds to $\mathrm{W}$, and $\mathrm{R} ^{3\mathrm{q},4\mathrm{q}}$ to $\mathrm{t} ^{3,4}$. |
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Figure 4-c:
Upper row: scale factors (SFs) for W (dark blue), $\mathrm{t} ^2$ (light blue), and ${\mathrm{q} /\mathrm{g}}$ (yellow) matched jets in the low ${m_{\text {j}}}$ bins, LL (left) and LH (right), as a function of the deep-W discriminant value. Lower row: SFs for $\mathrm{t} ^2$ (light blue), $\mathrm{t} ^{3,4}$ (green), and ${\mathrm{q} /\mathrm{g}}$ (yellow) matched jets in the high ${m_{\text {j}}}$ bins, HL (left) and HH (right), as a function of the deep-WH discriminant value. For each discriminant value bin, the sum of the SF-corrected jet yields is required to be equal to the observed data. The factors $\text {SF}_{k}^\mathrm{W}, \text {SF}_k^{\mathrm{t} ^2}$, and $\text {SF}_k^{\mathrm{t} ^{3,4}}$ are derived from the ${\text {PS}_{1\ell}}$ sample, as described in Section yyyyy, while $\text {SF}_{k}^{{\mathrm{q} /\mathrm{g}}}$ is derived from the preselected sample, as described in Section xxxxx. The statistical and parton shower (PS) uncertainties are shown by the shaded bands. These SFs are used to correct the simulated deep-W ($\mathrm{W} \mathrm{H} $) spectra for each matched jet type in the corresponding ${m_{\text {j}}}$ and ${{{p_{\mathrm {T}}} ^{\text {j}}}}$ ranges. The signal jets (categorized as $\mathrm{W}$, ${\mathrm{R} ^{\ell \mathrm{q} \mathrm{q}}}$, ${\mathrm{R} ^{3\mathrm{q}}}$, or $ {\mathrm{R} ^{4\mathrm{q}}}$) receive SF corrections from their corresponding standard model proxy jet as described in Section zzzzz, where ${\mathrm{R} ^{\ell \mathrm{q} \mathrm{q}}}$ corresponds to $\mathrm{W}$, and $\mathrm{R} ^{3\mathrm{q},4\mathrm{q}}$ to $\mathrm{t} ^{3,4}$. |
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Figure 4-d:
Upper row: scale factors (SFs) for W (dark blue), $\mathrm{t} ^2$ (light blue), and ${\mathrm{q} /\mathrm{g}}$ (yellow) matched jets in the low ${m_{\text {j}}}$ bins, LL (left) and LH (right), as a function of the deep-W discriminant value. Lower row: SFs for $\mathrm{t} ^2$ (light blue), $\mathrm{t} ^{3,4}$ (green), and ${\mathrm{q} /\mathrm{g}}$ (yellow) matched jets in the high ${m_{\text {j}}}$ bins, HL (left) and HH (right), as a function of the deep-WH discriminant value. For each discriminant value bin, the sum of the SF-corrected jet yields is required to be equal to the observed data. The factors $\text {SF}_{k}^\mathrm{W}, \text {SF}_k^{\mathrm{t} ^2}$, and $\text {SF}_k^{\mathrm{t} ^{3,4}}$ are derived from the ${\text {PS}_{1\ell}}$ sample, as described in Section yyyyy, while $\text {SF}_{k}^{{\mathrm{q} /\mathrm{g}}}$ is derived from the preselected sample, as described in Section xxxxx. The statistical and parton shower (PS) uncertainties are shown by the shaded bands. These SFs are used to correct the simulated deep-W ($\mathrm{W} \mathrm{H} $) spectra for each matched jet type in the corresponding ${m_{\text {j}}}$ and ${{{p_{\mathrm {T}}} ^{\text {j}}}}$ ranges. The signal jets (categorized as $\mathrm{W}$, ${\mathrm{R} ^{\ell \mathrm{q} \mathrm{q}}}$, ${\mathrm{R} ^{3\mathrm{q}}}$, or $ {\mathrm{R} ^{4\mathrm{q}}}$) receive SF corrections from their corresponding standard model proxy jet as described in Section zzzzz, where ${\mathrm{R} ^{\ell \mathrm{q} \mathrm{q}}}$ corresponds to $\mathrm{W}$, and $\mathrm{R} ^{3\mathrm{q},4\mathrm{q}}$ to $\mathrm{t} ^{3,4}$. |
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Figure 5:
Comparison of the distribution of data (black points) and simulated backgrounds (colored histograms), as a function of the deep-W ($\mathrm{W} \mathrm{H} $) discriminant value for the highest-mass jet, after the scale factors have been applied, for the different control regions: CR1 (upper left), CR2 (upper center), CR3 (upper right), CR45 (lower left), and CR6 (lower right). The lower panel shows the data/simulation ratio. |
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Figure 5-a:
