CMS-PAS-TOP-15-015 | ||
Measurement of the jet mass distribution in boosted $\mathrm{t}\bar{\mathrm{t}}$ production at $\sqrt{s}= $ 8 TeV | ||
CMS Collaboration | ||
September 2016 | ||
Abstract: A first measurement is performed of the differential $\mathrm{t}\bar{\mathrm{t}}$ production cross section as a function of the leading jet mass in fully-merged top quark decays. Data collected with the CMS detector in pp collisions at $\sqrt{s}= $ 8 TeV are used, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 19.7 fb$^{-1}$. The measurement is carried out in the $\ell$+jets channel, where the products of the leptonic decay are used to select $\mathrm{t}\bar{\mathrm{t}}$ events with high Lorentz boosts. The products of the hadronic decay are reconstructed with a single Cambridge/Aachen jet with distance parameter $R= $ 1.2, and transverse momentum $p_{\mathrm{T}}> $ 400 GeV. The cross section, as a function of the jet mass $m_{\rm{jet}}$, is unfolded and reported on particle level. The measurement is used to test the modelling of boosted top quark production. The peak position of the $m_{\rm{jet}}$ distribution is sensitive to the top quark mass $m_\text{t}$ and the data are used to extract a value of $m_\text{t}$ to assess the measurement's sensitivity. | ||
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These preliminary results are superseded in this paper, EPJC 77 (2017) 467. The superseded preliminary plots can be found here. |
Figures | |
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Figure 1:
Simulated jet mass distribution of the leading jet in the $\ell $+jets channel on particle level. The events were simulated with POWHEG+PYTHIA and are normalized to an integrated luminosity of 19.7 fb$^{-1}$. The total number of selected events (total, black solid line) is compared to events where the leading jet originates from the hadronic top quark decay (fully-merged, blue solid line) and events where the leading jet does not include all particles from the hadronic top quark decay (unmerged, orange dotted line). |
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Figure 2:
Distributions of $ {p_{\mathrm {T}}} $ (left) and $\eta $ (right) of the leading CA12 jet in data and simulation. The combination of the electron and muon channels is shown. The ${\mathrm{ t } {}\mathrm{ \bar{t} } } $ sample is scaled such that the number of events in simulation matches the number of events observed in data. The uncertainty band includes statistical and experimental systematic uncertainties, where the statistical (light grey) and total (dark grey) uncertainties are shown separately in the ratio. |
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Figure 2-a:
Distributions of $ {p_{\mathrm {T}}} $ of the leading CA12 jet in data and simulation. The combination of the electron and muon channels is shown. The ${\mathrm{ t } {}\mathrm{ \bar{t} } } $ sample is scaled such that the number of events in simulation matches the number of events observed in data. The uncertainty band includes statistical and experimental systematic uncertainties, where the statistical (light grey) and total (dark grey) uncertainties are shown separately in the ratio. |
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Figure 2-b:
Distributions of $\eta $ of the leading CA12 jet in data and simulation. The combination of the electron and muon channels is shown. The ${\mathrm{ t } {}\mathrm{ \bar{t} } } $ sample is scaled such that the number of events in simulation matches the number of events observed in data. The uncertainty band includes statistical and experimental systematic uncertainties, where the statistical (light grey) and total (dark grey) uncertainties are shown separately in the ratio. |
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Figure 3:
Distribution of the invariant mass of the leading CA12 jet in data and simulation. The combination of the electron and muon channels is shown. The distributions are shown for two different $ {p_{\mathrm {T}}} $ bins for 400 $ < {p_{\mathrm {T}}} < $ 500 GeV (left) and $ {p_{\mathrm {T}}} > $ 500 GeV (right). The ${\mathrm{ t } {}\mathrm{ \bar{t} } } $ sample is scaled such that the number of events in simulation matches the number of events observed in data. The uncertainty band includes statistical and experimental systematic uncertainties, where the statistical (light grey) and total (dark grey) uncertainties are shown separately in the ratio. |
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Figure 3-a:
Distribution of the invariant mass of the leading CA12 jet in data and simulation. The combination of the electron and muon channels is shown. The distributions are shown for two different $ {p_{\mathrm {T}}} $ bins for 400 $ < {p_{\mathrm {T}}} < $ 500 GeV. The ${\mathrm{ t } {}\mathrm{ \bar{t} } } $ sample is scaled such that the number of events in simulation matches the number of events observed in data. The uncertainty band includes statistical and experimental systematic uncertainties, where the statistical (light grey) and total (dark grey) uncertainties are shown separately in the ratio. |
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Figure 3-b:
Distribution of the invariant mass of the leading CA12 jet in data and simulation. The combination of the electron and muon channels is shown. The distributions are shown for two different $ {p_{\mathrm {T}}} $ bins for $ {p_{\mathrm {T}}} > $ 500 GeV. The ${\mathrm{ t } {}\mathrm{ \bar{t} } } $ sample is scaled such that the number of events in simulation matches the number of events observed in data. The uncertainty band includes statistical and experimental systematic uncertainties, where the statistical (light grey) and total (dark grey) uncertainties are shown separately in the ratio. |
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Figure 4:
Statistical uncertainties compared to individual experimental systematic uncertainties (left) and statistical uncertainties compared to uncertainties originating from the modelling of ${\mathrm{ t } {}\mathrm{ \bar{t} } }$ production (right) for the differential cross section measurement. The respective total uncertainty is shown as cross-hatched regions. The statistical and total uncertainties in the last bin are around 340% and exceed the vertical scale. The size of the horizontal bars represents the bin widths. |
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Figure 4-a:
Statistical uncertainties compared to individual experimental systematic uncertainties for the differential cross section measurement. The respective total uncertainty is shown as cross-hatched regions. The statistical and total uncertainties in the last bin are around 340% and exceed the vertical scale. The size of the horizontal bars represents the bin widths. |
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Figure 4-b:
Statistical uncertainties compared to uncertainties originating from the modelling of ${\mathrm{ t } {}\mathrm{ \bar{t} } }$ production for the differential cross section measurement. The respective total uncertainty is shown as cross-hatched regions. The statistical and total uncertainties in the last bin are around 340% and exceed the vertical scale. The size of the horizontal bars represents the bin widths. |
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Figure 5:
Fiducial particle-level differential ${\mathrm{ t } {}\mathrm{ \bar{t} } }$ production cross section as a function of the leading jet mass. The combined cross sections obtained from the electron and muon channels are compared to the predictions from MadGraph+PYTHIA, POWHEG+PYTHIA and MC@NLO+HERWIG. The data are shown with statistical (inner bars) and total (outer bars) uncertainties. |
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Figure 6:
Normalised particle-level differential ${\mathrm{ t } {}\mathrm{ \bar{t} } }$ production cross section in the fiducial region as a function of the leading jet mass. The measurement is compared to predictions from MadGraph+PYTHIA using three different values of ${m_{\text {t}}}$. The data are shown with statistical (inner bars) and total (outer bars) uncertainties. |
Tables | |
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Table 1:
Summary of the selection defining the fiducial measurement region. |
Summary |
A first measurement of the differential $\mathrm{ t \bar{t} }$ cross section as a function of the leading jet mass ${m_{\text{jet}}}$ in the boosted regime has been performed. The measurement is carried out in a fiducial region with fully-merged hadronic top quark decays and is corrected to the particle level. The shape of the ${m_{\text{jet}}}$ distribution agrees with predictions from simulations, showing the overall good modelling of the jet mass for top quarks. The total cross section for ${m_{\text{jet}}} $ between 140-350 GeV is 103.5 $\pm$ 18.2 fb, which is 20-30% lower than predicted due to the softer top quark $p_{\mathrm{T}}$ spectrum observed in data than in simulation [7,8]. The peak position of the ${m_{\text{jet}}}$ distribution exhibits sensitivity to the top quark mass ${m_{\text{t}}} $. This can be used for an independent determination of ${m_{\text{t}}}$ in the boosted regime, with the prospect of a more reliable resemblance between the pole-mass (or ${m_{\text{t}}}$ in any well-defined renormalisation scheme) and the top quark mass parameter ${m_{\text{t}}} $ in full-scale event generators. The normalised particle-level measurement of ${m_{\text{jet}}}$ is used to extract a value of ${m_{\text{t}}}$ to estimate the current sensitivity of the data. The value obtained, ${m_{\text{t}}} =$ 171.8 $\pm$ 9.5 GeV is consistent with the current LHC+Tevatron average, 173.34 $\pm$ 0.27 (stat) $\pm$ 0.71 (syst) GeV [99], albeit with a much larger uncertainty. New data at higher centre-of-mass energies with higher integrated luminosities will lead to an improvement in the statistical uncertainty. Larger statistics can also lead to improvements on the experimental systematic uncertainties, most notably on the jet mass scale, which is expected to improve with smaller jet distance parameters. Additionally, improvements on the modelling uncertainty are expected due to better constraints of the simulation in the boosted regime. A reduction of the theory uncertainty is foreseeable with the availability of higher order calculations. |
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Compact Muon Solenoid LHC, CERN |
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