CMS-PAS-SUS-23-002 | ||
Search for supersymmetric particle pair production in final states with two oppositely charged leptons and large missing transverse momentum in proton-proton collisions at √s= 13 TeV. | ||
CMS Collaboration | ||
25 July 2024 | ||
Abstract: A search for pair production of supersymmetric particles in events with two oppositely charged leptons (electrons or muons) and missing transverse momentum is reported. The data sample corresponds to an integrated luminosity of 138 fb−1 of proton-proton collisions at √s= 13 TeV collected with the CMS detector at the LHC. No significant deviation is observed from the predicted standard model background. The results are interpreted in terms of several simplified models for chargino or slepton pair production, assuming R-parity conservation and with the neutralino as the lightest supersymmetric particle. For the chargino production, an exclusion region in the (m˜χ±1,m˜χ01) plane is determined, extending to chargino masses of 1100 GeV and neutralino masses of 480 GeV, while slepton masses are excluded up to 700 GeV and neutralino masses up to 360 GeV. | ||
Links: CDS record (PDF) ; CADI line (restricted) ; |
Figures | |
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Figure 1:
Simplified-model diagrams of chargino pair production with two benchmark decay modes: the left plot shows decays through intermediate sleptons or sneutrinos, while the right one displays prompt decays into a W boson and the lightest neutralino. |
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Figure 1-a:
Simplified-model diagrams of chargino pair production with two benchmark decay modes: the left plot shows decays through intermediate sleptons or sneutrinos, while the right one displays prompt decays into a W boson and the lightest neutralino. |
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Figure 1-b:
Simplified-model diagrams of chargino pair production with two benchmark decay modes: the left plot shows decays through intermediate sleptons or sneutrinos, while the right one displays prompt decays into a W boson and the lightest neutralino. |
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Figure 2:
Simplified-model diagram of charged slepton pair production. We focus on a scenario where each slepton decays into a charged lepton and a neutralino. |
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Figure 3:
Distributions of mT2(ℓℓ) after the fit to data for DF events in the chargino/slepton SRs. The first two rows are for events without b-tagged jets and with 160 ≤pmissT< 220 GeV and 220 ≤pmissT< 280 GeV, respectively, further divided in events with no jets (left plots) or with at least one jet (right plots). The last row is for events without b-tagged jets and with 280 ≤pmissT< 380 GeV (left plot) and pmissT≥ 380 GeV (right plot). The grey histogram shows the expected mT2(ℓℓ) distribution for chargino pair production with m˜χ±1= 800 GeV and m˜χ01= 200 GeV. The expected total SM contributions before the fit (cyan dashed line) is also shown. The last bin includes the overflow entries. In the bottom panel, the ratio of data and SM expectations is shown for the expected total SM contribution after the fit using the background-only hypothesis (black dots) and before any fit (cyn dashed line). The hatched band represents the total uncertainty after the fit. |
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Figure 3-a:
Distributions of mT2(ℓℓ) after the fit to data for DF events in the chargino/slepton SRs. The first two rows are for events without b-tagged jets and with 160 ≤pmissT< 220 GeV and 220 ≤pmissT< 280 GeV, respectively, further divided in events with no jets (left plots) or with at least one jet (right plots). The last row is for events without b-tagged jets and with 280 ≤pmissT< 380 GeV (left plot) and pmissT≥ 380 GeV (right plot). The grey histogram shows the expected mT2(ℓℓ) distribution for chargino pair production with m˜χ±1= 800 GeV and m˜χ01= 200 GeV. The expected total SM contributions before the fit (cyan dashed line) is also shown. The last bin includes the overflow entries. In the bottom panel, the ratio of data and SM expectations is shown for the expected total SM contribution after the fit using the background-only hypothesis (black dots) and before any fit (cyn dashed line). The hatched band represents the total uncertainty after the fit. |
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Figure 3-b:
Distributions of mT2(ℓℓ) after the fit to data for DF events in the chargino/slepton SRs. The first two rows are for events without b-tagged jets and with 160 ≤pmissT< 220 GeV and 220 ≤pmissT< 280 GeV, respectively, further divided in events with no jets (left plots) or with at least one jet (right plots). The last row is for events without b-tagged jets and with 280 ≤pmissT< 380 GeV (left plot) and pmissT≥ 380 GeV (right plot). The grey histogram shows the expected mT2(ℓℓ) distribution for chargino pair production with m˜χ±1= 800 GeV and m˜χ01= 200 GeV. The expected total SM contributions before the fit (cyan dashed line) is also shown. The last bin includes the overflow entries. In the bottom panel, the ratio of data and SM expectations is shown for the expected total SM contribution after the fit using the background-only hypothesis (black dots) and before any fit (cyn dashed line). The hatched band represents the total uncertainty after the fit. |
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Figure 3-c:
Distributions of mT2(ℓℓ) after the fit to data for DF events in the chargino/slepton SRs. The first two rows are for events without b-tagged jets and with 160 ≤pmissT< 220 GeV and 220 ≤pmissT< 280 GeV, respectively, further divided in events with no jets (left plots) or with at least one jet (right plots). The last row is for events without b-tagged jets and with 280 ≤pmissT< 380 GeV (left plot) and pmissT≥ 380 GeV (right plot). The grey histogram shows the expected mT2(ℓℓ) distribution for chargino pair production with m˜χ±1= 800 GeV and m˜χ01= 200 GeV. The expected total SM contributions before the fit (cyan dashed line) is also shown. The last bin includes the overflow entries. In the bottom panel, the ratio of data and SM expectations is shown for the expected total SM contribution after the fit using the background-only hypothesis (black dots) and before any fit (cyn dashed line). The hatched band represents the total uncertainty after the fit. |
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Figure 3-d:
Distributions of mT2(ℓℓ) after the fit to data for DF events in the chargino/slepton SRs. The first two rows are for events without b-tagged jets and with 160 ≤pmissT< 220 GeV and 220 ≤pmissT< 280 GeV, respectively, further divided in events with no jets (left plots) or with at least one jet (right plots). The last row is for events without b-tagged jets and with 280 ≤pmissT< 380 GeV (left plot) and pmissT≥ 380 GeV (right plot). The grey histogram shows the expected mT2(ℓℓ) distribution for chargino pair production with m˜χ±1= 800 GeV and m˜χ01= 200 GeV. The expected total SM contributions before the fit (cyan dashed line) is also shown. The last bin includes the overflow entries. In the bottom panel, the ratio of data and SM expectations is shown for the expected total SM contribution after the fit using the background-only hypothesis (black dots) and before any fit (cyn dashed line). The hatched band represents the total uncertainty after the fit. |
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Figure 3-e:
Distributions of mT2(ℓℓ) after the fit to data for DF events in the chargino/slepton SRs. The first two rows are for events without b-tagged jets and with 160 ≤pmissT< 220 GeV and 220 ≤pmissT< 280 GeV, respectively, further divided in events with no jets (left plots) or with at least one jet (right plots). The last row is for events without b-tagged jets and with 280 ≤pmissT< 380 GeV (left plot) and pmissT≥ 380 GeV (right plot). The grey histogram shows the expected mT2(ℓℓ) distribution for chargino pair production with m˜χ±1= 800 GeV and m˜χ01= 200 GeV. The expected total SM contributions before the fit (cyan dashed line) is also shown. The last bin includes the overflow entries. In the bottom panel, the ratio of data and SM expectations is shown for the expected total SM contribution after the fit using the background-only hypothesis (black dots) and before any fit (cyn dashed line). The hatched band represents the total uncertainty after the fit. |
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Figure 3-f:
Distributions of mT2(ℓℓ) after the fit to data for DF events in the chargino/slepton SRs. The first two rows are for events without b-tagged jets and with 160 ≤pmissT< 220 GeV and 220 ≤pmissT< 280 GeV, respectively, further divided in events with no jets (left plots) or with at least one jet (right plots). The last row is for events without b-tagged jets and with 280 ≤pmissT< 380 GeV (left plot) and pmissT≥ 380 GeV (right plot). The grey histogram shows the expected mT2(ℓℓ) distribution for chargino pair production with m˜χ±1= 800 GeV and m˜χ01= 200 GeV. The expected total SM contributions before the fit (cyan dashed line) is also shown. The last bin includes the overflow entries. In the bottom panel, the ratio of data and SM expectations is shown for the expected total SM contribution after the fit using the background-only hypothesis (black dots) and before any fit (cyn dashed line). The hatched band represents the total uncertainty after the fit. |
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Figure 4:
The same distributions of mT2(ℓℓ) as Fig. 3, but for SF events. |
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Figure 4-a:
The same distributions of mT2(ℓℓ) as Fig. 3, but for SF events. |
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Figure 4-b:
The same distributions of mT2(ℓℓ) as Fig. 3, but for SF events. |
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Figure 4-c:
The same distributions of mT2(ℓℓ) as Fig. 3, but for SF events. |
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Figure 4-d:
The same distributions of mT2(ℓℓ) as Fig. 3, but for SF events. |
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Figure 4-e:
The same distributions of mT2(ℓℓ) as Fig. 3, but for SF events. |
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Figure 4-f:
The same distributions of mT2(ℓℓ) as Fig. 3, but for SF events. |
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Figure 5:
Upper limits at 95% CL on the chargino pair production cross section as a function of the chargino and neutralino masses. The plot on the left shows the results when the chargino undergoes a cascade decay ˜χ±1→˜ℓν(ℓ˜ν)→ℓν˜χ01. The plot on the right gives the limits assuming chargino decays into a neutralino and a W boson (˜χ±1→W˜χ01). Exclusion regions in the plane (m˜χ±1, m˜χ01) are determined by comparing the upper limits with the NLO+NLL production cross sections. The thick dashed red line shows the expected exclusion region. The thin dashed (dotted) red lines show the 1 (2) σ variation of the expected exclusion regions due to the experimental uncertainties. The thick black line shows the observed exclusion region, while the thin black lines show the variation of the observed exclusion regions due to the theoretical uncertainties in the production cross section. |
