CMS-PAS-HIG-16-031 | ||
Search for charged Higgs bosons with the $\mathrm{H}^{\pm}\rightarrow \tau^{\pm}\nu_{\tau}$ decay channel in the fully hadronic final state at $\sqrt{s} = $ 13 TeV | ||
CMS Collaboration | ||
October 2016 | ||
Abstract: A search for charged Higgs bosons in decays of $\mathrm{H}^{\pm}\rightarrow \tau^{\pm}\nu_{\tau}$ is presented both with mass larger than the top quark in the ${\rm pp} \rightarrow \mathrm{H}^{\pm}{\rm tb}$ production process, and lighter than the top quark in the ${\rm pp} \rightarrow \mathrm{H}^{\pm}\mathrm{W}^{\mp}{\rm b\bar{b}}$ channel. The fully hadronic final state is considered. The search is performed using the 2016 data collected by CMS at $\sqrt{s}= $ 13 TeV, and that correspond to a total integrated luminosity of 12.9 fb$^{-1}$. The observation agrees with the standard model prediction. Limits on the charged Higgs boson cross section times branching fraction are set for the mass range of 180 GeV $ < m_{\mathrm{H}^{\pm}} < $ 3 TeV, while limits on the branching fraction of top quark to charged Higgs boson are set in the mass range of 80 to 160 GeV, and results are interpreted in the context of two-Higgs-doublet models. | ||
Links: CDS record (PDF) ; inSPIRE record ; CADI line (restricted) ; |
Figures | |
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Figure 1:
Examples of charged Higgs boson ($\mathrm{H}^{\pm} $) production diagrams for the light-mass scenario as part of the decay of the top quark (left) and for the heavy mass scenario in association with top and bottom quark (right). |
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Figure 2:
Data/simulation of the trigger efficiency for the hadronic tau transverse momentum (left) and the missing transverse energy (right) parts of the ${ {\tau ^\text {h}}}$ plus $ E_{\mathrm{T}}^{\text{miss}} $ trigger, respectively. |
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Figure 2-a:
Data/simulation of the trigger efficiency for the hadronic tau transverse momentum part of the ${ {\tau ^\text {h}}}$ plus $ E_{\mathrm{T}}^{\text{miss}} $ trigger. |
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Figure 2-b:
Data/simulation of the trigger efficiency for the missing transverse energy part of the ${ {\tau ^\text {h}}}$ plus $ E_{\mathrm{T}}^{\text{miss}} $ trigger. |
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Figure 3:
Sketch of the plane $\Delta \phi ({ {\tau ^\text {h}}}, E_{\mathrm{T}}^{\text{miss}})$-$\Delta \phi ({ {\tau ^\text {h}}},j_n)$ and its connection to the $ {R_\text {bb}^\text {min}}$ variable (left), and the angular variable $ {R_\text {bb}^\text {min}}$ after the all selection except the self requirement (right); the data points (solid black) with their statistical uncertainty (solid lines) are compared to the background predictions split for the different contributions (filled histograms). |
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Figure 3-a:
Sketch of the plane $\Delta \phi ({ {\tau ^\text {h}}}, E_{\mathrm{T}}^{\text{miss}})$-$\Delta \phi ({ {\tau ^\text {h}}},j_n)$ and its connection to the $ {R_\text {bb}^\text {min}}$ variable. |
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Figure 3-b:
The angular variable $ {R_\text {bb}^\text {min}}$ after the all selection except the self requirement. The data points (solid black) with their statistical uncertainty (solid lines) are compared to the background predictions split for the different contributions (filled histograms). |
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Figure 4:
Sequential selection requirements in the high mass analysis comparing background predictions to data. |
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Figure 5:
The ${m_\text {T}}{}$ distribution in data compared to the post-fit background predictions for the low- (left) and high-mass (right) search selection. |
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Figure 5-a:
The ${m_\text {T}}{}$ distribution in data compared to the post-fit background predictions for the high-mass search selection. |
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Figure 5-b:
