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CMS logoCMS event Hgg
Compact Muon Solenoid

CMS-QCD-10-016 ; CMS-EXO-10-009 ; CERN-PH-EP-2010-092
Measurement of Dijet Angular Distributions and Search for Quark Compositeness in pp Collisions at s = 7 TeV
Phys. Rev. Lett. 106 (2011) 201804
Abstract: Dijet angular distributions are measured over a wide range of dijet invariant masses in pp collisions at s = 7 TeV, at the CERN LHC. The event sample, recorded with the CMS detector, corresponds to an integrated luminosity of 36 inverse picobarns. The data are found to be in good agreement with the predictions of perturbative QCD, and yield no evidence of quark compositeness. With a modified frequentist approach, a lower limit on the contact interaction scale for left-handed quarks of Lambda = 5.6 TeV is obtained at the 95% confidence level.
Figures CMS Publications

Figure 1:
Normalized dijet angular distributions in several Mjj ranges, shifted vertically by the additive amounts given in parentheses in the figure for clarity. The data points include statistical and systematic uncertainties. The results are compared with the predictions of pQCD at NLO (shaded band) and with the predictions including a contact interaction term of compositeness scale Λ+= 5 TeV (dashed histogram) and Λ= 5 TeV (dotted histogram). The shaded band shows the effect on the NLO pQCD predictions due to μr and μf scale variations and PDF uncertainties, as well as the uncertainties from the non-perturbative corrections added in quadrature.

Figure 2:
Observed CLs (solid line) and expected CLs (dashed line) with one (two) standard deviation(s) indicated by the dark (light) band as a function of the contact interaction scale Λ+. The 95% confidence level limits on Λ+ are extracted from the intersections of the observed and expected CLs lines with the horizontal line at CLs= 0.05.
Compact Muon Solenoid