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Open heavy flavor and quarkonia in heavy ion collisions at HL-LHC
Abstract: The projected performance for heavy flavour hadrons and quarkonium measurements in the high luminosity phase of the LHC in pp and PbPb collisions at sNN= 5.02 TeV is presented, focusing on J/ψ and Υ(nS) states (including the elliptic flow v2), as well as Bs mesons and Λ+c baryons. Projections for the nuclear modification factor of B+, B0 and Bs mesons in pPb data at sNN= 5.02 TeV are also reported.
Figures Summary References CMS Publications

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Figure 1:
Prompt J/ψ and Υ(1S) [pTlow,pTup] boundaries as a function of luminosity. The boundaries are chosen in such a way the number of mesons in the bin for the corresponding luminosity equals the number of mesons found in the last pT bin of the analysis with a luminosity of 368 μb1.

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Figure 1-a:
Prompt J/ψ [pTlow,pTup] boundaries as a function of luminosity. The boundaries are chosen in such a way the number of mesons in the bin for the corresponding luminosity equals the number of mesons found in the last pT bin of the analysis with a luminosity of 368 μb1.

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Figure 1-b:
Υ(1S) [pTlow,pTup] boundaries as a function of luminosity. The boundaries are chosen in such a way the number of mesons in the bin for the corresponding luminosity equals the number of mesons found in the last pT bin of the analysis with a luminosity of 368 μb1.

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Figure 2:
Projections of RAA of Υ(1S) and Υ(2S) as a function of pT (left) and y (right), assuming 10 nb1, and reduction of the total systematic uncertainty by 1/3. Central values are taken from Ref. [25] for the pT dependence and Ref. [26] for the y dependence.

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Figure 2-a:
Projections of RAA of Υ(1S) and Υ(2S) as a function of pT, assuming 10 nb1, and reduction of the total systematic uncertainty by 1/3. Central values are taken from Ref. [25].

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Figure 2-b:
Projections of RAA of Υ(1S) and Υ(2S) as a function of y, assuming 10 nb1, and reduction of the total systematic uncertainty by 1/3. Central values are taken from Ref. [26].

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Figure 3:
Projections for Υ(1S) (left) and Υ(2S) (right) v2, assuming 10 nb1. The projected data points are overlaid with the total theoretical prediction [25], where the primordial (green) and regenerated (blue) components are also shown separately.

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Figure 3-a:
Projections for Υ(1S) v2, assuming 10 nb1. The projected data points are overlaid with the total theoretical prediction [25], where the primordial (green) and regenerated (blue) components are also shown separately.

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Figure 3-b:
Projections for Υ(2S) v2, assuming 10 nb1. The projected data points are overlaid with the total theoretical prediction [25], where the primordial (green) and regenerated (blue) components are also shown separately.

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Figure 4:
Current uncertainties on the RAA of Bs in 2015 PbPb collisions [12] (left) and projection using 10 nb1 of PbPb data at sNN= 5.02 TeV (right). The central values are taken from the TAMU model [32,33]. The B+ and nonprompt J/ψ uncertainties from current measurements [34,11] and their projection in 10 nb1 of PbPb data [1] are also shown.

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Figure 5:
Expected pK+π invariant mass spectrum in pp (4 <pT< 5 GeV/c, left) and PbPb (10 <pT< 20 GeV/c, centrality range 0-30%, right) collisions. The red line represents the signal on top of the background and the blue line represents the background. The signal fit function is double Gaussian and the background fit function is the 2nd-order Chebychev polynomial function.

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Figure 5-a:
Expected pK+π invariant mass spectrum in pp (4 <pT< 5 GeV/c) PbPb collisions. The red line represents the signal on top of the background and the blue line represents the background. The signal fit function is double Gaussian and the background fit function is the 2nd-order Chebychev polynomial function.

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Figure 5-b:
Expected pK+π invariant mass spectrum in PbPb (10 <pT< 20 GeV/c, centrality range 0-30%) collisions. The red line represents the signal on top of the background and the blue line represents the background. The signal fit function is double Gaussian and the background fit function is the 2nd-order Chebychev polynomial function.

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Figure 6:
Projection of nuclear modification factors of B+ (top left), B0 (top right) and Bs (bottom) in pPb collisions with 2 pb1 of pPb data. Predictions from POWLANG [41] model under different transport coefficients and the smearing of the initial condition.

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Figure 6-a:
Projection of nuclear modification factors of B+ in pPb collisions with 2 pb1 of pPb data. Predictions from POWLANG [41] model under different transport coefficients and the smearing of the initial condition.

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Figure 6-b:
Projection of nuclear modification factors of B0 in pPb collisions with 2 pb1 of pPb data. Predictions from POWLANG [41] model under different transport coefficients and the smearing of the initial condition.

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Figure 6-c:
Projection of nuclear modification factors of Bs in pPb collisions with 2 pb1 of pPb data. Predictions from POWLANG [41] model under different transport coefficients and the smearing of the initial condition.
Very precise and differential measurements of quarkonia and heavy flavour mesons will be made possible at the HL-LHC, benefiting from the very large data sample (10 nb1), combined with the excellent performance of the CMS detector in terms of pseudo-rapidity coverage, vertex reconstruction, muon tracking (identification and momentum resolution), and charged particle tracking. Quarkonia will be measured up to very high pT, allowing for direct comparison to charged particles, and D0 and B mesons, providing crucial information on parton energy loss. The precise measurement of Υ(nS)RAA as a function of pT and |y| will allow to better understand the ingredients to bottomonium suppression in PbPb collisions, in complement to the first Υ(nS) v2 measurements in PbPb. Despite their limited precision, v2 measurements will provide crucial inputs to models and be sensitive to a possible large signal, not unexpected given existing measurements of J/ψ v2 in pPb and PbPb. Bs meson production in pp and PbPb collisions will also be measured with sufficient precision to be compared to B+ meson suppression and investigate strangeness enhancement due to recombination with strange quarks. Λc baryon production will also be measured in pp and PbPb collisions, providing an additional handle for the study of charm quark dynamics in the medium, as well as the charm quark hadronisation to Λc baryons. Finally, precise measurements of B+, B0 and Bs\ mesons in pPb collisions will provide a baseline for the study of in-medium b quark energy loss in PbPb collisions.
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Compact Muon Solenoid