The ${m_\text {T}}{}$ distribution in data compared to the post-fit background predictions for the low- (left) and high-mass (right) search selection. |
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Figure 6:
The observed 95% CL exclusion limits (solid points) on $\mathcal {B}(\mathrm{ t } \rightarrow \mathrm{ b } \mathrm{H}^{\pm} ) \times \mathcal {B}(\mathrm{H}^{\pm} \rightarrow \tau ^{\pm }\nu _\tau )$ (left) and $\sigma (\mathrm{ p } \mathrm{ p } \rightarrow \mathrm{H}^{\pm} {\mathrm {W}}^{\mp }\mathrm{ b \bar{b} } )\times \mathcal {B}(\mathrm{H}^{\pm} \rightarrow \tau ^{\pm }\nu _\tau )$ (right) is compared to the expectations from the SM model (dashed line). The green (yellow) error bands represent one (two) standard deviations of the expected limit. |
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Figure 6-a:
The observed 95% CL exclusion limits (solid points) on $\mathcal {B}(\mathrm{ t } \rightarrow \mathrm{ b } \mathrm{H}^{\pm} ) \times \mathcal {B}(\mathrm{H}^{\pm} \rightarrow \tau ^{\pm }\nu _\tau )$ is compared to the expectations from the SM model (dashed line). The green (yellow) error bands represent one (two) standard deviations of the expected limit. |
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Figure 6-b:
The observed 95% CL exclusion limits (solid points) on $\sigma (\mathrm{ p } \mathrm{ p } \rightarrow \mathrm{H}^{\pm} {\mathrm {W}}^{\mp }\mathrm{ b \bar{b} } )\times \mathcal {B}(\mathrm{H}^{\pm} \rightarrow \tau ^{\pm }\nu _\tau )$ is compared to the expectations from the SM model (dashed line). The green (yellow) error bands represent one (two) standard deviations of the expected limit. |
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Figure 7:
Exclusion limits in the $ {m_{\mathrm{ H } ^\pm }}$-$\tan\beta $ plane in the context of the $m_{\mathrm{h}}^{\text{mod+}}$ model, for the low mass search (left) and the high mass search (right). |
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Figure 7-a:
Exclusion limits in the $ {m_{\mathrm{ H } ^\pm }}$-$\tan\beta $ plane in the context of the $m_{\mathrm{h}}^{\text{mod+}}$ model, for the low mass search. |
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Figure 7-b:
Exclusion limits in the $ {m_{\mathrm{ H } ^\pm }}$-$\tan\beta $ plane in the context of the $m_{\mathrm{h}}^{\text{mod+}}$ model, for the high mass search. |
Tables | |
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Table 1:
Number of selected events for the low-mass and high-mass searches in data and corresponding predictions for the 2016 data-taking periods. |
Summary |
We presented a search for charged Higgs bosons decaying to $\mathrm{H}^{\pm}\rightarrow \tau^{\pm}\nu_\tau$ in the fully hadronic final state. The charged Higgs bosons can be produced in top quark decays $pp\rightarrow \mathrm{H}^{\pm}\mathrm{W}^{\mp}\mathrm{b }\mathrm{ \bar{b} }$, if the charged Higgs boson is lighter than the top quark, or via direct production ${\rm pp} \rightarrow \mathrm{t }(\mathrm{b })\mathrm{H}^{\pm}$ in association with a top quark at high masses. In both cases the experimental final state is similar. The search is performed using data collected in 2016 by CMS at $\sqrt{s}=13$ TeV, corresponding to a total integrated luminosity of 12.9 fb$^{-1}$. The observation agrees with the standard model prediction. Model independent limits on charged Higgs bosons branching fraction $\mathcal{B}(\mathrm{t }\rightarrow\mathrm{H}^{\pm} \mathrm{b })\times \mathcal{B}(\mathrm{H}^{\pm}\rightarrow\tau\nu)$ and the cross section times branching fraction $\sigma_{ \mathrm{pp} \rightarrow\mathrm{t }(\mathrm{b })\mathrm{H}^{\pm}}\times \mathcal{B}(\mathrm{H}^{\pm}\rightarrow\tau\nu)$ are given for the mass ranges of 80 GeV $ < m_{\mathrm{H}^{\pm}} <$ 160 GeV and 180 GeV $ < m_{\mathrm{H}^{\pm}} < $ 3 TeV, respectively. The results are interpreted in the context of the MSSM $m_{\mathrm{h}}^{\text{mod+}}$ benchmark scenario. |
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Compact Muon Solenoid LHC, CERN |
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