Comparison of the distribution of data (black points) and simulated backgrounds (colored histograms), as a function of the deep-W ($\mathrm{W} \mathrm{H} $) discriminant value for the highest-mass jet, after the scale factors have been applied, for the different control regions: CR1 (upper left), CR2 (upper center), CR3 (upper right), CR45 (lower left), and CR6 (lower right). The lower panel shows the data/simulation ratio. |
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Figure 5-b:
Comparison of the distribution of data (black points) and simulated backgrounds (colored histograms), as a function of the deep-W ($\mathrm{W} \mathrm{H} $) discriminant value for the highest-mass jet, after the scale factors have been applied, for the different control regions: CR1 (upper left), CR2 (upper center), CR3 (upper right), CR45 (lower left), and CR6 (lower right). The lower panel shows the data/simulation ratio. |
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Figure 5-c:
Comparison of the distribution of data (black points) and simulated backgrounds (colored histograms), as a function of the deep-W ($\mathrm{W} \mathrm{H} $) discriminant value for the highest-mass jet, after the scale factors have been applied, for the different control regions: CR1 (upper left), CR2 (upper center), CR3 (upper right), CR45 (lower left), and CR6 (lower right). The lower panel shows the data/simulation ratio. |
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Figure 5-d:
Comparison of the distribution of data (black points) and simulated backgrounds (colored histograms), as a function of the deep-W ($\mathrm{W} \mathrm{H} $) discriminant value for the highest-mass jet, after the scale factors have been applied, for the different control regions: CR1 (upper left), CR2 (upper center), CR3 (upper right), CR45 (lower left), and CR6 (lower right). The lower panel shows the data/simulation ratio. |
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Figure 5-e:
Comparison of the distribution of data (black points) and simulated backgrounds (colored histograms), as a function of the deep-W ($\mathrm{W} \mathrm{H} $) discriminant value for the highest-mass jet, after the scale factors have been applied, for the different control regions: CR1 (upper left), CR2 (upper center), CR3 (upper right), CR45 (lower left), and CR6 (lower right). The lower panel shows the data/simulation ratio. |
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Figure 6:
Left: the ${m_{\text {j}}}$ distributions for different radion jet types for SR1-3 events without deep-W ($\mathrm{W} \mathrm{H} $) constraints. Middle and right: the deep-W and deep-WH distributions normalized to unity for these components, respectively. The $\mathrm{t} ^{3,4}$ jets from the preselected sample, normalized to unity, are superimposed to compare shapes with the ${\mathrm{R} ^{3\mathrm{q}}}$ and $ {\mathrm{R} ^{4\mathrm{q}}}$ distributions. |
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Figure 6-a:
Left: the ${m_{\text {j}}}$ distributions for different radion jet types for SR1-3 events without deep-W ($\mathrm{W} \mathrm{H} $) constraints. Middle and right: the deep-W and deep-WH distributions normalized to unity for these components, respectively. The $\mathrm{t} ^{3,4}$ jets from the preselected sample, normalized to unity, are superimposed to compare shapes with the ${\mathrm{R} ^{3\mathrm{q}}}$ and $ {\mathrm{R} ^{4\mathrm{q}}}$ distributions. |
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Figure 6-b:
Left: the ${m_{\text {j}}}$ distributions for different radion jet types for SR1-3 events without deep-W ($\mathrm{W} \mathrm{H} $) constraints. Middle and right: the deep-W and deep-WH distributions normalized to unity for these components, respectively. The $\mathrm{t} ^{3,4}$ jets from the preselected sample, normalized to unity, are superimposed to compare shapes with the ${\mathrm{R} ^{3\mathrm{q}}}$ and $ {\mathrm{R} ^{4\mathrm{q}}}$ distributions. |
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Figure 6-c:
Left: the ${m_{\text {j}}}$ distributions for different radion jet types for SR1-3 events without deep-W ($\mathrm{W} \mathrm{H} $) constraints. Middle and right: the deep-W and deep-WH distributions normalized to unity for these components, respectively. The $\mathrm{t} ^{3,4}$ jets from the preselected sample, normalized to unity, are superimposed to compare shapes with the ${\mathrm{R} ^{3\mathrm{q}}}$ and $ {\mathrm{R} ^{4\mathrm{q}}}$ distributions. |
