CMS-SUS-14-022 ; CERN-EP-2016-225 | ||
Search for electroweak production of charginos in final states with two $\tau$ leptons in pp collisions at $ \sqrt{s} = $ 8 TeV | ||
CMS Collaboration | ||
16 October 2016 | ||
JHEP 04 (2017) 018 | ||
Abstract: Results are presented from a search for the electroweak production of supersymmetric particles in pp collisions in final states with two $\tau$ leptons. The data sample corresponds to an integrated luminosity between 18.1 fb$^{-1}$ and 19.6 fb$^{-1}$ at $ \sqrt{s} = $ 8 TeV, collected by the CMS experiment at the LHC. The observed event yields in the signal regions are consistent with the expected standard model backgrounds. The results are interpreted using simplified models describing the pair production and decays of charginos or $\tau$ sleptons. For chargino pair production, assuming that the third-generation sleptons are the lightest sleptons and that their masses lie midway between that of the chargino and the lightest neutralino, an excluded region in the plane of the neutralino mass vs. chargino mass is obtained. Chargino masses below 420 GeV are excluded at a 95% confidence level in the limit of a massless neutralino, and for neutralino masses up to 100 GeV, chargino masses up to 325 GeV are excluded at 95% confidence level. Constraints are also placed on the cross section for pair production of $\tau$ sleptons as a function of mass, assuming a massless neutralino. | ||
Links: e-print arXiv:1610.04870 [hep-ex] (PDF) ; CDS record ; inSPIRE record ; CADI line (restricted) ; |
Figures | |
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Figure 1:
Schematic production of a $\tau $ lepton pair from slepton pair production. |
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Figure 1-a:
Schematic production of a $\tau $ lepton pair from chargino pair production. |
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Figure 1-b:
Schematic production of a $\tau $ lepton pair from slepton pair production. |
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Figure 2:
The $ {{M_\mathrm { T2}}} $ distribution before applying the final selections on $ {{M_\mathrm { T2}}} $ and $ {M_\mathrm {T}^{ {\tau _\mathrm {h}} }} $, compared to SM expectation in the $ {\mu {\tau _\mathrm {h}} } $ channel. The signal distribution is shown for $m_{\tilde{\chi}^{\pm}_1 } = $ 380 GeV, $ m_{\tilde{\chi}^0_1 }= $ 1 GeV. The last bins include all overflows to higher values of $ {{M_\mathrm { T2}}} $. Only the statistical uncertainties are shown. |
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Figure 2-a:
The $ {{M_\mathrm { T2}}} $ distribution before applying the final selections on $ {{M_\mathrm { T2}}} $ and $ {M_\mathrm {T}^{ {\tau _\mathrm {h}} }} $, compared to SM expectation in the $ {\mathrm{ e } {\tau _\mathrm {h}} } $ channel. The signal distribution is shown for $m_{\tilde{\chi}^{\pm}_1 } = $ 380 GeV, $ m_{\tilde{\chi}^0_1 }= $ 1 GeV. The last bins include all overflows to higher values of $ {{M_\mathrm { T2}}} $. Only the statistical uncertainties are shown. |
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Figure 2-b:
The $ {{M_\mathrm { T2}}} $ distribution before applying the final selections on $ {{M_\mathrm { T2}}} $ and $ {M_\mathrm {T}^{ {\tau _\mathrm {h}} }} $, compared to SM expectation in the $ {\mu {\tau _\mathrm {h}} } $ channel. The signal distribution is shown for $m_{\tilde{\chi}^{\pm}_1 } = $ 380 GeV, $ m_{\tilde{\chi}^0_1 }= $ 1 GeV. The last bins include all overflows to higher values of $ {{M_\mathrm { T2}}} $. Only the statistical uncertainties are shown. |
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Figure 3:
Schematic illustration of three control regions and the signal region used to estimate the QCD multijet background. |
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Figure 4:
The data yield is compared with the SM expectation. In different signal regions, when a background estimate from data is available, it is used instead of simulation, as described in the text. The signal distribution for a high $\Delta m$ scenario with ${m}_{\tilde{\chi}^{\pm}_1 } = $ 380 GeV and ${m}_{\tilde{\chi}^0_1 } = $ 1 GeV is compared with the yields of $ {\ell {\tau _\mathrm {h}} } $ channels while a scenario with lower $\Delta m$ (${m}_{\tilde{\chi}^{\pm}_1 } = $ 240 GeV and ${m}_{\tilde{\chi}^0_1 } =$ 40 GeV) is chosen for the comparison in $ { {\tau _\mathrm {h}} {\tau _\mathrm {h}} } $ channels. The higher values of $ {{M_\mathrm { T2}}} $ or ${\Sigma M_\mathrm {T}^{\tau _i}}$ are included in the last bins. The shown uncertainties include the quadratic sum of the statistical and systematic uncertainties. |
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Figure 4-a:
The data yield is compared with the SM expectation. When a background estimate from data is available, it is used instead of simulation, as described in the text. The signal distribution for a high $\Delta m$ scenario with ${m}_{\tilde{\chi}^{\pm}_1 } = $ 380 GeV and ${m}_{\tilde{\chi}^0_1 } = $ 1 GeV is compared with the yields of the $ {\mathrm{e} {\tau _\mathrm {h}} } $ channel. The higher values of $ {{M_\mathrm { T2}}} $ are included in the last bin. The shown uncertainties include the quadratic sum of the statistical and systematic uncertainties. |
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Figure 4-b:
The data yield is compared with the SM expectation. When a background estimate from data is available, it is used instead of simulation, as described in the text. The signal distribution for a high $\Delta m$ scenario with ${m}_{\tilde{\chi}^{\pm}_1 } = $ 380 GeV and ${m}_{\tilde{\chi}^0_1 } = $ 1 GeV is compared with the yields of the $ {\mu {\tau _\mathrm {h}} } $ channel. The higher values of $ {{M_\mathrm { T2}}} $ are included in the last bin. The shown uncertainties include the quadratic sum of the statistical and systematic uncertainties. |
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Figure 4-c:
The data yield is compared with the SM expectation. When a background estimate from data is available, it is used instead of simulation, as described in the text. The signal distribution for a low $\Delta m$ (${m}_{\tilde{\chi}^{\pm}_1 } = $ 240 GeV and ${m}_{\tilde{\chi}^0_1 } =$ 40 GeV) is chosen for the comparison in the $ { {\tau _\mathrm {h}} {\tau _\mathrm {h}} } $ channel (SR1). The higher values of $ {{M_\mathrm { T2}}} $ are included in the last bin. The shown uncertainties include the quadratic sum of the statistical and systematic uncertainties. |
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Figure 4-d:
The data yield is compared with the SM expectation. When a background estimate from data is available, it is used instead of simulation, as described in the text. The signal distribution for a low $\Delta m$ (${m}_{\tilde{\chi}^{\pm}_1 } = $ 240 GeV and ${m}_{\tilde{\chi}^0_1 } =$ 40 GeV) is chosen for the comparison in the $ { {\tau _\mathrm {h}} {\tau _\mathrm {h}} } $ channel (SR2). The higher values of ${\Sigma M_\mathrm {T}^{\tau _i}}$ are included in the last bin. The shown uncertainties include the quadratic sum of the statistical and systematic uncertainties. |
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Figure 5:
Expected and observed exclusion regions in terms of simplified models of chargino pair production with the total data set of 2012. The triangle in the bottom-left corner corresponds to $\tilde{\tau}$ masses below 96 GeV, which has been excluded by the LEP experiments [67]. The expected limits and the contours corresponding to $\pm $1 standard deviation from experimental uncertainties are shown as red lines. The observed limits are shown with a black solid line, while the $\pm $1 standard deviation based on the signal cross section uncertainties are shown with narrower black lines. |
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Figure 6:
Expected and observed exclusion regions in terms of simplified models in the $ { {\tau _\mathrm {h}} {\tau _\mathrm {h}} } $ channel. The conventions are the same as Fig. 5. |
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Figure 7:
Upper limits at 95% confidence level on the left-handed $\tilde{\tau} $ pair production cross section in the $ { {\tau _\mathrm {h}} {\tau _\mathrm {h}} } $ channel. The mass of $\tilde{\chi}^0_1$ is 1 GeV. The best observed (expected) upper limit on the cross section is 43 (56) fb for $m_{\tilde{\tau} }= $ 150 GeV which is almost two times larger than the theoretical NLO prediction. |
Tables | |
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Table 1:
Definition of the signal regions. |
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Table 2:
The estimated QCD multijet background event yields in the $ { {\tau _\mathrm {h}} {\tau _\mathrm {h}} } $ channel. The first two uncertainties are the statistical and systematic uncertainties of the method, and the last uncertainty is the extra systematic uncertainty due to the correlation assumptions. |
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Table 3:
The W+jets background estimate in the two search regions. The systematic uncertainty ``syst'' comes from the maximum variation of the estimation found from varying the $ {\tau _\mathrm {h}} $ energy scale within its uncertainty. The ``shape'' uncertainty takes into account the difference between the shape of the search variable distribution in data and simulation. |
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Table 4:
The DY background contribution estimated from simulation in four signal regions. The uncertainties are due to the limited number of MC events. |
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Table 5:
Estimation of the misidentified $ {\tau _\mathrm {h}} $ contribution in the signal region of the $ {\ell {\tau _\mathrm {h}} } $ channels. The total systematic uncertainty is the quadratic sum of the individual components. All uncertainties are relative. The $r_\mathrm {m}$ ($r_\mathrm {g}$) is shorthand for misidentified (genuine) $ {\tau _\mathrm {h}} $ candidate rate. |
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Table 6:
Summary of the systematic uncertainties that affect the signal event selection efficiency, DY and rare backgrounds normalization and their shapes. The sources that affect the shape are indicated by (*) next to their names. These sources are considered correlated between two signal regions of the $ { {\tau _\mathrm {h}} {\tau _\mathrm {h}} } $ analysis in the final statistical combination. |
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Table 7:
Data yields and background predictions with uncertainties in the four signal regions of the search. The uncertainties are reported in two parts, the statistical and systematic uncertainties, respectively. The W+jets and QCD multijet main backgrounds are derived from data as described in Section 7; the abbreviation ``VV'' refers to diboson events. The yields for three signal points representing the low, medium, and high $\Delta m$ are also shown. SUSY(X, Y) stands for a SUSY signal with ${m}_{\tilde{\chi}^{\pm}_1 }= $ X GeV and ${m}_{\tilde{\chi}^0_1 } = $ Y GeV. |
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Table 8:
Efficiencies to select a lepton or ${\tau _\mathrm {h}}$ in different channels. Here, $ {\tau _\mathrm {h}^1} $ and $ {\tau _\mathrm {h} ^2} $ stand for leading and subleading (in ${p_{\mathrm {T}}} $) ${\tau _\mathrm {h}}$ in the $ { {\tau _\mathrm {h}} {\tau _\mathrm {h}} } $ channel. Zero for the efficiency shows the region where the generated $\tau $ leptons do not pass the kinematical and geometrical selection cuts. |
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Table 9:
Efficiencies of the ${ {p_{\mathrm {T}}} ^\text {miss}}$ requirement in all channels versus ${ {p_{\mathrm {T}}} ^\text {gen} }$. |
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Table 10:
Efficiencies of the invariant mass requirements in different channels versus generated mass. |
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Table 11:
Efficiencies of the $ {{M_\mathrm { T2}}} > $ 90 GeV requirement in all channels versus generated $ {{M_\mathrm { T2}}} $. |
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Table 12:
Efficiencies of the $ {M_\mathrm {T}^{ {\tau _\mathrm {h}} }} $ requirement in $\ell {\tau _\mathrm {h}} $ channels versus generated $ {M_\mathrm {T}^{ {\tau _\mathrm {h}} }} $. |
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Table 13:
Efficiencies of the $ {{M_\mathrm { T2}}} $ requirement in $ { {\tau _\mathrm {h}} {\tau _\mathrm {h}} } $ SR2 versus generated $ {{M_\mathrm { T2}}} $. Zero for the efficiency shows the region that the generated $ {{M_\mathrm { T2}}} $ is much greater than the selection cut. |
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Table 14:
Efficiencies of the ${\Sigma M_\mathrm {T}^{\tau _i}}$ requirement in $ { {\tau _\mathrm {h}} {\tau _\mathrm {h}} } $ SR2 versus the generated ${\Sigma M_\mathrm {T}^{\tau _i}}$. |
Summary |
A search for SUSY in the $\tau\tau$ final state has been performed where the $\tau$ pair is produced in a cascade decay from the electroweak production of a chargino pair. The data analyzed were from pp collisions at $\sqrt{s} = $ 8 TeV collected by the CMS detector at the LHC corresponding to integrated luminosities between 18.1 and 19.6 fb$^{-1}$. To maximize the sensitivity, the selection criteria are optimized for ${{\tau_\mathrm{h}} {\tau_\mathrm{h}} } $ (small $\Delta m$), ${{\tau_\mathrm{h}} {\tau_\mathrm{h}} } $ (large $\Delta m$), and ${\ell{\tau_\mathrm{h}} } $ channels using the variables ${{M_\mathrm{ T2}}}$, ${M_\mathrm{T}^{{\tau_\mathrm{h}} }}$, and ${\Sigma M_\mathrm{T}^{\tau_i}}$. The observed number of events is consistent with the SM expectations. In the context of simplified models, assuming that the third generation sleptons are the lightest sleptons and that their masses lie midway between that of the chargino and the neutralino, charginos lighter than 420 GeV for a massless neutralino are excluded at a 95% confidence level. For neutralino masses up to 100 GeV, chargino masses up to 325 GeV are excluded at a 95% confidence level. Upper limits on the direct $\tilde{\tau}\tilde{\tau}$ production cross section are also provided, and the best limit obtained is for the massless neutralino scenario, which is two times larger than the theoretical NLO cross sections. |
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Compact Muon Solenoid LHC, CERN |
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