CMS-EXO-13-001 ; CERN-EP-2016-187 | ||
Search for new phenomena in events with high jet multiplicity and low missing transverse momentum in proton-proton collisions at $\sqrt{s} = $ 8 TeV | ||
CMS Collaboration | ||
3 August 2016 | ||
Phys. Lett. B 770 (2017) 257 | ||
Abstract: A dedicated search is presented for new phenomena in inclusive eight- and ten-jet final states with low missing transverse momentum, with and without identification of jets originating from b quarks. The analysis is based on data from proton-proton collisions corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 19.6 fb$^{-1}$ collected with the CMS detector at the LHC at $\sqrt{s} =$ 8 TeV. The dominant multijet background expectations are obtained from low jet multiplicity control samples. Data agree well with the standard model background predictions, and limits are set in several benchmark models. Colorons (axigluons) with masses between 0.6 and 0.75 (up to 1.15) TeV are excluded at 95% confidence level. Similar exclusion limits for gluinos in $R$-parity violating supersymmetric scenarios are from 0.6 up to 1.1 TeV. These results comprise the first experimental probe of the coloron and axigluon models in multijet final states. | ||
Links: e-print arXiv:1608.01224 [hep-ex] (PDF) ; CDS record ; inSPIRE record ; CADI line (restricted) ; |
Figures & Tables | Summary | Additional Figures | References | CMS Publications |
Figures | |
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Figure 1:
Left : the dominant Feynman diagram representing the $s$-channel pair production of color-octet vector bosons, subsequently decaying into spin-0 particles and finally to gluons. The vector bosons can be colorons C or axigluons A, while the spin-0 particles can be pseudoscalar hyperpions $\tilde{\pi}$ or scalar particles $\sigma $. Right : the second decay mode of an axigluon considered in this analysis, involving a heavy quark Q and a pseudogoldstone boson $\eta $ with Higgs-like couplings. |
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Figure 1-a:
The dominant Feynman diagram representing the $s$-channel pair production of color-octet vector bosons, subsequently decaying into spin-0 particles and finally to gluons. The vector bosons can be colorons C or axigluons A, while the spin-0 particles can be pseudoscalar hyperpions $\tilde{\pi}$ or scalar particles $\sigma $. |
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Figure 1-b:
The second decay mode of an axigluon considered in this analysis, involving a heavy quark Q and a pseudogoldstone boson $\eta $ with Higgs-like couplings. |
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Figure 2:
Gluino decay modes in the RPV SUSY scenario considered. Depending on the RPV coupling and the nature of the squark, zero (top left), one (top right), two (bottom left), or three (bottom right) b quarks can be present in each decay. |
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Figure 2-a:
One gluino decay mode in the RPV SUSY scenario considered. Depending on the RPV coupling and the nature of the squark, zero b quark can be present in each decay. |
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Figure 2-b:
One gluino decay mode in the RPV SUSY scenario considered. Depending on the RPV coupling and the nature of the squark, one b quark can be present in each decay. |
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Figure 2-c:
One gluino decay mode in the RPV SUSY scenario considered. Depending on the RPV coupling and the nature of the squark, two b quarks can be present in each decay. |
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Figure 2-d:
One gluino decay mode in the RPV SUSY scenario considered. Depending on the RPV coupling and the nature of the squark, three b quarks can be present in each decay. |
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Figure 3:
The $ {H_{\mathrm {T}}} $ distributions in data (points), background estimated from data (blue thick solid line in the upper panels) with its uncertainty (gray shaded band), and representative signal model predictions (histograms). Top left: eight or more jets, no b tagging requirement, with the coloron ($\Gamma _\mathrm {C}/M_\mathrm {C} =$ 20%, $M_{\tilde{\pi} } = M_\mathrm {C}/3$) and axigluon A1 ($\Gamma _\mathrm {A}/M_\mathrm {A} =$ 15%, $M_{\sigma /\tilde{\pi} } = M_\mathrm {A}/3$) signals overlaid. Top right: eight or more jets, one or more b-tagged jets, with the A2 ($\Gamma _\mathrm {A}/M_\mathrm {A} =$ 15%, $M_{\sigma /\tilde{\pi} } = M_\mathrm {A}/3$) axigluon signal points overlaid. Bottom left (right): ten or more jets without b tagging requirement (with one or more b-tagged jets), with RPV SUSY gluino signals overlaid. The lower panels show the distribution of the quantity (Data $-$ Fit)/Fit. The error bars on the plotted values indicate the statistical uncertainty associated with the data, and the shaded band indicates the systematic uncertainty. |
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Figure 3-a:
The $ {H_{\mathrm {T}}} $ distribution in data (points), background estimated from data (blue thick solid line in the upper panels) with its uncertainty (gray shaded band), and representative signal model predictions (histograms) with eight or more jets, no b tagging requirement, with the coloron ($\Gamma _\mathrm {C}/M_\mathrm {C} =$ 20%, $M_{\tilde{\pi} } = M_\mathrm {C}/3$) and axigluon A1 ($\Gamma _\mathrm {A}/M_\mathrm {A} =$ 15%, $M_{\sigma /\tilde{\pi} } = M_\mathrm {A}/3$) signals overlaid. The lower panel shows the distribution of the quantity (Data $-$ Fit)/Fit. The error bars on the plotted values indicate the statistical uncertainty associated with the data, and the shaded band indicates the systematic uncertainty. |
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Figure 3-b:
The $ {H_{\mathrm {T}}} $ distribution in data (points), background estimated from data (blue thick solid line in the upper panels) with its uncertainty (gray shaded band), and representative signal model predictions (histograms) with eight or more jets, one or more b-tagged jets, with the A2 ($\Gamma _\mathrm {A}/M_\mathrm {A} =$ 15%, $M_{\sigma /\tilde{\pi} } = M_\mathrm {A}/3$) axigluon signal points overlaid. The lower panel shows the distribution of the quantity (Data $-$ Fit)/Fit. The error bars on the plotted values indicate the statistical uncertainty associated with the data, and the shaded band indicates the systematic uncertainty. |
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Figure 3-c:
The $ {H_{\mathrm {T}}} $ distribution in data (points), background estimated from data (blue thick solid line in the upper panels) with its uncertainty (gray shaded band), and representative signal model predictions (histograms) ten or more jets without b tagging requirement, with RPV SUSY gluino signals overlaid. The lower panel shows the distribution of the quantity (Data $-$ Fit)/Fit. The error bars on the plotted values indicate the statistical uncertainty associated with the data, and the shaded band indicates the systematic uncertainty. |
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Figure 3-d:
The $ {H_{\mathrm {T}}} $ distribution in data (points), background estimated from data (blue thick solid line in the upper panels) with its uncertainty (gray shaded band), and representative signal model predictions (histograms) ten or more jets with one or more b-tagged jets, with RPV SUSY gluino signals overlaid. The lower panel shows the distribution of the quantity (Data $-$ Fit)/Fit. The error bars on the plotted values indicate the statistical uncertainty associated with the data, and the shaded band indicates the systematic uncertainty. |
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Figure 4:
Upper limits at 95% CL on the signal cross section times branching fraction, as a function of coloron mass $M_\mathrm {C}$, assuming a width of 20% and a hyperpion mass $M_{\tilde{\pi} }$ equal to $M_\mathrm {C}/3$. The observed cross section limits (points) are compared with the expected limit (dashed line) and the one and two standard deviation uncertainty bands. The cross section for coloron pair production (dashed red line) is also shown. |
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Figure 5:
Upper limits at 95% CL on signal cross section times branching fraction, as a function of axigluon mass $M_\mathrm {A}$, assuming a width of 10% (top) or 15% (bottom) and a decay according to the A1 model. Left: for equal scalar and pseudoscalar particle masses ($M_{\sigma } = M_{\tilde{\pi} } = M_\mathrm {A}/4$); Right: for $M_{\sigma } = M_{\tilde{\pi} } = M_\mathrm {A}/3$. The observed cross section limits (points) are compared with the expected limit (dashed line) and the one and two standard deviation uncertainty bands. The cross section for axigluon pair production (dashed red line) is also shown. |