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Figure 7:
The ${m_{\mathrm {jj}}}$ distributions for control regions CR1, CR2, and CR3 (upper row, left to right), and the ${m_{\mathrm {jjj}}}$ distributions for CR45 and CR6 (lower row, left and right), for data (black points) and simulation (colored histograms). The SF corrections have been applied to the simulation, and the QCD multijet background scaled to the data yields. |
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Figure 7-a:
The ${m_{\mathrm {jj}}}$ distributions for control regions CR1, CR2, and CR3 (upper row, left to right), and the ${m_{\mathrm {jjj}}}$ distributions for CR45 and CR6 (lower row, left and right), for data (black points) and simulation (colored histograms). The SF corrections have been applied to the simulation, and the QCD multijet background scaled to the data yields. |
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Figure 7-b:
The ${m_{\mathrm {jj}}}$ distributions for control regions CR1, CR2, and CR3 (upper row, left to right), and the ${m_{\mathrm {jjj}}}$ distributions for CR45 and CR6 (lower row, left and right), for data (black points) and simulation (colored histograms). The SF corrections have been applied to the simulation, and the QCD multijet background scaled to the data yields. |
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Figure 7-c:
The ${m_{\mathrm {jj}}}$ distributions for control regions CR1, CR2, and CR3 (upper row, left to right), and the ${m_{\mathrm {jjj}}}$ distributions for CR45 and CR6 (lower row, left and right), for data (black points) and simulation (colored histograms). The SF corrections have been applied to the simulation, and the QCD multijet background scaled to the data yields. |
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Figure 7-d:
The ${m_{\mathrm {jj}}}$ distributions for control regions CR1, CR2, and CR3 (upper row, left to right), and the ${m_{\mathrm {jjj}}}$ distributions for CR45 and CR6 (lower row, left and right), for data (black points) and simulation (colored histograms). The SF corrections have been applied to the simulation, and the QCD multijet background scaled to the data yields. |
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Figure 7-e:
The ${m_{\mathrm {jj}}}$ distributions for control regions CR1, CR2, and CR3 (upper row, left to right), and the ${m_{\mathrm {jjj}}}$ distributions for CR45 and CR6 (lower row, left and right), for data (black points) and simulation (colored histograms). The SF corrections have been applied to the simulation, and the QCD multijet background scaled to the data yields. |
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Figure 8:
Post-fit distributions of the invariant mass of the reconstructed triboson system (${m_{\mathrm {jj}}}$, ${m_{\mathrm {jjj}}}$) in data (black points) and simulation (colored histograms) for all SRs (SRs 1-3 in the upper row, and SRs 4-6 in the lower row). Systematic uncertainties are indicated by the shaded bands. Examples of signal points normalized to the theoretical prediction for the signal production cross section with $ {{m}_{{\mathrm{W} _{\mathrm {KK}}}}} = $ 2.5 TeV and $ {{m}_{\mathrm{R}}} = $ 0.2 TeV (solid orange line) or 1.25 TeV (dashed purple line) are shown. |
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Figure 8-a:
Post-fit distributions of the invariant mass of the reconstructed triboson system (${m_{\mathrm {jj}}}$, ${m_{\mathrm {jjj}}}$) in data (black points) and simulation (colored histograms) for all SRs (SRs 1-3 in the upper row, and SRs 4-6 in the lower row). Systematic uncertainties are indicated by the shaded bands. Examples of signal points normalized to the theoretical prediction for the signal production cross section with $ {{m}_{{\mathrm{W} _{\mathrm {KK}}}}} = $ 2.5 TeV and $ {{m}_{\mathrm{R}}} = $ 0.2 TeV (solid orange line) or 1.25 TeV (dashed purple line) are shown. |
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Figure 8-b:
Post-fit distributions of the invariant mass of the reconstructed triboson system (${m_{\mathrm {jj}}}$, ${m_{\mathrm {jjj}}}$) in data (black points) and simulation (colored histograms) for all SRs (SRs 1-3 in the upper row, and SRs 4-6 in the lower row). Systematic uncertainties are indicated by the shaded bands. Examples of signal points normalized to the theoretical prediction for the signal production cross section with $ {{m}_{{\mathrm{W} _{\mathrm {KK}}}}} = $ 2.5 TeV and $ {{m}_{\mathrm{R}}} = $ 0.2 TeV (solid orange line) or 1.25 TeV (dashed purple line) are shown. |
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Figure 8-c:
Post-fit distributions of the invariant mass of the reconstructed triboson system (${m_{\mathrm {jj}}}$, ${m_{\mathrm {jjj}}}$) in data (black points) and simulation (colored histograms) for all SRs (SRs 1-3 in the upper row, and SRs 4-6 in the lower row). Systematic uncertainties are indicated by the shaded bands. Examples of signal points normalized to the theoretical prediction for the signal production cross section with $ {{m}_{{\mathrm{W} _{\mathrm {KK}}}}} = $ 2.5 TeV and $ {{m}_{\mathrm{R}}} = $ 0.2 TeV (solid orange line) or 1.25 TeV (dashed purple line) are shown. |
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Figure 8-d:
Post-fit distributions of the invariant mass of the reconstructed triboson system (${m_{\mathrm {jj}}}$, ${m_{\mathrm {jjj}}}$) in data (black points) and simulation (colored histograms) for all SRs (SRs 1-3 in the upper row, and SRs 4-6 in the lower row). Systematic uncertainties are indicated by the shaded bands. Examples of signal points normalized to the theoretical prediction for the signal production cross section with $ {{m}_{{\mathrm{W} _{\mathrm {KK}}}}} = $ 2.5 TeV and $ {{m}_{\mathrm{R}}} = $ 0.2 TeV (solid orange line) or 1.25 TeV (dashed purple line) are shown. |
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Figure 8-e:
Post-fit distributions of the invariant mass of the reconstructed triboson system (${m_{\mathrm {jj}}}$, ${m_{\mathrm {jjj}}}$) in data (black points) and simulation (colored histograms) for all SRs (SRs 1-3 in the upper row, and SRs 4-6 in the lower row). Systematic uncertainties are indicated by the shaded bands. Examples of signal points normalized to the theoretical prediction for the signal production cross section with $ {{m}_{{\mathrm{W} _{\mathrm {KK}}}}} = $ 2.5 TeV and $ {{m}_{\mathrm{R}}} = $ 0.2 TeV (solid orange line) or 1.25 TeV (dashed purple line) are shown. |
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Figure 8-f:
Post-fit distributions of the invariant mass of the reconstructed triboson system (${m_{\mathrm {jj}}}$, ${m_{\mathrm {jjj}}}$) in data (black points) and simulation (colored histograms) for all SRs (SRs 1-3 in the upper row, and SRs 4-6 in the lower row). Systematic uncertainties are indicated by the shaded bands. Examples of signal points normalized to the theoretical prediction for the signal production cross section with $ {{m}_{{\mathrm{W} _{\mathrm {KK}}}}} = $ 2.5 TeV and $ {{m}_{\mathrm{R}}} = $ 0.2 TeV (solid orange line) or 1.25 TeV (dashed purple line) are shown. |
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Figure 9:
Left: expected (red dashed lines) and observed (solid black line) upper limits at 95% CL on the product of the signal cross section and the branching fraction to three W bosons from the all-hadronic search as functions of the ${\mathrm{W} _{\mathrm {KK}}}$ and R resonance masses. Right: results from combining the all-hadronic and single-lepton searches. The blue dashed lines indicate the borders for the different merged and resolved decay topologies probed, as indicated in the figure. Signals with $ {{m}_{\mathrm{R}}} $ lower than 180 GeV are not considered in this search to maintain on-shell W bosons, while for $ {{m}_{{\mathrm{W} _{\mathrm {KK}}}}} > $ 3 TeV, we only consider $ {{m}_{\mathrm{R}}} > $ 6% $\times $ ${{m}_{{\mathrm{W} _{\mathrm {KK}}}}} $. |
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Figure 9-a:
Left: expected (red dashed lines) and observed (solid black line) upper limits at 95% CL on the product of the signal cross section and the branching fraction to three W bosons from the all-hadronic search as functions of the ${\mathrm{W} _{\mathrm {KK}}}$ and R resonance masses. Right: results from combining the all-hadronic and single-lepton searches. The blue dashed lines indicate the borders for the different merged and resolved decay topologies probed, as indicated in the figure. Signals with $ {{m}_{\mathrm{R}}} $ lower than 180 GeV are not considered in this search to maintain on-shell W bosons, while for $ {{m}_{{\mathrm{W} _{\mathrm {KK}}}}} > $ 3 TeV, we only consider $ {{m}_{\mathrm{R}}} > $ 6% $\times $ ${{m}_{{\mathrm{W} _{\mathrm {KK}}}}} $. |
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Figure 9-b:
Left: expected (red dashed lines) and observed (solid black line) upper limits at 95% CL on the product of the signal cross section and the branching fraction to three W bosons from the all-hadronic search as functions of the ${\mathrm{W} _{\mathrm {KK}}}$ and R resonance masses. Right: results from combining the all-hadronic and single-lepton searches. The blue dashed lines indicate the borders for the different merged and resolved decay topologies probed, as indicated in the figure. Signals with $ {{m}_{\mathrm{R}}} $ lower than 180 GeV are not considered in this search to maintain on-shell W bosons, while for $ {{m}_{{\mathrm{W} _{\mathrm {KK}}}}} > $ 3 TeV, we only consider $ {{m}_{\mathrm{R}}} > $ 6% $\times $ ${{m}_{{\mathrm{W} _{\mathrm {KK}}}}} $. |
Tables | |
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Table 1:
Summary of the selection requirements for each of the signal regions. |
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Table 2:
Matching criteria used to place a jet in one of the SM background categories (left four columns) or merged radion signal categories (right two columns). Each entry shows the required $\Delta R$ condition between the reconstructed jet j and the generator-level parton. All conditions in a column must be satisfied in order to match a jet with a particular jet substructure. For top quark decays, $\mathrm{b} _\mathrm{t} $ indicates the b quark coming directly from the top quark decay, while $\mathrm{q} _{\mathrm{W}}$ indicates a quark produced by the W boson decay. The $\mathrm{t} ^4$ category differs from $\mathrm{t} ^3$ by the presence of an additional ${\mathrm{q} /\mathrm{g}}$ with $ {p_{\mathrm {T}}} > $ 50 GeV inside the jet cone; similarly the $ {\mathrm{R} ^{4\mathrm{q}}}$ category differs from ${\mathrm{R} ^{3\mathrm{q}}}$ by the presence of an extra quark inside the jet cone. Schematic diagrams for each jet type are shown below each column. |
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Table 3:
Sources of systematic uncertainties accounted for in the analysis. The first three sets of uncertainty sources originate from the tagger calibration. It is also indicated whether the uncertainties are evaluated for background (B) and/or signal (S), whether the uncertainty affects shape and/or rate, and the total number of nuisance parameters used per source. |
Summary |
A search for resonances decaying in cascade via a radion R to three W bosons, X $\to$ WR $\to$ WWW, with all W bosons decaying hadronically, has been presented. The search is performed in proton-proton collision data at a center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV, corresponding to a total integrated luminosity of 137 fb$^{-1}$. The final states include two or three massive, large-radius jets containing the decay products of the hadronically decaying W bosons, where the two-jet case corresponds to events where the radion decay products are reconstructed as a single merged jet, and the three-jet case corresponds to cases where the each W boson from the radion decay is reconstructed as a massive jet. Results are combined with a complementary and orthogonal search in the single-lepton channel to set the most stringent limits to date on the production cross section of a triboson resonance in an extended warped extra-dimensional model. |
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Compact Muon Solenoid LHC, CERN |
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