CMS-HIN-16-005 ; CERN-EP-2018-005 | ||
Comparing transverse momentum balance of b jet pairs in pp and PbPb collisions at ${\sqrt {\smash [b]{s_{_{\mathrm {NN}}}}}} = $ 5.02 TeV | ||
CMS Collaboration | ||
2 February 2018 | ||
JHEP 03 (2018) 181 | ||
Abstract: The transverse momentum balance of pairs of back-to-back b quark jets in PbPb and pp collisions recorded with the CMS detector at the LHC is reported. The center-of-mass energy in both collision systems is 5.02 TeV per nucleon pair. Compared to the pp collision baseline, b quark jets have a larger imbalance in the most central PbPb collisions, as expected from the jet quenching effect. The data are also compared to the corresponding measurement with inclusive dijets. In the most central collisions, the imbalance of b quark dijets is comparable to that of inclusive dijets. | ||
Links: e-print arXiv:1802.00707 [hep-ex] (PDF) ; CDS record ; inSPIRE record ; HepData record ; CADI line (restricted) ; |
Figures | |
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Figure 1:
The b dijet purity vs. efficiency as a function of the value of the selection on the CSV discriminator in simulation. The same CSV selection is applied to both jets. Several different centrality intervals of PbPb, as well as pp collisions, are shown, as indicated in the legend. The closed symbols indicate the working point used in this analysis. |
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Figure 2:
Distributions of the azimuthal opening angle ($\Delta \phi$) between the leading and subleading jets for pp (left) and central (0--10%) PbPb collisions (right) for inclusive dijets and b dijets. The small-angle region ($ | {\Delta \phi} | < \pi/3$), the boundary of which is indicated by a dashed line, is used to evaluate the combinatorial contribution in PbPb collisions. The vertical bars represent statistical uncertainties, while the horizontal bars represent the bin widths. |
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Figure 3:
The efficiency of finding a signal partner jet as function of its $ p_{\mathrm{T}} $ in PbPb collisions, as evaluated from the small-angle jet pair control region. The corrections are shown in the fine centrality bins used in the analysis. |
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Figure 4:
Distributions of $ x_{\mathrm {J}} $ in pp collisions for inclusive dijets (left) and b dijets (right). Systematic uncertainties are shown as shaded boxes, while statistical uncertainties are shown as vertical lines. The data are compared to simulations performed using POWHEG and PYTHIA, as described in the text. |
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Figure 5:
Distributions of $ x_{\mathrm {J}} $ in PbPb collisions for inclusive dijets (left) and b dijets (right). Systematic uncertainties are shown as shaded boxes, while statistical uncertainties are shown as vertical lines. The top, middle and bottom rows show the 0--10, 10--30 and 30--100% centrality selections, respectively. The data are compared to a reference obtained by smearing pp according to the jet resolution for the given centrality class, as described in the text. |
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Figure 6:
$ < x_{\mathrm {J}} > $ for inclusive (left) dijets and b dijets (center) in pp collisions and for different centrality selections of PbPb collisions. The right panel shows the difference in the $ < x_{\mathrm {J}} > $ values between PbPb and the smeared pp reference. Systematic uncertainties are shown as shaded boxes, while statistical uncertainties are shown as vertical lines. |
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Figure 7:
The distributions of $ x_{\mathrm {J}} $ (left) and $ {\Delta \phi} $ (right) in pp collisions before flavor process reweighting. Data are shown in solid points, while the stacked histograms show the contributions of different processes in PYTHIA 6 (see text for details). The bottom set of panels show the difference between data and simulation (MC). |
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Figure 7-a:
The distribution of $ x_{\mathrm {J}} $ in pp collisions before flavor process reweighting. Data are shown in solid points, while the stacked histograms show the contributions of different processes in PYTHIA 6 (see text for details). The bottom panel shows the difference between data and simulation (MC). |
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Figure 7-b:
The distribution of $ {\Delta \phi} $ in pp collisions before flavor process reweighting. Data are shown in solid points, while the stacked histograms show the contributions of different processes in PYTHIA 6 (see text for details). The bottom panel shows the difference between data and simulation (MC). |
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Figure 8:
The distributions of $ x_{\mathrm {J}} $ (left) and $ {\Delta \phi} $ (right) in pp collisions after flavor process reweighting. Data are shown in solid points, while the stacked histograms show the contributions of different processes in PYTHIA 6 (see text for details). The bottom set of panels show the difference between data and simulation (MC). |
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Figure 8-a:
The distribution of $ x_{\mathrm {J}} $ in pp collisions after flavor process reweighting. Data are shown in solid points, while the stacked histograms show the contributions of different processes in PYTHIA 6 (see text for details). The bottom panel shows the difference between data and simulation (MC). |
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Figure 8-b:
The distribution of $ {\Delta \phi} $ in pp collisions after flavor process reweighting. Data are shown in solid points, while the stacked histograms show the contributions of different processes in PYTHIA 6 (see text for details). The bottom panel shows the difference between data and simulation (MC). |
Tables | |
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Table 1:
Absolute systematic uncertainties on $ < x_{\mathrm {J}} > $ for inclusive (upper sub-table) and b (lower sub-table) dijets. |
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Table 2:
Relative contributions of the three heavy-flavor production sub-processes in PYTHIA 6 to the jet pair categories, as well as the relative abundance of the three categories in data and simulation. |
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Table 3:
Contributions of the three production processes to selected dijets in PYTHIA 6 before and after reweighting. |
Summary |
In this paper, transverse momentum ($ {p_{\mathrm{T}}} $) correlations of b quark jet pairs (b dijets) have been measured in PbPb collisions for the first time, and compared to results from pp collisions. In pp collisions, a similar $ {p_{\mathrm{T}}} $ balance distribution was observed for inclusive dijets and b dijets. For the latter case, POWHEG was found to give a better description than PYTHIA 6 alone (without reweighting), suggesting that next-to-leading order effects are important for the modeling of this observable. This should be taken into consideration for models of parton energy loss in nucleus-nucleus collisions, which often use leading order calculations or generators as input. In PbPb collisions the net $ {p_{\mathrm{T}}} $ imbalance was observed to be larger in the most central collisions for b dijets, as had already been observed for inclusive dijets. This effect can be understood to originate from the energy loss of partons in the quark-gluon plasma. In the most central bin, the observed quenching effect is of comparable magnitude for b dijets and for inclusive dijets, the latter of which contains a mixture of quark and gluon jets. Insofar as parton energy loss is thought to depend on the type of parton that initiates the parton shower, this measurement can place constraints on the underlying dynamics of the interaction of the parton with the quark-gluon plasma. |
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Compact Muon Solenoid LHC, CERN |
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