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Figure 5-a:
Upper limits at $95%$ CL on signal cross section times branching fraction, as a function of axigluon mass $M_\mathrm {A}$, assuming a width of 10% and a decay according to the A1 model, for equal scalar and pseudoscalar particle masses ($M_{\sigma } = M_{\tilde{\pi} } = M_\mathrm {A}/4$). The observed cross section limits (points) are compared with the expected limit (dashed line) and the one and two standard deviation uncertainty bands. The cross section for axigluon pair production (dashed red line) is also shown. |
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Figure 5-b:
Upper limits at $95%$ CL on signal cross section times branching fraction, as a function of axigluon mass $M_\mathrm {A}$, assuming a width of 10% (top) or 15% (bottom) and a decay according to the A1 model, for $M_{\sigma } = M_{\tilde{\pi} } = M_\mathrm {A}/3$. The observed cross section limits (points) are compared with the expected limit (dashed line) and the one and two standard deviation uncertainty bands. The cross section for axigluon pair production (dashed red line) is also shown. |
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Figure 5-c:
Upper limits at $95%$ CL on signal cross section times branching fraction, as a function of axigluon mass $M_\mathrm {A}$, assuming a width of 15% and a decay according to the A1 model, for equal scalar and pseudoscalar particle masses ($M_{\sigma } = M_{\tilde{\pi} } = M_\mathrm {A}/4$). The observed cross section limits (points) are compared with the expected limit (dashed line) and the one and two standard deviation uncertainty bands. The cross section for axigluon pair production (dashed red line) is also shown. |
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Figure 5-d:
Upper limits at $95%$ CL on signal cross section times branching fraction, as a function of axigluon mass $M_\mathrm {A}$, assuming a width of 15% (top) or 15% (bottom) and a decay according to the A1 model, for $M_{\sigma } = M_{\tilde{\pi} } = M_\mathrm {A}/3$. The observed cross section limits (points) are compared with the expected limit (dashed line) and the one and two standard deviation uncertainty bands. The cross section for axigluon pair production (dashed red line) is also shown. |
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Figure 6:
Upper limits at $95%$ CL on signal cross section times branching fraction, as a function of axigluon mass $M_\mathrm {A}$, assuming a width of 3.5% (left) and 10% (right) of $M_\mathrm {A}$, and a decay according to the A2 model. The observed cross section limits (points) are compared with the expected limit (dashed line) and the one and two standard deviation uncertainty bands. The cross section for axigluon pair production (dashed red line) is also shown. |
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Figure 6-a:
Upper limits at $95%$ CL on signal cross section times branching fraction, as a function of axigluon mass $M_\mathrm {A}$, assuming a width of 3.5% of $M_\mathrm {A}$, and a decay according to the A2 model. The observed cross section limits (points) are compared with the expected limit (dashed line) and the one and two standard deviation uncertainty bands. The cross section for axigluon pair production (dashed red line) is also shown. |
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Figure 6-b:
Upper limits at $95%$ CL on signal cross section times branching fraction, as a function of axigluon mass $M_\mathrm {A}$, assuming a width of 10% of $M_\mathrm {A}$, and a decay according to the A2 model. The observed cross section limits (points) are compared with the expected limit (dashed line) and the one and two standard deviation uncertainty bands. The cross section for axigluon pair production (dashed red line) is also shown. |
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Figure 7:
Upper limits at 95% CL on the signal cross section times branching fraction, as a function of the gluino mass $M_{ \tilde{\mathrm{g}} }$ and squark mass $M_{ \tilde{\mathrm{q}} }$ for the pair-produced gluino model with RPV decays in the final states qqqqq (G1, top left), qqqqb (G2, top right), qqqbb (G3, bottom left), and qqbbb (G4, bottom right). The observed limit (black long-dashed lines) is compared to the expected limit (red short-dashed lines) with the one standard deviation theoretical uncertainty in the observed limit (black dashed lines) and the one standard deviation statistical and systematic uncertainties combined in the expected limits (red dashed lines). The gluino pair production cross sections are shown with the color scale. |
