CMS-SMP-21-001 ; CERN-EP-2022-038 | ||
Observation of electroweak W$^{+}$W$^{-}$ pair production in association with two jets in proton-proton collisions at $ \sqrt{s} = $ 13 TeV | ||
CMS Collaboration | ||
11 May 2022 | ||
PLB 841 (2023) 137495 | ||
Abstract: An observation is reported of the electroweak production of a W$^{+}$W$^{-}$ pair in association with two jets, with both W bosons decaying leptonically. The data sample corresponds to an integrated luminosity of 138 fb$ ^{-1} $ of proton-proton collisions at $ \sqrt{s}= $ 13 TeV, collected by the CMS detector at the CERN LHC. Events are selected by requiring exactly two opposite-sign leptons (electrons or muons) and two jets with large pseudorapidity separation and high dijet invariant mass. Events are categorized based on the flavor of the final-state leptons. A signal is observed with a significance of 5.6 standard deviations (5.2 expected) with respect to the background-only hypothesis. The measured fiducial cross section is 10.2 $ \pm $ 2.0 fb and this value is consistent with the standard model prediction of 9.1 $ \pm $ 0.6 fb. | ||
Links: e-print arXiv:2205.05711 [hep-ex] (PDF) ; CDS record ; inSPIRE record ; HepData record ; CADI line (restricted) ; |
Figures | |
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Figure 1:
Examples of Feynman diagrams for the EW (left, center) and QCD-induced (right) production of W$^{+}$W$^{-}$ bosons in association with two quarks. |
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Figure 1-a:
Example of Feynman diagram for the EW production of W$^{+}$W$^{-}$ bosons in association with two quarks. |
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Figure 1-b:
Example of Feynman diagram for the EW production of W$^{+}$W$^{-}$ bosons in association with two quarks. |
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Figure 1-c:
Example of Feynman diagram for the QCD-induced production of W$^{+}$W$^{-}$ bosons in association with two quarks. |
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Figure 2:
Post-fit DNN output distribution in different-flavor SRs for $ Z_{\ell\ell} < $ 1 (left) and $ Z_{\ell\ell} > $ 1 (right) categories. This variable quantifies how likely each event is signal. The contributions from background and signal (red line) processes are shown as stacked histograms; systematic uncertainties are plotted as dashed gray bands. Data points are displayed with asymmetric Poisson vertical bars to ensure a correct statistical coverage all over the spectrum. |
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Figure 2-a:
Post-fit DNN output distribution in different-flavor SRs for the $ Z_{\ell\ell} < $ 1 category. This variable quantifies how likely each event is signal. The contributions from background and signal (red line) processes are shown as stacked histograms; systematic uncertainties are plotted as dashed gray bands. Data points are displayed with asymmetric Poisson vertical bars to ensure a correct statistical coverage all over the spectrum. |
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Figure 2-b:
Post-fit DNN output distribution in different-flavor SRs for the $ Z_{\ell\ell} > $ 1 category. This variable quantifies how likely each event is signal. The contributions from background and signal (red line) processes are shown as stacked histograms; systematic uncertainties are plotted as dashed gray bands. Data points are displayed with asymmetric Poisson vertical bars to ensure a correct statistical coverage all over the spectrum. |
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Figure 3:
Post-fit $ m_{\mathrm{jj}} $ distribution and number of events in same-flavor ($ \mathrm{e}\mathrm{e} $ and $ \mu\mu $ combined) SRs for $ Z_{\ell\ell} < $ 1 (left) and $ Z_{\ell\ell} > $ 1 (right) categories. The first two bins contain the number of events in the selected region (as reported in the plots themselves). The third bin contains the number of events in the 300 $ < m_{\mathrm{jj}} $ [GeV] $ < $ 500 and $ |\Delta\eta_{\mathrm{jj}}| > $ 3.5 regions and, for display purposes, is included in the $ m_{\mathrm{jj}} $ distribution, shown in the last five bins. The contributions from background and signal (red line) processes are shown as stacked histograms; systematic uncertainties are plotted as dashed gray bands. Data points are displayed with asymmetric Poisson vertical bars to ensure a correct statistical coverage all over the spectrum. |
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Figure 3-a:
Post-fit $ m_{\mathrm{jj}} $ distribution and number of events in same-flavor ($ \mathrm{e}\mathrm{e} $ and $ \mu\mu $ combined) SRs for the $ Z_{\ell\ell} < $ 1 and $ Z_{\ell\ell} > $ 1 category. The first two bins contain the number of events in the selected region (as reported in the plot). The third bin contains the number of events in the 300 $ < m_{\mathrm{jj}} $ [GeV] $ < $ 500 and $ |\Delta\eta_{\mathrm{jj}}| > $ 3.5 regions and, for display purposes, is included in the $ m_{\mathrm{jj}} $ distribution, shown in the last five bins. The contributions from background and signal (red line) processes are shown as stacked histograms; systematic uncertainties are plotted as dashed gray bands. Data points are displayed with asymmetric Poisson vertical bars to ensure a correct statistical coverage all over the spectrum. |
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Figure 3-b:
Post-fit $ m_{\mathrm{jj}} $ distribution and number of events in same-flavor ($ \mathrm{e}\mathrm{e} $ and $ \mu\mu $ combined) SRs for the $ Z_{\ell\ell} > $ 1 and $ Z_{\ell\ell} > $ 1 category. The first two bins contain the number of events in the selected region (as reported in the plot). The third bin contains the number of events in the 300 $ < m_{\mathrm{jj}} $ [GeV] $ < $ 500 and $ |\Delta\eta_{\mathrm{jj}}| > $ 3.5 regions and, for display purposes, is included in the $ m_{\mathrm{jj}} $ distribution, shown in the last five bins. The contributions from background and signal (red line) processes are shown as stacked histograms; systematic uncertainties are plotted as dashed gray bands. Data points are displayed with asymmetric Poisson vertical bars to ensure a correct statistical coverage all over the spectrum. |
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Figure 4:
Post-fit number of events in different-flavor (left) and same-flavor (right, with $ \mathrm{e}\mathrm{e} $ and $ \mu\mu $ combined) CRs. In the left plot, the first bin contains the number of events in the $ {\mathrm{t}\overline{\mathrm{t}}} + \mathrm{t}\mathrm{W} $ different-flavor CR, and the second bin those in the DY $ \tau\tau $ CR. In the right plot, the first bin contains the number of events in the $ {\mathrm{t}\overline{\mathrm{t}}} + \mathrm{t}\mathrm{W} $ same-flavor CR, the second bin those in the $ |\Delta\eta_{\mathrm{jj}}| < $ 5 DY CR, and the third bin those in the $ |\Delta\eta_{\mathrm{jj}}| > $ 5 DY CR. The contributions from background and signal processes (red line) are shown as stacked histograms; systematic uncertainties are plotted as dashed gray bands. Data points are displayed with asymmetric Poisson vertical bars to ensure a correct statistical coverage all over the spectrum. |
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Figure 4-a:
Post-fit number of events in the different-flavor CR. The first bin contains the number of events in the $ {\mathrm{t}\overline{\mathrm{t}}} + \mathrm{t}\mathrm{W} $ different-flavor CR, and the second bin those in the DY $ \tau\tau $ CR. The contributions from background and signal processes (red line) are shown as stacked histograms; systematic uncertainties are plotted as dashed gray bands. Data points are displayed with asymmetric Poisson vertical bars to ensure a correct statistical coverage all over the spectrum. |
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Figure 4-b:
Post-fit number of events in the same-flavor (with $ \mathrm{e}\mathrm{e} $ and $ \mu\mu $ combined) CR. The first bin contains the number of events in the $ {\mathrm{t}\overline{\mathrm{t}}} + \mathrm{t}\mathrm{W} $ same-flavor CR, the second bin those in the $ |\Delta\eta_{\mathrm{jj}}| < $ 5 DY CR, and the third bin those in the $ |\Delta\eta_{\mathrm{jj}}| > $ 5 DY CR. The contributions from background and signal processes (red line) are shown as stacked histograms; systematic uncertainties are plotted as dashed gray bands. Data points are displayed with asymmetric Poisson vertical bars to ensure a correct statistical coverage all over the spectrum. |
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Figure A1:
Post-fit distributions of $ m_{\mathrm{jj}} $ (upper row) and $ |\Delta\eta_{\mathrm{jj}}| $ (lower row) variables in different-flavor SRs for $ Z_{\ell\ell} < $ 1 (left column) and $ Z_{\ell\ell} > $ 1 (right column) categories. These variables are among the nine observables used as inputs for the DNN, as listed in Table 2. The contributions from background and signal (red line) processes are shown as stacked histograms; systematic uncertainties are plotted as dashed gray bands. Data points are displayed with asymmetric Poisson vertical bars to ensure a correct statistical coverage all over the spectrum. |
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Figure A1-a:
Post-fit distribution of the $ m_{\mathrm{jj}} $ variable in different-flavor SRs for the $ Z_{\ell\ell} < $ 1 category. This variable is among the nine observables used as inputs for the DNN, as listed in Table 2. The contributions from background and signal (red line) processes are shown as stacked histograms; systematic uncertainties are plotted as dashed gray bands. Data points are displayed with asymmetric Poisson vertical bars to ensure a correct statistical coverage all over the spectrum. |
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Figure A1-b:
Post-fit distribution of the $ m_{\mathrm{jj}} $ variable in different-flavor SRs for the $ Z_{\ell\ell} > $ 1 category. This variable is among the nine observables used as inputs for the DNN, as listed in Table 2. The contributions from background and signal (red line) processes are shown as stacked histograms; systematic uncertainties are plotted as dashed gray bands. Data points are displayed with asymmetric Poisson vertical bars to ensure a correct statistical coverage all over the spectrum. |
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Figure A1-c:
Post-fit distribution of the $ |\Delta\eta_{\mathrm{jj}}| $ variable in different-flavor SRs for the $ Z_{\ell\ell} < $ 1 category. This variable is among the nine observables used as inputs for the DNN, as listed in Table 2. The contributions from background and signal (red line) processes are shown as stacked histograms; systematic uncertainties are plotted as dashed gray bands. Data points are displayed with asymmetric Poisson vertical bars to ensure a correct statistical coverage all over the spectrum. |
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Figure A1-d:
Post-fit distribution of the $ |\Delta\eta_{\mathrm{jj}}| $ variable in different-flavor SRs for the $ Z_{\ell\ell} > $ 1 category. This variable is among the nine observables used as inputs for the DNN, as listed in Table 2. The contributions from background and signal (red line) processes are shown as stacked histograms; systematic uncertainties are plotted as dashed gray bands. Data points are displayed with asymmetric Poisson vertical bars to ensure a correct statistical coverage all over the spectrum. |
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Figure A2:
Post-fit distribution of the DNN output in different-flavor top CR. Data to SM expectation ratio has some residual shape dependence (less than 5% across the full spectrum), which however was found to not affect the analysis. The contributions from background and signal (red line) processes are shown as stacked histograms; systematic uncertainties are plotted as dashed gray bands. Data points are displayed with asymmetric Poisson vertical bars to ensure a correct statistical coverage all over the spectrum. |
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Figure A3:
Post-fit distributions of $ m_{\mathrm{jj}} $ (left) and $ |\Delta\eta_{\mathrm{jj}}| $ (right) variables in same-flavor top CR ($ \mathrm{e}\mathrm{e} $ and $ \mu\mu $ final states combined). The ratio between data and SM expectation is in excellent agreement with 1 within post-fit uncertainties in both spectra. The contributions from background and signal (red line) processes are shown as stacked histograms; systematic uncertainties are plotted as dashed gray bands. Data points are displayed with asymmetric Poisson vertical bars to ensure a correct statistical coverage all over the spectrum. |
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Figure A3-a:
Post-fit distributions of the $ m_{\mathrm{jj}} $ variable in same-flavor top CR ($ \mathrm{e}\mathrm{e} $ and $ \mu\mu $ final states combined). The ratio between data and SM expectation is in excellent agreement with 1 within post-fit uncertainties. The contributions from background and signal (red line) processes are shown as stacked histograms; systematic uncertainties are plotted as dashed gray bands. Data points are displayed with asymmetric Poisson vertical bars to ensure a correct statistical coverage all over the spectrum. |
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Figure A3-b:
Post-fit distributions of the $ |\Delta\eta_{\mathrm{jj}}| $ variable in same-flavor top CR ($ \mathrm{e}\mathrm{e} $ and $ \mu\mu $ final states combined). The ratio between data and SM expectation is in excellent agreement with 1 within post-fit uncertainties. The contributions from background and signal (red line) processes are shown as stacked histograms; systematic uncertainties are plotted as dashed gray bands. Data points are displayed with asymmetric Poisson vertical bars to ensure a correct statistical coverage all over the spectrum. |
Tables | |
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Table 1:
Post-fit process yields and uncertainties in each SR ($ \mathrm{e}\mathrm{e} $ and $ \mu\mu $ final states combined). |
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Table 2:
Set of variables used as inputs to the DNN for both $ Z_{\ell\ell} < $ 1 and $ Z_{\ell\ell} > $ 1 models. The order in the table corresponds to the importance of the discriminating variable for the $ Z_{\ell\ell} < $ 1 model, as obtained through the SHAP method [57,58]. |
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Table 3:
Sources of systematic uncertainty affecting the cross section measurement by more than 1%. The total uncertainty is also reported, as well as the total systematic and statistical contributions. |
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Table 4:
Definition of the fiducial volume similar to the reconstructed SR. |
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Table A1:
Summary of the event categorization on top of signal candidates preselection. In each region, same-flavor final states share the same kinematic requirements. |
Summary |
The EW production of a pair of opposite-sign W bosons in association with two jets has been observed in a data set corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 138 fb$ ^{-1} $ collected with the CMS detector at the CERN LHC in proton-proton collisions at $ \sqrt{s} = $ 13 TeV. Tabulated results are provided in the HEPData record for this analysis [65]. Events containing two opposite-sign leptons (electrons or muons), missing transverse momentum, and two jets with large separation in pseudorapidity and high dijet invariant mass were selected. A deep neural network was employed to deal with the irreducible background from the QCD-induced production of W boson pairs, and the dominant background from the production of $ \mathrm{t} \overline{\mathrm{t}} $ quark pairs. The measured signal corresponds to an observed (expected) significance of 5.6\,(5.2) standard deviations with respect to the background-only hypothesis. The EW W$^{+}$W$^{-}$ production cross section has been measured in two fiducial volumes. In the more inclusive one, the cross section is 99 $ \pm $ 20 fb ( 89 $ \pm $ 5 fb expected), whereas in that comparable with the experimental phase space the measured cross section is 10.2 $ \pm $ 2.0 fb ( 9.1 $ \pm $ 0.6 fb expected). These results are compatible with standard model predictions within one standard deviation. |
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Compact Muon Solenoid LHC, CERN |
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