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Figure 5-a:
Upper limits at 95% CL on the chargino pair production cross section as a function of the chargino and neutralino masses. The plot on the left shows the results when the chargino undergoes a cascade decay ˜χ±1→˜ℓν(ℓ˜ν)→ℓν˜χ01. The plot on the right gives the limits assuming chargino decays into a neutralino and a W boson (˜χ±1→W˜χ01). Exclusion regions in the plane (m˜χ±1, m˜χ01) are determined by comparing the upper limits with the NLO+NLL production cross sections. The thick dashed red line shows the expected exclusion region. The thin dashed (dotted) red lines show the 1 (2) σ variation of the expected exclusion regions due to the experimental uncertainties. The thick black line shows the observed exclusion region, while the thin black lines show the variation of the observed exclusion regions due to the theoretical uncertainties in the production cross section. |
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Figure 5-b:
Upper limits at 95% CL on the chargino pair production cross section as a function of the chargino and neutralino masses. The plot on the left shows the results when the chargino undergoes a cascade decay ˜χ±1→˜ℓν(ℓ˜ν)→ℓν˜χ01. The plot on the right gives the limits assuming chargino decays into a neutralino and a W boson (˜χ±1→W˜χ01). Exclusion regions in the plane (m˜χ±1, m˜χ01) are determined by comparing the upper limits with the NLO+NLL production cross sections. The thick dashed red line shows the expected exclusion region. The thin dashed (dotted) red lines show the 1 (2) σ variation of the expected exclusion regions due to the experimental uncertainties. The thick black line shows the observed exclusion region, while the thin black lines show the variation of the observed exclusion regions due to the theoretical uncertainties in the production cross section. |
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Figure 6:
Upper limits at 95% CL on slepton pair production cross section as a function of the slepton and neutralino masses. Exclusion regions in the plane (m˜ℓ, m˜χ01) are determined by comparing the upper limits with the NLO+NLL production cross sections. The thick dashed red line shows the expected exclusion region. The thin dashed (dotted) red lines show the 1 (2) σ variation of the expected exclusion regions due to the experimental uncertainties. The thick black line shows the observed exclusion region, while the thin black lines show the variation of the observed exclusion regions due to the theoretical uncertainties in the production cross section. |
Tables | |
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Table 1:
Baseline selection used in the searches for all the considered models. |
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Table 2:
Definition of the SRs for the chargino and slepton searches as a function of the pmissT value, the b-jet multiplicity and jet multiplicity, and the lepton pair channels. Also shown are the CRs with b-tagged jets used for the normalization of the t¯t and tW backgrounds. The last row shows the mT2(ℓℓ) binning used in the ML fit performed to extract the signal. |
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Table 3:
Sizes of systematic uncertainties in the predicted yields for SM processes. The first column shows the range of the uncertainties in the global background normalization across the different SRs. The second column quantifies the effect on the mT2(ℓℓ) shape. This is computed by taking the maximum variation across the mT2(ℓℓ) bins (after renormalizing for the global change of all the distribution) in each SR. The range of this variation across the SRs is given. |
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Table 4:
Same as in Table 3 for a representative signal mass hypothesis of chargino pair production. |
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Table 5:
Observed and expected yields of DF (upper half) and SF (lower half) events in the SRs for the chargino/slepton search. The quoted uncertainties in the background predictions include statistical and systematic contributions. |
Summary |
A search has been presented for new physics in events with two oppositely charged isolated leptons and missing transverse momentum in 138 fb−1 of proton-proton collision data collected by the CMS detector during the LHC operation at a center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV. No significant evidence for a deviation with respect to standard model predictions was observed. The results have been interpreted as upper limits on the cross sections of supersymmetric particle production for several simplified model spectra. Chargino pair production has been investigated in two possible decay modes. If the chargino is assumed to undergo a cascade decay through sleptons, an exclusion region in the (m˜χ±1, m˜χ01) plane is derived, extending to chargino masses of 1100 GeV and neutralino masses of 480 GeV. Lastly, slepton pair production has been considered, excluding slepton masses up to 700 GeV and neutralino masses up to 360 GeV. |
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Compact Muon Solenoid LHC, CERN |
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