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Figure 7-a:
Upper limits at 95% CL on the signal cross section times branching fraction, as a function of the gluino mass $M_{ \tilde{\mathrm{g}} }$ and squark mass $M_{ \tilde{\mathrm{q}} }$ for the pair-produced gluino model with RPV decays in the final states qqqqq (G1). The observed limit (black long-dashed lines) is compared to the expected limit (red short-dashed lines) with the one standard deviation theoretical uncertainty in the observed limit (black dashed lines) and the one standard deviation statistical and systematic uncertainties combined in the expected limits (red dashed lines). The gluino pair production cross sections are shown with the color scale. |
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Figure 7-b:
Upper limits at 95% CL on the signal cross section times branching fraction, as a function of the gluino mass $M_{ \tilde{\mathrm{g}} }$ and squark mass $M_{ \tilde{\mathrm{q}} }$ for the pair-produced gluino model with RPV decays in the final states qqqqb (G2). The observed limit (black long-dashed lines) is compared to the expected limit (red short-dashed lines) with the one standard deviation theoretical uncertainty in the observed limit (black dashed lines) and the one standard deviation statistical and systematic uncertainties combined in the expected limits (red dashed lines). The gluino pair production cross sections are shown with the color scale. |
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Figure 7-c:
Upper limits at 95% CL on the signal cross section times branching fraction, as a function of the gluino mass $M_{ \tilde{\mathrm{g}} }$ and squark mass $M_{ \tilde{\mathrm{q}} }$ for the pair-produced gluino model with RPV decays in the final states qqqbb (G3). The observed limit (black long-dashed lines) is compared to the expected limit (red short-dashed lines) with the one standard deviation theoretical uncertainty in the observed limit (black dashed lines) and the one standard deviation statistical and systematic uncertainties combined in the expected limits (red dashed lines). The gluino pair production cross sections are shown with the color scale. |
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Figure 7-d:
Upper limits at 95% CL on the signal cross section times branching fraction, as a function of the gluino mass $M_{ \tilde{\mathrm{g}} }$ and squark mass $M_{ \tilde{\mathrm{q}} }$ for the pair-produced gluino model with RPV decays in the final states qqbbb (G4). The observed limit (black long-dashed lines) is compared to the expected limit (red short-dashed lines) with the one standard deviation theoretical uncertainty in the observed limit (black dashed lines) and the one standard deviation statistical and systematic uncertainties combined in the expected limits (red dashed lines). The gluino pair production cross sections are shown with the color scale. |
Tables | |
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Table 1:
Definition of signal regions used in the analysis, and models probed by each signal region. |
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Table 2:
Summary of systematic uncertainties in the signal yields and background yields. |
Summary |
A search has been performed for pair production of color-octet vector boson resonances and of gluinos in an RPV SUSY model, in inclusive eight- and ten-jet final states. The search is based on data from proton-proton collisions at $ \sqrt{s} = $ 8 TeV corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 19.6 fb$^{-1}$ collected by the CMS experiment at the LHC. The scalar sum of the transverse momenta of the jets is used as a discriminating variable, with additional requirements placed on event sphericity and b-tagged jet multiplicity. The dominant QCD multijet background is estimated from control samples at lower multiplicity, without any reliance on simulation. No significant deviation from the standard model background predictions has been observed. Upper limits at 95% confidence level on the cross section times branching fraction have been set for several signal scenarios. The cross section limits have been compared to specific coloron, axigluon, and gluino pair production cross sections. For the coloron and axigluon models, the lowest excluded mass is 0.6 TeV, while the highest excluded mass ranges from 0.75 to 1.15 TeV. For the RPV SUSY model, the lowest excluded mass is 0.6 TeV, while the highest excluded mass is 1.1 TeV. Models with colorons and axigluons decaying in multijet final states are probed experimentally for the first time. |
Additional Figures | |
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Additional Figure 1:
The $H_{\rm T}$ spectrum invariance after the $S > $ 0.1 or b tagging requirements. The relative difference between the observed number of events in the spectra with inclusive jet multiplicity of eight (top row) and ten (bottom row) and the observed number of events in the exclusive $N$ jet spectra for $N = $ 4, 5, and 6 (top row) or $N = $ 4, 6, and 8 (bottom row). The exclusive jet spectrum is normalized to the inclusive one in the first bin. The left (right) column corresponds to the $S > $ 0.1 requirement in the inclusive jet samples (the $\ge $1 b-tagged jet requirement in both inclusive and exclusive samples). The shaded band shows the relative systematic uncertainty in the background prediction. The error bars correspond to the statistical uncertainties in the ratio. |
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Additional Figure 1-a:
The $H_{\rm T}$ spectrum invariance after the $S > $ 0.1 or b tagging requirements. The relative difference between the observed number of events in the spectra with inclusive jet multiplicity of eight and the observed number of events in the exclusive $N$ jet spectra for $N = $ 4, 5, and 6. The exclusive jet spectrum is normalized to the inclusive one in the first bin. The plot corresponds to the $S > $ 0.1 requirement in the inclusive jet samples. The shaded band shows the relative systematic uncertainty in the background prediction. The error bars correspond to the statistical uncertainties in the ratio. |
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Additional Figure 1-b:
The $H_{\rm T}$ spectrum invariance after the $S > $ 0.1 or b tagging requirements. The relative difference between the observed number of events in the spectra with inclusive jet multiplicity of eight and the observed number of events in the exclusive $N$ jet spectra for $N = $ 4, 5, and 6. The exclusive jet spectrum is normalized to the inclusive one in the first bin. The plot corresponds to the $S > $ 0.1 requirement in the inclusive jet samples. The shaded band shows the relative systematic uncertainty in the background prediction. The error bars correspond to the statistical uncertainties in the ratio. |
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Additional Figure 1-c:
The $H_{\rm T}$ spectrum invariance after the $S > $ 0.1 or b tagging requirements. The relative difference between the observed number of events in the spectra with inclusive jet multiplicity of ten and the observed number of events in the exclusive $N$ jet spectra for $N = $ 4, 6, and 8. The exclusive jet spectrum is normalized to the inclusive one in the first bin. The plot corresponds to the $\ge $1 b-tagged jet requirement in both inclusive and exclusive samples. The shaded band shows the relative systematic uncertainty in the background prediction. The error bars correspond to the statistical uncertainties in the ratio. |
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Additional Figure 1-d:
The $H_{\rm T}$ spectrum invariance after the $S > $ 0.1 or b tagging requirements. The relative difference between the observed number of events in the spectra with inclusive jet multiplicity of ten and the observed number of events in the exclusive $N$ jet spectra for $N = $ 4, 6, and 8. The exclusive jet spectrum is normalized to the inclusive one in the first bin. The plot corresponds to the $\ge $1 b-tagged jet requirement in both inclusive and exclusive samples. The shaded band shows the relative systematic uncertainty in the background prediction. The error bars correspond to the statistical uncertainties in the ratio. |
References | ||||
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Compact Muon Solenoid LHC, CERN |
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